4smm 13-Day Protocol Workbook-1

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4-Step Mike Method

13-Day Protocol
Crohn’s, Colitis & IBS
Last Updated: August 2023

Medical Disclaimer
The information offered in Heal Your Gut Guy materials are intended to serve as
guidelines for managing traumatic memories and digestive symptoms and not as a
replacement for professional medical advice. The material is intended to be educational
and informative. Please discuss specific symptoms and medical conditions with your
doctor. Any use of this information is at the user’s discretion. Heal Your Gut Guy, LLC
and the author make no representations or warranties that any individual will achieve a
particular result. Any and all express or implied warranties, including the warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed. Heal Your Gut Guy,
LLC and the author specifically disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly
from the use or application of any information contained in these materials.

Mike, the Heal Your Gut Guy, is not a medical doctor, and nothing on these pages
should be seen as individual medical advice.

If you are considering withdrawing from any medication, please do so under the
guidance of a professional as withdrawal can be a dangerous process.

If you have a medical matter or emergency, please contact a local medical professional

Day 1/13: Step 1 - Understand Your Gut
Watch Day 1 & Understand Gut Video
Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

In the past month where you felt determined… What did you see?
In the past week when you felt happy… What did you hear?
In the past day when you felt strong… What were you touching?
From last year when you felt loved… What did you smell?
From the last 5 years when you felt inspired… What did you taste?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

Crohn’s/Colitis is controlled from my brain/mind.

Inflammation is how my body stitches itself back together from injury.


Day 1
“Disease” is your body putting an organ in and out of overdrive turned on by a conflict shock.

Crohn’s/Colitis is cell proliferation in conflict active phase & cell removal in healing phase.

A conflict shock is a stressful event that is sudden and leaves me feeling isolated.

Crohn’s/Colitis symptoms start when the conflict gets resolved.


A registered threat is a reminder of the conflict which puts my gut back into overdrive.

Bacteria and fungi are a part of me and controlled by my brain aiding with cell removal.

If I get symptoms, stay calm & think about what made me emotional about & its relation to conflict.

Dr. Crohn’s, the discoverer of Crohn’s/Colitis, believed it was caused by stress.


Many people have gotten better from Crohn’s/Colitis without drugs, supplements & crazy diets.
Day 1

Day 2/13: Step 1 - Understand Your Mind

Watch Day 2 & Understand Your Mind Video

Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

The earliest moment when you felt valued… What were you touching?
When was the last time you felt happy… What did you smell?
In middle school when you felt joyful… What did you see?
In high school when you felt proud… What did you hear?
At a restaurant where you felt excited… What did you taste?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

My brain is always judging whether a stimulus will increase or decrease my survival.

Everything I do either increases or decreases my survival.


Day 2 - Understand Your Mind
A stimulus/stimuli (plural), is anything you can perceive through the 5 senses.

A stimulus is good if I believe that it will increase my survival.


The lizard brain(brain stem) is irrational and the analytical mind is somewhat rational.

I fix Crohn’s/Colitis by moving a trauma memory from the lizard brain to the analytical mind.

Sex and romantic relationships can involve intense emotions for it is our immortal survival strategy.

“Fitting in” can involve intense emotions because we cannot survive without other humans.

An emotion is an internal “force” that moves me towards pleasure (+ survival) & away from pain (- survival).

If a stimulus makes me HAPPY then I believe it increases my survival.


Day 2 - Understand Your Mind
If a stimulus makes no emotional reaction then I believe it doesn’t increase or decrease my survival.

If a stimulus makes me angry then I believe it decreases my survival and I can fight it.

If a stimulus makes me fearful then I believe it decreases my survival and I CANNOT fight it.

Trauma memories get stored in the lizard brain and normal memories get stored in the cerebral cortex and analytical mind.

Conflict shocks CAN BE not easy to remember for the brain wants to conserve energy & protect us from trauma.

The THREAT BANK is a list of dangerous stimuli that our brain registered in past conflict shocks.

I “fix” a negative emotion by processing the traumatic memory that created the belief.

An “ego state” is an alternative personality that shows up to address certain stimulus.


I need to exercise my brain to recall positive memories and neglect access to negative memories.

Day 3/13: Step 2 - Stop Blaming Nutrients

Watch Day 3 & Step 2 Food Video

Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

You ate bread and had a good time… What did you see?
You ate pizza and felt excited… What did you hear?
You ate cheese and felt happy… What did you taste?
You ate meat and felt content… What did you hear?
You ate candy and felt loved… What were you touching?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

Strict diets and blaming food will make my Crohn’s/Colitis worse!

Energy and nutrients also known as food are good for you, including junk food.

Day 3
Protein is the most important nutrient. I need Xg per day. (X = 1g/lbs or 2g/kg of body weight)

Our ancestors ate grains/starches with every meal because they are nutrient and energy dense.

Fasting is dangerous if I am underweight or frequently fatigued.


Weston A. Price & Sally Fallon are the best sources of dietary info minus the food phobia attitude.

I will unfollow any social media that promotes food phobia stupidity.

I will eat at least 2000 calories per day.


Vegan/Vegetarian diets lack essential amino acids, Vitamin A, B12, D, E & K2.

If I react to food it is because I fear it or it is associated with the conflict.


Organ meats, meat, dairy and starchy plant foods are the most nutrient dense foods.
Day 4/13: Step 3 - Find Conflict, Resolution & Registered Threats
Watch Day 4 video & do the timeline exercise
Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

You felt thankful before your first symptoms… What did you hear?
You felt hopeful after your symptoms first started… What did you smell?
You felt respected before your first symptoms… What did you see?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

A conflict shock is a sudden stressful event that left me feeling isolated and cell proliferation started.

A conflict resolution is when the conflict gets resolved then the cell removal and symptoms start.

A registered threat is a stimulus that reminds you of the original conflict.


Draw A Timeline #1
Follow along in my timeline example 1 video. For the first timeline just try to get as many details
out of your head onto the paper as possible.

Day 5/13: Step 3 - Find Conflict, Resolution & Registered Threats
Watch Day 5 video & do the timeline exercise
Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

You felt abundance before your symptoms started… What did you see?
You felt relief during a big flare… What did you smell?
You felt respected after your symptoms started… What were you touching?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

I want to find the traumatic memory then move it from the lizard brain to rational brain.

Ask your file clerk to get memories but be patient and he will eventually get the traumatic memory.

Traumatic memories are stored in the lizard brain and not easy for file-clerk to access.

Draw A Timeline #2
Follow along in my timeline example 2 video. Now let's start to make the timeline and details
more polished and exact.

Day 6/13: Step 3 - Find Conflict, Resolution & Registered Threats
Watch Day 6 video & do the timeline exercise
Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

You felt affection during a flare up… What did you smell?
You had been fascinated before your symptoms started… What did you hear?
When someone has admired you after your symptoms first started… What did you see?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

Crohn’s & Colitis is just PTSD expressed through my butthole.

The lizard brain is irrational causing it to dramatize registered threats.


What do my emotional triggers or registered threats have in common with the conflict shock?

Draw A Timeline #3
Follow along in my timeline example 3 video. Polish the details and start to see how your
registered threats relate to the conflict shock.

Day 7/13: Step 2 - Stop Blaming Energy & Nutrients
Watch Day 7 video & write down how food is related to your conflicts
Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

You ate a birthday cake and had a good time… What did you see?
You ate french fries and felt excited… What did you hear?
You ate ice cream and felt happy… What did you taste?

Questions help you see how food could be linked to trauma

Did your parents ever force you to eat something you didn’t like?

Did you ever blame a certain food for your symptoms and why?

Did you ever get forced to follow a diet you didn't want to do?

Did you ever get diagnosed with a food intolerance? What was stressing you out at the time?

Were you parents strict about certain foods like candy, soda, junk food, etc…

Day 8/13: Step 4 - Change Memories of Trauma
Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

Name a time when you were in awe of something… What were you touching?
When was the last time you felt focused… What did you smell?
A childhood time where you were brave… What did you see?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

The purpose of the Reframe technique is to change the memory of the traumatic event to move
it from the lizard brain to the logical brian.

Everytime we access a memory, the mind changes it.


Day 9/13: Step 4 - Change Memories of Trauma
Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

When in the past 2 years you felt confident… What did you see?
When in the past 6 months you felt enthusiasm… What did you smell?
When you felt compassion in your job… What were you touching?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

The lizard brain over dramatizes registered threats until the memory is moved into the analytical mind.

The lizard brain doesn’t understand words. It only understands pictures, touch, sound tonality.

Day 10/13: Step 4 - Change Memories of Trauma
Watch Day 10 video & RUN THE ReWind TECHNIQUE ON A TRAUMA
Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

The last time you felt bliss with your friends… What did you hear?
The last time you received generosity from your parents… What did you smell?
The last time you forgave someone… What did you see?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

The rewind technique goal is to move the memory from the lizard brain to the analytical mind.

I can’t process an emotion because emotions simply get attached to a memory. Process the memory.

Day 11/13: Step 4 - Change Memories of Trauma
Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

You felt empowered while doing something… What did you smell?
You felt satisfied after a meal… What did you hear?
You felt victorious in your childhood… What did you see?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

People after brain damage lose all their diseases because their memories get erased.

Trauma creates new brain pathways that cost energy and protein to “rewire”.

Day 12/13: Step 4 - Change Memories of Trauma


Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

When you felt free in the past 30 days… What did you hear?
When you felt important in the past 60 days… What did you smell?
When you felt loved in the past 90 days… What did you see?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

The goal of EFT tapping is to move the trauma memory from the lizard brain to the analytical mind.

Negative anchors/registered threats bring on negative emotions. Positive anchors revive positive emotions.

Day 13/13: Step 4 - Change Memories of Trauma


Do cold therapy for __ seconds in shower
Write down your conflict shock: _____________________________________________________
Guess your conflict shock if you don’t know. Im making your brain start to look for it : )

Write down what you had negative emotions about, the emotion & its intensity from 0-10
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________
Emotion _________ 0-10_______ Trigger______________________________________________

Track your symptoms and bowel movements for today


Recall a positive memory…

The last time you felt grateful… What were you touching?
You felt happy before your symptoms started… What did you see?
You felt whole after your symptoms started… What did you smell?

Memorize Important Logic - Write these statements 3 times

I see everything through a lens of the past. Unprocessed traumatic memories greatly distort our vision.

Perception change and gaining new skills are powerful trauma resolution tools.

Diet Plan Cheat Sheet
The best diet advice you can find is from Weston A. Price’s book “Nutrition & Physical Degeneration” and
Sally Fallon’s book “Nourishing Diets”. The Weston A. Price Foundation has many great resources on their
website https://www.westonaprice.org. Although their nutritional advice is the best… they do not share a
German New Medicine perspective on the cause of disease. Blaming foods that aren’t “organic” or “healthy”
for your symptoms will only make your gut condition worse. You can tolerate all food but you have to believe
it! Even candy, gluten, dairy, seed oils, nightshades, etc… but you have to believe it is safe!

The hard math on how much calories and protein your body needs DAILY to heal.
Desired Weight Cals/Day Cals/Meal Protein/Day Protein/Meal
100 lbs / 50 kg 2000 650 100g 30g
125 lbs / 65 kg 2150 700 125g 40g
150 lbs / 75 kg 2350 800 150g 50g
175 lbs / 85 kg 2500 850 175g 60g
200 lbs / 100 kg 2750 900 200g 70g
Amount per meal based on 3 meals per day

List of calorie dense and protein dense foods

Foods Amount Calories Protein
Milk (Whole) 1 Cup 150 10g
Milk (Whole) 1 Quart / 1 Liter 600 40g
Whey Powder 1 Scoop 125 25g
Protein Shake 1 Quart / 1 Liter 850 80g
Cheese 100g / 3 Slices 400 25g
Egg 1 75 5g
Average Meat 100g / .25 lbs 150 25g
Potatoes (Mashed) 250g / 1 cup 200 5g
Bread (White) 1 Slice 75 2.5g
Bread (Whole) 1 Slice 75 3.5g
Rice (White) 250g / 1 cup 200 4g
Rice (Whole) 250g / 1 cup 200 5g
Beans 250g / 1 cup 400 15g

What should your meals look like?

If you drink a daily 1Q/1L whole milk protein shake with 2 scoops of whey for many of you that will cover 1/3
of your calorie and 1/2 of protein needs for the day. If each meal contains 100g of cheese, 100g of meat, 1
cup of starch that is 750 calories and 50g of protein which is a great baseline. Add a sugary drink or whole
milk to increase calories and add cheese or meat to increase protein. Eat only foods you enjoy! This is a hard
to maintain system if the foods don’t taste good and if foods are difficult to obtain.

ReFrame Cheat Sheet
In this technique we are going to get a conflict shock memory or a memory involving a
registered threat. The purpose is to process the traumatic memory so it moves from the lizard
brain to the rational brain. Everytime we access a memory at least one of its variables will
change. We experience the present through the lens of the past or the lenses of our memories.

This can be done in trance to increase its effect or out of trance eyes opened or closed. You
can do it to yourself or have someone guide you. With truely dark traumatic memories make
sure you exercise caution and use dissociation meaning don’t experience the memory in your
own shoes but as someone watching the video of the event or dissociate even more watch you
watching you watch the video.

Rough Guidelines:
1. Get the memory to work with.
2. Where is this memory in space? Move it in front of you.
Dissociate here if memory is very traumatic…
For example… Come out of your imagery body & watch yourself watching the memory.
3. Which moment in memory has the most emotional charge?
4. What is the emotion and how intense it is on a scale of 0-10?
5. Pull that picture/frame out of the moment.
6. Feel the negative emotion and then shake your body… shake off the emotion.
7. Start to change variables to neutralize the threat.
8. Add someone to help you with the conflict even if it is a superhero or you from the future.
9. Have you travel in a time machine and tell your past self about the conflict shock.
10. What is a lesson learned from this experience?
11. What is the emotion and how intense it is on a scale of 0-10?
12. If the emotion is still intense, change more variables to neutralize the threat. Maybe there is
an earlier memory that needs to be uprooted?
13. After you are done editing the image. Move the frame away from you. Then ask yourself
what do you want to do with the frame… then do it.
14. Done!

Variables to play with (We can do anything with this memory! Anything!)
- Upload vital info to your past self’s brain - Add/remove people involved
- Change weather - Change hue/color tone
- Add/remove sound effects - Add/remove music
- Make image bigger or smaller - Change clothing of people
- Beat someone up - Change temperature

- Change emotions experienced - Change ego state that shows up

ReWind Cheat Sheet
In this technique we are going to get a conflict shock memory or a memory involving a
registered threat. The purpose is to process the traumatic memory so it moves from the lizard
brain to the rational brain. Everytime we access a memory at least one of its variables will
change. We experience the present through the lens of the past or the lenses of our memories.

This can be done in trance to increase its effect or out of trance eyes opened or closed. You
can do it to yourself or have someone guide you. With truely dark traumatic memories make
sure you exercise caution and use dissociation meaning don’t experience the memory in your
own shoes but as someone watching the video of the event or dissociate even more watch you
watching you watch the video.

Rough Guidelines:
1. Get the memory to work with and imagine you are sitting at a computer with a video editor.
2. Where is this memory in space? Move it into the video editor.
3. Imagine coming out of your body and now you are watching yourself edit the video.
4. Tell the editor you to play the video and stop at the most emotional moment?
5. What was the emotion? How intense was it on a scale from 0-10? Shake it off.
6. Start to change variables to neutralize the threat.
7. Add someone into the video to help you with the conflict even if it is a superhero or you from the future.
8. Have you travel in a time machine and tell your past self about the conflict shock.
9. What is a lesson learned from this experience?
10. Play the edited clip. Then rewind it. Imagine the funny voices & movements of the rewind. Repeat 3 times.
11. How intense is the emotion now on a scale from 0-10? Shake it off.
12. Move into the editor's seat and play the clip in fast forward & rewind 3 times.
13. How intense is the emotion now on a scale from 0-10? Shake it off.
14. Move into yourself inside the video and play the clip in fast forward & rewind 3 times.
15. Compile the video file and store it anywhere you would like.
Note: Feel free to make edits any time you wish between plays and rewinds.

Variables to play with (We can do anything with this memory! Anything!)
- Upload vital info to your past self’s brain - Add/remove people involved
- Change weather - Change hue/color tone
- Add/remove sound effects - Add/remove music
- Make image bigger or smaller - Change clothing of people
- Beat someone up - Change temperature
- Change emotions experienced - Change ego state that shows up

EFT Tapping Cheat Sheet
In this technique we are going to get a conflict shock memory or a memory involving a
registered threat. The purpose is to process the traumatic memory so it moves from the lizard
brain to the rational brain. Everytime we access a memory at least one of its variables will
change. We experience the present through the lens of the past or the lenses of our memories.

Tapping locations

Rough Guidelines:
1. Get a memory or registered threat.
2. Craft tapping statement: ex… Everytime someone says something stupid I get angry
3. What was the emotion? How intense was it on a scale from 0-10?
4. Tap while saying the tapping statement.
5. Recraft tapping statements to neutralize threats or make it a good thing if possible.
Ex.. I have a higher IQ than the average person. When I see evidence of this I will remain
humble, remain pleasant and continue.
6. Tap while saying the tapping statement.
7. How intense was it on a scale from 0-10?
8. If the emotion is still intense keep recrafting the tapping statement and tap while saying a
new statement. Until the intensity goes to 0. If it won’t go to 0 then maybe there is an earlier
memory that needs to be uprooted.

EFT tapping can be used very loosely. I have seen people tap while trying to search for past
traumatic memories and registered threats to work on or while crafting their new statements.

Master Cheat Sheet
Step 1: Understand Your Gut & Mind
Crohn’s/Colitis starts with a conflict shock which is an unexpected stressful event you dealt
with in isolation. While the conflict is active, your intestines will develop extra gut cells to help
you digest and absorb the conflict. When the conflict gets resolved, your body removes these
extra gut cells and this is a painful process. This turns into Crohn’s/Colitis if the conflict
frequently relapses or if haunted by the conflict.

Your brain's main task is to survive: avoid things that decrease survival and seek things that
increase survival. Something is good if it increases our survival and produces positive
emotions. Something is bad if it decreases our survival and produces negative emotions. An
emotion is an internal force that moves us away from bad things and towards good things.

When we experience trauma (conflict shock), we see physical changes in the brain. Our brain
will be sensitive to things that remind us of the conflict putting the gut back into overdrive.

Step 2: Stop blaming foods and eat enough calories and protein
The physical food itself is not causing your symptoms. If you react to foods, it is because you
fear the food or it is somehow related to the conflict. Organ meats, meat, dairy and starches
give your body the most nutrients and energy. A body recovering from Crohn’s/Colitis requires
at least +2,000 calories and 1g protein per pound or 2g per kg of body weight.

Step 3: Find registered threats & beliefs that support them & initiate bad memory
Record what makes you negatively emotional. They are clues to the original conflict. Your
original conflict is the one you had before the first time you experienced symptoms and your
symptoms start when the conflict gets resolved. The digestive symptoms themselves are a
common conflict or they intensify the orginal conflict.

Step 4: Resolve Memory or Belief

To make the memory of a conflict shock change from a “bad” memory to a “good” memory…
we must reduce its bad aspects (remember the lizard brain over dramatizes negative aspects)
and increase the positive aspects. Turn it from a defeat story into one of victory. We are a
collection of memories and we see everything through a lens of the past. That lens is our past

Technique that reduce bad aspects and increase positive aspects of a bad memory:
- Reframe - Journaling - EMDR
- Rewind - Mediation
- EFT Tapping - Hypnosis
Note: These techniques only work if the correct memory is targeted.

Stimulants & Relaxants
Take great care removing certain stimulants and relaxants from your daily routine. For example,
I usually have 1 cup of coffee a day and removing that from my routine is a miserable
experience. A stimulant can become a relaxant when you are dependent on it. For example I
feel relaxed after my morning coffee.

Foods and Beverage: Coffee, black teas, kombucha, energy drinks, colas, chocolate, sugar
Herbs: Tobacco, echinacea, ginseng, cayenne pepper, guarana
Supplements: Vitamin C, B Vitamins
Medications: Corticosteroids (ex. prednisone), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ex.
aspirin), antibiotics, antihistamines, ritalin, cytostatic drugs (ex. intravenous chemotherapy
agents, methotrexate)
Misc: Fast music, cold showers, negative stimuli

Foods: Soy products, rice, potatoes
Herbs: Green tea, hops, chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, ashwagandha, CBD
Medications: Beta blockers (blocks adrenaline), ACE inhibitors (relaxes blood vessels),
vasodilators, anti-epileptic drugs, antispasmodics (muscle relaxants), sedatives (ex. morphine),
tranquilizers (ex. valium)
Misc: Physical touch, weighted blankets, sun exposure, grounding, slow music, positive stimuli

I recommend natural supplements over synthetic but get away from this OCD mindset that
everything is trying to kill you. If Amazon.com isn’t in your area… then iHerb.com and
LuckyVitamin.com are great alternatives.

High Recommended Supplements

Digestive Enzymes: Enzymedica, MassZymes or Pure Encapsulations
Ox Bile or Bile Salts
Stomach Acid Supplement: I prefer Raw Apple Cider Vinegar to HCl
Organ capsules: Ancestral Supplements or Natural Sources on iHerb
Absorbents: Enterosgel or Psyllium Husks or activated charcoal
Vitamin C Complex: Rose hip tea or pine needle tea
Vitamin K: Duck fat or high mineral butter
Grass-Fed Whey Powder Option 1 | Option 2 (Anything works)
CBD products to help you relax

Optional Supplements
Cod Liver Oil with High Vitamin Butter
Colostrum Powder
Creatine (Mix with liquid and take with food, helps with weight gain)


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