Blaenia Government

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Representative Democracy governs our society, which implies that individuals

elect our government. Citizens elect their government leaders, including a
prime minister, a legislative council, and a governor, in this society. In
governance, these politicians reflect the public's thoughts and concerns. In
terms of power, the prime minister is at the top of our list. Every three years, a
new prime minister will be chosen. There will be four parties vying for the
position of Prime Minister.

The PM must meet requirements to run for the position.

- The person must be at least 30 years old.
- A complete k-12 education is required.
- The person must be able to speak, read, and write in the languages of
our culture (English, and Japanese)

One way to engage in our democracy is to vote. Citizens can also contact the
legislative council if they want to support, alter, or develop a law, or if they
want to protest about a law change. There will be a legislative council that
will discuss citizen recommendations before presenting the ideas to the
governor. The prime minister will be informed of the recommendations if the
ideas successfully pass via the governor.
People work five days a week and get five paid vacation days every month. A
minimum of 5 vacation weeks per year will be required (35 days). The minimum
pay is $20 per hour. People in current culture have the option of receiving their
income or compensation from their employers in a variety of ways. Food service,
dining, and drinking establishments supported 10.5 million employment, while
food and beverage outlets supported 3.3 million. A total of 3.3 million
employment are created by the other agriculture-related businesses.
Each entrepreneur can apply to the government for a grant of $20,000 to help
them establish their new firm. Small firms and new ventures will always be
welcomed. Citizens of Bleania are also urged to buy as much as possible from
tiny and failing enterprises.

Specified things offered in our society must be priced at a certain level.

Food Products
- Individual fruits and vegetables weighing less than a pound - $5 and
- Dairy Products weighing less than a pound - $6 and under
- Non-perishable dry goods (crackers, chips, cookies, etc.) - $4 or less
- Canned meals weighing less than a pound - $3 and under
Items of Clothing
In retail and wholesale contexts, all sizes of apparel, regardless of how much
material was used, must be offered at the same price.

The top personal income tax rate is 37%, while the top corporation tax rate is
21%. Taxes account for 24.3 percent of total domestic income. Government
spending accounted for 35.5 percent of overall spending.
Farmers will raise the food (fruits, vegetables, and nuts), as well as farm animals
(cattle, pigs, chickens, lambs, and so on). Farmers will be responsible for selling
their products and having them delivered to their outlets. The produce will be
sold wholesale to retailers and delivered across a maximum of 5 hectares per
farm using commissioned trucks, trains, and boats (workers paid by their private
enterprises). Farmland will account for 30% of our society's land.

Citizenship is required to live in our society.
You must satisfy these conditions in order to immigrate to Blaenia.
- a criminal record that is free of blemishes
- Having lived in Blaenia for at least 3 years.
- Demonstrate that you are fluent in one of the two official languages.

Everyone has obligations in society. In Blaenia, it is everyone's obligation to

follow the rules. There will be consequences if you break any of our society's laws
(see more in laws).

Information on visas and jobs, housing, healthcare, banking and taxes,

education, and living are all important for expats relocating to Blaenia. Before
you start packing your baggage, make sure you understand all of the customs
laws and regulations.
Blaenia Laws 101
The judge in the courtroom will make any decisions that need to be made about
sentencing or penalties.

Driving Laws:
Citizens of Blaenia can receive their official driver's licence at the youngest age
of 15.
The repercussions of impaired driving are severe.
● Losing your licence
● Having your car seized or impounded
● Paying an administrative monetary penalty
● Receiving a penalty as a result of a conviction
● Serving time in prison

Trespassing Laws:
Every person who, without valid justification, wanders or stalks at night on
another person's property near a house situated on such property commits a
penal offence. If you are caught trespassing for the first time, you will be issued a
warning; if you are caught trespassing for the second time, you will be fined up
to $1000; and if you are caught trespassing for the third time, you will be
sentenced to jail for 1-2 years.

Drug Usage:
Illegal drugs are prohibited in Blaenia, if caught with illegal drugs, you will
immediately go to jail. If illegal drugs are prescribed from a doctor then you will
be required to show your medical prescription prescribed from the doctor also
including the doctors signature.
Illegal Drugs:
- Cocaine
- Marijuana
- Heroine
- etc.
*Only used for medical reasons if absolutely essential; not for anybody else.

Legal Drugs:
- Alcohol
- Nicotine

- 1st degree murder - 30 Years to Life Sentence in Prison
(completely planned murder)
- 2nd degree murder - 15 years or more
(Intended to kill or harm)
- 3rd degree murder - fined to 4-7 years in prison
(By Accident)
- Self-Defense that has been proven and is lawful.
- Attempted murder or harm - maximum 15 years
- Assault - Maximum 20 years

- Speeding (warning with a fine of up to $500) If you get caught a fifth time,
your licence will be revoked and your vehicle will be seized.
- If you are caught distracted driving more than twice ($340+ fine), your
licence will be revoked.
(depending on the value of the item) warning to jail.

In Blaenia, abortion is legal. Abortion is usually free of charge, however there
may be a modest administrative fee in some situations. All medical treatments,
including abortion, require the patient's agreement. You do not need parental
consent if you are 16 years old or older. You do not need parental consent if you
are under the age of 16 and your doctor feels you are mentally competent of
knowing what an abortion is and the repercussions of making the decision to
have an abortion. If your doctor believes you do not understand and appreciate
the risks of having an abortion, you will require approval from an adult relative
such as a guardian, parent, or other family.

It is up to the residents of Blaenia to decide where they wish to live. Apartments,
condominiums, houses, Mansions, and townhouses will be available in the city.
People have a say in who they live with and how many children they have.
Everyone above the age of 18 is eligible to own a home. Minors (those under the
age of 18) must cohabit with at least one adult. If necessary, we have dorms
accessible for university students. Stores and medical facilities will be close by
and accessible to everyone in our community.
Blaenia places a great value on education. Blaenia has four levels of education:
pre-school, elementary school, secondary school, and post-secondary, which
includes college and university.
Children in our educational system begin school at the age of five and progress
through Elementary School (grades K-6), Middle School (grades 7-9), Secondary
School (grades 11-12), and Post-Secondary (if desired). Students can apply to any
post-secondary school following secondary school if they desire.
If you want to earn a scholarship, you must have a minimum of 90% in English
and 97% in the remaining subjects, as well as take a second language in high
school (French, German, Spanish, etc.). If you have a criminal past, you may have
a harder time getting into a post-secondary institution. There will be at least two
extra days off school each month of the school year, in addition to public
holidays. Winter vacation will be from December 24th to January 1st, while
spring break will be from March 20th to April 1st.

December 1st is a significant occasion in Blaenia since it is the date on which
Blaenia was founded. On December 1st, all schools, stores, offices, and
businesses are closed. At 8:00 p.m., malls close their doors.

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