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Design A Triple Effect Forced Circulation Evaporator :-

(1) Feed rate, F (given)

F x f =P1 x P 1

xf = given, xp1 = given,

Calculate P1 in kg/h
(2) Overall Balance,
F=P1 + E
Calculate E.
(3) Tf = Temperature of feed substance (in ℃ )
TE3 = Condensate temperature from third effect (in ℃ )
(4) Saturation steam pressure (given, and convert into 3.09 kg/cm2)
Ts = 133.9℃
λ s=516.6 kcal /kg
Overall transfer coefficients:
U1 (U1) = given in w/m2.k (divide 1.163 for kcal/hr.m2.c)
U2 (U2) = given
U3 (U3) = given
(5) Calculation of intermediate concentrations:
Assume equal evaporation
E1=E 2=E3 = , in kg/hr

For second effect,

F x f =P2 x p 2

And F = E 2 + P2

Or Fxf = (F-E2) xp2

Calculate xp2.

For first effect,

P3 xp3 = P1 x P1
Also, for third effect,
P2 x P2 = P3 x P3 and P2 = P3 + E3
(P2 = F- E2)
Calculate P3.
For first effect the solid balance,

(F – E2 – E3) xp3 = P1 xp1

Calculate xp3.

(6) Apparent temperature distribution :

Overall Δ T =T s −T E 3

(7) For equal heat load and equal area in each of the effects,

U1∆ T 1=U 2 ∆ T 2=U 3 ∆ T 3

∆ T =∆ T 1 + ∆T 2 + ∆ T 3
Calculate∆ T 1 , ∆ T 2∧∆ T 3 .
T E 1=T s−∆ T 1

T E 2 =T E 1−∆T 2

T E 3 =T E 2−∆T 3
(8) Calculation of B.P.R.:
Pressure (or vacuum) in the effects are obtained from the temperature of vapour in the
First effect- TE1 (calculated), P1 = 13.08 psi
(3.3’’ Hg. Vacuum)
Second Effect- TE2 (calculated), P2 = 20.5’’ Hg. Vacuum
Third vacuum- TE3 (calculated), P3 = 28.04’’ Hg. Vacuum
From fig. 14.38 are temperature are obtained as,
TL1 = 280 ℉ (137.75℃ )
TL2 = 168℉ (‘‘ ‘)
TL3 = 116℉ (‘’’)

Calculate BPR1, BPR2 and BPR3
Calculate ∑ BPR
True Δ T =Σ BPR−(Last )∆T
U1 U1
Now calculate true ∆ T =∆ T 1 (1+ + )
U2 U3
Calculate true ∆ T1, ∆ T2 and ∆ T3
(9) True temperature distribution:

1st effect 2nd effect 3rd effect

Steam 133.9℃ 76.85℃ 60.7℃
Liquor 117.9 65.65 46.7
Vapour 76.85 60.7 38.03
Enthalpy distribution (kcal/kg):

Steam (λs/λE) 516.6℃ 533.2 562.8

Vapour (HE) 630.1 623.4 613.9
Liquor (hL/hp) 133.3 50.3 38.9
Feed (hF) 77.8

(10) Energy balance:

For first effect,
P3hp3 + S λ s = E1HE1 + P1hp3
For second effect,
Fhf + E1 λ E2 = E2HE2 + P2hp2
For third effect,
P2hp2 + E1 λ E3 = E3HE3 + P3hp3

Material balance for individual effects,

For 2nd,

F = E 2 + P2
Calculate P2,

For 3rd,
P2 = E3 + P3,
Calculate P3.

For 1st,
P3 = E1 + P1 = (E1 + 5500)

Calculate E2, E3, P3 and S.

(11) Calculation of heating areas :

For 1st effect,

Sλ s
A1 = , in m2
U 1 Δ T1

For 2nd effect,

E1 λ E 1
A2 =
U 2 Δ T2
For 3rd effect,

E2 λ E 2
A3 =
U 3 Δ T3
Derivation areas more than 10%, Hence second trial is required

(12) Second Trial

A1+ A2+ A3
Aav = , in m2

' A1
Δ T 1= Δ T 1 × , in ℃
A av

' A2
∆ T 2=∆T 2 × , in ℃
A av

' ' '

∆ T 3=∆ T −( ∆T 1 +∆ T 2), in ℃
(13) Temperature distribution

1st 2nd 3rd

Steam 133.9℃ 75.75℃ 60.8℃
Liquor 116.8℃ 65.75℃ 46.7℃
Vapour 75.75℃ 60.8℃ 38.0℃

(14) Enthalpy distribution: kcal/kg

1st 2nd 3rd

Steam 516.6 553.9 562.8
vapour 629.6 623.4 613.9
Liquor 132.0 50.4 38.9
Feed 77.8

(13) Calculate Energy balance

For second effect,

Fhf + E1 λ E2 = E2HE2 + P2hp2

Solve in terms of E2 and E1

For 3rd effect,

P2hp2 + E1 λ E3 = E3HE3 + P3hp3

Solve in terms of E2 and E1

After finding E1, E2 and P3

P3 = E1 + P1

Rewrite equation with new numerical values on following equation of First effect

P3hp3 + S λ s = E1HE1 + P1hp3

Calculate S.

(15) Calculation of Areas

For 1st effect,

Sλ s
A1 = , in m2
U 1 Δ T1

For 2nd effect,

E1 λ E 1
A2 =
U 2 Δ T2

For 3rd effect,

E2 λ E 2
A3 =
U 3 Δ T3
Area deviation is within 10%.

(16) Detailed design. Evaporators are design on the basis of highest heating area.
Hence area of heat effect.
Let a select 50 mm OD (40mm ID) tubes each of 2 m arranged on 75 mm square

N = Number of tubes in the chest.

Π Do ln=takehighest heating area

Do = 50 mm

Calculate N (the nearest number divisible by 4)

π 2
(17) Downtake area (AD) = D N ×0.75 , m2
4 i
Where Di = 40 mm

(18) Annular area :

Annular area = NPt2

(Pt is tube pitch = 0.075)

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