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3 Plant Kingdom
(Assignment 1 – Algae, Bryophytes)

1 Who proposed five kingdom classification? Name the kingdoms proposed by him.
2 Name all the organisms placed under Plantae.
3 Why were Fungi, Monera and some members of Protista kept in the same kingdom?
4 Who proposed artificial system of classification. Mention any four characters used in this
classification and any two drawbacks of this classification system.
5 Why should vegetative characters not be used in classification systems?
6 Who proposed natural classification system? What kind of characters are used in this
classification system?
7 Which classification system is being used at present? What is the important feature of
this feature?
8 How is numerical taxonomy done? Mention any two advantages of numerical taxonomy.
9 How is cytotaxonomy different from chemotaxonomy?
10 What is meant by thalloid structure of algae?
11 Mention any two examples where algae are found in association with other organisms.
12 Mention examples of the following:
a. Two unicellular algae b. colonial c. two filamentous algae d.
massive plant bodies
13 Explain mode of reproduction in algae.
14 Mention examples of the following:
a. Isogamous flagellated b. Isogamous nonflagellated c. anisogamous
d. oogamous
15 How do algae form the basis of food cycles of all aquatic animals?
16 Mention any 3 species of marine algae that are used as food.
17 What are hydrocolloids? Mention any two examples.
18 Name any 2 species of algae which are used for the production of Agar. What is the
economic importance of Agar?
19 Why is chlorella used as food supplement?
20 Classify algae on the basis of type of pigments, food storage, mode of reproduction,
nature of cell wall, number and position of flagella. Make a table to show comparison.
21 Mention an example of filamentous form of brown algae.
22 Where do you observe holdfast, stipe and frond? Draw a diagram to show these
23 Mention five examples of each of Chlorophyceae and Phaeophyceae.
24 Mention four examples of Rhodophyceae.
25 Why are bryophytes called amphibians of plant Kingdom?
26 Explain the structure of plant body of bryophytes.
27 What is the ploidy of gametophyte? Why is plant body of a bryophyte called
gametophytic? Describe the structure and function of gametophyte of a bryophyte.
28 How is sporophyte formed in bryophytes? Why is it dependent on gametophyte?
29 Draw life cycles of homothallic and heterothallic bryophytes.
30 What is peat? Mention its economic importance.
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Archana Awasthi - 9911415112
Ch. 3 Plant Kingdom
(Assignment 1 – Algae, Bryophytes)

31 Describe ecological importance of bryophytes.

32 Identify the following:

33 Give an example of each of homothallic and heterothallic liverwort.

34 Describe asexual reproduction in liverworts.
35 What are the two stages of the predominant stage of the life cycle of a moss?
36 Mention any three examples of mosses.
37 Draw labeled diagram of the following:
a. Male thallus and female thallus of Marchantia b. Funaria c. Sphagnum

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Archana Awasthi - 9911415112

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