11th TO 12th Reformation Exam PCM - 1

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Batch Reformation Exam – JEE ADVANCED (PCM-1) Page - 1 - 24th March, 2024

Physics Section – I
Part – A
Single Choice questions

1. A solid hemisphere of radius R and density  / 2 is held with its

flat circular surface in vertical plane in a liquid of density ρ as Vacuum
shown. Assuming atmospheric pressure is zero, Find the force y
exerted by liquid on lower half of hemisphere.

R3gjˆ (B)
6 2
( )
R3g ˆi + ˆj

2 3 ˆ
R gj (D)
3 2
R3g ˆi + ˆj ) x

2. Two particles A and B are connected by a light in-extensible string

passing over a smooth light pulley. At first, a monkey of mass ‘m’ hangs
to particle B to establish equilibrium. Consider the system consisting of
particle A, B, and monkey. The mass of this system is M. What is the
displacement of center of mass of the system, If monkey climbs up a
distance x relative to the string from equilibrium configuration.
(A) mx/(m+M) (B) Mx/m
(C) mx/M (D) mx/(M-m)


3. An equimolar mixture of a mono atomic and diatomic gas is subjected to continuous expansion
1 1
such that dQ = dU + dW . The equation of the process in terms of the variable P and V will be [All the
3 2
notations have their usual meanings]
(A) PV
= cons tan t (B) PV
11/ 8
= cons tan t
(C) PV
= cons tan t (D) PV
= cons tan t

4. A bird is flying along a horizontal straight line at a height ‘h’ above

the ground with uniform speed u = 2gh . A hunter shoots an
arrow when the bird is exactly above him. Find the minimum initial
speed of the arrow for it to hit the bird. Acceleration due to gravity
is ‘g’. Neglect force on arrow by air.
(A) 2gh (B) 2 gh

(C) 4 gh (D) gh

One or more than one correct options questions

Regional Head Quarters FIITJEE TOWERS, No.3, First Lane, (Next to Apex Plaza), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Batch Reformation Exam – JEE ADVANCED (PCM -1) Page - 2 - 24th March, 2024

5. A man stretches a horizontal spring attached to the front wall of a railway carriage over a distance ‘ ’ at a
uniform rate, in a train moving with uniform velocity. During this time, the train covers a distance ‘L’. The man
stretches the spring opposite to the direction of motion of the train. The co-ordinate system attached to earth
is s1 and the co-ordinate system attached to train is s2 . Then the magnitude of work preformed by man in
stretching the spring is
1 1 1 1
(A) k 2
in s1 (B) k 2
in s2 (C) k ( L − ) in s1 (D) k ( L − ) 2 in s1
2 2 2 2
6. For piston-cylinder arrangement and different types of ideal gases, a
plot of work done ( W ) verses heat supplied (Q) is plotted. It is known
that one of the straight lines in the fig. is an isotherm and the other 3
two are isobars of two gases. The initial states of the two gases are
same. It is known that one gas is helium and the other is CO 2 . 2
(A) straight line 3 corresponds to isothermal process
(B) straight line 1 corresponds to isothermal process 1
(C) straight line 2 corresponds to He (helium)
(D) straight line 2 corresponds to CO 2 Q(J)

7. A particle is subjected to two simultaneous simple harmonic motions along x and y-directions according to
the equations x = 4sin 100t and y = 3sin 100t. Choose the correct statements
(A) Motion of particle will be on a ellipse (B) Motion of the particle will be on a straight line
(C) particle will execute SHM of amplitude 5 (D) particle will not execute SHM.

Part - C
Comprehension - 1

Two identical dumb-bells A and B move towards each other on a

horizontal smooth surface as shown in the figure. Each can be considered
as a two identical point masses “m” joined by a weightless rod of length
2l . Initially they are not rotating. The speed of centre of mass of each
dumb-bell is . They collide elastically. Let  be the angular velocity of v
each dumb bell immediately after first collision. •

1. The angular velocity of each dumb-bell immediately after first collision is

X , find X. A

2. The second collision occurs after a time interval of Y , find Y
 •

Comprehension - 2
Regional Head Quarters: FIITJEE TOWERS, No.3, First Lane, (Next to Apex Plaza), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Batch Reformation Exam – JEE ADVANCED (PCM -1) Page - 3 - 24th March, 2024

In the figure shown, the inextensible strings and the pulleys are light and
ideal. The upper pulley is being pulled with a force of F = 300 N .

3. If the magnitude of accelerations of 5 kg and 10 kg masses are X,Y find


4. The whole apparatus is put inside an elevator going up with an

acceleration 4 m / s 2 . The sum of magnitudes of accelerations of the
masses with respect to the elevator would be

Part - C
Integer Type Answers

5. Two uniform solid spheres of equal radii R, but of masses M

and 4M have a centre to centre separation 6R, as shown in the
figure. The two spheres are held fixed. A particle of mass ‘m’ is
projected along the line joining the centres, with minimum M R m 4M
velocity from the surface of the sphere of mass M directly R
towards the centre of the second sphere so that it reaches the
surface of the second sphere. If the speed with which the
projectile reaches the surface of the sphere of mass 4M is
3 find x

6. A uniform rod of mass m, length ‘ ’ and density ‘  ’ is held vertically with

the lower end just touching the horizontal surface of a non-viscous and
homogenous liquid of density  (   ) as shown. The rod is now
released from rest. If the speed of the rod when half of its length is l
  
immersed in the liquid is g 1 −  , then find n
 n 

7. Two sound waves of frequencies 100 Hz and 102 Hz having same amplitude ‘A’ are interfering. A stationary
detector can detect waves of amplitude greater than or equal to A. In a given time interval of 12 seconds,
find the total duration in which it can detect.
8. In a large cylindrical water tank there are two small holes Q and P on
the wall at a depth of h1 from upper level of water and at a height of h2
from the lower end of the tank respectively as shown in the figure.
Water coming out from both the holes strikes the ground at the same
point. Find the ratio of h1 and h2

Regional Head Quarters: FIITJEE TOWERS, No.3, First Lane, (Next to Apex Plaza), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Batch Reformation Exam – JEE ADVANCED (PCM -1) Page - 4 - 24th March, 2024

9. A uniform elastic rod of cross – sectional area A, F Elastic rod 3F

natural length L and Young’s modulus Y is placed
on a smooth horizontal surface. Now two
horizontal forces (of magnitude F and 3F) directed
along the length of rod and in opposite directions
act at its ends as shown. After the rod has
acquired steady state, the extension of the rod is
given by L . Calculate x.

10. A black body emits maximum radiation of wavelength 1 = 2000 A at a certain temperature T1 . On
increasing the temperature to T2 , the total radiating power becomes 16 times the radiating power at
temperature T1 . If  2 is the wavelength corresponding to which maximum radiation emitted at
 
temperature T2 , calculate the value of  1 
 2 
Chemistry Section – II
Part – A
Single choice Questions
N2O 4 2NO2
( g) ( g)
(Colourless) (Reddish brown)
If some inert gas is passed into the above equilibrium at constant temperature and volume, then _____
(A) the colour of the mixture intensifies (B) the colour of the mixture is diminished
(C) The colour of the mixture remains same (D) the mixture totally becomes colourless

2. The increasing order of Ag+ ion concentration in:

(I) Saturated solution of AgCl (II) Saturated solution of AgI
+ −
(III) 1 M Ag ( NH3 ) 2 in 0.1 M NH3 (IV) 1 M Ag ( CN )2 in 0.1 M KCN

Given : K sp ( AgCl) = 10−10 ;K sp ( Agl ) = 10−16 ,K f Ag (NH3 )
2 ) = 10 ;K ( Ag(CN) ) = 10


(A) II < I < III < IV (B) IV < III < II < I (C) IV < II < III < I (D) IV < II < I < III

3. The major product formed in the following reaction is

(A) (B) (C) (D)

4. Analyse the following compounds and answer the given question.

Regional Head Quarters: FIITJEE TOWERS, No.3, First Lane, (Next to Apex Plaza), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Batch Reformation Exam – JEE ADVANCED (PCM -1) Page - 5 - 24th March, 2024

Select correct statement about the given compounds:

(A) I & II are enantiomer (B) I & III are diastereomer
(C) I & IV are identical (D) II & III are enantiomer

One or more than one correct options questions

5. Which of the following statements are correct about sulphur hexafluoride?

(A) All S-F bonds are equivalent
(B) SF6 is a planar molecule
(C) oxidation number of sulphur is the same as number of electrons of sulphur involved in bonding.
(D) Sulphur has acquired the electronic structure of the gas argon

6. Which of the following statements are correct?

ether −
(A) NaBH4 + I2 ⎯⎯⎯ ⎯→ Boron containing Product which is e deficient
(B) B 2H6 undergo unsymmetrical cleavage with ammonia
(C) Ionisation energy (IE1 ) regularly decreases down the group in case of group 14 elements
(D) Beryllium carbide is a methanide

7. Which of the following statements are correct?

(A) At high pressure, all the gases have Z > 1 signifying that they have a larger molar volume than a perfect
(B) The liquid phase of a substance does not form above the critical temperature.
(C) If an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas occurs freely, then S tot = nR ln f
(D) For an adiabatic irreversible expansion of an ideal gas pv  =constant.

Part - C
Comprehension - 1

( )
A 100 ml sample (x) containing oxalic acid ka1 = 10−4 ,ka2 = 10−7 is titrated against 22 ml of 0.2 M KMnO 4 to
reach the end point under acidic conditions. The volume of acidified dichromate of 1.25 M required to completely
consume the 100 ml sample (x) is Yml. If the sample (x) of 100 ml is completely converted in to Na2C2O4 , the
POH of the final solution of Na2C2 O 4 (total volume = 110 ml) is found to be Z.

1. The value of Y (Rounded off to Nearest integer) =

2. The value of Z (Rounded off to Nearest integer) =

Comprehension - 2

At 5 kilobar pressure, density of diamond and graphite are 3 g/cc and 2 g/cc respectively, at certain temperature
‘T’. The value | H − U | (kJ/ mole) for the conversion of 1 mole of graphite to 1 mole of diamond at temperature
‘T’ is x. If the standard gibbs free energies of formation of c (graphite) and c (diamond) at a temperature of 298 K

Regional Head Quarters: FIITJEE TOWERS, No.3, First Lane, (Next to Apex Plaza), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Batch Reformation Exam – JEE ADVANCED (PCM -1) Page - 6 - 24th March, 2024

are respectively 0 and 2.95 KJ mol−1 . Then  G for the following the reaction 2C(graphite) → 2C (diamond) is
‘Z’ KJ.

3. The value of x (Rounded off to Nearest integer) = _________

4. The value of z (Rounded off to Nearest integer) = _________.

Part - C
Integer Type Answers

5. How many of the following are more basic than Aniline.

6. If 4 times the most probable distance of electron of a 1s orbital in a unielectronic atom/ion is given by
0.529 A then the atomic number of the unielectronic species will be. [Given : Wave function of 1s orbital,
 Z3  − Zr / a
0 where a = radius of first Bohr’s orbit in H – atom  (52.9 pm) and Z is atomic number
 =  3 e
 a  0
 0
of unielectronic species]

7. How many species have different types of bond length within a molecule
ICl2−,BF4− , ClF3 , PCl5 , XeF4 , SF6, H2O

8. 10 ml of 0.1 M weak acid HA(ka = 10−5 ) is mixed with 10 ml 0.2 M HCl and 10 mL 0.1 M NaOH. Find the
value of  A −  in the resulting solution. If your answer is x  10− y then ‘y’ is
9. The degree of unsaturation of the aromatic product(P) formed during the preparation of H2 O 2 by auto
oxidation of 2-ethyl anthraquinol is x. The number of aromatic rings present in (P) is y. then the value of x-
y is

10. The number of metals among the following which gives flame test is X- Na, Li, Mg, Be,Ca. The number of
compounds which will undergo Friedel crafts reaction among the following is Y- aniline, Toluene, Benzene,
Nitrobenzene. The value of x+y = ?
Maths Section – III
Part – A
Single choice Questions
 3 3 1
1. The coefficient of x
( 

in the expansion of (1 + x ) 1 − x 1 + 2 + + 3  is equal to:
x x 
(A) 118 (B) 119 (C) 120 (D) 121

Regional Head Quarters: FIITJEE TOWERS, No.3, First Lane, (Next to Apex Plaza), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Batch Reformation Exam – JEE ADVANCED (PCM -1) Page - 7 - 24th March, 2024

2. Let a,b be two non-zero real numbers. If p and r are the roots of the equation x2 − 8ax + 2a = 0 and q and
1 1 1 1 1 1
s are the roots of the equation x2 + 12bx + 6b = 0 , such that , , , are in AP, then the value of − is
p q r s p s
equal to:
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) 12

 
3. Let S be the set of all values of x  0,2 satisfying the equation
      1
2 sin2 + 4cos  x +  sin x sin + cos  2x +  = , then which of the following statement is true:
12  12  12  6  2
(A) Number of elements in set S is 4 (B) Number of elements in set S is 3
(C) Sum of all elements in set S is 3 (D) Sum of all elements in set S is

4. Five girls and eleven boys are to be lined up in a row, such that from left to right the girls are in the order
G1,G2,G3 ,G4 ,G5 . The number of ways this can be done if G1 and G2 must be separated by atleast
3 boys and there is at most one boy between G4 and G5 is N, then is equal to :
(A) 550 (B) 825 (C) 495 (D) 675

One or more than one correct options questions

x2 y2
5. Let T1 and T2 be two distinct common tangents to the hyperbola H: − = 1 and the parabola P: y 2 = 8x .
1 3
Suppose that the tangent T1 touches P and H at the points A1 and A 3 respectively and the tangent T2
touches P and H at the points A 2 and A 4 respectively. Then which of the following statement (s) is /are true:
(A) The area of quadrilateral A1A 2 A 3 A 4 is square units
(B) The area of quadrilateral A1A 2 A 3 A 4 is square units
T1 and T2 meet at the point  − ,0 
(C) The tangents
 3 
 1 
(D) The tangents T1 and T2 meet at the point  − ,0 
 2 
6. Let z be a complex number with non-zero imaginary part satisfying the equation z + 3z 2 − 12z − 48 = 0 , then
which of the following statement (s) is/are true?
2 2
(A) z is equal to 4 (B) z − z is equal to 12
(C) z + 1 is equal to 6 (D) z + z + z is equal to 7

7. Let A,B,C be angles of a triangle ABC with vertex A  (4, −1) and x-1=0 and x-y-1=0 be the internal angle
bisectors through B and C respectively. Let D,E, F be points of contact of sides BC,CA and AB respectively
with the incircle of  ABC . If D’,E’,F’ are the images of the points D,E,F with respect to internal angle
bisectors of A,B and C respectively, then which of the following is/are true:
(A) Equation of incircle of  ABC is ( x − 1) + y 2 = 5 (B) Circumradius of  D'E'F' is

(C) Equation of incircle of  ABC is ( x − 1) + y 2 = 4 (D) Circumradius of  D'E'F' is

Regional Head Quarters: FIITJEE TOWERS, No.3, First Lane, (Next to Apex Plaza), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Batch Reformation Exam – JEE ADVANCED (PCM -1) Page - 8 - 24th March, 2024

Part - C
Comprehension - 1

Let P1 and P2 be two parabolas with axis coinciding with y-axis and having length of latus rectum as 4 units
each. Let C be the circle x 2 + y 2 − 12x − 4y + 22 = 0 with a point R(3,-1) on it. A tangent drawn to circle C at
the point R is a common tangent to both the parabolas P1 and P2 touching them at points P and Q

1. The distance between the vertices of P1 and P2 is equal to:

2. If the length of line segment PQ is d 2 , then d is equal to:

Comprehension - 2

Let ABC be an equilateral triangle in the argand plane circumscribing the circle z − 2 3 i = 1 , where

i = −1 . The vertices A,B and C of the triangle are denoted by the complex numbers z1, z2 and z3
respectively, where z3 = 1 + 3 3 i . Let S be the circumcircle of the triangle ABC.
3. The value of Re ( z1z2 ) + Im ( z1z2 ) is equal to : (where Re(z) denotes Real part of z and Im(z)
denotes imaginary part of z)

4. The radius of the circle S is equal to:

Part - C
Integer Type Answers
x2 y2
5. Consider the ellipse + = 1 with foci at S1 and S2 , where S1 lies on the positive X-axis. Let P be a
64 25

point on the ellipse in the first quadrant such that S1PS2 =  , where   . Let  be the distance of P
from the straight line passing through S1 and parallel to the normal at P and  = S2P . Then the greatest
4  
integer less than or equal to  cos .cot is equal to
15 2 2

6. Five students S1,S2 ,S3 ,S4 and S5 each have to pick one day among the first four days of April 2024 to
appear for their final practical viva. Let m be the number of ways that the students pick the dates such that on
each of the four days at least one of the five students appear for the viva and S1 does not attend on the first
day, then is equal to:
10 20

 ( −1)
7. The value of 410 −r. 30 Cr . 30 −r C10 −r is equal to 30
CK .3K and  30 Cr 20
Cr = nC20 then the
r =0 r =0

n 
value of   is equal to: (where, [t] denotes greatest integer less than or equal to t).
k 

8. The sides of a triangle are of length a-1, a, a+1; where a is a natural number and a > 1. If the largest angle of
the triangle is twice the smallest angle, then the value of a is equal to:

1 2 3 4
2 6 10 14
9. Let S1 = 1 + + + + + .... and S2 = 3 2. 3 4 .3 8 .316 ...... , then the number of positive divisors
3 32 33 34
of S1 + S2 is equal to
 3 
10. The number of values of x  0,  satisfying the trigonometric equation cos2 x + cos2 2x + cos2 3x = 1 is:
 2
Regional Head Quarters: FIITJEE TOWERS, No.3, First Lane, (Next to Apex Plaza), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Batch Reformation Exam – JEE ADVANCED (PCM -1) Page - 9 - 24th March, 2024

11th to 12th Reformation Exam Jee Advance

PCM – 1 - Answer key
Set – A

Regional Head Quarters: FIITJEE TOWERS, No.3, First Lane, (Next to Apex Plaza), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Batch Reformation Exam – JEE ADVANCED (PCM -1) Page - 10 - 24th March, 2024


1.A 2.C 3. B 4. B 5. B,C

6. A,C 7. B,C

1. 1 2.1 3. 5 4. 1 5. 3

6. 4 7.8 8.1 9. 2 10.2


1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A,C

6.A,B,D 7.A,B,C

1.3 2.4 3.1 4.6 5.8

6.4 7.2 8.5 9.9 10.5

1.B 2. C 3.A 4. B 5. A,D

6. C,D 7. A,D

1. 2 2.4 3.8 4. 2

5. 6 6. 6 7. 5 8. 5 9. 6

10. 8

Regional Head Quarters: FIITJEE TOWERS, No.3, First Lane, (Next to Apex Plaza), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.

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