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DevOps and AWS Session Handout

Speakers: Ujjwal Shivacharya and Vishnu Sai Nadella

Duration: 5.5 hours
Time: 10:00 AM - 3:45 PM
Location: 4th Floor, R&D Centre, IARE Hyderabad

● All students need to install Git and must have a GitHub account setup
● Login to Github in Git CLI

What is DevOps?
DevOps is a collaborative approach to software development and IT operations,
focusing on speed, quality, and efficiency. It emphasises automation, continuous
integration, and collaboration between development and operations teams to break
down silos and foster a culture of shared responsibility.

DevOps Cycle
The DevOps cycle involves continuous development, testing, deployment, and
monitoring. Developers write code, which undergoes automated testing before
being integrated, built, and deployed. Continuous monitoring detects issues and
informs further development, enabling rapid and high-quality software delivery.
Getting to know AWS
AWS is like a virtual warehouse for computing power and services provided by
Amazon. Instead of owning and managing your own servers, you can simply rent
them from AWS whenever you need them. It's flexible, reliable, and
cost-effective, making it a go-to choice for businesses and developers looking
to build and scale their applications without the hassle of infrastructure

Important services in AWS

● Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - EC2
● Amazon Relational Database Service - RDS
● Amazon Simple Storage Service - S3
● Amazon Virtual Private Cloud - VPC
● Amazon Lambda

Getting to know Git/GitHub

Git is a version control system for tracking changes in source code during
software development, facilitating collaboration among developers. GitHub, a
web-based platform built on Git, extends its capabilities by providing hosting
for repositories and collaboration tools. It has become a central hub for
developers to store, share, and collaborate on projects, fostering open-source
contributions and team collaboration in software development.

GIT Commands (from the session)

git add <file-path>
git add origin <github-repo-link>
git commit -m “Comment”
git pull
git push -u origin <branch_name>
git checkout
-b: duplicate current branch with branch name
git branch

Dive into Docker

Docker is a tool that lets you package your software into containers, like
digital boxes that hold everything your application needs to run smoothly. These
containers are portable and can be easily moved between different systems,
making it simpler for developers to build, ship, and manage applications across
various environments.

Docker Commands (from the session)

docker build -t <image-name> <file-path>
docker run <image-name>
-p: port forwarding external:internal
--name: Docker container name
-d: Detached mode, executes in background
docker exec <container-name> <>
-i: Interactive mode (for standard input)
-t: enables container shell
docker container ls
docker images
docker kill
docker rmi
docker rm
docker stats <container-name>
docker inspect <container-name>
docker network

Links to refer:
Training for DevOps Engineers | Microsoft Learn
How to Become a DevOps Engineer in 6 Months: 2023 Roadmap
AWS training and certification
Learn the Basics of Git in Under 10 Minutes
Learn Git - Tutorials, Workflows and Commands
Docker Curriculum
Docker 101 Tutorial

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