Introduction To Design by Halo Design Academy

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Halo Design Academy


Design of
Graphic & UI/UX Design School
Design. Not Decoration
Halo Design Academy

The moment you hear the word design what strikes your mind? Any decorative pattern or some fashion material, beautiful
architecture, or a concept automotive. If that is what you associate “design’ with then you are not completely right.

But that is not your mistake. That is what has been fed inti our mind since we were all young.

What's not
Whenever someone sees or describes a beautiful thing, they always used the word
“design” and we all mis-conceptualized design with beauty or good looking.
Halo Design Academy

Whereas the dictionary
meaning of design suggests
“to plan". When they say it
is design? happened by design, they
Putting it in clearer and crisp words design mean that everything that
means building or planning something to serve
a purpose. happened was pre-planned.
So, design does not
emphasize only on aesthetics
but also functionality.
Halo Design Academy

Other Definitions
of design
Other definitions of design are creative solutions for problems and organize about how everything fits and
works together in harmony. Design is a practical approach to being ideas into shape or life. Design is a tangible
solution to make innovation suitable to real life scenarios.

Design is creativity deployed to achieve a specific purpose.

Halo Design Academy

Design of
daily objects
Pen caps often show resistance when closing due to a
combination of factors related to the pen's design and

This is because when you overcome the resistance with
force you can understand that the pen is closed. If there
would have been no resistance while closing the pen
with its cover you cannot confirm whether you have
closed the pen.
Halo Design Academy

Design of Design

daily objects
Whenever you switch on a button pen you hear a sound "tik", and when you switch it of you
hear a sound "tak".

The sound tik the pen communicates the message that the pen is on even without you looking
at it. Similarly the sound tak is to convey that the pen is closed. The button is also longer when
the pen is o and shorter when the pen is on to tell the user the state of the pen through his or
her touch sense.

Halo Design Academy

Design of
daily objects
what design is, normal electrical switches or buttons in electrical
appliances. Why do these power buttons in electrical appliances
have a LED bulb in them that glows?

Because these LED bulbs glow only when the electrical
appliance is "on". So, this helps the electrical appliance is on or
o .
Halo Design Academy

Design of
daily objects

Design Reason
Why is the volume button in car store sets large and the volume So that the driver can easily grab control the volume even
control is rotatory action? without looking or searching for it while he is still driving and
concentrating/looking at the road.
Halo Design Academy

Design of
daily objects
Why does then even makes a beep once the baking or cooking is

It is to indicate the user that he baking/cooking is done while
he/she is doing other stu s.
Design of
daily objects
How many of you have wondered why is the handle of a teapot
placed exactly opposite to its spout?

So that the user can easily life and pour tea into a cup whereas
placing the handle perpendicular or in the same direction as
the spout does not gives that much ease of use.

Halo Design Academy

Halo Design Academy

What design mean?

Once an engineering student designed an automatic co ee vending machine to sell co ee
in train. But when it came to practical scenario the co ee vending machine had a problem.
The co ee filled in the cups overflowed and spilled due to the vibrations in the moving train.

So, in order to rectify this problem small springs absorbed and dissipated all the vibrations
caused by the moving train and now the co ee in the cups did not get spilled. Basically,
those spring acted like shock – absorbers in vehicles.

Design is not how something looks

Design is how something works
Design is not decoration
Costume design Fashion design Game design
Di erent
of design
Graphic design Interaction design Industrial design

Halo Design Academy

Di erent
Sound design Urban design UI-UX design

of design
Web design Interior design Jewellery design

Halo Design Academy

Di erent Landscape design Learning design Product design

of design
Stage design Yacht design Architecture
Halo Design Academy
Halo Design Academy

Content is the message conveyed to the audience. Form

Form and content is how that message is placed or arranged in the given

In design
When it comes
to design

Both form and content should go hand in hand and an

equilibrium should be maintained between them.
When form
is important?
Just imagine a song with great lyrics but bad music.
Would anybody listen to it? For sure no one would mind
it even.

But an opposite scenario of bad lyrics with good music,

still it will perform better than the previous case.

In the case the form takes more importance than the contents.

Halo Design Academy

Halo Design Academy

Now in this case let us compare between a badly designed book with bad contents.
Obviously the badly designed book with great contents will perform better on sales

When content
than the other one because everyone will read the book for sure before buying it and
once, they get a positive impression about it they are going to buy it for sure.

is important?
In this case content takes the front seat ahead of forms
Halo Design Academy

When form
content used?
If a brochure must be designed for a real estate developer to help sell houses, then the contents
and the form of the brochure both should be great, because is to be placed among a few other
brochures in a real estate exhibition then it has to really stared out and attract the audience eyes
only then it will be picked.

After getting picked if the audience must be impressed and proceed further then great contents
only can do it. Nobody is going to get an apartment just because their brochure looks good.

In this case both forms and contents complement each other.

Thank you
Halo Design Academy

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