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Review Article

Controversies in the Management

of Distal Radius Fractures

Kenneth Koval, MD Controversies span the entire spectrum of management of distal radius
George J. Haidukewych, MD fractures—fracture assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation
of outcomes. The utility of multiple radiographic views described in the
Benjamin Service, MD
literature has not been validated. Likewise, the several classification
Brian J. Zirgibel, MD systems that exist have yet to demonstrate substantial interobserver
and intraobserver reliability. Nonsurgical controversies involve fracture
From Level One Orthopedics at Orlando reduction, use of anesthesia, type of fracture immobilization, and
Health, Orlando, FL (Dr. Koval and
Dr. Haidukewych) and the Orlando
forearm position during healing. Surgical controversies include surgical
Health Orthopedic Residency Program, indications, need for release of carpal tunnel, fracture fixation method,
Orlando (Dr. Service and Dr. Zirgibel. and the need for augmentation (ie, bone graft). Postoperatively,
Dr. Koval or an immediate family rehabilitation, medication, and physical therapy also remain highly
member has received royalties from controversial. The best outcome measure has yet to be established. A
Biomet, is a member of a speakers’
bureau or has made paid presentations strong need remains for high-level, prospective studies to determine
on behalf of Biomet and Stryker, serves the most effective way to assess, diagnose, treat, and measure
as a paid consultant to Biomet, and
outcomes in patients with distal radius fractures.
serves as a board member, owner,
officer, or committee member of the
American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons and the Orthopaedic Trauma
Association. Dr. Haidukewych or an
immediate family member has received
royalties from DePuy and Biomet;
serves as a paid consultant to Smith &
D istal radius fractures commonly
present in the emergency depart-
ment; annual incidence is .600,000.
Assessment Controversies

Nephew, Synthes, and DePuy; has Numerous imaging protocols have

stocks or stock options held in These fractures occur in a bimodal been described to evaluate distal radius
Orthopediatrics and the Institute for distribution, with highest incidences fractures. PA, lateral, and oblique
Better Bone Health; has received among younger men after high-energy
nonincome support (such as equipment views are often obtained to assess
or services), commercially derived
trauma and older women after low- radial inclination, radial length, and
honoraria, or other non-research–related energy falls. In 2007, Medicare made volar tilt (Figure 1). The dorsal rim of
funding (such as paid travel) from $170 million in distal radius fracture–
Synthes; and serves as a board
the distal radius on PA views and the
member, owner, officer, or committee
related payments.1 “teardrop” on lateral views have been
member of the American Academy of Proper management of distal radius described as standard anatomic find-
Orthopaedic Surgeons. Neither of the fractures necessitates accurate fracture ings, as well. The dorsal rim projects 3
following authors nor any immediate assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and
family member has received anything of to 5 mm beyond the proximal cortex
value from or has stock or stock options evaluation of outcomes. Controversies of the radius on PA imaging (Figure 2).
held in a commercial company or span this entire spectrum. In 2009, the The teardrop projects 3 mm palmar
institution related directly or indirectly to American Academy of Orthopaedic
the subject of this article: Dr. Service and
from the radial diaphysis on lateral
Dr. Zirgibel. Surgeons (AAOS) established distal imaging.9 A line drawn tangential to
radius practice guidelines.2 Of the 29 the teardrop extending to a line drawn
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2014;22:
566-575 published recommendations, not one down the longitudinal axis of the
received a grade of strong. In addi- radius forms an angle averaging 70°
JAAOS-22-09-566 tion, the Cochrane Database has (Figure 3). Volar tilt may appear cor-
concluded that evidence is lacking rected after fracture reduction, yet
Copyright 2014 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. regarding many aspects of manage- intra-articular fracture malreduction
ment of distal radius fractures.3-8 may still be present with a dorsiflexed

566 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Kenneth Koval, MD, et al

Figure 1 Figure 2

A, PA radiograph demonstrating radial inclination. B, Lateral radiograph

demonstrating volar tilt. Inset, accurate image of subchondral bone.

volar rim. The oblique view offers the comparing CT scans to plain radio-
advantage of an additional view to graphs found that CT scans were
assess intra-articular extension of dis- better at demonstrating fracture
tal radius fractures. Its utility has yet to extension into the distal radioulnar
be validated. joint, the extent of articular surface
PA images obtained by different depression, and amount of commi- PA radiograph demonstrating the
methods may change the radiographic nution. These authors concluded dorsal rim of the distal radius
appearance of the distal radius. A that CT should be used only in pa- (dashed line). This rim projects
forearm PA image obtained in pro- tients undergoing open reduction approximately 3 to 5 mm beyond the
proximal cortex of the radius.
nation captures the radius as it crosses and internal fixation (ORIF) or when
over the ulna. This pronation results in information about comminution and
a loss of 0.5 mm of radial length com- joint depression is needed. No vali- dorsal comminution, fracture exten-
pared with a forearm in neutral rota- dated studies demonstrate better sion into the radiocarpal joint,
tion.10 The radius and ulna shafts also functional outcomes with CT imag- associated ulna fracture, and patient
converge proximally in pronation, ing before surgical intervention. age .60 years. Although this study
which results in a net decrease in MRI has been used to assess soft- assessed radiographic loss of reduc-
measured radial inclination, volar tilt, tissue injury about the wrist, especially tion after initial fracture reduction, it
and radial height. Likewise, in supi- when suspicion of concurrent scapho- did not report clinical outcomes.
nation, these values increase.11 lunate ligament injury is high. The In 2004, Nesbitt et al16 assessed 50
The dorsal tangential view is one of sensitivity and specificity of MRI to patients with unstable distal radius
the most recently described views. diagnose these tears were recently fractures, according to the Lafontaine
This view is obtained as the wrist is reported to be 63% and 86%, respec- criteria.15 All patients in this study
flexed 75° while the forearm is tively.14 The authors of this study were treated conservatively with closed
placed between two ends of the mini recommended against using MRI for reduction and sugar-tong splinting. At
C-arm, with the dorsal forearm the diagnosis of scapholunate ligament 4 weeks postreduction, 46% of these
tangential to the x-ray beam12 (Fig- injury. fractures maintained reduction. These
ure 4, A and B). The dorsal tangen- Several attempts have been made to authors concluded that in closed
tial view was described to identify identify predictors of distal radius management of potentially unstable
dorsal compartment screw penetra- fracture stability. In 1989, Lafontaine distal radius fractures, age greater than
tion during fixation of distal radius et al15 concluded that an increasing 60 years was the only significant pre-
fractures (Figure 4, C). This view has number of instability factors were dictor of secondary displacement.
yet to be validated for assessment associated with loss of fracture In 2006, Mackenney et al17 exam-
purposes. reduction, despite immobilization in ined 4,000 distal radius fractures
CT is also used to assess distal radius a cast. Instability factors included regarding factors at initial presentation
fractures. A study by Pruitt et al13 initial dorsal angulation .20°, that affect radiographic outcomes.

September 2014, Vol 22, No 9 567

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Controversies in the Management of Distal Radius Fractures

Figure 3

On lateral imaging, the teardrop projects 3 mm palmar from the radial diaphysis. A line tangential to the teardrop extended to
a line drawn down the longitudinal axis of the radius forms an angle averaging 70°. A, Lateral radiograph demonstrating the
teardrop angle. B, An increased teardrop angle (83°) in a volarly displaced distal radius fracture. C, A decreased teardrop
angle (50°) in a dorsally displaced distal radius fracture. D, A normal teardrop angle (72°) after fixation of a distal radius
fracture. (Reproduced with permission from Wolfe S: Distal radius fractures, in Wolfe SW, Hotchkiss RN, Pederson WC,
Kozin SH, eds: Green’s Operative Hand Surgery, ed 6. Philadelphia, PA, Churchill Livingstone, 2011, pp 561-638.)

They concluded that patient age, erature. Andersen et al18 assessed the cation (Figure 5) was reduced to its
metaphyseal comminution, and ulnar interobserver and intraobserver reli- three main subtypes. This study con-
variance were the most consistent ability of these four fracture classifi- cluded these four classifications sys-
predictors of radiographic outcome. cation systems. Two orthopaedic hand tems should not be used to determine
Initial dorsal angulation was not found surgeons and two radiologists classified treatment or comparison of outcomes.
to be predictive of radiographic out- 55 sets of distal radius fracture radio- In 2007, Jin et al19 assessed the
comes. Currently, patient age appears graphs according to the Frykman, interobserver and intraobserver reli-
to be the only repeatedly validated Mayo, Melone, and AO/OTA classifi- ability of the Cooney classification.
factor predictive of fracture stability. cation systems. Interobserver agree- Five orthopaedic surgeons with $10
ment was rated as moderate or fair for years of experience in orthopaedic
each system. Intraobserver reliability trauma assessed 43 sets of distal radius
Diagnostic Controversies was substantial for one observer with fracture films. This study identified
the Frykman, Melone, and Mayo moderate and substantial interob-
The Frykman, Mayo, Melone and classifications. Intraobserver agreement server and intraobserver reliability
AO/OTA classification systems are was raised to the substantial level for all when the Cooney classification system
most commonly referenced in the lit- four observers when the AO classifi- was used without subtypes. The

568 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Kenneth Koval, MD, et al

Figure 4

A, Clinical photograph demonstrating patient wrist position during dorsal tangential imaging of the distal radius. B, Dorsal
tangential radiograph of the distal radius. The arrows identify, from left to right, the radial styloid, Lister tubercle, and dorsal/ulnar
corner of distal radius. C, Intraoperative photograph demonstrating dorsal compartment screw penetration after fixation of
a distal radius fracture. This screw caused irritation to this patient’s extensor pollicis longus tendon. (Panels A and B reproduced
with permission from Ozer K, Toker S: Dorsal tangential view of the wrist to detect screw penetration to the dorsal radius after
volar fixed-angle plating. Hand [N Y] 2011;6(2):190-193.)

authors observed only slight reliability Figure 5

when subtypes were used. This study
concluded that the Cooney classifica-
tion system might not be useful for
treatment decisions.
In 2010, Kural et al20 assessed the
reliability of five classification sys-
tems used for distal radius fractures.
This study also assessed interob-
server and intraobserver reliability of
classification systems. Nine ortho-
paedic surgeons classified radiographs
of 32 patients with distal radius frac-
tures. They used the Frykman, AO/
OTA, Melone, Fernandez, and
Universal (ie, Cooney) classifica-
tion systems. The highest intra-
observer agreement was identified
in the Universal classification sys-
tem (0.621). Interobserver agreement
was insufficient in all classification
systems. This study concluded that
current classification systems used to
classify displaced distal radial frac-
tures are insufficient. Kural et al20 The AO classification of distal radius fractures. A, Extra-articular fractures.
suggested that a new classification B, Partial-articular fractures. C, Complete articular fractures. Each fracture may
system with three-dimensional frac- then be further classified based on location and comminution.
ture assessment may be useful.
In 2006, Harness et al21 published and three-dimensional tomography. fractures. This study concluded that
a study that assessed the utility of Four observers evaluated images of three-dimensional CT improved
radiographs, two-dimensional CT, thirty intra-articular distal radius the reliability and accuracy of

September 2014, Vol 22, No 9 569

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Controversies in the Management of Distal Radius Fractures

radiographic characterization of unstable distal radius fractures. Pa- benefit during the first 2 days after
articular fractures of the distal tients treated with remanipulation surgery.26 In 2012, Egol et al27 re-
radius. Furthermore, the use of alone had a 67% rate of malunion. ported that regional anesthesia
three-dimensional imaging influ- Another study identified no benefit improved outcome scores and
enced treatment recommendations, of closed reduction for patients with decreased pain compared with gen-
resulting in a greater number of moderately to severely displaced eral anesthesia during ORIF of these
decisions for an open approach. distal radius fractures.24 The efficacy fractures. The literature supports the
Currently, commonly used classi- of closed reduction in the manage- use of intravenous regional anesthesia
fication systems have been associ- ment of distal radius fractures re- during treatment; however, random-
ated with low intraobserver and mains to be validated in large ized, prospective studies comparing
interobserver reliability. Most agree prospective controlled trials. multiple anesthesia options remain to
that no classification system is ade- be performed.
quate to determine treatment and Reduction Method
predict outcomes unless interob-
server and intraobserver reliability is Nonsurgical reduction options include Fracture Splinting and
substantial. manual closed reduction, with or Forearm Position
without finger traps. Earnshaw et al25 Closed management of distal radius
assessed 225 displaced fractures ran- fractures involves the use of a remov-
Treatment Controversies domized to finger trap traction or able splint or of rigid immobilization
manipulation. The two methods did (ie, plaster, fiberglass). Controversy
Treatment remains the most contro- not differ with failure rate or final exists regarding splint types, immo-
versial aspect of distal radius fracture position of fracture at 5 weeks. bilization duration, splint length, and
management. Nonsurgical controver- forearm position. Furthermore, we
sies involve fracture reduction, use of Anesthesia for Reduction are aware of no randomized pro-
anesthesia, type of fracture immobili- spective studies that assess forearm
Hematoma block, intravenous regional
zation and forearm position during position during immobilization.
anesthesia (ie, Bier block), regional
healing. Surgical controversies include In 2006, Bong et al28 compared the
nerve blocks, sedation, and general
surgical indications, need for release of sugar tong splint with a short-arm
anesthesia are all used during treatment
carpal tunnel, fracture fixation method, radial gutter splint. This prospective,
of these fractures. In 2002, the au-
and need for augmentation (bone randomized series identified no differ-
thors of a Cochrane Database study
graft). Postoperatively, rehabilitation, ence in fracture reduction maintenance.
indicated that hematoma block
medication, and outcome measures The authors recommended that the
provided poorer analgesia than did
remain controversial. short-arm splint be used initially to
intravenous regional anesthesia. The
authors concluded that insufficient immobilize displaced distal radius
evidence from randomized trials fractures because patients tolerated the
Nonsurgical Treatment short-arm splint better. In 2009, the
exists in the literature to establish the
effectiveness of different methods AAOS published guidelines regard-
Need for Reduction and ing removable splints and rigid fix-
of anesthesia.7 Another Cochrane
Repeat Reductions ation of distal radius fractures.
study concluded that no difference
It is common practice to attempt in fracture reduction could be appre- The 2009 AAOS Clinical Practice
closed reduction for stable and ciated with or without intravenous Guideline (CPG) concluded that mod-
unstable distal radius fractures, yet regional anesthesia or hematoma erate strength existed to suggest
a clear consensus regarding in- block.4 rigid immobilization be used over
dications for closed reduction does removable splints to manage dis-
not exist. In a 2003 study by Beumer placed distal radius fractures. This
and McQueen,22 53 of 60 fractures Anesthesia for Surgical same panel could not recommend
(88%) undergoing closed reduction Treatment using removable splints to treat
and casting in low-demand elderly Recent studies have assessed the effec- nondisplaced distal radius fractures.2
patients lost fracture reduction; 75% tiveness of perifracture injections and A meta-analysis of 37 trials concluded
of fractures that lost reduction did so intravenous regional anesthesia pain that insufficient evidence exists to
in the first week of initial reduction. control postoperatively. A 2010 study suggest the best method and duration
McQueen et al23 prospectively as- concluded that perifracture injections of immobilization during nonsurgical
sessed treatment of redisplaced, did not provide additional pain control treatment of distal radius fractures.3

570 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Kenneth Koval, MD, et al

Surgical Treatment Figure 6

Indications for Surgery

Consensus is rare regarding surgical
indications of closed distal radius
fractures. The 2009 AAOS CPG rec-
ommends, with moderate strength,
that surgical fixation of fractures be
performed when postreduction radial
shortening is .3 mm, dorsal tilt
is .10°, or intra-articular displace-
ment or step-off is .2 mm.2 In pa-
tients aged $55 years, the AAOS
concluded that available evidence
does not demonstrate any difference A, PA radiograph after percutaneous intrafocal pin fixation in a distal radius
between casting and surgical fixation. fracture. B, Lateral radiograph of the same wrist.
A 2011 Austrian study suggests that
functional outcomes are similar for
surgical fixation and nonsurgical Type of Fixation External Fixation: Bridging
treatment in patients aged .65 Multiple options exist with respect to and Nonbridging
years. 29 Seventy-three patients with fixation options for distal radius External fixation of distal radius frac-
displaced intra-articular distal radius fractures. These include percutane- tures may be accomplished via a ra-
fractures were prospectively ran- ous pinning, external fixation, ORIF diocarpal joint spanning (bridging) or
domized to ORIF or reduction and techniques, intramedullary fixation, radiocarpal joint free (nonbridging)
cast. At 12-month follow-up, there and arthroscopy. construct. Controversy exists regarding
was no statistical difference in the type of external fixation, the use of
Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation Percutaneous Pinning additional K-wires with external fixa-
(PRWE) scores, Disabilities of the Percutaneous pinning uses two or three tion, the amount of wrist distraction,
Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) Kirschner wires (K-wires) to reduce the duration of fixation, and the in-
scores, range of motion (ROM), or and fix a fracture. Kapandji (ie, intra- dications for external fixation.
levels of pain. Patients in the sur- focal) pinning uses dorsal and radial McQueen33 published results com-
gical group had better grip strength pins for reduction and fixation of paring bridging and nonbridging
at all time points and better extra-articular distal radius fractures external fixation in a randomized,
radiographic parameters. Patients (Figure 6). prospective study assessing unstable
in the nonsurgical group had The 2009 AAOS CPG concluded fractures. The author concluded that
increased deformity of the affected that insufficient evidence exists to ROM, grip strength, volar tilt, and
wrist. No similar studies have been determine whether using two or three carpal alignment were superior in the
repeated in the United States. K-wires is optimal as no studies were nonbridging group. In contrast,
qualified to address this question.2 a 2008 meta-analysis review of nine
Rosenthal and Chung31 compared trials did not demonstrate sufficient
Carpal Tunnel Release intrafocal pinning to cast treatment evidence to determine the relative
Carpal tunnel syndrome can develop of distal radius fractures and deter- effectiveness of different methods of
in the setting of distal radius frac- mined that pinning provided better external fixation.34
tures. Some evidence exists in the maintenance of volar tilt 3 months Wrist distraction has been evaluated
literature to suggest that release of postoperatively. A meta-analysis of regarding clinical outcomes. In a retro-
the carpal canal is beneficial in pa- 13 trials examining dorsally dis- spective study of 26 patients treated
tients with symptoms.30 However, placed distal radius fractures treated with external fixation, the authors
the 2009 AAOS CPG indicated with percutaneous pinning con- concluded that some distraction of the
that inconclusive evidence exists to cluded that, although low-level evi- carpus at the initial fracture was cor-
suggest nerve decompression be dence exists to support percutaneous related with improved clinical re-
performed when nerve dysfunction pinning, the role and method are not sults.35 A 2009 study further validated
persists after reduction.2 supported by validated studies.32 this claim.36 However, to date,

September 2014, Vol 22, No 9 571

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Controversies in the Management of Distal Radius Fractures

Figure 7 PRWE scores at early follow-up, but

at 1 year, there were no significant
differences between the groups.
Radiographically, the surgical group
had achieved appropriate reduction
on all fractures postoperatively and
at 1 year. A 100% malunion rate
occurred in the nonsurgical group.
Grip strength was higher in the surgi-
cal group at all time points. All patients
reported being satisfied with their
treatment. A review of the current lit-
erature indicates that it is unclear
whether volar locked plating offers
long-term functional advantage over
other methods of fracture fixation in
an age group older than 65 years,
regardless of radiographic outcome.
Fragment-specific fixation uses
A, PA radiograph after open reduction and internal fixation with locked volar small plates and clips to provide fix-
plating of a four-part distal radius fracture with comminution. B, Lateral ation to individual bone fragments.
radiograph of the same wrist. In a recent study by Konrath and
Bahler,39 27 displaced and unstable
distal radius fractures were treated
prospective randomized studies do not fractures (Figure 7). Other methods with fragment-specific fixation. Reli-
exist to assess the effects of over- of ORIF include radial-sided plates, able and anatomic reduction with
distraction. dorsal plates, multi-plate constructs, high patient satisfaction was seen at
A comprehensive, systematic review and fragment specific fixation. 2- to 3-year follow-up. In a pro-
and meta-analysis of 46 articles on Current literature validates the use spective cohort trial, Sammer et al40
external and internal fixation of the of locked volar plating to treat com- compared fragment-specific fixation
distal radius was reported in 2005.37 minuted intra-articular distal radius with volar locked plating. At 1-year
No statistically significant difference fractures; however, the utility of this follow-up, similar functional out-
between external and internal fixation treatment compared with other in- comes were seen, but the fragment-
was identified in pooled grip strength, terventions remains to be validated.2 specific fixation group had increased
wrist ROM, radiographic alignment, Wright et al38 compared volar locked complications and reoperation.
pain, or physician-rated outcomes. A plating to external fixation in
higher rate of infection, hardware unstable distal radius fractures. Intramedullary Fixation
failure, and neuritis were identified in This study demonstrated improved Intramedullary fixation of distal
the external fixation group. Higher postoperative intra-articular step-off, radius fractures involves nail inser-
rates of tendon complications and volar tilt, radial length, and ROM in tion through a radial styloid portal
early hardware removal were identi- the ORIF group; however, PRWE and allows for placement of inter-
fied in the internal fixation group. and DASH scores were equivalent. locking screws. In 2012, Tan et al41
Precision of this study was affected by Volar locked plating has been reported the results of 63 adult pa-
the heterogeneity of studies reviewed. compared with nonsurgical treatment tients with distal radius fractures
of unstable distal radius fractures in treated with an intramedullary
Open Reduction and patients aged .65 years. Arora at al29 device or casting. At 12 months, the
Internal Fixation performed a prospective randomized flexion-extension arc and grip strength
Open reduction and internal fixation controlled study in which patients were higher in the intramedullary nail
of distal radius fractures is often with unstable, displaced distal radius group; also, the intramedullary nail
used to treat unstable fractures. fractures were randomized to non- group reported lower DASH scores
Locked volar plating has become surgical treatment or to ORIF with and better radiographic indices.
increasingly common for surgical volar locked plating. The surgical Randomized, controlled, validated
intervention in unstable distal radius group had improved DASH and studies comparing intramedullary

572 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Kenneth Koval, MD, et al

nail devices to ORIF techniques Cassidy et al46 performed a pro- treatment and surgery. Patients often
have yet to be performed. spective randomized trial assessing the then transition to a removable splint.
treatment of distal radius fractures by A prospective randomized study com-
external fixation or casting with and pared early wrist ROM (ie, within 2
Arthroscopically Assisted
without calcium phosphate cement. At weeks of surgery) with late wrist ROM
6 to 8 weeks, patients in the allograft (ie, 6 weeks) in patients treated with
Wrist arthroscopy can be used to
group had better grip strength, wrist volar plate fixation of the distal
visualize the articular surface of distal
ROM, digit motion, and hand use and radius.48 No significant differences
radius fractures during fixation. In
less swelling. At 1 year, no clinical were identified with respect to the
a study of 33 patients with a 2-year
differences were detected between the average flexion-extension arc of the
follow-up, Augé and Velázquez42 used
two groups. Furthermore, four pa- injured wrist at 3 or 6 months post-
arthroscopy to assess the articular
tients with intra-articular extravasa- operative. Also, no functional differ-
surface of distal radius fractures after
tion of cement were detected; no ences were identified. These authors
reduction and external fixation. The
clinical sequelae developed. concluded that early wrist ROM does
surgeon’s assessment of intra-articular
In a prospective randomized study, not offer a benefit when combined with
fracture severity tended to increase
cancellous allograft was compared volar plate fixation of distal radius
based on arthroscopy findings, neces-
with iliac crest autograft to treat fractures. This study was confounded
sitating reduction modification. The
comminuted distal radius fractures. by allowing patients in the late motion
AAOS review of the literature cited in
No differences in pain or function group to remove a splint during
the distal radius CPG indicated evi-
were observed 1 year after surgery. showering at a time when they were
dence to support the use of arthros-
Bone harvesting from the iliac crest not supposed to have wrist ROM.
copy to assist with reduction of distal
did lead to complications in the Several randomized trials have
radius fractures remained weak.2
autograft group; these included post- compared physical therapy with
operative donor site pain, hematoma, home exercise programs after treat-
Ulnar Styloid Fracture infection, seroma, and paresthesias.47 ment of distal radius fractures. Most
Fixation The 2009 AAOS distal radius of these are level II evidence. A 2009
Ulnar styloid fractures commonly guidelines indicate that no qualified study compared postoperative treat-
occur in the setting of distal radius studies exist to recommend for or ment of distal radius fractures that
fractures. After fixation of a distal against the use of supplemental bone had undergone volar locked plat-
radius fracture, the distal radioulnar graft or substitute when locking ing.49 This study concluded that
joint (DRUJ) is often stable. This may plates are used.2 This same review a home exercise program was as
be becauseof an intact distal oblique indicated that inconclusive evidence effective as formal physical treat-
bundle of the interosseous membrane exists in the literature to recommend ment in the postoperative rehabili-
and distal radioulnar ligaments act- for or against the use of allograft and tation of wrist fractures.
ing with an anatomically reduced autograft as an adjunct to other At least one randomized prospective
distal radius. In the setting of a stable surgical treatments. Our current study has assessed distal radius fracture
DRUJ, ulna styloid fracture size and review of available literature concurs healing rates in patients treated with
displacement do not affect patient out- with this assessment. low-intensity ultrasound.50 This study
comes.43,44 In the presence of an compared low-intensity ultrasound to
unstable DRUJ, styloid fixation is placebo for shortening the time of
indicated.45 This may be accomplished Rehabilitation healing in nonsurgically treated Colles
though several methods, including the fractures. Mean time to union was 61
use of K-wires, anchor fixation, ten- Controversy exists regarding the days in the ultrasound group and 98
sion bands, and screw fixation. management of distal radius fractures days in the placebo group. No long-
after surgery and nonsurgical treat- term benefit was appreciated in the
ment. These controversies include the ultrasound group.
Fracture Augmentation timing of postoperative immobiliza- Relatively few studies exist to docu-
tion, timing of wrist ROM, the use of ment the efficacy of ice with respect to
Allograft and autograft are used to fill home exercises or formal physical pain reduction in distal radius frac-
metaphyseal voids during treatment of therapy, and the utility of ultrasound, tures. The 2009 AAOS CPG indicates
distal radius fractures. The indications, ice, and vitamin C. that weak evidence is available in the
efficacy, and benefit of one graft over Distal radius fractures are usually literature to support the use of ice as
another remain controversial. immobilized following nonsurgical adjuvant treatment.2

September 2014, Vol 22, No 9 573

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Controversies in the Management of Distal Radius Fractures

classification systems have yet to dem- 6. Handoll HH, Madhok R: WITHDRAWN:

Medication onstrate substantial interobserver and
Surgical interventions for treating distal
radial fractures in adults. Cochrane
intraobserver reliability. Multiple as- Database Syst Rev 2009;3:CD003209.
Vitamin C is often prescribed post-
pects of both surgical and nonsurgical 7. Handoll HH, Madhok R, Dodds C:
operatively in an effort to prevent
treatment have yet to be validated in Anaesthesia for treating distal radial
chronic regional pain syndrome fracture in adults. Cochrane Database Syst
high-level studies. Postoperative treat-
(CRPS). Two studies by Zollinger and Rev 2002;3:CD003320.
ment modalities, including medication,
colleagues51,52 have assessed vitamin 8. Handoll HH, Madhok R, Howe TE:
rehabilitation, and physical therapy,
C use and the incidence of CRPS in Rehabilitation for distal radial fractures in
also remain highly controversial. In adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;
patients treated with distal radius 3:CD003324.
addition, the best outcome measure has
fractures. The more recent study51
yet to be determined. A strong need 9. Fujitani R, Omokawa S, Iida A, Santo S,
concluded that 500 mg per day was Tanaka Y: Reliability and clinical
remains for high-level, prospective
the optimal dose required to achieve importance of teardrop angle measurement
studies to establish the most effective in intra-articular distal radius fracture.
a reduction in CRPS. In contrast,
way to assess, diagnose, treat, and J Hand Surg Am 2012;37(3):454-459.
Court-Brown et al53 published find-
measure outcomes in patients with 10. Slutsky DJ, Osterman AL: Fractures and
ings suggesting that vitamin C does not
distal radius fractures. Injuries of the Distal Radius and Carpus:
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