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A good restaurant review should consist of:

An introduction Start with the name of the restaurant

and location and make sure it
cathches the interest of the reader.
Write about its decor and atmosphere
Mention the menu/dishes sold
Main body Mention the price of the food and
Comment on the service
Write about the unique features of
the restaurant
A conclusion Say if you would recommend the


Information to be included
Give the review an appropriate title
The name ot a restaurant that you have dined at recently.
What you like about the restaurant. (strengths)
What you don’t like about the restaurant (weaknesses) if any.
The reason/reasons why you recommend the restaurant

Helping words
Words that embrace a restaurant Words to express dislike for a
restaurant (if any)
above average-higher than the usual
Foodies-persons with particular amount
interest in food
Bleak - Gloomy; sombre
Marvellously-in a wonderful or
extraordinary manner Boring - Dull; uninteresting

Organic-produced without the use of Creepy -Causing feelings of fear or

chemicals disgust

Replicas-an exact copy or model of Crowded - Filled to capacity

Desolate - Empty; bleak
open-air-located out of doors
Dull - Boring; lacking zest
Expensive - Costly; having a very high
Patrons-customers price

Signature-a product by which Bland-tasteless

something can be identified

Cozy- giving a feeling of comfort, Unappetizing-not inviting

warmth, and relaxation
Meagre-lacking in quantity and
well-balanced-well proportioned quality

poor service-bad customer service

Fresh-recently made or obtained
Undercooked-cook insufficiently
Overcooked-cook too much
Knowledgeable-well informed
Stale-no longer fresh
Ignorant-lacking knowledge

Low-grade-low quality
Writing Task :

Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style on this question paper.
You recently saw the following notice for a restaurant on a popular food blog. Write
your review.

Have you visited any interesting restaurants recently?

– Tell us more about the restaurant.
– Would you recommend the restaurant to others? Why?

The best review will be published in our blog.

Rewrite the sentences and ideas given in English

Task 1: What is a recent restaurant that you have dined at that you would
recommend to others? (NAME AND LOCATION)

1) Baru-baru ini saya menemui sebuah restoran yang sangat unik di Kuala
Lumpur. Saya mula-mula pergi ke sana bersama ahli keluarga saya dan sejak itu saya
kerap kembali. Restoran Makanan Laut Kapal sememangnya tempat yang terkenal
untuk penggemar makanan tempatan. Restoran ini telah ditubuhkan pada tahun
1999 oleh dua beradik yang suka makan makanan laut dan boleh memasak
makanan laut dengan hebat.


Task 2: Tell us why you liked it? (STRENGTHS)

Decor and atmosphere/unique features ( Dekorasi and suasana/ciri-ciri unik)

Restoran ini terletak di tepi tasik yang digunakan sebagai ternakan ikan. Ikan
yang ditanam oleh pemiliknya adalah organik, jadi rasanya lebih segar dan manis
berbanding yang dihidangkan di restoran lain. Bahagian dalam ruang makan, dihiasi
dengan replika kapal lanun dan tanglung nelayan dari siling, manakala dek laut di
luar adalah ruang makan terbuka dengan pemandangan tasik yang menakjubkan.

Food (Makanan)

Menu di restoran makanan laut sangat mengagumkan, dengan pelbagai jenis

hidangan makanan laut untuk dipilih. Terdapat lebih daripada 100 jenis hidangan
makanan laut dan bukan makanan laut. Pengunjung boleh memilih untuk memasak
makanan laut kegemaran mereka dalam gaya Melayu, Thai atau Barat. Saya amat
mengesyorkan tom yam makanan laut campuran yang lazat kerana anda boleh
merasai semua makanan laut sekaligus.

Service ( perkhidmatan)

Selain itu, kakitangan mereka sangat ramah dan membantu. Dari saat kami
masuk, mereka menyambut kami dengan senyuman dan menempatkan kami di meja
yang selesa di tepi tingkap. Kakitangan di restoran makanan laut ini semuanya
sangat berpengetahuan dan boleh mengesyorkan hidangan
khas atau hidangan istimewa mereka kepada anda dengan mudah. Mereka
cuba yang terbaik untuk memastikan kami seronok di restoran. Secara keseluruhan,
perkhidmatan mereka adalah yang terbaik dan benar-benar menjadikan
pengalaman makan kami menyeronokkan.

Task 3: Would you recommend this restaurant?

Secara keseluruhan, saya akan menilai The Ship Seafood Restaurant 4.5 daripada 5
bintang. Suasana makan, makanan dan kualiti perkhidmatannya sangat baik. Harga
untuk makanan laut hidup adalah sedikit tinggi tetapi selain itu, ia agak berpatutan.
Saya pasti akan mengesyorkannya kepada semua pencinta makanan laut!

Rewrite these sentences into proper paragraphs.

Add more COHESIVE DEVICES for organisation and coherence of ideas.

Comparison like in the same way equally

just as.. similarly in comparison
too even though likewise
also identically

Illustration for example for instance in other words

such as as an example as revealed by
to show that in the case of
this can be seen in
to illustrate
Addition and in addition in addition to
also furthermore additionally
again besides not only…but
first, second moreover aside from this
finally, last as well as apart from this
along with
Conclusion finally in conclusion to sum up
lastly to conclude on the whole
overall evidently
to summarize
in short

Opinion I think In my opinion I beg to differ

I feel In my view I am of the opinion
I disagree Personally, I think As for me, I think
I agree From my In my experience
perspective If I am not
It seems to me that
Sequencing first next subsequently
second after that
next then
finally, lastly before
emphasising mainly in particular above all
especially indeed significantly
clearly notably





Prepared by :
Madam Zalina Othman

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