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Name: Jeremy B.

Payumo Scholarship Program: JLSS-Merit

Course: BSEE-4G School: Technological University of the Philippines-Manila

Year of Award: 2023

Automated Caramelization and Packaging Machine for Pili Nuts using Arduino
for Small-Scale Production
Brief Rationale:
Shown from the previous studies, there are no known machine in the
market, or used by manufacturers that has the combined process of
caramelization and packaging of pili nuts, only the machines that can peel, or
cook, or package the pili nuts. However, with the design provided by the
researchers, it will showcase both the cooking and the packaging of pili nuts that
can reduce the time and increase the rate of production of caramelized pili nuts.
By doing this, the small manufacturers don’t need to worry on the time consumed
and more on the selling of the freshly-cooked caramelized pili nuts.

General Objectives:
In this research, the general objective is to build an Automated Caramelization and Packaging Machine
for Pili Nuts using Arduino for Small Scale Production.
Specific Objectives:
1. Create a program that will automate the dispensing and caramelization of pili nuts using
Arduino Mega 2560.
2. Design a cooling and packaging control using Arduino Nano.
3. Test and evaluate the functionality of the machine
a. Comparison with traditional and machine process in categories
i. Consistency in Sweetness
ii. Consistency in Crispiness
iii. Number of yield product in 8 hours

The microcontroller used in the system is an Arduino Mega. This will control
all the commands and sensors used in the machine. An AC DC Converter
Transformer will be utilized to step down the voltage from the power source which
is 230 Volts to 12 Volts which will be used to power the Arduino Mega. The Arduino
Mega will be then use as source for all the electronic component used in the
system. Modules like the L298N and HX711 is also utilized to meet the demand
voltage of the other electronics in the circuit.
In the dispensing stage of the circuit the water pump is being supplied by
the power supply provided and is then controlled by the Arduino Mega when it
needs to be turned on and off. The servo motor is also supplied by the Arduino
Mega to control the opening and closing of the hatch located underneath the
dispenser. Lastly, the load cell which requires a voltage of 15V is connected to the
module HX711 to provide adequate voltage for it to work.
In the cooking stage, the mixer, induction cooker, and motor is supplied by
the power supply and is controlled by the Arduino Mega. The Arduino Mega
controls the lowering and lifting of the mixer from the cooking pan, the heating of
the pan using induction cooker where a certain temperature is set as the limit for
the cooking temperature, and the motor which controls the turning of the cooking
pan to transfer the caramelized pili from the cooking stage to the cooling stage.
In the cooling stage of the machine the pili nut is transferred from the
cooking stage to the cooling stage which is another container which contains
cooling fans and a vibration generator which decreases the temperature of the pili
nuts before packaging. The cooling fan is supplied using a L298N Motor Module to
meet the voltage demand of 12V. The vibration generator, on the other hand, is
controlled directly by the Arduino Mega and is supplied using the power supply.
In the packaging stage, after the pili nuts has cooled the servo motor which
is supplied by the Arduino Mega will open the hatch where a container placed on
the turntable with a load cell beneath it will tell if the pili nuts are dropped and the
jar reached the right amount of weight. The rotating table is supplied by the
power supply and is controlled by Arduino Mega to time when it needs to turn.
The capping and conveyer part of the machine is also controlled and supplied
directly by the Arduino Mega.

Noted by:

Jeremy B. Payumo Engr. Donnie Bon L. Berog

Signature of Scholar Printed Name and Signature of Thesis Adviser

June 13, 2024 June 13, 2024

Date Date

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