Shafer's Textbook of Oral Pathology 9th Edition William G Shafer Full Chapter

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Shafer's Textbook of Oral Pathology 9th

Edition William G Shafer

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− Bookm 52:342 Ja ’21 360w
N Y Evening Post p10 N 6 ’20 100w

“The plot, which is rather simple, at times dovetails in too

smoothly to convince the reader. But once it gets fairly under way it
carries the reader along without a hitch, to the very end.”

+ − N Y Times p18 N 7 ’20 500w

Reviewed by Caroline Singer

Pub W 98:1194 O 16 ’20 320w

HAMILTON, COSMO. His friend and his wife. il

*$1.75 (3c) Little


A story of the Quaker Hill colony, an exclusive residential

community within commuting distance of New York. Julian Osborn
has been unfaithful to his wife and Margaret Meredith to her
husband, but in the divorce proceedings a false alibi is provided for
Margaret and she returns to her husband, resolved to be a model
wife and mother henceforward. Julian and Daisy Osborn are also
reconciled, and altho Daisy knows the truth, as do several other
people, she joins in the conspiracy to shield Bob Meredith. Their
plans are upset however. Mary Miller, the girl who out of gratitude to
Margaret had sworn herself to be the guilty party, becomes engaged
to one of the colony’s popular young men and the wife of the lawyer
who arranged this false testimony, herself a malicious gossip, tells
the truth. Tragedy is averted and affairs are settled to everyone’s

“Readable as Mr Hamilton’s style is, it must be admitted that he is

not without his difficulties. It must be confessed that there is tedium
in the triteness of some of his ideas and situations.” D. L. M.

+ − Boston Transcript p4 My 12 ’20 500w

“The background, cleverly and entertainingly sketched, is very

much better than the overdrawn story.”

+ − Ind 103:323 S 11 ’20 40w

“Utterly unconvincing story.”

− N Y Times 25:237 My 9 ’20 350w

“Mr Hamilton’s story moves swiftly and keeps the reader intent on
the disentangling of the threads. Two characters stand out clearly—
the self-made inventor and the worldly-wise, kindly woman who
dominates her little circle.” H. Dick

+ Pub W 97:994 Mr 20 ’20 180w

+ The Times [London] Lit Sup p442 Jl 8
’20 180w
Elizabethan Ulster. *$6 Dutton 941.5

(Eng ed 20–655)

“‘Elizabethan Ulster’ is an account of the stormy days of that Irish

province during the reign of Elizabeth of England. Ulster then was in
continuous strife with one or another—and occasionally practically
all—of the great Irish chieftains, who resisted the English attempt to
overrun and colonize their lands. The greater part of the book is
given over to the rebellion of the three Hughs—O’Neil, O’Donnell and
Macguire—in which most of the chiefs participated. The movement is
traced in detail from its earliest stages until after the battle of
Kinsale. The closing chapters deal with a few later and weaker revolts
and the flight of the Ulster Earls, Tyrone and Tyrconnell, to the
continent in the reign of King James.”—Springf’d Republican

Ath p415 My 30 ’19 120w

+ Boston Transcript p8 Je 5 ’20 550w

Reviewed by Preserved Smith

Nation 110:555 Ap 24 ’20 500w

“It is a dull thing that he has given us, but not without its value.
The chief fault of his work is his obvious inability to think himself
back into an environment and a mode of life quite different from that
of the year 1920.” H. L. Stewart
+ − Review 2:284 Mr 20 ’20 320w

“Every student of the history of Ulster must obtain this most

valuable handbook. The publishers have, however, been so remiss as
to send it out without either an index or even a table of contents.”

+ − Sat R 127:634 Je 28 ’19 420w

“Lord Ernest Hamilton’s handling of the subject is throughout

wonderfully impartial; there are one or two generalizations which
betray the side to which his feelings incline him, but he allows no
personal prepossessions to interfere with an unbiassed presentation
of the facts. The defects of his book are only incidental.”

+ − Spec 122:700 My 31 ’19 1700w

+ Springf’d Republican p10 Je 22 ’20

“The atmosphere of war-time journalism has penetrated Lord

Ernest’s historical study, and even his phraseology has occasionally

+ − The Times [London] Lit Sup p332 Je 19

’19 1500w

“‘Elizabethan Ulster’ fails, and partially for lack of the qualities of

imagination and felicity of phrase.”

− Yale R n s 10:209 O ’20 150w

Vanished pomps of yesterday. *$4 (4c) Doran

(Eng ed 20–10129)

This is the second and revised edition of “some random

reminiscences of a British diplomat.” His official duties took the
author to Rome, Austria, Russia, Germany, Portugal, Brazil and
Paraguay and he chats pleasantly of the life he saw. On the pomp and
circumstance, the glitter and glamour of the three great courts of
eastern Europe the curtain has now been rung down definitely, is his
final verdict. There is an index.

+ Booklist 17:84 N ’20

“Seldom does one find a book more completely enjoyable than this
collection of the random memories of a British diplomat. It is an
ideal companion for an idle hour—an excellent article for suitcase or
bedside table—a mine of precious anecdotes.”

+ N Y Times 25:28 Jl 11 ’20 1900w

“His volume really deserves the reviewer’s conventional praise of

being impossible to lay down, if once begun. It is as fascinating as it
is informing.” Archibald MacMechan

+ Review 3:348 O 20 ’20 900w

“The Russian chapters are the best in this engaging chronicle.”

+ Spec 123:815 D 13 ’19 1800w

+ Springf’d Republican p6 Je 29 ’20 800w

“There is nothing either indiscreet or malicious in his narrative; for

all his lightness of touch, it is concerned with essentials, not with
accidents; with conditions that were the growth of centuries, not with
moods that are ephemeral; and its interest is permanent rather than

+ The Times [London] Lit Sup p644 N 13

’19 800w


MONTEITH. Gallipoli diary. 2v il *$10 Doran

(Eng ed 20–10127)

The author gives as his reason for keeping a diary during the
Gallipoli campaign, his experiences with the Royal commission after
the South African war. Never again would he trust his military
memory without the black and white of his diary. It was a help to him
in his work at the time, and he expects it to be his justification before
the verdict of his comrades. Volume one dates from March 1915 to
July 1915 and volume two from July to October 1915. There are
illustrations, maps and an index.
“It is not so much for its literary qualities—for these have been a
little exaggerated—that the book is one to read, but for the insight
which it gives into a mind extremely sensitive to impressions not
only of actual experience, but of the imagination. What he calls ‘the
detachment of the writer’ enabled him to look at his force, his
superiors, his subordinates, and, above all, himself, as elements in a
stirring picture.” O. W.

+ Ath p795 Je 18 ’20 1500w

“It is a tragical story Sir Ian tells, but tells with all the art of a poet
and the precision of a soldier.” W. S. B.

+ Boston Transcript p12 D 8 ’20 1700w

“Sir Ian exposes the system he represents in its horrible imbecility.

His ‘Diary’ has changed the barrenness of disaster into a world
service. As a member of the tribunal he selects, I vote for his
acquittal.” W: J. M. A. Maloney

+ Nation 111:sup653 D 8 ’20 2000w

“It is the personal narrative of the failure of a great man in a great

adventure. It is history more enthralling than any fiction.” F. L.

+ N Y Times p9 N 7 ’20 1900w

“As the reader turns page after page of these volumes he may be
surprised to find that he is getting not only a valuable narration of a
particularly interesting campaign; he will find that the military man
who writes the account is frequently capable of brilliantly
atmospheric and poetic text.”

+ Outlook 127:32 Ja 5 ’21 130w

“For the general public the greatest charm of his diary lies in its
characterizations of great leaders like Kitchener and Churchill, and
its sketches of the principal officers of the expedition. At the same
time military experts will find in its pages much new and valuable
material by way of criticism of war policy.”

+ R of Rs 62:671 D ’20 150w

“We confess that, while the matter of the narrative absorbs our
interest, we are repelled by the slangy style in which it is written.”

+ − Sat R 129:518 Je 5 ’20 1400w

Spec 124:762 Je 5 ’20 1400w

HAMMOND, ARTHUR. Pictorial composition

in photography. il *$3.50 (7c) Am. photographic pub.
co. 770


This work by the associate editor of American Photography takes

up such subjects as spacing, mass, linear perspective, line
composition applied to figure studies, tones in portraiture, etc. A
knowledge of elementary principles is taken for granted and for the
technical and scientific aspects of photography the reader is referred
to other volumes in the series. The author’s purpose here is “to try to
point out to the artist in photography some of the universally
recognized rules of composition, and to give as much practical help
as is possible in dealing with a phase of artistic work in which the
personal equation is so important a factor.” (Chapter 1) The book is
beautifully illustrated with forty-nine pictures from photographs.

“The simple, common-sense suggestions about picture-making in

this book, backed as they are by thorough technical knowledge and
wide experience, will make the volume of real, practical use to
ambitious amateur photographers. The ‘soft-focus’ illustrations
hardly do justice to the text.”

+ − Outlook 125:715 Ag 25 ’20 50w

“Nothing that the most ambitious worker may need is omitted by

the author, whose equipment for the self-imposed task is remarkably
complete. Modesty and self-repression, rather than egotism and
presumption, characterize the mental attitude of the author
throughout his engrossing volume.”

+ Photo-Era 45:104 Ag ’20 760w

HAMMOND, DARYN. Golf swing, the Ernest

Jones method. il *$3 Brentano’s 796

(Eng ed 20–16277)

“Mr Hammond sets forth the views of Ernest Jones, the

Chislehurst professional, on the golf swing, and they certainly
deserve a sympathetic and attentive hearing, because Jones’s swing
has stood the severest possible test. In March, 1916, he lost his right
leg just below the knee, in France.... His new gospel, very briefly put,
is that the golfer should first get a clear ‘mental picture’ of the shot he
wants to play, then concentrate his mind entirely on the right action
of hands and fingers, and let everything else take care of itself.”—The
Times [London] Lit Sup

“The book is an interesting contribution to the theory of golf, but,

in our opinion at least, it is too narrow in its range, and too
exhaustive in that range, for a satisfactory volume of instruction.” B.
R. Redman

+ − N Y Evening Post p12 D 4 ’20 110w

+ Springf’d Republican p8 Je 19 ’20 130w
(Reprinted from The Times [London] Lit
Sup p287 My 6 ’20)

“Despite its reiterations the book contains much that is interesting

as well as original.”

+ The Times [London] Lit Sup p287 My 6

’20 250w


BRETON HAMMOND). Skilled labourer, 1760–
1832. *$4.50 (*12s 6d) Longmans 330.942

“A companion volume to the valuable works by the same writers

on ‘The village labourer’ and ‘The town labourer.’ In the latter they
described the new life of town and factory introduced by the
industrial revolution; they now give the history during the same
period of particular bodies of skilled workers:—Miners of the Tyne;
The cotton workers; The woollen and worsted workers; The
Spitalfields silk weavers; The frame work knitters; The Nottingham,
Lancashire, and Yorkshire Luddites.”—The Times [London] Lit Sup

“This story is not new: but the full and authoritative account of it
is, and the historian may here find source-material for which he
might otherwise search many weary months. The authors have done
their work well. One wishes that they might have been a little less
liberal, in the more technical sense of that word, in their attitude
toward the ruling classes of the early nineteenth century.” W. P. Hall

+ − Am Hist R 26:324 Ja ’21 800w

“Despite the singularly felicitous style which is the endowment of

the Hammonds, and despite the human interest of the book, it will
not, probably, prove as charming to the general reader as ‘The village
labourer.’” W. F. Woodring

+ − Am J Soc 26:364 N ’20 1050w

“Unfortunately there is not much information concerning the

relation of labor to the development of English politics during the
period prior to the great reform statute, although this aspect of
things is not wholly neglected.”
+ − Am Pol Sci R 14:362 My ’20 110w

“There can be no question as to the very great merits of Mr and

Mrs Hammond’s achievement. They have deservedly taken their
place in the front rank of social or industrial historians. Their work is
conscientious, scholarly, well written, of the greatest interest and the
highest importance, and they have the instinct of the born
‘researcher.’ The authors are, however, content to let the facts speak
for themselves.” L. W.

+ − Ath p76 Ja 16 ’20 1800w

“In view of the present industrial disturbances this intensive study

of an earlier upheaval, written with interesting fact upon interesting
fact, is illuminating.”

+ Booklist 17:12 O ’20

“The whole work is a splendid example of enlightened industry

and painstaking care, and takes its place immediately among the
great classics of English sociological literature.”

+ Cath World 111:404 Je ’20 290w

+ Dial 68:671 My ’20 100w

“The book is more impartial in its discussion of social questions

than the two earlier volumes of the series; though the introduction,
which describes the England of the period in terms of ‘civil war,’ is
surely an exaggeration.”
+ Eng Hist R 35:624 O ’20 390w

“Brilliant volume. It is in no way inferior to its predecessors, than

which there is hardly greater praise.” H. J. Laski

+ Nation 110:594 My 1 ’20 200w

Sat R 129:188 F 21 ’20 1350w

“Readers who bear in mind the course of politics and of the

Napoleonic wars will have in this book a really instructive
commentary, from the workman’s standpoint, on the revolution then
proceeding in British industry.”

+ Spec 124:243 F 21 ’20 1000w

Springf’d Republican p8 F 7 ’20 90w

“Its timeliness quite apart, this history is one of the most

fascinating ever written—perhaps because it renders articulate the
masses of toiling people by fitting into a large, animated picture the
thoughts, actions and sufferings of obscure individuals; perhaps also
because it explains these chronicles with skilful and sympathetic
psychological search for motives and current beliefs. It cannot be
recommended too warmly.” B. L.

+ Survey 44:313 My 29 ’20 140w

The Times [London] Lit Sup p771 D 18
’19 80w
The Times [London] Lit Sup p95 F 12
’20 1950w


labor conditions and legislation during the war. *$1
Oxford; pa gratis Carnegie endowment for
international peace 331

One of the Preliminary economic studies of the war issued by the

Carnegie endowment for international peace. Contents: The social
background: English industry and labor at the outbreak of the war;
Industrial panic and readjustment; The government and the trade
unions; The munitions of war acts; The supply and distribution of
labor; The dilution of labor; Wages, cost of living, hours of labor,
welfare work and unemployment; Industrial unrest; Industrial
reconstruction; Index. The author is professor of economics, Ohio
state university, and was a member of the United States food

Reviewed by Edith Abbott

+ Am Econ R 10:841 D ’20 160w

“This is a useful compilation but not altogether a mature treatment

of the subject. The garnering has been conscientiously done, and the
presentation is full, informing, and lucid.” H. L. Gray

+ − Am Hist R 25:550 Ap ’20 400w

Reviewed by E. H. Sutherland

+ Am J Soc 26:370 N ’20 150w

Ath p353 Mr 12 ’20 100w
“We cannot help feeling that Professor Hammond could have
added a great deal to the value of his book without unduly enlarging
its bulk if he had relied less complacently on the material which he
found ready to his hand. His work gives no indication of far-reaching
research or first-hand acquaintance with British conditions. Yet it
has considerable merit. It is clear and easy in style and remarkably
unbiased.” G. S.

+ − Ath p442 Ap 2 ’20 500w

“An interesting preliminary survey written in an uncritical

historical way.”

+ Booklist 16:262 My ’20

Reviewed by C. C. Plehn

+ Nation 111:379 O 6 ’20 190w

“The volume gives a documentary history of the reactions of the

war on labor in England which future students will find invaluable.”
H. W. L.

+ Socialist R 8:252 Mr ’20 100w

“Within its limits the present study is of the highest value. The
present reviewer has found it accurate on the matters he happens to
know about, and sufficiently detailed to make clear the intentions of
the legislature even on comparatively small points.” B. L.

+ Survey 43:781 Mr 20 ’20 300w

HAMSUN, KNUT. Hunger. *$2.50 (3½c) Knopf


The book has been translated from the Norwegian by George

Egerton and has an introduction by Edwin Björkman. It is an epic of
hunger. A young writer has fallen on evil days and is condemned to
long spells of hunger between the acceptances of articles now and
then by some paper. The physical privations he undergoes are only
casually described but the psychology of hunger is enlarged upon
with distressing detail. There is black despair suddenly replaced by
fantastic mirth, clear mental vision by hallucinations and delirium,
complete lassitude by sudden spurts of energy, morbid sensitiveness
about his condition by brazen affrontery and mendacity.

“The work belongs to the naturalist movement of thirty years ago.

Its belated appearance in America may be excused on the ground
that no public could have been found for it earlier.” E. P.

+ Dial 70:106 Ja ’21 70w

+ Nation 112:122 Ja 26 ’21 200w

“Its artistic quality is indisputable. The book is very real, very frank
—distressingly and shockingly frank, some persons will no doubt
consider it. But none can deny that it is life, genuine, if appalling.”

+ N Y Times p20 D 12 ’20 1000w

“There are occasional gleams of light, hints of humor, which

relieve the tense and depressing atmosphere of a book at once
repellent and compelling, highly imaginative and profoundly true.”
R. F. Eliot

+ Pub W 98:1884 D 18 ’20 300w

“‘Hunger’ is an extraordinary book, to be read with one’s faculties

alert, quickened to a difficult understanding of a supernormal human

+ Springf’d Republican p8 D 7 ’20 490w


center. (Teacher training ser.) $1.52 Silver 374.28


In 1913 the author prepared “A handbook for community meetings

at rural schoolhouses” for the use of West Virginia school teachers.
The wide and continued demand for this work has led her to treat the
subject more comprehensively in the present book. “The aim has
been to emphasize strongly two things which the author believes to
be fundamental in any plan that may be followed in the improvement
of rural life conditions: (1) The redirection of rural forces must be
effected by the rural people themselves; (2) for the present, and
probably for a good many years to come, the active work of such
redirection must be carried on mainly by means of community
activities centering around the school.” (Author’s preface) Contents:
The community center and the world war; Leadership and the
community center; The community center idea; The enjoyment of
leisure; Recreation; Social capital—its development and use; The
community center as an aid to teaching; First steps in the community
center; Special school programs; Miscellaneous activities within the
community center; Entertainment programs for community
meetings; Country life programs. Each chapter is followed by
exercises. There is a general bibliography, in addition to occasional
references in the text, and the book is indexed.

Booklist 17:13 O ’20

“Altogether, a most helpful little book, suggestive and with good

references for further study.”

+ Survey 44:308 My 29 ’20 120w


(STUDENT IN ARMS, pseud.). Letters of Donald
Hankey. il *$2.50 Revell


These human documents, as letters by the author of “A student in

arms” can be called, are published as a tribute of love to one who
sleeps in France. The introduction and notes are by Edward Miller,
whose glowing picture of a loving personality adds an interest to the
letters which, although written for the most part to his family and
intimate friends, “run up and down the whole gamut of life.” Here
and there are pen and ink sketches reproduced from the letters and
charming features of the book are several facsimile letters to nephew
and niece. Contents: The subaltern, 1904–1906; The undergraduate,
1907–1910; The traveller, July 1910–July 1912; The emigrant 1912–
13; One of the immortal hundred thousand, 1914–1916.

+ Ath p1354 D 12 ’19 90w

+ Booklist 16:278 My ’20
Nation [London] 26:866 Mr 20 ’20
+ Outlook 125:541 Jl 21 ’20 160w
R of Rs 61:559 My ’20 80w

“Let us say at once that the first impression on the reader is that
Hankey in his letters falls below the high literary inspiration which
he displays in a ‘Student in arms.’ Yet the letters if they do not on the
surface display the same quality as the essays, reveal when carefully
studied a nature free, noble, and humane, combined with a
truthfulness deeply impressive from its singular intensity.”

+ − Spec 123:860 D 20 ’19 1900w

“The author’s religion was very rational and wholesome and very
advanced in thought for so young a man. Here and there he drops a
comment on religion that would be worthy of the profoundest

+ Springf’d Republican p6 Jl 12 ’20 250w

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