V$ 2 - Qlfli) (R CX: Tola Fin T (Qiir Q ( (

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"h-.rfls qhlrr{{.i.'9tifff cncri. q<(

dr4r q{'irq sl(-EjEci -f$f'
Code: 41123'16 (Machineries &
Other Eqpt)
to) q{ tE, fr <I
trl-sl trt{fr-{l-{

E-<Irflfrs 88vqcc)\g-ee <f(s etqq

q-<"tq;R- Q.o) s:i {l/{'rFi(r{,eE.]K)/ V$ 2-- QQ, r+ tola

fiN FrFr'o kqtlh:4jtih s14;$ f,sfu6e a.nr< r,;ri gl"r+te*$ e€r,ori}/c'{<<rq+ri} qGSn ccs r{'t-q ql€H $it1 $[Er q-irl-q

qlfli] {R CX a.ot8 t(qIir< c<"r 51or, qiDoRI ({l.ll q({ |

6: qq qs?F IW{I
trrs8/G\"- "ifn${
e /"nE el

Spec, terms & conditions

01 lnteractive Multimedia Board with all accessories Ea 03
are as per Anx 'A'.

q-{"fE qnr6-K
"Rimfr c

)I q{"le (?lFri< ji.r )a.oo rtB+il3t :l(r1i .)8 +Ftr.,i hrr"H q.lFH oiL,!, qf< I

II q'iFFI ri<r[11.+ qo) s{ EE(g rc-li"]4t.pc; .-s:i QC< 1r*rm'for-nm cr{) \5|{ clt{ E"{,lE <tftm a6.f tFIr c6it I \e-F q{TFd sfr ,aT{lq
gq"Xq;K,]ft qfuSf"r/blii.hrfs 83, im<Krq{ q.p:tTo -Bq>l elfutrq qct ellr$ o.Ir{;Iq {rimcl or2'46a q{CIlrT {frelrs qir"E E{{ o{T flF "i|F I

,amro EF qfufir..ir gm[t TIN No & VAT Reg No fir'tNl.r c]r+r'g {r< r

eI Elrii\qr$ \qflla rrqR{ SFErld qlFm +{ro qrq 'q.rqm k{'1,{ <rficq <m rr.{I qcq I

8I r-{"lc qThlbF fi\r{ Sft-6IrdT':I{ "1fics o8 <if}ir'r h(T,{ .{ffi o gm,rt(o clR{ QT6\5 cr{ 1 qa161fi66A ft5q CrnsR q|{,
qr.ft s qBhrd{'.itr qdt\rq'lEFTlqci(B"K ra-a'e;appj qt+re qr< q-.tlclNrmEq{F{ <rq t{Iqr{ I

c I qffi Er<r< h< EIlEml q1dilrf Quote +ir.c; qa,.t o[.{i'{T{ q{"iil qlfti1 <m tl{I qr{ r

\e I {r{ F<riror-(.r, r.o) {T{]r<T4 lof.rj (r Enlistment N umber EFf{ 9I{s Computer Type orT r-<"fo nFlq F{6s SK r

1I m'lc( k<i :iai<lr,e< qr{fr':fl ' r, q +<ro {.{ I }i<I {a<arq< w{'ft{t q{'m[d E'rTFlg wrfr[:If<:(cq' TI qrq rrfTq <tfu{tr{ rFt,
qcs qrc{ I

yI crr.1.drq-+ta gJF.'zl;rrf @!]ft-f q'i-i(.rr fl.J crt(+ gl|n. ftr,r< xc{i &'<I cir<t<lc siIF cr{ I

bI !m{rq rrr.lr{ Trt 'oe.T ({rsq/grlo/l1le,n ,nrrt;l1sRqFr/rr'fi.idr/ef6soi} cqrts ffi ffi) Erg'.I E<(\5 qr{ I cslq c$l;t Er{]3I ffi(@ fTr{
<iRft{ s'r1-€- Fii,Tfi.tif'qr.K
.Fe'/;t{.t1 ol[elr,.t.{i ,.0"i'.0 r.f<E <Fiino qm I fmr {rffq qt{rsirq o-.v'ie <-r2'o wrg RFrft/f{{ .trc/{{qK {Rr<
mqS Sq|{ ffi[ {.trt.tre ;

)o I q-<.tli >t1ir ee\,-fE

.no ?r?rir .fffe qr< r q{44 sRlfif}< siil vi-qefq {frq irfi CN' "fll-d I rlB? F{qlEI q-?T"lq CtFIl,st {iRI
BaE cqtrq fir-q{ €r'gifqs q6fi Err{a ryr".f f. f:r,e acc ttEr{.{ L

5) I I3I'|C rflFlar {,i{K "R csl{ {aF qs{3te ,rrcqrrrirr "Rr I +I(rhq qc6f +ff{ vi-<qtgl avo &3i cir<rdlrs qfiIrlEI er+rt {I qii qTfiIq R-fi
s-{r.llfust5iI E"r${ I

5\ | a1*7 U66l;rrd, fldfcli'l qrr€ 'gf;r".r :il.iriii.i otlcudr"o q.l 1'.r,e,r h.lfrrE s ?Krt lo) ,!{QE, k<T-tg, qfSf643 EFTITf {I{'FI E.g.I .''I."
er< r coFI qfu6n og-trl,rr q.f.,:fu qgr +nf t(1r..1 :4hi fiiiid .ct{ircq{r nfi] ri(t rr<?krc qE6s 3ld q6q ffirq q<I q"{<-drqT Tl-<rq eufrs
firr Erd{tfr qI.fld'f ff0rtrl-{ Tr<qI 6*rl qre 'l.(
5e I q<l.I',.p] oi.F >r-<<-Tlq E<I1h f<',nn -ilii.'ll +g+ ofr.r qs{L.I 'K q,':{?ir{. ) {rs a qqrdT (S[qlsl 6s@I,) emw rq<m/<i<qrr<T/mrsK
.garc<fu/tmrm futc,,t a".4i 'eirrc<B/ry{iiil;r:trr:l r(ili trr{Fr'c/tr{<<nais n+ne-< cortt EVFTEI@E/qnqfi cq-{I ftrq EI eq ft649 qr{i
{ilfifq/OKN'o{teafeaajT:1 f.Tqd{r.QTel.IiJ "a.l,t lttt':)5' +f.*[r-'f,or.f<t
)8 I qnfi w<.ti{ rj'{cr<<nft $!o rr,ui.{l:.,<,eifi ,.]fuc q{i--.r ekr }K<sT{ sfu6m( ftn< ft"iftro rrrrlft qfftT ffi mfstra+ gl]E ,q<\ q|trf,<
f,6"i6o slfr lifl{<.r+"i {qa *-oio oq IFf,+;I :[rIii:r ii"r "tiilr,"iitr .t,r1i ?:fi I

5a l c-{'Irrmer'1c k(<lrst -IFII rc dtaT'LT.F, .1r'..-!a .&1 {<1( rm+<rqroftJ roKomftqrrE6Flsflgfttr],-<w$&E +rq<tq+<csqd<qEG
cslrccI<fE o.c% q<i vr{fr{ o.tc% slr{ q,{r;i }oY1o "td$ L/D (Liquidated damage) icxm{T-{tcr{ r

D:\Tender PCM-NON t'CM (2023-2024)\TENDER PCM (2u2:t-2024) doc2 /-lt/lay-24 12:07:18 PM

)\b L4;ilnh{ r1r1€ !r2i.<r
r-iI Co ES ER r .{1 u{( qr,r c{D
sy cleposit /pG R.or< q.ol frcs qr<
wqld r % r

)qr Erftl<rorr<{Q'5tlel 6srq'c >tl4i4'1 hCitii:i'tilc l"tfuty;ppfr;6111 -s1 qrqJ=<q-i6qppwmfiffiri]F{nfr{l{k-f

goods) R>m< -'rrfifdlirc, to) r{{ tE, fi fl s{ :rr..r t1+", +sr iil({;rl l

)t I COmno !<il ?ql"tr 1qfft-< <eirrS Tr.s]cl.yi ,]rl !{l)l;r) qfq

{f F{fvi"f Cqf+ qFF1Ift Csl5f., ,at IiFaT E[qiT
Defence goods flrxr< qfiFrxs ro) ,r{s''e* f< .il .r{ {nl wruoiTft T{, a,a E.E'Bf<'m lry qtr{€ W
$fl qlr<{ r vrr{ sT r-firg,R s-{ eMIr{ Errq T-<Ls, q.u q<( +r{ncr.I q.u
Erg{ ql+rs qr{ | trlr,'jF(u Consignee frar< .otf{-tnr+ 1o: c:r"{B 1i il ,ra qtor {?rq-{ Ers
1fu. +-rr wr<
)b I

dvr<r1tc .iir,<1r-{ Fr fa(1fu:l) ;r;r. il;<;ir r,q.n eF1 lqs ,,eT

k6q"i sr\, Defence goods Rra.r< qNqli} qAT Emlq{ qH sI
E-{qs[T Ersq +xrs qr{ qqR +r'fuqrt,JTi} \elfi $H'?i alsre qH
r 6rrffi-,rq .r<rf< Consignee ErftqrT-s qqi6
re -s<r\, Rrc64 to) fr <t ,!T {.tr{ u.Tt
{fur er,.1 i

Q.o I qo f<a c caIf6.l-.(q< wqi q<il fi I <t i.ir.i.il +{i lir.I { l

l) I +f,w c+f.r +t<"f r{rlT<rfu.{6+ c{ (+t"r,4"1aqq.r/<1Gt/qfi,8/uflift+-,r*4-<m4IEIq\{E.t56g


Auth 06 03 2600 013.45 050 24 13ttttj/A

dt26 May 2024
00 03 0000 0/1 39 063 23 203(r)Ar) Clo)/
dl27 May 2024

T PlT0tvi
Flight Lieutenant
orc LP (R)
201 Maiirt6nance Unit
Bangladesh Air Force

D:\Tendet PCM-NON pCM (2023.2024)TENDER pCM

(?02.j-:.a?4)..joc2 /.tnay-24 1 t:08:1 / pM
CrJ l.t F It)1, l'll. i,, t

r p lJ
lrr-r: P (- I 03 X

& r

"lo sel rraxlirlLrn"r beneftt for BAF

foilowing fsaturt'$
lnteractive board must
l;e ,:petattrrg !'ir1th l\rrcJttltii and
li4ulitnredra Lloare-j tt^ irsl
a. The lnteractive

r:rusr ha'c provrsiorr r. ,i!r, r:,ie ,1ar .rL:'-':):\'7 i. i.r 2]r1,. cJocument
l,avc il.,Lri,rrrc:., i,-a'n(1 ,. r,
n',',.:) ri'rrfy sisnar
Jff;'":;., tc source
:'-t"'ri:" switch
,ourao and chatrnel

appended belov"'
2 Required specifications are
' icfliio lr $ Pec if t

I ' Sn,-r'',ur,,.,,, '.i 1r:r"\i Rollr;'; liirJ:1' .l'i'.1:'.ll 'rir'-! il'e puted I
I i
1 Brand ConrPanY !

TO bg t-1tg rti I :r' r Ll(i . .... ( r_1.1:ir

2 tuiodel tlirti)S ul vu
t]SAI UKi..i/'IjAi"ll EIJ

CountrY of Origin
3 technolognl :

CountrY o{ I O lf e ptgtrlt,.)t CCl

4. I
'. '1
be rle tttion'ed I
P 202i *l
NO., bt:i,it,", -, rt,I.1l) ry

0 Y ilil i
To be tllrjt',1ri'i:' I

7 ,rri n:itr- - t( -i:.,. l1 :;l.r; S I

TCUCIt q1.: 1''":'i rtti"' il rrr er,l!'"'_
tnterface r;.Ct iO ft C.-i
S U t {el i.i:,-, I

o Board Surface Feature -(J1d c

scratch clisPlaY' Antr

1 0"
Stze lr,4in ,30'
11. Screen Size t1r I as li:1.1 t'lrt;rJ
I ifp 000 i:oLtts
(PixelsJ 1ti0 i'fi't-l.iHD)
t3 c,,iin i2 rnits
I0. .. ,1

A2 1 i8 deg let i-)r ltlql:et

60 1-12-
1R (lrr{i;"lil i"''lti i
i ct l,;ittlt'"lr't ' .'
':'l'-'l L'tllltS
Pen ,fl,ft-,utb"r'"rlillllllle''vilh<'11-;rrtt'rrlll-''lls'J';lflSe
lnduction Obiect
ilnga,* i:-r1,r1r) any opafitie ':Lr'1r;ts
--*tr *d
':i l1 .t
Col.il.ll i:li,

LlcNFlSil''i I1,.,

Ser Des Spec if icatio n

23 CS
lntel# Core "' i.i' Ft-ocessors "l2tlt Gen lntelG)
24 CPU Processor rndustr.y-l*aLl ilg CFU perforn"rance.
For Anrlr.ricl. (;ilLl anci GPU io l:e menlioned
lt4rri 2iiiGi'ii-itl
to L4emo fu,lirr 4al1l :,ri ir.i !'?r\li'r
,'."., r.,lt- . .
Int-r.i . .' 1 'r, r' Ll [--lnernei. trDI',/i.
Z/ Port V U'\ .. LlI.l(:'ir;-,-l llr (mln verslon 4 0), U [iL-] ALr':lro rn/0Lll
28 ln'l Format pAt lSr: flrr,i'",t, l.,J I f_. fl
29 Stere Vo,:
JU Audio Speaker [t,1iit 2 ., 1 3','..,rli
?4 Porrer S uppty 90v 2.ilrr i'iLl
32 Remote Controi fVl LrSI i:e alr,/i:jIiitIIir:t iCrt ren[ltC t.]SA{.1ii

33 Solltva ri: (.' r l' s;,::; I il be tl c, il c i-:i-i

I I t

f,,,lininru,n-l :2lj[j;l\/,.\ tlr.rst be ptr:,.rtC1ecl wttlr *aCh

lit'l r-illtmr:cli ;i 1,,'-l il r"il

TV tUodule BUrlt trr ,:]1.( I r. ,rrcilLjl(,

36 Screen Cast f'"'lus1 lravi.: pliiir",lsicrn rif scrilen sharlng oplrnns.
lr,'1 L;sl har,e;rt.ii.:qr-tale nrounttng Plate wrtit each

..7 nrulttn:i:ciia hl;lttl to be ilstallsci ln the l.''all or

Ir/ountIng Plate i TroileY !
pr'orrisr*n rtf tr,:lilcrr systell, t't"lils.t i;e thete fcr easy
nrcvernell ,:-:l l;.tt: nrr-tlttfire dial l-io;lrd, . ," ,.

The i:i.Jder rt-rir$i !lDVicie cnntrectors iHD[,41, VGA etc]
for ir:staljaiicn nl ti'r* sVslenl iitny olfier iterns like

ne,:essary i-:i:l-tlss, ccnnectors. spales riot rncluded
J(J Accessories 1 above br-11 ri':r.llireri fr:r snr*otfi 1r'76rfifl6r,r"r t'"lith the
nruitrnreijLa ii..,*rcl must be afierecl by the bidcler' All
stanciard acce i{sories as, pflr ir.4arLtfactur-ers [i4anuai
nrr:st bc (iLl't',',.' '.ti 1;1 '3r'11 i11.1;

4 Technical Terms arrd Con-ditiErs

a The items must i:e brancJ new LInLISC{l 1,, 1i irr:r: atld 'ilaililfai;li-lted'rOt hefore the year
al2A23 anci must be supplled irr ortginal sca'lL-l 1':-''r'' i
b. -lhe bidder is to pror.ride Orrgrnal Equtp.rIr;r'i i,:llrtr-rJactLit.illii ril-.r[-;irii ;i:1r'l1fl6ate mentiontng
tn Ingttsh
the manufacluring ciate. quaiity operatror -i ar . i,larllV llfe iilli,'lt u,r1{f] l;rq llenls

submitled along uvtth tl"re offef rn f nglish rir.,tsri:i,
,ii lirit sil{ir(l {li.:;rili.rr"r3 rl '1{:.jirllciled :n the offer
must be suPPorteci bY the brocttrre

d Cperalton and maintenarlce manual c;f llLi''ir':r'rlr'rc liditiiltlrr:rj ': F-lo;lr.cj ir Ingiislt language
are to be supplied atong with the ilems

"**'-t+ *"r$
h ,:i .:.

(l(iNi llli i'; ' i

laltail:'{JicalascCritrasiirll''3cil'/'fitilLlr'Lr(:'::lun;'ii' l' ' "lr'ilrlri ': l

i illlil'ii1il1ili '


e. Warranty for the suppliecl jtems is to [:e gtvr:rr :0y thc: sl-ttlplier for al ]east 02 years frcnt
the date of final acceptance by BAF. During ',vairartV perioci, supplier shoLtlcl aEroe to resclve
any problern within maximur:r 24 (I"r,venty-io'-rti hr:urs ;:ftet reporting any cliscrepancies. A
certificate in the regard is lo be subnritled alonq v;lllr ihe offer

f lf any iten^rslequipmentlaccessories aie foLrtci Ltt':serviceai:lerclefecti'.tel damaged during

{unctional test, the same rs to be replacecl i:y lire :itiltolier i:y lheir awn cost withln 15 days from
the date of reporiing such discrepancy. For tlre pei.iiid nf un-sEt,.iiceability warranty period t*-ill
be stopped from the date of reporting of any drsrrepancy ancl \,',rsrrantrl pertocl r.r,"rill he resumed
after receipt of serviceableireplaced/appropriate iterns to nrake tire total v/arranty periocl.

g ltem may be booked in the nanle of Clfinr:r (".lor:rtraneling 2Ll1 LIU, BAF Dhaka Cantt,
Dhaka-1206 and rruill be cleared from port by tlli['as goods',vith an exemption of
lrurt "]efense (r1 anyl trp tu 201 lt'lU BAF are
custonr dLrties and taxes All the charges inclrcltril l-randlinq
to be paid by the suPPlier.

h. Spares anci technical srlpport of the supL.lrLi'J lnteraclrve it/lLiltrm*clia Soard for 05 years
ls to be Euaranteed by the sLrpplier. i\ certificate in lhis lssperlt rs to be submttted along with
the off,er.

j. Tiie user vrrill conlact with the sLrppiterr cliri.:cllV for rr;pair/teclrnicai support during
warranty period as well as after cortrpletion of warrai:l.r' perinrl

k. Delivery of the lnteractive lr,4ultrmeclia Bnarri ts tn Lre ci:nr6:ieted r:rrtthin 30 clays lrom the
date of placing of purchase order.

L The bidder is to prcvicle acir:quater lri:rnirrq nn operation, maintenance and

troubleshooting (at least for 3 days) on ihe si;p;;lied lrrteractive l,/Lritlnredia Board at user's
Base/Units personnel by the sr:pplier's own experl & cxpenses

m" Functional test ancl Final accegrtanc* cl thr: s\rsletl ro'iill he carrieci or:t i:y the
Baselunitlsec and a task completion report is tr: i:e icrtl,rar,lJeri tr: lJireclorale of Ai;'Trainin g and
Directorate of Supply

n. 100% Payment y,lili be macJe on satisiacicri,,,.lr:ire[)13ilc(i r)i lfr* 'c)/si*rrr

p. Any other tertrrs & conc]itiorrs not nri,,tltll:li:i in thc le:lt]e:r.v,lr]l be aS per rLlles and
regulations of Iocal purchase.

b. BAF reserves the right of canceling tenclr:rilenrlr-'rs altogether *r^po$tp0ne procuremenl

vuithout asstgning any reason.

*-ff* sc",.f

CONiFi,iL-f'i li"

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