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Marketing is the performance of activities that are necessary to get the goods or services from
the producer to the customers resulting into satisfaction and realization of profits on the side of
an entrepreneur

Marketing involves a set of business activities designed to produce, use, price, promote and
distribute satisfying goods to customers

A market: Is a situation where buyers and sellers come into contact to exchange a well
defined commodity using a given medium of exchange. A good market is where there are
many people or institutions that are willing and able to buy goods and services at profitable
prices over a long period of time

Conditions necessary for exchange:

 There are at least two parties

 Each party has something of value to offer to the other party
 Each party is capable of communication and delivery
 Each party believes it is appropriate or desirable to deal with the other party
 Each party is free to accept or reject the exchange offer

Selling: Refers to the process by which one accumulates as much information about the needs
of a client as possible and presenting a solution while simultaneously marketing the company
and the product.

Differences between selling and marketing

 In marketing profits are realized through customers satisfaction while in selling profits
are realized through sales volume
 In marketing an entrepreneur converts customers’ needs into a product while in selling
the converts a product into cash
 Marketing focuses on customers’ needs while selling focuses on the sellers’ needs
 In marketing a customer enjoys supreme importance while in selling a product enjoys
 In marketing there is an integrated approach to achieve long term gains while in selling
there is fragmented approach to achieve immediate gains

The target market population:

This refers to a group of people one is supposed to sell his/her products e.g. children, men,
women, students, low or high – income earners OR This is where the likely buyers of the
entrepreneurs’ products are to be sourced or got from
Factors that determine the target market population
 Income levels of the people: Higher income earners posse high demand hence leading
to a bigger market target population and on the other hand low income levels among
people lead to low levels of demand so the lower the target market population
 Market share of the business: The bigger the market share, the bigger is the target
market population while a smaller number of customers served mean a small target
market population
 Degree of advertising: Businesses that advertise widely and extensively continuous gain
more market compared to those businesses that advertise narrowly
 Rate of competition: The higher the level of competition in the market, the smaller is
the target market population for the entrepreneur as many producers are fighting for the
same market and vice versa
 Acceptability of the target market: A product that is welcomed in the area receives a
large market than a product that the community opposes
 Trends in the market: This includes changes in population, life style, economic situation
and government policies e.g. an increase in population means increase in demand and
therefore a bigger target market population and vice versa
 Government policy as regard the product: Products that are supported by the
government gain more market than those against the government policies
 Consumption habits of the customers: smokers spend more on cigarettes; sports people
spend more on sport related activities while drunkards spend more on beer or alcohol.
This implies that a bigger market population exists when customers are addicted to
certain commodities
 Age and sex composition: Different age group requires a variety of different specified
products e.g. skirts and jean trousers are demanded mainly by teenagers and the youth
while children mostly demand toys, sweets and dolls

Marketing plan: This is a document that outlines the specific actions one intends to carry out to
meet the interest potential customers of the business product and pursue them to buy more of
the product

Advantage/benefits of a marketing plan

 It projects the marketing expenses of the business which helps in controlling the
expected marketing expenses such as market dues, advertising etc.
 It is used in sales promotion and advertising strategy decision hence helping in proper
choice of the means to be used that if effective and efficient
 It creates a rallying point i.e. it gives the team something to rally behind e.g. how much
price to charge
 It provides a chart to success i.e. it eliminates wasting time since it narrows an accurate
plan for better than no plan
 It provides a company operational instructions i.e. it is a step guide of a company’s
 It aids the selection of an appropriate distribution strategy than can help to reach all
customers hence maximizing on the sales
 It enables the entrepreneur to project the sales basing on the target market which helps
to avoid over production and wastage of resources
 It provides a room for captured thinking because it lays out a game plan that helps in
case people leave or new arrive to follow the same formation
 It helps to identify the target market hence helping in production decision which avoids
wastage of resources
 It helps an entrepreneur in developing the pricing strategies as many re identified
during the preparation of the plan basing on the nature of the customers
 It helps an entrepreneur to establish his/her competitors hence helping in knowing their
positions and their weaknesses
 It leads to top level reflection i.e. it helps in comparing the actual and planned sales and
diverse means of overcoming the challenges if any
 It shows clearly the products to be offered to the market basing on the available
resources and the type of the customers

Marketing mix: This refers the combination of the various marketing elements (inputs) used
to achieve the organization’s market objectives and satisfy the target market

Elements/components of a marketing mix

 Product: This refers to anything available to be offered to the customers for use or
consumption to satisfy their needs
 Promotion: This is any method of promotion and form of communication used to
inform, persuade and remind people about the business’ products by informing them of
the features and benefits of the product to them
 Place/distribution: This is where products are sold from and how their products are got
to the customers
 Price: This is the monetary value of the product at which the producer is offering it. It
involves the pricing strategies that help one to reach to the target profit margin
 Positioning: This element involves targeting a particular group of customers to whom
to sale the product. This can be in terms of the quality of the product in relation to
competitor’s product
 Packaging: This refers to the wrapping of products in attractive packaging materials to
add value to the product
 Planning: This refers to the process of deciding what, when, and how to produce a
particular product
 People: This involves the kind of people we employ, their competencies, attitude and
commitment towards the organization

Market segmentation

This refers to the process of dividing consumers in different groups basing on their purchasing
behaviours and reactions to promotions and communications from the company OR It is the
dividing of the market into small groups of individual markets with similar wants or needs

Basis for market segmentation

These are grounds upon which markets are divided

 Generation: This refers to people born in the same period of time, they share many
thing in common. Therefore different generations require different goods
 Demographic: Customers are segmented basing on demographic features such as age
and sex since different age groups and sex need different goods
 Discussion: Market segmented basing on the discussions are made after deliberations
whether pricing or advertising decisions are made
 Geography: Here people with similar social, economic characteristics clustered
together have similar transport and shopping options
 Geo-demographic: This aims at identifying groups of small geographic areas that have
similar demographic profiles e.g. ladies from the city visa viz those from rural areas
 Benefits sought: It is easy to segment customers basing on terms of quality, price and
brand i.e. what a customer is interested in
 Psychographic: This deals with personality, attitude and life style basis for
 Product usage: Segmentation is done basing on behviours or habit on product usage
e.g. new user or old user
 Social economic characteristics, such as education, income, occupation, help to
segment market

Reasons for market segmentation

 To meet customers’ needs and wants in a better way since every group shall have its
specified needs to address
 To allow effective communication between the enterprise and its customers and this
because businesses shall be in position to organize special messages for each different
 To create better opportunities for the company growth through identifying potential
customers since the segmentation can be done on the basis of the purchasing powers of
 To target a particular segment of the market which helps the business to effectively
address the needs of that particular group
 To reduce on marketing risks through maintaining the market e.g. risks like expiry of
the goods excessive production etc.
 To increase on the market share through the creation of a new set of customers since the
satisfied customers shall act as referrals to the new markets
 To reduce marketing costs by operating on a large scale since this helps to reduce on
the costs involved in buying a particular raw material
 To promote increased innovation through identifying new market needs this also helps
the business to improve on its creativity
 To earn higher profits by selling goods and services to new or surplus customers who
might be willing to buy goods at higher prices
 To retain more customers as businesses are able to attain customers marketing products
that appeal to the customers of different stages of life cycle


Market research is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information relating to
identification of markets and opinions of the general public about the products of the firm to
enable present and future decision making OR It’s an aid to trade by which producers come to
know what people’s opinions are regarding a particular product.

Market Assessment is the process of collecting and analyzing market information leading to
identification of market opportunities and problems OR It is the process of determining
markets for the product of a business

Procedures/ steps of carrying out market Assessment

There are basically seven (7) steps involved in effective market assessment for a given product
as explained below

 Selecting a product; i.e this involves identifying a product for which market assessment
is to be done so as to avoid poor conclusions
 Identifying the market area; i.e. this involves finding out the area or where the
assessment of a given product is going to be done
 Deciding the approach; i.e this involves selecting the appropriate approach or method to
be used in market assessment .g. Observation
 Collecting of data; i.e. this involves obtaining of information or data on the product
about the 5p’s of market assessment
 Analyzing the data; i.e. this stage involves drawing an anaylsis on the information got
so as to get its meaning
 Analyzing the market strategy; i.e. this involves identifying the possible solution to the
areas that needed improvement as per the customers response
 Assessing the feasibility and viability of the product; i.e. identifying the ability with
which the selected product can easily be produced

Objectives/Rationales/Purpose for carrying out Market Assessment or Research

Market research or assessment is done with the following aims/ objectives

 To find out the type and nature of the products preferred by customers t a given time so
that to meet their needs
 To determine the quantity/volume of the products to be purchased or put on the market
i.e. how much is likely to be bought now and in future
 To find out the quality of products customers desires to buy since customers point of
view has an influence on the quality of a given product
 To identify changing market trends that may affect the business’ sales and profit levels
presently and in the future
 To find out reactions on the prevailing prices of a given product so as to determine the
adjustments to be made if any
 To increase sales or turnover of a firm since this helps in attracting a new set of
customers which improves on the market share of the business
 To determine the best channel of distribution of goods and services for possible areas
where the direct channel is not most appropriate
 To find out and follow up the effectiveness of advertising and sales promotion
strategies of a particular product and this through interviewing
 To assess the level of competition with rival firms e.g. Crown bottlers may carryout
market research to determine how its products are competiting with those of century
bottling company
 To determine the information which can used as a basis for making future decisions
 To establish more quickly the customers likes and dislikes and their buying patterns or
 To help the business in analyzing it SWOT position in the market
 To determine the level of profitability of the product by establishing the income level of
the customers
 To find out the possibility of expanding the business i.e. studying the scope of the
future demand of the product (market share)
 To easily establish the locations of the customers and this shall help in approaching and
having direct contacts with the customers
NB: For the advantages just modify the above objectives by applying the qualifier words such
as; it helps ……, it enables ……., it facilitates …….. etc.

Methods used in collecting data for market assessment

The data to be collected under market research can be obtained by the business’ own research
efforts through the following ways (methods)

 Interviewing Method: This method is used to collect informations about customer’s

knowledge, opinions, attitudes, preferences and their buying patterns. It involves face to
face discussions between the researchers and the respondents
 Observation method: This method involves watching or observing certain factors and
features in a given market in order to arrive at a general conclusion about the entire
market. This method can be used to collect information which people don’t want to
give freely
 Questionier Method: This method involves asking respondents similar structured
questions. The questions are presented in written form and sent to respondents who are
supposed to return the questioniers after filling in the required information
 Focused group: This a method where a group of users of a particular same product
may be invited at the firm/business to help and provide thir opinion on use of that
particular product
 Sampling method: This is a method where manufacturers select an area which
reasonably represents the entire market to carry out the test using sample products. The
product is then launched on that particular area e.g. a town city or a village and research
is done there after
 Documentary review: This is a method the researchers studies the documents or
periodicals at source or data collected some time back that was over looked at the time
of collecting
 Surfing/use of internet: This is where information is gathered through surfing from
different websites from the internet. Here the business put questions on their websites
and customers access them through surfing
 SWOT analysis: This method involves collecting data by a business through gathering
information about its strength, weaknesses as well as information about opportunities
and threats from the outside environment

Sources of data for conducting market Assessment/ Research in business

There are basically six (6) sources that can provide information for market research and these
include the following
 Company employees/workers: This is one of the best sources of information about
customer’s likes and dislikes. This is because workers usually work more directly with
the customers and hear their complaints that may not reach the owners of the business
 Competitors: This is where data is collected by monitoring the activities of the
competitors in the same line of the business. This may provide important informations
bout the customer’s demands that were over looked and may be capturing a bigger
 Suppliers: This is also a good source of information for data under market assessment.
This is because they may also have close contacts with the some customers who may
want to know more about the firm as they may take him to be part of the business
 Customers: Under this method the entrepreneur talks to customers to get their feeling
about his product and ask them where improvement can made. This helps to instill
customer’s confidence in the business product
 Industrial association: This is a method where firms formed a group that helps them
to share informations and ideas. This helps each to get some good information about its
strength and weaknesses
 Company records and files; These can also be very informative to the entrepreneur if
they re looked at e.g. records relating to sales, complaints and informations where
customers live

Challenges faced when conducting market research

When trying to conduct market research for a give product, an entrepreneur may face the
following challenges among which include the following

 Language difference which make researchers to sometimes miss the information they
desire to get due to inability to communicate in the languages understood by the
different respondents
 There is a challenge of getting information from biased sample/wrong sources which
results into poor findings hence affecting business decision
 There is a challenge of insecurity/hostility in some areas which hinders effective data
collection as many respondents may not be willing to reveal facts
 There is a challenge of competitors who always sabotage effective data collection in a
way of influencing the customer’s response to the inquiries
 There is a challenge of demographic factors like population changes, age, sex etc all of
which affects the findings during market assessment
 There is a challenge of inadequate or insufficient capital / funds. His is because it is
very expensive to carryout market assessment especially to small firms with limited
capital which leaves them with no information for decision making
 There is a challenge of inadequate skills to handle data collection and this is due to
limited skilled man power to effectively and efficiently handle market research
 Inadequate communication facilities is yet another challenge faced during market
research since it makes accessibility of some areas of the country difficult due to poor
road networks
 There is a challenge of inadequate cooperation from the customers or public where by
some people refuse to answer the questions, others give wrong information while others
chase away the researchers

Sample of a questionnaire for collecting data from customers


TELL: 0702506040


Greetings from Kamu – kamu bakery enterprise. You are requested to fill for us this
questionnaire to help us in our market research programme
1.Name: ……………………………………………………………Sex: Male Female:
2.Location and address: …………………………………………………………………………….
3.How regular do u buy our bakery products?
4.In what quantities do you normally buy? Small: Medium: Large:
5.How did u come to know about Kamu – kamu bakery enterprise?
Sales Agent: Customers: media:
6.What attracts you to buy our product? Quality: Colour: Price:
7.How do you find our price? Low: Modarate: High:
8. Is the quality good? Yes: No:
9. How do you compare our bakery product with those of ure competitors?
Poor: Better: Ver good:
10. Where do you often buy our products?
Ratial out lets: Ratialers: Wholeslers: Company :
11. Is the place convinient for you? Yes: No:
10.What aspects of the product an operational methods deserve improvement?
How should we improve it?....………………………………………………………………………………….
Please thank you for sapring your time to answer our questionaire
Prepared by:

A strategy refers to a method or plan chosen to bring a desired future, such s achievement of a
goal or solution to a problem.

Marketing strategies refers to the tools that may be employed by an entrepreneur so as to

carry out his marketing effectively so as to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. These
include the following;

 Advertising: This involves the creating of awareness about the availability of the
product through different Medias like radios, TV and the press
 Networking: This tool involves sharing information and services among individuals
and groups having a common interest
 Giving free information: This tool involves giving information about business
products to customers at a free cost e.g. where to find the product, their price and
sometimes ways of handling the product
 Offering a guarantees/warrantee: This is an assurance given to customers about the
value of the product so as to win confidence e.g. a long warrantee periods creates
loyalty in minds of the customers
 Cold calling: This tool involves sending of anonymous/ various messages to customers
of whom may or may not be known to the business
 Using referrals: This is where old customers refer other customers to the business or
business to other customers usually by word of mouth.
 Using newsletters: This tool involves writing periodical reports giving news or
information about the firm’s products to special groups of customers so as to attract
their attentions

Marketing techniques used in business

These are measures or ways or activities that may be employed to carryout marketing
effectively. These activities cut across promotion, distribution and are also applicable to
selling. These techniques among others include the following

 Marketing decision making: This involves making the right decision on how to
market and distribute the products e.g. the use of direct channel or long channel
 Effective communication: This is an activity which takes place when a message sent
from one party to another has been fully understood and acted upon. Communication
can be done orally or in writing e.g Airtime sold here
 Attractive display: This involves making items of the entrepreneur known by
strategically putting and arranging them in certain positions so as to attract the
attentions and arouse the interests of the viewers
 Promotion and advertising: This refers to means used to get the message about ones
products reach the intended customers. If properly done, it boosts the sales of the
business products
 Offering price reductions: This is the deliberate attempt by the entrepreneurs to
slightly lower the prices of his /her products to encourage customers to buy. However
this is done for a specific period
 Negotiations: This involves the bargaining with customers on how best the business
products can be sold and distributed. Negotiation is important in any trading situation as
it helps to reach a mutual understanding between the two parties
 Personal selling: This involves sending a team /a group of individuals/salesmen to visit
customers in their homes offices and discuss with the about the new product sold by the
firm. This techniques is important as it involves direct interaction between the
customers and salesmen
 Favourable pricing strategies and policies: This helps the entrepreneur to capture a
wider market as well as obtaining more profits from his sales. E.g. a low price but
profitable can be charged to enable the business product penetrate the market
 Quality improvement: This helps an entrepreneur to meet the needs of the market and
therefore attain a bigger market share which results into increased sales

Marketing objectives in business

These refers to the objectives that may be followed when fixing the prices for goods and
services. This is because there some products that sell because of the price since a reasonable
pricing policy contributed to effective marketing. Therefore the marketing objectives include
the following

 Early cash recovery: This is where an entrepreneur sets a price that will lead to quick
cash recovery either because of cash needs or because of future uncertain
 Market penetration objectives: This is where an entrepreneur sets a price that is
relatively low so as to stimulate growth of the market and to increase the market share
 Market skimming objective: This is where a higher price may be set by the
entrepreneur to take advantage of the existence of buyers who attach a high
prestige/value to his product and are willing to pay a high price for the product
 Product line promotion objective: This is where the entrepreneur sets a price that
would promote his sales of a particular product and the entire product line. E.g. popular
product may be priced lower or even less so as to attract the buyers
 Satisfying objective. This where an entrepreneur sets a price that satisfies his
marketing objectives and at the same time results in realization of profits

Pricing of goods and services

This refers to the activity that involves attaching of monetary value to goods and services at
which the entrepreneur is to offer his products. Pricing is an important activity in an enterprise
as it influences the profits of an entrepreneur and it determines the consuers purchasing power

Objectives of pricing business products

 To determine the distribution of the goods and services

 To help on production decisions
 To provide an incentive for business and for market growth
 To determine the time of production
 To determine where to carry out production from
 To determine the type of technology to use in production
 To guide the entrepreneur on the amount of goods or services to be produced
 To generate reasonable revenue to the business
 To psychologically attract/ impact the customers
 To ensure better allocation of resources
 To achieve the marketing and operation goal
 To respond to changes in demand

Factors considered when pricing business products

 Marketing objectives. In this case the price set should be in line with the specific
marketing objectives of the firm that would led to overall organizational goals
 Cost of production. The higher the cost of production incurred to produce a particular
product the higher would be the price set and vice versa
 Price of the competitor. If a product has close substitute then the entrepreneur should
charge similar price or even lower than those of other entrepreneurs so as to compete
 Elasticity of demand for a given product. The entrepreneur shall charge relatively
low prices for commodities whose price elasticity of demand is elastic and relatively
higher prices for commodities with inelastic demand
 Quantity a particular customer wants to buy. When customers are able and willing
to buy in large quantities the entrepreneur shall charge low prices so as to maximize
sales and vice versa
 Nature of the product. Seasonal products like rain coats success cards and x–mass
cards are usually sold at higher prices in their season than products which are not
seasonal like soap, sugar and salt etc.
 Level of competition. Stiff competition calls for low prices so as to be able to compete
 Organization objective. For organizations with an objective of sales maximization a
lower price shall be set than when the objective is profit maximization where a higher
price shall be set
 Government policy on pricing. Under this, one has to mind about the government set
prices for some products especially the essential so as to avoid contradicting with the
government in prices

Common methods used in pricing of the business products

 Bargaining/haggling method: Here the price is determined by the discussion of the

price and other conditions between the buyers and the seller with an aim of reaching an
agreement t the price of the product
 Cost oriented pricing: This is where the price is largely set basing on the cost of
producing a particular product i.e. the higher the cost of product, the higher will be the
price set and vice versa
 Government pricing method: This is where the price is set basing on the dictated
price set by the government more so on essential products like soap sugar and salt. This
is done through price controls where the government may set either the minimum or
maximum price
 Competition oriented pricing method: This is a method of fixing prices which is
determined basically mainly on the prices of the competitors for the same/similar
products. However the price need not to the same
 Fashion oriented pricing method: This is where the prices are determined basing on
the different fashions designs or models e.g. some people prefer shoes manufactured or
designed by Bata Co. to those from other companies
 Resale price maintenance: This is a system of setting pricing by manufacturers for
retailers to sale at. Under this, producers set prices at which their products are to be sold
up to retail level. In Uganda it is common with News paper publishers
 Market forces of demand and supply: This is where prices are determined basing on
the forces of demand and supply. In this case the price is determined by the inter-play
of the market forces of demand and supply that sets the price at the point of intersection
 Auctioning/Bidding method: This is where the seller offers a product and calls for
bids/offers and anybody interested in buying is free to offer his own price. In this case
the highest bidder sets the price and eventually takes the product
 Value oriented pricing method: This is a method that is based on the value of the
product e.g. a high value commodity like gold, diamond etc. are highly priced than
other commodities
 Demand oriented pricing method: This is where the price is set basing on the price of
the competitors for the similar product
 Product bundle pricing: This is where campanies adjust their basic prices to allow for
difference in customers product and location

Customer care and relations

Customer care refers to the process by which an organization delivers its services to customers
in a way that allows the customer to access them in the most efficient fair cost effective and
humanly satisfying manner. This may refer to the system in the business project that will
maximize your customers’ satisfaction with your business product OR it is the process of
constantly and consistently meeting customers’ needs in such a way those customers feel
wanted and appreciated

Reasons for promoting customer care

 To attract a new set of customers. This is because once customers are satisfied with the
project he/she becomes the ambassador of the project
 To get feedback about the customers feeling of the product since they will have a free
ground for the interactions
 To help workers get motivated and the whole team since it results into job satisfaction
 To improve the company image and reputation as it sets an entity apart from the rest
 To increase customer loyalty over time and again since they will be appreciative for the
good care of the business towards them
 To main the old customers since they will be contented with the services of the project
which helps to maintain the market share
 To avoid wasteful advertisement since the good customers care methods can be used as
a vehicle for advertising the business image
 To improve on staff interpersonal relations thus creating or enhancing team work
communication, harmony etc. in the organization
 To reduce on the clients complaints and increase in customers suggestions since
satisfied customers cause less stress
 To increase the business sales and eventually profits and this may be used for business
expansion and development
 To put the business at a competitive edge or advantage over all firms hence helping it to
out compete them
 To improve on the relationship with business customers and this may increase on the
customers demand for the product
 To inform new customers about the availability of the product and this may be through
the clear communication made by the business
 To make the business popular and also acquire good will which helps the business to
beat off its competitors
 To promote publicity of an enterprise which helps to gain reputation in the general
 To persuade customers to buy the business products instead of buying those of its

Manifestation or ways of showing/ ensuring good customer care

 Through being honest to customers i.e. being trustworthy while handling business
transactions with customers and suppliers
 Through handling customers complaints well e.g. under weight, over priced products,
wrong size and contamination
 Through offering prompt and excellent services to customers i.e. servicing them
whenever they show interest demand for the goods
 Through being clear while communicating to customers e.g. in advertisements like All
airtime sold here
 Through extending credit facilities to trustworthy customers so as to allow them have
the product before immediate payments are made
 Through offering occasional price reductions or discounts to customers especially
those who have bought goods in large quantities
 By constantly improving on the quality of the business products regularly depending
on the market demands
 By having knowledge about the products i.e. having the ability to explain the
customers informations concerning the products such as its use and handling
 Through being pleasant i.e. liking and doing the job with happiness especially through
verbal and non-verbal communications
 Through providing waiting benches in case clients are normally many in number e.g. in
a service type of business
 By being tactful in handling difficult situation e.g. I case there has been a
misunderstanding between business workers and customers
 Through welcoming customers’ suggestions, opinions, criticisms through a dialogue so
as to reach a win-win situation for either sides
 Through offering after sales services to customers e.g. offering packing and delivery
services to customers

Indicators of good customer care in business

 Increase in the business sales

 Increase in business profits
 Decrease in advertising costs
 Increase in the market share i.e. number of customers
 Repeated purchases by the customers
 Availability of the after sales services
 Presence of the suggestion box for the customers and other visitors
 Giving of the discounts to the customers who actually buy in large quantities
 Presence of honesty to the customers


This is a study conducted to find out whether customers are satisfied with the product or not
Ways of establishing whether the customers are satisfied
 Through face to face interactions i.e. asking how what they think about the product
 Through calling them on phone
 Through mailing them questionnaire
 By emailing them customer satisfaction guide
 Bt emailing them an invitation to take a customer satisfaction survey

Sample of a consumer satisfaction survey guide

TEL: 0770439067
“Where quality matters”
Consumer satisfaction survey guide

Greetings from Kamu compures dealers in computer accessories. We are on a company of

establishing customers level of satisfaction with our products. You are requested to fill this
form to helps us obtain this information

Name: ……………………………………………………………… Sex: male Female

Location and address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

How regular do you buy computer accessories from Kamu computers


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