Bee Mid-1 Key Sheet July 2022

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BE & B.Tech II-Semester I-Mid Sessional Examination July 2022

Subject: Basic Electrical Engineering
(Common to Civil, Mech, EEE, ECE, Chemical and Biotech)
Time: 1 Hour Date: 15-07-2022 Max. Marks: 20
Answer ALL questions. All parts of the questions must be answered at one place only

PART – A (3x2=6Marks) M
1 Define active and passive elements? 2M
Ans: The elements which are capable of delivering power to some external
device are called Active elements.
The elements which are capable of only receiving power are called Passive
2 An alternating current is given by 2M
Find i) Frequency ii) Time Period
Ans: i = ImSinωt, ω=2πf f = ω/2π = 314/2π = 50 Hz
⸫ Frequency, f = 50 Hz and Time period, T=1/f = 0.02 Sec.
3 What is the Principle of a Transformer and its types based on construction? 2M
Ans: A transformer works on principle of Mutual induction, which states
that the change in current in a coil induces an emf in its neighboring coil
when the two coils are inductively coupled with each other.
Based on construction, there are two types of transformers:
1. Core type 2. Shell type
4(a) Find I using node analysis 3M


6 Ω in parallel with (1 Ω + 2 Ω) = 2 Ω
(V-15)/8 + V/4 + V/4 = 0

V = 3 V

⸫ I = (V-15)/8 = -1.5 A

(b) Using Thevenin’s theorem let us find the voltage drop and current through 4M
the 10 Ohms resistor in the following circuit:


To find Vth:

Vth = V2Ω – 12 V = [I2Ω x 2] – 12 = [(20/7) x 2] – 12 = - 6.3 V

To find Rth:

Rth = 8 + [(5x2) / (5+2)] = 9.42 Ω

Thevenin’s Equivalent Circuit:

IL = Vth / (Rth + RL) = - 6.3 / (9.42 + 10) = - 0.324 A

VL = IL x RL = -0.324 x 10 = -3.24 V

5(a) Draw the Norton’s equivalent circuit for the circuit shown below? 3M

To find IN:

IN = (28/4) + (7/1) = 14 A
To find RN:

RN = (4x1) / (4+1) = 0.8 Ω

Norton’s Equivalent Circuit:

(b) Derive the transient current response of series RC circuit w h e n 4M

excited with DC source?

By using Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL), the voltage drops around the circuit are given as:
V=VR + Vc
V= i(t)R + Vc(t)
V=C R + Vc(t)
𝑑𝑣(𝑡) 1 𝑉
+ 𝑣(𝑡) = -----(1)
𝑑𝑡 𝑅𝐶 𝑅𝐶

Solution to equation 1 is given by,

v(t)=K1𝑒 −𝑅𝐶 + K2 --------(2)
At t=0, initial condition , v(0)=K1𝑒 −𝑅𝐶 + K2

K1 + K2=0 -------(3)

At t=, final condition , v()=K1𝑒 −𝑅𝐶 + K2

V = K2
Substituting this in equation 3, we get K1 = - V

The voltage equation is given by

v(t)=V - V𝑒 − 𝑅𝐶 ---------(4)
Current in the circuit i(t) is given by
i(t)=C 𝑑𝑡 ----- (5)

From eqn 1, we have

𝑑𝑣(𝑡) 𝑉 1
= − 𝑣(𝑡)
𝑑𝑡 𝑅𝐶 𝑅𝐶
(from equation 4, we have v(t))

𝑑𝑣(𝑡) 𝑉 V − V𝑒 𝑅𝐶
= −
𝑑𝑡 𝑅𝐶 𝑅𝐶
𝑉 𝑡
= 𝑅𝐶 𝑒− 𝑅𝐶

From eqn (5),

i(t) = C
𝑉 𝑡
= C 𝑅𝐶 𝑒−𝑅𝐶

𝑉 𝑡
= 𝑅 𝑒−𝑅𝐶

6(a) Derive the expression for average and RMS value for the Full wave 3M
A balanced star connected load of (8+j6) Ω per phase is connected to a 4M
(b) balanced 3-phase 400 V supply. Find the line current, power factor, power and
total volt-amperes.

Z = (8 + j6) Ω/Phase = 10∟36.90 Ω/Phase
VL = 400 V, VPh. = 231 V
IL = IPh. = VPh. / Z = 231 / 10∟36.90 = 23.1∟-36.90 A
Power Factor = Cos φ = Cos 36.90 = 0.8
Power = √3 VLILCos φ = 12.8 kW
Total Volt-Amps = √3 VLIL = 16 kVA

7(a) For the series-parallel arrangement shown in Figure, find (a) the supply 3M
current, (b) the current flowing through each resistor and (c) the p.d. across
each resistor.
V = 200 V
Req. = 2.5 + [(6x2) / (6+2)] + 4 = 8 Ω
⸫ I = V / Req. = 200 / 8 = 25 A

I2.5 Ω = 25 A
I6 Ω = 25 x [2/(2+6)] = 6.25 A
I2 Ω = 25 x [6/(2+6)] = 18.75 A
I4 Ω = 25 A

V2.5 Ω = 25 x 2.5 = 62.5 V

V6 Ω = 6.25 x 6 = 37.5 V
V2 Ω = 18.75 x 2 = 37.5 V
V4 Ω = 25 x 4 = 100 V
(b) Derive an emf equation of a single-phase transformer 4M

As, shown in the fig., the flux rises sinusoidally to its maximum value Φ m from 0. It
reaches to the maximum value in one quarter of the cycle i.e in T/4 sec (where, T is
time period of the sin wave of the supply = 1/f).
Therefore, average rate of change of flux = Φm / (T/4) = Φm / (1/4f)
Therefore, average rate of change of flux = 4f Φ m Wb/s
Now, Induced emf per turn = rate of change of flux per turn
Therefore, average emf per turn = 4f Φ m Volts
Now, we know, Form factor = RMS value / average value
Therefore, RMS value of emf per turn = Form factor x average emf per turn.
As, the flux Φ varies sinusoidally, form factor of a sine wave is 1.11
Therefore, RMS value of emf per turn = 1.11 x 4f Φm = 4.44f Φm.
RMS value of induced emf in whole primary winding (E 1) = RMS value of emf per
turn x Number of turns in primary winding
E1 = 4.44f N1 Φm
Similarly, RMS induced emf in secondary winding (E2) can be given as
E2 = 4.44f N2 Φm.

Paper set by: Dr. B.Suresh Kumar, Assoc. Professor, Dept. Of EEE

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