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taken " youngmen newly appointed " for a host of 11

hydropaths, mesmerists," and quacks of the worst descrip- Medical News.
tion. " This is at any rate the true English construction
because charitable. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.—The following
Seriously: is it not lamentable to see a member of our own
gentlemen, having undergone the necessary examinations for
profession-perhaps a senior-unjustly attacking his junior the diploma, were admitted Members of the College, at the
brethren and joining the " hue and cry" of the generous and
beneficent Poor-law Commissioners, and Boards of Guardians- meeting of the Court of Examiners, on the 9th inst. :-
" They are too well paid"? Is it not mournful to hear the ALDER, SYDNEY, Wakefield, Yorkshire.
bass (base?) and sonorous tones of "Lymph" keeping time AYLIFFE, HENRY, South Australia.
with "measured cadence" to the following magnanimous ditty! BELL, WILLIAM THOMAS, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire.
and can we not fancy a host of tender-hearted ‘° white-waist- BooR, LEONARD GEORGE, St. George-street, East.
coatedcommissioners and guardians echoing the chorus?- BROADBENT, WILLIAM HENRY, Manchester.
They an’ be d—’d !what right hae they DOBSON, WILLIAM COYLE, London.
To meat, or sleep, or light o’ day?


Far less to riches, power, or freedom,
But what their lordships like to gie them ? "
HARLE, THOMAS WILLIAM, Bishops-Stordford, Herts.
Apologizing for this trespass, LIDDON, EDWARD, Colyton, Devon.
I am, sir, very respectfully yours, RicE, BERNARD, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire.
To the Editor of THE LANCET. -

EXAMINATION.-The next Preliminary Classical and Mathe-

matical Examination for Students in Medicine, will be held at
SiR,-Your correspondent of Jan. 3rd, signing himself "An this Hall, on Tuesday, the 27th April, 1852, at two o’clock P.3i.
Assistant-Surgeon, Royal Navy," will, I am sure, be glad to Students desirous of attending this examination will be good
learn that, as far as Admiral Stewart is concerned, the long-
pending question with regard to the Assistant-Surgeons of the enough to send their names to the Beadle, at the Hall, on or
before Saturday, the 27th March.
Navy, is settled to the advantage of the latter. The Admiral is The examination will include the following subjects, and
determined to do all he can to carry out in its true spirit the will be conducted by written papers and by oral examination:
resolution of the House of Commons of April 8, 1850, and,
member of the Board of Admiralty, he is able to see that 1. The First Book of Virgil’s -ZEneid, and Cicero’s Oration
being a
for Milo.
it is done. Having stated this as " a fact," your correspondent,
and all others similarly anxious, will be desirous of knowing 2. The Gospel of St. Luke, in Greek, and the First Book
of Xenophon’s Anabasis.
why this is thus publicly stated. It is impossible to come to any 3. Algebra, including Simple Equations.
other conclusion, when we see gentlemen who have taken an
active part in this meed of for that class 4. The First Book of Euclid’s Elements.
obtaining justice large who pass this examination satisfactorily, will not
of our professional brethren, enrolling themselves on Admiral Students
Stewart’s Committee, and taking energetic steps to secure his be subject to any subsequent examination in Latin, except in
return. Amongst the foremost of these, I may mention the the Pharmacopœia Londinensis, and Prescriptions.
librarian of the Royal College of Surgeons; we all know the HENRY BLATCH,
Secretary to the Court of Examiners.
pains took, last year, to obtain signatures petitions
to to the
House of Commons on this question, and his extreme anxiety for We understand that, a few since, the metro-days
the successful result of Captain Boldero’s motion. In the face of politan teachers on morbid anatomy had an interview with a
this desire to see justice done to the members of his college, he deputation of the Apothecaries’ Company, respecting the very
never, I am sure, would allow his influence, which is consider- anomalous position which this science holds in the curriculum of
able, to be used for Admiral Stewart, without having previously study prescribed by the Company, with a view to its rectification.
waited upon him privately, (for we have none of us had the The result of the interview has not transpired, further than that
public opportunity,) and learnt his views on this important the authorities deem the subject worthy of their serious con
question. sideration.
Congratulating, then, your corrrespondent, and all other sur-
geons similarly situated, on this achievment, medical of Hull and the neighbour-
I remain, Sir, yours respectfully, a meeting of the profession
Greenwich, Jan., 1852- AN ELECTOR. hood, held in the library of the Hull Infirmary, Jan. 6, 1852, Dr.
Cooper in the chair, on the motion of Mr. Eddie of Barton,
seconded by Mr. Warson of Cottingham, it was resolved :-
,, That this meeting considers that the system of treating
MEETINGS OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETIES IN diseases known by the name of homceopathy, is entirely without
LONDON DURING THE ENSUING WEEK. foundation in theory or fact; that it is dangerous to the public
NOTE.-When the day of the month is not specified, no meetings take place. health, and prejudicial to the cause of science, and that it is pro-
pagated by the combined influence of ignorance and imposture.
That this meeting notices, with much regret, that the Council
of the Royal College of Surgeons does not think it expedient to
interfere with the practice of homoeopathy by individuals holding
the diploma of the College, and practising with the sanction and
approval which the possession of that diploma implies.
That this meeting would respectfully submit to the Council
of the College, and to the other medical corporations, the im-
portance of at least making an official avowal of their condemna-
tion of the doctrines of homeeopathy, and of their conviction of
the evils likely to result from its practice.
"That copies of these resolutions be sent to the secretaries of
the College of Surgeons, and of the Apothecaries’ Company, and
that the editors of THE LANCET, and the Provincial Medical
Journal, be requested to insert them."
POOR-LAW INSPECTORS.—Dr. Phelan, who has been
some years inspecting workhouses, chiefly in reference to
their sanitary condition, has now ceased to perform that duty,
and has been placed in charge of the Londonderry and the sur-
LIEBIG’S MOVEMENTS.-It is said that Professor rounding unions, as a poor-law inspector.
Liebig had been invited to the chemical chair of Heidelberg. HEALTH OF TOWNS ACT.-A commission is to be
He was on the point of accepting it, but promised to stay at opened at Barnsley, on the 29th inst., to inquire into the sanitary
Giessen, with the condition that new greenhouses would be state of the town, as it is reported that the sewerage is detrimental
built, and larger sums allowed for the museum of natural history. to the health of the inhabitants.

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