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Crosslinking of Gelatin with Formaldehyde; a 13C NMR Study

Klaus A lbert, Bernadette Peters, Ernst Bayer*

Institute for Organic Chem istry, A u f der M orgenstelle 18, D-7400 Tübingen
Ulrich Treiber, and Michael Zwilling
Du Pont de Nem ours (D eutschland) G m bH . Dornhofstraße 10, D-6078 Neu-Isenburg
Z. Naturforsch. 41b, 3 5 1 -3 5 8 (1986); received N ovem ber 22, 1985
A q ueous Formalin Solution C om positions, G elatin Cross-Linking. Gelatin Hardening,
Static and Continuous Flow , 13C NM R
The different species formed when gaseous formaldehyde is dissolved in aqueous medium are
investigated by a l3C N M R flow-through technique and the spectra of commercial aqueous form ­
aldehyde solutions containing m ethanol com pletely interpreted.
I3C H ,0 was used to study the crosslinking reaction with gelatin which leads to m ethylene and
oxym ethylene bridges betw een gelatin-am ino-groups. On ageing, hardened gelatin shows an
increase in the number o f m ethylene bridges.

Introduction N M R flow-through experim ent

Formaldehyde is widely used for crosslinking pro­ Paraformaldehyde was heated to 170 °C [8] and
teins: e.g. in the leather and photographic industry, the generated gaseous formaldehyde transferred
with a N 2 stream into 100 ml phosphate buffer solu­
in the biological and medical sciences. This crosslink-
tion (pH 7.2) containing 5% (v/v) D 20 . A t the same
ing-reaction however isn’t yet fully understood
time the solution was circulated by a tubing pump
[1 -5 ]- (1 ml/min) through a ,3C NM R flow through cell,
The different com pounds present in aqueous form ­ which is described elsewhere [9, 10]. A fter an initial
aldehyde solutions are of interest for these reactions, period of 5 min, 13C m easurements were conducted
and the structures of the species have been studied in time intervals of three minutes. After one hour the
by 13C NM R (e.g. [6 , 7], This paper describes the solution contained 5% form aldehyde, as quantita­
measurement of form aldehyde solutions with in situ tively determinated with dim edone [ 11].
formation of the oligom eric hydrates by using a con­
tinuous flow through technique. N M R measurements
Spectra of 13CH:0 hardened gelatin and the flow
E xperim ental through spectra were measured on Bruker WM 400
Preparation of gelatin solutions and hardening. (100.6 M Hz) NM R spectrometer. U p to 40 K scans
600 mg gelatin (inert gelatin from R ousselot, with a pulse-repetition-rate (prr) of 0.7 sec were ad­
France) were allowed to swell 10 min in 5 ml distilled ded in the case of the hardening experim ents. The
water, then dissolved at 38 °C with further 3.4 ml flow-through spectra were accumulated with 512
more distilled water and 1 ml D 20 . The resulting scans and prr = 0.344 sec. All other measurements
solution had a concentration of 0.2744 mM/1. One were conducted with a Bruker NM R spectrometer
drop sodiumazide solution (65 mg/ml) was added. W H 90 (22.63 MHz) by accumulating up to 100 K
Prior to m easurem ent, 4 ml of this solution were scan at prr = 1 . 8 sec. R eference was the signal of
transfered to a 10 mm NM R tube and degassed in an external DSS. For field-frequency-stabilization a co­
ultrasonic bath. To harden the gelatin, 7.23 u\ 30% axially centered tube containing D 20 was used in the
formaldehyde solution (N o 1 from Ruehl Chem ie, measurements of formaldehyde solutions.
stabilized with 0.5% m ethanol and N o 2 from Emes-
co Chemikalien without m ethanol) or 1 1 /<1 20%
R esu lts and D iscu ssion
I3CH20 (Merck, Sharp & D ohm e, Canada) were ad­
ded to the above m entioned gelatin preparation. The 13C spectrum of commercial form aldehyde so­
lution (1), shows a variety of 15 resonances (Fig. 1).
* Reprint requests to Prof. Dr. Ernst Bayer. A first discrimination is possible by determination of
Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, D -7400 Tübingen
the multiplicity by spin-echo measurements and by
0 3 4 0 -5 0 8 7 /8 6 /0 3 0 0 -0 3 5 1 /$ 01.00/0 the chemical shifts. The signals between 50 and
352 K. Albert et al. ■Crosslinking o f G elatin with Form aldehyde

f )
60 ppm can be assigned to - O C H ?-groups and those
between 80 and 100 ppm to —O C H 2-groups in differ­
ent chemical environm ents. Since further assign­
ments cannot be m ade, a determination of the differ­
ent species by reference specira is needed. A
L’C NM R flow through experim ent as described
above shows the rapid formation of a species with
peak at 84.7 ppm (Fig. 2). Because of the quick reac­
tion between form aldehyde and water this signal can
be assigned to the m onom er formaldehyde hydrate
C H 2(O H )2 (A ).
During the time interval 9 - 1 2 min a second signal
occurs at 88.3 ppm which must be assigned to the
dimer reaction product (B) of two hydrate
2 CH 2(O H )2 h o - c h 2- o - c h 2- o h + h 2o
A fter further nine m inutes (tim e period
21 —24 min) two more signals at 88.8 ppm and
91.4 ppm with the intensity relation 2:1 can be ob ­
<— ppm
served, indicating the presence of the trimer (C).
Fig. 1. 13C NM R spectrum (22.63 M Hz) o f the commercial The signal at 91.4 ppm is in Fig. 2a hardly to see;
formalin solution 1 (30% form aldehyde, 0.5% methanol in
water). Fig. 2 b shows therefore the time interval 3 3 —36 min

t Imin 1

15-1 8

1 2 -1 5


J _________ 6 - 9


0-3 18-21

I' - r—r
95 90 85 95 90 85
r-' 1 I 1 —r- ’
-ppm 95 90 85
Fig. 2. a) l3C NM R flow-through spectra (100.6 M Hz); formation of form aldehyde hydrate (A ), the dim eric (B ) and
trimeric (C) species upon transferring C H 20 to aqueous medium (pH 7.2);
b) L1C NM R flow-through spectrum (tim e interval: 33 —36 min) with higher am plitude.
K. Albert et al. ■Crosslinking of Gelatin with Form aldehyde

t— i— |— f— i— i— i— |— i— i— i— *— |— *— *— i * r T 1 1 1 r
100 75 50 25 o 1— i— |— i— i— i— i— |— i— i— i— i— |— i— i— i— i— |— i— i— i— i p

— ppm 10 0 ■*--ppm 75 50 25 0
Fig. 3. 13C NM R spectra (22.63 M Hz) o f different formalin solutions; a) formalin solution 2 (30% solution); b) formalin solution 2 upon addition of
methanol; c) formalin solution 1 (30% solution with 0.5% methanol); d) formalin solution 1 upon addition o f ethanol.
354 K. A lbert et al. ■Crosslinking o f G elatin with Formaldehyde

with higher amplitude. This intensity relation indi­ hydrate (A ). This conclusion can be drawn from the
cates the assignment of the resonance at 88.8 ppm to ratio of the integrals.
the two terminal CH;OH-groups of (C ), whereas the With this reference data set, the spectrum of form­
peak at 91.4 ppm results from the central aldehyde solution N o 1 in Fig. 1 can be fully as­
—C H 2—O — unit. signed; the shift-areas (from high to low field) are:
By this experim ent, the shift ranges in the a) free m ethanol (K; 51.6 ppm);
13C NM R spectra of pure formaldehyde solutions can b) —O C H 3-groups of hemiacetals with different
be defined: The monomer (A ) gives a signal at chainlength (F, G, H; 5 7 .2 —58.1 ppm);
84.7 ppm, terminal CH2O H — groups peak between c) form aldehydehydrate (A ; 84.7 ppm);
88 ppm and 90 ppm and —CH 2—O — units inside of d) terminal CH2OH groups of formaldehyde oligo­
the oligom ers show resonances at 91—92 ppm. O bvi­ mers and o f their hem iacetales respectively (B, C,
ously a prolongation of the oligom eric chain results D , E , and G, H; 8 8 .3 —89.0 ppm);
in a slight shift to lower fields of NM R signals, e.g. e) inner C H 20 groups of hemiacetals and oligomers
the change from (B) to (C) results in such a shift of in ß-, y-, d-, etc. position to —O C H 3 and the ter­
the terminal CH2OH signal. minal C H 2OH group o f the m onom ethylhem i­
With these results, the NM R spectrum of the com ­ acetal (C, D , E and G , H and F; 9 1 .4 —92.3 ppm).
mercial m ethanol-free formaldehyde solution N o 2 The terminal CH2OH group of F is shifted to
can be fully understood (Fig. 3 a). The signals at lower field in comparison to the other CH2OH
89.0 ppm, 91.9 ppm and 92.3 ppm which occur in groups, because of its a-position to —OC H 3;
addition to the above m entioned resonances of (A ), f) inner C H 20 groups of hemiacetals of the oligo­
(B) and (C) are in the two ranges of —CH2OH and mers in a-position to —OC H3 (G , H, J;
—C H 2—O — shifted to lower fields indicating the pre­ 9 5 .8 —96.5 ppm).
sence of a tetrameric (D ) and pentameric (E) form.
A survey o f the detectable species in the aqueous
This conclusion can be drawn by an incremental
form aldehyde-m ethanol system is given in Table I.
analysis as given in [6 , 7],
The given assignment is confirmed by [6 , 7], where
On adding an equivalent volum e of m ethanol
the observed shift phenom ena are summarized in a
((K ), 51.6 ppm) to the formaldehyde solution 2
system o f increm ents, which correspond to the date
three additional resonances at 57.2 ppm, 92.3 ppm
in this work within ± 2 ppm.
and 95.8 ppm occur; two of them can be assigned to
Trioxan, a possible cyclic trimeric form of form­
the m onom ethylhem iacetal of formaldehyde ((F);
aldehyde with a 13C N M R resonance at 96.2 ppm
Fig. 3b): 57.2 ppm representing —OC H3 and
(from the reference spectrum of the pure compound)
92.3 ppm for the terminal —CH2OH group of this
is neither formed in the flowthrough experiment nor
com pound respectively.
found in the formalin solution 2. We thus tentatively
The signal at 95.8 ppm shows the presence of the
conclude the absence of this species in the methanol
m onom ethylhem iacetal of dimeric form aldehydehy-
containing formalin solution 1.
drate (G ). This resonance, which is shifted to lower
field, relates to the —O C H 2-group of (G) adjacent to
the acetal bond. The —OC H3 and —CH2OH signals
Hardening of Gelatin
of this com pound are not detectable in the noise. The spectra of the educts and products of the
These assignments are in agreement with the incre­ crosslinking reaction of gelatin with formaldehyde
mental analysis given in [6]. are shown in Fig. 4; the strong resonance at
Signals o f the dimethylacetal of formaldehyde are 84.6 ± 0 .2 ppm from (A ) is present in the spectrum
not observed; the reference spectrum of the pure of the hardened gelatin in comparison to the unhar­
com pound shows resonances at 55.8 and 95.2 ppm. dened form. The signals of oligomers and hem i­
The addition of ethanol ((L ), 19.7 ppm (C H 3) and acetals are not detectable, they obviously were con­
59.8 ppm (C H 2O H )) to the formaldehyde solution sumed by the hardening reaction. One additional sig­
N o 1 (Fig. 3 c) results in the formation of the nal at 51.4 ppm is observed in the spectrum of the
ethylhem iacetal ((M ), 16.9 ppm (C H 3), 65.5 ppm hardened gelatin.
(C H 20 ) and 90.7 ppm (terminal CH2OH); Fig. 3d ). To obtain deeper insight into the mechanism of the
Ethanol predominantly reacts with form aldehyde- crosslinking reaction a hardening experiment was
K. Albert e ta l. • Crosslinking o f G elatin with Form aldehyde 355

Table I. Species in aqueous form aldehyde-m ethanol solutions. The ppm values of 3C NM R resonances are given in

[CH2o] CH 3OH
Formaldehyde; not detectable in aqueous solutions M ethanol (K; 51.6 ppm)
(H 20 ) H em iacetals
Hydrate (A ) h o - c h 2- o h h o - c h 2o - c h ,
(84.7 ppm) (F; 92.3* ppm, 57.2 ppm)
Dimeric (B) H O - C H 2- O C H 2- O H H O - CH 20 - C H :0 - CH ,
(88.3 ppm) (G ; 88.6* ppm, 95.8 ppm, 57.9 ppm)
Trimeric (C) h o - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h 2- o h h o - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h ,
(88.8 ppm, 91.4 ppm) (H ; 88.6* ppm, 91.9* ppm, 96.3 ppm, 58.1* ppm)
Tetrameric (D ) h o - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h 2- o h - H O - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h 3
(89.0* ppm, 91.9 ppm) (I; 88.6* ppm, 91.9* ppm, 96.5 ppm, 58.1 ppm)
Pentameric (E) h o - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h 2o - c h 2- OH
(89.0* ppm, 92.3* ppm)

Overlap with other resonances.

conducted with 13CH20 (Fig. 5). The 13C NM R spec­

trum of this formaldehyde solution is shown in
Fig. 5 b. Obviously a small quantity of the form­
aldehyde in this solution has undergone a dispropor­
tion to methanol (K) and formic acid (168.6 ppm ), so
that beside to the m onom er hydrate (A ) and the di­
meric (B ) their hemiacetals F and G are formed.
In Fig. 5 a and 5d the spectra of unhardened gela­
tin and of the hardened product are depicted and
b) Fig. 5 c shows the difference spectrum of both pro­
ducts with 12 signals. The peak at 27.0 ppm obvi­
ously is an artefact arising from incorrect substrac-
tion o f two resonances o f high intensity. One signal
in the range of the carbonyl functions can’t yet be
classified. A t 84.7 ppm the high intensity resonance
of unreacted formaldehyde hydrate is present.
The remaining nine signals represent the reaction
products between gelatin and the formaldehyde solu­
tion. A t 74.1 ppm and at 67.7 ppm the N-m ethylol
resonance of lysine-CH2OH (N) and arginine-
C H 2O H (O ) are observed. These lines coincide with
the assignments in [5] for polylysine and polyarginine
m ethylol with a difference of + 2 .5 and + 2 .8 respec­
tively. Shift differences in the same order o f mag­
nitude (ca. + 3 ) are present between the ppm values of
Fig. 4. 13C NM R spectra (322.63 M Hz) o f
the form aldehyde spectrum in [5] and these reported
a) unhardened gelatin;
b) formaldehyde-hardened gelatin; here. Such methylol compounds react under elim ina­
c) formalin solution 1 used for hardening. tion o f water and form = N —CH2—O —CH2—N = -
356 K. Albert et al. ■Crosslinking o f G elatin with Formaldehyde

d) Hardened Gelatin

Difference Spectrum h-h ([ a N_ 0 P T Q R

b) 13C -Formalin

a) Unha rdene d Gelatin

Fig. 5. 13C NM R spectra (1ÜÜ.6 M Hz) of a) unhardened gelatin; b) l3C formalin solution (20% ); c) difference spectrum of
hardened and unhardened gelatin; d) hardened gelatin.

Table II. R esonances and formulae of the

(N ) H O - C H ,- N H - C H ,- C H ,- C T T - C H ,- C H - C O -
proposed reaction products o f formaldehyde
I with gelatin.
74.1 ppm; lysinem ethylol
(O ) H O -C H ,-N = C - N H - C H ,- C H .- C H ,- C H - C O -
2 nh n h -
67.7 ppm; argininemethylol
(S) ^n - ch 2- o - ch :- n ^
72.0 ppm; oxym ethylene bridge
(P) Arg. = N —CH ; —N H -L y s.
62.0 ppm; arginine-lysine-m ethylene bridge
(T) Arg. = N - C H 2- N = Arg.
56.0 ppm; arginine-arginine-m ethylene bridge
(H . H ') ^ N - C H 2- 0 - ( C H 2- 0 ) „ - C H 2- N /
96.1 ppm. 99.5 ppm; crosslinking under participation of
oligom eric formaldehyde species
(O ) -C -N H -C H ,-N /
II “ X
51.6 ppm; am ide-N H 2/am ine-N H 2-crosslinking
(R ) —C —N H —C H ,—NH —C —
o o
45.2 ppm; am ide-N H 2/am ide-N H 2-crosslinking
K. Albert et al. • Crosslinking o f G elatin with Form aldehyde 357

bridges (S) [2]. An analysis with increments from [6] difference only in an increase in the intensity of the
proves that the signal at 72.0 ppm results from such a crosslinking resonance at 51.6 ppm (Q ) on aging
species (e.g. 67.7 ppm (ArgC H 2O H )+ 9 .4 p p m (ß -C )— (Fig. 6). This phenom enon can be explained by the
5.1 ppm (y-N) + 0.3 ppm ((3-C) = 72.3 ppm). expulsion of nascent formaldehyde from oxym ethyl­
From such oxym ethylene bridges crosslinking ele­ ene bridges, which is then available for further
ments = N —CH2—N = (P, T) with a m ethylene bridge hardening reactions. A decrease of the excessive
are formed by elimination of one m olecule form­ m onohydrate (A ) is not observed.
aldehyde. The broad resonances at 62.0 ppm and at
56.0 ppm show the reduced flexibility of this rigid
crosslinking unit. These assignments are consistent
with the data of CH20-crosslinked amino acid m odel
substances in [5]: 54.9 ppm for the reaction product of
polyarginine and 59.3 ppm for the bond between poly­
arginine and polylysine. According to [5] no lysine-
lysine crosslinking is observed.
The low field signals at 96.1 ppm (H ) and 99.5 ppm
(FT) might indicate a reaction of formaldehyde
oligomers with gelatin-NH2 to form longer oxymethyl-
enebridges, e.g. = N —C H 20 —CH20 —CH2—N = .
With increments from [6] and starting from the ppm
value of the central C-atom in trimeric formaldehyde
hydrate (C; 91.4 ppm) a resonance at 94.2 ppm for the
central C-atom in the bridge is expected. The reso­
nances H and H' also indicate the presence of N-
hemiacetal compounds = N —(C H 20 ) „ —CH2—O C H 3. 53 52 51 50 49

Increment calculations [6] with n = 2 result in a ppm ■«- p p m

value of 97.2 ppm for the C-atom near to the —O C H 3 Fig. 6. I3C NM R spectra (22.63 M Hz) o f hardened gelatin
group. (with formalin solution 1) in the range o f 4 8 —54 ppm;
In addition to the discussed reaction products, a) im m ediately after the hardening reaction; b) after 11
crosslinking between either ide-N H 2 and ine-N H 2 or two ide-N H 2 is possible.
The crosslinking model substances [5] give reso­
nances at 50.5 ppm (am ide-am ine), 41 and 45 ppm
(amide-am ide) respectively. This fits to the remain­
ing two signals in the difference spectrum 5 c:
51.6 ppm (Q) and 45.2 ppm (R ). The amino com ­ The different formaldehyde species in aqueous so ­
pound of these methylene bridges might be lysine or lution show different reactivity with gelatin. Excess
arginine, and as am ide-com ponent, glutamin and as­ of form aldehyde hydrate remains nearly unchanged,
paragine could be involved. whereas the oligomers and methylhemiacetals react
with gelatin. The crosslinking reaction takes place on
amino acids and amides in a first step under form a­
Aging of Hardened Gelatin
tion o f m ethylols with subsequent condensation to a
A comparison of the spectra of freshly hardened crosslinked product containing oxym ethylene and
gelatin and of the 11 months old sample shows a m ethylene bridges.
358 K. A lbert et al. ■Crosslinking o f G elatin with Formaldehyde

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