Palm Fruit Bunch Production ID 2012 Undefined

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Ecoinvent 3.7.

1 dataset documentation
palm fruit bunch production - ID

Dataset identification Table of content

Activity name palm fruit bunch production Exchange summary
geography ID (Indonesia) Dataset description

Time period 2009-01-01 to 2012-12-31 Detailed information for exchanges

Valid for the entire period
Synonym None Notes: This document contains only an extract of
ISIC rev.4 ecoinvent 0126: Growing of oleaginous fruits the information in the dataset. Additional data
about properties of exchanges, mathematical
Reference product palm fruit bunch relations, parameters, and contact information for
authors and reviewers are available in the full
CPC classification 01491: Palm nuts and kernels dataset, i.e. in ecoSpold format. Amount and
Dataset type identity of the exchanges in an undefined dataset
Ordinary transforming activity
are independent of modeling choices of the
Technology level Current different system models. Linked dataset are
available in separate documents.
Version - system
model 3.7.1 - Undefined Link to the dataset on the ecoinvent website

Dataset authorship
Role Name, organisation
Data generator Vincent Rossi, Quantis
Data entry Vincent Rossi, Quantis
Review Assumpció ANTON, Institut de Reserca i Technologica Agroalimentaries

Exchange summary
Material for Byproduct
Reference products Amount
treatment classif.
palm fruit bunch no 1 kg
Material for Byproduct
By-products Amount
treatment classif.
waste wood, untreated yes Waste 0.0792 kg
Inputs from technosphere Amount
ammonium sulfate 0.00036 kg
diesel, burned in agricultural machinery 0.132 MJ
establishing orchard 0.000338 unit
fruit tree seedling, for planting 0.000338 unit
glyphosate 0.000137 kg
inorganic nitrogen fertiliser, as N 0.0025 kg
inorganic phosphorus fertiliser, as P2O5 0.00075 kg
irrigation 0.0278 m3
land use change, perennial crop 5.24e-05 ha
liquid manure spreading, by vacuum tanker 0.000149 m3
manure, liquid, cattle 0.125 kg
manure, liquid, swine 0.0139 kg
manure, solid, cattle 0.108 kg
packaging, for fertilisers 0.0523 kg
packaging, for pesticides 0.000309 kg
phosphate rock, beneficiated 0.000333 kg
planting tree 0.000338 unit

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Ecoinvent 3.7.1 dataset documentation
palm fruit bunch production - ID

Inputs from technosphere Amount

potassium chloride 0.0325 kg
poultry manure, dried 0.0434 kg
poultry manure, fresh 0.00481 kg
pyrethroid-compound 1.78e-05 kg
solid manure loading and spreading, by hydraulic loader and spreader 0.151 kg
transport, tractor and trailer, agricultural 0.00562 ton*km
urea 0.00417 kg
Inputs from environment Amount
Carbon dioxide, in air 1.11 kg
Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass 15.1 MJ
Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated 0.596 m2*year
Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated 0.0297 m2
Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated 0.0297 m2
Emissions to air Amount
Ammonia 0.00107 kg
Carbon dioxide, fossil 0.00458 kg
Dinitrogen monoxide 0.000192 kg
Nitrogen oxides 0.000216 kg
Water 0.0179 m3
Emissions to water Amount
Cadmium, ion 1.19e-08 kg
Chromium, ion 2.13e-06 kg
Copper, ion 1.97e-06 kg
Lead 3.46e-07 kg
Mercury 3.36e-09 kg
Nickel, ion 9.28e-07 kg
Nitrate 0.0346 kg
Phosphate 5.98e-05 kg
Phosphorus 3.18e-05 kg
Water 0.00987 m3
Zinc, ion 4.07e-06 kg
Emissions to soil Amount
Cadmium 2.12e-08 kg
Chromium -1.32e-06 kg
Copper -3.03e-06 kg
Cypermethrin 1.78e-05 kg
Glyphosate 0.000137 kg
Lead -1.93e-07 kg
Mercury -2.46e-09 kg
Nickel -2.85e-07 kg
Zinc -3.24e-06 kg

Dataset description
General comments
This dataset represents the production of 1 kg of palm fruit bunch. The average yield from 2009 - 2012 is 16.82
t/ha. The data are representative for palm bruit bunch production in Indonesia used for palm oil production for the
export market. Mineral NPK fertiliser input is 81-14-345 kg/ha. Organic fertilisers applied amount to 2.51 m3/ha of
liquid manure and 2.54 t/ha of solid manure. Total active ingredients (a.i.) applied as pesticides amount to 2.6 kg

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Ecoinvent 3.7.1 dataset documentation
palm fruit bunch production - ID

The dataset was modelled within the project "World Food LCA database (WFLDB)". The aim of this project was to
provide inventories of a broad variety of agricultural products and processes and to cover for each product at least
50% of the global export market. The export share of palm oil produced in Indonesia amounts to 47% of the global
export (tonnage exported in 2010). The production system regarded in this dataset aimed at representing palm
fruit bunches produced in Indonesia for the export market.
PEF-Quality: data quality rating (DQR) = 2.2 (i.e. good quality). This dataset refers to an average situation; for
specific situations exchanges might differ substantially due to site specific parameters.
Included activities start
This activity starts with the nursery producing fruit tree seedlings, i.e.grafted young trees to be planted.
Included activities ends
This activity ends with the waste treatment after the clearing of the orchard (rooting up the trees). The dataset
includes all activities during a year in the productive phase of the orchard including the establishment phase per
year of lifetime (20 years), the clearing of the orchard including waste treatment. The establishment phase of the
orchard includes tree nursery, soil cultivation, planting trees, sowing grass, installation of trellis system (posts and
wires) and irrigation. Fertiliser and pesticide use in a year of the establishment phase is assumed to be half of the
amount of a year in the productive phase.The productive phase of the orchard includes machine operations,
corresponding infrastructure, fuel use and sheds. Machine operations in the productive phase are: soil cultivation
(mulching, mowing), fertiliser and pesticide application, harvesting and irrigation. Further, direct field emissions
and land use change are included. At the end of the productive phase the orchard is cleared by rooting up the
trees.The inputs of seedlings, fertilisers and pesticides as well as packaging of fertilisers and pesticides are
considered. The dataset doesn"t include emissions from manure storage because these are within the system
boundary of animal production. Heavy metal uptake by the crop is considered.
Sampling procedure
WFLDB Methodological Guidelines for the Life Cycle Inventory of Agricultural Products in the latest version,
available at: Data sources: Data were categorised from level 0 (L0) to
level (L4) as follows: L0 = estimate, proxy; L1 = statistical data (e.g. FAOSTAT); L2 = L1 adapted to crop and
country; L3 = literature data or L1 resp. L2 data approved by experts; medium detailing (i.e. kg of total N-fertiliser);
L4 = L3 data of high detailing (i.e. portion N-fertiliser types).In this dataset data were obtained for yield: L3;
Fertilisers: L4; Pesticides: L1; Machinery: L0; Irrigation: L2. For information regarding the calculation of individual
exchanges see supporting documentation WFLDB-Documentation.pdf.
Technology comments
Conventional production.

Detailed information for exchanges

Reference product Annual prod.vol. Amount
palm fruit bunch 5.73e+9 kg 1 kg
Comment: Pal fruit bunch, Indonesian production. Yield = 16824.0 kg/ha.
Production volume comment: Source: FAOSTAT. Average, 2009-2012

By-product Annual prod.vol. Amount

waste wood, untreated 4.54e+8 kg 0.0792 kg
Comment: Wood from trees after 1-2 years of sorrage at the field (20% water) per lifetime year (20 years) of the orchard.
Production volume comment: Calculated from the reference product amount and production volume
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Inputs from technosphere Amount

ammonium sulfate 0.00036 kg
Comment: Calculated based on literature values: The nutrient content of the crop multiplied by the country-share of the fertiliser type (IFA
2014). See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Fertiliser application" for L1 data and appendix for the source of
nutrient content ( Corresponds to 6.06 kg/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

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Ecoinvent 3.7.1 dataset documentation
palm fruit bunch production - ID

Inputs from technosphere Amount

diesel, burned in agricultural machinery 0.132 MJ
Comment: Literature value or expert estimation (Schmidt 2007).
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Schmidt J.H. 2007

establishing orchard 0.000338 unit

Comment: D7bd5819-f76d-410004-806f-daf6983d84c5; Literature value or expert estimation (Zulkifli et al. 2009 AND NaanDanJain
Irrigation 2011 AND Schmidt 2007). This is the number of trees per ha divided by the lifetime years of the orchard.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

fruit tree seedling, for planting 0.000338 unit

Comment: D7bd5819-f76d-410004-806f-daf6983d84c5; Literature value or expert estimation (Zulkifli et al. 2009 AND NaanDanJain
Irrigation 2011 AND Schmidt 2007). This is the number of trees per ha divided by the lifetime years of the orchard.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

glyphosate 0.000137 kg
Comment: Literature value or expert estimation (Schmidt 2007).
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.08; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Schmidt J.H. 2007

inorganic nitrogen fertiliser, as N 0.0025 kg

Comment: Calculated based on literature values: The nutrient content of the crop multiplied by the country-share of the fertiliser type (IFA
2014). See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Fertiliser application" for L1 data and appendix for the source of
nutrient content ( Corresponds to 1.47 kg/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

inorganic phosphorus fertiliser, as P2O5 0.00075 kg

Comment: Calculated based on literature values: The nutrient content of the crop multiplied by the country-share of the fertiliser type (IFA
2014). See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Fertiliser application" for L1 data and appendix for the source of
nutrient content ( Corresponds to 2.28 kg/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

irrigation 0.0278 m3
Comment: Calculated value: The total amount of water used for irrigation (calculated from evapotranspiration, Pfister et al. 2011) multiplied
by the share of irrigation technique (Expert estimate based on literature data showing that drip irrigation in rapid development in Indonesia).
See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Water use for irrigation" for L1 data
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

land use change, perennial crop 5.24e-05 ha

Comment: Calculated value. Land use change (LUC) combines land transformation areas calculated with the adapted "Direct Land Use
Change Assessment Tool" version 2014 developed by Blonk Consultants and the carbon losses from soil organic carbon (SOC) and
vegetation (VEG) as calculated in ecoinvent v3. See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at

liquid manure spreading, by vacuum tanker 0.000149 m3

Comment: This amount corresponds to the input of liquid manure.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

manure, liquid, cattle 0.125 kg

Comment: Calculated based on literature values: The total amount of manure multiplied by the country-share of manure per animal category
(FAOSTAT 2015). See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Fertiliser application"
( Corresponds to 2.11 m3/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

manure, liquid, swine 0.0139 kg

Comment: Calculated based on literature values: The total amount of manure multiplied by the country-share of manure per animal category
(FAOSTAT 2015). See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Fertiliser application"
( Corresponds to 0.234 m3/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

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palm fruit bunch production - ID

Inputs from technosphere Amount

manure, solid, cattle 0.108 kg
Comment: Calculated based on literature values: The total amount of manure multiplied by the country-share of manure per animal category
(FAOSTAT 2015). See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Fertiliser application"
( Corresponds to 1820.0 kg/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

packaging, for fertilisers 0.0523 kg

Comment: Total amount of active substance/s of fertilisers needed for the production of "palm fruit bunch" is calculated to be circa 2.62E-02
kg. Fertiliser/s used in this dataset is/are: "ammonium sulfate, as N", "nitrogen fertiliser, as N", "phosphate fertiliser, as P2O5", "phosphate
rock, as P2O5, beneficiated, dry", "potassium chloride, as K2O", "urea, as N". The total amount of active substance/s is doubled in order to
account for the packaging of the dilluted product of fertiliser/s that is/are applied. Therefore, 5.23E-02 kg of packaging for fertilisers is justified
with this exchange.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.25; Pedigree matrix: [4, 3, 1, 5, 4]

packaging, for pesticides 0.000309 kg

Comment: Total amount of active substance/s of pesticides needed for the production of palm fruit bunch is calculated to be circa 1.55E-04
kg. Pesticide/s used in this dataset is/are: "glyphosate", "pyrethroid-compound". The total amount of active substance/s is doubled in order to
account for the packaging of the dilluted product of pesticide/s that is/are applied. Therefore, 3.09E-04 kg of packaging for pesticides is
justified with this exchange.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.25; Pedigree matrix: [4, 3, 1, 5, 4]

phosphate rock, beneficiated 0.000333 kg

Comment: The exchange has been updated from "phosphate rock, as P2O5, beneficiated, dry" into "phosphate rock, beneficiated" and
therefore its amount has been scaled (multiplied) from 0.0001 kg by 3.125 kg of "phosphate rock, beneficiated" per kg of "phosphate rock, as
P2O5, beneficiated, dry". Original comment of the exchange is: Calculated based on literature values: The nutrient content of the crop
multiplied by the country-share of the fertiliser type (IFA 2014). See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter
"Fertiliser application" for L1 data and appendix for the source of nutrient content ( Corresponds
to 1.79 kg/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

planting tree 0.000338 unit

Comment: Literature value or expert estimation (Zulkifli et al. 2009 AND NaanDanJain Irrigation 2011 AND Schmidt 2007). This is the
number of trees per ha divided by the lifetime years of the orchard.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

potassium chloride 0.0325 kg

Comment: The exchange has been updated from "potassium chloride, as K2O" into "potassium chloride" and therefore its amount has been
scaled (multiplied) from 0.0205 kg by 1.5829 kg of "potassium chloride" per kg of "potassium chloride, as K2O". Original comment of the
exchange is: Calculated based on literature values or expert estimation: The total amount of nutrient (FAO 2005) multiplied by the share of
fertiliser type (FAO 2005). See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Fertiliser application" for L3 and L4 data
( Corresponds to 345.0 kg/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Source: FAO 2005

poultry manure, dried 0.0434 kg

Comment: Calculated based on literature values: The total amount of manure multiplied by the country-share of manure per animal category
(FAOSTAT 2015). See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Fertiliser application"
( Corresponds to 729.0 kg/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

poultry manure, fresh 0.00481 kg

Comment: Calculated based on literature values: The total amount of manure multiplied by the country-share of manure per animal category
(FAOSTAT 2015). See supporting documentation "WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Fertiliser application"
( Corresponds to 0.162 m3/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

pyrethroid-compound 1.78e-05 kg
Comment: Literature value or expert estimation (Schmidt 2007).
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.08; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Schmidt J.H. 2007

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palm fruit bunch production - ID

Inputs from technosphere Amount

solid manure loading and spreading, by hydraulic loader and spreader 0.151 kg
Comment: This amount corresponds the input of solid manure.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

transport, tractor and trailer, agricultural 0.00562 ton*km

Comment: On-farm transport: Yield (in tonnes) multiplied by the average distance from field to farm. The distance was obtained from
literature or expert estimation (Schmidt 2007).
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.48; Pedigree matrix: [4, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Schmidt J.H. 2007

urea 0.00417 kg
Comment: The exchange has been updated from "urea, as N" into "urea" and therefore its amount has been scaled (multiplied) from 0.0019
kg by 2.1438 kg of "urea" per kg of "urea, as N". Original comment of the exchange is: Calculated based on literature values: The nutrient
content of the crop multiplied by the country-share of the fertiliser type (IFA 2014). See supporting documentation
"WFLDB-Documentation.pdf" chapter "Fertiliser application" for L1 data and appendix for the source of nutrient content
( Corresponds to 32.7 kg/ha.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Inputs from environment Subcompartment Amount
Carbon dioxide, in air in air 1.11 kg
Comment: Calculated value: CO2 uptake by biomass. Dry matter content = 53%.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.08; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]

Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass biotic 15.1 MJ

Comment: Calculated value: dry matter content = 53%.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.08; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]

Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated land 0.596 m2*year

Comment: Related to the duration from harvest date of previous crop to harvest date of main crop.
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.12; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated land 0.0297 m2

Comment: 10000 m2 divided by the life time of the perennial crop (20 years).
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.21; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated land 0.0297 m2

Comment: 10000 m2 divided by the life time of the perennial crop (20 years).
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.21; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Emissions to air Subcompartment Amount

non-urban air or
Ammonia 0.00107 kg
from high stacks
Comment: Calculated value - EMEP/EEA (2013). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.21; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: EEA 2013

non-urban air or
Carbon dioxide, fossil 0.00458 kg
from high stacks
Comment: Calculated value - CO2 emissions from urea and lime. See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.08; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]

non-urban air or
Dinitrogen monoxide 0.000192 kg
from high stacks
Comment: Calculated value - IPCC (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: IPCC 2006

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palm fruit bunch production - ID

Emissions to air Subcompartment Amount

non-urban air or
Nitrogen oxides 0.000216 kg
from high stacks
Comment: Calculated value - EEA/EMEP (2013). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: EEA 2013

non-urban air or
Water 0.0179 m3
from high stacks
Comment: Calculated value - Emission calculated from water balance. See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Emissions to water Subcompartment Amount

Cadmium, ion ground- 2.02e-09 kg
Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Cadmium, ion surface water 9.88e-09 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Chromium, ion ground- 1.06e-06 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Chromium, ion surface water 1.07e-06 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Copper, ion ground- 2.03e-07 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Copper, ion surface water 1.76e-06 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Lead ground- 1.01e-08 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Lead surface water 3.35e-07 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Mercury surface water 3.23e-09 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

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Emissions to water Subcompartment Amount

Mercury ground- 1.29e-10 kg
Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Nickel, ion ground- 3.07e-11 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Nickel, ion surface water 9.28e-07 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Nitrate ground- 0.0346 kg

Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.51; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Faist Emmenegger M. 2009

Phosphate ground- 1.1e-05 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Prasuhn (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.51; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Prasuhn V. 2006

Phosphate surface water 4.88e-05 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Prasuhn (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.51; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Prasuhn V. 2006

Phosphorus surface water 3.18e-05 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Prasuhn (2006) and SQCB-Erosion. See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.51; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Prasuhn V. 2006

Water surface water 0.00789 m3

Comment: Calculated value - Emission calculated from water balance. See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Water ground- 0.00197 m3

Comment: Calculated value - Emission calculated from water balance. See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.41; Pedigree matrix: [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Zinc, ion ground- 1.51e-06 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Zinc, ion surface water 2.56e-06 kg

Comment: Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.81; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Emissions to soil Subcompartment Amount

Cadmium agricultural 2.12e-08 kg
Comment: Comment on mathematicalRelation: 7.49881122206e-08 from Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See
"WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at -5.38148722064e-08 from Crop, default, heavy metals
uptake model. Heavy metal uptake can be excluded by setting the parameter heavyMetalUptakeSwitch to zero.
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

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Ecoinvent 3.7.1 dataset documentation
palm fruit bunch production - ID

Emissions to soil Subcompartment Amount

Chromium agricultural -1.32e-06 kg
Comment: Comment on mathematicalRelation: -1.02995720399e-06 from Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See
"WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at -2.88842873276e-07 from Crop, default, heavy metals
uptake model. Heavy metal uptake can be excluded by setting the parameter heavyMetalUptakeSwitch to zero.
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Copper agricultural -3.03e-06 kg

Comment: Comment on mathematicalRelation: 4.86317165953e-07 from Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See
"WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at Heavy metal uptake can be excluded by setting the
parameter heavyMetalUptakeSwitch to zero.
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Cypermethrin agricultural 1.78e-05 kg

Comment: Calculated value - 100% emission in soil. See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.21; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]

Glyphosate agricultural 0.000137 kg

Comment: Calculated value - 100% emission in soil. See "WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at
Uncertainty distribution: lognormal; GSD2: 1.21; Pedigree matrix: [2, 2, 1, 1, 1]

Lead agricultural -1.93e-07 kg

Comment: Comment on mathematicalRelation: 9.3134807418e-08 from Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See
"WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at -2.8660102859e-07 from Crop, default, heavy metals
uptake model. Heavy metal uptake can be excluded by setting the parameter heavyMetalUptakeSwitch to zero.
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Mercury agricultural -2.46e-09 kg

Comment: Comment on mathematicalRelation: 1.90364954826e-08 from Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See
"WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at -2.14941496671e-08 from Crop, default, heavy metals
uptake model. Heavy metal uptake can be excluded by setting the parameter heavyMetalUptakeSwitch to zero.
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Nickel agricultural -2.85e-07 kg

Comment: Comment on mathematicalRelation: 2.68610318592e-07 from Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See
"WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at -5.53624340228e-07 from Crop, default, heavy metals
uptake model. Heavy metal uptake can be excluded by setting the parameter heavyMetalUptakeSwitch to zero.
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

Zinc agricultural -3.24e-06 kg

Comment: Comment on mathematicalRelation: 1.3730979553e-05 from Calculated value - Freiermuth (2006). See
"WFLDB-Guidelines.pdf", available at -1.69717712494e-05 from Crop, default, heavy metals
uptake model. Heavy metal uptake can be excluded by setting the parameter heavyMetalUptakeSwitch to zero.
Source: Freiermuth R. 2006

page 9
Ecoinvent 3.7.1 dataset documentation
palm fruit bunch production - ID

Source information
First author: Schmidt J.H.
Title: Life cycle assessment of rapeseed oil and palm oil. Ph.D. thesis, Part 3: Life cycle inventory of rapeseed oil and palm oil.
Year: 2007
First author: FAO
Title: Fertilizer use by crop in Indonesia.
Year: 2005
First author: EEA
Title: EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2013 - Technical guidance to prepare national emission inventories
Year: 2013
First author: Nemecek T.
Additional author(s): Bengoa X., Lansche J., Mouron P., Rossi V., Humbert S., Riedener E.
Title: World Food LCA Database. Methodological Guidelines for the Life Cycle Inventory of Agricultural Products. Version 3.0.
Year: 2015
First author: Faist Emmenegger M.
Additional author(s): Reinhard J., Zah R.
Title: Sustainability Quick Check for Biofuels – intermediate background report. With contributions from T. Ziep, R. Weichbrodt, Prof. Dr. V.
Wohlgemuth, FHTW Berlin and A. Roches, R. Freiermuth Knuchel, Dr. G. Gaillard, Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon
Year: 2009
First author: IPCC
Title: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Prepared by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme.
Volume 4: Agriculture, forestry and other land use
Year: 2006
First author: Prasuhn V.
Title: Erfassung der PO4-Austräge für die Ökobilanzierung - SALCA-Phosphor
Year: 2006
First author: Freiermuth R.
Title: Modell zur Berechnung der Schwermetallflüsse in der Landwirtschaftlichen Ökobilanz
Year: 2006

Restriction of use
The restrictions of use stipulated in the EULA remain applicable for this pdf documentation.
Copyright ecoinvent Association, 2020
The "Dataset description" section may contain different fonts:
-Information in normal font was included in the dataset by the data provider
-Information in grey italic font was added by ecoinvent to provide methodological clarity.

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