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Career Plan

PART I: Goals/Vision
What do you want to accomplish right and over the next 5 years? What are the career goals or
objectives that you have identified? This could be a new role that you want to move towards or
perhaps shifting priorities within your current role.

Short-term goals Mid-term goals Long-term goals

(next 2-5 years) (5 years or more)

Summarize your goals into a vision statement. Write 1-3 sentences that encapsulates your
short and long-term goals:
PART II – Values
What principles or beliefs are most important as you pursue your vision? Think about the
values you identified in your self-assessment and list 3 or 4 values and what they mean to you

PART III – Action Plan

What actions do you need to take to achieve your vision? List 5-8 specific goals or steps you
need to take. Think about:
● Specific skills you need to acquire and how you will go about learning them
● Credentials and certifications you need to earn and what it will take to prepare for that
● Networking and connecting to the community
● Additional experience you need to acquire or new projects you could take on

For each SMART goal, list a measurement for how you will know you’ve been successful and a
date by which you will complete the step.
GOAL Measurement &
Date to Complete By
- started: login logout simple check out
1. Drawing diagrams (sequence, activity) - intermediate: have system
- advanced: alternative flow, integrate with many
2. started 2 days
- started: have overview what need and the
Documenting (Comprehend and self-write) intermediate:
purpose of 3each dayssection
advanced - 1 - 2 weeks
- intermediate: write again
3. - advance: doing simple myself
Elicitation (asking questions -> analyze faster -> brainstorm in 1 week -- test
solutions) imagine andaself
by write bloquestions
intermediate - 1 week and -answer
complete simple doc and
give mentor feedback - observe and test questions
4. advance - 2 weeks
understand and apply - summary
- compare the result
with and
every fundamental and
Design (figma - ) seek feedback
1 months enhance - seek feedbacks
1 months
test by the list questions and
5. give other feedback
Communication - connect 1-2 new persons/day
the purpose is the find some common topic - ask for colaborator
- find lists of head of BA, CEO
list out certs -> plan time -> do everyday
achieve certs time: 1 months ( at least 1 - 2)


PART IV – Obstacles
What challenges will you have to overcome to achieve these objectives? List 3-5 challenges
you may face and think about how you might address them to get back on track.

time management to balance work study life

find the right way in shorter time
discipline to the end
focus and not give up

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