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The diagram depicts information about different stages in the life cycle of salmon.

Overall, the process has 7 main steps, commencing with the egg stage and terminating
with a spawning adult form.

Looking at the first step, a number of eggs are spawned by the female which die
within 2 weeks later. After being spawned, eggs hatch in around 3 months under
optimal conditions of fresh water. Then, each egg hatches into an Alevin.
In the next stage of the life cycle, the Alevin experiences some changes in
constitution. First of all, the Alevin feeds off yolk sac for several weeks to become the
Fry stage. By this stage, the salmon go through 5 to 10 weeks old for swimming. The
salmon goes to the next stage, which is commonly called Parr. The Parr goes over a
number of months for improving "finger" markings before changing into the next step.
Following that, the Smolt emerges in 1 to 3 years development, the salmon groups and
heads out to the sea. Once the Smolt stage has finished, the adult form of salmon is
able to start. At the adult form, salmon reaches full maturity appearance then spends
around 1 to 6 years occuring at the sea.

Eventually, till the time of spawning adult stage, the salmon tends to deposit eggs in
water then ends their life within 2 weeks later. Once the final step has been completed,
the life cycle starts again.

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