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NIM: 401210246

Jurusan: Ekonomi Syariah (H)

Selasa, 21 September 2021

Students’ Activity 3:

1. What is the meaning of the word ‘Islam’?

Answer: Etimologically, the word “Islam” comes from several Arabic roots. Some of
them are “salima”, “salamah”, “salam”, “asalama”, and “al-istislam”. The words“Sali
ma” and “salamah” have the same meaning, namely “safe”. The word “salam” means
peaceful or place. The word “asalama” means to surrencer, to submit, or to obey. The
word “al-istislam” means tp surrencer, to abandon oneself, purity, submission and
2. Is Islam revealed especially for Moslems?
Revealed to all mankind in the world. All contents of Islam are written in the form of the
holy book of Allah Swt., namely the holy Qur’an as the main source and guide. It was
revealed by Allah Swt., to Muhammad (peace be upon him-Saw.,) through the angel
3. What is the meaning of pure religion? Suport your answer with examples of religion.
4. Why is Islam categorized as an original religion?
5. What is the indicator that a religion is not original/pure anymore?
6. What is meant by Islam is the “way of life”
7. How does Allah Swt. save te holy Qur’an in order to make it always original?
8. What is the meaning of the statement “The literary value of the holy Qur’an are very
Answer: The language used by Allah Swt. in the holy Qur’an is difficult to be changed by
people. Until now, no verse of the holy Qur’an is counterfeited. Therefore, the originality
of the holy Qur’an always exists throughout time and from generation to generation.
9. Are the five pillars of Islam ever added or reduced?
Answer: The five pillars of Islam are also never added to, reduced or changed, namely:
(1) recognizing and saying the confession of faith (syahadah) or bearing witness that
there is no other God but Allah Swt. and Muhammad is His messenger; (2) praying
regularly or having obligatory prayers (shalat) five times a day; (3) paying regular charity
or alms (zakat) to those who are allowed or have the right to receive it; (4) fasting during
the Ramadhan month; and (5) visiting the house of God in Mecca once in a lifetime or
having a pilgrimage (haji) for those who are able to make the journey.
10. What are the main sources of Islam?
Answer: The holy Qur’an and hadith as the main sources of Islam are always consistent
with their teachings.

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