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L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

G5212: Game Theory

Mark Dean

Spring 2017
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s


So far we have restricted our attention to games in which

uncertainty is of a certain kind
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s


So far we have restricted our attention to games in which

uncertainty is of a certain kind
Players can be uncertain about what the other player will do
But they cannot be uncertain about the game that they
are playing
Payo¤s, strategies and players all common knowledge
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s


So far we have restricted our attention to games in which

uncertainty is of a certain kind
Players can be uncertain about what the other player will do
But they cannot be uncertain about the game that they
are playing
Payo¤s, strategies and players all common knowledge
This is very restrictive
Many situations that we can’t analyze
Particularly situations of asymmetric information
This is essentially what the second half of the course will be
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s


Example 1: Signalling
PhD programs want to recruit people of high ability
But they cannot observe ability directly
Can education be used by high ability candidates to signal
that they have high ability?
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s


Example 1: Signalling
PhD programs want to recruit people of high ability
But they cannot observe ability directly
Can education be used by high ability candidates to signal
that they have high ability?
Employer uncertain about the quality of the candidate
How good the candidate will be if they hire them (own
Cost of education to the candidate (other’s payo¤)
Information is asymmetric
Candidates know their ability, …rms do not
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s


Example 2: Auctions
An item is being auctioned on ebay
Highest bidder wins the auction and gets the item
Each bidder has a di¤erent valuation for the item
How much should each person bid?
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s


Example 2: Auctions
An item is being auctioned on ebay
Highest bidder wins the auction and gets the item
Each bidder has a di¤erent valuation for the item
How much should each person bid?
Each bidder is uncertain about the value of the item to
other bidders (other’s payo¤)
(Possibly) the number of bidders
Information is asymmetric
Each bidder knows their own valuation, not the valuation
of everyone else
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s


Example 3: Currency Attacks

The strength of a currency is uncertain
There are a number of speculators deciding whether to
attack the currency
The number who need to attack to bring the currency down
depends on its strength
Each player receives a signal about the strength of the
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s


Example 3: Currency Attacks

The strength of a currency is uncertain
There are a number of speculators deciding whether to
attack the currency
The number who need to attack to bring the currency down
depends on its strength
Each player receives a signal about the strength of the
Each bidder uncertain about the strength of the currency
(own and others payo¤)
Also uncertain about what signal others have got
(information of others)
Information is asymmetric
Each bidder knows their own signal
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

A Worked Example
Cournot Competition with unknown types
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

A Worked Example
Cournot Competition with unknown types
Two …rms i = 1; 2. Each …rm i’s cost ci 2 fcH L
i ; ci g is i’s
private info.
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

A Worked Example
Cournot Competition with unknown types
Two …rms i = 1; 2. Each …rm i’s cost ci 2 fcH L
i ; ci g is i’s
private info.
Probability of each type of …rm
p(cH H L L
1 ; c2 ) = p(c1 ; c2 ) =
p(cH L L H
1 ; c2 ) = p(c1 ; c2 ) = (1 )
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

A Worked Example
Cournot Competition with unknown types
Two …rms i = 1; 2. Each …rm i’s cost ci 2 fcH L
i ; ci g is i’s
private info.
Probability of each type of …rm
p(cH H L L
1 ; c2 ) = p(c1 ; c2 ) =
p(cH L L H
1 ; c2 ) = p(c1 ; c2 ) = (1 )

Each …rm chooses an amount to produce dependent on

qiH 2 [0; 1), qiL 2 [0; 1)
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

A Worked Example
Cournot Competition with unknown types
Two …rms i = 1; 2. Each …rm i’s cost ci 2 fcH L
i ; ci g is i’s
private info.
Probability of each type of …rm
p(cH H L L
1 ; c2 ) = p(c1 ; c2 ) =
p(cH L L H
1 ; c2 ) = p(c1 ; c2 ) = (1 )

Each …rm chooses an amount to produce dependent on

qiH 2 [0; 1), qiL 2 [0; 1)

Payo¤s for cost ci 2 cH L and q 2 q H ; q L

i ; ci i i i
qi (P (Q) ci )
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

A Worked Example

How do we solve this problem?

L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

A Worked Example

How do we solve this problem?

Let’s think about the behavior of player 1
Fix a strategy for player 2: q2H ; q2L
If player 1 has costs cH what is the probability that player
2 is H?
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

A Worked Example

How do we solve this problem?

Let’s think about the behavior of player 1
Fix a strategy for player 2: q2H ; q2L
If player 1 has costs cH what is the probability that player
2 is H?
Use Bayes’rule

P (cH H
2 \ c1 )
P (cH H
2 jc1 ) =
P (cH
1 )
= 1 =
2 + 12 (1 )
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

A Worked Example

If player 1 is of type cH their optimization problem is


max (1 (q2H + q) cH
1 )q + (1 )(1 (q2L + q) cH
1 )q :
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

A Worked Example

If player 1 is of type cH their optimization problem is


max (1 (q2H + q) cH
1 )q + (1 )(1 (q2L + q) cH
1 )q :


1 cH
1 q2H 2q + (1 ) 1 cH
1 q2L 2q = 0

1 cH
1 q2H (1 )q2L
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Cournot competition with private cost

We can repeat the exercise for the case in which player 1

has cL
P (cH L
2 \ c1 )
P (cH L
2 jc1 ) =
P (cL
2 (1 )
= 1 1 = (1 )
2 + 2 (1 )

So they must maximize

max (1 )(1 (q2H + q) cL

1 )q + (1 (q2L + q) cL
1 )q :

Giving …rst order conditions

1 cL
1 (1 )q2H q2L
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Cournot competition with private cost

Repeating the exercise for Player 2 gives 4 equations and 4

1 cH q2H (1 )q2L
q1H = 1
1 cL (1 )q2H q2L
q1L = 1
1 cH q1H (1 )q1L
q2H = 2
1 cL (1 )q1H q1L
q2L = 2
Which can be solved to get the solution to this problem
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

Let’s now try to formalize what we just did

First the set up
N : Set of players (…rms)
T = fTn gn2N : Types space for each player (possible cost of
each …rm)
P 2 (T ): prior probabilities over types ( )
S = fSn gn2N : Strategy space for each player (output levels)
u : S T ! RN : Payo¤s function for each player (pro…ts)
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

Let’s now try to formalize what we just did

First the set up
N : Set of players (…rms)
T = fTn gn2N : Types space for each player (possible cost of
each …rm)
P 2 (T ): prior probabilities over types ( )
S = fSn gn2N : Strategy space for each player (output levels)
u : S T ! RN : Payo¤s function for each player (pro…ts)
P the same for each player - no agreeing to disagree
Sn doesn’t depend on tn
If we restrict un to only depend on tn this is the case of
independent values
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

Every play picked a (mixed) strategy n : Tn ! (Si )
(production levels conditional on type)
In order to maximize

E un n; n (t n ) ; t jtn


E un n; n (t n ) ; t jtn
= un n; n (t n ) ; t p (t n jtn ) :
t n 2T n

p (t n ; tn )
p (t n jtn ) =
p(tn )
This is the Bayesian Nash Equilibrium of the game
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

Consider a modi…ed BOS game in which the type of the S
player is unknown
With prob 1=2 the payo¤ matrix is 1=2 (friendly)

Bach Stravinsky
B Bach 2; 1 0; 0
Stravinsky 0; 0 1; 2

With prob 1=2 the payo¤ matrix is (unfriendly)

Bach Stravinsky
B Bach 2; 0 0; 2
Stravinsky 0; 1 1; 0
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

What is the best response of the S player?

L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

What is the best response of the S player?

BR(BjF riendly) = B
BR(SjF riendly) = S
BR(BjU nf riendly) = S
BR(SjU nf riendly) = B
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

What is the best response of the B player?

L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

What is the best response of the B player?

Remember, the B player best responds to a strategy of
the S player
Action conditional on type
e.g. BS : Bach if friendly, Stravinsky if unfriendly
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

What is the best response of the B player?

Remember, the B player best responds to a strategy of
the S player
Action conditional on type
e.g. BS : Bach if friendly, Stravinsky if unfriendly
Payo¤ for playing B against BS is 21 2 + 21 0
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

What is the best response of the B player?

Remember, the B player best responds to a strategy of
the S player
Action conditional on type
e.g. BS : Bach if friendly, Stravinsky if unfriendly
Payo¤ for playing B against BS is 21 2 + 21 0
BR(BB) = B
BR(BS) = B
BR(SB) = B
BR(SS) = S
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

Can it be part of a NE for Stravinsky to play S?

L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

Can it be part of a NE for Stravinsky to play S?

Best response to S is SB
Best response to SB is B
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

Can it be part of a NE for Stravinsky to play S?

Best response to S is SB
Best response to SB is B
Can it be part of a NE for Stravinsky to play B?
L e c tu re 9 : B aye sia n G a m e s

Bayesian Games

Can it be part of a NE for Stravinsky to play S?

Best response to S is SB
Best response to SB is B
Can it be part of a NE for Stravinsky to play B?
Best response to B is BS
Best response to BS is B

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