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Ketamine: Its mechanism(s) of action and unusual clinical uses

Article in BJA British Journal of Anaesthesia · November 1996

DOI: 10.1093/bja/77.4.441 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Kazuyoshi Hirota David Lambert

Hirosaki University University of Leicester


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“I would have everie man write what he knowes and no more.”—MONTAIGNE


VOLUME 77, No. 4 OCTOBER 1996


Ketamine: its mechanism(s) of action and unusual clinical uses

Since Domino, Chidiff and Corssen1 reported the shown that ketamine produces 2–3 fold stereoselec-
first clinical use of ketamine more than 30 yr ago, tivity at ␮ and ␬ receptors but not at ␦ receptors10.
there have been many clinical and laboratory studies The interaction with opioid receptors is clearly com-
to determine both its mechanism(s) of action and plex and several studies10 20 have suggested that keta-
define the most appropriate clinical use of this mine may be an antagonist at ␮ receptors and an ago-
unusual anaesthetic agent. Although disturbing nist at ␬ receptors. Smith and colleagues20 found that
emergence reactions are associated with its use, keta- morphine but not ketamine analgesia was antago-
mine has several clinically useful properties, includ- nized by microinjection of naloxone into the peri-
ing analgesia and less cardiorespiratory depressant aqueductal grey (PAG) region of the rat brain, which
effects than other anaesthetic agents, in fact it causes contains ␮ but not ␬ receptors. Moreover, microinjec-
some stimulation of the cardiovascular system1 2. tion of ketamine into the PAG did not produce anal-
Clinically, ketamine has been reported to produce gesia but antagonized the effects of morphine. These
not only general but also local anaesthesia3–5. It also observations suggest that the analgesic effects of
interacts with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) ketamine are not mediated via ␮ opioid receptors in
receptors6–8, opioid receptors9 10, monoaminergic re- the CNS. Clearly, further detailed studies with ␦ and
ceptors11, muscarinic receptors10 12 13 and voltage- ␬ agonists are required. While the ␴ receptor is no
sensitive Ca2; channels14 15. However, unlike other longer classified as an opioid receptor, ketamine also
general anaesthetic agents, ketamine does not interacts with this receptor although the interaction
interact with GABA receptors16. Clinically, ketamine is weak (␮9␬9␴9␦) and stereoselectivity is reversed:
is administered as a racemate composed of two opti- S(;):R(9)10.
cal isomers, S(;) and R(9), and there are some phar-
macological differences between these2 (see below). ANALGESIA AND MONOAMINERGIC RECEPTORS
In this editorial, in addition to the well established Crisp and colleagues found that ketamine (3.0 ␮mol
NMDA receptor inhibition, we review other poten- litre91)-induced spinal analgesia, measured as an
tial pharmacological targets for ketamine and discuss increase in tail flick latency in rats, was reversed
the unusual clinical uses of this agent. dose-dependently by administration of s.c. methy-
sergide (serotonin antagonist), phentolamine (␣-
adrenoceptor antagonist) and naloxone (IC50 values
The NMDA receptor, a member of the glutamate 8.0 ␮g kg91, 0.88 mg kg91 and 3.0 mg kg91,
receptor family, is an example of an ion channel- respectively)11. However, they also found that spinal
coupled receptor with excitatory properties17 which ketamine did not increase tail-flick latency in rats
has been implicated in the mechanism of general with bilateral dorsal funiculus lesions (DFL) in a sys-
anaesthesia16, analgesia18 and also in neurotoxicity7. tem where morphine was effective. These data
Ketamine is a non-competitive antagonist of the suggest that the antinociceptive action of ketamine
NMDA receptor Ca2; channel pore7. In addition, at may involve descending inhibitory monoaminergic
clinically relevant concentrations, ketamine interacts pain pathways. One possible flaw in this argument is
with the phencyclidine (PCP) binding site9 leading to that ketamine-sensitive opioid receptors on interneu-
significant inhibition of NMDA receptor activity8; rones modulating descending antinociceptive path-
this occurs only when the channel has been opened18. ways could not be excluded. Specifically, is the
This interaction with the PCP binding site appears to naloxone reversible action of ketamine secondary to
be stereoselective with affinity (Ki) values of 3.2 ␮mol its ability to interact with interneurones to block
litre91 and 1.1 ␮mol litre91 for S(;) and R(9) ketamine, amine uptake, that is indirect?
respectively. An in vivo study in the lamprey eel19 also
showed that ketamine inhibits NMDA receptor- LOCAL ANAESTHETIC ACTION
mediated neuronal events by 50 % (IC50) at 10–20 It is known that ketamine at high doses possesses
␮mol litre91. local anaesthetic properties and these have been
compared with lignocaine and procaine3. For exam-
ple, spinal administration of 1.25 % ketamine and
Ketamine has been reported to interact with mu (␮), lignocaine in dogs produced rapid, reversible and
delta (␦) and kappa (␬) opioid receptors10. It has been predictable segmental paralysis without any apparent
shown in vivo that S(;)ketamine is 2–3 times more reduction in consciousness3. In addition, ketamine
potent than R(9) ketamine as an analgesic2. In agree- and procaine inhibited, with identical IC50 values,
ment with these clinical observations, it has been the compound action potential of the frog sciatic
442 British Journal of Anaesthesia

nerve preparation3. In agreement with the mech- ketamine were ineffective. This is clearly a controver-
anism of action of local anaesthetic agents, it has sial area warranting further study.
been shown that high-dose ketamine blocks Na;
channels in frog neurones and in lipid bilayers (con- Extradural administration
taining human Na; channels) with IC50 values in the The efficacy of extradural ketamine is also controver-
mmol litre91 range21 22. Moreover, Durrani and col- sial. Naguib and colleagues26 reported that extradural
leagues reported that ketamine (90.3%) produced ketamine 30 mg produced potent postoperative pain
adequate i.v. regional anaesthesia with complete relief without respiratory depression or psychic
sympathetic, sensory and motor block5. disturbance, while Schneider and Diltoer27 showed
that extradural ketamine (30 mg with 30 mg h91) pro-
MUSCARINIC RECEPTORS vided inadequate analgesia with an associated
“unpleasant feeling”. Although ketamine has been
Ketamine anaesthesia is antagonized by anti- reported to interact with opioid receptors9 10, the
cholinesterase agents12 which increase endogenous affinity for opioid receptors may be 10 000 fold
acetylcholine concentrations and there is evidence weaker than that of morphine9. Pharmacokinetic
for an interaction of ketamine with muscarinic recep- studies of extradural ketamine28 and morphine29 in
tors10 13. Indeed, ketamine produced stereoselective dogs showed that 30 min after extradural injection
interaction with muscarinic receptors in guineapig the concentration ratio of cerebrospinal fluid/plasma
brain membranes in a series of binding experiments was approximately 0.5 and 40, respectively. There-
(Ki of S(;) and R(9)ketamine: 20 and 37 ␮mol litre91, fore, it seems unlikely that extradural ketamine
respectively). In addition, Durieux13 reported that produces analgesia via opioid receptor occupation in
clinically relevant concentrations of ketamine inhib- the spinal cord and an effective (at the opioid recep-
ited muscarinic signalling through M1 receptors tor) extradural dose of ketamine is likely to produce
expressed in Xenopus oocytes (IC50 5.7 ␮mol litre91), not only spinal but also systemic effects, which might
the most prominent subtype in the cortex and include general anaesthesia.
hippocampus. Whether ketamine is an agonist or
antagonist is unclear. However, as ketamine pro- Intrathecal administration
duces anticholinergic symptoms (postanaesthetic Ketamine has been administered intrathecally (5–50
delirium, bronchodilatation and a sympathomimetic mg in 3 ml, approximately 0.2–2% solution) with or
action) and ketamine anaesthesia is reversed by anti- without adrenaline 0.1 mg for war casualties with lower
cholinesterases, an antagonist action is likely. limb injuries4. Ketamine 50 mg with adrenaline (but
not ketamine alone) produced sensory and motor block
VOLTAGE-SENSITIVE CA2; CHANNELS (VSCC) without respiratory depression or hypotension lasting
45–90 min. Unlike the study of Dowdy, Kaya and
Interaction of ketamine with voltage-sensitive Ca2;
channels (VSCC) has not been studied extensively. Gocho3 in dogs, central effects such as dizziness and
drowsiness were reported in humans4. In animal
Baum and Tecson14 reported a small reduction
studies11 30 31, most investigators found that in the
(20%) in the peak current in guineapig myocardium
with ketamine 10 and 100 ␮mol litre91. In addition, absence of adrenaline, ketamine-induced motor block
was variable and shortlived11 31, presumably related to
Yamakage, Hirshman and Croxton15 reported that
increased systemic absorption. Therefore, intrathecal
ketamine (910 ␮mol litre91, IC50 1 mmol litre91)
significantly reduced the peak Ca2; current in porcine ketamine should be used in conjunction with adrenaline.
In summary, use of i.v., i.m., extradural or intra-
tracheal smooth muscle cells. We have demonstrated
thecal ketamine for postoperative pain relief is clearly
previously, in cultured neuroblastoma cells, that
ketamine produced non-competitive inhibition of of limited value.
K;-stimulated increased intracellular Ca2; (mediated
by L channels), with an IC50 of 209 ␮mol litre91 23. NEUROPROTECTIVE ACTION
The role of VSCC in the action of ketamine remains As activation of NMDA receptors is implicated in
to be explored fully but non-competitive channel cerebral ischaemic damage, NMDA receptor antago-
block (similar to the NMDA receptor) is possible. nists, including ketamine, have neuroprotective
potential. In a study using MK-801 (an NMDA
Clinical use of ketamine antagonist) and ketamine, Church, Zerman and
Lodge reported neuroprotection after transient
cerebral ischaemia in rats32. However, they also
Systemic administration observed that high doses of ketamine and MK-801
Subanaesthetic doses of ketamine have been shown produced behavioural disturbances. Hoffman and
to be either potent analgesics24 or ineffective25 in the colleagues33 showed that ketamine improved neuro-
postoperative period. Recently, Arendt-Nielsen and nal outcome from incomplete cerebral ischaemia in
colleagues18 reported that a bolus of ketamine 0.5 mg rats by a mechanism related to a decrease in plasma
kg91 i.v. followed by continuous infusion at 9 ␮g kg91 catecholamine concentrations. In contrast, Jensen
min91 inhibited central temporal summation which is and Auer34 failed to demonstrate any protection
used as an index of dorsal horn responsiveness in against ischaemic damage in rats using ketamine. It is
humans. These authors demonstrated that ketamine difficult to explain the discrepancy in these two stud-
could only inhibit NMDA receptor activity when the ies32 34 (both in rats), especially as the mechanisms for
receptor-operated ion channel had been opened by producing ischaemia, ischaemic time and the keta-
nociceptive stimulation, and used this to explain why mine administration regimen were very similar. Fur-
ketamine only marginally affects acute/phasic pain, ther mechanistic studies are required to determine
and attempts to produce pre-emptive analgesia with any neuroprotective efficacy.
Editorial 443

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