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the Science of the

: TheScienceof the TotalEnvironmentZOl(1997)211-224

Heavy metal contamination in freshwater fish from the

border region between Norway and Russia

Per-Arne Amundsenat* , Frode J. Staldvik”, Anatolij A. Lukinb,

Nikolai A. Kashulinb, Olga A. Popova”, Yuri S. Reshetnikov”
“Norwegian College of Fishery Science, Universi~ of Troms& N-9037 Trams@, Norway
hlnstitute of North Ecological Industrial Problems, Kola Science Center, 14 Fersman Str., Apatity, Murmansk Region, Russia
‘A.N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Animal Morphology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

8 April 1997


The contentsof Cd, Cu, Cr, Hg, Ni and Zn in muscle,liver and gills were studiedin whitefish, perch, pike, brown
trout, burbot and vendace from three iake localities in a watercoursein the border region between Norway and
Russia,in the vicinity of mining activity and severalmetallurgic smelters.The contents of Cd and Ni in fish tissue
increasedwith increasingproximity to the smelters,whereasthe other elementsshowedsimilarconcentrationsat the
three localities. The recorded heavy metal concentrationsappearedto be within the rangesreported for fish from
other metal-contaminatedlakes,and higher than comparableobservationsfrom unpolluted systems.The heavy metal
concentrationswere usually lowest in muscleand highest in the liver or the gills. Significant differences in metal
concentration levels were found between different fish species,but Hg was the only metal where these species
differenceswere possiblyrelated to biomagnification.For the other elements,the concentrationsgenerally appeared
to be inversely related to the trophic level of the fish species. 0 1997Elsevier ScienceB.V.

Keywords: Heavy metals;Freshwaterfish; Pasvik River system;Norway; Russia


1. Introduction environmental pollution (Kelly, 1988). In aquatic

ecosystems, heavy metals have received consider-
Emission of heavy metals from mining activity, able attention due to their toxicity and accumula-
smelters and industry is the source of serious tion in biota (Mance, 1987; Mason, 1991). Some
of these elements are toxic to living organisms
even at quite low concentrations, whereas others
author. are biologically essential and natural constituents

0 1997ElsevierScienceB.V. All rightsreserved.
PI1 SOO48-9697(97>00125-3
212 P.-A. Amundsen et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 201 (1997) 211-224

of the aquatic ecosystems and only become toxic system were investigated. Three lake localities
at very high concentrations. In fish, the toxic with presumably different exposures to the pollu-
effects of heavy metals may influence both physi- tant sources were studied; Kuetsjarvi close to the
ological functions, individual growth rates, repro- smelters, Bjornevatn 13 km downstream and
duction and mortality (Mance, 1987; Sorensen, Vaggatem 45 km upstream in the main water-
1991; Woodward et al., 1994, 1995; Farag et al., course (Fig. 1). The contents of cadmium, copper,
1994, 1995). Heavy metals may enter fish bodies chromium, mercury, nickel and zinc were ana-
in three possible ways: through the body surface, lyzed in muscle, liver and gills of the fish.
the gills or the digestive tract (Dallinger et al.,
1987; Pourang, 1995). The gills are regarded as 2. Study area and fish communities
the important site for direct uptake from the
water (Hughes and Flos, 1978; Thomas et al., The sub-arctic Pasvik River system runs along
1983; Dallinger et al., 19871, whereas the body the national border between Norway and Russia,
surface is generally assumed to play a minor role originating from Lake Inari in Finland (Fig. 1).
in heavy metal uptake of fish (Varanasi and The Norwegian-Russian part of the river system
Markey, 1978; Dallinger et al., 1987; Pourang, is 120 km long, has a total area of 142 km*, a
1995). Food may also be an important source for catchment area of 20.890 km2, and a mean water-
heavy metal accumulation (e.g. Aoyama et al., flow of about 175 m3/s. There are altogether
1978; Patric and Loutit, 1978; Dallinger and seven water impoundments in the Pasvik River
Kautzky, 1985; Dallinger et al., 1987), potentially system. Previous rapids and waterfalls have disap-
leading to biomagnification, the increase of pollu- peared, and the river system is dominated by
tants up the food chain (Mason, 1991). consecutive lakes and reservoirs. The water level
Major metallurgic industries are located in the fluctuations are small, and usually less than 80
Murmansk Region in northwest Russia, with large cm. The ice-free season in the lakes and reser-
emissions of dust, heavy metals and sulphur diox- voirs last from May/June to October/November.
ide. In the border region between Russia and Vaggatem (69” 14’ N, 29” 12’ E; 52 m above sea
Norway, the main pollution sources are the level) is a lake situated in the upper part of the
smelters of the Pechenganickel Company located main water course, Bjornevatn (69” 31’ N, 30” 7’
in the towns of Nikel and Zapolyarny. The Pasvik E; 22 m a.s.1.) in the lower part, and Kuetsjarvi
River system, which is the main border river (69” 27.’ N, 30“ 11’ E; 23 m a.s.1.) in a tributary to
between Russia and Norway, is located near the the main watercourse. The lakes are oligotrophic
smelters. The lower part of the Pasvik River with humic impacts (see Nest et al. (1991) and
drains the Nikel smelters directly through Kuets- Langeland (1993)). The geology in the region is
jarvi, a lake which is situated in a sidebranch to dominated by bedrock, mainly containing gneiss.
the main watercourse (Fig. 1). Pollutants may A birch- and pinewood landscape with stretches
enter the water system both via deposition of of boggy land surrounds the watercourse. The
atmospheric emissions and direct run-off from annual mean air temperature is low (-3‘0, and
slag piles. High contaminations of heavy metals the minimum and maximum monthly mean tem-
have been recorded in water and sediments in the peratures are - 13.5”C and + 14.o”C, respectively.
vicinity of the smelters (Traaen et al., 1991; Du- The precipitation in the area is low, with an
valter, 1992, 1994; Moiseenko et al., 1995), pos- annual mean of 358 mm.
sessing a potential threat to fish and other biota The smelters in Nikel and Zapolyarny were
in the water system. Increased levels of heavy constructed for the processing of local ores, and
metals have also been observed in terrestrial have been in operation since 1932 and 1955,
plants, birds and mammals in areas adjacent to respectively. Since 1971, the smelters have
the smelters (Aamlid, 1992; KUs et al., 1995). processed copper and nickel ores from Norilsk,
In the present work, the heavy metal concen- Central Siberia, which have a particularly high
trations in freshwater fish from the Pasvik River sulphur content (Duvalter, 1994). In 1989, the
P.-A. Amundsen et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 201 (1997) 211-224 213

Fig. 1. Map of the Pasvik River system.

annual emission of Ni and Cu to the atmosphere and brown trout (Sulmo truttu). Vendace
from these smelters was estimated to be 504 and (Coregonusalbula) h as recently invaded the Pasvik
300 metric tons, respectively (Sivertsen et al., River system, after being introduced to Lake Inari
1992). in the 1960s. The whitefish consists of two differ-
Altogether 15 different fish species have been ent morphs, differentiated by the morphology and
recorded in the Pasvik River system, the most number of gill rakers, and referred to as densely
commonly occurring species in the lakes are and sparsely rakered whitefish. The densely rak-
whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus s.l.), perch (Perca ered whitefish has numerous long and densely
JzuviutiZis), pike (Esox lucks), burbot (Lotu lota) spaced gill rakers (mean number 33.01, whereas
214 P.-A. Amundren et al. /The Science of the Total Environment 201 (1997) 211-224

the sparsely rakered form has fewer, shorter and Model 1100 B). Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn were analyzed
more widely spaced rakers (mean number 23.1). by flame AAS, Cr by using graphite-furnace HGA
According to Reshetnikov (1980), the two forms 700 with automatic sampler AS 70, and Hg by
may be referred to as C. lavaretus lavaretus using a hydride system (FIAS 200) with automatic
(densely rakered whitefish) and C. Zavaretzu pid- sampler AS 90. NaBH, was used as reducing
schian (sparsely rakered), whereas Svfrdson (1957) agent. The concentrations of heavy metals in fish
(1979) described these forms as two different are expressed as pug/g dry weight of tissue. The
species; Coregonus lavaretus and C. nasus, respec- detection limits were 0.01 pg/g for Cd, 0.15
tively. pg/g for Cr, 0.5 pg/g for Cu, 0.015 pg/g for Hg,
0.1 pg/g for Ni, and 0.5 pg/g for Zn. The
accuracy of the analytical procedures was checked
3. Materials and methods
against the National Bureau of Standards (NBS)
for dogfish muscle DOLT-l. The accuracy of the
Fish were sampled both in 1991 and 1992 from analytical procedures was satisfying for most met-
Kuetsjarvi, Bjarnevatn and Vaggatem. In 1991, als, but for Cr, only 50-60% of the certified
sampling was accomplished from July 14 to July values could be detected, and for Hg 85% (S.
22, and from September 2 to September 15; and Lierhagen, The Norwegian Institute for Nature
in 1992, from June 22 to July 4, and from August Research, personal communication).
31 to September 16. Fish were sampled both in The mean lengths of fish sampled for heavy
the littoral, profundal and pelagic zones using metal analysis are presented in Table 1. Brown
gillnets. The gillnets were 40 m long containing trout from Kuetsjarvi and burbot from Vaggatem
eight sections of 5 m with different mesh sizes. have been omitted in the presentation of the
The mesh sizes used were 10, 12.5, 15, 18.5, 22, results due to low observation numbers, whereas
26, 35 and 45 mm (knot to knot). In the littoral vendace was not caught at all in Bjornevatn and
and profundal zone, 1.5-m deep bottom nets were Kuetsjarvi. In Kuetsjarvi, no gill tissue samples
used, whereas in the pelagic zone, 4-m deep from perch were analyzed, whereas in fish from
floating nets were employed. In addition, special Bjornevatn, the concentrations of Cr were not
nets for pike were used, with mesh sizes 35, 45, analyzed in any tissue and Cd only in liver. Cu
52. 63 and 74 mm. The fish samples included concentrations were not analyzed in gills from
densely and sparsely rakered whitefish, perch, any species.
pike, brown trout, burbot and vendace. The fish Distributions of heavy metal concentrations are
were weighed and fork length was measured. Sto- frequently skewed and non-normal (Giesy and
machs were removed, conserved in 96% ethanol, Wiener, 1977). Non-parametric statistics (Mann-
and the contents later analyzed. Samples of fish Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests) have therefore
tissue for heavy metal analysis were dissected been used in testing differences between samples.
from muscle, liver and gills using stainless steel Simple linear regression analysis has been used to
implements, and frozen in sample tubes. test for correlation between heavy metal concen-
The heavy metal analyses were conducted at trations and fish length.
the laboratory of The Norwegian Institute for
Nature Research, and included cadmium (Cd), 4. Results
chromium (Cr), copper (CL& mercury (Hg), nickel
(Ni) and zinc (Zn). The samples were freeze-dried
for 24 h to a final pressure of 0.05 mbar at 4.1. Tissue concentrations of hea y metals
-53°C. From each sample (standard 0.3-0.4 g
dry weight), the organic matter was extruded us- With a few exceptions, there were rarely any
ing concentrated nitric acid (HNO,), and the significant correlations between the tissue con-
content of heavy metals was determined by atomic centrations of heavy metals and the size of the
absorption spectroscopy (AAS) (Perkin Elmer individual fish. For Zn, however, a significant
P.-A. Amundsen et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 201 (1997) 211-224 215

Table 1
Mean length with range (in cm) and number (n) of fish analyzed for heavy metal contents in Vaggatem, Bjarnevatn and Kuetsjarvi

Vaggatem Bjamevatn Kuetsjarvi

Length Range n Length Range n Length Range n

Densely rakered whitefish 17.5 lo-29 12 19.2 lo-29 12 17.0 9-26 16

Sparsely rakered whitefish 25.2 12-36 16 26.1 lo-40 18 22.7 10-44 26
Perch 22.1 12-30 18 24.1 9-36 19 17.1 15-18 7
Pike 38.2 20-50 17 44.4 28-55 16 45.0 35-52 9
Brown trout 30.0 27-34 5 41.9 30-55 11 21.0 20-22 2
Burbot 1 29.3 18-47 7 54.6 53-57 4
Vendace 13.8 9-16 5 0 0

decrease in concentrations in muscle with increas- were 10 pg/g Cd (densely rakered whitefish), 1.0
ing fish length was found for both densely rakered pg/g Cr (densely rakered whitefish), 354 pg/g
whitefish, sparsely rakered whitefish and perch. A Cu (brown trout), 2.0 pg/g Hg (brown trout), 18
similar significant decrease in liver concentrations pg/g Ni (sparsely rakered whitefish), and 891
of Zn was also found in densely and sparsely pg/g Zn (sparsely rakered whitefish), whereas for
rakered whitefish. For the other elements there the gills, the highest observations were 0.69 pg/g
were rarely any significant differences with in- Cd (densely rakered whitefish), 3.0 pg/g Cr
creasing fish lengths, and in the further presenta- (pike), 0.3 pg/g Hg (pike), 17.3 pg/g Ni (densely
tion of the results, the mean values of heavy rakered whitefish), and 1406 pg/g Zn (densely
metal concentrations for each fish species have rakered whitefish).
been used, irrespective of the size of the fish. For most elements, the lowest concentrations
The mean concentrations of heavy metals in of heavy metals were found in the muscle (Table
muscle, liver and gills from the different fish 2 and Fig. 2). For Cd, the highest concentrations
species at the three different localities are pre- were always found in the liver, with levels many
sented in Fig. 2. Zinc made up the highest con-
times higher than in the muscle, although there
centrations both in muscle, liver and gills of the
were large variations both between the different
fish. Considering all fish species and localities, the
fish species and the localities. The contents of Cr
mean concentrations of heavy metals in muscle
in the liver were generally twice as high as in the
varied from 0.01-0.81 pg/g Cd, 0.17-0.45 pg/g
muscle, whereas the highest levels of Cr were
Cr, 1.6-12.3 pg/g Cu, 0.16-0.89 pg/g Hg,
found in the gills. The Cu concentrations were
0.48-3.1 pg/g Ni, and 17-63 pg/g Zn. In the
liver, the concentrations varied from 0.40-4.3 always higher in the liver than in the muscle, with
pg/g Cd, 0.19-0.46 pg/g Cr, 11-180 pg/g Cu, particularly high ratios in sparsely rakered white-
0.14-1.1 pg/g Hg, 0.58-9.0 pg/g Ni, and 98-614 fish and brown trout. The recorded Hg concentra-
pg/g Zn, and in the gills from 0.02-0.28 pg/g tions were always lowest in the gills, whereas the
Cd, 0.64-2.0 pg/g Cr, 0.03-0.10 pg/g Hg, liver contents of Hg generally were equal or
0.4-9.13 E*.g/g Ni, and 75-675 pg/g Zn (Fig. 2). slightly higher than in the muscle. For Ni, the
The maximum heavy metal concentrations levels in liver and gills generally were of similar
observed in the muscle of individual fish were magnitude, and a few times higher than in the
(name of species in brackets): 3.0 pg/g Cd muscle. The relative proportion of Ni in the gills
(densely rakered whitefish), 2.0 pg/g Cr (pike), appeared to increase with decreasing distance
40.5 pg/g Cu (densely rakered whitefish), 2.0 from the smelters. Zn had lowest concentrations
pg/g Hg (perch), 8.0 pg/g Ni (densely rakered in the muscle, and, with the exception of perch,
whitefish), and 430 pg/g Zn (pike). In the liver, the highest concentrations were found in the gills
the maximum recorded levels of individual fish (Table 2).
216 P.-A. Amundsen et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 201 (1997) 211-224

Vaggatcm Bjernevatn Kuetsjavri





.W 8
z 4

1234567 1234567 1234567

Fish species
Fig. 2. Mean concentrations (fig/g dry weight) of Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni and Zn in muscle (black bars), liver (white bars) and gills
(hatched bars) in fish from three different lake localities in the Pasvik River system. The fish species are indicated by numbers: (1)
densely rakered whitefish, (2) sparsely rakered whitefish, (3) perch, (4) pike, (5) brown trout, (6) burbot, and (7) vendace.

4.2. Heay metal contamination in j&h from different Ni and Cd were most profound for densely and
localities sparsely rakered whitefish, whereas perch exhib-
ited the strongest difference in muscle contents of
For a few of the examined elements, the tissue Cd. For elements other than Ni and Cd, there
concentrations of heavy metals were significantly were generally no significant differences in con-
different between the three investigated lake lo- centration levels in fish tissue between the three
calities. In particular, the concentrations of Ni in investigated lake localities.
liver and gills decreased with increasing distances
from the smelters (Fig. 3). Similarly, the observed 4.3. Trophical statusand heay metal contamination
concentrations of Cd in muscle and gills were of different fish species
highest in Kuetsjarvi in the vicinity of the smelters,
and lowest in Vaggatem at the upper part of the The most important habitat and prey choices of
water course (Fig. 3). In the gills, the differences lacustrine fish species in the Pasvik River system
between the localities in concentrations of both are presented in Table 3. Adults of both pike,
P.-A. Amundsen et al. / The Science of the Total Enviromnt 201 (1997) 211-224 217

Table 2
Ratios between muscle, liver and gills (M&G) in concentrations of heavy metals in different fish species at the three different

Fish species Cd Cr cu Hg Ni Zn
and locality

Densely rakered whitefish

Vaggatem 1:3:3 1:2:8 1:2.5:- 3:7:1 1:4:1 1:7:15
Bjamevatn - - 1:2.5:- l:l:- 3:4:2 1:6:14
Kuetsjarvi 1.5:9:1 1:2:3 1:6.5:- 2:2:1 1:6:9 1:5:10
Sparsely rakered whitefish
Vaggatem 1:200:4 1:2:- 1:18:- 1:5:3 1:6:1 1:7:18
Bjamevatn - - 1:13:- 1:2:- 1:2:3 1:9:36
Kuetsjarvi 1:150:13 1:1.5:- 1:12:- 1:6:4 1:8:9 1:8:26
Vaggatem 1:200:6 l:l:- 1:12:- 1:1:0.1 1:1:2 1:6:4
Bjemevatn - - 1:1.7:- l:l:- I:22 1:5:4
Kuetsjarvi 1:5:- - 1:5:- l:l:- 1:5:- 1:8:-
Vaggatem 1:100:2 l:l:- 1:5:- 7:4:1 2:3:1 1:8:20
Bjtimevatn - - 1:3:- 1:1.5:1 l:l:- 1:13:24
Kuetsjarvi 1:4:0.5 1216 - 1.4:3:1 1:1.8:2.3 1:3:6
Brown trout
Vaggatem - - l:llo:- 1:1.6:- 1:1.4:- 1:7:-
Bjtimevatn - - 1:15:- 1:2:- 1:2:- 1:7:-
Vaggatem - - - - 1:3:5
Bjemevatn - - - - - -

Vaggatem - - 1:18:- 1:2:- - 1:17:-
- indicates insufficient or missing observations.

perch and brown trout were predominantly pisciv- between different fish species were found for Hg
orous, and particularly pike and brown trout fed and Zn in muscle, Hg, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu and Cr in
heavily upon whitefish. Burbot, which most com- liver, and Hg, Zn and Cd in gills (Table 4;
monly was caught in the profundal zone, feed Kruskal-Wallis test, P < 0.05). For Hg, the muscle
both on zoobenthos and fish. The coregonids concentrations were in general highest for the
(densely and sparsely rakered whitefish and ven- piscivorous species, and lowest for the inverte-
date) were all restricted to invertebrate feeding. brate feeders. Brown trout had the highest Hg
The densely rakered whitefish occurred fre- concentrations in the liver, whereas pike had the
quently in all major habitats of the lakes in the highest Hg levels in the gills. Vendace and den-
Pasvik river system, feeding both on zooplankton sely rakered whitefish had the highest concentra-
and benthic prey. The sparsely rakered whitefish tions of Zn in muscle and liver, and sparsely
were found to be restricted to the benthic habi- rakered whitefish in the gills, whereas perch gen-
tats feeding on zoobenthos, whereas vendace al- erally had the lowest Zn contents. The coregonid
most exclusively fed upon zooplankton in the species also had the highest levels of Cd both in
pelagic zone (Table 3). liver and gills, whereas the piscivorous species
Significant differences in heavy metal contents had the lowest. Further, for both Ni and Cr, the
218 P.-A. Amunaken et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 201 (1997) 211-224

.I 0.8- Cd
,*R 0.6 -
”g 0.4
7 e---- Dr. w.firh
g 0.2 - l - - S.r.
a--- Porch
n -. Pike
Kuotrj. Vnggotcm Knotrj. Vaggotsm

e--- Dr.

l - - S.r. w.firh
a--- Perch
n- -- Pike

Fig. 3. Contaminations of Ni and Cd ( pg/g dry weight) in tissue of fish from Kuetsjati (close to the smelters), Bj0mevatn (13 km
downstream) and Vaggatem (45 km upstream).

Table 3
Predominant prey and habitat choices of lacustrine fish in the Pasvik River system

Fish species Dominant prey Dominant habitat

Densely rakered whitefish Zooplankton, benthic chydorids, dipteran pupae and larvae Pelagic, profundal and littoral
Sparsely rakered whitefish Dipteran pupae and larvae, molluscs, benthic chydorids Littoral, profundal
Perch Fish (9-sp. sticklebacks and whitefish), insect larvae Littoral
Pike Fish (whitefish, perch) Littoral
Brown trout Fish (whitefish) Littoral, pelagic
Burbot Insect larvae, fish Profundal, littoral
Vendace Zooplankton Pelagic

liver concentrations were highest in the corego- (Duffus, 1980; Mance, 1987). Knowledge of their
nids and lowest in the piscivorous species, whereas concentrations in fish is therefore important both
for Cu, the liver contents were highest for brown with respect to nature management and human
trout, intermediate for the coregonid species and consumption of fish. The literature on metal up-
lowest for pike and perch (Table 4). take and assimilation in fish may, however, be
both confusing and partly also conflicting (MC-
5. Discussion Farlane and Franzin, 1980). Chemical factors like
acidity, buffer capacity and the presence of Ca
The six heavy metals studied in the present and organic compounds, may, together with bio-
investigation are all regarded as potential hazards logical factors like habitat preferences, feeding
that can endanger both animal and human health behaviour and growth rates, influence the
P.-A. Amunaken et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 201 (1997) 211-224 219

Table 4
Ranking order of different fish species in the Pasvik River system according to their heavy metal contents. (Only species series with
significant differences are included; Kruskal-Wallis test, P < 0.05)

Muscle Burbot > Perch > B. trout = Pike > Vendace = D.r. whitefish = S.r. whitefish
Liver B. trout > Vendace > Perch > D.r. whitefish = S.r. whitefish > Pike
Gills Pike > Dr. whitefish > S.r. whitefish > Perch
Muscle D.r. whitefish > Vendace = Pike > Burbot > B. trout > Sr. whitefish = Perch
Liver Vendace > Pike = D.r. whitefish > Sr. whitefish = B. trout > Perch > Burbot
Gills S.r. whitefish > Pike = D.r. whitefish > Burbot > Perch
Liver Vendace > Dr. whitefish > S.r. whitefish > Perch > Pike > Burbot > B. trout
Gills S.r. whitefish = D.r. whitefish > Perch > Pike
Liver D.r. whitefish > S.r. whitefish > Perch > Pike
Liver B. trout > Sr. whitefish > Vendace > Dr. whitefish > Pike > Perch
Liver Sr. whitefish > D.r. whitefish > Burbot > Perch > Pike > B.trout

bioavailability and accumulation of heavy metals complex interaction of many factors (Wiener and
in fish (see e.g. McFarlane and Franzin, 1980; Giesy, 1979; McFarlane and Franzin, 1980;
Campbell and Stokes, 1985; Bradley and Morris, Dallinger et al., 19871, and Dallinger et al. also
1986; Dallinger et al., 1987; Sprenger et al., 1988; emphasised the importance of taking the specific
Iivonen et al., 1992). Further, the predominant ecological situation of a given environment into
pathways for heavy metal uptake appear to be consideration when investigating heavy metal pol-
highly variable over the range of metals, contami- lution in fish.
nant levels and fish species studied (e.g. Williams The studied fish species in the Pasvik River
and Giesy, 1978; Dallinger et al., 1987). There system are important constituents of the limnetic
also seems to be large interspecific variation in ecosystems in the lakes, and are also being ex-
the assimilation of heavy metals from water and ploited for human consumption. Coregonids,
food, as well as in the allocation of metals into perch, pike, brown trout and burbot have circum-
different organs and tissue. Additionally, the sen- polar distributions, and although data on heavy
sitivity to heavy metals and the ability for metal concentrations in Arctic and temperate fish
homeostatic control, detoxification and rejection populations are limited, some comparable studies
appear to be highly variable for different ele- exist. Allen-Gil and Martynov (1995) studied
ments and fish species (e.g. Wiener and Giesy, heavy metal contents in muscle from fish in the
1979; Dallinger et al., 1987). Intraspecific differ- Pechora River, northern Russia. The muscle con-
ences related to e.g. age, size and physiological tents of cadmium and copper found in the pre-
status of the fish may also be of importance. sent study were many times higher, and zinc con-
Moreover, numerous potential interactions centrations slightly higher, than those found in
between different elements may influence both coregonids, perch and pike in the Pechora River.
the assimilation and toxicity of the metals (Soren- Further, the concentrations of cadmium, copper
sen, 1991). Thus, the heavy metal concentrations and zinc in muscle and liver of Pasvik fish were
in fish tissue may appear to be the result of a generally higher than those found at two localities
220 P.-A. Amundren et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 201 (1997) 211-224

in the Great Lakes (Brown and Chow, 1977), been detected close to the Pechenganikel smelters
whereas mercury levels were of similar magnitude (Duvalter, 1994). For nickel, on the other hand,
(conversions between dry and wet weight of fish the atmospheric emissions from the smelters are
have been done by assuming 78% water contents). large (Sivertsen et al., 1992), and apparently the
Also, the concentrations of cadmium, copper and main pollution source for this element. Nickel
zinc in liver of pike, perch, whitefish and brown concentrations in sediments have been found to
trout from the Pasvik River system were in gen- be very high in Kuetsjarvi, intermediate in
eral higher than average concentrations found in Bjornevatn and small in Vaggatem (Rognerud et
the same species from 14 unpolluted Finnish al., 19931, and the declines in Ni levels in fish and
lakes; although in these lakes, the mercury levels sediments with increasing distance from the
in muscle were higher than in Pasvik (Iivonen et smelters, are probably related to rapid atmo-
al., 1992). Bradley and Morris (1986) studied heavy spheric fallouts and deposition. The increasing
metals in fish (including whitefish, perch and pike) proportion of nickel in the gills with decreasing
in a series of lakes near Sudbury, Ontario, where distance from the smelters, may indicate that the
large quantities of copper, nickel and other met- uptake over the gills becomes increasingly impor-
als have been released into the environment from tant as the Ni contents in the water increases (see
several smelters. The levels of copper, nickel and also Sreedevi et al., 1992). For the other studied
zinc in muscle and liver of fish from Pasvik were metals, the lack of significant differences in fish
similar or slightly higher than those found in tissue concentrations with increasing distance
these metal-contaminated lakes. Pike from the from the pollution source may suggest that the
Pasvik River systems did, on the other hand, have exposures of these elements are similar through-
lower levels of cadmium and copper in the liver out the three localities. However, for most of
compared to the maximum contaminations these metals, a decline in water and sediment
recorded in pike from lakes near a base metal concentrations with increasing distance from the
smelter at Flin Flon, Manitoba, whereas the mer- smelters has been demonstrated (Duvalter, 1992,
cury levels were of similar magnitude (McFarlane 1994; Moiseenko et al., 1995). The present find-
and Franzin, 19801. ings do, therefore, more likely reflect a poor
Concentrations of cadmium and nickel recorded correlation in the concentrations of these ele-
in fish tissue in the Pasvik River system, exhibited ments between fish and environment. McFarlane
significant increases with increasing proximity to and Franzin (1980) emphasised that high Ca con-
the smelters. For both metals, the lowest concen- centrations in lake waters may decrease metal
trations were found in Vaggatem and the highest accumulation in fish. Due to large dust emissions
in Kuetsjarvi. The high levels of cadmium and from the smelters, the Ca concentration in Kuets-
nickel in fish from Kuetsjarvi reflect the elevated jarvi has been found to be very high (Traaen et
environmental levels of heavy metals that have al., 1991; Nest et al., 19911, and this may have
been found in the vicinity of the Pechenganikel moderated the metal accumulation of fish in the
smelters (Duvalter, 1992, 1994; Moiseenko et al., lake. As a consequence, the heavy metal levels in
1995). Both deposition of atmospheric emissions fish may not be a good indicator of the ambient
from the smelters and direct run-off from slag pollution levels (Wiener and Giesy, 1979; Bradley
piles and mines may contribute to the metal con- and Morris, 1986). However, this also implies that
taminations in the Pasvik watercourse. Pollutants for an evaluation of the biological impacts of
may also be transported downstream by the water heavy metal pollution, the actual metal concen-
Aow, although rapid sedimentation probably re- trations in the fish, and not solely the metal levels
strains this mode of heavy metal dispersal. The in water and sediments, should be taken into
cadmium contamination is likely to be most asso- consideration.
ciated with surface run-offs from the slag piles, as The Zn concentrations in fish tissue decreased
elevated Cd concentrations in sediments have only significantly with increasing length of the fish,
P.-A. Amundsen et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 201 (1997) 21 l-224 221

which has also been demonstrated in several other is regarded as a controversial subject (Dallinger
studies (e.g. Cross et al., 1973; Giesy and Wiener, et al., 1987), although biomagnification of mer-
1977; Murphy et al., 1978; Wiener and Giesy, cury along aquatic food chains has frequently
1979). Patric and Loutit (1978) indicated that this been reported (e.g. Jemlijv and Lann, 1971;
may partly be due to different adsorption rates Sarkka et al., 1978; Mason, 1991). Biomagnifica-
across the gut or more efficient excretion in older tion of a pollutant may lead to toxic levels in
fish. Zinc is an essential trace metal that is pre- species high up in the trophic chain (Moriarity,
sumably homeostatically controlled (Frieden, 19841, and in freshwater systems, fish are usually
1972; Cross et al., 1973; Giesy and Wiener, 1977), among the top consumers. In fish from the Pasvik
and negative correlations between metal concen- River system, the recorded levels of mercury were,
trations and body size may also be a result of however, not high compared to other, comparable
homeostatic regulation (Wiener and Giesy, 1979). fish studies (e.g. Haakanson et al., 1988; Iivonen
These findings may, on the other hand, also be et al., 1992), and were well below the accepted
related to the absorption rates of zinc across the limits for human consumption (1 pg/g wet
gills. Zinc was the only element that was found in weight). For the other elements, and especially
highest concentrations in the gills relative to the zinc and cadmium, the concentrations appeared
muscle and liver contents. High concentrations of to be inversely related to the trophic status of the
a metal in the gills are indicative of a predomi- fish.
nant uptake from water through the gills (Dal- Fish feeding on invertebrates have been found
linger et al., 1987). The area of the gills relative to to have higher concentrations of cadmium and
body size decreases with increasing fish size zinc than piscivorous species (Mathis and
(Pauly, 1981>, and this may result in a larger Cummings, 1973; Windom et al., 1973; Murphy et
uptake of certain elements like zinc in the smaller al., 1978). The results of the present study largely
fish. supports these observations, as whitefish and ven-
For all the elements studied, significant differ- date usually had the highest levels of these two
ences in concentration levels were found between elements, and the piscivorous species the lowest.
different fish species, demonstrating that the at- In conclusion, the heavy metal concentrations
tained concentration levels partly are species re- recorded in lacustrine fish from the Pasvik River
lated. Generally, the two whitefish forms and system appear to be within the ranges reported
vendace seemed to have the highest concentra- for fish from metal-contaminated lakes, and
tions of zinc, cadmium, chromium and nickel, higher than comparable observations from unpol-
whereas brown trout, burbot, perch and pike had luted systems. The concentrations were lowest in
the highest concentrations of mercury. The sal- muscle, and the observed metal levels did not
monoid species had higher liver contents of cop- exceed established quality standards for fish flesh.
per than pike and perch, which was also found by The metal levels were usually several times higher
Iivonen et al. (1992), and pike and perch seemed in the liver, which is known to be an important
in general to have lower accumulations of most detoxification centre in fish (McFarlane and
metals in the liver relative to the other species. Franzin, 1980). Nickel and cadmium exhibited
To a large extent the species differences in heavy significant increases in tissue concentrations with
metal concentrations appeared to be related to decreasing distances from the smelters, and had
the trophic status of the fish species. Mercury particularly high levels in Kuetsjarvi. Nickel may
was, however, the only metal where these species be harmful to the survival and productivity of
differences may be due to biomagnification. Par- freshwater fauna (Moore and Ramamoorthy,
ticularly with respect to the muscle concentra- 19841, but studies of effects of Ni accumulation in
tions, the mercury levels were highest in the pis- fish are scarce (Sreedevi et al., 1992). Cadmium is
civorous species and lowest in the invertebrate a persistent material that may be toxic to aquatic
feeders. Biomagnification of heavy metals in fish organisms at relatively low concentrations, but
222 P.-A. Amudsen et al. /The Science of the Total Enuironment 201 (1997) 211-224

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