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iVMS-8600 Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software User Manual

Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software
User Manual


User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

User Manual
COPYRIGHT © 2017 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
Any and all information, including, among others, wordings, pictures, graphs are the properties
of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. or its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to be
“Hikvision”). This user manual (hereinafter referred to be “the Manual”) cannot be reproduced,
changed, translated, or distributed, partially or wholly, by any means, without the prior written
permission of Hikvision. Unless otherwise stipulated, Hikvision does not make any warranties,
guarantees or representations, express or implied, regarding to the Manual.

About this Manual

This Manual is applicable to of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software.
The Manual includes instructions for using and managing the product. Pictures, charts, images
and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information
contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other
reasons. Please find the latest version in the company website
Please use this user manual under the guidance of professionals.

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User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software


iVMS-8600 Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software User Manual

CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 FUNCTION MODULES.............................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER 2 USER LOGIN ..................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 3 LIVE VIEW ........................................................................................................ 9
3.1 BASIC OPERATIONS IN LIVE VIEW .............................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Starting Live View .................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 Capturing Picture in Live View ................................................................................ 12
3.1.3 Emergency Recording .............................................................................................. 14
3.1.4 Real-Time Playback ................................................................................................. 16
3.1.5 Live View Auto-switch ............................................................................................. 16
3.1.6 Configuring PTZ Control .......................................................................................... 22
3.1.7 Configuring Preset ................................................................................................... 26
3.1.8 Configuring Patrol.................................................................................................... 28
3.1.9 Configuring Pattern ................................................................................................. 30
3.1.10 Adjusting Video Parameter ..................................................................................... 30
3.1.11 Other Functions in Live View................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER 4 PLAYBACK ...................................................................................................... 33
4.1 NORMAL PLAYBACK .............................................................................................................. 35
4.1.1 Searching Video Files for Normal Playback ............................................................. 35
4.1.2 Playing Back Video Files for Normal Playback ......................................................... 37
4.1.3 Downloading Video File in Normal Playback........................................................... 37
4.2 SEGMENT PLAYBACK ............................................................................................................. 39
4.2.1 Searching Video Files for Segment Playback ........................................................... 39
4.2.2 Playing Back Video Files for Segment Playback ....................................................... 41
4.3 EVENT PLAYBACK ................................................................................................................. 42
4.3.1 Searching Video Files for Event Playback ................................................................ 42
4.3.2 Playing Back Video Files for Event Playback ............................................................ 44
CHAPTER 5 REAL-TIME PASS ............................................................................................. 45
5.1 CHECKING REAL-TIME PASS PICTURE ....................................................................................... 45
5.2 CHECKING REAL-TIME PASS INFORMATION ............................................................................... 46
CHAPTER 6 VEHICLE PASSING EVENT ................................................................................ 47
6.1 SEARCHING BY CHECKPOINT/INTERSECTION .............................................................................. 47
6.1.1 Checking Vehicle Details.......................................................................................... 48
6.1.2 Exporting Data ......................................................................................................... 51
6.2 SEARCHING BY DRIVING TRACK ............................................................................................... 51
6.3 SEARCHING BY ARMING ALARM .............................................................................................. 53
6.4 SEARCHING BY NORMAL VIOLATION ........................................................................................ 54
6.5 SEARCHING BY SEGMENT OVERSPEED VIOLATION ....................................................................... 55
User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

6.6 SEARCHING BY RED LIST VEHICLE PASSING ................................................................................ 56

6.7 SEARCHING BY TRAFFIC EVENT ............................................................................................... 57
CHAPTER 7 REPORTS........................................................................................................ 58
7.1 OPERATING IN TRAFFIC FLOW REPORT ..................................................................................... 58
7.1.1 Calculating Traffic Flow............................................................................................ 58
7.1.2 Checking and Exporting Result in Traffic Flow Report ............................................. 59
7.2 CALCULATING TRAFFIC FLOW COMPARISON .............................................................................. 60
7.3 CALCULATING TRAFFIC VIOLATION ........................................................................................... 61
7.4 CALCULATING TRAFFIC VIOLATION HANDLING ........................................................................... 62
7.5 CALCULATING SPECIFIC TIME SEGMENT TRAFFIC FLOW ............................................................... 63
7.6 CALCULATING DRIVING TRACK STATISTICS ................................................................................. 65
7.7 CALCULATING TRAFFIC EVENT ................................................................................................ 66
7.8 CALCULATING TRAFFIC DATA .................................................................................................. 67
CHAPTER 8 PICTURE PLAYBACK ........................................................................................ 69
8.1 SEARCHING HISTORY PASSING VEHICLE .................................................................................... 69
8.2 CHECKING RESULT ................................................................................................................ 69
CHAPTER 9 E-MAP MANAGEMENT ................................................................................... 71
9.1 BASIC OPERATIONS .............................................................................................................. 72
9.1.1 Measuring Distance................................................................................................. 72
9.1.2 Measuring Area ....................................................................................................... 73
9.1.3 Displaying Layer....................................................................................................... 73
9.2 CHECKING CHECKPOINT DETAILS ON E-MAP .............................................................................. 74
9.2.1 Checking Real-Time Passing Vehicle ........................................................................ 75
9.2.2 Searching in History Passing Vehicle ....................................................................... 75
9.2.3 Searching in History Alarm ...................................................................................... 76
9.2.4 Refresh Road Condition Details ............................................................................... 77
9.3 CHECKING CAMERA DETAILS ON E-MAP ................................................................................... 77
9.3.1 Checking Video Preview on E-map .......................................................................... 77
9.3.2 Playing Back the Video on E-map ............................................................................ 78
9.3.3 Displaying on Video Wall ......................................................................................... 79
9.4 SEARCHING CAMERA AND CHECKPOINT.................................................................................... 80
9.4.1 Global Searching...................................................................................................... 80
9.4.2 Selected Searching .................................................................................................. 81
9.4.3 Custom Searching .................................................................................................... 81
9.5 CHECKING MAP THUMBNAIL.................................................................................................. 82
9.6 REPORTS ON E-MAP ............................................................................................................. 83
9.7 PLAYING BACK PATTERN ........................................................................................................ 85
CHAPTER 10 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT................................................................... 86
10.1 MANAGING SERVER INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 86
10.1.1 Calculating the Server ............................................................................................. 86
10.1.2 Searching the Server ............................................................................................... 86

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

10.1.3 Checking the Server History .................................................................................... 88

10.2 MANAGING DEVICE INFORMATION.......................................................................................... 90
10.2.1 Checking the Device Statistics ................................................................................. 90
10.2.2 Searching the Device ............................................................................................... 90
10.2.3 Checking the Device History.................................................................................... 92
10.3 MANAGING CHECKPOINT INFORMATION .................................................................................. 92
10.3.1 Checking the Checkpoint Statistics.......................................................................... 92
10.3.2 Searching the Checkpoint........................................................................................ 93
10.3.3 Checking the Checkpoint History ............................................................................ 93
10.4 MANAGING USER INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 94
10.4.1 Checking the User Statistics .................................................................................... 94
10.4.2 Searching the User Status ....................................................................................... 94
10.5 MANAGING CABINET DOOR ALARM INFORMATION .................................................................... 95
CHAPTER 11 DOWNLOAD ............................................................................................... 96
11.1 ADDING CAMERA TO DOWNLOADING LIST ................................................................................ 96
11.2 DOWNLOADING VIDEO ......................................................................................................... 97
CHAPTER 12 BACKUP MANAGEMENT ............................................................................. 98
12.1 BACKING UP TO LOCAL .......................................................................................................... 98
12.2 BURNING BACKUP FILE TO DISK ............................................................................................ 100
12.3 UPLOADING SELECT VIDEO .................................................................................................. 101
CHAPTER 13 LOG MANAGEMENT ................................................................................. 103
13.1 SEARCHING SYSTEM LOG ..................................................................................................... 103
13.2 SEARCHING ALARM LOG ...................................................................................................... 104
13.3 SEARCHING DEVICE LOG ...................................................................................................... 106
13.4 SEARCHING WORK LOG....................................................................................................... 107
CHAPTER 14 TWO-WAY AUDIO ..................................................................................... 109
14.1 STARTING TWO-WAY AUDIO AMONG USERS............................................................................ 109
14.2 TWO-WAY AUDIO AND BROADCAST BETWEEN THE USER AND THE DEVICE .................................... 110
14.2.1 Starting Two-way Audio between User and Camera............................................. 110
14.2.2 Broadcasting between User and Device................................................................ 111
CHAPTER 15 CHECKING PICTURE BROWSER .................................................................. 113
CHAPTER 16 CHECKING VIDEO PLAYER .......................................................................... 114
CHAPTER 17 CHECKING SOFT KEYBOARD ...................................................................... 114
CHAPTER 18 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ......................................................................... 115
18.1 CONFIGURING REGULAR PARAMETERS ................................................................................... 115
18.2 CONFIGURING LOCAL .......................................................................................................... 116
18.3 CONFIGURING DISPLAY ....................................................................................................... 117
18.4 CONFIGURING GROUP ........................................................................................................ 118
18.4.1 Adding Group ........................................................................................................ 118
18.4.2 Adding Cameras to the Group ............................................................................... 119
18.5 CONFIGURING EXTERNAL DEVICE .......................................................................................... 120

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

18.5.1 Configuring Analog Keyboard ................................................................................ 120

18.5.2 Configuring Network Keyboard ............................................................................. 121
CHAPTER 19 WORKING RECORD ................................................................................... 123

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Description
The Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software is designed for managing the traffic. The Intelligent
Traffic Monitor Client Software (hereinafter simplified as client software) provides multiple
operating functionalities, including basic functions of Live View, PTZ Control, Play Back, Backup
Management, etc. and other functions such as E-map, Two-way Audio, Broadcast and so on.

This user manual describes the function, configuration and operation steps of the client software.
To ensure the proper usage and stability of the client software, please refer to the contents below
and read the user manual carefully before operating.

1.2 Function Modules

Modules of the client software:

Figure 1-1 The Client Software Main Interface

① Menu Bar:

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Table 1-1 Menu Bar Description

Switch User Switch the login user.
Modify the set password. (For your privacy, we strongly
recommend changing the password to something of your
own choosing (using a minimum of 8 characters, including
Modify Password
upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and
special characters) in order to increase the security of your
product. )

Lock screen operations. Or you can click in the

Lock System
upper-right corner to lock. Click any place on the interface
and input the password to unlock.
Exit System Exit the client software.

Open the Playback page. Double-click the icon

to display the page in a new window.
Open the Real-Time Pass page. Double-click the icon
Real-Time Pass
to display the page in a new window.

Open the Vehicle Passing page. Double-click the icon

Vehicle Passing
to display the page in a new window.

Open the Reports page. Double-click the icon to

display the page in a new window.
Open the Picture Playback page. Double-click the icon
Picture Playback
to display the page in a new window.
Open the E-map page. Double-click the icon to
display the page in a new window.
Open the Maintenance page. Double-click the icon
to display the page in a new window.

Open the Download page. Double-click the icon

to display the page in a new window.
Display all Functions Open all functions pages.
Display the Alarm Information panel. You can check the
Alarm Information alarm information and the confirmed alarm information.
You can also manual alarm and disarm.
I/O Alarm Control Display the I/O Alarm Control panel.
PTZ Control Display the PTZ Control panel.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Preset/Patrol/Pattern Display the Preset/Patrol/Pattern panel.

Video Parameters Display the Video Parameters panel.
Display All Panels Display all panels described above.
Full Screen Display the window in full-screen mode.
2-Screen Live View Display Live View in an auxiliary screen.
Backup Management Manage the backup.
Log Management Manage the log.
Network Two-Way Audio Open the Network Two-way Audio window.
Live View Auto-Switch Open the Live View Auto-switch window.
Open the Picture View window on you PC to view the
Picture Browser
captured pictures.
Open the video player. VSPlayer will be installed together
Video Player
with the client software.
Open Soft Keyboard Open Soft Keyboard on you PC.
System Configuration Configure the system parameters.
Working Record Write the working record.
About View the basic information of the client software.

② Camera Information
Display all organizations and devices under the current user account. Searching for the required
device is available in the client software.

③ System Information

Display on the upper-right corner, shown as .

Click to show more information about the system, including the information of the login user,
the HDD free space and the volume.

④ Display Window
Play the live view or playback of the selected camera.

⑤ Toolbar
Use the tool in the toolbar to control the display window.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Chapter 2 User Login


1. Double-click on the desktop to run the client software.

2. Input the user name, password, IP Address and Port No. in the pop-up window.
Note: The user name and the password should be configured on the iVMS-8600 Intelligent
Traffic Monitor System. For details, please refer to the iVMS-8600 Intelligent Traffic Monitor
System User Manual.

 A user name cannot contain any of the following characters: / \ : * ? “ < > |. And the
length of the password cannot be less than 6 characters.
 For your privacy, we strongly recommend changing the password to something of your
own choosing (using a minimum of 8 characters, including upper case letters, lower case
letters, numbers, and special characters) in order to increase the security of your
 Proper configuration of all passwords and other security settings is the responsibility of
the installer and/or end-user.
You can check Remember Password. The client software will remember the password when
logging in next time.
You can also check Auto-login to log in the software automatically next time.
3. Click OK to log in.

Figure 2-1 Login Interface

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Chapter 3 Live View

You can view the live video of the added cameras on the Live View page. Basic operations are
supported, including picture capturing, manual recording, PTZ control, etc.

Click the icon at the upper-left corner.

Modules on the Live View page:

Figure 3-1 Live View Page

Table 3-1 Information of the Live View Modules
No. Name Description
① Camera Information Click to select the camera in the list of camera.
② PTZ Control Panel Control the camera’s moving via PTZ control panel.
③ Display Window Of Live View Viewing the live view of the selected camera.
④ Live View Toolbar Use the tool in the toolbar to operate the live view.

3.1 Basic Operations in Live View

The following buttons are available on the Live View page.
Table 3-2 Descriptions of the Buttons on the Live View Page
Icon Description

Stop all live views.

Capture pictures for all windows.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Start emergency recordings for all windows.






Select the screen layout mode.

Full Screen

Buttons on the single live view window are shown as follows:

Figure 3-2 Buttons on the Single Live View Window

Table 3-3 Descriptions of the Buttons on the Single Live View Window
Icon Description
Start the emergency recording in the single
live view window.
Open the PTZ Control buttons on the single
live view window.
Start Two-way Audio.
Digital Zoom
Enable Real-Time Playback.
Start/Pause button
Play back the video files frame by frame
Play back the video files frame by frame.
Close the Live View window.

3.1.1 Starting Live View


1. Click the icon at the upper-left corner.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

2. Click or to expend or hide the camera list on the Camera Information panel.

Figure 3-3 The Camera Information Panel

3. Double-click a target camera to start the live view.
You can also click-and-drag the target camera to the live view window to start live view.

Figure 3-4 Click-and-Drag the Target Camera

You can also input the target camera name in the searching box

. And press the icon to search the target camera.

 By default, the client software will stream from the device directly. You can also forward
stream via Stream Media Server. If the forwarding fails, the client software will automatically
change to try to stream from the device directly.
 The Live View window will display the time stamp.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

3.1.2 Capturing Picture in Live View

You can capture pictures in the Live View window automatically and manually.

Auto Capturing
Click the icon on the toolbar of the live view window.
Or right-click on the live view window to open the right-click menu and click Capture.

Figure 3-5 The Right-Click Menu

You can also click on the toolbar to capture pictures for all windows.

The preview of the captured picture will be displayed at the down-right corner of the screen.

Figure 3-6 Preview of the Captured Picture

Note: The saving path of the captured picture can be set via Tool -> System Configuration ->
Local Configuration. Click Apply to save the parameters. For details about the local configuration,
please refer to Chapter 18.2 Configuring Local.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-7 Local Configuration Interface

Manual Capturing
1. Click Tool -> System Configuration -> Local Configuration to open the Local configuration
2. Check Save.

Figure 3-8 Local Configuration Interface

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

3. Repeat the step in Auto Capturing to capture pictures.

4. Click Save next to the picture to save the target image. See Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9 Configuration Window of the Captured Pictures

You can batch save the pictures:
check the target pictures and click the Save at the bottom of the window to save
the selected pictures. See Figure 3-10.

Figure 3-10 Save All Pictures

Or click Save All to save all pictures.
You may also click Print to print the selected picture in the configuration window.
Note: For more information about Local Configuration, see Chapter 18.2 Configuring Local.

3.1.3 Emergency Recording

1. Click the icon on the toolbar on the Live View window to start emergency record. The
icon will turn to .
Or right-click on the live view window to open the right-click menu. And click Start
Emergency Record.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-11 The Right-Click Menu

2. Click the icon again to stop recording.
Or right-click on the live view window and click Stop Emergency Record to stop recording.

Figure 3-12 The Right-Click Menu

Note: The saving path of the recorded file can be set via Tool -> System Configuration -> Local
Configuration. For details about the local configuration, refer to Chapter 18.2 Configuring Local.

Figure 3-13 The Local Configuration Interface

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

You can also configure the packet size of the recorded file and the maximum video length in this

3.1.4 Real-Time Playback

The video files can be played back instantly on the Live View page. The playback time depends on
the video qualification. The longest playback time is 1 minute.
1. Click the button to enable the real-time playback on the target live view window. The
button turns to .

2. Click the button to play back frame by frame.

Or click the button to play back frame by frame reversely.

Note: The real-time playback duration will be displayed at the upper-right corner of the
displaying window.

Figure 3-14 The Real-Time Playback Duration

3.1.5 Live View Auto-switch

Cameras in the same group will switch automatically in a selected display window. You can use
this function to view different cameras in a single live view window.

Configuring the Auto-switch Mode

1. Select Tool -> System Configuration -> Regular Configuration
2. Select an auto-switch mode in Other. See Figure 3-16.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-15 The Regular Configuration Interface

You can select Multi-screen Auto-switch or Single-screen Auto-switch in this step.
Multi-screen Auto-switch: Switch the live views in multiple live view windows automatically.
Single-screen Auto-switch: Switch the live view in a single live view window automatically.
3. Click Apply to save the setting.
Or click OK to save the setting and leave the page.
4. Click Tool -> System Configuration -> Group Configuration to configure the group.
For more information about system configuration, see Chapter 18.4 Group Configuration.
5. Enter the Live View page.
6. Double click the auto-switch group in My Group.
Or click-and-drag a custom group in My Group to a target live view window.

Figure 3-16 Click-and-Drag a Group to the Live View Window.

Scheduling Auto-switch
Live Views will be auto switched according to the configured schedule.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

1. Click Tool -> Live View Auto-switch.

2. Click to add the auto-switch task.

Figure 3-17 Live View Auto-switch Interface

3. Configure the task name, the start time, the end time, the auto-switch interval and the
screen division in the pop-up window.

Figure 3-18 Auto-switch Task Configuration Window

4. Check Auto-switch by Schedule.
5. Click OK and check the required auto-switch cameras in the pop-up window.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-19 Check Required Cameras

6. Click OK to save the settings. The configured task will be displayed on the auto-switch task
list on the left of the window.
Or click Previous to go back to the Add Auto-switch Task configuration window.

You can also click the icon to edit the added auto-switch schedule.

Or click the icon to delete the added auto-switch schedule.

Or click to export the required auto-switch schedule.

Or click to import the auto-switch schedule from your PC.

Note: Before you edit and delete the target auto-switch task, you should right-click the target
task and click Stop to stop the auto-switch. See Figure 3-20.

Managing Cameras in the Scheduled Auto-switch

1. Right-click the required auto-switch task and click Stop.

Figure 3-20 Stop the Auto-switch Task

2. Click Tool -> Live View Auto-switch to open the Live View Auto-switch window.
3. Select a stopped auto-switch task in the task list.
 Cameras in the selected auto-switch task will be displayed in Auto-switch Channel.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-21 Auto-switch Channel

 When the auto-switch task starts, cameras will be auto switched according to the order
in the Auto-switch Channel.
4. You can also click Add to add cameras in the Auto-switch Channel.

Figure 3-22 Add Cameras

5. Check required cameras in the pop-up window.

Figure 3-23 Check the Required Cameras

Or you can also click Delete to delete the camera in Auto-switch Channel.
Or you can also click Up or Down to change the order of the auto-switch camera.
6. Click OK to save the setting.
Or click OK to save the setting and leave the page.

Managing Scheduled Auto-switch

1. Click Tool -> Live View Auto-switch.
2. Right-click the required auto-switch task.
3. Click Start to start the auto-switch task.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-24 Start Auto-switch

Or right-click the started task and click Pause to pause the auto-switch task.
Or right-click the started task and click Continue to continue playing the auto-switch task.
Or right-click the started task and click Stop to stop the auto-switch task.

Configuring Temporary Auto-switch

You can start the auto-switch temporarily in the client software.
1. Click Tool -> Live View Auto-switch.
2. Click to add the auto-switch task.

Figure 3-25 The Live View Auto-switch Window

3. Uncheck Auto-switch by Schedule.
Note: The start time and the end time will be displayed in grey.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-26 Uncheck Auto-switch by Schedule

4. Configure the task name, the auto-switch Interval and the screen division in the pop-up
5. Click OK and check the required cameras for auto-switch in the pop-up window.

Figure 3-27 Check Required Cameras

6. Click OK to save the settings. The configured temporary task will be displayed on the
auto-switch task list on the left of the window.
Or click Previous to go back to the Add Auto-switch Task configuration window.

3.1.6 Configuring PTZ Control

You can control the PTZ Control Panel to pan/tilt/zoom the camera.

The PTZ Control Panel:

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-28 The PTZ Control Panel

The following buttons are available on the PTZ Control Panel:
Table 3-4 Buttons and Descriptions on the PTZ Control Panel
Icon Description
Tilt Upper Left
Pan Up
Tilt Upper Right
Pan Left
Auto Scan
Tilt Lower Left
Pan Down
Tilt Lower Right
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Focus +
Focus -
Iris +
Iris -
3D Zoom
Reset 3D Zoom
Drag and move to control the PTZ speed.

Operating the PTZ

1. Click View -> PTZ Control to open the PTZ Control Panel.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-29 The PTZ Control Panel

2. Click buttons on the PTZ control panel to control the camera remotely.
Or right-click the live view window and select PTZ Control to open the on-screen control
button. PTZ control buttons will be displayed on the live view window. Use the mouse wheel
to change the focus.

Figure 3-30 The Right-Click Menu

Figure 3-31 PTZ Control Buttons

Or click the button on the live view window to open the control button as well. Click the

button again to close.

Note: The current controller’s user name will be displayed on the live view window.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Occupying the PTZ

You can occupy the PTZ according to the following steps. The priority of controlling the PTZ is
depending on the user level. PTZ control priority is assigned to the user with the highest priority.

Note: The user level can be configured through the web version of this client software: For more
information about configuring the user level, please refer to iVMS-8600 Intelligent Traffic Monitor
System User Manual.

Locking the PTZ

1. Right click the camera on the camera information panel to open the right-click menu.

Figure 3-32 The Right-Click Menu

2. Click Lock PTZ.
3. Configure the lock time in the pop-up window.
4. Click OK to save the setting. The icon will turns to on the Camera Information
(The default lock time is 15 minutes. The maximum lock time is 60 minutes.)

Figure 3-33 Lock PTZ Configuration Window

 Only users with the PTZ lock permission can lock the PTZ.
 Only the present user with the PTZ lock permission can operate the PTZ when the PTZ is
 Other users can see a notice on the live view screen when the PTZ is locked.
User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Operating 3D Zoom
3D zoom is a zoom function which helps you to zoom in the interesting area quickly.
Perform the following steps to operate the 3D Zoom.

1. Click the icon on the PTZ Control Panel.

2. Click-and-drag to draw an interesting area in the live view window. The selected area will be
zoomed in.
Figure 3-34 displays live view before 3D Zoom.

Figure 3-34 Before 3D Zoom

Figure 3-35 displays the live view after 3D Zoom.

Figure 3-35 After 3D Zoom

3.1.7 Configuring Preset

A preset is a predefined image position which contains information of pan, tilt, focus and other
Before you start:

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

You should operate the PTZ to the required position.

1. Click View -> Preset/Patrol/Pattern to open the preset/patrol/pattern panel.
2. Click the Preset button to on the preset/patrol/pattern panel.
3. Right-click any number button.

Figure 3-36 Preset Panel

4. Click Add Preset.
5. Input a preset name in the pop-up window
6. Click OK to save the setting.

Figure 3-37 The Preset Configuration Window

7. Right-click the configured preset button. You can call the preset, modify the preset or delete
the preset.

Figure 3-38 Call/Modify and Delete the Preset

Or you can also click the required preset directly to call the preset.

Or input the required preset number in and click the icon to call the


User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-39 Search the Preset

3.1.8 Configuring Patrol

A patrol is a track specified by a group of user-defined presets. You can set the scanning speed
between two presets and the dwell time at each preset separately.
1. Click the Patrol button on the preset/patrol/pattern panel.

Figure 3-40 Patrol Panel

2. Right click a patrol path button.
3. Click Configure Patrol Path.

Figure 3-41 Configure Patrol Path

4. Click Add to add presets in the pop-up window.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 3-42 Patrol Path Configuration Window

5. Double click the required preset in the Preset column.
6. Select a preset in the drop-down list and click OK to save the setting.

Figure 3-43 Preset Drop-down List

7. Click the configured patrol path button to start/stop the patrol.

Figure 3-44 Start/Stop the Patrol Path

Or you can also input the required patrol number in and click the icon

to start patrol.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

3.1.9 Configuring Pattern

A pattern is a memorized, repeating series of pan, tilt, zoom, and preset functions. You can
configure a pattern in this function.
1. Click View -> PTZ Control to open the PTZ Control panel.
2. Click Pattern on the preset/patrol/pattern panel.

Figure 3-45 Pattern Panel

3. Click the button Start Recording.
4. Operate the buttons on the PTZ Control panel to control the PTZ movements.
5. Click the button Stop Recording to stop recording and save the pattern.
Or you can also click the button Run Pattern to call the pattern.
Or you can click the button Stop Pattern to stop the pattern.

3.1.10 Adjusting Video Parameter

Adjusting the playing video’s brightness, contrast, hue and saturation.

Click View -> Video Parameters to open the Video Parameters panel.

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Figure 3-46 View Menu

Here we introduce the icon on the Video Parameter panel. Move the icon to adjust.

Table 3-5 Icons and the Descriptions on Video Parameter Panel

Icon Description






3.1.11 Other Functions in Live View

Two-way Audio
Two-way Audio enables the voice talk between the control system and the camera. You can get
not only the live video but also the real-time audio from the camera.

Click the icon to start the two-way audio.

Note: Audio devices are acquired to support this function.

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Auxiliary Screen Preview

The live video can be displayed on an auxiliary screen for the convenient preview of two
monitoring scenes.
1. Click View -> 2-Screen Live View.
2. Click-and-drag the required camera to the live view window in the pop-up window.

Figure 3-47 2-Screen Live View Configuration Window

3. Click-and drag the live view window to the auxiliary screen.

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Chapter 4 Playback
The video files stored on the local device or the storage server can be searched by camera or
triggering event, and then can be played back.

The Playback page is displayed as follows:

Figure 4-1 Playback Page

 Normal Playback, Segment Playback and Event Playback are available in the client software.
The following buttons are available on the Playback page.
Table 4-1 Buttons and Descriptions on the Playback Page
Icon Description
Fast Forward/Fast Backward and Lock the
playback speed.

Start all playbacks.

Pause all playbacks.

Stop all playbacks.

Reversely play video files.

Capture the picture in the playback process.

Play the video files frame by frame.

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Start to play from X min before/after.

Synchronization Playback. Click to change to

Asynchchronization Playback.
Asynchronization Playback. Click to change
to Synchronization Playback.
Full Screen mode. Click to change to the
self-adaptive screen.
Self-adaptive Screen mode. Click to change
to Full Screen Mode





Full Screen

Download the playback file.

View the backup details.

Clear the playback list.

Show the playback list.

Hide the playback list.

Toolbar in the playback window:

Figure 4-2 Playback Toolbar

Table 4-2 Icons and Descriptions in the Playback Toolbar
Icon Description
Start playback.
Adjust video parameters, including the
brightness, the contrast, the saturate and the
The audio is off. Click to open the audio.
The audio is on. Click to close the audio.
Capture in the playback process.
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Clip the playback video.

Stop playback.

4.1 Normal Playback

4.1.1 Searching Video Files for Normal Playback

1. Click View->Playback to open the playback page.

Figure 4-3 View Menu

2. Click Normal in the Playback page.

Figure 4-4 The Normal Tab

3. Select required playback device. Up to 16 devices can be played back simultaneously.

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Figure 4-5 Playback Device List

Or input the required camera name in the searching box and

click to search.
Click to select a required device.
4. Configure a start time and an end time.

Figure 4-6 Time Configuration Panel

5. Select required video types.

Figure 4-7 Video Type Panel

6. Click . The required playback video will be displayed in the device

playback list.

Figure 4-8 Device Playback List

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4.1.2 Playing Back Video Files for Normal Playback

1. Click View->Playback to open the playback page.

Figure 4-9 View Menu

2. Click the start button to play back. Or click to start all playbacks on playback

Or right-click the playback window and click Start Play to start palyback.

Figure 4-10 The Right-Click Menu

4.1.3 Downloading Video File in Normal Playback

1. Press Ctrl on your keyboard and at the same time click-and-drag the required video on the
video time bar.
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Figure 4-11 Video Time Bar

Note: A white frame will be displayed on the selected area.

2. Right-click the selected area and click Download.

Figure 4-12 The Right-Click Menu

Or click the icon to download.

3. Configure Start Time and End Time in the pop-up window.

Figure 4-13 Download Configuration Window

4. Click OK to start download.

5. Click the icon to check the downloading progress in the pop-up window.

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Figure 4-14 The Backup Window

Note: For more information about Backup, please see Chapter 12.1 Backing up to Local.

4.2 Segment Playback

This function will help you to separate the playback video file to several segments for convenient

4.2.1 Searching Video Files for Segment Playback

1. Click View->Playback to open the playback page.

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Figure 4-15 View Menu

2. Click Segment Playback in the Playback page.

Figure 4-16 The Segment Tab

3. Select a required playback device in the camera list.

Figure 4-17 The Camera List

Or input the required camera name in the searching box and

click to search.
4. Configure a start time and an end time.

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Figure 4-18 Time Configuration Panel

5. Select a segment.
Note: Three kinds of segments can be selected in the dropdown list: 4 Segments Playback, 9
Segments Playback and 16 Segments Playback.

Figure 4-19 Segment Dropdown List

6. Click Search. The required playback video will be displayed in segment on the downside of
the window.

Figure 4-20 The Segment List

4.2.2 Playing Back Video Files for Segment Playback

Click the start button on the playback window to play back.

Or click in the toolbar to start all playbacks in the segment list.

Or you can also right-click a playback window to open the right-click menu and click Start Play to

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

start palyback.

Figure 4-21 The Right-Click Menu

Note: For details about downloading the video file, please refers to Chapter 4.1.3 Downloading
Video File in Normal Playback.

4.3 Event Playback

The recording will be triggered by events, such as motion detection, video tempering detection
and so on. In this function, you can search videos by the event type and the event triggering time.

4.3.1 Searching Video Files for Event Playback

1. Click View->Playback to open the playback page.

Figure 4-22 View Menu

2. Click Event Playback in the Playback page.

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Figure 4-23 The Event Tab

3. Select the required Event Type. You can choose Camera Alarm or IO Alarm in the dropdown

Figure 4-24 The Event Type Dropdown List

4. Check the required camera alarm type in the device list.

Figure 4-25 The Camera Alarm Type List

5. Configure a start time and an end time.

Figure 4-26 The Time Configuration Panel

6. Click Search Event. The searching result will be displayed on the downside of the window.

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Figure 4-27 The Result List

4.3.2 Playing Back Video Files for Event Playback


1. Double click the button to enter the linked video information panel.

Figure 4-28 The Video Information Panel

2. Click the start button to play back. Or click to start all event playbacks in the linked

video information list.

Or right-click the playback window and click Start Play to start palyback.

Figure 4-29 The Right-Click Menu

Note: For details about downloading the video file, please refer to Chapter 4.1.3
Downloading Video File in Normal Playback.

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Chapter 5 Real-Time Pass

You can view the real-time pass information of the vehicles in the selected checkpoint. The
real-time pass information of the vehicle includes the road condition, the passing vehicle details,
the current traffic flow, etc.

5.1 Checking Real-Time Pass Picture

1. Double-click a camera in the camera list. The vehicle passing picture will be displayed on the
right of the window.

Figure 5-1 Real-Time Pass Interface

Or you can also click to display vehicle details.

Figure 5-2 Vehicle Details

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5.2 Checking Real-Time Pass Information

1. Click Subscribe.

Figure 5-3 Subscribe

2. Check required cameras in the pop-up window.

Figure 5-4 Check Cameras

3. Click OK to save the setting.
 You can view the vehicle information details according to Illegal Vehicle Passing, Arm Vehicle
Passing, Segment Overspeed and Normally Vehicle Passing.

Figure 5-5 The Vehicle Information Details

 Double-click the required vehicle passing information to check the selected vehicle details in
the pop-up window.
 For more information about viewing vehicle details, please refer to Chapter 6.1.1 Checking
Vehicle Details.

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Chapter 6 Vehicle Passing Event

This chapter will show you how to search the passing vehicle by checkpoint or intersection,
vehicle driving pattern, arming alarm, normal violation, section overspeed violation, vehicle in
red list passing, and traffic event search.

6.1 Searching by Checkpoint/Intersection

Search and view the passing vehicle in different checkpoints or intersections.
1. Click View -> Vehicle Passing -> Search by Checkpoint/Intersection.

Figure 6-1 Search by Checkpoint/Intersection

2. Configure the searching options. The searching options include the checkpoint, the lane, the
start time, the end time, the direction and the license plate number.
Configure the checkpoint:
Click the checkpoint field and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.

Figure 6-2 Check Checkpoints/Intersections

Click OK to save settings.
Configure the start time and the end time: Click to select a start time and an end time.
Input the license plate number:
Use the asterisk (*) to represent zero and several unknown characters. Use the question

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

mark (?) to represent one unknown character.

3. Click Search to start searching.
4. You can double click the search result to view the vehicle passing details.
 The field with is required for searching.
 By default, the searching result is displayed in a list.
Click to display the result in thumbnails.

6.1.1 Checking Vehicle Details

Vehicle Passing Information

The interface of the vehicle passing information:

Figure 6-3 Vehicle Details Window

Table 6-1 Descriptions of the Vehicle Details Window
No. Name Description
① Information Panel Display the vehicle license plate No., the passing time, the
checkpoint name, the lane name and the speed and the check
② Captured Information Move the cursor on anywhere of the picture to zoom in. See
Figure 6-3.
③ Toolbar For more information about the toolbar, see Table 6-1.
④ Buttons Arm Click to arm the vehicle.
Verify Click to verify the vehicle information according to
the captured picture.
Cancel Click to exit.

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Figure 6-4 Captured Information

Table 6-2 Toolbar Descriptions

Icon Description
Click to select the interval for the auto
playing of passing vehicle pictures.
Check to auto play passing vehicle pictures.
Click to display the previous picture.
Click to display the next picture.
Click to display the optimum size of the
displayed picture.
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Click to print the passing vehicle picture.
Save the passing vehicle picture.
Click to enter the full screen mode.
1. Double-click a result to view the selected vehicle details in the Search by Checkpoint tab.

Or check a result and click to view details.

2. Click the Vehicle Passing Information tab.

3. Double-click a result to view the selected vehicle details in the Search by Checkpoint tab.
Or check a result and click to view details.
4. Click the Vehicle Passing Information tab.
You can choose to check auto-play and select the auto play interval in . Passing vehicle
pictures will be played automatically.
You can also click to view the picture in full screen:
1) Scroll up and down the mouse to zoom in and zoom out the picture respectively.
2) Double click the picture to exit the full screen mode.

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Recording Linkage
1. Go to the web version and click Configuration Client -> Parameter -> System Parameters ->
System Configuration to configure Video Playback Time.
For more information about setting Video Playback Time , please refer to iVMS-8600
Intelligent Traffic Monitor System User Manual.
2. Click the Recording Linkage tab to enter the linked video playback page.

Figure 6-5 Linked Video Playback Page

3. Click to start playback.
For more information about the toolbar function, please refer to Chapter 4.1. Normal
Or you can also click on the Search by Checkpoint page to enter the playback page.

Figure 6-6 Playback Button

History Vehicle Passing Record

1. Click the tab of History Vehicle Passing Record.
2. By default, passing vehicles information of the current date will be displayed.
You can select the Recent Week tab, the Recent Month tab to view the vehicle details.

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Figure 6-7 The Tab of History Vehicle Passing Record

3. You can also customize the date in the Custom tab.
Note: Steps to search in the tab of History Arming Alarm and History Violation Record are the
same with steps to search in the tab of History Vehicle Passing Record. If you want to operate
in these two tabs, Please refer to the chapter of Searching in the Tab of History Vehicle
Passing Record.

6.1.2 Exporting Data

You can export the picture or the date or both of the picture and the data for your preference.
1. Check the required passing vehicle information in the result list.
2. Click Export -> Check.

Figure 6-8 Export Menu

3. Click Picture, Data or Picture & Data to download the checked picture, the checked data or
the checked picture and data.
Or click Current Page to choose to download the picture, data or picture & data of the
passing vehicle on the current page.
Or click All to choose to download the picture, the data or picture & data of all vehicles.

6.2 Searching by Driving Track

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Search and view the track of a particular passing vehicle in different checkpoints or intersections.
1. Click the tab of Search by Driving Track.

Figure 6-9 Search by Driving Track

2. Configure the searching options. The searching options include the checkpoint, vehicle type,
the start time, the end time and the license plate number.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.

Figure 6-10 Check Checkpoints

2) Click OK to save the setting.
Configure the start time and the end time:
Click to select a start time and an end time.
Input the license plate number:
Use the asterisk (*) to represent zero and several unknown characters. Use the question
mark (?) to represent one unknown character.
3. Click the button Search to start searching.
 The field with is required for searching.
 By default, the searching result will be displayed in list.
Click to display the result in thumbnails.
 For more information about the vehicle details, please refer to Chapter 6.1.1 Checking
Vehicle Details and Chapter 6.1.2 Exporting Data.

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6.3 Searching by Arming Alarm

Search the alarm information produced by arming vehicles.
1. Click the tab of Arming Alarm Search to enter the searching page.

Figure 6-11 The Tab of Arming Alarm Search

2. Configure the searching options. The searching options include the checkpoint, the lane, the
start time, the end time, the direction, the processing status, the license plate No. and the
exclude plate.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

Figure 6-12 Check Checkpoints

Configure the lane and the direction:
You should check a checkpoint before selecting the lane and the direction.
Configure the start time and the end time:
Click to select a start time and an end time.
Configure the processing status:
You can choose All, Processed or Unprocessed in the dropdown list.
Input the license plate No. and the excluded license plate No.:
Use the asterisk (*) to represent zero and several unknown characters. Use the question
mark (?) to represent one unknown character.
3. Click the button Search to search.

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 The field with is required for searching.
 By default, the searching result will be displayed in list.
Click to display the result in thumbnails.
 For more information about the vehicle details, please refer to Chapter 6.1.1 Checking
Vehicle Details and Chapter 6.1.2 Exporting Data.

6.4 Searching by Normal Violation

Search the normal violation information.
1. Click the tab of Normal Violation Search to enter the searching page.

Figure 6-13 Normal Violation Search

2. Configure the searching options. The searching options include the checkpoint, the lane, the
start time, the end time, the direction, the license plate No., the processing status and the
violation type.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

Figure 6-14 Check Checkpoints

Configure the lane and the direction:
You should check a checkpoint before selecting the lane and the direction.

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Configure the start time and the end time:

Click to select a start time and an end time.
Configure the license plate No.:
Use the asterisk (*) to represent zero and several unknown characters. Use the question
mark (?) to represent one unknown character.
Configure the processing status:
Select a processing status in the dropdown list.
Configure the violation type:
Select a violation type in the violation dropdown list.
3. Click the button Search to search.
 The field with is required for searching.
 By default, the searching result will be displayed in list.
Click to display the results in thumbnails.
 For more information about the vehicle details, please refer to Chapter 6.1.1 Checking
Vehicle Details and Chapter 6.1.2 Exporting Data.

6.5 Searching by Segment Overspeed Violation

Search and view the overspeed violation of the passing vehicle in different sections.
1. Click the tab of Segment Overspeed Violation Search to enter the searching page.

Figure 6-15 Segment Overspeed Violation Search

2. Configure the searching options. The options include the segment, the processing status, the
license plate No. the exclude plate, the start time, the end time and the overspeed ratio.
Configure the processing status:
You can choose All, Processed or Unprocessed in the dropdown list.
Configure the license plate number and the excluded license plate number:
Use the asterisk (*) to represent zero and several unknown characters. Use the question
mark (?) to represent one unknown character.
Configure the overspeed ratio:
You can choose below 10% or over 10% in the dropdown list.
3. Click the button Search to search.
 The field with is required for searching.
 By default, the searching result will be displayed in list.
Click to display the result in thumbnails.
 For more information about the vehicle details, please refer to Chapter 6.1.1 Checking

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Vehicle Details and Chapter 6.1.2 Exporting Data.

6.6 Searching by Red List Vehicle Passing

Search and view the passing vehicle in the red list.
1. Click the tab of Red List Vehicle Passing Search to enter the searching page.

Figure 6-16 Red List Vehicle Passing Search

2. Configure the searching options. The searching options include the checkpoint, the lane, the
license plate No., the direction, the start time and the end time.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

Figure 6-17 Check Checkpoints

The license plate number.
Use the asterisk (*) to represent zero and several unknown characters. Use the question
mark (?) to represent one unknown character.
3. Click the button Search to search.
 The field with is required for searching.
 By default, the searching result will be displayed in list.
 Click to display the result in thumbnails.
 For more information about the vehicle details, please refer to Chapter 6.1.1 Checking
Vehicle Details and Chapter 6.1.2 Exporting Data.

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6.7 Searching by Traffic Event

Search and view the traffic events.
1. Click the tab of Traffic Event Search to enter the searching page.

Figure 6-18 Traffic Event Search

2. Configure the searching options. The searching options include the checkpoint, the lane, the
event type, the processing status, the start time, and the end time.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint field and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

Figure 6-19 Select Checkpoints

3. Click the button Search to search.
 The field with is required for searching.
 By default, the searching result will be displayed in list.
 Click to display the result in thumbnails.
 For more information about the vehicle details, please refer to Chapter 6.1.1 Checking
Vehicle Details and Chapter 6.1.2 Exporting Data.

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Chapter 7 Reports
This function will display the report of the traffic flow, the traffic flow comparison, the traffic
violation, the traffic violation handling and the traffic flow in the specific time segment.

7.1 Operating in Traffic Flow Report

7.1.1 Calculating Traffic Flow

1. Click View -> Reports -> Traffic Flow Statistics.

Figure 7-1 Traffic Flow Statistics

2. Configure the calculating options. The calculating options include the report type, the
checkpoint, the direction and the time.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

Figure 7-2 Check Checkpoints

Configure the report type:
You can select Daily Report, Weekly Report, Monthly Report or Annual Report in the
dropdown list.

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Figure 7-3 The Report Type

Configure the time:
Click to select a time.
3. Click the button Start to calculate. The result will be displayed on the downside of the

7.1.2 Checking and Exporting Result in Traffic Flow Report

1. The result will be displayed as a curve chart by default.

Figure 7-4 The Result

Or you can also click the button . The result will be displayed as a histogram.

Figure 7-5 The Result in Histogram

Or click the button . The result will be displayed as a form.

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Figure 7-6 The Result in the Report Form

2. You can also export the result in this page. Click the button to export the result.
Note: You can export the result in the form of pdf, jpeg or png.

7.2 Calculating Traffic Flow Comparison

1. Click View -> Reports -> Traffic Flow Comparison.

Figure 7-7 Traffic Flow Comparison

2. Configure the calculate options. The calculate options the checkpoint, the select time and
the direction.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

Figure 7-8 Check Checkpoints

Configure the select time:
1) click to change the date, the start time and the end time in the pop-up window.
2) Check required time in the pop-up window.
3) Click Save to save the setting.

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Figure 7-9 Time Configuration Window

3. Click the button Search to calculate. The result will be displayed on the downside of the
 The field with is required for searching.
 For more information about viewing and exporting the result in the traffic flow comparison
tab, please refer to Chapter 7.1.2 Checking and Exporting the Result in Traffic Flow Report.

7.3 Calculating Traffic Violation

1. Click View -> Reports -> Traffic Violations Statistics.

Figure 7-10 The Tab of Traffic Violation Report

2. Configure the calculate options. The calculate options include the checkpoint, the start time
and the end time.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

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Figure 7-11 Check Checkpoints

Configure the start time and the end time:
Click to select a start time and an end time.
3. Click the button Search to calculate. The result will be displayed on the downside of the
Note: For more information about viewing and exporting the result in the traffic violation report,
please refer to Chapter 7.1.2 Checking and Exporting the Result in Traffic Flow Report.

7.4 Calculating Traffic Violation Handling

1. Click View -> Reports ->Traffic Violations Handling.

Figure 7-12 The Tab of Traffic Violation Handling

2. Configure the calculate options. The calculate options include the checkpoint, the start time
and the end time.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

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Figure 7-13 Check Checkpoints

Configure the start time and the end time:
Click to select a start time and an end time.
3. Click the button Search to calculate. The result will be displayed on the downside of the
Note: For more information about viewing and exporting the result in the traffic violation
handling, please refer to Chapter 7.1.2 Checking and Exporting Result in Traffic Flow Report.

7.5 Calculating Specific Time Segment Traffic Flow

1. Click View -> Reports -> Specific Time Segment Traffic Flow

Figure 7-14 Specific Time Segment Traffic Flow

2. Configure the calculate options. The calculate options include the checkpoint, the direction
and the start time, the end time and the rush hour.
Configure the checkpoint:
3) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
4) Click OK to save the setting.

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Figure 7-15 Check Checkpoints

Configure the start date and the end date:
Click to select a start date and an end date.
Configure the rush hour:
1) Check the required start time and the end time in the pop-up window.
2) You can also click to change the time.
3) Click Save to save the setting.

Figure 7-16 Time Configuration Window

3. Click the button Search to calculate. The result will be displayed on the downside of the
 The field with is required for searching.
 For more information about viewing and exporting the result in the specific time segment
traffic flow, please refer to Chapter 7.1.2 Checking and Exporting Result in Traffic Flow

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7.6 Calculating Driving Track Statistics

1. Click View -> Reports -> Driving Track Statistics

Figure 7-17 Vehicle Driving Track

2. Select to calculate by license plate color or by vehicle type.
3. Configure other options including the checkpoint, duration for the report, and for calculating
by vehicle type, you can set the license plate color..
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

Figure 7-18 Check Checkpoints

Configure the duration:
1) Check the required start time and the end time in the pop-up window.
2) You can also click to change the time.
3) Click Save to save the setting.

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Figure 7-19 Time Configuration Window

4. Click the button Search to calculate. The result will be displayed on the downside of the
 The field with is required for searching.
 For more information about viewing and exporting the result in the specific time segment
traffic flow, please refer to Chapter 7.1.2 Checking and Exporting Result in Traffic Flow

7.7 Calculating Traffic Event

1. Click View -> Reports -> Traffic Event Statistics

Figure 7-20 Traffic Event

2. Configure the options including the checkpoint, the lane, the start time and the end time.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

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Figure 7-21 Check Checkpoints

Configure the start date and the end date:
Click to select a start date and an end date.
3. Click the button Search to calculate. The result will be displayed on the downside of the
 The field with is required for searching.
 For more information about viewing and exporting the result in the specific time segment
traffic flow, please refer to Chapter 7.1.2 Checking and Exporting Result in Traffic Flow

7.8 Calculating Traffic Data

1. Click View -> Reports ->Traffic Data Statistics.

Figure 7-22 Traffic Data

2. Configure the calculate options. The calculate options include the checkpoint, the lane, the
calculate type, the start time and the end time.
Configure the checkpoint:
1) Click the checkpoint box and select the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.
2) Click OK to save the setting.

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Figure 7-23 Check Checkpoints

Configure the calculate type:
You can select Lane Speed Limit, Time Headway, Space Headway, Space Occupancy, Time
Occupancy, Small Vehicle Numbers, Medium Vehicle Numbers or Heavy-Loaded Vehicle
Numbers in the dropdown list.

Figure 7-24 The Dropdown List of the Calculation Type

Configure the start time and the end time:
Click to select a start time and an end time.
3. Click the button Search to calculate. The result will be displayed on the downside of the
Note: For more information about viewing and exporting the result in the traffic flow of the
traffic data, please refer to Chapter 7.1.2 Checking and Exporting Result in Traffic Flow Report.

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Chapter 8 Picture Playback

You can check the playback history of the passing vehicles in different checkpoints.

8.1 Searching History Passing Vehicle

1. Click View -> Picture Playback to enter the Picture Playback page.
2. Select a checkpoint in the checkpoint list.

Figure 8-1 The Checkpoint List

3. Configure picture type, start time and end time in Picture Search panel.

Figure 8-2 Picture Search Panel

4. Click the button Search to start. The result will be displayed on the right side of the window.

8.2 Checking Result

Double-click the passing vehicle information to view details of the selected passing vehicle. For
more information about checking vehicle details, please refer to Chapter 6.1.1 Checking Vehicle
User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

The results interface is displayed as follows:

Figure 8-3 The Result List

Table 8-1 Function Toolbar
Icon Description

Previous Page

Next Page


Click to select auto-play time in the dropdown list.

You can select 3 seconds, 4 seconds or 5 seconds.





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Chapter 9 E-map Management

You can have an overview of the locations and distributions of the installed cameras and alarm
input devices on the E-map. You can get the live view, the notification and other information of
the camera and the alarm input device from the map.

Click View -> E-map to enter the E-map page.

Figure 9-1 E-map Interface

① Organization List
② Map Area
③ E-map Control Buttons
The descriptions of the control buttons are as follows:
Table 9-1 The Descriptions of the Control Buttons
Icon Description
Click the arrow to move up/down/left/right.
Click to reset.
Click to perform the previous step.
Click to perform the next step.
Click to move the map.
Click-and-drag to zoom in.
Click-and-drag to zoom out.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Click to zoom in.

Click to zoom out.
Move up or down the button to zoom in or
zoom out respectively.

④ E-map Toolbar
Select an area on the E-map to zoom in.
Clear the draws on the map.
⑤ Longitude and Latitude
⑥ Measuring Scale

9.1 Basic Operations

9.1.1 Measuring Distance

1. Click Measure -> Distance on the E-map Menu.

Figure 9-2 The Dropdown List of Measure

2. Click two points or more on the map.
3. Double-click on the E-map to complete drawing. The measuring data will be displayed on the

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Figure 9-3 Distance to Measure

You can also click or Clear to clear the data.

9.1.2 Measuring Area

1. Click Measure –> Area on the E-map Menu.

Figure 9-4 The Dropdown List of Measure

2. Click points on the E-map to draw a closed area.
3. Double-click on the E-map to complete drawing. The measuring data will be displayed on the

Figure 9-5 Area to Measure

You can also click or Clear to clear the data.

9.1.3 Displaying Layer

You can show/hide the layer, display the checkpoint name and edit the checkpoint name on
1. Click Display to show the layer menu.

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Figure 9-6 Display Dropdown List

2. Click the icon to hide the layer. The icon will turn to .
Or click the icon again to display the layer.
Or click the icon to hide the checkpoint name. The icon will turn to .
Or click the icon again to display the checkpoint name.

9.2 Checking Checkpoint Details on E-map

Check the real-time passing vehicle, the history passing vehicle, the history alarm on the E-map.

1. Click the icon .

Figure 9-7 The Checkpoint List

2. Click a checkpoint in the organization list. Details of this checkpoint will be displayed on the

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Figure 9-8 The Checkpoint Details

9.2.1 Checking Real-Time Passing Vehicle


1. Click to enter the Real-Time Car window.

2. Double-click the a passing vehicle in the Normal Passing Vehicle list to view details of the
selected passing vehicle. For more information about checking the vehicle details, please
refer to Chapter 6.1.1 Checking Vehicle Details.

Figure 9-9 Real-Time Car Window

9.2.2 Searching in History Passing Vehicle


1. Click to open the search window of the history passing vehicle.

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Figure 9-10 The Window of History Passing Vehicle

2. Select a required start time, end time and other searching conditions.
3. Click Search.

Figure 9-11 Search History Passing Vehicle

4. Double-click the vehicle information in the result list to view details.
Note: For more information about checking vehicle details, please refer to Searching in
History Alarm in Chapter 6.1.1 Checking Vehicle Details.

9.2.3 Searching in History Alarm


1. Click to the search window of the history alarm.

Figure 9-12 History Alarm Interface

3. Click the tab of Illegal Vehicle Passing.
4. Select a required start time, end time and other searching conditions.
5. Click Search.

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Figure 9-13 Search History Alarm

6. Double-click the vehicle information in the result list to view details.
Or click the Arming Alarm tab and repeat step 4 to 6.
Note: For more information about checking vehicle details, please refer to Chapter 6.1.1 Checking
Vehicle Details.

9.2.4 Refresh Road Condition Details

1. Click to refresh.
2. The information details will be refreshed.

Figure 9-14 Refresh Road Condition Details

9.3 Checking Camera Details on E-map

9.3.1 Checking Video Preview on E-map

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

1. Click to open the Video Preview window.

Figure 9-15 Video Preview Window

2. Click the button on the toolbar on the pop-up window to operate the live view.
Table 9-2 Toolbar Function:
Icon Description
Stop Playing
Emergency Recording
PTZ Control
Click to turn the audio on.
Digital Zoom
3D Zoom (For more information, please refer to Chapter 3.1.6 Configuring PTZ

9.3.2 Playing Back the Video on E-map

Click to open the Video Playback window. For more information about
operating in the Video Playback window, please refer to Chapter 4.1 Normal Playback and
Chapter 4.2 Segment Playback.

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Figure 9-16 Video Playback Interface

9.3.3 Displaying on Video Wall


1. Click to open the Video Wall window.

Figure 9-17 Video Wall Window

2. Double-click a screen to display the video.

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Figure 9-18 Display the Video on the Video Wall

9.4 Searching Camera and Checkpoint

This function will help you to search the required cameras or checkpoints by the global search,
the selected search and the custom search.

9.4.1 Global Searching

You can search the cameras or the checkpoints in the whole map.
1. Click the icon to enter the searching tab.
2. Select a searching type in the dropdown list. You can select either Camera or Checkpoint.
3. Input the key words.
Click Global Search. Double-click the camera or the checkpoint in the result list to view the

Figure 9-19 Global Search

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9.4.2 Selected Searching

You can search the camera or the checkpoint in the selected area.
1. Click the icon to enter the searching tab.
2. Select a searching type in the dropdown list. You can select either Camera or Checkpoint.
3. Input the key words.
4. Click Selected Search.
5. Click-and-drag an area on the map. The client software will search the cameras or the
checkpoints in the selected area.

Figure 9-20 Selected Search

Or you can click Clear to clear the selected area.
Double-click the camera or the checkpoint in the result list to view the details.

9.4.3 Custom Searching

You can custom search the camera or the checkpoint on the E-map.
1. Click the icon to enter the searching tab.
2. Select a searching type in the dropdown list. You can select either Camera or Checkpoint.
3. Input the key words.
4. Click Custom Search.
5. Input the radius (m).
6. Click on the map. The client software will search in the circle of the required radius.
Double-click the camera or the checkpoint in the result list to view the details.

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Figure 9-21 Custom Search

9.5 Checking Map Thumbnail

The map thumbnail is at the right down corner of the map. By default, the thumbnail will be
displayed on the E-map.

Figure 9-22 Thumbnail on the E-map

1. Move the cursor to the thumbnail.
2. Click-and-drag the blue frame to the target place. The map will automatically move to the
required area.
Or you can click to hide the thumbnail.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

9.6 Reports on E-map

You can analyze and calculate the traffic flow on the E-map.

Figure 9-23 Traffic Flow Reports

1. Click the icon to enter the Reports tab.
2. Select a report type in the dropdown list. This client software version only supports to
calculate the traffic flow.

Figure 9-24 Report Type

3. Configure the analysis options. The options include the checkpoint, the calculate type, the
direction, the report and the time.
Select Checkpoint:
1) Click the button Rectangle Select and click-and-drag an area on the E-map to select the
required checkpoint.
Or click the button Tree Select to check the required checkpoint in the pop-up window.

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Figure 9-25 Check Checkpoints

2) Click OK to save the setting.
Select the direction, report type and time.
By default, in this version, this function only supports calculate by checkpoint.

Figure 9-26 Configure the Parameters

4. Click the button Start to calculate. The result will be displayed on the bottom of the window.

Figure 9-27 Statistics Results

 For more information about viewing and exporting the result, please refer to Chapter 7.1.2

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Checking and Exporting Result in Traffic Flow Report.

 Click to hide the result. Click to show the result.
 Click to close the result.

9.7 Playing Back Pattern

You can view the track of the required vehicle on the map.

1. Click the icon to enter the Playback Pattern tab.

2. Select Checkpoint Pattern Playback in the dropdown list. In this version, the client software
only supports the checkpoint pattern playback.

3. Input an accurate license plate number.

You can also select a start time and an end time.
4. Click Search. The results will be list on the right side of the interface.

Figure 9-28 Pattern Playback

You can select the playback mode and speed in the dropdown list.
You can also select a result and click to start playback.
Or click to stop playback.
Or you can also double-click the result to view the details.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Chapter 10 Maintenance Management

You can manage the server information , the device information, the checkpoint information, the
user information and the cabinet door alarm information in this function.

10.1 Managing Server Information

10.1.1 Calculating the Server

Click View -> Maintenance -> Server Information -> Server Statistics to enter the Server Statistics
tab. The report list is displayed on the right of the window.
By default, the list will display the server information under the main control server. The lower
level sever will not be displayed in the list.
You can choose to check Range: Current Level and Lower Level to display both of the current
server and the lower level server.
Or click Refresh to refresh the report.
Or click Export to export the report.

Figure 10-1 Server Statistics Tab

10.1.2 Searching the Server

1. Click View -> Maintenance -> Server Information -> Server Search to enter the Server Search

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Figure 10-2 Server Search Tab

2. Select the searching conditions.

Figure 10-3 The Searching Conditions

Configure the organization:
Click the organization on the organization list on the left side of the interface.

Figure 10-4 The Organization List

Configure the Server Type:
Select a server type in the dropdown list. The server types include Video Storage Management
Server, Traffic Data Handle Server, Traffic Flow Prediction Server, Traffic Data Access Server, Video
Recording Backup Server, Data Access Interactive Server, TV Wall Management Server, Alarm
Management Server, Video Access Gateway Server, Keyboard Proxy Server, Device Access
Gateway, Video Transmission Management, Segment Speed Detection Server, Traffic Data

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Distribution Center, Central Video Recorder and Cloud Storage Management.

Configure the Status:
Select a status in the dropdown list. The status includes All, Unknown, Offline, Online and
3. Click Search.
By default, the list will display the server information under the main control server. The
lower level sever will not be displayed in the list.
You can also choose to check Range: Current Level and Lower Level to display the server and
the lower level server.
Or select a server and click Configuration Parameters to configure the parameters in the
pop-up window. Click Save to save the settings. See Figure 10-4.

Figure 10-5 Server Parameters Configuration

Or you can also click Remote Reboot to reboot the selected server remotely.

Figure 10-6 Remote Reboot

Or click Refresh to refresh the report.
Or click Export to export the report.

10.1.3 Checking the Server History

1. Click View -> Maintenance -> Server Information -> Server History Search to enter the
Server History Search tab.

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Figure 10-7 The Tab of Server History Search

2. Configure the searching conditions.

Figure 10-8 The Searching Conditions

Configure the organization:
Click the organization on the organization list on the left side of the interface.

Figure 10-9 The Organization List

Configure the Server Type:
Select a server type in the dropdown list. The server types include Video Storage Management
Server, Traffic Data Handle Server, Traffic Flow Prediction Server, Traffic Data Access Server, Video
Recording Backup Server, Data Access Interactive Server, TV Wall Management Server, Alarm
Management Server, Video Access Gateway Server, Keyboard Proxy Server, Device Access

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Gateway, Video Transmission Management, Segment Speed Detection Server, Traffic Data
Distribution Center, Central Video Recorder and Cloud Storage Management.
Configure the Status:
Select a status in the dropdown list. The status includes All, Unknown, Offline, Online and
Configure the start time and the end time:
Click to select a start time and an end time.
3. Click Search.
By default, the list will display the server information under the main control server. The
lower level sever will not be displayed in the list.
You can also choose to check Range: Current Level and Lower Level to display the server
under the current server and the lower level server.
Or click Refresh to refresh the report.
Or click Export to export the report.

10.2 Managing Device Information

10.2.1 Checking the Device Statistics

Click View -> Maintenance -> Device Information -> Device Statistics to enter the Device
Statistics tab. The report list will be displayed on the right of the window.

Figure 10-10 The Device Statistics Tab

You can also choose to check Range: Current Level and Lower Level to select the statistics range.
Or click Refresh to refresh the report.
Or click Export to export the report

10.2.2 Searching the Device

1. Click View -> Maintenance -> Device Information -> Device Search to enter the Device
Search tab.

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Figure 10-11 The Device Search Tab

2. Configure searching options. The searching options include the index number, the device
type and the device status.

Figure 10-12 The Searching Conditions

3. Click Search.
You can choose to check Range: Current Level and Lower Level to select the searching range.
Or click Refresh to refresh the report. And click Export to export the report.
Or click Remote Configuration to configure the selected device remotely:
1) Click Remote Configuration to open a web page.

Figure 10-13 Remote Configuration

2) Click Configuration to enter the Configuration tab.

Figure 10-14 Remote Device Configuration Window

3) Configure the parameters. You can check the device status, configure the local and
configure the device. The device configuration includes configuring the maintenance,
the system, the encoding and storage, the text overlay, the application mode, the
capture parameters, the image parameters, the exception and the user management.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

You can also click the Live View tab, the Picture tab and the Log tab to check the live
view, the picture and the log of the device.

10.2.3 Checking the Device History

1. Click View -> Maintenance -> Device Information -> Device History Search to enter the
Device History Search tab.

Figure 10-15 The Tab of Device History Search

2. Configure searching options. The searching options include the index number, the device
type, the device status, the start time and the end time.
3. Click Serach.
You can choose to check Range: Current Level and Lower Level to select the searching range.
Or click Refresh to refresh the report.
Or click Export to export the report.

10.3 Managing Checkpoint Information

10.3.1 Checking the Checkpoint Statistics

Click View -> Maintenance -> Checkpoint Information -> Checkpoint Statistics to enter the
Checkpoint Statistics tab. The report list is displayed on the right of the window.

Figure 10-16 Checkpoint Statistics Tab

Or click Refresh to refresh the report.
Or click Export to export the report

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10.3.2 Searching the Checkpoint

1. Click View -> Maintenance -> Checkpoint Information -> Checkpoint Search to enter the
Checkpoint Search tab.

Figure 10-17 Checkpoint Search Tab

2. Configure searching options. The searching options include the searching range, the
checkpoint, the device type and the device status.
Or you can check Show Checkpoint with Device Only to show the checkpoint with the device
3. Click Search. The result will be displayed on the downside of the window.
You can also click Refresh to refresh the report.

10.3.3 Checking the Checkpoint History

1. Click View -> Maintenance -> Checkpoint Information -> Checkpoint History Search to enter
the Checkpoint History Check tab.

Figure 10-18 Checkpoint History Search Tab

2. Configure the searching options. The searching options include the searching range, the
checkpoint, the device type, the device status, the start time and the end time.
3. Click Search.
You can also click Refresh to refresh the report.
User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Or click Export to export the report.

10.4 Managing User Information

10.4.1 Checking the User Statistics

Click View -> Maintenance -> User Information -> User Statistics to enter the User Statistics tab.
The report list is displayed on the right of the window.

Figure 10-19 User Statistics Tab

You can also click Export to export the report
Or click Refresh to refresh the report.

10.4.2 Searching the User Status

1. Click View -> Maintenance -> User Information -> User Status to enter the User Status tab.

Figure 10-20 User Status Tab

2. Configure searching options. The searching options include the searching status, the login
times, the user name and the real name.

Figure 10-21 Searching Conditions

Configure the organization:
Click the organization on the organization list on the left side of the interface.

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Figure 10-22 The Organization List

Configure the status:
The status includes Online, Offline and All.
Configure the Login Times:
You can choose More Than or Less Than in the dropdown list. And input a number.
Configure the user name and the real name:
You can also input the user name and the real name for search.
3. Click Search. The result will be displayed on the downside of the interface.
You can also click Refresh to refresh the report.

10.5 Managing Cabinet Door Alarm Information

1. Click Cabinet Door Alarm Information to enter the Cabinet Door Alarm Information tab.

2. Select the checkpoint, the start time, and the end time.
3. Click Search. The result will be displayed on the downside of the interface.

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Chapter 11 Download
You can download the video in the camera. You can also configure the download path and
manage the download list in the Download page.

Click View -> Download to enter the Download page.

Figure 11-1 View Menu

Figure 11-2 Download Interface

11.1 Adding Camera to Downloading List

1. Click Live View to enter the Live View page.
2. Right-click the required camera in the and click Add to Download List.
Note: The video cannot be downloaded if the camera has no permission.

Figure 11-3 Right-Click Menu

3. Click Download or click View -> Download to enter the Download page. The required camera
is displayed in the downloading list.

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Figure 11-4 The Downloading List

4. Repeat step 2 to 3 to add more cameras to download.

11.2 Downloading Video

1. Click View -> Download to enter the Download page.
2. Check the required camera in the downloading list.

3. Click to select the video starting time and the end time.
4. Click OK. The information will be displayed in the downloading list. And the Status will turn to

Figure 11-5 Configure the Parameters

5. Click View to select a saving path.
6. Click Start to download the video in the selected camera. The status will be displayed as
Or you can click Pause to pause the selected downloading task.
Or click Delete to delete the selected downloading task.
Note: ANR and batch downloading are supported in this client software.

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Chapter 12 Backup Management

You can back up the video to the local PC from the remote device. You can also burn the video to
the disk.

Click Tool -> Backup Management to open the Backup window.

Figure 12-1 Backup Interface

12.1 Backing up to Local

1. Select the required camera you need to back up.

Figure 12-2 Check Cameras

2. Select the required date, time and video type.
3. Click Search.

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Figure 12-3 The Time and the Video Type Panel

4. Press Ctrl key and at the same time click-and-drag the required video on the video time bar
in the searching result.

Figure 12-4 Video Time Bar

Note: A white frame will be displayed on the selected area. Or check Select All
to select all videos.
5. Click Start Backup to start back up.

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Figure 12-5 Backup Task List

You can Click Continue, Pause, or Delete to continue the download task, pause the download
task and delete the download task respectively.
You can also click Options to configure the Maximum Parallel of the downloading tasks and
the downloading speed in the pop-up window.

Figure 12-6 Options Configuration Window

12.2 Burning Backup File to Disk

1. Select Burn Backup File in the dropdown list.

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Figure 12-7 Burn Backup File Panel

Figure 12-8 Burn Backup File

2. Check a downloaded task in Backup Task List.

Figure 12-9 Backup Task List

3. Select a saving path in the dropdown list.

Figure 12-10 Select Saving Path

You can also choose to check to burn Player to the disk together.
4. Click Start Burning to start burning. The process will be displayed at the bottom of the

Figure 12-11 Burning Process

12.3 Uploading Select Video

1. Select Upload Backup File in the dropdown list.

Figure 12-12 Burn Backup File Panel

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Figure 12-13 Upload Backup File

The panel will turn to

Figure 12-14 Upload Backup File Panel

2. Check a target downloaded task in Backup Task List.

Figure 12-15 Backup Task List

3. Input the IP address, the port number, the user name, the password and the saving path of
the saving server.
4. Click Start Uploading to start uploading.

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Chapter 13 Log Management

The log can be searched in the client software. Four types of logs are provided: the sysetem log,
the alarm log, the device log and the work log. You can search, export the log for your preference.
Click Tool ->Log Management to open the Log window.

Figure 13-1 Log Management Interface

13.1 Searching System Log

1. Click the System tab.

Figure 13-2 System Log Tab

2. Configure the searching options. The searching options includes the log type, the system
module, the operation type, the operator, the start time and the end time.
Configure Log Type:
You can choose All, Configuration Client and Control Client from the dropdown list.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Configure System Module:

You can choose All, Monitoring, Vehicle Passing, Reports, E-map, Playback, Traffic Control,
Log, Maintenance, My Settings, Resource, User, Alarm, Recording, Map, Parameter, Task
Scheduler, Vehicle Passing Details, Intersection Surveillance System, Other and Download
Center from the dropdown list.
Configure Operation Type:
You can choose All, Add/Configuration, Local Recording, Local Capture, PTZ Configuration,
PTZ Control, Recording Playback, Recording Backup, Live View, Picutre Playback, Video
Parameters Configuration, Remote Configuration, Delete, Edit, Search, Go to, Proofread,
Export, Remote Viewing, Statistics, Data Input, Device Intercom, Broadcast Equipment, Video
Download and Select CMS Domain from the dropdown list.
Configure the Operator:
1) Click the Operator field to open the pop-up window. See Figure 13-3.
2) Check the target operators.
3) Click OK.

Figure 13-3 Check Operators

Configure the start time and the end time:
Click to configure the start time and the end time.
3. Click Search to start.
You can also click Refresh to refresh the result.
Or the check the required log and click Export to export the selected log.

13.2 Searching Alarm Log

1. Click the Alarm tab.

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Figure 13-4 Alarm Log Tab

2. Configure the searching options. The searching options includes the organization, the alarm
type, the incident level, the resource type, the start time and the end time.
Configure the organization:
1) Click the Organization field to open an pop-up window.
2) Check the target organizations in the pop-up window.

Figure 13-5 Check Organizations

3) Click OK.
Configure Alarm Type:
You can choose All, Video Loss Alarm, Video Tampering Alarm, Motion Detection Alarm,
Device Exception, HDD is Full, IO Input Alarm, Cabinet Door Alarm, Vehicle Arming, Strong
Arming and Device Time Sync Exception from the dropdown list.
Configure Incident Level:
You can choose All, Low, Medium and High from the dropdown list.
Configure the start time and the end time:
Click to configure the start time and the end time.
4. Click Search to start.
You can also click Refresh to refresh the result.
Or the check the required log and click Export to export the selected log.

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13.3 Searching Device Log

1. Click the Device tab.

Figure 13-6 Device Log Tab

2. Select a target resource in the resource list.

Figure 13-7 Resource List

3. Configure the searching options.
Search type:

Figure 13-8 Search Type

You can select All to search in logs.
Or select Type to search by the types. You can configure Main Type and the Minor Type

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Figure 13-9 Configure Main Type and Minor Type

Or you can select Time to search by the times. You can configure the start time and the end
time by clicking and .

Figure 13-10 Configure Start Time and End Time

Or select Type & Time to search by both type and the time.

4. Click to search.

13.4 Searching Work Log

1. Click the Work tab.

Figure 13-11 Work Log Tab

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

2. Configure the searching options. The searching options includes the log type, the select
object, the user, the keyword, the start time and the end time.
Log Type: Select a log type in the dropdown list.

Figure 13-12 Log Type

Select Object: Double-click a required resource in the resource list. And the resource name
will be displayed in the Select Object field.
User: Select a user in the dropdown list.

Figure 13-13 User Dropdown List

Start Time and End Time: Click or to select a start time and an end time.

3. Click to search.

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Chapter 14 Two-way Audio

The two-way audio function enables the voice talk among users and also the voice talk and the
broadcast between the user and the device.

14.1 Starting Two-way Audio among Users

Click Tool -> Network Two-way Audio to enter the Two-way Audio interface.

Figure 14-1 Two-way Audio Panel

1. Click User and click an online user in the user list.
2. Move the cursor on the required user.

3. Click the icon to open the pop-up window.

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Figure 14-2 User Interface and Two-way Audio Dialog Window

4. Click Two-way Audio to start two-way audio.

14.2 Two-way Audio and Broadcast between the User

and the Device

14.2.1 Starting Two-way Audio between User and Camera

1. Click Device and click a device in the list to open the pop-up window.

Figure 14-3 Device List

2. Click Enable Audio to start two-way audio.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

3. Move the button to turn up/down the volume.

Figure 14-4 The Volume Button

14.2.2 Broadcasting between User and Device

1. Click Device and click Broadcast open the broadcast window.

Figure 14-5 Broadcast Panel

2. Check the required device or click Select All.
3. Click Broadcast to start broadcast.
Or click Stop to stop broadcasting.

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Figure 14-6 Broadcast Panel

You can also move the button to turn up/down the volume.

Figure 14-7 The Volume Button

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Chapter 15 Checking Picture Browser

You can either view or edit the pictures captured in Live View and Playback in Picture View..
Click Tool -> Picture Browser to open the Picture View window.

Figure 15-1 The Picture View Interface

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Chapter 16 Checking Soft Keyboard

When there is no keyboard in operating, the soft keyboard in the PC system is available for you.
Click Tool -> Open Soft Key Board.

Figure 16-1 Soft Keyboard

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Chapter 17 System Configuration

You can configure the general parameter, the saving path, the toolbar, the group setting and the
external device in this function.
Click Tool -> System Configuration to open the System Configuration window.

Figure 17-1 System Configuration Interface

17.1 Configuring Regular Parameters

1. Click Regular Configuration to open the Regular Configuration tab.

Figure 17-2 Regular Configuration Tab

2. Configure the general parameters. For details, please see Table 18-1 Regular Parameters.
3. Click Apply to save the setting.
Or click OK to save the setting and leave the page.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Table 17-1 Regular Parameters

Parameters Descriptions
Login Configuration Check the box to auto login when logging in the client software.
Playback Select either Don’t Drop, Drop a B Frame or Drop Two B
Performance Frames for your preference in the dropdown list.
Set the image size when playing back. You can select
Image Display either Full Screen, 4:3, 16:9 or Self-Adaptive in the
Playback Configuration
dropdown list.

Decoding Move the button to adjust between The Shortest

Delay and The Most Fluent.
Set the alarm audio in the client software. Click to select your
preferred alarm audio.
You can also select Local Audio File Alarm and click Modify to select an
Alarm Audio audio file from your local PC.
Check Cycle Alarm Audio and select Cycle Times. The alarm audio will play
repeatedly when the alarm is triggered. Or you can select Twice, Five
Times and Ten Times in the dropdown list.
Check Auto-Lock. Click or to configure the
waiting time. The client software will be auto
locked if you do not use the cursor or the keyboard
in the configured waiting time.
Do Not Pop Up Check the box and the alarm message will not pop
Alarm Message up in the client software.
PanoVu Device Select the PanoVu devcie window division
Window Division self-adaptive mode. You can select Always ask,
Self-adaptive Automatic switch or Do not switch.
Set the auto-switch mode. You can also select
Auto-switch Multi-screen Auto-switch or Single-screen Auto
Set the live view mode. By default, the live view
Live View Type
mode is Unicast.
Set the stream type. You can select By configured
stream type or Auto-fit stream type according to
the screen size. (The stream type can be configured
Stream Type
in the iVMS-8600 Intelligent Traffic Monitor System
on the web. For details, please refer to iVMS-8600
Intelligent Traffic Monitor System User Manual.)

17.2 Configuring Local


User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Configure the saving path of capturing, recording, clipping, downloading and two-way audio
1. Click Local Configuration to open the Local Configuration tab.

Figure 17-3 Local Configuration Tab

2. Configure local parameters. For details, please see Table 18-2 Local Parameters.
3. Click Apply to save the setting.
Or click OK to save the setting and leave the page.
Table 17-2 Local Parameters
Parameters Descriptions
Configure the saving format and the saving path. You can select jpeg or
bmp format.
Capture Configuration You can select to check Save. The captured pictures will be saved
manually. For details, see Manual Capturing in Chapter 3.1.2 Capturing
Picture in Live View.
Configure the file saving size and the file saving path. By default, the file
saving size is 512M.
Local Recording You can also check Longest Video Duration to set the video length.

Move the button to adjust the longest time.

Configure the file saving size and the file saving path. By default, the file
Download Clips
saving size is 512M.
Two-way Audio Check Auto Recording to record two-way audio automatically. Click
Recording Modify to select a saving path.

17.3 Configuring Display

Configure the toolbar in the live view window and the playback window.
1. Click Display Configuration to open the Display Configuration tab.

Figure 17-4 Display Configuration Tab

2. Configure the display parameters. For details, please see Table 18-3 Display Parameters.
3. Click Apply to save the setting.
Or click OK to save the setting and leave the page.
User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Table 17-3 Display Parameters

Parameters Descriptions
Show Toolbar of Live
Check the box to display the toolbar in the live view window.
View Window
Show Toolbar of
Check the box to display the toolbar in the playback window.
Playback Window
Check the box after the required tool. The
Live View Window tool icon will be displayed in the toolbar of
the Live View window.
Show Toolbar
Check the box after the required tool. The
Playback Window tool icon will be displayed in the toolbar of
the Playback window.

17.4 Configuring Group

You can add, modify, delete and share the camera group in this function.

17.4.1 Adding Group

1. Click Display Configuration to open the Display Configuration tab.

Figure 17-5 Group Configuration Tab

2. Click .
3. Input the group name and the dwell time in the pop-up window.
4. Click OK to add the group.

Figure 17-6 Group Configuration Window

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 17-7 Group List

You can also click to modify the selected group information.

Or click to delete the selected group.

Or click to share the selected group.

Or click to stop sharing.

5. Click Apply to save the setting.

Or click OK to save the setting and leave the page.

17.4.2 Adding Cameras to the Group

1. Click Display Configuration to open the Display Configuration tab.

Figure 17-8 Group Configuration Tab

2. Click the added group and click to add the camera.

Figure 17-9 Add Cameras

3. Check the required camera in the pop-up window.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 17-10 Check Cameras

4. Click OK to save the setting.
You can also click Delete to delete the selected camera.
Or click Up or Down to change the camera’s order.
5. Click Apply to save the setting.
Or click OK to save the setting and leave the page.

17.5 Configuring External Device

You can connect the external Keyboard to the client software. Optionally, you can connect to the
analog keyboard and the network keyboard.

17.5.1 Configuring Analog Keyboard

1. Click External Device Configuration to open the External Device Configuration tab.

Figure 17-11 External Device Configuration

2. Check Enable Analog Keyboard.
3. Select an analog keyboard and a serial port in the dropdown list.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Figure 17-12 Analog Keyboard and Serial Port

Note: The client software only supports the Hikvision DS-1002/1003K Series Keyboard in this
You can also click Advance to configure parameters of the serial port. The parameters include
the baud rate, the parity, stop bits and data bits. Click OK to save and leave the settings.

4. Click Apply to save the setting.

Or click OK to save the setting and leave the page.

17.5.2 Configuring Network Keyboard

1. Click External Device Configuration to open the External Device Configuration tab.

Figure 17-13 Tab of External Device Configuration

2. Check Enable Network Keyboard.
3. Select a network keyboard and input parameters of Listening Port, User Name and Password.
Note: The software only supports the Hikvision DS-1002/1003K Series Network Keyboard in
this version.

Figure 17-14 Network Keyboard Configuration Panel

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

4. Click Apply to save the setting.

Or click OK to save the setting and leave the page.

User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software

Chapter 18 Working Record

You can submit the working record to the client software.
1. Click Tool -> Working Record to open the working record window.

Figure 18-1 Working Record Window

2. Input the recorder’s name.
3. Select a record type.
4. Input the keyword and the title.
5. Input the content.
6. Click Submit.


User Manual of Intelligent Traffic Monitor Client Software


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