Primera Clase

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PAÍS: france

A qué te dedicas? bank

tiempo libre?

lenguas que habla y nivel de cada una ITALIAN FRENCH ENGLISH GERMAN CHINESE

lengua materna

tuvo clases de Español antes? cuando? cómo? qué funcionó y que no funcionó y porqué
crees que fue?

es la primera vez que tiene clases online?

has visitado paises de habla hispana?

porqué aprendes español? RETIRE IN SPANISH COUNTRY

que es lo que más te gusta del español?

qué esperas de tu tutora?

qué es lo que más te gusta de aprender online? qué te gustaría mejorar?

cómo ves la autonomia del aprendizaje? esperas que tu tutor te guíe o te gusta tomar las

tienes miedo a equivocarte al aprender?

en la escuela, cuando niño, cual era tu materia favorita y porqué? y la menos favorita y

Te interesa hacer tareas/homework?

cual es tu serie favorita?

ves contenidos en español?

quieres aprender español de spaña o america latina?

termino la clase 3 minutos antes

solo se puede reprogramar hasta 4 hs antes

puedes siempre enviarme un mensaje en el chat
las tareas estan en el chat

las tareas se envían dentro de las 24 hs, excepto para los estudiantes que tienen dos dias
seguidos de clase.

se recomienda tomar un test de nivel cada 20 horas de estudio



¡Hola ……...!
¿Cómo estás?
Here I am again, sharing some very important links with you :)

A few notes about today's lesson:

A) We established your preferences on online teaching, your interests as a language student, and your
learning goals. We also took a Spanish level test, and we placed you at False-Beginner (which means you
have a knowledge in the language that we can use as a base).

B) We explored one of the resources we'll use during our firsts lessons, which I link below.
-----Here is the first one we did
Please, feel free to practice some of these basic greetings with your neighbors, and/or write down a list of
Saludos and Despedidas you could use with clients at your office or nice waiters at a chill cafe on your
holidays in the Caribbean.

----And this other one I would like you to review for the next lesson. Please watch the video and practice
with Actividad 2 (you can also do the memo test ;)
How would you personally respond to each one of these questions?
Sorry for the spoiler, but I will probably ask you about it in the next lesson

C) Por favor: let me know which Spanish artists/singers you like, besides Shakira, so I can start suggesting
you some songs and work with them too.
C) Some notes about the tutoring:
---Assignments are sent within 24 hours, except for students who have two days of class in a row. I send
them all in the chat.

---It is recommended to take a level test every 20 hours of study to track the student's improvement.

---Lessons can be rescheduled up to 4 hours before the lesson time.

---I finish the lessons on time, or 3/2 minutes before, if there's another student ready for his/her lesson, in
order to set up my device with his/her materials.

---You can always send me a message in the chat. On my working days, I reply ASAP.

If you have any other questions for me, you know you can find me here!
Hope you are having a nice day!
¡Nos vemos!
¡Que tengas un buen día!


¡Hola Ofer!
¿Cómo estás?

Here I am again, sharing some very important links with you :)

A few notes about today's lesson:

A) We established your preferences on online teaching, your interests as a language
student, and your learning goals.

B) We explored one of the resources we'll use during our firsts lessons, which I link below.
----Here is the first one we did

----Here's a sitcom for Spanish students, I found it very useful for beginners. You can use
subtitles by clicking first on subtitles, then settings, subtitles again, automatic translation, and
there you choose the language you prefer
This episode is about SALUDOS y DESPEDIDAS, but they also use expressions to
introduce people we are about to learn in our next lesson.

----This link will guide you through a list of many other greetings you can use. It has many
audios and online exercises

----Please, write down a list of Saludos and Despedidas you could use with students or
colleagues at your office or nice waiters, locals or tourists guides while traveling.

C) Por favor: let me know which Spanish artists/writers/singers/tv-shows/movies you like (if
there's any), so I can start suggesting some content we can work with.


I won't be working next Monday since I'm moving back to Europe again that week, but you
can still find some available hours within this week and the next one.
I recommend students choose the Weekly lesson feature, so you can be sure you'll always
find the same hour available for you, and to keep a learning routine, which will help you to
improve faster.
I will add some more available hours during the European morning in the next few days, so
you will find more options available too very soon (my schedule is usually organized, you just
happen to catch me in a particular messy week ;)

If you have any other questions for me, you know you can find me here!
Hope you are having a nice day!
¡Nos vemos!
¡Que tengas un buen día!


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