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Nutritional Ketosis with Ketogenic Diets or

Exogenous Ketones: Features, Convergence,
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and Divergence
Angela M. Poff, PhD;1 Andrew P. Koutnik, PhD;1,2 and Brendan Egan, PhD2,3

athletic contexts, general health, and a di-

Abstract verse class of pathologies (8).
Athletes, clinicians, and practitioners are increasingly interested in the NK is best operationally defined as a
proposed performance and therapeutic benefits of nutritional ketosis nutritionally induced metabolic state
(NK). NK is best operationally defined as a nutritionally induced metabolic resulting in blood b-hydroxybutyrate
state resulting in blood β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations of ≥0.5 mM. (bHB) concentrations of 0.5 mM, re-
Most tissues readily metabolize ketone bodies (KBs), and KBs in turn regu- gardless of endogenous or exogenous
late metabolism and signaling in both a systemic and tissue-specific induction, or the systemic metabolic
manner. During fasting, starvation, or ketogenic diets, endogenous synthe- or signaling effects elicited (1,9). bHB
sis of KBs is amplified resulting in a state of NK. Orally administered exog- along with acetoacetate (AcAc) and ace-
enous ketone supplements rapidly elevate circulating KBs and produce a tone are collectively termed ketone bod-
similar, but far from identical, metabolic state. NK results in a number of ies (KBs). bHB is present in the body as
convergent features regardless of endogenous or exogenous induction; R-bHB and S-bHB enantiomers of bHB
however, important differences also are observed. The implications of NK (interchangeably termed D-bHB and L-
across health, disease, and performance is rapidly becoming more evident, bHB, respectively), with the R-enantiomer
thus acknowledging the convergent and divergent features of NK is critical being the predominant circulating KB.
for fully understanding the potential utility of this metabolic state. NK can be achieved “endogenously”
through dietary manipulation such as
prolonged fasting or ketogenic diets (KDs), or “exogenously”
Introduction with the oral administration of exogenous ketone supple-
Athletes, clinicians, and practitioners often seek novel nutri- ments (EKs) (10). In athletic contexts, recent reviews have
tion strategies to optimize health and performance. Altering made the case for (1) and against (11) KDs for exercise perfor-
substrate availability through dietary manipulation has been mance. For EKs, however, despite initial positive findings
the subject of increasing interest as a strategy to modulate (12), many studies since have failed to demonstrate benefits
training adaptations, and competitive performance (1,2). Die- to physical performance (13).
tary supplements also demonstrate potential for augmenting While both approaches produce NK and share some com-
the adaptive response to exercise training (3), in addition to mon metabolic features and consequences, there are several
their traditional role as ergogenic aids (4). A topic of intense divergent features of these approaches that should be recog-
interest in sports medicine and beyond is the proposed perfor- nized (Table) and have important implications for perfor-
mance and therapeutic benefits of nutritional ketosis (NK) mance and therapeutics. Yet in our experience, it is
(1,5–8). Because of the multifaceted effects of NK, its proposed increasingly common for clinicians, practitioners, and the gen-
utility has led to an expansion of research into these effects in eral public to conflate these approaches. A recent review has
attempted to disentangle the approaches to NK in the context
Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology, University of of exercise metabolism (10), and the purpose of the present re-
South Florida, Tampa, FL; 2Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, view is to provide an overview of methods to produce NK, the
Pensacola, FL; and 3School of Health & Human Performance, and National metabolic effects of KBs in key target organs, and features of
Institute for Cellular Biotechnology, Dublin City University, Dublin, IRELAND.
convergence and divergence between endogenous or exoge-
Address for correspondence: Brendan Egan, PhD, Dublin City University nous ketosis.
Dublin, Ireland; E-mail:

KB, Ketogenesis, and NK
Current Sports Medicine Reports Multiple physiological states increase the synthesis and cir-
Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine culation of the KBs. When glucose availability is low, and Current Sports Medicine Reports 251

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Features of convergence and divergence between NK achieved by KDs compared with EKs.
Total KB concentration ~0.5 to 5 mM (variable) Ketone salts and KDE: ~0.3 to 1.0 mM
KME: ~3.0 to 6.0 mM
R-βHB/AcAc 2:1 to 4:1 3:1 to 6:1
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Time course of elevation in KB Days to weeks Minutes to hours

Adaptation period for metabolic Suggested to be months to years; termed Unknown
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effects “ketoadaptation”
Appetite Suppressed Suppressed
Glucose availability Dietary intake of CHO <5% of EI Performance: coingested with CHO (~1
Circulating glucose concentrations lowered g·min−1 CHO)
Health: acutely lower fasting glucose and
attenuate postprandial glycemia
Lipolysis Elevated Attenuated
Elevated FFA conc. Acute lowering of FFA conc.
Muscle protein synthesis Unknown Increased
Fat utilization during exercise Markedly elevated Measurement confounded
IMTG utilization elevated IMTG utilization elevated
CHO utilization during exercise Attenuated at high intensities Attenuated at high intensities
Blood lactate concentrations Unchanged or higher at same exercise intensity Attenuated rise during exercise
compared to mixed/high CHO diet
EI, energy intake; IMTG, intramuscular triglyceride; KDE, R,S-BD AcAc ketone diester; KME, R-BD R-bHB ketone monoester.

insulin is suppressed, an elevation in fatty acid oxidation in he- individual metabolic and genetic variability (1,5,7,18). In
patic mitochondria results in an amplification of ketogenesis pathological conditions most typically associated with insuffi-
(Fig. 1). During prolonged fasting, starvation, severe calorie cient insulin, KBs can accumulate to produce a state of
restriction, or consumption of a KD, the pancreas produces ketoacidosis wherein R-bHB is often 10 mM and blood
less insulin and more glucagon, resulting in increased rates pH declines and produces a life-threatening metabolic state
of adipose tissue lipolysis and an elevation of circulating keto- known as diabetic ketoacidosis (18). In contrast, the normal
genic precursor metabolites, namely, long-chain fatty acids physiological range of NK is commonly observed to be 0.5
(LCFAs). to ~5 mM R-bHB (1,5,7).
The liver synthesizes the majority of KBs in the body, but
does not readily consume them, ensuring KBs can be utilized Ketogenic Diets
by extrahepatic tissues (Fig. 1). Once in circulation, KBs are NK has long been used to manage disease, regardless of the
rapidly taken up by the extrahepatic tissues, with the brain, terminology used to describe it. Texts from antiquity reference
skeletal muscle, and heart, being avid users. Rates of ketone anticonvulsant effects of fasting, and throughout the 19th and
utilization and synthesis are similar in normal weight adults 20th centuries, ketogenic-type diets were described to benefit
consuming a standard diet, keeping blood KB concentrations patients with metabolic disorders, such as diabetes mellitus.
typically 0.3 mM, even following an overnight fast (14). The “Classical Ketogenic Diet” developed at the Mayo Clinic
Within a few days of fasting or consumption of a KD, KB con- in 1921 was restricted in protein (1 g·kg−1 body weight) and
centrations rise by approximately 10-fold due to increased ke- carbohydrate (CHO) (10 g to 15 g·d−1), with the remainder
togenesis, and can then serve as an alternative fuel source to of calories from fat. The efficacy of this diet in epilepsy was es-
glucose for most of the body (15). tablished, and around the same time, KDs were being used to
Although NK is operationally defined as blood bHB con- prolong the lives of type 1 diabetes mellitus patients. How-
centration of 0.5 mM (1), there is no obvious metabolic ever, with the advent of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and the
“switch” that occurs at this threshold. Rather it is indicative Nobel Prize-winning discovery of insulin, the classical KD de-
of a state in which KBs serve as a prominent metabolite, clined in its therapeutic use despite its demonstrated efficacy.
and important substrate to overall energy supply on a Interest in KDs resurged in the 1990s as it became apparent
whole-body level (1,14,16). For example, infusion of R-bHB that the KD was a useful tool for treating patients that failed to
in healthy young men to a concentration of just ~0.2mM to respond to AEDs (7), and evidence was accumulating that
0.5 mM results in reduction in estimates of hepatic glucose KDs may be efficacious for a host of metabolic disorders
output and adipose tissue lipolysis, and an increase in cerebral (19). Intrigued by the emerging and multifaceted mechanisms
R-bHB uptake (17). The magnitude of elevation of R-bHB in of therapeutic ketosis, other fields have expanded research ef-
response to ketogenic stimuli varies depending on factors, in- forts into NK. Encouraging data spurred public interest, espe-
cluding age, sex, height, body mass and composition, aerobic cially in relation to widely applicable topics like weight loss
fitness and physical activity level, caloric intake, and even and exercise performance, leading to mainstream popularity.

252 Volume 19  Number 7  July 2020 Ketogenic Diets versus Exogenous Ketones

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Figure 1: Pathways of ketogenesis in liver and ketolysis in extrahepatic tissues, and methods to produce NK. Ketogenesis primarily occurs in
the hepatocyte mitochondria wherein two acetyl-CoA, the primary metabolite generated during beta-oxidation of fatty acids, combine in a reaction
catalyzed by ACAT to form AcAc-CoA. AcAc-CoA reacts with another acetyl-CoA to produce HMGCoA via catalysis by HMGCS. HMGCoA is then
cleaved by HMGCL to produce AcAc and acetyl-CoA. AcAc can be reduced by to produce R-βHB or can undergo spontaneous decarboxylation to
produce acetone. Ketogenesis also occurs in small quantities in cells such as astrocytes, intestinal stem cells, and cardiomyocytes. NK can be
achieved by dietary means incorporating CHO restriction, for example, fasting and KDs, or by exogenous ketone supplements that either directly
increase blood R-βHB concentrations (e.g., ketone salts), or comprise ketogenic precursors (MCFAs, BD), or a combination of a KB and a ketogenic
precursor in the form of a ketone ester. During ketolysis in extrahepatic tissues, R-βHB is reoxidized to AcAc, before covalent activation of AcAc by
CoA is catalyzed by OXCTresulting in generation of AcAc-CoA. Two molecules of Ac-CoA are liberated by thiolytic cleavage of AcAc-CoA by ACAT,
after which Ac-CoA is incorporated into the TCA cycle. However, distinct from ketolysis, R-βHB also can act as signaling molecule through
interaction with cell surface receptors and regulators of gene expression (see Fig. 2). ACAT, thiolase; ADH, alcohol dehydrogenase; BDH,
3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase; HMGCoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA; HMGCS, 3-OH-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase; HMGCL
HMGCoA lyases; OXCT, succinyl-CoA:3-oxoacid CoA transferase.

In the most general sense, a KD can be defined as any diet the development of ingestible EKs (7,10). Until their develop-
that amplifies ketogenesis, not just the strict therapeutic KDs ment, the only reliable means of elevating circulating KBs out-
used in early medical literature. There are now a number of side of a research setting was through dietary restrictions that
defined alternative KDs including the medium chain triglycer- can present limitations regarding feasibility and practicality.
ide (MCT) KD, the Modified Atkins Diet, and the Low Glyce- EKs were developed to elicit a dose-dependent elevation of
mic Index Treatment Diet. Each dietary approach induces a R-bHB and/or AcAc regardless of dietary macronutrient in-
state of NK, but are formulated with more liberal allowances take. EKs allow for rapid and controlled induction of ketosis
of protein and CHO to improve palatability and compliance and may offer an alternative tool to induce NK in individuals
(20). Regardless of the specific alterations involved, it is now unable, uninterested, or unwilling to consume a KD.
clear that KDs now expand far beyond the original strict 4:1 Moreover, some benefits of NK can be attributed to mech-
ratio of fat-to-protein and CHO and can be customized to anisms induced by the KBs themselves, rather than the other
meet individual preferences and tolerability without necessar- metabolic features of KDs. Thus, EKs could mimic beneficial
ily sacrificing benefits. Indeed, several studies suggest that effects of NK for specific applications, ranging from health op-
these alternative KDs can elicit similar seizure control with im- timization, to cognitive and physical performance, to medical
proved compliance and palatability (20). therapeutics. Furthermore, there may be situations wherein
KDs are contraindicated, with EKs providing the only feasible
Exogenous Ketone Supplements and Ketogenic tool to induce NK (7,21).
Precursors A large number of natural and synthetic EKs are being de-
Hopes of extending NK to a wider range of applications, veloped and tested (22,23). The various formulations have
and recognition of the pleiotropic effects of KBs, has led to distinct properties in terms of degree and duration of ketosis Current Sports Medicine Reports 253

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induced, and even in regard to metabolic and signaling effects Ketone esters
(22). Therefore, research is needed and underway to elucidate Several existing synthetic ketone esters (KEs) potently in-
the utility and application of individual EKs, and many are be- duce a dose-dependent elevation in blood KB concentration.
ing evaluated for safety and efficacy for performance enhance- KEs are held together by ester bonds that are cleaved by gas-
ment (10), as well as therapeutic potential (8). tric esterases to liberate KBs in their free acid form from a
backbone molecule. The choice of backbone molecule can
Ketone salts vary, but often is a ketogenic precursor molecule, such as
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The most direct method of exogenously inducing NK R-BD or R,S-BD. KEs are currently the most potent EKs
would be to administer isolated KBs. However, R-bHB and available in terms of reliably producing NK, a promising fea-
AcAc in their free acid form can be unstable, expensive, and ture but one that also requires a thorough investigation of
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ineffective at producing sustained ketosis. Thus, the ketone their long-term safety. Encouragingly, some of the most
acids can be buffered with sodium or other electrolytes to en- well-characterized KEs have received Generally Recognized
hance efficacy and prevent overload of any single mineral. Bal- as Safe (GRAS) status by the FDA, such as the R,S-BD AcAc dies-
anced mineral formulations of ketone salts may even be useful ter and R-BD R-bHB monoester, and the latter appears safe and
in attenuating symptoms of mineral depletion that occur early well tolerated at known doses in healthy adults, whether acutely
in keto-adaptation, but at large doses, excessive mineral in- (12,23,28,29) or daily when consumed for up to 28 d (30).
take could lead to gastric hyperosmolarity or other adverse ef-
fects, such as inappropriate sodium load. Ketone salts have bHB enantiomers
been the subject of several investigations for ergogenic poten- Currently, most commercially available ingestible EKs,
tial in a variety of exercise challenges, but to date, none have with the exception of the R-BD R-bHB monoester and some
produced performance benefits (13). specific ketone salt products, are a racemic mixture of R-bHB
and S-bHB enantiomers of bHB. This is largely because the syn-
Medium chain triglycerides thesis of racemic mixtures is more affordable than the pure en-
MCTs contain fatty acids 6 to 12 carbons in length antiomers. R-bHB is considered the endogenous metabolite
(medium-chain fatty acids [MCFAs]). Compared with LCFAs and an efficient fuel for ATP production. S-bHB is biologically
being absorbed via the lymphatic system, MCFAs can be ab- present in small quantities, but does not contribute significantly
sorbed via hepatic portal circulation and enter the hepatic mi- to energy production and after ingestion of racemic EKs S-bHB
tochondria without requiring carnitine transport, where they remains elevated in circulation longer than R-bHB (23). De-
are rapidly metabolized to acetyl CoA, and subsequently, to spite divergent metabolic roles, R-bHB and S-bHB have been
KBs. Therefore, MCTs are considered ketogenic fats as they shown to share similar molecular interactions and intracellular
result in ketogenesis without requiring dietary CHO restric- signal transduction cascades (31), but the specific effects of the
tion. A known side effect of high MCT consumption is gastro- two enantiomers remain a hotly debated topic.
intestinal discomfort, which can be mitigated by a slow,
progressive introduction over a 1- to 2-wk period (24). Metabolic Effects of KBs on Target Organs
AcAc and R-bHB are pleiotropic signaling molecules and
Combination ketone salts and medium chain triglycerides influence a diverse range of physiological processes (Fig. 2)
One promising combination of EKs is that of ketone salts (9). As such, KBs elicit multiorgan effects that can be similar
and MCTs, which have been administered most typically in or differ widely depending on the tissue of interest. Here we
1:1 or 1:2 ratios. Animal research suggests that this method re- will briefly consider effects of KBs on brain, skeletal muscle,
sults in a more sustained induction of NK because KBs are de- and adipose tissue.
livered directly in the form of ketone salts, while ketogenesis is
stimulated by MCTs (22). This approach allows for lower Brain
dosing of individual components, with lesser potential for side In the adult brain, glucose is typically the predominant and
effects from high intake of individual EKs or minerals. This preferred fuel source, but as long as half a century ago, KBs
formulation is available in popular commercialized products were demonstrated to replace glucose as the predominant fuel
but has not been extensively evaluated in human trials. during starvation (i.e., low glucose availability), supplying up
to two thirds of the brain's energy requirements under such
1,3-Butanediol conditions (32). More recently, experimental elevation of R-
1,3-butanediol (BD) is a Food and Drug Administration bHB (infusion) or KBs (MCT ingestion) increases KB uptake
(FDA)-approved organic diol used as a food flavoring solvent and utilized by the brain in proportion to the circulating con-
and has been considered as a potential synthetic food for centration (14,17). In turn, elevated uptake and utilization of
long-duration space missions (25). BD is metabolized by the KBs elicits a reduction in brain glucose utilization (14). KBs
liver to produce bHB, and in rodents, R,S-BD was demon- are, therefore, an alternative and prominent substrate in the
strated to produce a dose-dependent elevation of KBs in a ra- brain when circulating concentrations are elevated to the level
tio of 6:1 of R-bHB to AcAc (26). Extensive toxicology studies of NK. These developments have ignited interest in NK as a
in a variety of preclinical models show that BD is safe and tol- unique strategy to provide additional substrate during times of
erable (27). BD is an EK itself and also is used as a backbone in limited glucose availability or impaired brain bioenergetics, such
the synthesis of some ketone esters. Like ketone salts, investi- as those that are featured in conditions as varied as epilepsy,
gations, to date, of the ergogenic potential of R-BD in trained Alzheimer's disease, and traumatic brain injury (TBI) (33,34).
male athletes demonstrate a lack of benefit in endurance exer- Interestingly, NK enhances, or attenuates the decline in,
cise settings (13). cognition in a variety of preclinical and human settings, ranging

254 Volume 19  Number 7  July 2020 Ketogenic Diets versus Exogenous Ketones

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Figure 2: Effects of ketone bodies on various tissues and organs. Ketone bodies βHB, AcAc, and/or acetone have been described to facilitate
multiple systemic and/or tissue specific effects which extend beyond extra-hepatic energetic needs. These pluripotent effects include direct or in-
direct epigenetic regulation, reduced oxidative stress via antioxidant production, increased and/or neutral anabolic hormone secretion, increased
skeletal muscle anabolic and regenerative signaling, decreased skeletal muscle catabolic signaling, altered tissue lipid metabolism and energetic
efficiency, reduced methylglyoxal, multi-metabolite and systemic metabolic regulation, altered hunger hormones, altered intestinal stem cell fate,
function, and regeneration, increased cardiac tissue hydraulic efficiency, neuroprotective mechanisms, and reduced cellular inflammatory signal-
ing. Readers interested in further details on the effects described are directed to several other excellent reviews (5–7,9,35–38). COX-2, cycloox-
ygenase-2; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinases; FOXO3a, Forkhead Box O3a; GABA, glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid; GPR, G-
protein-coupled receptor; HCAR2, hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2; HDAC, histone deacetylase; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor-1; MEK,
mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinases; MnSOD, magnesium-dependent superoxide dismutase; mTORC, mecha-
nistic target of rapamycin; NLRP3, nucleotide-binding protein, leucine-rich-containing family, pyrin domain-containing-3.

from young to old, and including athletic settings, neurological attenuation of pathways of muscle atrophy with KB treatment
disorders, and psychiatric disorders (34). Of particular interest of skeletal muscle (42), and an increased mitochondrial func-
to the sports medicine community is the potential of NK to tion and reduction of selected ceramide species (43). In rodent
mitigate adverse sequelae following traumatic brain injury skeletal muscle, bHB impairs insulin-stimulated glucose up-
(TBI). Preclinical studies of moderate and severe TBI via take, but this effect is produced by R-, but not S-bHB, and oc-
blunt force trauma strongly support a therapeutic role, show- curs in oxidative, but not glycolytic, skeletal muscle (44). Thus,
ing reduced tissue death and cerebral edema, and improved a better understanding the effects of these bHB enantiomers on
cognition (33). Clinical studies have established safety of skeletal muscle metabolism will be important given the afore-
the KD in human TBI patients with diverse injury type with mentioned prevalence of racemic EKs. During exercise, ele-
nonspecified origin (33). However, due to the diverse nature vated demands for ATP resynthesis in skeletal muscle are the
of TBI across athletic contexts and nascent interest in NK for primary driver of increases in rates of whole body substrate uti-
TBI, larger studies across multiple settings are needed to eval- lization (45). Ketosis achieved by ingestion of R-BD R-bHB
uate the efficacy of NK in sport-related TBI. monoester prior to exercise may attenuate CHO utilization,
and increase reliance on intramuscular lipids during exercise
Skeletal muscle (12), likely via the inhibition of adipose tissue lipolysis and con-
AcAc and R-bHB exert metabolic actions, particularly in sequent reduction in circulating free fatty acids (FFAs).
relation to substrate utilization and anticatabolic processes,
in many organs (16) (Fig. 2). In skeletal muscle, for instance, Adipose tissue
KB infusion results in inhibition of glycolysis and stimulation KBs also are known to directly and rapidly modulate lipid
of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle (39,40) and attenuation metabolism. R-bHB binds HCAR2/GPR109a and results in
of muscle protein breakdown (41). In vitro studies demonstrate the inhibition of lipolysis by attenuating NF-kB activity in Current Sports Medicine Reports 255

Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
adipose tissue (46). To this end, EK administration, whether reflect KBs being oxidized during exercise (12). Conversely,
as ingestion of R-BD R-bHB monoester or infusion of R-b the R,S-BD AcAc diester elevates both R-bHB and AcAc in a
HB or R,S-bHB, reduces FFA and glycerol concentrations, with dose-dependent manner in animal models (22), but little hu-
or without changes in insulin concentration (12,17,23,29,47), a man data are available on this agent to date.
phenomenon that appears to be dose-dependent (21). Con-
versely, AcAc binds GPR43 to upregulate lipolysis via increas- Onset, timing, and adaptation
ing lipoprotein lipase activity in adipose tissue (48). These KDs require a number of days before the amplification of
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mechanisms and direct effects of KBs demonstrate differential rates of ketogenesis produces sustained NK, whereas ingestion
regulation of adipose tissue lipolysis that may be dependent of EKs elevate KB concentrations within minutes to hours.
on factors such as the duration of fasting and KDs, or the type With prolonged adherence to KDs, the phenomenon termed
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of EK administered. For example, prolonged fasting and KDs “keto-adaptation” is proposed to occur after weeks to
upregulate lipolysis and FFA mobilization in contrast to admin- months. Although objective markers of keto-adaptation re-
istration of EKs that primarily raise R-bHB concentrations main to be defined, the process refers to the symphony of
given that R-bHB inhibits lipolysis via HCAR2/GPR109a physiologic and metabolic changes that accompany a shift
(46) and acutely lowers circulating FFAs both at rest and during from glucose-based to fat-based metabolism and requires var-
exercise (12). However, chronic administration of EKs that re- iable amounts of time depending on the metabolic conse-
sult in significant elevations in AcAc concentrations have re- quence of interest (1,10). Whether there are temporal
sulted in adipose tissue atrophy that is not wholly explained adaptive responses to the metabolism of EKs with repeated
by reduced calorie intake (49), suggesting that much remains consumption remains to be explored.
to be learned on regulation of adipose tissue lipolysis during
NK induced by different means. Direct effects of KBs
Importantly, features related to direct effects of KB metabo-
Points of Convergence and Divergence in NK: Comparing lism and signaling properties tend to be a point of convergence
and Contrasting NK Induced by Endogenous versus between KD- and EK-induced NK. The superior metabolic ef-
Exogenous Means ficiency of KBs has been known for decades, with studies
These divergent effects of KDs and EKs on adipose tissue li- showing that R-bHB and AcAc can uniquely increase work
polysis illustrate an important and often neglected aspect of and ATP production while decreasing oxygen consumption
NK—recognition of overlapping and unique features of en- (51) because of molecular changes resulting in an increase in
dogenous versus exogenous induction of NK. In fact, there the energy of ATP hydrolysis (52). Thus, KBs are often consid-
are many known points of convergence and divergence be- ered a more efficient fuel for ATP production compared with
tween the two approaches (Table), with many questions re- glucose and fatty acids. Once in circulation, KBs elicit a host
maining about metabolic and molecular regulation under each. of direct signaling effects that are not dependent on their me-
tabolism and therefore likely to occur regardless of the method
Dietary requirements, safety, and compliance of NK induction, but in turn may be dependent on the circu-
Inherent to traditional KDs is the restriction of CHO intake lating concentration achieved. This includes the ability to reg-
with secondary considerations for protein quantity as both ulate intracellular metabolism by binding and activating
stimulate insulin secretion. However, EKs require no direct di- HCAR2 receptor signaling, the ability to regulate epigenetic
etary CHO restriction. While data suggest that KDs and EKs and redox function by acting as histone deacetylase inhibitors,
can both be safe and tolerable in healthy individuals, only and the ability to regulate cellular regeneration in response to
KDs have undergone extensive evaluation in pathological insult (9).
contexts. KDs have similar compliance issues as other dietary
strategies (50), while compliance in short-term daily supple- Regulation of appetite
mentation studies using EKs is reportedly high (30). KDs produce subjective reports of reduced appetite and the
desire to eat even in calorie deficit, and these effects have been
Circulating KB concentrations and bHB/AcAc ratio attributed to the state of NK (53). Similarly, acute NK pro-
KDs generally elevate circulating R-bHB to a range of ~0.5 duced by the ingestion of the R-BD R-bHB monoester reduced
mM to 3.0 mM at a ratio of approximately 4:1 R-bHB/AcAc subjective ratings of appetite and the desire to eat measured by
(18). Typically, ketone salts, MCTs, and R-BD elevate R-bHB visual analog scales, which coincided with the suppression of
by approximately 0.3 mM to 1.0 mM above resting values (13), the appetite hormone ghrelin (28). While the exact mecha-
with their impact on circulating R-bHB being limited primar- nisms linking elevated KBs with the regulation of appetite hor-
ily by factors including the gastric tolerance of the dose pro- mones are not clear and likely involves multiple organ systems
vided of the different molecules, the capacity for hepatic (54), this is an example of a physiological effect that appears
conversion of BD to bHB, and proportions of the R- and S-en- common to KDs and EKs (15).
antiomers in racemic formulations. The elevation in circulat-
ing KBs and the respective contributions of AcAc and R-b Glucoregulatory aspects
HB after ingestion of KEs depends on the composition of the An effect on circulating glucose concentrations is a promi-
specific KE ingested. For example, the R-BD R-bHB monoes- nent feature of NK induced by both KDs and EKs, but the
ter produces little change in AcAc concentrations but eleva- method of induction of NK results in divergent regulation of
tions of R-bHB in the range of ~3 mM to 6 mM at tolerable these effects. For example, as KDs require dietary CHO restric-
doses (23), and concentrations during exercise in the ~1.5 mM tion, lower glucose concentrations, and an absence of postpran-
to 3 mM range (13). These lower concentrations likely dial glycemia are a consistent feature of their application (19).

256 Volume 19  Number 7  July 2020 Ketogenic Diets versus Exogenous Ketones

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Conversely, several reports have demonstrated that EKs can described EK-supplemented diets (54,58), that is, diets pro-
acutely regulate glycemia by either lowering fasting glucose ducing sustained NK in the absence of effects produced by
concentrations (12,17,28,47), and/or by attenuation the post- CHO restriction of traditional KD approaches. Overall, these
prandial rise in glucose after a CHO-containing bolus (29). experimental approaches provide valuable insight into effects
These effects occur with or without alterations in circulating in- of NK per se, but conversely make teasing apart the effects of
sulin (12,28,47), and are most likely via attenuated hepatic glu- NK induced by endogenous versus exogenous means even
cose output, rather than an increase in skeletal muscle glucose more difficult, and further supports defining NK by R-bHB
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uptake (21,29,55). concentration, with the secondary consideration being the

method of induction.
Anabolic and anticatabolic effects In exercise contexts, there is considerable debate about the
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KDs are reported to impact the adaptive response to exer- merits of KDs for athletic performance (1,2), and the perfor-
cise training measured by change in lean body mass (56), but mance benefits of acute ingestion of EKs are equivocal (13).
currently, the understanding of this relationship is conflicting However, it is clear that NK alters the metabolic response to
and confounded by the methods of assessment of lean body exercise at the level of substrate utilization, and in terms of
mass, relative protein consumption, anabolic hormone levels, contribution from circulating or intramuscular substrates
and caloric intake (56). There also has been a suggestion that a (12,59–61). Common to KDs and EKs would be a reduction
KD may elicit an anticatabolic effect as evidenced by increas- in CHO utilization during exercise, but this occurs under very
ing circulating leucine and decreased circulating alanine con- different metabolic states. For example, low CHO availability
centrations (57). Similarly, anabolic and anticatabolic effects is a de facto feature of KDs (2,60), whereas to date, most stud-
of infused EKs have been demonstrated in humans (40,41), ies of EKs have been performed with EKs coingested with high
in addition to anticatabolic effects of EKs in rodent models rates of CHO supply (~1 g·min−1) (12,13). As described
of atrophy-based pathologies (21). above, EKs have antilipolytic effects, which results in lower
circulating FFAs concentrations and may augment the reliance
Exogenous versus Endogenous NK: Lessons from Applied on intramuscular triglycerides during exercise (12). Con-
Contexts versely, circulating FFAs and glycerol are elevated during ex-
Considering the above examples of convergence and diver- ercise after a KD, and whole-body fat oxidation rates
gence between KDs and EKs when inducing NK, it appears er- increase two-fold to three-fold over mixed/high CHO diets
roneous to assume that the respective methods will elicit (1,60). These shifts in patterns of substrate utilization under-
identical effects or can be applied interchangeably in all con- score the distinct metabolic states during exercise and have im-
texts. Illustrative examples of this include applications in anti- portant implications for performance (10). Specifically,
seizure and exercise performance contexts. current speculation is that KDs may be beneficial for long du-
For example, in epilepsy, significant questions remain sur- ration (12 h), low-intensity ultraendurance-type event,
rounding the mechanisms by which KDs exert antiseizure where fats, being the primary source of ATP provision, can
and neuroprotective effects (16), and debates on the therapeu- match lower rates of ATP demand, whereas the combination
tic potential of EKs continue. The clinical data do not yet of NK and high CHO intake may confer performance benefits
strongly support the notion that KBs elicit anticonvulsant ef- in endurance events of moderate intensity and durations of
fects independent of their role as a metabolic substrate as most 8 h (62). Several years of research will be required to explore
human studies have failed to demonstrate a correlation be- these contentions, but the salient point is that despite the com-
tween blood KB concentrations and seizure control (7). De- mon feature of inducing NK, KDs and EK are distinct meta-
spite this, all three KBs and various EK formulations elicit bolic states and should not be conflated as analogous fueling
antiseizure effects in cell culture or animals (7). However, it approaches for athletes.
also is clear that the individual KBs elicit unique effects as
AcAc and acetone possess more potent anticonvulsant proper- Conclusions
ties than R-bHB (7), highlighting an important need for EKs Interest into the performance and therapeutic applications
that can intentionally elevate specific KBs, rather than simply of NK has rapidly expanded. Regardless if induced by endog-
relying on the physiological equilibrium produced by KDs. enous or exogenous means, NK can be defined as a metabolic
This relationship between endogenous and exogenous state wherein R-bHB concentrations are elevated 0.5 mM,
sources of KBs and their respective actions is further muddled eliciting widespread physiological changes at both a systemic
by the experimental methodologies that are employed to un- and cellular level. These effects can overlap or differ and can
derstand NK. Much of what is speculated about the molecular be universal or tissue-specific. Because NK is a potential candi-
mechanisms that underlie the pleiotropic effects of KDs (i.e., date for performance-enhancing and therapeutic benefits, it
chronic effects) is extrapolated from studies that administer will be critical to understand these points of convergence
EKs or KBs directly (i.e., acute effects) in an attempt to isolate and divergence to fully evaluate its utility for sports perfor-
effects of these molecules. However, the central theme of this mance and medicine in the future.
review (Table), and others (10), is to highlight that the effects
of KDs and EKs are not synonymous and should not be con- The authors thank Dr. Mark Evans for his constructive
flated. Similarly, caution should be applied when mechanisms comments on the manuscript.
of effects of NK are extrapolated primarily from reductionist
experiments performed in vitro with KBs exogenously applied This submission was not supported by any specific grant
to cells or tissues, in the absence of the sequalae produced by from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-
longer-term adherence to a KD. Moreover, recent studies have profit sectors. Current Sports Medicine Reports 257

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