You Are The Brand

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You are the

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r e t h e B r a n d !
Yo u a
e t h e b r a n d ?
W hy y o u a r

Samp l e c a s e
You are the
• Do you know that you are the one who shapes
how our brand is perceived in our customers'

• Our vision, mission, core values, and strategic

priorities are truly going to come to life by

• You are the friendly face behind the services,

the creative mind behind the solutions, and
the teammate who makes it all happen.

• You are how Ethio telecom would act and

speak as a person,
Thin k About it!

When a customer The products and

calls, they're talking services we deliver
to you. are made possible
by you.

When someone walks To keep the whole

through our doors, engine running, fuel is
they greet you. mandatory, which is you.

You have the power to shape how our brand is perceived by our customers.
You are
are the
the face
face of
of the
the company
You represent
represent the
you are
the brand?

the company
company culture
You are the one who directly interacts with The way employees treat one other and
customers. Your attitude, knowledge about Ethio approach their work reflects the company’s
telecom, and helpfulness all directly impact a culture. A positive and collaborative culture
customer's perception of the brand. Your actions translates into a stronger and more trustworthy
define the brand reputation. brand.

You are
are the
the brand
brand Ambassador
Ambassador You
You deliver
deliver the
the brand
brand promise
You are the most powerful brand advocator. A company's brand is built on a promise about
When you are passionate about your work and quality, service, or innovation. You are the one
share positive experiences on social media or who turns those promises into reality through
through word-of-mouth, it creates a powerful your daily work. Your expertise will build trust.
and authentic brand story.
Sample CASE
Consider you are Ethio telecom sales representative at one of our service centers, a customer
approached you to inquire about the products and services that are presently offered.
However, you neglected to pay attention to him for a considerable amount of time while
having a private phone conversation.

Imagine what the customer felt, he may feel frustrated, ignored, and disrespected. He may
perceive the company as unprofessional and uncaring and decided to leave the service
center. Accordingly, he walked out without getting what he wanted. Here the customer
perceived negative experience about the company because of you. Now, think of it in the
reverse way, if you had promptly ended up the call, apologized for his long wait and actively
listened to the customer request, for sure the customer would have felt valued and

You play a crucial role inbuilding the reputation of Ethio telecom; because the company’s
culture is directly reflected in your behavior and mindset. Therefore, bear in your mind that
you can significantly contribute to maintaining the company's brand reputation through
offering superior customer services.

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