Eia&lca 2022-23 Makaut QP

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ech Paper Code:CE(OE)802D Environmental Impact Assessment and Life cycle Analysis
UPID :008326

Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks :70

The Fiqures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidate are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question)

1. Answer any ten of the following: [1x 10 =10]
Without interpretation, Is LCA framework possible?
(1) What is EA ?
() The EIA Report iscompiled by the designated government agency. True or Faiser
Is Impact Management plans are often compulsory?
() Public consultation is a critical part of the ElA, and in some Central American countries it is mandated by
legislation. True or False?
(v) What is LCA ?
(V) Assessment of ElA has a prerequisite of and
(Vl) Is LCA must followa pre-assumed management procedure?
(X) Howmany steps are in inventory of LCA?
(X) To cope up future challenges, LCA must be compliant to
(A) The ElAreport development is the last step in terms of conducting the impact assessment done by the project
team and the involved consultants. True or False?
(XI1) What is the purpose of the "sçreening" step of EIA?

Group-B (Short Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of thefollowing: [5x3 = 15 ]
2 Describe base-line study.
3. Define data. Describe classification of data.
4 How are legal aspects kept in ElA assessment as an objective of EIA solely? (5)
5. Describe screening in EIA study.
6. Describe scoping as method of EIAstudy. [5)
Group-c (Long Answer Type Question)
Answer any three of the following : [15 x 3 = 45]
7. Describe feasibility of legal aspect in ElA reporting. [15 )
8 Differentiate between base-line study and scoping.
9. Why publicparticipation is important in EIA? Discuss in detail the procedure for public hearing in an EIA.
[ 15 ]
10. How is qualitative study in EIA analysis done with data collection?
11. Describe any two methods in detail for ElA.
[15 ]


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