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Problem Statement:

Increase market awareness and adoption of BrainAlive AI’s FOCII Chrome Extension.

About the Company:

BrainAlive is a deep tech firm committed to developing innovative products that leverage
neuroscience, computer vision and NLP to analyse and understand human engagement in
the digital world. Their mission is to help organisations understand human behaviour and
make data-driven decisions. Through their expertise in vision and neuroscience, they seek to
champion human potential by providing insights into the user's state of mind and intent. They
have been backed and validated by TDeFi, Qualcomm Accelerator, NASSCOM 10,000
startup program and Telangana AI Mission.

About BAAI:
BrainAlive AI (BAAI) is a multi-modality AI engine that uses raw interaction in the form of
vision, speech or biosignal to generate real-time user engagement analytics. It is an intent
and engagement analysis AI engine which helps to understand complex human behaviour to
interpret an individual’s emotions and thoughts, gain precise insights across various
industries: OTT, e-commerce, video conferencing, gaming etc. and make data driven
decisions for improved customer engagement and retention. It leverages artificial
intelligence, natural language processing, and computer vision along with state-of-the-art
neuro wearables to give these insights.

FOCII Chrome Extension:

BrainAlive AI has recently launched an innovative chrome extension called “FOCII for
YouTube”. This extension offers YouTube creators advanced analytics like audience emotion
analysis, heatmaps based on eye tracking, engagement trends and more. It helps youtubers
to optimize their content strategy and improve viewer engagement by going beyond surface
level metrics such as likes, and views.

The Challenge:
The MVP of FOCII has been released with an aim to increase market awareness and
adoption. It is currently primarily available for YouTube, however it will soon be made
compatible with other social media channels, online meetings and OTT platforms. The
company has launched some campaigns in the recent past, the details of which can be
found on their blogs page and social media channels.

As participants in this case competition, your task is to devise a comprehensive

Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy that focuses on the following key areas:
1. Market Penetration:
○ Identify and analyze the primary target markets and segments that would
benefit most from FOCII
○ Create user personas according to different target markets
2. Marketing Campaigns:
○ Design creative and impactful marketing campaigns to promote FOCII
Chrome Extension (Focus on YouTube use case).
○ Propose both online and offline campaign ideas to create a buzz around the
product launch planned for Q3’ 24.
3. Brand Awareness:
○ Create strategies to build strong brand awareness for FOCII.
○ Suggest ways to establish FOCII as a trusted and essential tool for content
○ Develop a unique value proposition and messaging that highlights the
benefits and differentiators of FOCII.
4. Customer Education and Support:
○ Propose methods to educate potential users about the features and
advantages of FOCII.
○ Design onboarding and support strategies to ensure a smooth user
experience and retention.

Submission Requirements:
Round 1: Your submission should include the following components:

● A detailed GTM strategy focusing on market penetration, marketing campaigns, and

brand awareness.

Round 2: Top 10 teams should add the following in their submissions before the
presentation round:

● A comprehensive marketing plan with proposed campaign ideas and execution

● A SWOT analysis highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
related to the FOCII Chrome extension.
● Metrics and KPIs to measure the success of your proposed strategies.

Evaluation Criteria:
Submissions will be evaluated based on:

● Creativity and innovation in proposed strategies and campaigns.

● Feasibility and practicality of the GTM plan.
● Depth of market analysis and understanding of target audiences.
● Clarity and effectiveness of communication and presentation.
Participants are encouraged to think outside the box and leverage their knowledge of
marketing, branding, and technology to create a compelling and actionable strategy for
FOCII's market success.

Material Kit:
● FOCII Chrome Extension: Link
● Website: BrainAlive AI | BAAI Rewards
● User Journey: Link
● Social Media: X Instagram
● Blogs: Link

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