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In Muslim law maintenance is also known as 'nafaqah' is a crucial component of guaranteeing

the wife and kids financial welfare. A Muslim husband is required by law to support his wife
financially both throughout the marriage and after a divorce or separation. The concept of
maintenance is derived from the Quran, the Hadith, and legal rulings. It includes necessities
like housing, food, clothes, healthcare, and education. The type and amount of maintenance is
determined by things including the husband's financial ability, style of living, and social
norms. During the waiting period, post-divorce maintenance, or 'iddat' support, might be

According to Islamic law, providing for the needs of the wife and children's maintenance is
the husband's responsibility. The Quran, Hadith (the sayings and deeds of Prophet
Muhammad), Ijma' (scholarly consensus), and Qiyas (analogical reasoning) are only a few of
the sources from which the principles of upkeep are taken.

Depending on the husband's financial ability, maintenance obligations can include supplying
food, clothing, housing, and other essentials. The amount of maintenance is decided by a
number of variables, including the husband's salary, the family's level of living, and the
number of dependents. The wife may also be entitled to a delayed mahr (dowry) or other
assets as part of her maintenance in circumstances of divorce or separation. There may be
legal repercussions if the maintenance duty is not met By ensuring the welfare of the wife and
children, maintenance ultimately promotes Islamic concepts of justice and familial duty. The
husband has a duty to support his wife in all circumstances, according to Islamic law. Even if
there is no agreement among the husband and wife, a husband in a Muslim marriage is
required to support his wife. Only when the marriage is invalid, or irregular is a Muslim
husband not required to support his wife. The woman must, however, be faithful and follow
all the husband's reasonable instructions, including performing her married obligations, for
the husband's obligation to sustain his wife to be valid. According to Islamic law, the husband
is obligated to support the wife whether she is employed or capable of doing it on her own.
This is in complete opposite to other religious laws and rules that only dependent females are
entitled to maintenance. Legal actions under the Islamic court system are frequently utilised
to aid the enforcement of maintenance rights. In some places, state laws may also be used in
conjunction with Islamic values to ensure that wives and children are treated fairly and justly.

Statement of problem
My statement of problem is Under Muslim law, the care of a woman and children presents a
complicated set of problems that need for serious analysis and solutions. This problem
statement aims to identify the major elements that add to the complexity of the situation:

The interpretation and implementation of Islamic law might change depending on a person's
cultural background and school of thought when it comes to maintenance. This broad scope
of interpretations may arise in disagreements about the responsibilities and rights of husbands
and wives, possibly leading to unjust treatment of wives and children or insufficient support
for them.

Changing Socioeconomic Dynamics: Modern societies have been characterized by changing

socioeconomic dynamics, which may affect husbands' financial capacity to pay for proper
maintenance. Economic inequalities, unemployment, inflation, and shifting family structures
can make it difficult to decide on the right level of support and ensure that it is enough to
meet the family's requirements.

Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Discussions of gender equality and women's
empowerment can overlap with the idea of upkeep. Women's financial independence and
autonomy inside the marriage may occasionally suffer due to traditional views that treat them
unfairly. It might be difficult to reconcile traditional values with modern ideas of gender
Cultural and Social Stigma: Social norms and cultural expectations can have an impact on
how people and communities regard the rights and obligations of husbands and wives, which
can have an impact on how maintenance is perceived. People may be discouraged from
pursuing their legal claims due to the stigma attached to suing or obtaining support.
The practical implementation of these rights might be difficult, even though Islamic doctrines
stipulate maintenance requirements. The availability, effectiveness, and consistency of legal
procedures for requesting and enforcing maintenance, such as Islamic courts or state legal
systems, may vary. Delays, disagreements, and the inability to guarantee prompt and
sufficient support may follow.
Muslim communities are frequently dispersed over numerous nations and cultures, each with
its own legal structures and interpretations of Islamic law. Cross-cultural contacts and
international marriages can make maintenance issues more complicated, especially when
social norms and legal requirements vary from one country to another.
Impact of Divorce and Polygamy: Divorce and polygamous marriages complicate
maintenance duties further. It might be difficult to agree on how maintenance obligations
change after a divorce and how to pay several wives fairly.
Inadequate Legal Reforms: In some circumstances, legal changes intended to address
maintenance-related difficulties may not be sufficient to adequately protect the rights and
welfare of spouses and children. Legislative ambiguities or omissions may make it more
difficult to achieve just and equitable maintenance outcomes.
Due to these complications, addressing the upkeep of a wife and children under Islamic law
requires a thorough and nuanced approach that considers both conventional Islamic principles
and modern social realities. To ensure fair and equal treatment for all parties concerned, it is
essential to strike a balance between religious beliefs, legal systems, and societal needs.


The study of the maintenance of wife and children under Muslim law holds significant
relevance due to its multifaceted impact on individuals, families, and societies. Several key
factors underline the importance of this study:
Protection of Rights: To protect the rights of wives and children in Islamic marriages, it is
crucial to comprehend the complexities of maintenance under Muslim law. By ensuring that
people receive the financial assistance to which they are entitled, this knowledge helps avoid
potential injustices and inequities.
Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Addressing the maintenance issue helps
Muslim communities' debates of gender equality and women's empowerment. Insights on
how to advance more equal treatment of women and improve their autonomy within married
relationships can be gained by examining the legal and social ramifications of maintenance
Family Well-being: Families must have adequate maintenance in order to be happy and
healthy. Researchers can find ways to improve family cohesion, guarantee the provision of
essentials, and develop family structures by researching maintenance practices.
Legal and social reform: To keep up with shifting social norms and reality, many civilizations
are reforming their legal systems. Insights into potential areas for reform, which could result
in more effective legal frameworks and better enforcement of maintenance rights, can be
gained from a detailed analysis of maintenance in Muslim law.
My literature review on the maintenance of wife and children under Muslim law reveals a
rich and diverse body of scholarship that spans religious, legal, cultural, and sociopolitical
dimensions Islamic Traditions and Jurisprudence Scholars have studied the fundamental
Islamic tenets that support maintenance requirements. They examine Hadiths and verses from
the Qur'an that deal with maintenance to understand the theological and moral justifications
for these tasks. It is frequently discussed how scholars understand and apply these ideas in
modern circumstances. Women's Rights and Gender Equality Much of the literature focuses
on how maintenance intersects with women's rights and gender equality. Researchers
examine the possibilities for reform to line with modern conceptions of gender equality as
well as how traditional interpretations of Islamic law may affect women's financial
independence. Islamic principles, gender equality, legal systems, and sociocultural factors are
all covered in the literature on wife and child maintenance under Muslim law. Scholars
examine the theological foundations and interpretations of Hadiths and verses from the
Quran. Discussions about gender equality center on balancing old interpretations with
modern ideas. Analyzing the future improvements and the legal tools for enforcement and
challenges. Maintenance duties are impacted by socioeconomic factors such shifting family
arrangements and income inequities. Divorce and polygamy present issues with fairness and
obligations after divorce. Interpretations are influenced by cultural settings, particularly in
international marriages. Human rights perspectives connect universal rights and religious
beliefs. The study of children's education and welfare in conditions of maintenance. Regional
variations in legal strategies are revealed by comparative investigations. The results of
advocacy campaigns and legal reforms are evaluated.


1.To learn about the evolution of maintenance law of wife and children under Muslim law.

2.To understand the impact of financial well-being of the women and children based do

3.To know about the circumstances when the wife is eligible to get maintenance even after

H0: The enforcement and implementation of maintenance provisions under Muslim law
positively impact the financial well-being and social stability of wives and children, leading
to improved gender equality and family dynamics within Muslim communities.
To understand how traditional Islamic principles, changing gender dynamics, legal
frameworks, and socio-cultural elements interact to affect the equal distribution of financial
assistance, a study of the maintenance of wife and children under Muslim law has been
undertaken. It is predicted that a thorough examination of these elements will reveal potential
areas for legislative changes, policy upgrades, and educational initiatives, which will
ultimately result in better enforcement of maintenance obligations and better protection of
wives' and children's rights and welfare in Islamic marriages.

Research Questions:
1. How has the law on maintenance of wife and children under Muslim law evolved over
The law on maintenance of wife and children under Muslim law has evolved over time in
response to changing social, cultural, and legal contexts. The evolution can be traced through
several key stages
Islamic law as it is practised today: Islamic principles from the Quran and Hadiths serve as
the cornerstone of maintenance requirements. The core tenets of supporting wives and
children financially were developed by these sources. Islamic scholars expanded on these
ideas over the course of centuries, creating legal concepts that served as the cornerstone for
Muslim civilizations' maintenance laws.
Early Legal Codifications: Historical Muslim caliphates and empires codified laws pertaining
to upkeep inside more general legal systems. These laws established upkeep as a legal
requirement by fusing religious doctrine with traditional behaviour. For instance, the family
law of the Ottoman Empire contained rules for support. Colonial Influence and
Modernization European colonial powers implemented legal reforms throughout the colonial
era, sometimes replacing or altering existing Islamic family law systems. These changes
frequently tried to harmonise regional laws with colonial legal systems. Colonial influence
occasionally caused the customary maintenance practises to decline. Post-Colonial Era and
National Laws After attaining independence, several nations with most Muslims reformed
their legal frameworks to incorporate Islamic legal ideas once again. These changes aimed to
strike a balance between contemporary legal rules and religious traditions. Many countries
have passed laws or family codes that specify maintenance requirements while considering
current circumstances. According to historical, social, and legal developments, Muslim law
has changed over time regarding maintaining of a wife and children. The development of the
concept from its Islamic jurisprudential roots to contemporary changes demonstrates a
complex interplay of religious, cultural, and human rights factors.

1. 2. How does maintenance affect the financial well-being and empowerment of women
and children in Muslim families ?
Maintenance plays a significant role in shaping the financial well-being and empowerment of
women and children in Muslim families by addressing their basic needs, promoting economic
independence, and contributing to overall family stability. Here's how maintenance impacts

Maintenance makes ensuring that women and children have access to necessities including
food, clothing, and shelter. Their fundamental needs are protected, and this assistance keeps
them from being destitute or living in poverty. Education and Skill Development Children,
especially females, who receive adequate maintenance have access to educational and skill-
building opportunities. Their education gives them the skills they need to become
economically independent and make a constructive contribution to society.
Healthcare and Quality of Life: Maintenance aids in defraying medical costs, enhancing the
general wellbeing and standard of living of women and children. It guarantees access to
healthcare, prescription drugs, and wellness services, lowering the risk of illness and
enhancing general health.
Maintenance gives women some financial independence, which lessens their dependence on
male family members and promotes economic empowerment. The ability to make financial
decisions, invest in personal development, and contribute to household expenses is made
possible by this empowerment.
Enhanced judicial Awareness: Through judicial processes and maintenance proceedings,
women frequently gain a better understanding of their rights and obligations under Islamic
law. They are better equipped to defend their rights in other spheres of life thanks to their
greater legal literacy. Reduced Vulnerability With proper upkeep, women and children are
less susceptible to exploitation and abuse on the job. Due to financial limitations, they are
less likely to be coerced into unfavourable situations. Social Empowerment Women may
engage more fully in communal and social activities when they have access to resources
through upkeep. Their social standing and sway within their families and communities are
improved by their involvement.
Breaking Gender preconceptions: By making sure that maintenance duties are met, old-
fashioned gender preconceptions about women's dependence on men financially are put to
the test. This opens the door for a fairer distribution of duties within the family. The financial
security and economic empowerment of Muslim women and children are substantially
impacted by upkeep. It contributes to the general development of women and children within
their communities and plays a crucial role in advancing gender equality, economic
independence, and overall family stability.

3. What are the circumstances under which a wife is entitled to maintenance from her
husband after divorce?
The circumstances under which a wife is entitled to maintenance from her husband after
divorce can vary based on the interpretation of Islamic law and the specific legal framework
of the jurisdiction. some common circumstances that often entitle a wife to maintenance after
divorce include
Iddah Period: A divorced wife has a right to maintenance throughout the iddah period, which
is the waiting period following the divorce, according to several Islamic customs. This time
frame enables reconciliation and guarantees the wife's support during the changeover.
Dependent Status: The wife may be entitled to maintenance to safeguard both her and her
dependents' well-being if she is unable to support herself financially owing to factors like old
age, illness, or having young children.
Deferred Mahr: The wife may be entitled to receive the unpaid portion of the mahr (dowry)
as part of her maintenance if the husband has not yet paid the entire amount at the time of
Marriage Contract: These conditions would apply if the marriage contract contained explicit
post-divorce maintenance clauses. Such provisions may specify the sum, timeframe, and
terms of maintenance. Customary Practises In some cultures, and jurisdictions, local customs
or traditions may require that the husband continue to support the divorced wife financially
for a specific amount of time or under specific conditions.
Child Custody: If the wife is granted custody of the kids, she can be entitled to maintenance
payments from the husband to help with the kids' costs. Husband's Financial Capacity The
husband's financial resources and ability to support his wife may also be considered. The wife
may have a better claim to maintenance if he can afford to maintain her.
Mutual Agreement: A precise amount of maintenance to be paid after divorce may
occasionally be agreed upon by the husband and wife. This agreement would be enforceable
and legally binding.
Legal Jurisdiction: A factor in establishing whether the wife is entitled to support is the legal
jurisdiction in which the divorce is being finalised. Some nations have family laws that spell
out measures for maintenance.
It's crucial to remember that how these circumstances are interpreted and applied can change
depending on cultural customs, historical legal precedents, and unique situations. The
intricacies of support entitlement following divorce may be decided by Islamic scholars, legal
professionals, and municipal authorities.


The concept of maintenance under Muslim law plays a vital role in ensuring the financial
welfare and stability of wives and children. It is a legal obligation that reflects the Islamic
principles of fairness, equity, and familial responsibility. Studying maintenance under
Muslim law is significant as it allows for a comprehensive understanding of the legal
framework, rights, and protections granted to wives and children. It helps in analyzing the
variations maintenance laws across different jurisdictions, assessing the socio-economic
impacts, and ensuring compatibility with human rights standards. dictions, assessing the
socio-economic impacts, and ensuring compatibility with human rights standards Muslim law
involves a complicated combination of Islamic teachings, gender dynamics, legal systems,
and cultural standards when it comes to maintaining a wife and children. By addressing their
fundamental needs, ensuring their access to healthcare, education, and economic
independence, it promotes the financial security and empowerment of women and children.
This idea has changed throughout time to accommodate shifting societal situations and global
human rights norms. Maintenance upends conventional gender norms and fosters family
stability while lowering vulnerability. Reforms, legal safeguards, and activism all help to
ensure a more just and equitable treatment. It continues to be difficult to strike a balance
between modern egalitarianism and religious values. In the end, maintenance demonstrates a
dedication to kindness, justice, and the welfare of every family member.
Maintenance of wife and children under Muslim Law,
The Concept of Maintenance under Muslim Law, February 1, 2022

Maintenance of Wife under Muslim Law,

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