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Belmont University

Department of Sport Science

Exercise Science
WEL 1600.80: Health & Fitness Concepts

Course Information:
Course: WEL 1600.80 – Health & Fitness Concepts
Semester: Spring 2019 (First 8 Weeks)
Meeting Time: Thursdays from 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Location: SSC 202
CRN Number: 21637
Credit Hours: 2

Instructor Information:
Name: Miller Chandler
Contact Information:
Telephone: (615) 473-2452
Office Hours: by appt.

Course Description:
This course is intended as an introduction to the world of health and fitness. The desired
outcome is to create an environment that inspires students to participate in physical activity for a
lifetime and to gain appropriate knowledge as it pertains to becoming a ‘fit’ individual. Students
will become familiar with all aspects of physical fitness, fitness testing, nutrition, stress
management, weight management and wellness. The components of fitness will be explored and
the student will learn to design and implement a personal fitness program. In addition, the nine,
interrelated dimensions of wellness will be discussed at length.

Course Objectives:
1. List and explain the components of physical fitness.
2. Discuss and understand the basic principles of physical training and understand the purpose
of physical exercise.
3. The student will evaluate his/her level of fitness.
4. Design a personalized exercise program that can be of benefit throughout life.
5. Discuss the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
6. Describe methods for assessing and developing muscular strength and endurance.
7. Define flexibility and list the physical benefits of flexibility training.
8. Explain the relationship between body composition and wellness.
9. List some personal causes of stress and discuss how their effects can be prevented or
10. List the risk factors for heart disease.
11. Understand the principles of good nutrition and scientific weight management.

Methods of Instruction: Lecture, Labs, Independent Study, Self-discovery

Belmont University
Department of Sport Science
Exercise Science
Course Requirements:
Textbook: Fahey, Insel, Roth (2019) 13th Edition. Fit and Well: Core Concepts and
Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness.

Internet Learning Supplement: (Belmont Intranet Connection – BIC)

Attendance Policy:
The university attendance policy states that “students who miss more than 25% of class will earn
a grade of FN [failure for non-attendance].” This class meets only seven times (the instructor
will be out of town on January 10). Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you miss no more
than two classes during the abbreviated term, and preferably you attend every one. Also, during
the week the instructor is absent, you will still have homework, and this and all other weeks it
will be your responsibility to check Blackboard for descriptions and due dates.

Late Policy:
Tardiness will count as ½ of an absence. If you are tardy for class, it is your job to let me know
at the end of class that you came in late, so I don’t count you absent.

The timeframe allotted for this class is 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM. The instructor has this time at his
disposal, but reserves the right to only use a portion of the allotted time. The main goal is to stay
on schedule. Having stated this, any time a student asks when class will be ending on a particular
night, he or she will have a point deducted from his or her grade.

Academic and Classroom Conduct:

Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. Academic and classroom
misconduct will not be tolerated. Students must read the “The Bruin Guide” in the Student
Handbook for an understanding of what will be expected of them within the academic setting.
Poor class conduct can result in the loss of points from daily attendance.

Computer Difficulty or Technology Problems: Please contact if

you have problems with Blackboard. Please let me know if you are having any problems so that
I may assist you. If you are having problems with Connect, the McGraw Hill Connect hotline is
very helpful.

Late Assignments:
Assignments are due at the start of class on the designated due date. (Unless otherwise
instructed, each assignment should be turned in via email as a Word-doc attachment.) Any
assignment or lab not handed in on time will be penalized 5% if handed in late on the day it is
due and 10% for each day it is late (e.g., 1 day late = 10% reduction, 3 days late = 30%
reduction, etc.). Assignments that are 5 or more days late will receive no more than half-credit.

Course Requirements/Methods of Evaluation:

Grades will be determined from evaluations in the following categories with the relative
percentage distribution noted:

Assignments, Labs 40% Exam 1 20% Exam 2 20% Exam 3 20%

Belmont University
Department of Sport Science
Exercise Science

1. 3 Tests – Derived directly from the textbook and labs.

Exam content:
Test #1 – Chapters 1, 2, 3
Test #2 – Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7
Test #3 – Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11

2. Labs – Please complete labs in detail for full credit. Please check Blackboard for labs to
be completed, instructions, and due dates.

3. Assignments - In addition to labs from the book, you will have other assignments due,
such as writing papers and participating in physical exercise in class. Included, will be
your “fad diet” project, a group presentation due on February 21.

Final Course Grade:

A = 93-100
A- = 90-92
B+ = 88-89
B = 83-87
B- = 80-82
C+ = 78-79
C = 73-77
C- = 70-72
D+ = 68-69
D = 63-67
D- = 60-62
F = < 59

University Policies:

University Honor Code:

The Belmont community values personal integrity and academic honesty as the foundation of
university life and the cornerstone of a premiere educational experience. Our community
believes trust among its members is essential for both scholarship and effective interactions and
operations of the university. As members of the Belmont community, students, faculty, staff, and
administrators are all responsible for ensuring that their experiences will be free of behaviors
which compromise this value. In order to uphold academic integrity, the university has adopted
an Honor System. Students and faculty will work together to establish the optimal conditions for
honorable academic work. Following is the Student Honor Pledge that guides academic
“In affirmation of the Belmont University Statement of Values, I pledge that I will not
give or receive aid during examinations; I will not give or receive false or impermissible
aid in course work, in the preparation of reports, or in any other type of work that is to be
Belmont University
Department of Sport Science
Exercise Science
used by the instructor as the basis of my grade; I will not engage in any form of academic
fraud. Furthermore, I will uphold my responsibility to see to it that others abide by the
spirit and letter of this Honor Pledge.”

Accommodation of Disabilities Statement:

In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities
Act, Belmont University will provide reasonable accommodation of all medically documented
disabilities. If you have a disability and would like the university to provide reasonable
accommodations of the disability during this course, please notify the Office of Student Affairs
(460-6875) as soon as possible.

Course Schedule
Topic Reading
Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management Chapter 1
Principles of Physical Fitness Chapter 2
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Chapter 3
Exam 1 (January 24)

Muscular Strength & Endurance Chapter 4

Flexibility and Low-Back Health Chapter 5
Body Composition Chapter 6
Putting Together a Complete Fitness Program Chapter 7
Exam 2 (February 7)

Nutrition Chapter 8
Weight Management Chapter 9
Stress Chapter 10
Cardiovascular Health Chapter 11
Exam 3 (February 28)

*Note: Instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus content. Any changes will be
announced through email.

This is to acknowledge that I have printed and agree to abide by all rules stated within the
syllabus for Wellness 1600 taught by Miller Chandler.

Print Name: ______________________________ Signature: ___________________________

Date: ___________ Instructor’s Signature: ________________________
Belmont University
Department of Sport Science
Exercise Science

Safety Information for Sport Science Classes

Name: _______________________________ Phone: __________________

A. Health
In the space below, please list any health concerns, including potentially life threatening allergies
that I should know about which may affect your ability to participate in physical activity (attach
an additional sheet if necessary). If complex, please see me and explain. If you don’t have any
health concerns, please write “None” in the space below.

Department of Sport Science Assumption of Risk

All students enrolling in classes with an activity component are hereby notified of the following
participation policy:

1. All students should be aware of the inherent dangers of the course as set forth by the
instructor. Physical activity, by its very nature, carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot
be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. Inherent risks of WEL 1600: Health
& Fitness Concepts include, but are not limited to:
a. Minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, and sprains;
b. Major injuries such as eye injury or loss of sight, joint or back injuries, heart
attacks, and concussions; and,
c. Catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death.
2. All students enrolled in physical activity classes must carry full, comprehensive medical
insurance to cover any injuries sustained in the course.
3. All students personally assume all risks in connection with the course in which they are
4. All students should be in generally good physical condition and be capable of performing the
class activities under normal conditions.
5. Students should apprise the instructor of any special physical or medical limitations they
have at the beginning of the course.
Belmont University
Department of Sport Science
Exercise Science

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