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Confucius Institute Headquarters(Hanbanl

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.:ttilfi: ~lillilw
LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Li ping
ic.- ~ if lt1~-tr/lE i<:ix d1'
Confucius Institute Headquarters(Hanbanl


~#Ali: ~lillilw tlfa:ff: 3::75', 3::f}Xl, ){l]l'JlilW

LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Li ping AUTHORS: Wang Fang, Wang Feng, Liu Liping

[I tl:~-i,¼-1;-r.~ :-!:Rfi.-il:.
© 2013 :ftjjng~j;;:~1:1:iJtrH±, UIII~ 13298

HSK~?i~1£. 1 / ~HH¥¥±~. -- ~t}i(: ~t}i(ffi

~*~l±Hlli*±, 2014.1 (2019.lli:l:P)
ISBN 978-7-5619-3709-9

I . CDH ··· II . CD~··· ID. CD& ffi- x-f 5'~& ffi~~ -

:JJ(-1Jl.~ii\:-~;M" IV. CDH195.4

iftOOJlli*OO~tti CIP f.(t~H~* (2013) m 287668 %

HSKfi,t~fi 1

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~!J@@iij 8610-82303908
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2009.i!=-¾m ~ftlU§- a~HSK~i~,tir :i± i- IV- ~i-i< JX 1% fkp i;bk-'12- JJ :i, $½ JJ j: ,tff, i-'11-1:JbX
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#, !V-~M•-~A•--~-~~~--#•r•~-fi~tt, ~~1~ITTK~~
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2013.ij=-l l J] 16 8

Revised in 2009, the new HSK test has shifted the focus from testing Chinese language
proficiency to the assessment of learners' ability to use Chinese in communication. It has made
a major breakthrough concerning the concept of testing and adapted to the reality of Chinese
language teaching in other countries. As a result, it is widely well-received, its evaluation results
being used to define one's Chinese competence and considered an important criterion for further
education or employment.
To promote the image and standards of Confucius Institutes in Chinese language teaching,
it is necessary to establish a system of step-by-step, easy, practical and highly efficient Chinese
language teaching materials and courses. Authorized by Hanhan, HSK Standard Course is
developed under the joint efforts of Chinese Testing International (CTI) and Beijing Language
and Culture University Press. With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course
is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching
the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a highly applicable series of
course books, which puts the idea of "combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and
teaching by testing" into practice. I'm glad to recommend HSK Standard Course to the Confucius
Institutes in different countries and to other educational institutions of Chinese language as well
as Chinese language learners in the belief that it will benefit them all.
Thanks go to the team of authors and editors who have done the pioneering work!

Xu Lin
Chief Executive of the Confucius Institute Headquarters
Director-General of Han ban
November 16th, 2013

§12009.ij=-00 * yJ_ 71' ti lli r m s: * ;k-f- ~ i~ ( HSK ) JV-*' HSK~ 1- t, MU~~ 0 2012.i!=-¾
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3 . ~fJ\! T ±. ®! J:\ ~ ~ 1¥-J fJIL~
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~~2 ~[ HSK (=~) II 300 II 30-36

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~~6 c J:1T) J[ HSK (;\~) II 5000 ]Sz~_t II 170-180

,~,it: 9M 11 II 5000 ~_t II 510-550

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~~~~~M~, #±M#,~#Mm~M~tto

2013411 J]

Since 2009 when Hanban introduced the New Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), there has been a rapid
increase in the number of HSK candidates as the number of Chinese learners keeps growing. The global
number of HSK candidates reached 310,000 in 2012, and the number in the first quarter of 2013 alone was
around 70,000. With International Chinese Education gaining more strength as an academic discipline and
more Confucius Institutes being established in the world, the number of HSK candidates will be even larger
in the future. How to guide such a huge group to learn Chinese effectively and how to help them improve
their Chinese language skills in all aspects and achieve good results in the HSK test are the questions we've
always been thinking about and studying on. We believe that compiling a series of course books based on
the Chinese Proficiency Test Syllabus which "combines testing and teaching" and "promotes teaching and
learning by testing" could be a solution. Under the guidance of the Chinese Tests Center of Hanban and
Beijing Language and Culture University Press, we developed HSK Standard Course (hereinafter referred to
as Course), a series of new type of course books combining testing and teaching, based on years' experience
of Chinese teaching and research on HSK.
I . Concepts of Compilation
In the 21st century, the idea of second language teaching has entered a post-methodological age, in
which it is people-oriented, emphasizing group study and cooperation, embracing the communicative, task-
based and theme-based approaches and aiming at developing learners' integrated language skills. Under the
guidance of these concepts, the compilation of the Course has displayed the following features:
1. Students-Centered, and Stressing the Development of Students' Integrated Language Skills
The premise of the concept "combination of testing and teaching" is to serve students' needs for taking
the test, but it is not merely about test-taking. Our concern is how to improve students' language skills under
the premise of serving their needs for taking the test, which is also one of the distinctive features of this
series. Take HSK Level 1 and Level 2 tests for instance. Though tests at Levels 1-2 have only listening and
reading parts, not involving speaking and writing, we've still provided pertinent materials and exercises for
Chinese pronunciation and characters in the course books at these levels. Besides, absorbing the strengths of
the aural-oral and cognitive approaches, the texts are mainly made up of "situations + dialogues + pictures"
which cultivate students' listening and speaking skills, and the workbooks focus on training students'
listening, reading and writing skills so as to improve their integrated language ability.
2. Integrating the Essential Ideas of the Communicative Approach and Task-Based Language
The communicative approach stresses the appropriateness in language use and the role of context, while
task-based language teaching emphasizes the authenticity of language and the acquisition of language through
tasks. Both approaches attach much importance to the authenticity of language, the design of situations as
well as the development of language skills in communication. HSK is not an achievement test based on any
textbook; it is a proficiency test assessing learners' language abilities, designed on the basis of the Chinese

Proficiency Test Syllabus. Bearing this in mind, we are aware that the Course cannot be written in the same way
as the existing textbooks which require students to do repeated practice and drills on language points rather than
covering every aspect that may be tested. Therefore, while ensuring the words and grammar points used are
within the Syllabus, we employ different situations to give students a direct sense of how language is used in
real life and help them learn and acquire the language through imitation and personal experiences.
3. Reflecting the Concept of Theme-Based Teaching
Theme-based teaching is a language teaching activity focusing on the content and the connotation of
the text. It emphasizes the diversity and richness of content. Generally, after a theme is chosen, students
will be exposed to materials related to various aspects of the theme, in which way their internalization and
understanding of the new content is accelerated; by further probing into the theme, students' creativity
may be developed. To relate to students' reality and broaden their horizon, starting in Book 4, the Course
uses themes as leads, each theme divided into smaller themes. The themes are interrelated with each other,
forming an organic network of knowledge that will stay firmly in students' memory.
II . Features of the Course
1. Written Level by Level with the Syllabus as Its Basis
The HSK test is made up of six levels. The authors of the Course have done a thorough study of the
Syllabus and the question designing guidebook and made a statistical analysis of plenty of past tests as well.
Based on the result of our study and analysis, we've summed up the focuses, difficulties, language points,
topics, functions and situations etc. for each book, while sticking to the vocabulary required in the Syllabus,
systematically defined the scope and class hours for each level. The specifics are as follows:

Volume Objective Vocabulary Class Hours

Book 1 HSK (Level 1) II 150 30-34
HSK (Level 2) II 300 30-36
HSK (Level 3) II 600 35-40
Book 4 (Volumes 1 & 2) HSK (Level 4) II 1,200 75-80
Book 5 (Volumes 1 & 2) HSK (Level 5) II 2,500 170-180
Book 6 (Volumes 1 & 2)
HSK (Level 6) JI 5,000 and above 170-180
Total: 9 volumes 71 Above 5,000 510-550

The design observes the idea of International Chinese Education, with attention paid to the general
applicability and practical use of the course books. Educational institutions in China and outside can decide
the time span for each book referring to the number of class hours suggested above. For example, it is
suggested Book 1 be finished in 34 class hours, so it will take one month with eight class hours devoted to it
per week or two months with four class hours per week, etc. Generally speaking, students can pass Level 1
test after finishing Book 1 and Level 2 test after finishing Book 2, so on and so forth.
2. Each Textbook Supported by a Workbook of Exercises Matching the HSK Test
In order to familiarize learners with the question types of HSK, the workbooks at all levels provide the
exact same types of exercises, arranged in the same order and structure also, with the content focused on the
specific lesson. In this way, learners will get familiar with HSK by using the course books alone rather than
spending extra time in trying to get used to the form of the test.

3. Independent Communicative Exercises Serving the Need for Taking the HSK Oral Test
The HSK oral test is independent from the written test. To develop students' ability of oral expression,
every lesson in the Course provides communicative exercises including pair work and group work to prepare
learners for the oral test.

During its planning and development, this series has received much support and guidance from
Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanhan), Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese
Testing International (CTI). It is a product of the authors, the chief editor and editors from the publishing
house and the test-designing team in the Chinese Test Office of Hanhan and CTI working together. I hereby
extend sincere gratitude to the above-mentioned organizations and participants on behalf of the authors'
team. Any opinions or suggestions from the teachers and students using the book will be heartily appreciated.
With your feedback, we'll improve the series, making it better serve the users.

Jiang Liping
November, 2013

(HSKiJ:,t,*~fil) ~¾*im• 8 :i±lx i¾ at1t~,t?,,. 8 ~ IV-R>ft½~JJtJHSK (-ill) ~i~
at 1x it• 8 ~1tm o

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O - ill~ fi ij ~ r
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3. ti:~o*~ffH~-i%~, -i%§A*M*m~*~~~. fm*~*~£~, h>Jt~~-~
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4 . ~ >J o ti 8 lf ~ ~ t4f ~ 'BJ- il -i% § ,tff, Ji 3ft i:. J§- a ti 8 a~ ~ ~ JJ * il m. ~ 1% § ,tff, ~ j: ,tff,
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M~*~x~AI~¾B#1.~~ft~ffi~~~ttx~o ~~x~A¾mJJ: o/OOA~~#~
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~***~~•. ~~>J~~~~ffi, ~~~~- ~~~~o ~~0.~tlHSKffiS ~~*~'
~% 3k # k 1l ~1& o

A Guide to the Use of This Book
HSK Standard Course I is suitable for learners of Chinese without systematic Chinese learning
experience and those who are going to take the HSK Level 1 test.
I. The book is composed of 15 lessons. Except Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 focusing on pronunciation, each
of the rest lessons centers on a topic in three situations, each with 1-2 dialogues. Each lesson teaches 10-15
new words and presents notes on 3-4 language points. The book was written strictly abiding by the 150
words required in the Syllabus (with only 10 words not included in the Syllabus, which are words at Level 2
or 3, marked with "*" in the book). We suggest each lesson take 2-3 hours.
II. Marking the beginning stage of pronunciation learning, Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 systematically
introduce initials, finals, tones, syllabic structures and other basic phonetic knowledge. The aims are to
help students comprehensively understand and master the basics of Chinese pronunciation and lay a sound
foundation for further study. As a result, the demonstration and correction of pronunciation are the emphases
and difficult parts in instruction. Pronunciation in this book is presented with illustrations and texts, striving
to help students integrate pronunciation with meaning at the beginning stage of their learning and to arouse
their interest in learning. In this part, besides introducing phonetic knowledge, the texts also provide short
and simple expressions in greeting, saying good-bye, expressing gratitude, and making apologies, etc. We
suggest the pronunciation drills be combined with communicative exercises in teaching.
III. Each of Lessons 3- I 5 comprises 7 parts, namely, Warm-up, Text (with new words), Notes,
Exercises, Pinyin, Characters and Application. A cultural note is designed after every five lessons, which
introduces pertinent cultural background information.
I. Warm-up. In this part, pictures are used to lead in the key words and phrases. According to the
teaching needs, the teacher can ask students to preview this part in order to bring their learning initiative into
full play. Teachers can employ various means in using the pictures and words in class, which will intuitively
help students learn the new language points and increase their interest and efficiency in learning.
2. Text. Every text comprises three situations, each with 1-2 dialogues. In contrast to the repeated
practice of the key sentence patterns and new words in traditional textbooks, this textbook focuses on the
words in the Syllabus, selects words and expressions from the past HSK tests and presents them repeatedly
in the dialogues of the texts in different situations. Such a design will familiarize students with real-life
situations where the language is used, guide them to make a quick adaption to the change of situations, thus
lay a sound foundation for the parts of listening and reading comprehension in the HSK Level 1 test.
3. Notes. The book deliberately puts less emphasis on grammar. The grammar points are explained with
notes. Many tables are used to demonstrate them to ensure the explanations to be concise, clear and easy to
understand. For each grammar item, only the usage relevant to the current lesson is covered and provided
with example sentences from easy to difficult, of which the sentence in colored print is the one in the current
lesson. The purposes of explaining language points with notes are twofold. On the one hand, it wi11 a11eviate
the pressure of learning on and fear of difficulty of beginners; on the other hand, it implements the principles
of "replacing lecture with practice" and "doing more practice and having less lecture".

4. Exercises. The exercises are designed after the notes in each lesson, in which the language points and
key words learned in the current lesson are practiced, aiming to consolidate what's just been learned and to
train students' listening, speaking and communication skills. The types of the exercises include answering
questions, describing pictures, completing sentences and group activities, etc, which conform to the question
types in the elementary-level HSKK oral test and therefore prepare students for the test. The exercises are
presented intuitively. The way of doing these exercises can be arranged flexibly by the teacher. Students can
either do the exercises after the explanation and practice of the text, or after the teacher explains the grammar
points. These exercises can also be used to evaluate students' learning at the end of the lesson.

5. Pinyin. In the part of pronunciation in Lessons 3-5, the pronunciation of the major and difficult finals
and initials are differentiated. We suggest that teachers put emphasis on training in pronunciation rather than
meaning of the words. It will be enough if students can pronounce the words correctly. Lessons 6-15 mainly
introduce the tone collocation of disyllabic words, trisyllabic words, and words with a neutral tone, the first
of which is the focus of instruction. The tone pattern of each disyllabic word is provided with an example
word and illustration for students to imitate and memorize, which will provide reference for the tone patterns
of other words in the later stage of learning.

6. Characters. This part teaches 1 7 strokes, 6 stroke orders, 7 structures of Chinese characters, 52 single-
component characters and 18 radicals. Teaching of single-component characters is conducted throughout
the teaching of characters. Through a statistical study of the 600 words of Levels 1-3, the authors have
included in Book 1 the most common 52 single-component characters with the strongest character-forming
ability. Lessons 1-6 introduce the basic strokes. Starting in Lesson 7, radicals are taught, with each lesson
introducing two easy, common radicals with strong character-forming ability, for each of which, two example
characters are provided. Students mainly learn to recognize and read the characters of Level 1; they are only
required to write 17 basic strokes and 52 single-component characters.

7. Application. This part in Book 1 mainly includes interaction-oriented pair work and communication-
oriented group work to improve students' integrated language skills.

8. Culture. There are altogether 3 cultural notes in Book 1, which are presented in Lesson 5, Lesson
10 and Lesson 15 respectively. Targeted at the students of this level, three cultural notes about daily
communication are selected, i.e., asking about one's age in Chinese way, the characteristics of Chinese
names, and common communication tools Chinese people often use. We suggest, while presenting the
pictures and texts, teachers lead in some discussion and communication concerning Chinese culture.
Intermediate language may be used.

The above are some directions and suggestions about the use of this textbook. You may use this
textbook flexibly according to the actual teaching situations. For total beginners, this is their entry-level
Chinese learning material. We strive to make Chinese easier to learn, so that students could study the
language happily, effortlessly and efficiently. Upon finishing this book, students can check their language
abilities and proficiency using the HSK test of the corresponding level. We hope this textbook can help every
student have a good start and make further progress in their Chinese learning.

i.J)( Lesson "ffil5[ Words/Phrases 5.iff Notes
1,t, -Jlt, *f1, 1,t1f1,
it ;r:: ,if, &.. * ·*
1 Hello

-iM--iM-, ;r::, ;f:$-"l.,


2 Thank you

"1 , 1t :2. , ~ !f, ~, 1. U. laJ 1\ iJJ "1t :2. "

JL -:t 1ifi , 2;, "f 1..,
The Interrogative Pronoun
A "1t :2."
I 1$~41t¼~* -t rL 'f gl_ ic: ® 2. ")t_" !f 51
3 What's your name I
The ")t_" Sentence
3. Jfl "02;" {rfrM_Ja] 51
Interrogative Sentences with

~ , iii- , a-fr , ix_ n- , 1. R Jal 1\ iJJ " iii-" , " "'1F "
"}]~, ®, %, 1-t!!,, The Interrogative Pronouns
~"F, J]}J,&_ "iii-" and""})~"
M! £ f.tUt-.J 5x i~ ~ Vi!i I 22
2. ft #J .ll/Ji.s] " a-fr "
4 1
She is my Chinese teacher The Structural Particle "{rfr"
3. R Jal .ll/JiJJ " % " ( 1)
The Interrogative Particle
"%" (1)
~, ;ff, H1, -kJL, 1. R Jal 1\ iJJ " JL"
JL, # , T , 4--4'-, The Interrogative Pronoun
J, k "JL"
2. 1J VA 0J a-fr fi !f
M!3CJL4-ff-=+~ Numbers below 100
5 I Her daughter is 20 years 30
3. " T " ,R 't 1-t,
old this year " T " Indicating a Change
4. "J + k" ,R-FU.laJ
The Interrogative Phrase
)(-f-1::: ~ IJA:X1.$~a{]i"BJ icJ:15"5! Culture: Ways of Asking a Chinese Person's Age 39
fjf:-gr Pinyin i.x. $ Characters
1. ix.-m-.t#--½ av JHt:f"'ilsJ#- o) : 1. ix.~61:t&t (1):
Initials and Finals of Chinese Pinyin (l ): Strokes of Chinese Characters (1 ):
b, p, m, f, d, 1- n, k g, k, h, j, q, x -, I , J , , , '-
i, u, u. er, a, io, uo. o, uo, e, ie, ue. oi, uci, ei, uei (ui), co. 2. iA.iR!i#-~ : Single-Component Characters:
iao -, ..::., -=--, -t, /'-, ;,
2. ix. i¼ 67 j, ift] ( ~ j, ) Tones (Four Tones)
3. ix.-m-61-½11 Chinese Syllables
4. ~ 1---=-- j, -fr 11 av .i!.-i#s t. -iftl Tone Sandhi: 3 tone+ 3 tone
rd rd

1. ix.-m-.t#--½av}#-:f"'{h#- (2): 1. ix.~61:t&t (2) :

Initials and Finals of Chinese Pinyin (2): Strokes of Chinese Characters (2):
zh, ch, sh, r, z, c, s , ' ..... ' J
ou, iou (iu), an, ion, uon, ucn. en, in, uen (un), un, ang, 2. iAiR!i1f..~ : Single-Component Characters:
ionq, uonq, enq, ing, uenq, onq, iong CJ, !Jl, J..i, ,J,, ;s
2. ix.1¼61.$.£} The Neutral Tone
3 . .t#--fffA'.,N1J ( 1) : #ift] il_:fp)ij ~
Rules of Pinyin (1 ): Tone Marking and Abbreviation

1. ~ -ff j}H!f : j, #- j' q' X ::fP z' C' s 1. ix.~ 615£ &!i (3) :
Differentiation: pronunciation of the initials j, q, x and z, c, s Strokes of Chinese Characters (3):
2. ~-ffj}H!f: ilsJ#-i, U, u 1, '-->

Differentiation: pronunciation of the finals i, u, u 2. iAiR!i#-~ : Single-Component Characters:

3. ";s" 61 t. -iftJ Tone Sandhi of" ;s (bu)"
4 . .t#--½fA'.,N1J (2) : .if{h#- u 1"' u -ff*
av{h#-3R. j, q, x ~EJ.t#-
JI ' ''-'' 'f' A.
3. ix_~ 67 k, JlJm (1 ) : 7E. ,6 1f , 7E. ~ffll,6 -l%
avfA'.,N1J Stroke Order (1 ): horizontal preceding vertical
Rules of Pinyin (2): Ll or finals led by Ll with j, q, x and left-falling preceding right-falling

1. ~-ffj}H!f: }#-zh, ch, sh, r 1. ix.~61:t&t (4) :

Differentiation: pronunciation of the initials zh, ch, sh, r Strokes of Chinese Characters (4):
2. ~ -ff j}H!f: }]If ~-½ilsJ#- n ::f"' ,{; ~-½ilsJ#- ng L, ~
Differentiation: pronunciation of the alveolar nasal n and the 2. iA.iR!i#-~ : Single-Component Characters:
velar nasal ng --t., JL, !L, 1L
3. " - " 61 t_ ift] Tone Sandhi of" - (yi)" 3. ix.~av:lJJ!m (2) : M..J:..f1JT, N-..ir_f1J:;t"
4 . .t#--½fA'.,N1J (3) : y, w av ii- Stroke Order (2): top preceding bottom and left
Rules of Pinyin (3): use ofy and w preceding right

1. JL 1t 67 ~ -ff The Retroflex Final 1. ix.~61:t&t (5) :

2. ~-ffj}H!f: v:.< i, u, u -ff-9--61ilsJ#- Strokes of Chinese Characters (5):
Differentiation: pronunciation of finals beginning with i, u, Ll 1' I.,

3. j, #-il '\ -fr ::fP ;s il '\ -fr ~ {f av jR }Jlj 2. iAiR!i#-~ : Single-Component Characters:
Difference between Aspirated and Unaspirated Initials
4 . .t#--fffA'.,N1J (4) : FiJ-½,;;j--t
1~, -k, r, *
3. ix.~615£JJ!m (3) : fttjj--,{; 0J, ftt 'f fa],{;~ :i1z.
Rules of Pinyin (4): syllable-dividing mark Stroke Order (3): outside preceding inside and
middle preceding sides
- il3t Lesson imi[ Words/Phrases

½, it, -kl!;-kl!;,
AR., *-ll'f"t, 1/k, ~,
ix_~, ~' ;i:,z_,

iiff Notes
1. 1it~#Ji"] "½" (1)
The Modal Verb"½" (1)
2. HJ% i"] i1i i¼ 6J
ft ~ ii 55Z. ifi Sentences with an Adjectival
6 I I can speak Chinese I
40 Predicate
3. R1;;i 1\ iJJ ''.'t z_" ( 1)
The Interrogative Pronoun
";i:,Z," (1)

it, * 1;,i, ,4-- ;Z, -'if-, 1. El J!JJ €rJ -Riii ( 1 ) : JI , El / -'if- ,

JI ' 3i'._ J!JJ ' at ;Z ' 3i'.-J!JJ
El}J;Z, -k, *K, Expression of a Date ( 1 ):
:tr' -¾ month, date, day of the week
4-~JL-'% 2. ,,t, i"] i)lf i¼ 6) Sentences with a
7 I What's the date today I
48 Nominal Predicate
3. _il;;)] 6J ( 1) : -k+~~+1/k
1t ¼ Sentences with a Serial
Verb Construction (1):
-k + place + to do sth.
:m, ii~, 71;, t1t, 1. 1it ~ ;;)] i"] " ~,,
jff__ ta, T -t-, tr lb, The Modal Verb"~"
~' -t-, *~-t-, ~' 2. R1;;i1\iJJ "i 1-"
7 '.),'' ~' JJt, }]~ The Interrogative Pronoun
"J- ~J,""
I ftAfl~~
8 I'd like some tea I
56 3. i -iJ] "-1'-", "o"
The Measure Words ",f-" and
4. ~ttirJ-Riii
Expression of the Amount of

,J,, ~/ti, s.. }]~ JL, 1. ;;)] i"] " ;(j_ ,,

fGJ, *t-t-, T mi (T), The Verb "/j_"
;fi_, "})F JL, .1..1,t, 2. R1;;i 1\ iJJ ""})F JL"
JL-t-, 121ft, 1211.., The Interrogative Pronoun
1fiZJL-=ftEP]~)LI 11=
%% ""})F JL"
9 I Where does your son 64 3. -fr-iJJ ";(j_"
work The Preposition "/j_"
4. R1;;i.11JJi,sJ "'3/t." (2)
The Interrogative Particle
"'3/t." (2)

* -t- ' J:_ ' 't7. }lit ' ;j:17 ' 1. "~" ~ 6) : -R-F,t3-;(j_
,$.-, X, }]'fmi, /6mi, The "~" Sentence: indicating
~JL, &_~ (&_) , existence
1it, ~ 2. _ili"] ":f17"
10 I ftfi~~~)U!/i 72
.J_~' ~tJJJ] The Conjunction ":f<'"
3. 1it~ i}]i.s] "1it"
Can I sit here I
The Modal Verb "1it"
4. Jfl "it" a1:;it1t i4J
Imperative Sentences with
3t1t: q:l1J.A~i45a{J~,~ Culture: Features of Chinese People's Names 81
fjf:~ Pinyin ix* Characters
J.x.¾ 71 ia]i½{rfr} i,mJ4t Jc. ( 1) : - } :f"~} i,mJ (rfr4t Jc. 1. ix..~{rfrk,@, (6):
Tone Collocation in Disyllabic Words (1 ): l" tone + Strokes of Chinese Characters (6):
1st/2nd/3rd/4th tone L, \, ,,
2. iA.iR1i#-~ : Single-Component Characters:
It,,~- iRJ
3. ix..~ it ;fi;J ( 1) : -rt
1, ;ft) l:; %#-it ;fi;J
Structure of Chinese Characters (1 ): single-
component and compound

n ¾ 11 iaJ n-(rfr} i,mJ4t Jc. (2) : -=-fa ;;f"~} i,mJ a14t Jc. 1. iA.iR1i#-~ : Single-Component Characters:
Tone Collocation in Disyllabic Words (2): 2 tone + im' .Ji_, -¾
nd rd th
1st/2 /3 /4 tone 2. ix.. ~ it ;f tJ ( 2 ) : £. :t> it ;ft) l:; £. 'f :t> it ;ft)
Structure of Chinese Characters (2): left-right
and left-middle-right
3. ix..~1ii~ " i " :f" "i"
Chinese Radicals: " i " and " i "

n-t 11 iaJi½{rfr} i,mJ4tJc. (3) : 2-} ;;f"~} i,mJ a14tJc. 1. iJ__if-1i1,f.~ : Single-Component Characters:
Tone Collocation in Disyllabic Words (3): 3 tone+ }', ,'J'-
nd rd th
1st/2 /3 /4 tone 2. ix..~it,+tJ (3): J:.Tit,+tJJ:;J:.'fTit,+tJ
Structure of Chinese Characters (3): top-bottom
and top-middle-bottom
3. ix..~ 1ii ~ " 4 " :f" '',," Chinese Radicals:
"'l "and "11"

n-t 11 iaJ n-a1} i,mJ4t Jc. ( 4) : im} ;;f"~} i,mJ a14t Jc. l. iA.iR1i#-~ : Single-Component Characters:
Tone Collocation in Disyllabic Words (4): 4 tone+ Ii- ' -t- ' .I.
nd rd th
1st/2 /3 /4 tone 2. ix..~it;ftJ (4) : -t
e, lll it,+tJ
Structure of Chinese Characters (4): half-
3. ix..~ 1ii ~ "i__" :f" " fl "
Chinese Radicals: "i__" and "fl"

l. .$£} ¾ 71 (rfr* i-!- Pronunciation of Neutral-Tone Syllables l. iA.iR1i#-~ : Single-Component Characters:

2. 1i': ¾iaJ a1 * i-!- Pronunciation of Reduplicated Syllables J:., T, $., ;K
3.*J6U{iaJa1*i-!-: "-1i1, --t-, -sJ/' 2. ix..~it;ftJ (5): ~e,[llit,+tJ
Pronunciation of Words with the Suffix "-1i1", "--t-" or"-~" Structure of Chinese Characters (5): enclosure
3. ix..~1ii~ "Cl" :fP ":t"
Chinese Radicals: "Cl" and "i- "
- i:l3t Lesson .,,,.; im5c Words/Phrases
;Jtf±_, A, ~, 'f2r, 1.
5.i:ff Notes
at fal €r!J k-~
Bt1~, Expression of Time
l.!,\! tE Jl
11 tt&_, @J,

11 1l'f 2. atfaJi.sJ1~Al-i¼
82 $. 1iL it J:ft , ti ,
What's the time now ;Jr.,r, Time Word Used as an Adverbial
3.,,ti.s] "#J'" TheNoun"#J'"
:k4.., :t:Z-H-, ± 1. -tl laJ 1\ i.s] " ,t, :Z- H-"
(±······ T) , !-/\, The Interrogative Pronoun
i{--, Tnsj (T, r,F,i)

a;13c3c9:~ ¼tl ,J,-M., *- *~'}f., 2. 1 in in

i¼ ~
12 I What will the weather 90 i:, ~- 7~*- 7~ Sentences with a Subject-Predicate
Phrase as the Predicate
be like tomorrow 3. ,f1Jl £i]i,sJ "±"
The Adverb "±"
4. nlUr,;;)Ji,sJ "¾-" (2)
The Modal Verb"¾-" (2)
"J, *-tt., *
5J ( *) , 1. ".X.i.s] "vJ"
The Interjection ""J"
J:_2f-' ~'.t, it~,

13 I
ftE tE ~ 1ioc g::i 00
He is learning to cook
* nft
ik. , * ¼- , -tr it 1-'f;- ,

3;:_ _:E_
2. "f±-······%" -R-Fi<)Jfl'Jl.f±-itlfr
"1±- ······%"Used to Indicate an
Action in Progress
Chinese food 3. it-r&-~ $J!i {rry k-~
Expression of Telephone Numbers
4. i¼ 4-.J!JJ i.sJ "vC
The Modal Particle "v~"
it- ,!E;, -A JL, _:f
:;ff Ji:,, 7(._1_, fr, -$-,
*, 1. "T" k-;l_i_~Ji:.;;\
" T " Indicating Occurrence or
@J*, ~if, J6, Completion
~~ 7 ~ Y1X~ll -R-Jl!C it 1t ' *•ii'[' }'
14 I She has bought quite 104 (~}') ' ~~- ~ The Noun ")6"
a few clothes 5i 3 . i¼ 4-. Jl/Ji.s) " •ii'[,,
The Modal Particle "•ii'["
4. £i]i,sJ "~"
The Adverb "~"

iJ._iR, -4'-, **- 1. "Jt · · · · · · €r!J" ~ : {!i\ i~ at fa], J-l!:..~,,

t&_,% , tl: ;fll-$- , -}f A.
*-~- ~*- "Jr, The Structure " Jt · · · · · · 67 ":

~JU~:* ~ *ll ~lHt-J ~ *ft. used to emphasize time, place or

15 I came here by air
112 manner
2. E1 $JJa1k-~ (2) : -4'-, }] , E1 /
~' :i-JJJ
Expression of a Date (2): year,
month, date, day of the week

>'l:1-t: $~.A.i~"m'1ifflir-.Jiffl1~I~ Culture: Common Communication Tools of Chinese People 119

imi!,~-* Vocabulary 120
i5l. * ,~-* Characters 12 8

i5l.i!ffiffli!JE-&~-fa:fjf:.g-* Table of Combinations oflnitials and Finals in Common Speech

fH"Mf Pinyin 5X.=F Characters
41,fo €1-pJJ 1it Function of Neutral-Tone Syllables 1. iJ-..iR1i#--'t- : Single-Component Characters:
2f-' '€.
2. i:X..-'t-WJ~ "~" {o "1"
Chinese Radicals: " ~ " and " 1"

~1i-11i.aJi¼{rJ,foi)!J-ttll (1): -_fo1i-11ff1- 1. iJ-..iR1i#--'t- : Single-Component Characters:

Tone Collocation in Trisyllabic Words (1): words starting with k, '\, 1$J
a first-tone syllable 2.i:X..-'t-WJ~ "j" {o "i"
Chinese Radicals: "-k " and "i "

~ 1i- 11 i.a) i½ a-fr ,fo i)!J-tt ll (2) : -=. ,fo 1i- 71 ff 1- 1. iJ-..iR1i1f-.-'t- : Single-Component Characters:
Tone Collocation in Trisyllabic Words (2): words starting with EL m, SJ
a second-tone syllable 2. iX. -'t-1"1 ~ "a" {o "a"
The Chinese Radicals: "a" and "a"

~1i-11i.aJi¼{rJ,foi)!J-ttll (3): ~_fo1i-11ff1- 1. iJ-..iR1i#--'t- : Single-Component Characters

Tone Collocation in Trisyllabic Words (3): words starting with ff, .$-, @]
a third-tone syllable 2. iX.-'t-WJ~ "f' {o ".f"
Chinese Radicals: "R" and ".t "

~ 1i- 11 i.a) i¼ a-fr ,fo i)!J -tt ll ( 4 ) : im ,fo 1i- 71 ff 1- 1. iJ-..iR1i#--'t- : Single-Component Characters:
Tone Collocation in Trisyllabic Words (4): words starting with .+, tl:, ~
a fourth-tone syllable 2. iX.-'t-WJ~ "..,." {o ",-,.,."
Chinese Radicals: .. ..,.,, and "->"
N'f hem


il3t 11111 ~ 01-1 •

Text NY hoo: English Version
A: 1,f--lf ! A: Hello!

NY hco:
1,f- :!tf ! I
_,,. .,
B: Hello!

New Words
1. 1,7- n'f pron.
(singular) you
2. ff hao adj.

P.111. .:L 01-2

Nin hco! English Version
A: f~ :!tf! A: Hello!
B: Hello!
Nirnen hco!
B: 1,f-1i1 :!tf ! New Words
*3. ~ nfn pron.
(polite) you
4. 1,r-1f1 nl men pron.
(plural) you

B1111 -~ 01-3 •
Dulbuql! English Version
A: ~t~~! A: I'm sorry!
B: That's OK!

* ,% !
Mei qucnxi!
B: il New Words
5. ~t~:,{s dulbuql v.
to be sorry

6. ,]:_ * ,% mei quonxi

that's OK,
it doesn't matter


tJt.:g- 11111 5X-iitHt1fB{JJa£3:*Di~£3: ( 1 ) Initials and Finals of Chinese Pinyin (1) ...:..... 01-4

"]$HJ Initials ( 1 ) ~~HJ Finals ( 1 )
b p m f i LI u er
d t n I a ia LIO
g k h 0 LIO
q X e ie Ue
ai LIOi
ei uei (ui)
00 iao

11111 ).><. -ig-s{J Ja ir□J ( iz:g Ja ) Tones (Four Tones)

txms'-1¥*?'f iftil~ im~, ?J\.JJ,J~~-?'f c 55) , ~=?'f c 35) , ~~?'f

( 214) fO~lm?'f ( 51) a iJ.i!E1'9?'fiftij~gJJ1J~Sl.8'9f'Fffio
There are four basic tones in Chinese, respectively called the 1st tone (55), the 2nd
tone (35), the 3rd tone (214) and the 4th tone (51). They make difference in meaning.

1 ~ !~ ! § 1~
ma m6 ma ma
~.!!; fet.. Il:i J¼
mother fibrous crops horse to scold

~JhlTJLl1¥(11, a~?'f iftiJs"J~[P} ~ 01-5

Read the syllables aloud and pay attention to the tones.

a 6 6 a
6 6 6 6
e e e e
I I y
LI u u u
,,. ,.

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

11111 ).><. 1R B~ ~ -=p- Chinese Syllables

A Chinese syllable is usually made up of an initial, a final and a tone. Generally
speaking, one Chinese character corresponds to one syllable. A Chinese syllable can have
no initial, but must have a final and a tone.

53Z.i€iBJ a~ Syllable Jl5£J Initial ~'gEJ Final Jl5i~ Tone

moo (~tli, cat) m ao
yu ( ©, fish) u I'

jie ( ~, elder sister ) ie V

er ( __:::, two ) er '

" )i. ~ : i fµ u m A-t-it st, $1-ltfiPit ;1}11 y, u _ta-ii iJ},j .~Ad-f-: u m A-t-it st, $J-£t-1\tr .tit ;1J11 w o
Note: When i or ii acts as a syllable by itself, y is added before it, with the two dots on the top of
ii being removed; when u acts as a syllable by itself, w is added before it.

i - - - - - -
~l!]J=r, ~Jhlr31LliJi~~iP.!ffi ..::_ 01-6
Look at the pictures and read the monosyllabic words aloud.

5WU yu er

bT moo dao huo

ji qi xie xue
L _ __J

1 - - - - - - -- - -~----------~---7
~00#, ~JHlr3JLlxJl1¥(ihP]i:g • 01-7
I Look at the pictures and read the disyllabic words aloud.

kafei kele kaoya hu6gu6

dltu feiJi rncobl erjT

L _J

11111 ~-t p§"{f-=ps~Ji-il~i~ Tone Sandhi: 3rd tone+ 3rd tone

When two third-tone syllables are read in sequence, the first syllable turns into the second
tone, i.e., the 3+3 sequence becomes a 2+3 one. For example, "nl ( 1t) " + "hoo (!if) " is
read "n( hdo". However, when put in the written form, the original tone is kept.

V + V / + V
nT ( 1,r-) hoo (ft) nf hao

ke ("iif) yT (f,() ke yT

rn Ctm) doc ( -1'-) fu dao

~Ailr3JLliP]i:g, r1:~ffi-=.F1-t¥(µB"Jiii¥r e 01-a

Read the following words aloud and pay attention to the change in the tone of the
3 tone syllables.

nT hco keyT fudao xiaojie

kouyu yufa Fayu tao hco
liaojie youhao yusan shoubico

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

1 g·,~m·n
I ..L.._. 01-9
Expressions I J:..i* !
Shonq ke!

Xia ke!
Class begins!

Class is over!

J)t,4:.1t--,t ! Xionzoi xiOxi! Take a break now!

~ ,W-{&.! Kan heibon! Look at the blackboard!

lll-i\ *! Gen w6 du! Read after me!

DZ.* 111115X'.:_FB{J~@J ( 1 ) : - , l, ; , , , ~
Characters Strokes of Chinese Characters (1): - , I, ;, , , - . . ._

~lmlfil$ Stroke @~nfoJ Direction 1~~* Example Characters

- ~l heng ~
-- yi one
horizontal - er two

JI... shu -t shi ten
vertical ~ ..:L gong work, labor

J ;fl

.. ,
, J;

J A ren

no, not
' dot ~
7" liu six

""-- t~ no
k do big
right-falling ~ ticn sky

fa iA i;H&l:ft-=.F Single-Component Characters

c 1) "-" , ~1x'¥s"J£*~@, mPJlfia£ttnx;jg1J.'¥~7J\~m "1"


"-" is one of the basic strokes of Chinese characters. The single-component character"-"

- --
means "one". yi
- _____,._ _____,._ _____,._

"2" 0

"=" means "two".

- _____,._ -
-- - -er


( 3) " - " ' *JT-~re. "3" 0

"-=" means "three".

- -----+
- -
- -
-----+ - -----+

"+" means "ten".


( 5) ";\." ' *lf-~re. "8" 0

"J\." means "eight".


";\" means "six".


-----+ ---

Xiexie nY

Thank you

il3t Ill ·~....._., 02-1 •

Text Xiexie! English Version
A:**! A: Thank you!
B: Sure!
Bu xie!
B: ~*!
New Words
1. Xiexie V.
to thank
2. ~ bu adv.
no, not

P.111. ~ . 02-2 •
Xiexie nl! English Version
A: *-i#1,7' ! A: Thank you!
B: You're welcome!
Bu keqi!
B: ~%-~! New Word
3. ~%- q__ bu keqi
you're welcome,
don't mention it

111111 <....Ja 02-3

Zoijicn! English Version
A: Jt JJl ! A: Goodbye!
B: Bye!
B: Jt JJl ! New Word
4. -Jlt ~ zoijicn V.
to see you around


tJt.:g- 11111 5.3<.i.R1H1fB{JJa£;ff□ :i}~-fr} ( 2) Initials and Finals of Chinese Pinyin (2) 02-4

~HJ Initials ( 2 ) 11
~~HJ Finals ( 2 )

zh ch sh r OU iou (iu)
z C s ' an ian uan Uan
en in uen (un) Un
ang iang uang
eng ing ueng
ong iong

,- - - - - - -- - ----------------7

l~OO~, AA~~~-tt~~m~~ ,
Look at the pictures and read the monosyllabic words aloud.

son shan zhong yang

lfng cci shou xi6ng

yun xTng yuan ren

chuan chuang chi re


ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

1 - - - - - - -- - ---------------- 7

~00~, M~T~~~~~ffi ~~6

Look at the pictures and read the disyllabic words aloud.

.,,. ;

binqxlonq jTdan sTjT zuqiu

L __
- -
p6 shcn shoubido xionqrnco
- - - _J

illl 5XiRB{J$2.J'6 The Neutral Tone

1J.ffir=p~TlmfEL2},Y~, :if~-1'"JfEiftu, 114f]:: "gfE" o

Apart from the four tones mentioned previously, there is another tone in Chinese,
which is short and light, known as "the neutral tone". For example:

mama nainai baba

-kJJ;-kJJ; Jl}M %%

8R'~T7,r(.::rr.-++- "..Ir.f.::;.(.-=i=-r'rh'~',+.
;:,G l=I T,J '
0,J:Jl,* ff,'&,'f"IF1 J:l'Jl*1A ~ 02-7
Read the syllables aloud and pay attention to the neutral tone.
zhuozi f6ngzi ylzi gu1zi
tamen renmen women d1di
yifu erzi x1huan renshi
xicnshenq pengyou wonshonq picolionq


DI i#{ft~Y!IJ ( 1 ) : t~irJ5!~D~'~ □

Rules of Pinyin (1): Tone Marking and Abbreviation

( 1) tiift/Jf! Tone Marking

L2,,{L~~*~st, iftiJ%tiaR3f CJ Jl'$x:ks"Jtl~~~~*~Lo iftiJ%tiaB"J£
~~~)IW!ff7'1 a, 0, e, i, U, u , {S iu~~1§uM,' iu ~ iou B"J~'~%:rt:' Fiftiltili
fr u Lo ~F7¥f75"_:ffiFiftilo
Tone marks in Chinese pinyin are put above vowels. When there are two or more
vowels in the final of a syllable, the tone should be marked on the one that is pronounced
with the mouth more wide-open, the sequence being "a, o, e, i, u, ii" in the descending
order. The compound final iu is an exception to this rule, in which the tone mark is put on u
rather than i as iu is the abbreviation of iou. The neutral tone is unmarked.

AA~~~~-=p, ff~F~~a~~~ ~~
Read the syllables aloud and pay attention to the positions of the tone marks.
xuexico bang m6ng lcnqiu nu er

you y6ng sh6ubi6o zhongyu gongsT

shijion shenfi' kcoshl gu6jia
bcozhl hcochi xiexie keqi

( 2) ~-1:g Abbreviation
iou. uei. uen ftflif:iJDJ'E-BtB"JB11~, 1g~: iu, ui, un., 1JHrn niu, qui. lun,
When iou, uei or uen follows an initial, they are written as iu, ui and un respectively,
for example, niu, gui, lun.

AA~~~~-=p, a~~~~1:g~$*~~
Read the syllables aloud and pay attention to the abbreviated finals.

XIUXI shui jioo lunchucn niunai

pf jiu 6nggu) liuyon kai hul
toolun zuqiu LundOn shirun
ccnkui shuYgu6 tcozul shunl1

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

'EEi ~ R=I
. 02-10

.fr-ff-¾ a D6kai shu. Open your book.

'Jc_* r *·, o
iFJ ,!: O'ing do shenq du. Read aloud.

-Pt*-M&o Zai du yf bicn. Read once again. /Repeat.

-,ts*o Y)qY du. Read together.

;;if iµ) ~ µJ!i? You wentf ma? Any questions?

* 11111 * 5x s{J ~ @J ( 2 , = , ,

Strokes of Chinese Characters (2): , ,

l-- , J
l-- , J
tgtm.r8l$ Stroke @tghr□ J Direction 1~~* Example Characters

-, ,t~JJT hengzhe
horizontal-turning ti 0

l-- 1tAJT shuzhe

~ shan mountain
vertical-turning ti:: chu to come/go out

1t4iJ shugou
T dinq man, member of
J vertical hook
a family
,J, xido small, little

t1III iA -i;H.91.W-=.F- Single-Component Characters

( 1) "ti" , :;zjs:S(~OIB, '¥%1l)3iOfs"JOIBo
The basic meaning of" ti" is "mouth", and the character is shaped like a mouth.

+ l!I

'd-+ \d-+ t1 -+
0 l l l< I
( 2) "m,,
;,u ,
l=1 ,
_, ~ " /\.i ,, ,
~ EEi ~
,..,,,,Q;,JE "111rr.*11s 11£~"
l1Cf'-1efl1i'<11t=l-1ef o

Its traditional form of "Ji!," has a "§ (eye)" on the top and a "A (person)" at the
bottom, meaning "watching with eyes open".

I 111•• nr••I ~/l• J&••I

c 3) "w" , *HMt~1ts1-Jwili!, ~,~,~ "wmt" o

"LLJ" means "mountain" and was originally shaped like rolling mountains.

( 4) "1J\" ,
*%1t~m1~s"Jtb, fJ\1tE~,~,~ "*" t§xt o

was originally shaped like tiny grains of sand. Now it means "small", opposite to "jc

( 5) "7G" , J~)lt~lJ\-#IJt., fJ\1tEEfil1t.7-JILlwJ, ~7J\~7Eo

":;;r;" originally referred to a tool. Now it's a negative adverb.

NY jiao shenme rnf ngzi

1$~41t¼~ =F
What's your name

i&~ ~ 7' 1m" B~ i,'6] i-Em ti x-1 m. B~ I!] h

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.

Zhonggu6 Meigu6 Zhonqquo ren

0 'f !Al • -k !Al • 'f !Al A.
Meigu6 ren
• -k !Al A. -~~if
lcoshi xuesheng
• q: .i_

il3t 11111 1:E~t~ In the ~c:hool 03-1

Text Nl jioo shenrne mfngzi?
A: 1,7- 11
~ 1t ~ ,,g ~?
W6 jiao U Yue.
B: A 11
~ 4: JJ o

English Version New Words

A: What's your name? 1. 11~ jiao V. to call, to be called
B: My name is Li Yue. 2. 1t ~ shenrne pron. what
3. ,,g ~ mi ngzi n. name
4. A w6 pron. I, me
Proper Noun
1. q:: Jl U Yue Li Yue, name of a person


N, shl looshl ma?
A: 1,7- ff_~ Vf l!i?

W6 bu shi lcoshi, w6 shl xueshenq,

B: -1\ ~ Jz ~ vrr , -1\ Jz ~ 1.. 0

English Version New Words

A: Are you a teacher? 5. ff_ shl v. to be
B: No, I'm not. I'm a student. 6. ~ Vf looshi n. teacher
7. 11J!i ma part. used at the end of a question
8. ~1.. xueshenq n. student

111111:E~f~ In the ~chool 03-3

Ni shl Zhonqquo ren ma?
A: 1,7- ff_ 1f /Jl A. 11l!i?
W6 bu shl Zhonqquo ren , W6 shi Meigu6 ren.
B: -1\ ~Jf_ 1f /Jl A., -1\ ff_ i:: /Jl A.o

English Version New Word

A: Are you Chinese? 9. A. ren n. human, person
B: No, I'm not. I'm American.
Proper Nouns
2. 1f /Jl Zhonqquo China
3. i:: 1Jl Meigu6 the United States of America

j_t~f 11111 ~f i'oJ1-tiiiJ "if¼" The Interrogative Pronoun "it¼"

*il'i:iJ1-tiP] "1t¼" ~7]\~ri:iJ, ffltE~l'i:iJli:iJq=iPJliti1$:1€ift, ~~~J§ti
~ill]tl:nx;:n"--~1$:1€ift o 11tl~D:
The interrogative pronoun "1t¼" is used in interrogative sentences, serving as the
object by itself or together with a nominal element following it. For example:
(1 ) 1,t- \1~ 1t :2- ,,g ~?
( 2) ~ (zhe , this) }z 1t Z.?
(3)~ (zhe , this) Jl1t:i--¾ (shu , book)?

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

The "~" Sentence

"¾ " '¥ laJ ¾ EE "¾ " ;j;tJ ~ B'-J JU im laJ , ffl r Jt)uix: $!Im~ -=f 1t ¾ ~ ~
~-=f1t¾o Jt:SJE%:i:i'.:¾tE "¾" fiJ:tm_t:sJEILliP] "~" o 1ftl~O:
A "¾" sentence is a determinative sentence with "¾", indicating what somebody or
something equals or belongs to. The negative sentence is formed by adding the negative
adverb v-f-" before"¾". For example:

(~) ¾ Noun/Noun Phrase
-o/' J] "'
7Z. ~v;p o

~ "'
7Z. -k gj A o

~ ;r,:~ ~v;p o

11111 ffl "0¥J" B~ jf i'oJ lo] Interrogative Sentences with ''m~"

~fi:i]IlJJtP] "~" *lJ\~l'i:iJi!~, ffltE~Jifa]fa]p§fAJ~~fi:i]la] o fftl~O:

The particle "ll!b" indicates an interrogative mood. When "ll!b" is added at the end of a
declarative sentence, the declarative sentence turns into a question. For example:

Verb Noun/Noun Phrase ll!b?
1,t- "'
7Z. -k g]A ".Y:i?
1,t- "'
7Z. 'f g]A ".Y:i?
1,t- "'
7Z. ~v;p ".Y:i?

ti 3J IJlll5J'-ffi~AA-iji,Jy:_ Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises lllll~Nt@~~iij't)Jt@]~j'o]~ Answer the questions according to the actual situations.

O it- 11~ 1t z_,,g ~? N1 jico shenme mfngzi?

f) ir-Jt 1f §JA.111!,,7 N1 shl Zhonqquo ren ma?

8 ir-Jt * §JA.111!,,7 N1 shl Meigu6 ren ma?

81,7-Jt-::t-Vrp11l!,,7 N1 shl ldoshi ma?

8 1,7-)t * _i_ 1!,,?11

N1 shl xueshenq ma?


Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.
, __ ~. l!L..
Ta jioo Oicodcn , ta sh) ren.
1-l!!. i:r~ ,3'f--Jt (Michael Jordan) , 1-l!!. :lk~ A 0


Ta jioo Yao Ming,

1-l!!. i:r~ ~t aJ] (Yao Ming)
ta sh) ren.
1-l!!.}t Aa

Wo bu shl WO shl xueshenq ,

,d: -r 'E1 ,d: 'E1 ;;!.,l_
~-'<. /J' ?'(__ ' ~-'<. ?'(__ '--3/ '..:I:- '
WO shl ren,
_,d: 'E1 l
~-'<. .'A:~ /"--o

Wo shl WO bu sh) xueshenq , WO shi ren.
,d: a ,d: -r a ;;!. ,J_ ,d: a l
~-'<. .'A:~---' ~-'<. /J' ?'(__ '--3/ '..:I:- ' ~-'<. ?'(__ /'\,. a

Pinyin Differentiation: pronunciation of the initials j, q, x and z, c, s

j, q and x are known as coronals. The surface of the tongue touches the hard palate
when pronouncing j and q. While q brings out a strong airflow, j doesn't. When xis
pronounced, the surface of the tongue approaches the hard palate without reaching it,
leaving a gap in between.

q X

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between
the initials.

xiOxi jTjf jT q) xicoqu

xinqqi xiangjiao xlnqqu jixu

Z, C, S ¾E~fiJ a o 'fe:. Z,
B1, E~fiJ$_!:j _t i§ff1iJfl!I!, ftJa ~ LfT

H%~8-,zN~~~~~~~M, Wc~OO~~~~~Mo'fe:.s81,%~
z, c ands are dentals. When pronouncing z and c, the front part of the tongue tip
touches the inner surface of the upper teeth and then immediately parts with it, forming
a gap in between. z is pronounced with no strong airflow, while c comes with an obvious
airflow. When pronouncing s, the front part of the tongue tip stays away from the inner
surface of the upper teeth all along, leaving a gap for the airflow to get through.

z C s

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between
the initials.

XI zoo dasao son c) z1j1

zuotion zaoshang caochang Hanz)

illl £~¥J¥ffr: i}~B;l: i, u, u Differentiation: pronunciation of the finals i, u, U

~~. W'fe:.uB1-~~~Mo~~B1ey~~'fe:.Mi,~~'$~~~.~Ja
te:nt M~®*J}Jtey ~'fe:.ili u o
The finals i and u share the same position of articulation, but are pronounced with the
lips in different shapes. When pronouncing i, the lips are relaxed; when pronouncing u, the
lips must be rounded. To practice the two sounds, you can say i first, then keep your tongue
where it is and round your lips to pronounce u.

Both u and ii are pronounced with rounded lips. When saying ii, the tongue is in a front
position, with the tip pressing the inner surface of the lower teeth; when saying u, the tongue
is in a back position, with the tip staying away from the inner surface of the lower teeth, and
the tongue should be held backwards to pronounce the sound right.

u u

i.1111 "~" s{J ~ i~ Tone Sandhi of "::f (bu)" ~ 03-6

( 1 ) ''T''
1±5p-' - '
- -c=1=-~-++--"-Lr:,rr;;13:1
-=:.;= it-P l'IU /l"X1'"J
When ":;f" is followed by a syllable in the first, second or third tone, its tone doesn't
bu chi bu xf ng bu h6o bu he bu nenq bu xi6ng
to not eat not OK not good to not drink can't don't want

( 2) "~" frffilZY%~11~1tnx:ffi-=%
When ":;f" is followed by a syllable in the fourth tone, it changes into the second tone.

bu hul bu shi bu ken

to be unable to to be not to not look

DI :t#~i~mu ( 2, = ~i~-a o t□ o **s{Jt~-m-RNi, q, xt~H#s{Ji~mu

Rules of Pinyin (2): Ll or finals led by Ll with j, q, x

u fO Ll 3f~B"Jft11-Btfi!i%-Bt j, q, x;tlHJFB"JBt1~, u __tp;J;J,8~~--~. :ftO~J$tju,

qu. xu ; {S ¾fi!i%-BJ: I- n ;f§1JfB"JBt1~, 1JJf'!.@!~ J$t IU, nu,
When ii or a final beginning with ii follows}, q or x, the two dots on the top of ii
should be removed, for example, ju, qu, xu. However, if the initial is l or n, the form is lii
and nii respectively.

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the form and pronunciation of ii.
u ue Llan Un
ju jue juan jun
qu que quan qun
XU xue xuan xun

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

5.x* lllll 5X.'.:_FB~~@J ( 3) : l, ~

Characters Strokes of Chinese Characters (3): l, ~

~l!ill:8f{F Stroke @~7:JfoJ Direction m$ Example Characters

:t!iJJr4i; hengzhegou
1 horizontal-turning-hook
llr4i; woqou
1 fl men door
}] yue moon
I~ xin heart
lying hook 1t nfn (polite) you

~ iA iR11l.W.'.:_F Single-Component Characters

(1) "~", ~~~'.mo
"Ji" refers to the moon.

( 2) ",1Y' , ~;,r-,C.,Bl±o
"{/' refers to the heart.

(3) "i=p" , ::zis:x.¾JJxt:tms"JJJJlr, :E~:(£~;,r-:1f1iz, :w'J!;t¾ "i=pfEiJ" o

The basic meaning of "r:p" is "flying flag". It is now a word of locality, meaning

~--+ ~--+ 9='--+ t Ill/It If If

( 4) ",A" , ~;,r-11:idI"JAo
"A" originally looked like a person standing straight.


Olll 5.><.*B~~Jllw ( 1 ) : 5t:tl€~, 5t:1il&€1*

Stroke Order (1): horizontal preceding vertical and left-falling preceding right-falling

JtJIIW Rule 19~'.¥ Example Characters ~~JIIWff Stroke Order

7EA~k1t -t shi ten --t

Horizontal preceding
.I. gong work, labor - T 1...

7t.~lkJ~ i\. be eight / /'\....

Left-falling preceding
A. ren human J A.

m:ffl 1J111 xJ..A5%~ Pair Work

Application ,~JtA-tJ3., itr1-=r § ftfr-m o
Work in pairs and introduce yourselves.
Wo jiao U Yue, WO sh) Zhonqquo ren , WO sh) looshl.
111]-ko: A: -1\ inj q:: }] , -1\ }t_ tf l!l A., -1\ Jt. ~ 1if o

Wo jioo Dowei , WO sh) Meiguo ren , WO sh) xueshenq.

B: -1\ i:r~ JC .E (David) , -1\ }t_ -k i!l A., -1\ }t_ 'if 1... o

fa 1J,t!l5%ih Group Work

i-a *
3-4 A-m ' J=IHJ. 1[;1:§i'a] fr:i] 1; ;fO 00 fi' jHJl i#-1:fz [PJ ~:flH~dw 6L 0
Work in groups of 3-4 and ask about each other's names and nationalities. Each group
chooses one member to make a report.

I 1.1 Pi15 Name 1.1 ~*~ Nationality I

1-'- J1

1 U Yue : 'f ~ Zh6nggu6

Ta sh) w6 de Honyu looshi

She is my Chinese teacher

1~~ ~ 7' Im B~ i,'5] i.Rm tl xi m. B~ I!] h

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.


• JJ}] Ji..

Hcnyf lcoshi
• ix.i½:t-fr
-~~ tonqxue

Zhonqquo penqyou
• 'f 1Jl JJ}] Ji..

il3t 11111 -tE~:i: In the classr-oom 04-1

Text Ta shl shei?
A: #-;,l i1i?
Ta shl wo de Hanyu lcoshl , ta jioo U Yue.
B: #- ;,z ~ €rfr iX. i½ :t-1rr , #- t1➔ ~ J] o

English Version New Words

A: Who is she? 1. #, ta pron. she, her
B: She is my Chinese teacher. 2. i'!i shei pron. who, whom
Her name is Li Yue. 3. a'fr de part. used after an attribute
4. iX. i½ Hcnyu n. Chinese (language)


NT shl na gu6 ren?
A: 1,t-k II}]~ ffi1 A.?
W6 shl Meigu6 ren. NT ne?
B: A k -k ffil A. 0 1,r- % ?
W6 sh) Zh6nggu6 ren.
A: A k 1f ffil A.o

English Version New Words

A: Which country are you from? 5. II}]~ no pron. which
B: The United States. What about you? 6. ffil gu6 n. country, nation
A: I'm Chinese. 7. % ne part. used at the end of a question

11111 ~~,~J:t Looldna at the Photo 04-3

Ta shl shei?
A: 1-ttk -ifi.?
Ta shl w6 tonqxue.
B: 1-ttkA Fl* o

Ta ne? Ta shl n] tonqxue ma?

A: #, % ? #, k 1,7- Fl* f]lli?
Ta bu shi w6 tonqxue , ta shl w6 penqyou.
B: #,~kA Fl*, #,kA JJJJh_o
English Version New Words
A: Who is he? 8. 1-tt ta pron. he, him
B: He is my classmate. 9. Fl* tonqxue n. classmate
A: What about her? Is she your classmate? 10. JJJJ h_ penqyou n. friend
B: No, she isn't. She is my friend.

j_t ~f 11111 ~f i'oJ 1-tiiiJ "ii" , "O}j~" The Interrogative Pronouns "ii" and "U}j~"

*il'6J1-tinJ "it" 1±*il'6Jli:iJ~J=l=HIE:iiul'6JAo 1Jtl~□ :
The interrogative pronoun "ii" is used to ask about the name or identity of a person.
For example:

Subject Verb Object

~ i'ft?
1-1!?. i'ft?

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

~r6J1-tWJ "111]~" ffltE~f6]/pJ~sf.J~atJJ%:r1'.:7'J: l111J~+~WJ/1;WJ+1;WJlo 1§tl:tlO:

When the interrogative pronoun "ill!~" is used in a question, the structure is "ill!~ +
measure word/noun+ noun". For example:
( 1) l }JF ,,f.... (ben , a measure wordfor books) -t5 (shu , book) ?
( 2) l }JF+ (ge, a general measure word) A..?
C3 ) 1,t Jl. l }]F IJJ A?

fa ~iSf~~./JtiiJ "B~" The Structural Particle "81"

1;iPJl1-tiPJ+s1.J+1;iPJ I ~Jt-# EJr
I ~~* o § "sf.J" ,rg s1.J1; iPJ:7§:~~f$WeJ
~1'rt~Asl.J1;iPJBt, "sf.J" llJL2J~"~o 1§tl:tlO:
The structure "noun/pronoun + 13'9 + noun" indicates possession. When the noun
following "13'9" is a term of kinship or indicates a person, "13'9" can be omitted. For example:
C 1 ) ~ Yl Jl. ~ frJ :t vrr o

(2) it }l_~&J-45 (shu ,

(zhe , this) book) 0

C 3) -kt~Jl.~ Pl !f, #.Jl.~ JJJJ ~ o

11111 ~fi'oJ~jJi,ii] "Oft" ( 1 ) The Interrogative Particle "Oft" (1)

~ 1'6J !IJJ WJ " ~" ffl tE 1; WJ ~ 1-t WJ Ji§ tJJ nx: ~k 1'6J /pJ , ffl r illJ 1'6J _t X ti JU sl.J 'tw
lJGo 1\tfflsf.J/pJ:i:\'.:1§:: I A······o B~? I 1§tl:tlo:
The interrogative particle "~" is used after a noun or pronoun, forming a question
about the situation mentioned previously. The commonly used sentence pattern is "A······ o
B~? "(A .... What about B?). For example:
C 1) ~~Jl.:t vrr, ~Jl. !f .1.0 1,t%?
(2) -kt 11~ ~ }] 1-tJ:, % ? 0

(3) ~Jl.-k/JJA... 1,t%? 0

ti 3J 11111 JJ'-ffi ~ AA-i~i,f 3<: Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises fatNtl/s~~iij't).R,@]~j'o]~ Answer the questions according to the actual situations.

01,tJl. l }]F IJJA? N'f shi na gu6 ren?

f) 1,t 11~ 1t z.,,g ~? N'f jioo shenme mfngzi?

8 it fr?; ix.-i¼:t Vip }l_ l }]F IJ,l A? N'f de Hanyu looshl shl na gu6 ren?

8 it a1 ix. -i¼:t Vip 11

~ 1t Z. ,,g ~? N'f de Hanyu ldoshi jico shenme mf ngzi?

C, it a1 'f IJ,l JJ}J ~Jl_ i'fi.? N'f de Zhonqquo penqyou shl shei?

EiWIIIII !=!=I + 'E!3 -'-:C ~ f,J, 'Ii-==- ~ .:f '=1 'Ii -J:++ ,_p. IE µ_
l!.alll fT"J/+' 1-7f::$.i1 'T' J:J'J1i::i i='i '"' ,rDl-0J1i::i rS:IJ& ~ n
Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

Ta sh) Oicobusi , ta shl ren.

1-1!:, Jl Jf--~ $Jr (Steve Jobs), 1-1!:, ft~ A0

Ta shl U Na ta shl ren.

~ Jl ~~(Li Na), ~ f¾_~ A 0

Ta jico Man, ta bu sh) WO

~ J~ RR (Mary), ~~ Jl ~---
ta shl wo r-----------------------------,

Ta jiao Dowel, ta shl women de

1-1!:, ~ _:k_ _TI_ (David), 1-1!:, Jl ~ 1fl a'J

Pinyin Differentiation: pronunciation of the initials 2:h, ch, sh, r

2h , Ch , Sh , r ~- t]Jffi % it , ~ EE( 5ffl ~ sf,_] i=lf ~ fll ~i fl'9 ITTf $We,@- rm£ it
sf,_] o £ 2:h, ch st, %~~_$tfO~Jfl2HiJfl!k, 1'tf§"1JfF-:~HiiIDitit"'=ti)ft:illLct, £
2 h st 19: /~n.1a ?!!1 sf,_] "'=t 1)ft: ~¥ tl:l , rm£ ch st ~¥ tl:l sf,_] "'=t tt>11B.1a o £ s h st , % ~ ::f ~

~~i!f91j;Jfi!R, ~~€:Jt!i-*1#-~tiiIDito ~ sh ::f[AJ, 1±£ r StJaw~~i#Jo

zh, ch, sh and r are a series of cacuminals, which are pronounced with the tongue tip
turned-up and coordinating with the front part of the hard palate. When saying zh and ch,
the tongue tip first touches the hard palate and then opens a gap to let the air flow. ch comes
with a much stronger airflow, but zh doesn't. When saying sh, the tongue tip doesn't touch
the hard palate, leaving a gap all along. Different from sh, r is pronounced with the vocal
cords vibrating.

2h ch sh r

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between
the initials.

zhishi chushi shenqrl shcnq che

renshi ch6ngshf shlshi chcoren
ronshco renco chu choi Chonqchenq
sh6ushu shangchang chooshl chonq zhf

illll £~¥fHfr: fil .a ~i~-Ht n t□ J§- .a ~i~-Ht ng

Differentiation: pronunciation of the alveolar nasal n and the velar nasal ng

ttfiJ•{f n [n] B115"~~t1£1i_t-fz§"Jg[L ITffttJ§"•{f ng [l)] B1, 15~B'-JJ§"$

~#t®, t5f~IPJ}§-~1(~, tl£1i$J(B'9; Jtn[n]Bt_tr-fz§":t§x;f, :fftJ~;J\, rmtt
ng [1J] Bt:ff ti J3t~::ko
When saying the alveolar nasal n [n], the tongue tip should press the upper alveolar
ridge; when saying the velar nasal ng [l)J, the back part of the tongue forms an arch and the
root of the tongue moves back and presses the soft palate. Compared with n [n], which is
pronounced with the upper and lower teeth close to each other, ng [l)] is pronounced with
the mouth more wide-open.

n ng


Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between
the alveolar and velar nasals.

an ang
ion iang
uan uang
en eng
in ing
uen ueng


When "-" is followed by a syllable in the first, second or third tone, it changes into
the fourth tone.

y1zhang y1 ti6o y1zhong

one sheet/piece one (long) piece one type

C2) "- " tE~ Im ?5 if -=p--fuJ£~~ =?5

When "-" is followed by a syllable in the fourth, it changes into the second tone.

yf d1ng yf kuoi
sure, certainly one piece

When"-" is used alone or in a number, its tone doesn't change.

d1 yT yT er son xinqqi y1 shiyi boifenzhi yT
first one, two, three Monday eleven one percent

DI t#i~J~YllJ ( 3 ) : y, w B1 ffl ~!
Rules of Pinyin (3): use of y and w

~ i, LI, u3f~s"Jfill-Bt:!zO:W:lW1ifi9:~?5-Bt, tEfff~Bt1W~~fflyEix:w, Jl.

If a final beginning with i, u or ii has no initial before it, y or w is used in the written
form. See the following table for details:

I ~~BJ Final 1.1 ~;! Written Form I

' iu I


I Beginning with u : uo. uo. uci. ucn. ucnq. ueng : vvcx. wo. woi, wan, wcnq. weng

' ui.un I

I Beginning with U 1 U, ue. uon, Un ,

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the use of y and w.

y6u yang youy) yinyue yu6nyTn

qTngwa y'f ngxTng yTngxi6ng weixicn

gu6 wai ylntion yuy6n wangwang

wonyon yeye yf ngyang women

).X* Ill 5X$-s{J~@J ( 4) : L, G

Characters Strokes of Chinese Characters (4): L, 1,

~tmJ:8ft ~~nlJ □ 11~* '

Stroke Direction Example Characters
~~4i] shuwcnqou
L vertical curved hook L .
q1 seven
er son

G 1Jit~Jr~4i] henqzhewcnqou
horizontal-turning curved hook L .
jiu nine
j'f how many

fa i,A. i.R~EH.~$- Single-Component Characters

( 1) "-t" ' *lJ\~:I: "7" 0

"-l::;" means "seven". qT

")L" originally meant "kid", but now it usually means "son".


( 3 ) "JL" ' * S(~;j\~fit~ 0
"JL" originally refered to a small and low table.


( 4) "JL" ' *1]\ztt_m "9" 0

"JL" means "nine".


111115.><.-$'-B{_]~Jllw ( 2) : J'J\_tiiff, J-J..1ci'Jti

Stroke Order (2): top preceding bottom and left preceding right

rgJII~ Rule 15~* Example Characters ~~Jll~ff Stroke Order

,,RJ:_.f1Jr --- er two - --

- == -
Top preceding bottom - son three
,,R,£_.flj-J;; JL Jr how many ) JL
Left preceding right /"- ba eight J 1"-

:iliffl 11111 xJ?.A5%i}J Pair Work

Application p;J;jA-m, iflH!iOOJ:tpq~:it:H-jfi:iJ~~%:33 o
Work in pairs and ask and answer questions based on the pictures.
Ta /Ta sh) sher? Ta/Ta sh1······
11 1 -:ko :
1 A: 1-tt I~ J¾.. i1i? B: 1-\t/~J¾..······
Ta/Ta shl no gu6 ren? Ta/Ta sh1······
A: 1-\t! ~ J¾.. vJJF II] A..? B: 1-\t!~ J¾.. · .....

11111 Jj\~.El.5%~ Group Work

34 ,_~
- /\..
..;J::L, 'tij:/\..ff:l::1If
Jl"-1=1 L...d'l--lli=lJ~!'--)(.1=fJ:JJ:Jf)U:J:'J p,'r',:,,, 1PJ11=lJ..;J::LJ.JX.i-9:t'.Ji -i::t,mn

Work in groups of 3-4. Prepare a photo of you and your classmates or friends and introduce
the people in the photo to your group members.
Ta/Ta shi WO tonqxue/penqyou , ta/ta jiao······, ta/ta sh1······
11IH0: 1-tt/ ~ J¾.. ~ ~ ~ I J]}Jh_, 1-ttl~ µ~ •••••• ' 1-ttl~ J¾.. · .....

Ta nu'er jinnicn ershf

~if! 3C JL A,~=+~

Her daughter is 20 years old this year

i&~ ~ 7' rm s{J i.iiJ 1Rm ti x1 m s{J ~ J:t

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.

liu kou ren

8 ,,·, o
• ~1..


qishl sul


ershi SUI


il3t 11111 tE~;t~ In the ~chool 05-1

Text N'f jio you j'f kou ren?
A: 1,f- ~ ~ JL o A_?
Wo jio you son kou ren.
B: 4\ ~~-==- o A 0

English Version New Words

A: How many people are there 1. ~ jia n. family
in your family? 2. ~ you v. to have, there be
B: There are three. ''3. o kou m. a measure word for members
offamilies, etc.


PJII tEvJ0~ In the office 05-2

N'f nil'er j'f SUI le?
A: f,t*JLJL# T?
Ta jTnni6n s1 sui le.
B: ~ 4'--+ ~ # T o

English Version New Words

A: How old is your daughter? *JL nu er n.

4. daughter
B: She is four years old. 5. JL F pron. how many
6. # SUI m. year ( of age)
7. T le part. used at the end of or in
the middle of a sentence
to indicate a change or
a new circumstance
8. 4'--+ jinnicn n. this year

I.Ill tEvJ0~ In the office 05-3

U lcoshi duo do le?
A: -t::t~rr J, :k. T?
Ta jTnni6n wushi sul le.
B: ~4'--+ 50 #To
Ta nu'er ne?
A: ~*JL%?

~* JL 4'--+ 20 #
Ta nu'er jTnni6n ersht sul,

B: o

English Version New Words

A: How old is Professor Li? 9. J, duo adv. indicating degree
B: She is 50 years old. or extent
A: What about her daughter? 10.:k_ do adj. (of age) old
B: Her daughter is 20.

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

j_t ff 11111 ~! ioJ 1{1ii] "JL" The Interrogative Pronoun "Jl"

Notes *k j'o] 1t in] "J1" J=!Hlt i1U j'o] ~ :I: s"J ~ j;' ' - jij9.Jll=f i1U j'o] 1 0 iv T s"J ~ * 0

The interrogative pronoun "]L" is used to ask about a number, usually less than 10.
For example:
C 1) 1-t-~ JL~ix. -i½~ vrr?
(2) ~ ~ 1,p 'if~ JL o A?

C3 ) 1-r-* JL JL 1 T ?
fa B ~j ~ s{J * Numbers below 100

1 yT 2 er 3 san 4 SI 5 WU 6 liu 7 qT 8 ba 9 jiu

10 shf
20 ershf

30 scnshl

40 slshi

50 wushl

60 liushl

70 qishi

80 boshi
90 jiushl

11111 "7" *~1-t "7" Indicating a Change

"T" J=!lrkD*, *~1e1t~lktJRs"Jili:EJ\1o ~tl~a:
"T" is used at the end of a sentence to indicate a change or the occurrence of a new
situation. For example:
1) ~~ vrr,t--+so 1 To
~* JL,t--+ ~ # T

C 2) ,AJJJJ h__ o

C3 ) 1,r-* JL JL 1 T ?

Ell "~+*" *°JJ'~f i'oJ The Interrogative Phrase "$+:k"

":$+ jc" tE"6J ~*/J\~l'6J, JfFfi1ui'6J1¥~ o 1ftl~O:

"~+ -jc" is used to ask about one's age. For example:
(1) 1,r-Jk 1?
( 2) 1,i* JL,t.Jf-} k 1?
(3) ~ -:t- v;p } k 1 ?

;* 3J 11111 11- ffi '§. M Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises r...1111 ·¼Bf.E2.r.~-,iz- ,,_3:_,o

.::i i□ J~
r,:,J~ ':;is;,:;-
~ 'r~x11~~ 1,;r-'F.I/JL8 A nswerth e questions
· accor a·mg tot h eactua 1 situauons.
· ·

01,i ~~ JL o A._? N'f jia you j'f kou ren?

81,i,t..+ J k 1? N'f jinnicn duo dale?

0 1,i a7 ix.. i½-:t- Vip ,t.Jt- J k 1 ? N'f de Hcnyu looshi jTnni6n duo do le?

8 1,i a7 tf gJ JJJJ h_ ~~ JL o A._? N'f de Zhonqquo penqyou jia you j'f kou ren?

8 1,i a1 tf gJ JJJJ h_,t.Jf- J k? N'f de Zhonqquo penqyou jTnni6n duo da le?

._... R=l + '1:13 -'-:~ ~ f,J, 'li ~ ~ .::f '=1 'Ji-l:+1- ,...,_ ffil µ..
ll!all rrv+' l,1d:r-n '-r n 'J 1i::i i=i '", ,rD l-0J 1i::i 1~ ~ m n

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

Ta shl ta jinnion le.

flt ~---' flt ,t. f J 0


Ta jia you ren.


Ta shl women de Hcnyu .----------------------------,

1~ ~ .t\ 1n a1 ix.. i½ _
ta jTnni6n le.
flt ,t..+ J O

Zhe shl Zhang lcoshi de ta jinnion le.

~ ~ fR -:t-v;p a1 , #- ,t..+ J 0

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

Hf:~ 11111 )L1-ts~~{f The Retroflex Final .!..... 05-4

Pinyin yJ.i-gq=i B"J "JL" PJ ~%OfiJtfilB"Js75"~ait nlt7J-'l'-if 75"' 52nlt "JL1-ts" 0

yJ. *-=!=5~Bt~JT-7J "yJ. *+ JL" ' t}fif-=j:5~BttEittJ. *B"JfJfs }§JJO "r" 1Ytltm:

"JL (er) " can be combined with a syllable before it, forming a retroflex syllable,
which is written as "character+ JL" and spelt "syllable+ r" in pinyin. For example:

xioohcir xido nidor fonqucnr xicnqshulr

,J,Jt JL ,J, -E!i JL t&. rt JL ,¼1]<.JL

Differentiation: pronunciation of finals beginning with i, u, U

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between
the pronunciations of the finals with and without i.
a --~ ia
e ie
00 iao
OU iou ( iu)
an ion
ang iang
ong iong

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between
the pronunciations of the finals with and without u.
0 --- LIO

ai uai
ei uei ( ui )
an uan
en uen ( un)
ang uang
eng ueng


Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between
the pronunciations of the finals with and without ii.
e Lle
an uon
en Un

DI P5-Hl~~{ft□ ~~~{f£{fs~IZJJIJ
Difference between Aspirated and Unaspirated Initials
iJ. ia Jl'f-Bt s'-J £{f ~ :i!9)f0~:i!~ s'-J IKJJIJ, b-p, d-t, g-k, j-q, z-c,
zh-ch, [,2J_t~fllJa-Bt~fiJ-1'-~~:i!~ {f, !i§-1'-{f~j!~ {fa
There are aspirated and unaspirated initials in Chinese, such as b-p, d-t, g-k, j-q,
z-c and zh-ch, among which the first one in each pair is unaspirated and the second one is

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between
the aspirated and unaspirated initials.

b -P d-t g-k j-q Z--C zh-ch

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between
the initials.

bang- pang du-tu gou-kou

jT-qT ZI-CI zhuo-che

DI :t#{f i~miJ ( 4 ) : ~~{f f4%

Rules of Pinyin (4): syllable-dividing mark
a,o,e**~s~~~~~~s~Effi~, ~7~~s~~~~£~
11%11, ffl~~sf1-% C') ~~*, 1Ytl:trn pf'ao C EHJC) o
When a syllable beginning with a, o ore follows another syllable, the syllable-dividing
mark (') is used to separate the two syllables, for example, p('ao (Bttfc, fur-lined jacket).

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

n1r~1f3:tfi!~it, a~~x!Wi1ft4%s,g7GfPJ ..__ 05-10

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between
the words with and without the syllable-dividing mark.

piao-p('ao xicn Xi'an

to float - fur-lined jacket earlier, before -City of Xi'an

jie - fi'e jiang - jT'6ng

to receive - hungry will, shall- excited and impassioned

fnncn fon'cn fangan-fang'an

to launch an attack- to reverse a verdict to loathe - work plan

5.x* lllll 5X-=.F-B~~@J ( 5) : 1, !___

Characters Strokes of Chinese Characters (5): 7' (,

~lfil.l,glt Stroke @~7:Jl□ .l Direction m-'¥ Example Characters

horizontal to left-falling 1 Jj<.
shul water
you again
l... ;ff,/; .vd.v
, .. ,
*-n nu female, woman
,✓ ,

pie ton
left-fa11ing to dot ~ hao good, fine

fa iA i.Rit:f~.'.:_F Single-Component Characters

C 1) "7j(" , *%1twrlsJ, ~lJ\7kilrEB'9%ilto
"7j("originally looked like a mountain stream, representing the shape of the flowing

m -11<.

(2) "-Jx" , '¥ % 1J--i' Nfe; tE:t-t!!__t s"J-Jx A , ~ 1!!l~ "-Jx A" a

"±l:" originally looked like a woman kneeling down on the ground, meaning "woman".

( 3) "T" , '¥%1J h ( ~trf, *ili~s"JmUL) s"J1I~~, ~~_t, ~JT-B~

1±\~EJ"J~JLo fJllit[mG)'J~ip'jo
"T" originally looked like a reversed h (an unborn foetus in a head-down position).
With the head on top, it referred to a baby already born. Now it is a function word.


) T
c 4) "*" , * Sl:13-ldf xJ[-f- xJ[JMJ:DYx_v3-tl!s"JA, :E!llitE~,~,J:cJ "1J\"
"-jc" originally referred to a person in a standing position, with his arms and legs stretching
;t§xt o

out. Now it means "big", opposite to ";j\ (small)".


DI 5J<. B~ ~ JIIYi ( 3 ) : 7t: >11, J§- pg , 7t: $ faJ J§- ~ :in
Stroke Order (3): outside preceding inside and middle preceding sides

~)11:ui Rule 1M'.:_l2 Example Characters ~~)l[ijif¥; Stroke Order

7t_j)'J6 0J r7 V7 V9 I
I?}] SI four I '(!!;/

Outside preceding inside §1 gu6 country 1nrJrJMl1.J!LJ~

7t.1f falra ~iiL ,J, xico small j ,j

Middle preceding sides 1J<- shul water j 7] +1Y 11<- ~.

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

~ffl (II XXA53~ Pair Work

Application rWA-tll_, t!Hfit~t~ffi'ti£:it!:1i!'Q_J!~H%):J o

Work in pairs and ask and answer questions according to the actual situations.
yeye ndinci bobo mama gege jiejie dldi meimei
ir,K...i.iJJ: ~~, ~~75, %%, -k~-k~, ~~, .u.u, ~~, :kt#
Supplementary words: (paternal) grandpa, (paternal) grandma, father, mother, elder brother,
elder sister, younger brother, younger sister
NY jia you j1' k6u ren?
1f J -ko :
1 A: 1,f- ~ -;ff JL o A_?

Wo jia you······
B: ~ ~ 1:f······
N1'/N1 bcbn/Nl mama······jTnni6n duo dale?
A: itlit-%%/1,f- -k~-k~······~f J, k T?
Wo/Wo baba/Wo mama······jTnni6n······
B: ~/~ %%!~ -k~-k~······~f······

fa Jj\tf1)3~ Group Work

3 -4 A - rn , 4ij: A 1l 1it - 5tt § B ~ ~ B'-J if~ , rt] [PJ t]_ Jrt!n 11'- ffi ~ M nx: fft B'-J
Work in groups of 3-4. Prepare a photo with all your family members in it. Introduce them
to your group members.

Wo jia you······ ren.

11 1-ko : ~ ~ -;ff · · · · · · A_ o

Zhe shl wo··· ···, zhe shl wo··· ···, zhe shl wo··· ···
,, a ~ ,, a ~ ,, a ~
~ ~~)(.······, ~ ~ ~)(.··· .. ·, ~ ~ ~)(. ......

· · · · · · Jiao· · · · · ·, ta I ta shl- · · · · ·, ta/ ta jinnicn ······le.

• • • • • • ~ • • • • • • , 1~! ~ k · · · · · · , 1~! ~ ~.+ · · · · · · T o

rt>~ A.~ Jf~ At)ifi) liil ti* Ways of Asking a Chinese Person's Age

s~r2tJl2L 1s itr2tJ~[P] s~As~~~, *~:n:rti:11~~:f§ IP] xtf 10~ ~ rs~I~r, -f.N:ffl

"{$~~JL~ T?" *tJH2tJ; xt-#~A~1'rfo § B~ic.:f§{JJB~A, )-f.N:PJ~l'2tJ "{$~~$

7CT?"; ilirxtK1'rs~~~. iiiJl'2tJ~Ks~As~~~JTILl-~~ffl "1~~~f*~f2T?"
In traditional Chinese culture, age isn't considered privacy. It is a topic often brought up
in social occasions. Nevertheless, different ways are employed to ask about the age of different
people. For kids younger than 10, people ask "1/F-4-1¥ JL.:# T? (How oldl are you?)"; for a young
person or someone of one's own age, one may ask "1/F-4-1¥$:::kT? (How old are you?)"; for an
elder person, however, one should use "f~-4-1¥~::k1ffe, T? (What's your age?)" to show respect.
Wo hul shuo Hcnyu
#A~~ ~v ~.:n.
1')(,A lJL /A i1=1
I can speak Chinese

i&~ ~ 7' rn1 s{J i.'5J i-Rm ti x1 m s{J ~ J:t

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.

mama Hcnzi Zhonqquo coi

• -kll;-kll; ----
• ix.q. ----- • er ffi1 ~---
shuo Hcnyu xie Honzl zuo Zhonqquo coi
• ix. ix.i½ ---- -~ix.q. _ • 1tk er ffi1 ~--

il3t 11111 ft~~~ In the school <-, 06-1

Text NY hu) shuo Honyu ma?
A: 1,f-¾ ix. ix. i½ i!i?

W6 hu) shuo Hcnyu.

B: ,A ¾ ix. ix.i½ o

NY mama hui shuo Hanyu ma?

A: 1,f- -kll; -kll; ¾ ix. ix. i½ 1!; ?

Ta bu hul shuo.
B : -kt~' A .. ,
-i.. 1-X.. 0

English Version New Words

A: Can you speak Chinese? 1. ½ hul mod. can, to be able to
B: Yes, I can. 2. ix. shuo v. to speak, to say
A: Can your mother speak Chinese? 3. -kll;-kll; mama n. mother
B: No, she can't.

PIii ttITT m In the kitchen 06-2

Zh6nggu6 cci hoc chi ma?
A: tf Lt1 ~ -ff rrt 2;7

Zh6nggu6 co: hen hcochi.

B: tf Lt1 ~ Aft -lf rrt o
NT hu) zuo Zh6nggu6 co: ma?
A: 1,7- ¾ 1ti tf Lt1 ~ 2;7 11

Wo bu hui zuo.
B: ~ ~½1tio

English Version New Words

A: Is Chinese food delicious? 4. ~ co: n. dish, cuisine
B: Yes, quite delicious. s.Afl hen adv. very, quite
A: Can you cook Chinese food? '' 6. ·ff rrt hcochi adj. delicious, tasty
B: No, I can't. 7. 1ti zuo V. to make, to produce

11111 tE~~t-g In the library 06-3

NT hui xie Hanz) ma?
A: 1,7- ¾ ~ ix.~ 2; 7 11

Wo hu) xie.
B.• -1x_.
~ A'Ez;; -J 0

Zheqe z1 zenrne xie?

A: i!_+~ ;t Z ~7
Dulbuql , zheqe z1 wo hul du, bu hul xie.
B: it~~, i!_+~~¾~, ~¾~o

English Version New Words

A: Can you write Chinese characters? 8. ~ Xie write
B: Yes, I can. 9. ix.~ Hcnzi n. Chinese character
A: How do you write this character? 10. ~ z1 n. character, word
B: Sorry. I can read it, but I don't know 11. ,'t,Z zenme pron.
how to write it. (indicating nature, condition
or manner, etc.) how
12. ~ du V. to read

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

j_tff 11111 fm~~iiiJ "~" ( 1 ) The Modal Verb"~" (1)

Notes §~1!$JiPJ "~" ffltE$JiPJ1W~JT-:im:i1$:)Jfm~1~~#§~JJ, BB'-J~JE:rt
~ "~~,, o 1ftl:tm:

The modal verb "~" is used before a verb, indicating acquiring an ability through
learning. Its negative form is ":::f~"- For example:

1,r- -k.!l; -k.!l;
-F½ (:::f)~

1~ 4' ~
iJUx -i¼ "i1i?
* 0

fa %~iiiJi~iR~ Sentences with an Adjectival Predicate

%~ i~Jar ~ ffltE 1 ±ta+ ~itt mu iPJ + %~ iPJ Ii! 'i'-~a;ttJ ~ , m J£Ju~x:$!1m sM'i
mt~~*~' ~iNIUiPJ~1ltffl "1~" ~JE%:rt7'Jl±ia+~ +%~iPJlo 1§tl:tio:

Used in the structure "subject+ adverb of degree+ adjective", the adjective describes
the nature or state of somebody or something, usually following the adverb of degree "1~"-
The negative form is "subject+ :::f + adjective". For example:


-1\.-lll-lll~ R * . -1 :··--1
Adverb of Degree/:::f Adjective
ff o
ff 0

4' ~ * Atl. fJ- to


11111 ~,iHoJ 1-c-f□ J "~ ¼" ( 1 ) The Interrogative Pronoun "$ ¼" ( 1)
*il'oJ1~iPJ"~,2,," ffltEZ9JiPJ1m, iliJl'oJ$J1ts'-J:1J:rto 1§tl:t{O:
The interrogative pronoun ";,l;;¼" is used before a verb to ask about the manner of an
action. For example:
( 1) ~+lil~,i:Z-~?
(2) 1,f-U'J~5li¼,,t~;tz_ ~?
( 3) ~+~ ,i: Z- ~?

~ 3J 11111 73'-ffi "§. AA i,~i,J)t Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises fa 11:H,§~~3r-'l'i)5t@l~i'oJ~ Answer the questions according to the actual situations.

O 1:f:½-i3U5t...-i½ i!:i?
NY hui shuo Hcnyu ma?

.1,r-½~iX.~92:i? NY hui xie Hanzl ma?

0 1,r-½1tk 1f §1 * 2:i?
NY hui zuo Zhonqquo coi ma?

8 1,r- ~ix.if;-,,t ~ J!:i?

NY you Hanyu mi ngzi ma?

C, 1,r-½~ 1,7-frJix.-i½,,t ~92:i? NY hul xie nl de Honyu m(ngzi ma?

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

Women dou hul

~ 1fl ~ ¾ o

* Atl__
Zhonqquo coi hen
1f §1 o

Ta hu) zuo
1-\t ¾ 1tk. o

bu hul

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

Pinyin Tone Collocation in Disyllabic Words (1): i" tone+ 1 /2 /3 /4 tone

st nd rd th

-··- . 7 ~
~ __.. ~

g6ngyu6n jTch6ng chezhan

~g] tJLJh -$-Ji!i

,, ii.~ : ,,tf_ *
;n111;- t , ~ _::_ ;t a1 ~ ,fP * ~*-it ~ _::_ *
;t a1 ~ c 214 ) :-r: fiil , ~ -1- ilt1~ r
21 H11~Jt ifel , *-it
a{; 16 .f ~ :0-- :f: -Pt-fr ~ a
Note : The third tone in collocation is pronounced differently from the third tone used
alone(214). It's a falling tone with a pitch approximate to 211, which means its latter half
won't rise as it normally does when used alone.

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the collocation of tones.

jlntion jTnni6n jTngcai chepico

gongsT gangc6i caoch6ng jTdan
gua feng huonyi ng jinql] jihu)
guanxTn guanyu kcishl gaox1ng

5.x* 11111 ).><.*B~~@J ( 6) : L' \.' ✓

Characters Strokes of Chinese Characters (6): L, \., .,,

~~:gl$ Stroke @~nfoJ Direction 1~Ll* Example Characters

.!- ~;/ft;Jf piezhe

left-falling to turning £ ¾.
a suffix

\. 1+4~ xieqou
slanting hook

$t tf
\ .

I, me
qi6n money
I, me

nsmg ✓ .tr d6 to beat, to hit

illll iA i,R.~si:f~-¥ Single-Component Characters

c 1 ) "*"
"* , ::k~Bfr®s"J-.iil, ~1rI!-EJ "rl!f" ;t§xt o
(east)" is where the sun rises. It's opposite to "l!:g (west)" in meaning.

( 2) "iJG" , *%1l-#1'fil~%1J-&s"Jit~, lltEfJEf!:mU-timo
The character ";flt" originally looked like a weapon with sharp, pointed edges. Now it
is a personal pronoun.

( 3) "rl!f" ,
*%1J ~*s'-1%~, lltE~~JI1iI, EJ "*" ;t§xt o
was originally shaped like a bird's nest. Now it means "west", opposite to "*

I tl\f l$1)fil1'il$1
DI rx $-t5t1;1 ( 1 ) = ~Ek'f.tt5t1;1 ~ 'iS"'f.tt5t1;1
Structure of Chinese Characters (1 ): single-component and compound
f-1 *s"J£atkJ¥*1fWI#, R EB-T$%ttJnx:s"JfR *£atkJU4fF "M!f:zjs:£atkJ" ,
t~P.o, "A" ; 1±1WiT~1'rWITIV,_t$%tkJnx:s"JiR*£atkJu4fF "~f:zjs:£atkJ" , t~
-fin "lk"
)(H 'VJ\ o

Basically Chinese characters fall into two types of structures: the single-component
structure and the compound structure. The former has only one component, for example,
"A"; while the latter is made up of two or more components, for example, "1$" .

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

~~t~ Structure 1?U$'. Example Characters ~ffi~ Illustrations '

A ren human
fi1tJtf±J single ~ w6 I, me [z;J ~ [!]
tf zhong middle

f.t- n'f
lil 00
(singular) you
%-14'-jtf±J compound
1;¼-. zuo to do

lliffl 11111 xX.A53~ Pair Work

Application IWA-t£L, t!H!~~ffi'lw£:it!:frr6J~M~)J o

Work in pairs and ask and answer questions according to the actual situations.
N'f hui shuo Honyu ma?
11 -ko:
1] A: 1,?- ¾ -i}L ix..-i½ 1!;7 11

B: ~-·····
N'f hul xie Hanzl ma?
A: 1,7- ¾ J:i ix.~ 1!;7 11

B: ~-·····
N'f de Hcnyu mfngzi jico shenrne?
A: 1,t- frJ ix. -i½ _,t ~ 11
~ 1t Z- 7
B: ~ U'J······
N'f hul xie nl de Honyu mfngzi ma?
1,1, A
A: 14 ~ 14
-i.. -!=i 1,1, AA
'.O 'J;...
,.)\,,_ 1o
<T 2:>
A:7 .::Y- 11 i1.
.c-J 7
B: .

RIii Jj\~_§_)3~ Group Work

3~4A-t£l, :!it§iuJl'J:iJm*:f§s"J~i!ttj~#ic~, 4ijJ£1.i'/f-1ir[A]~tlH'r'lw6Lo

Work in groups of 3-4. Ask about each other's language skills and take notes. Each group
chooses one member to make a report.

Yinqyu Fayu Rlyu
:tr 1t.1.. -i~ = -i½ , i1- -i½ , a -i½
Supplementary words: English, French, Japanese

~lo 1 lo
English French Chinese Ja~~~se
I I •

Dowel I
✓ ✓ X X

.Jintion F hem
What's the date today

1&~ ~ TOO B~ i,~ i,~m tlxi m. B~ I!] h

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.

Sun I
Mon Tue red
Thu Fri " Sal
1f 2 3 _ 4 5 6, 7
8 9 10111 12 13 14
15 16 17118,19.20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30,31

shO Zhonqquo co: xuexioo

047 -------
• 'f/J,l ;'it _ • ~1X. -----

ershfwu hco yue ken shu

825 -t _ C,J] _ -~ i7 ----

il3t 11111 ftt~fi In a bank. 07-1

Text Ol nqwen , jinticn j'f hco?
A: -itloJ, ~.:k. JL -t?
.Jintlon jiu yue yT hco,
B: ~ .:k. 9 }] 1 -to
.Jlntion xinqqi jl?
A: ~ .:k. }l.$J1 JL?
Xinqqi son.
B: £$JJ -==-o
- - - - - - - - -

English Version New Words

A: Excuse me, what's the date 1 • 1,EJ
qlnq V.(polite) please
today? *2. loJ wen V. to ask, to inquire
B: It's September 1st. 3. ~ .:k. jlnticn n. today
A: What day is it today? 4. -t hao n. (for date of month) number
B: It's Wednesday. 5. }] yue n. month
6. }l.$JJ xinqqi n. week


flll ~ El Jn Look at the calendar- 07-2

Zuotion shi jl' yue jl' hco?
A: atk Jc_ JL j] JL~?
Zuoticn shl be yue scnshiyi hoo , xinqqi er.
B: at k Jc_ 8 j] 31 ~, !i_$JJ -=-o
Mfngtian ne?
A: f1}]:k_ %?
Mfngtian shi jiu yue er hoo , xinqqi s1.
B: a}]:k_ Jc_ 9 j] 2 ~, !i_$J] f!Il o

English Version New Words

A: What was the date yesterday? 7. at k zuoticn n. yesterday
B: It was Tuesday, August 31st. 8. f1}] k mi nqtidn n. tomorrow
A: What about tomorrow?
B: It's Thursday, September 2nd.

Ill i:EDJJ□ Q~Fi'§)L In a coffee house 07-3

Mfngtian xinqqi liu , n1' qu xuexico ma?
A: f1}]:k_ !i_$J] /·,, 1,7--k *:ti rr.Pci?
W6 qu xuexioo.

B: -1\ **:tio
N1' qu xuexico zuo shenrne?
A: 1,7--k * :ti 1& 1t ~?
W6 qu xuexico ken shO.
B: -1\-!- *:ti ;;fj- i7o

English Version New Words

A: Tomorrow is Saturday. Will you go 9.-!- qu go
to school? 10. *:ti xuexico n. school
B: Yes, I will. 11. ;;fj- kan V. to look at, to watch,
A: What are you going to do there? to read
B: I'm going there to do some reading. 12 . .:f2; shO n. book

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

it:,f IIIIIEll~s{j*it.(1): J=L El (r1,date)/%, ~l~

Notes Expression of a Date (1): month, date, day of the week

¥3.iftB"J 8 M*Jt1I:ri'.:ilfmEB:x¥U1J\s"JJ]3:~Ll, J'ciJl ")=J" , rtFoiJl "B /

P "
s i=::::. 'i½
"s tf-i:t"
£7111 o
1J l;p PJX mm
'li_M~ FR "P "
7 o

The way to say a date in Chinese observes the principle of "the bigger unit coming
before the smaller one". The month is said first, then the date and finally the day of the week.
In spoken Chinese, "%" is often used instead of" B " to express the date. For example:
( 1) 9 Jl 1 ½, }£$JJ--=. 0

(2) 9Yl2½, .?KJtJJY?Qo

( 3) SJ] 31 ½, 3£$JJ-=.o

illl ~ i,'5J-i~i,:g.~ Sentences with a Nominal Predicate

BtlsJ, BM~ a 1ltl-fJ.O:
A sentence with a nominal predicate is a sentence whose predicate is a nominal
element. It is usually used to indicate age, time, date and so on. For example:

Subject Predicate
.:f\ a1 ix m-:t- vifi
fl}] .k_

DI Ji~~ ( 1 ) : ¾+±fu11 +1M:1t¼

Sentences with a Serial Verb Construction (1): ¾+place + to do sth.

fir-~~~B"J § B"Jo m-~~iP]Fo*lJ\:1:-fuJ~El"J~i-a~stey~'.§'~a fJtl-fJ.o:
The predicate of a sentence with a serial verb construction consists of two or more
verbs. The latter verb can be the purpose of the former. The object of the first verb, i.e. the
place, can sometimes be omitted. For example:

Verb1 Verb2
¾ (place) to do sth.
.:f\ -i- ('fl!!) * 5J ixm- 0

( 'f I!! i1i. ft JL)

.:f\ 1i1
* t 'f !!Ll

* ( 'f i~) ;;fr-¾ 0

~ 3J IJlll7J\j§@Mi.~i.J:5e Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises ....
~ 11/j1~ i':.n1□ J11=1
RR '~~7,,rl '=1 'li .c •
Read the following words aloud.

- - - ,
yT yue er yue sen yue s1yue WU yue liu yue
-fl _:::.. fl -- fl r!IJ fl 3i. fl /·, fl
January February March April May June

qi yue bo yue jiu yue shfyue shiyi yue shi'er yue

-t, fl i\.. fl }L fl -t fl -t- fl -t _:::.. fl
July August September October November December

- - - - - - - - - - - .J

- - - - - - - - - - - - , I

xinqql yT xinqqi er xinqql son xTngqT s1

!i.$.J] - !i.$.J] _:::.. !i.$.J] -- !i.$.J] r!IJ
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

xinqqi wu xinqql liu xinqqiri / xlnqqition

!i.$.J] 3i. !i.$.J] /·, !I. $.J] El / !I. $.J] k
Friday Saturday Sunday

- - - - - - - - - - .J

ill;tN:j:,@~~;r-'lt)5r.@J~i'oJ@ Answer the questions according to the actual situations.

04"--kJLfl JL½!i.$.J]JL? .Jinticn ji yue ji hoo xinqqi j'f?

O aJ] kJL fl JL-t !i.$.J] JL? Minqticn j'f yue j'f hco xinqqi j'f?

O at kJL fl JL-t !i.$.J] JL? Zuoticn j'f yue j'f hco xinqqi j'f?

8 aJl k 1,t-¼!1}]F JL1&1t Z? Minqticn n1 qu nor zuo shenme?

C, !i.$.J] El 1,t-¼!1}]F JL1&1t Z? Xinqqiri n1 qu nor zuo shenme?

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

DI ffi i.J ~Jr~ s~ 1R ~ ,9)¥□ i,iiJ-iR1sB£ [l] J:t
Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

.Jinticn shi yue hao, ;J JlJlJlJlJlJ

4'-kJl JJ
7, May
1 I

1a1uan-t!J"' }£$Jj 0

.Jintlon yue hco.
4'- k }J ½ o

Ershfer hco shl

o a
22 77(_ _
ershi son hco shi
23 ½ )l o


Mfngtian WO qu ken
aJ1 k ~-¾- __;fr --0

Ht if 1111 xX {f T-i" i-'~liR s~ fB irl ti~c ( 2 )

□ = = fB l□ {§- fB irl s~ ti~c

Pinyin Tone Collocation in Disyllabic Words (2): 2 tone+ 1st/2nd/3rd/4th tone


6 ••• ---

I /· .. . . I I/ . , I
shijicn yf nh6ng cldidn lcnse
Bfla] 1tlA-t -iJ] #!- Ji 6

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the collocation of tones.
gu6jia 16uf6ng pfngguo hu6nj)ng
zuotion lcnqiu pf jiu honjio
minqtion mi ngni6n niunai niu rou
ni6nqing Chcnqchenq you yang youxi


55l * 11111 i,A. i5Ui:ft*

Single-Component Characters
Characters ( 1 ) "12!1" , "4" 0

"12!1" means "four''. SI

___. ~ ___. ® ___. V}]

Ill I ffil WI WJ#f I
( 2) "Ji" ' *7}\~-
"Ji" means "five".
"5" 0


"-=j:5" originally meant "to dip the writing brush into the ink and write with it", and now
it means "writing" or "book", etc.

I ll *l*l• *• I
illll 5X * ~~ t1;J ( 2 ) : ft~~~ t1;J ~ ft $ ~ ~~ t1;J
Structure of Chinese Characters (2): left-right and left-middle-right

~~~tttJa~OO% ~ [Il]o
Both the left-right structure and the left-middle-right structure are compound
structures. The left-right structure is rn
and the left-middle-right structure is [ill.

~~t~ Structure m* Example Characters ~ffi~ Illustrations

14,J, n1
£. h ft :tiJ (singular) you
[i] [I]

left-right -ff hco good, fine

£. tfhii:tiJ
xie to thank
shu tree lll lll
ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

" ~I " :f□ " i, " Chinese Radicals

and II -,,,
' "

1i~ ~n~ 19Ll'.¥

Radical Explanation Example Characters

-=.,87.k, -~lOJJ(~ **
Shaped like three drops of water, the
o ix. hon Chinese

radical " 1 " is usually related to water. it mei to not have

~,->-,~ ,-: ~5fO'Ji.~ 'Jt
l;p§,11 'ti~** /.",Q 'Ji_
fr, yu language
The radical "i" is usually related to
language and speech.
iii shei who, whom

illffl 11111 5lJ. l.A5%M Pair Work

Application WlA-tJ3., itUYrt~t~i't1HR3tt1il'iiJlH%):J o

Work in pairs and ask and answer questions according to the actual situatious.
.Jinticn sh) jl yue jl hco?
1fIHto : A: 4-- .:k. )l JL J] JL -t ?

.Jinticn xinqqi ff?

A: q-- .:k_ !I_ $Jj JL ?

Mf nqticn sh) ff yue ff hem?

A: aJJ .:k. )l JL J] JL -t ?

Mf nqticn xinqqi ff?

A: aJJ .:k_ !I_ $Jj JL ?

Mf nqticn nl zuo shenrne?
A: aJJ .:k. 1,t- 1ft 1t z. ?
Mfngtian WO qu······
B: f1}J .:k_ ~ -f;; .


fa Jj\~!l5!M Group Work

3-4A-fll, 1LHH1iJl'6J tf:\1: B ~Jtic~' 4ijJJliw-1ir[P]~:tli1a-tf£0

Work in groups of 3-4. Ask about each other's birthdays and take notes. Each group
chooses one member to make a report.
;i ft. 1- iJ] : 1- El
Supplementary word: birthday

I I.I *i:8 Name I.I ~B Birthday I

I , ¼Fl U Yue : 8f\31-%- be yue scnshiyl hoc

W6 xiang he ch6
~ ffl na2&
1'~ ,~~~ J:R
I'd like some tea

i&~ ~ 7' [§] B~ i.'61 i.Em ti x-1 m. B~ I!] h

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.

-~ qicn

• }llt&
Zhonqquo cai
• {~-f-
• 2-t
,'t, • 'f ffil
* • ~x.~

il3t 11111-at.&i'sJL In a .--e~taur-ant •

Text N'i xiang he shenrne?
A: 1,7- ~ 11
ij 1t~?
W6 xiang he cha.
B.• ~~
~ ;ffil If~ 2-t
,-..:,;;- ~J ft. . O

N'i xiang chi shenrne?

A: 1,7- ~ 11 t 1t~?
W6 xiang chi rnlfcn.
B: ~ ~ t 3'lt&o

English Version New Words

A: What would you like to drink? 1. ~ xiang mod. to want, would like
B: I'd like some tea. 2. 11 ij he V. to drink
A: What would you like to eat? 3. 2-t
,'t, ch6 n. tea
B: I'd like rice. 4• 11,l.
-r.., chi V. to eat
5. }ll iE.. rnlfon n. cooked rice

flll tt~JT In the livina room 08-2

Xiawu nl xiang zuo shenrne?
A: T-t-1,t- ~ 1tk 1t ~?
Xiawu WO xiang qu shcnqdlcn.
B: T-t- A ~-¼ ~Ibo
N'f xiang mai shenme?
A: it- ~ ~ 1t ~ ?
W6 xiang mai yf ge beizi.
B: A ~ ~-+~~-r 0

English Version New Words

A: What would you like to do 6. T-t- xiawu n. afternoon
this afternoon? 7. ~lb shonqdicn n. shop, store
B: I'd like to go shopping. 8. ~ mai V. to buy, to purchase
A: What do you want to buy? 9. + ge m. a general measure word
B: I want to buy a cup. 10. ~~-r beizi n. cup, glass

Ill tE~JS In a store 08-3

N'f hco: Zheqe beizi duoshco qi6n?
A: 1,?-1t ! it+~~-f- J, .Y 1\? 1

Ershfba kuol.
B: 28 Jk.o
Nage beizi duoshco qi6n?
A: JJ~+~~-f- J, :Y 1\?
Nage beizi shibc kuoi qi6n.
B: JJ~+~~-f- 18 Jk. 1\o

English Version New Words

A: Hello! How much is this cup? 11. it zhe pron. this
B: 28yuan. 12. J, ~Y duoshco pron.
A: What about that one? how many, how much
B: That one is 18 yuan. 13.1\ qi6n n. money
14. Jk. kuoi m. a unit of money, same
as "yuan
15. j]~ no pron. that

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

,.r 11'm.&
::f:: 11111 se Is
At; =-1, '=1
/fl~ A)J 1°J
";;j.§1 "
,!!,, The Modal Verb "f~!'
The modal verb "t~" is usually used before a verb to express a hope or plan. For
(1) ,l::;ffil~.'.O'J;...
~X. ,u, '-3/ ix: 1o o

( 2 ) fl}] _:z,A ~¾ ~ :f~~-¾ 0

(3) -A~~ -/i'-:tr--f 0

fa jf i'oJ 1ti.iiJ "~ :.!,'" The Interrogative Pronoun "$ Y"

~ 1'6J 1-t iiu " ~ Y " J=ilr i1U 1'6J + L2,,{ _t s'-J ~ _;_ , " ~ Y " J§" JZl s'-J :ii iiu PJ L2,,{ ~,
~o "~y" :0SJ=ilri1Ul'6J11rifi, 1\tffl~Jtn:i:t¾ "······~Yt~? " 1ltl~O: o

The interrogative pronoun "~Y" is used to ask about numbers larger than 10. The
measure word following it can be omitted. "~Y" can also be used to inquire about prices,
usually in the sentence pattern "······~Yij?". For example:
( 1 ) 1,idfl ~ :t~~ i :Y ( /i'-) ~ 1..?
(2) 1,t- ~ i ),· ( /i'-) ~x:i½:t Vrp?
(3) ~ /i'-:tr- -f i ),' ~?

liWIIIII E3 '=1
l!.all lelel.l-DJ ''A''
I ' '' 1J" The Measure Words "1'-" and "Q"

",t " ¾ lX i! 9=' ~ 1it _fil s'-J-,t _;_ ill.! , -~ ffl r 19: 7rf ~ ffl _;_ ill.! s'-J ~ ill.! 1W a
is the most common measure word in Chinese, usually used before a noun
without a specific measure word of its own. For example:
( 1 ) ..::../i'-:t Vrp
( 2) _E_/i'-~ 1..
(3) -/i'-:tr--t

" Cl" i:!1¾-,t:iiill.!, -~ffl-=ftaH£~JMIBtm B'-JA~ ( _fil~Sif) O iJtl:tm:

"Q" is a measure words, too, usually used for members of a family(see Lesson 5). For
( 1 ) ~:t V'f ~~ ,,·, o Ao
( 2 ) 1,f- ~~ JL o A?
(3) ,A~~..::..OA.. 0

11111 t~J)CB{J*iis. Expression of the Amount of Money

A~ ffi s1-J¥*•1iz~ "JG" , o i-a~il1t ":ljf' a 1~tl~o:

The basic unit of Renminbi (Chinese currency) is "ji:;", usually replaced by ":tk:" in
spoken Chinese. For example:

-Jt (Jk.) --t JL ( Jk.)

one yuan/kuai five yuan/kuai ten yuan/kuai


s: --t JL ( ». ) -Ef JL (Jk.)

fifty yuan/kuai one hundred yuan/kuai

fl 3J IJlll 73'-j§"§.AA-i~i,J::5<: Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises fa 11Hfis~~3f- 11)5t@J~['o]~

Answer the questions according to the actual situations.

01-t~- t1t Z?
N'i xiang chT shenme?

O 1,t ~- 1t Z ?
11~ N'i xiang he shenme?

O aJl k T ~1-t ~1M:.1t Z? Mfngtian xiawu n'i xiang zuo shenme?

81,t-!-ll}]~/i'---~ lb ~~:f--f? N'i qu nage shcnqdion mdi beizi?

C, -1---~:r--f f ),· ~? Yf ge beizi duoshoo qi6n?

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

~ i:+l + '1:13 ->-:i::--~ r',I:, 'Ii-= ~ .:f '=1 'Ii -1:++ '~ ~ µ._
l!.all m/+'-l-;;,r;;:~1 =t-'~'J1i=i i=i ""'l'Dl-0J1i::irgi~l3=Jn
Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

Mfngtian WO xiang qu mai

aJJ *~--~ ~ *---~---0
.Jinticn WO xiang chi
4'--_k_ ~ ~ rrt o

Xiawu WO xiang qu
r-t-~ ~ *---

' N'f hco , qlnqwen zheqe beizi
1,i ti, it lo] it /i'-- :t~ -f ?

Pinyin Tone Collocation in Disyllabic Words (3): 3 tone+ 1 /2 /3 /4 tone

rd st nd rd th

_,__.. I I
'--· ,,-- I ~ '--''
sh6ujT sh6uzhu6 shoubido shoutco
+~JL +~ +;R +t--

Listen to the recorcling ancl reacl after it. Pay attention to the collocation of tones.
lcosht lcoren yusan you yong
mei ticn rnei ni6n rneihco rneill

hoibkrn hdimion xl zoo ganxie

y'fjTng y'fqi6n bicoycn biooxion

55l * 11111 i1' iR ~i:ft* Single-Component Characters
In contrast to "~(many)", "Y"means "few/little", indicating a small scale or quantity.

C 2) "~" , *Sl.~~1J\1£1!iL.1ilsl.JA, 1~-~Ao :rJ\ltE7:lt7J m i~•L

"'1'-" originally meant "one individual person". Now it has become a measure word.

11111 ))(. ~i512;l ( 3) : ...t 7' ~i512;1 ~ ...t $ 7' ~i512;1
Structure of Chinese Characters (3): top-bottom and top-middle-bottom

Both the top-bottom structure and the top-middle-bottom structure are compound
structures. The top-bottom structure is Band the top-middle-bottom structure is§ .

~6t~ Structure 1:?°U* Example Characters ~ffi~ Illustrations

J:.Tjt¥;1 ?Z shl to be
top-bottom ½.
e; ba father ~ ~

J:.tTjt¥;1 ~
,'t, cha tea
top-middle-bottom ~ goo high, tall ~ ~

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

l!alll 'U r:"::-,Jp ....,__
1Arl,f!IJ~ "C
t " + □ "U"
'I' C h"mese Ra d"ica 1 s: "1:"
6 an d "u"

1i~ mn~ 19Ll*

Radical Explanation Example Characters

~*~,-~;fQ~~~:k*o 4t zhong clock

t The radical " 4:" is usually related to metal. ~ qi6n money

,:1 Cl*~• -~;fOOjB~3c*o 17t-

1...., chi to eat
The radical "n" is usually related to the mouth. 11!3 he to drink

:i:Effl IJIII XJ.A.53~ Pair Work

Application mA-tll, t!Hi~~J[\'~?£:itH-'rl'J:iJ~M~)J o

Work in pairs and ask and answer questions according to the actual situations.
.Jinticn xiawu n'f xiang zuo shenrne?
11 )-ko :
( 1 ) A: 4'-- ~ r 2f- 1,t ~ 1M: 1t Z- ?
B: .

Mingtian n'f Xiang zuo shenme?

A: f1}J ~ 1,t ~ 1M: 1t Z- ?

N'f men ban you duoshco ge xueshenq?

( 2 ) A: 1,t 1fl y)f. ~ J ),' /i'- * ±?
B: .

N'f men xuexioo you duoshco ge looshi?

A: 1,t 1fl * {~ ~ J ),· /i'- ::t" ~if ?

RIii !]\~_§)~~ Group Work

3-4A-tll' 1[;,j;§iBJi'i:iJ:i!1--~Ms'-Jit~UJfic~' 4~Jlliw-1iI~~11I~'tl6r10

Work in groups of 3-4. Ask about each other's plan for the week and take notes. Each group
chooses one member to make a report.

i:8 ~im-
~,-n- ~im ~lmiz:9 ~ij}jE E3 tJ:R--'-
~,./j/ \ ~ij}j E3
. Name , Monday , Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
*AA :: *".f'~

: : -k~l,;
I 1 :
: Xie Peng qu xuexioo : : qu shonqdion I

N'f erzi zai nor qonqzuo

1$ J L "T 1± PJ]B J L I 11=

Where does your son work

t&~ ~ TOO s~ i.~ 1~m tix-t m. s~ l!l J:t

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words.




8 ~Ft
• !GJ

il)l 11111 ft* At home 09-1

Text Xiao moo zoi nor?

Xiao moo zoi nor.

Xiao gou zai nor?

A: ,J, !GJ ,&_11}J~JL?
Xiao gou zai y1zi xiornicn.
B: ,J, !GJ 4:-{t-f-T UfJ o
- - -

- _J New Words
English Version 1. ,J, xico adj. small, little
A: Where is the kitty? 2. 1~ mao n. cat
B: The kitty is over there. 3. 4:. zoi V. to be in/on/at
A: Where is the puppy? 4. JJ~ JL nor pron. there
B: The puppy is under the chair. 5. fGJ gou n. dog
6. {t-f- ylzi n. chair
7. T UfJ ( T) xiornioruxio) n. under, below

• tE
N1zai norg6ngzuo? JL
A: 1,7-,µ:_ 11}]~ JL J.1t? I
W6 zai xuexico qonqzuo?
B: ;f\ 4:- ~ :-K J.1t o

N1 erzi zai nor qonqzuo?

A: 1,7- JL-t ,µ:_ 11}]~ JL J.1t?
W6 erzi zai yiyuon qonqzuo , ta shl yishenq,
B: ;f\JL-t4:- JKFt J.1t, 1-t!:.)t 1K1..o

English Version New Words

A: Where do you work? 8. 4:- zoi prep. in/on/at
B: I work in a school. 9. 11}]~ JL nor pron. where
A: Where does your son work? 10. 1.1t qonqzuo v./n. to work; job
B: My son works in a hospital. 11. JL-t erzi n. son
He is a doctor. 12. 1K Ft yiyucn n hospital
13. 1K 1.. yishenq n. doctor

11111 tTE§. it On the Phone 09-3

N, bcbo zai jia ma?
A: 1,7- %% ,µ:_ ~ 11i!i?
Bu zai jia.
B: ~,µ:_ ~o

Ta zai nor ne?

Ta zci yiyuon.
B: 1-t!:. 4:- 1K Ft o

English Version New Word

A: Is your father at home? 14. %% bobo n. father
B: No, he isn't.
A: Where is he?
B: He is in the hospital.

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

j_t: '' 11111 ~ iiiJ "1:E" The Verb "i:E"

Notes "tE" ¾igjiP], FoJtI:1Jo_t*1.K1iz~sl.JiP]itf1~'tlJ-=t-El'-Ji~itf, JfFf:t~l.KA~~
$!1msl.J1iz~o fytl~a:
"tf" is a verb. When it is followed by a word of locality and acts as the predicate of a
sentence, it indicates the location of somebody or something. For example:

:a Word of Locality/Direction
.AJJJ]h._ 1±- ~{~o
-A Jl!; Jl!; 1±- ~o

,J,r~ 1±- 1t-tT mi o

fa jffoJ1{iiiJ "~Jj~)L" The Interrogative Pronoun "P}J~)L"

~l'PJ1-twl "PJJ~JL" J=l:Ff~l'PJ'tlJi=p, iiJl'iiJA~$!Jmsl.J1iz~o 11tl~a:

The interrogative pronoun "l!Jj~ JL" is used to ask about the location of somebody or
something. For example:
( I ) ~ 61 {:f -=f ,if_ vJJF J L ?
( 2 ) 1,t 611f §J JJJJ h__,t±_ vJJF JL?
( 3 ) ,J,~Mi s. vJJF JL?
11111 fhiiJ "ft" The Preposition "i:E"
"tE" m¾11'-iP], FoJt1:1Jo_t*l.K1iz~sl.JiP]itf, ffl -=t-11'-m igjf'Ffr7J tt!t. sl.J
1iz~o 1Jtl~a:
"tf" can also act as a preposition, used before a word of locality to introduce the place
where an action or behavior takes place. For example:

:a Word of Locality/Direction Verb

.A JL-t 1±- ffi- Ft .I.1i 0

11111 jf i'oJ !l}J i,ii] "Oft" ( 2 ) The Interrogative Particle "Qft" (2)
~il'iiJEI}JiP] "~" J1ltE!aJ7'K, *lJ\~kl'iiJ, fflri1=ul'iiJA~$~s"J1iz:Jlo 1ftl:!.m: JL
Used at the end of a sentence, the interrogative particle"~" asks about the location of I
somebody or something. For example: fI=
(I) ~61,J,1~%?
( 2) ~a11~-t%?
( 3) 1-t!!,,G:_ll}}F JL%?

~ -:s:J flll jJ'-ffi "§. AA i,ji,Jx_ Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises r..1111ia+1:2.'El3-rrrh,.,,_,fnlh,"°':;is;,:;-
~ 'r~'< 11p l,~ .x... 1✓ 'J {} 8 ~I
□ J ~0 Answer th e questions
· b ase d on th e dialogues.

O ,J, fGJ ,G:_ ll}}F JL? Xiao g6u zoi nor?

8 ~,G:. l }]F JL .I.1'1=? Ta zci nor gongzuo?

O ~ JL-f ,G:_ll}}F JL.1..1'1=? Ta erzi zai nor qonqzuo?

8 ~%%,G:.~t1Ri? Ta bcbo zoi jia ma?

8 ~ %% ,G:. l }]F JL % ? Ta bcbo zoi nor ne?

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points ard words.
,- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------------- --- -
- - -'\ - ---------- --- --,

M!J JU ......_ ....,_,

___ ,G:. o



W6 mama sh) ta zai ;------------------:

~ -k.!I; -k.!I; )l -- ~#:-~-o

W6 nO'er sh) ta bu
~ -kJL Jk~--, ~-1'---0

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

Pinyin th st
Tone Collocation in Disyllabic Words (4): 4 tone+ 1 /2 /3 /4 tone
nd rd th

~ -;;;_;,

rnionbco rniontioo dicnnco dicnhuo

11Qe. ill1 ~ it ]it it 1,'f,

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the collocation of tones.
xiotiun qunicn tioo WU shui jiao
diondenq dicnchi dlonylnq dionshi
chcnq ge fuxf Hcnyii Hcnzl
jiankang d1tu d1tie jian mien

* 11111 iA i~Hs 12t* Single-Component Characters

The original form of "tf" is like grass sprouting from the earth. Now it means "to live/

t __. t± __. f± __. ,Ii_


l• tlt•IJt I ,tJ-#•I ii
c 2) "r" , :zis:sz.~~JL, :r.mtt~,~-1~~. :tm "JLr", "itr" o 3-
"r" originally meant "baby". Now it has many meanings, such as ")Lr(son)" and "Eg OOB
r(electron)". JL
z] I

"I" was originally shaped like a craftsman's zigzag ruler. Now it has many meanings,
such as "IA(worker)" and "I fF(to work; job)".

illll 5X*~jst1;] ( 4 ) : $§1J]~jst1;] Structure of Chinese Characters (4): half-enclosure

~1*isttJi:p~'filtt#'E11Il~ttJfo~'E11IlisttJ c _film10i*) , :zis:i*s'-l#'EI

There are another two kinds of compound structures-the half-enclosure structure and
the enclosure structure (see Lesson 10). The half-enclosure structure in this lesson includes
the structure enclosed by two sides and the structure enclosed by three sides.

~6t~ Structure 1?U* Example Characters ~ffi~ Illustrations

Ii, diem store

SJ xf to study
-f E?, 111 it:tf;J ~ zhe this
half-enclosure ~
I!. yT doctor

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

11111 5X-¥ffi~ "i__" ;¥□ "i'l" Chinese Radicals: "i__" and "fl"

1i/io~ ~nl 19U*

Radical Explanation Example Characters

5EZ%', -~fll5t~~**o ~ zhe this

1._ The radical "L" is usually related to
"walking". i!. song to send

loJ to ask
n n~t!I, -~flJJ%1'sJ' mn~*o fa]
jian a measure word
The radical "fl" is usually related to a
for rooms
room or a door.

~ffl 11111 xX.A)3Z1/l Pair Work

Application WtA-t£1., itU!~~;;[\'lwi£:it!:1-'rl'PJ~M~>J o

Work in pairs and ask and answer questions according to the actual situations.
zoi nor?
1fI)-ko : ( 1 ) A: · · · · · · ,µ:. ll}]F J L ?
B: ······,µ:.······
zai nor qonqzuo?
(2) A: ·····•4:.ll}JFJL .1-fp
zai qonqzuo , ta / ta sh l
B: ······,µ:.······1fp, 1~!#.k······

fa Jj\~.§.5%~ Group Work tE
3-4A-tll, 1L:f§ftffl § BB"J~JJii, fAJ$B"Jifl=:'~i£3fic~, 4ijJJliw-1irfAJ$ JL
:tlH1~r'~ t£ o I
Work in groups of 3-4. Tell each other about the jobs of your friends or classmates and take fI=
notes Each group chooses one member to make a report.

Friend/Classmate .I ~~~ I
I 1
U Peng
dt_lli__i_, #-&ft,5---ffo
Sh) ylshenq, zoi yiyuon qonqzuo.

Wo nenq zuo zher ma

~ ti~ ~ i& J L A!?,

Can I sit here

i&~ ~7'1i'ITB~-f□J-iRmtlx1&B~l!lh
Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.

8 .1..1t

ken shu

-~ i7
8 itAit
-~ zuo

bobo he mama
• ~~{~-!tll;-!tll;

il3t 11111 ftv}0~ In the office 10-1

Text Zhuozi shang you shenrne?

A: * -f- J:.. ~ 1t Z ?
Zhuozi shang you yf ge dicrmoo he y) ben shu,
B: *-f- J:.. ~-+ itAit {~-$- -¾ o

Beizi zo] nor?

Beizi zci zhuozi Ii.

English Version New Words

A: What are there on the desk?
B: There is a computer and a
1. *-f-
2. J:_
desk, table
book. 3. itAit dionnco n. computer
A: Where is the cup? 4. {~ he COnJ. and
B: It's in the desk. 5. $- ben m. a measure wordfor books
6 . .£ Ii n. inner, inside, interior

• ~
Oicnrnlon ncqe ren jioo shenme mingzi?
A: ~;l m, }]~+ A.. 11~ 1t ~ Ai~?
Ta jioo Wang Fang, zci yiyucn qonqzuo.
B: -kt 11~ _f_ -jJ", Ji_ ~ ft J..1i o

Houmicn noqe ren ne? Ta jiao shenme mingzi?

A: J6m, R~+A..%? 1~ 11
~ 1t~ Ai~?
Ta jiao Xie Peng, zoi shcnqdlon gongzuo.
B: 1~ 11~ i# JJJJ , Ji_ /tfj" lb J..1i o

English Version New Words

A: Who is the person in the front? 7. ~;l m, qionrnicn n. front
B: She is Wang Fang. She works in 8. )6 m, hournion n. back
a hospital.
Proper Nouns
A: What about the person at the
1. _f_-}f Wang Fang Wang Fang, name
back? What's his name?
of a person
B: He is Xie Peng. He works in a
2. -£# }]jJ Xie Peng Xie Peng, name of a


Zher you ren ma?
A: i!_ JL ~ A.. r,Il:;?
Mei you.
B.• :Tt-
✓ :J...
/fJ O

Wo nenq zuo zher ma?

A: ~ 1it ~i!_ JL r,Il:;?
O'ing zuo.
B: it ~o

English Version New Words

A: Is this seat taken? 9.i!_JL zher pron. here
B: No, it isn't. 10. ✓ -t~ (it) meiyou (rnei) adv. there is not
A: Can I sit here? 11. 1it nenq mod. can, may
B: Yes, please. 12. ~ zuo v. to sit, to be seated

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

j_tff 11111 "~" *~: *7J°'ffi± The "~" Sentence: indicating existence
Notes zm iffJ " ~ " llJ ~ ffl -=f %z JT- 1¥ tE B1-J laJ ~ 9=1 , %z7T- ~ 1- tzt Efr ~ ~ 1iI Ii: 1¥ tE 1t
¼o 1ftl:trn:
The verb"~" can be used in an existential sentence to indicate a person or thing exists
somewhere. For example:

-I ;
Word of Locality ~ Person/Thing Existing
i~-r-T m1
q:: 1x__£ =~;::
"~" '¥1aJB1-J~5E%:t:~ "19:~" , fAJBt'1€ilf~tr~§~w~_m5EilL 1ftl:tm:
In the negative form of a "~" sentence, "1'9:~" is used without a numeral classifier
before the object. For example:
(1) ,t,t -f- f \lij -t ~ J ' !GJ
✓ I 0

C 2) ~:t~X✓ -t~~ lb o
C 3) :%-f- J:. il.~ 't?- Rit{i:i -tS o

fa Ji iii.I "lD" The Conjunction "lD"

Ji iPJ "~o " ffl -=f Ji ti Wg ,t- ~ ~ Wg 1- ~ _t Jt 35Ll 81-J ~ ?J\. , %z JT- -# Jt 35Ll ~
*o 1ftl~O:
The conjunction ",fl]" is used to connect two or more elements, indicating a parallel
relationship. For example:
( 1 ) ~~ -+ tf IJJ JJJJ h_{i:i-/i'- ¾. IJJ J]Jj h_ 0

( 2 ) ~ ~ ~ ..=:.. 0 A._ , % % , -k11;-k11; ,fP ~ 0

C 3 ) :% -f- J:. ~-/i'- 't?-Rit {i:i-$..-tS o

The Modal Verb "~t"

6 b rN-;:-1-, '~
f}bJ;',i., 1:1/J 1,"i=iJ
.filfl. R=!+.--;:-1-r '~-"..L.
- /1xm 1±1:1/J 1,"i=iJ f3U ,
-J 1:1/J i"i:iJ= v-r- gJ(l-1=f1;1=1 ,
'~~'*1Ht'EEl'li ,tx.lT- - :ftft
_:cE. - 6 bjJ.£-
IJ'T Flb .9-.J<,

~ilJ§~o "§~" ~1lf ffl-=f~j'o]fa]5:\; "§~ ...... Pl=b? " 9=1, %zJT-iJ>Jt, $~~1~
itilJ o 1ftl~O:
The modal verb "ti~" is usually used before a verb to form the predicate indicating an
ability or a possibility. The interrogative sentence structure "tf~······rli&?" is often used to
indicate a request or hope for permission. For example:
c 1) aJJ ~ r -9'- ~ nt-¼ ~ lb 0

( 2) 1,7- nt4:.~ JL ~ 1,7- a1~ ~"Ri?

( 3) ~ nt ?l~ JL Ri? 11

11111 ffi "i,l" B~ffr1!~ Imperative Sentences with "il" ~
$Ji'iu "if" J§":iJDJt1m$Ji'iu-a:T L2HtJ~-#fJr1f li:iJ, ~~~±fil*lJ\J!i5C ~~ 0~
xt:1J1j~*o 11tl~□ :
When the verb "if" is used before another verb, an imperative sentence is formed,
indicating a polite suggestion or hope. For example:

(1) i~-'.~~~Ai~o
(2) it !5 ¢-
11 0


fl 3J IJlll 7.1'-ffi-§.Mi,~i,Jy:_ Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises illl ~[H,@ilX!AJ~@J~loJ~ Answer the questions based on the dialogues.

0 itJJit,ti:.vJJ~JL? Dionndo zoi nor?

• -45 ,ti:. vJJ~ JL? Shu zai nor?

O :%-f .£ dQ ~ 1t ~? Zhuozi llmion you shenrne?

8 vJJ~/i'--A.JLf..~? Noge ren shi Wang Fang?

8 vJJ~ /i'--A.ft JJJJ? * Noge ren sh l Xie Peng?

._... R=l + '1:13 -'-:~ ~ f,J, 'li ~ ~ .::f '=1 'li -J:+1- ,...,_ ffil µ_
ll!all rrv+' l,1d:191 '-r n 'J 1i::i i==i '", ,rD l-0J 1i::i 1~ ~ m n
Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.
O you
---- ~---- 0

you he
---~ {i:r o

Wo nenq ma?
-A n~ 11
Ta zoi g6ngzu6
1{1!. ,ti:. __ 1.1t 0

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

11111 ill tl~ ~ 81 m i,'5] :1:Jt~ Choose a suitable measure word to fill in each blank.

ge kou ben kuoi

+ 0 ,$.. JR:

Wo jia you son ren.

( 1) ~ *~ = __Ao
Wo rndi yT beizi.
( 2 ) ~ !f_ :f:(- -f 0

Wo you WU Hanyu shu,

( 3) ~ ~ .Ji_ ~x.-i¾ -¾ 0

Yizi boshi qion.

(4) {,t-f/\.-t ~ 0

tJt.:gf 11111 ~2p§"~-=p9{Ji,l5! Pronunciation ofNeutral-Tone Syllables ...L... 10-4

Pinyin ~~~~~~~~~~~$-~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~,--
The actual pronunciation of a neutral-tone syllable depends upon the pitch of the
syllable before it. Generally speaking, a neutral-tone syllable is read in a lower pitch
than the syllable before it if it follows a first-tone, second-tone or fourth-tone syllable,
but when it follows a third-tone syllable, it is read in a higher pitch than the syllable
before it.

nd rd th
l" tone+neutral tone 2 tone+neutral tone 3 tone+neutral tone 4 tone+neutral tone

zhuozi p6nzi ylzi kuzi


fa ~ifi,iij B~i~5! Pronunciation of Reduplicated Syllables ~
ft~~~~~~~~.§-~~~*~~~GFo 0~
In a disyllabic word with reduplicated syllables, the second syllable is usually read in
the neutral tone.

~~~#m~, ~~GF~~~~~ ~1~

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the neutral tone.

baba mama yeye noinoi

gege jiejie d)di meimei
gugu shushu toltol xTngxing
xiexie kcnkcn shuoshuo change hang

liWIIIII -+++-F
l!.alll 'rfj' □i::i fxx
..:.,xJ(l,□ rn 'J 1~ )z,:: :
'=1 nJ.i '7.; '+ " - 1'7
ii J ,
- J , -~
~, "

Pronunciation of Words with the Suffix "-11'1 ", "-r" or"-~"

ftw§~1 "-11'1, --=f, -#:/' s"Jimm~. "1fJ, -=f, ~,, -~ii~GFo
Being part of a word, the suffixes "ff]",
tone. For example:
"r" and "*" are usually read in the neutral

~~~#m~. ~~§~~~~ ~1~

Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the suffixes.

nlmen women tdrnen renmen

1,r-1f1 ~1f1 1-l!!.1f1 A..1f1
zhuozi ylzi beizi beizi
*-t i~-t 1~-t :fi-f
shetou zhentou shitou mutou
-f;-* *x* k* ;K*
qi6ntou houtou lltou woitou
~;] * }6* £* tr*

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

* 11111 iA iR ~i:(~-¥ Single-Component Characters

( 1) "__t" ' r:itIBI.Jtl}&JK1izji:Bf.J:!n!-t~' L:itIBI.Jm*1it~7KtELffi 0

)lt, _L ffi" 0

The horizontal stroke at the bottom of "_t" indicates the border line for reference, and
the short horizontal stroke indicates a position above the border line, meaning "up/


Opposite to "_t", "r" means "down/below".


c 3) "*" , *%¾tE "*"
J§'31 $jg$4msf.J~:2js:o
sl.Jr!qmJJ□ (w,~tlii$r-{f% • , *5l.¾tlit;tx-tsf.J~$,

";zjs:" originally looked like a tree with a dot sign at its bottom. The character originally
referred to the root of a tree, and now it means "the root of everything".

(4) "*"
, :2js:5(¾fxH~$1iI, ~Yffij, :EJ\1tEi:11tlii~~~:2js:sf.J, 1X~BI.Jo
originally referred to the tip or top of a tree. Now it also means "non-fundamental
and secondary".

fa 5X-¥tst2g ( 5 ) : ~§[Jltst2g Structure of Chinese Characters (5): enclosure

As a compound structure, the enclosure structure is a structure enclosed on all the four
sides. The diagram is ~.

~~~~ 1?Ll¥ ~ffi~ ~
Structure Example Characters Illustrations JL
¼ e, ~ jt 1±]
complete enclosure
country, nation
§1 ~

l!.alll 1Arl-f!B75' " □" +
/f□ ":i"
T ch·mese Ra d.ica 1 s: "D" an d" f'"

1fml~ ffinl 1?Ll¥

Radical Explanation Example Characters

oo~m. - ~ ~ 7j\ ~ ffi 11 , 1Q

IIl1i o I!) gu6 country, nation
0 kun
The radical "D" usually means being al to be trapped
trapped or besieged.

7]\-'f-j'y' B'9711'
7E':':i:{:4s: ' - ~
I=! "-"
7j\ :
~ ;ftl'$ £~'E ,-,~~3c
1 , mf , 1m1
~Yl shi to look, to view
The radical "1" is a variant of "JK",
;f-JL zhu to wish
a character usually related to deity,
sacrificial rites and one's fortune.

iliffl 11111 XXA5%i}J Pair Work

Application p;J;JA-fil., tlHi~~i'tfRitJ.:1ji'6JlH%.33 o

Work in pairs and ask and answer questions according to the actual situations.

* --t
NY de zhuozi shonqmion you shenme?
1fIHo : A: 1,i av J:. dQ ~ 1t z ?
B: .

NY de ylzi xicrnicn you shenrne?

A: 1.t- av1t--t T dQ ~ 1t z?
B: .

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

fa Jj\~_§_)3~ Group Work

3-4 A -tJl , 1L ;;j;§ fr~ Jj\ tll ~ nx: ffl B"J ~ 1iI 1iI :'!jf ic ~ , & tJl iw-1iI [A]~ 1111a-
·~ £ o
Work in groups of 3-4. Describe the location of the seat of each of your group member and
take notes. Each group chooses one member to make a report.
houmicn zu6bian youbicn
:tr ft. 1- -iJ] : ra W1 , k jjJ_ , -Ji jjJ_
Supplementary words: behind, left, right

1:stii Location
k_ 1!_ 4:- ~ ,£ JJ}__ o I~,£ JJ}__ ~ k_ 1!_ o
Dowel Dowel zoi w6 zu6bian./ W6 zu6bian shi Dowel.

80*Ja Features of Chinese People's Names

=f'- ,
" i;:,,i~ , "I."
S .J.r!-1-
" R "
;-:J ,
/:J.J:l ,
S /v ,,_:.--,,
7:E-1':l -=f- O

q:i oo A sl.J fti ~ sooos-t- , :i:JTI tE 11tm sl.J jd~~ 200§;~ , "5tE,, , "I,, , "*,, , "!FX,, ¾ q:i
00 A!i 1ft JX!, sl.J fti a ~ #-~ ~ sl.J fti 114 fl::• fti , §; ~ q:i 00 A sl.J fti¾ • fti o ~ 1It ~ ~ Hi1 ~
p;,g~~~~p;,g~~~_tsl.;fti, ll4f'FiJi, t~:trn "©(~S", "_t'g", "i:lt" ~~o
tEf$ntst, PJ~ffl-~ ABI.Jftito_t~~ ABI.JI11:~~~Jtill~.o t~:tio, *fa1 fti*, ¾~
~IP, ~11JPJ ~f$ntfttB "*~~rp" ; ItfftiI, ¾~!i., ~1fJPJ~f$ntfttB "I~!i." a
A Chinese name starts with the family name and ends with the given name, for example, in
the names ":$:J=l ", "i~tM" and "£.Jf", ":$", "i~t" and "£." are family names and "J=j ", "~jj" and
=u: are given names.
There are over 5,000 Chinese family names, among which more than 200 are commonly
seen. "5-jf', "£.", ":$" and ",l:X" are the most common ones. Such family names as have only one
character are known as single-character surnames. Most Chinese people have a single-character
surname. There are surnames with two or more characters also, which are called compound-
character surnames, such as "©:~B", "_t'§" and "it!f:r!".
A person can be addressed with his/her family name followed by his/her job or profession.
For instance, ":$:J=l" is a teacher, so we can call her ":$:~mW' (literally Teacher Li), while "£.jf"
is a doctor and we can call her "£.E&J:t:" (literally Doctor Wang).
Xicnzoi F diem
What's the time now

1&~ ti T 1m B~ i,'5_] i~m tix1 m B~ B1 j's]

Warm-up Match the pictures with the times.

05:00 _
.2:00 _
09:45 _

83: 05 ---

C,6: 30 _

010: 10__



Text Xianzai F diem?
A: J~,l±. JL •*'?
Xlonzo: shi diem shf fen.

B: J~,l±. -t •*' -t ~ o

Zhonqwu j'f diem chi fan?

A: tf 2t !LA 11t iJi?
Shi'er diem chi fan.
B: -
-t - .!; ,,,,_ be..
, .. , L lll...o

English Version New Words

A: What's the time now? 1. J~,lf:_ xicnzoi n. now
B: It's ten past ten. 2.A diem m. o'clock
A: When shall we have our lunch? 3. ~ fen m. minute
B: At twelve o'clock. 4. tf 2t zhonqwi, n. noon
5. 11t iJi chi fan v. to eat a meal

PIii tt* A.t home 11-2


Baba shenme shfhou huf jia?

A: %% 1t 2- Of1~ @1 ~?
Xiawu WU diem .
B: T -t- .Ji. ,~to
Women shenme shfhou qu kon dicnylnq?
A: -i\ 1f1 1t Z- at1l-¾- ;;t it JJ?

Liu diem scnshi fen.

B .• ...:--
,,,, =
,~,!;.. , - -l-
I ,t_~
'7J o

English Version New Words

A: When is father coming home? 6. at 1il shi hou n. time, moment
B: At five o'clock in the afternoon. 7.@] hut v. to come/go back,
A: When are we going to see the movie? to return
B: At half past six. 8. -i\ 1f1 women pron. we, us
dionylnq n. film, movie


Wo xinqqi yT qu Beijing.
A: -i\ X.JtJJ--i- ~t ,1, o

NY xi6ng zai Beijing zhu j1' tian?

B: 1,f- ~ ~ ~t ,1, 1-i JL .k?
Zhu son ticn.
A: 1-i ..::.. .ko
XTngqT wu qi6n nenq huf jia ma?
B: X. $JJ Ji. n;J nt @1 ~ µJli?
A•. At,
Flt. o

English Version New Words

A: I'll go to Beijing next Monday. 10. 1-i zhu V. to live, to stay
B: How long will you stay in Beijing? 11. fJl) qi6n n. before, earlier than
A: For three days.
Proper Noun
B: Can you come back before Friday?
A: Yes, I can. ~t ,1, Beijing Beijing, capital of China

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

j_! ff 11111 Bi (BJ s{J *its. Expression of Time

Notes ( 1) 1J.i-g-*~Bt!'EfJB/,JBt1~~ffl ",8" , ":fr" , i1HIEE7CIU1J\Ef{)JIID!ffo
",~" and "Jt" are used to express time in Chinese, observing the principle of "the
bigger unit preceding the smaller unit".

",~" means "o'clock", indicating a whole hour. For example:

9:00----+ 1t..A
11:00----+ -t-A
2:00----+ p;£j A C liang didn )
*ii.:t: ,t£.,1z.:it.2o'clockBt, ~111-iJLi1Jfr.~, (liangdian), ;;f--iJt,.::-A (erdian) o
Note: The counterpart of 2 o'clock in Chinese is "ilf:JA (liang didn)" instead of".::..,,#, (er

If it is not a "whole-hour" time, "7]'-" is used. The pattern is "· · · · · · ,~ · · · · · ·Jt". For

= -1-I ,,:c-.
5 •· 3 0 ----+ .1i.. , ,;.. ,- '7J ._

11 : 10 ----+ -t- -t :0--I~-

2:05 ----+ p;£j .~, lfng, zero) .1i.. :$J-

c 2) :tm*IR:fr J:lf-~~rlf-, ~~;ti:rt~ "J:lf-······,8 c •·····:fr) , rlf-······

,8 C ······:fr ) " o 1§Hm:
To distinguish a time before noon from one afternoon, the pattern "l: Lf- (morning)······
,~ ( · · · · · ·Jt) "or "r ~
(afternoon)······,~ ( · · · · · ·71"-) "is used. For example:

8: 00 am ----+ J:_ 2t- /\. A

3: 1 o pm ----+ T -t- -=-A -t :0--
5 : 25 pm ----+ T -t- .1i.. A -=- -t .1i.. :0--

illl Bii'BJi'iiHM:)jf:"iR Time Word Used as an Adverbial

straJ-tnJtE'tlJrr=p1$:~i-a-, ~11rt±l:E,ffitE±i-a-§JLI, m-aJQ,(tE±i-a-frJJLio 1§tl:tm:
When a time word serves as an adverbial modifier in a sentence, it often follows the
subject. Sometimes it can be used before the subject. For example:

Subject Time ( adverbial ) Predicate

JIHI!ci 1fk~o


Time ( adverbial ) Subject Predicate /II\


l!all 1'.:11-□ J '' -->-L-
~ '=1 F.JiJ '' The Noun "F.IIJ'' _,_,_

~ irtl "fir" PJ ~~7]\:r.mtE~~ ffriJUrf.J~,t-straJ ~ firsf.JstraJ o 1Jtl:tm =

The noun "filJ" can be used to refer to a period prior to the present time or the time
being mentioned. For example:

c 2) A: 1,r-1t z. at1~-¾- ~ :,K?

J; ~
B: /~, .. , f)lj o

( 3) A: 1,r-1t Z. Bt1~ W ~t ,15',?

~ it • ~
B: ~-}Jl :r- il1l O

( 4 ) A: ( 1,f- ) !I_ $Jl Ji. il;l tt W ~ .f!i?


11111 iJ'-ffi-§, AA -i~iJ)t Role-play the dialogues.

~ -:s:]
Exercises fa 1fH,@iJ)t ~ :g.@J~loJ~ Answer the questions based on the dialogues.
:rm *JL , J;?
0 >Jl;..j,µ::. .. ,. x·' ,. •V d•V1an.?

8 ~1f1 JL,it 111:.iJi? Tornen F diem chi fan?

O %%1t Z. Bt1~ W ~? Baba shenrne shfhou hui jia?

8 ~1f11t Z. Bt1~-¾-;;;fr it JJ? Tornen shenrne shfhou qu ken dionylnq?

C, ~* l }JF JL? 1t z. at 1~ tt W ~? Ta qu nor? Shen me shfhou nenq hui jia?

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

liimllll r=i=1 + , El3 ->-:i::-. ~ f,J, 'li-=- ~ .:r '=1 'li -1:++ ,..p. r1u 1-1-
l!.alll fTJ /+'- l,;;,r,;: mJ I 'r' r:1 'J 11=1 i='i '", /f 0 1-DJ 11=11~ ~ III n
Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

Ta zqi xuexico
#., ji_ *{~---0

Wang Fang zhongwu qu

_£ "7f 1f2f- __-¼
,ey;;1 __ 0

Tornen hen rnonq , xinqql liu

, ,--------------------,
__ -=r'""'
AR. •ti:(busy), }I.$Jj /\
, 1-tl!,1[1 _
• ye qonqzuo,
-tl!.. .I.fL

Ta shangwubu he cha, xiawu qion he cha.

#. J:. 1- ~ 11
~ Jt, T 2f- ~;l "~ :7t o

tJt-gf 1111 ~2.JEB~JJJit Function of Neutral-Tone Syllables ~ 11-4

&~~G~~~~-#~~~~.WH~~g%~~0 ~~=*W.~
ft "donqxi" 1§'nfil], il1t "donqxi" 1§'!lmi:fbo
The neutral tone in Chinese is not only a phonological phenomenon, but also a way to
distinguish meanings. For example, the word "JK®" refers to the directions east and west
when read as "donqxi", but when read as "donqxi", it means "thing/stuff'.

~-r (slang) father (n.)
Lao-tzu, an ancient Chinese
thinker (p.n.)

mdirnoi mdirno:
business (n.) to buy and sell (v.)

doyi doyl
careless (adj.) rough idea (n.)

5:X * 11111 iA iR ~i:(~* Single-Component Characters

""f" in Chinese refers to the period of time between 11 am and 1 pm.

( 2) "1:g" , *5(¾ rfflStJ(_ttJjJ_msf.]~5fiJ$iNBI.JIAJJ't, ¾-#~J_IJ_m~, 111

I=! :ftft L.[:; ,)l.:i

"Eg" originally referred to a sharp and multi-edged flash in the sky during a rain. It is
both a physical phenomenon and a type of energy.

,-.a-.t/~ _. ~ ltl T1111fTtJ


11111 5X *ffi ~ " ~ " 5¥□ " 1 " Chinese Radicals: " ~ " and " 1 "

{j~ ffinf {5U*

Radical Explanation Example Characters

El= JJ ~, -m:N~:1:-thJ~, 1iI:'e'=~ ~* o fjf, yuan courtyard

~ The radical " ~" is usually related to a
landform or location. fEl yang sun

Jf'.A~, -m:foA~~*o 1,r, nY (singular)

1 The radical "1" is usually related to a you
person. 1-tl!, ta he, him

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

i:Effl 11111 xJ<.A5%~ Pair Work

Application J~J;LA-iJL ffl ":EJ\1tE · · · · · · ,8 · · · · · ·Jt" iJHJffffiB"JBtfsJ o

Work in pairs and talk about the following times using the structure ":E,ffitE · · · · · · ,8 · · · · · ·::n\.".
Xicnzoi j'f diem?
1fIJ 10 : A: J!,i!.,µ:. JL A?
Xionzoi be diem shibo fen.
B: J!,i!.,µ:. i\. ,-?f, -t /~ n"-

illl JJ\t.13.5%~ Group Work

3~4A-ill' 1L:f§iBJl'oJJtic~- B ft,~,)J'[M' &i1lif-fir[P]~1[H~r'lft£0

Work in groups of 3-4. Ask about each other's daily routines and take notes. Each group
chooses one member to make a report.
N1 j'f diem chi zdofcn?
1fI]1o : A: 1,i JL A rit --ft&_?
W6 qi didn chi zcofon.
B: ~ ~ A rit --f i,&.o


1J,.3::. Xiao Wang /II\

\JL~ik. chi zcofcn 7:00

-:t_ ~ ,R_ 16i xuexico 8:20 I

J.,--js kcn shu
~~ h ,___
--f +-----+--
• .,;h-


:¾ ~fl\!., ken dicnshi
20:00 ~,tJ:...

Mf ngtian tionqi zenrneyonq

What will the weather be like tomorrow

1~~ ~7'1i'ITB~-fo.l-iRmtlx1&B~l!lh
Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.


Ieng re xia yu

• i{'- 81~ 8Tm
shul shulquo yishenq
• 1j(_ • 1f--*

il 3t 11111 tHe __t On the r-oad 12-1

Text Zuoticn Beijing de tionq) zenrneycnq?
A: 81 ~ ~t ,'5', €rv ~ ~ ;t ~ ;tf?
Tai re le.
B: ±1~ Jo
Mfngtian ne? Mfngtian ticnql zenmeycnq?
A: a}]~ %? a}]~~~ ;t~;tf? r _ - - - - - - -
Mfngtian ticnql hen hem, bu Ieng bu re. New Words
B: aJ) ~ ~~AR- ·lf, ~ i{'- ~1~ 0
I l. ~ ~ tionqi n. weather
- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _J ~ /.
2 • ,-:..; Z- ,f-f zenmeyang pron.
-!''V '

English Version (indicating nature, condition

A: How was the weather in Beijing or manner) how
yesterday? 3. ±_ tai adv. too, excessively
B: It was too hot. ±· · · · · · J to!«: ···le
A: What about tomorrow? What will too, extremely
the weather be like tomorrow? 4. 1~ re adj. hot
B: It will be fine, neither cold nor hot. 5. i{'- Ieng adj. cold

• 7,
.Jlntlon hu) xia yu ma?
A: 4'--~ ¾ Tm 2J7

.Jintion bu hu) xia yu.
B: 4'--~ ~ ¾Tmo

A: _f_
Wang xiaojie jintion hu) 16i ma?
Bu hul Icl ,
4'-- ~ ¾ *
tionq) tai Ieng le.

B:~½*, ~ q, k 14'-- T o

English Version New Words

A: Will it rain today? 6. Tm xio yuto rain
B: No, it won't rain. T xia V. (of rain, snow, etc.) to fall
A: Will Miss Wang come today? f,f:j yu n. ram
B: No, she won't. It's too cold. 7. ,J,-ui xiaojie n. miss, young lady
8.* 16i V. to come

BIii 1:Emm In the ~ickroom 12-3

N1 shentl zenrneycnq?
A: 1,f- ~ 1f.- :t ~ :f-f 7
Wo shentl bu tai hco. Ticnql tai re le,
B: -i\ ~1f.-~ kif o ~ q__±_ 1~ T ,
bu ai chi fan.
&11,t. be.
_,,.__ ~ lll.. o

Nl' duo chl xie shulquo , duo he shul.
A: 1,f- J, t 11
.Jc.t, 1](. J, &5
1](. 0

Xiexie nl , yishenq.
B: -i~* 1,T- , ffi. .1. o

English Version New Words

A: How are you? * 9. ~1f.- shentl n. body
B: Not very well. It's too hot. I have no 10. i: ai to like, to love

appetite. 11. ;t.t, xie m. some, a few

A: Eat more fruit and drink more water. 12. 1](.* shuTgu6 n. fruit
B: Thank you, doctor. 13. 1](. shul n. water

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

jiff 11111 ~!i'oJ1tiii.l "~¼.it$" The Interrogative Pronoun "$¼.ft''

Notes ":& ¾tf" J=fHIOBJ l'oJ~?£ o 1Jtl:tm:
";'&¼~"is used to ask about the condition of something or someone. For example:
(1 ) 1,t €8 ix. i½ ,i. Z {{-?
C 2) 1,t -k½ -k½ :!r 1:f- ,i. Z {{-?
( 3 ) fl}] ~ ~ q_ ,i. Z {{-?

fa Ii~i~i,:g.lo] Sentences with a Subject-Predicate Phrase as the Predicate

In Chinese, there is such a kind of sentence in which the predicate is a subject-

predicate phrase. The structure is:

~Ip) ±i-B-+~ip]i~i-a Subject of the Sentence + Predicate of the Sentence

( ±i-B-+i~i-a) (Subject+ Predicate)


•tl~: ±0~*t~~*~~~±0~*~-~~~½-~~~o
Note: The subject in the subject-predicate phrase is usually part of the subject of the sentence or
related to it.

ill 1iffl:j1J iii.I "j:" The Adverb ":k"

iiLlirtJ ":;k" *lJ\liffl'.~s"J~x.o ffl "j(' s"JJpJm#w "T" a ~5EJpJ::;f

ffl "T" a f§tl:fta:
The adverb "j;:" indicates a high degree. "T" is often used at the end of the sentences
with "j;:", but not in negative sentences. For example.
C 2) ~ q,_i__;} T o
(3) -1\ :!r #- ~ .k.:lit 0


IJI ftg~~i,'~J "~" ( 2 ) The Modal Verb"~" (2)

"~" tf/pJ~~lJ\ElriJtsf.Jt~6L~PJf'l~~:f!Mo 1Ytl~O:

"~" indicates the possibility of the situation mentioned. For example:

( 1 ) A: % % /\.)\ #J ½ @7 ~ 9J1i ?


. z. 0

( 2 ) A: fl}) _:kJt ½ J1i ?


B:~½* 0

( 3) A: 4'--:k_½rif:i J?i? 9

B: 4'-- ;k_ ;r. ¾ r if:i o

~ :5J 11111 1-J'- ffi-§. AA i,~i,J3e Role-play the dialogues .

Exercises fa 11:HJl!'ii,J}C fAJ.m.@J~i'oJfill Answer the questions based on the dialogues.

O a"f :k_~t ,'J', a1 :k_ ~ ,i: Z. ;,f;f? Zuotion Beijing de ticnql zenrneyonq?

• fl}] :k_:k_ ~ ;t Z. ;.f;f? Minqticn ticnq) zenmeycnq?

0 4'--:k_½ r if:j J?i? 9

.Jinticn hul xio yu ma?

8 __f_ ,J,~½* J?i? 9

Wang Xiaojie hul loi ma?

C, ~ a1 ~ 1:f-:t z. ;,f;f? Ta de shentl zenrneycnq?

r..1111 i:+i+'El3-'-:i:;_~f,J,'li~~.:f ''='l'li-l:++'~rfil µ._

l!.all /i:J/+'-l-;ir-;~1 T~'J1r::i i==i ,,,,,rD1°J1r::irl:Ek'.tl3=ln

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

-kI!:;-kI!:; __;r. *
bu toi hdo.
ff 0

Mf nqticn ticnql hen hco , bu hui

fl}] ;k_ ;k_ ~ ,ff~ ff , ½ ::r. o

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

Wang Xioojie ai chi"

_f_ ,J,-U ~ rrt _
bu ai ch, fan.
~ ~ rrt fh..a

.Jinticn tianq1 n1 duo he shul.

A,~ ~ ~---' 1,f- J !5 1J<.

Ht~ 1111 -if7Ji'~li€is{Jp§"ifH~~c □ ( 1 ) : -p§"if7JfF~ ~ 12-4

Pinyin Tone Collocation in Trisyllabic Words (1): words starting with a first-tone syllable
====== 1+1+1 1+1+2 1+1+3 1+1+4
xinqqi yT binqjill ng xTngqT wu xinqqi liu
Monday ice-cream Friday Saturday
1+2+1 1+2+2 1+2+3 1+2+4
qTngjiegong zhu6mfc6ng chi pf ngguo Jian6da
cleaner to hide and seek to eat an apple Canada

1+3+1 1+3+2 1+3+3 1+3+4

qoojioobel dui xueren hue yusan chi rnlfcn
goblet to make a snowman colorful umbrella to eat rice
1+4+1 1+4+2 1+4+3 1+4+4
ham,gua jTqken bolanggu yiwushl
Hami melon robot rattle-drum medical room

~ 11111 ' I 1-r,~.'
)frh 1+ ~
.:tl. 14-'T Single-Component Characters
"Jc" originally meant "the top of the head". It later means "sky", opposite to "f{g (earth)".


C 2) "E(" , '¥%~ "-=-" ;t§{pJ, ~}~,~19:~ -JEs'-1%~, {ttJl. j~ § Elr~;fff

Shaped like ".=.", "~" refers to the air, which has no shape or size and can spread

l/1<1•11•1••1 !Jtl
"ffi" is shaped like raindrops falling from the sky, indicating the natural phenomenon-

fa ).><. ffi ~ "f' 5¥□ " t " Chinese Radicals: " ~ " and " t "

Example Characters

-Jx'¥'J'i-, -f.Jifo-Jxti~ ** o

The radical "f' is usually related to

~]. jie elder sister
-kl!:; ma mother

i ~'¥,Ji, -f.JifO~to/J~3co is.. fan meal

The radical " t" is usually related to food. ti: yYn to drink

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

:i:Effl 11111 xJCA.5%~ Pair Work

Application mA-f_ft, ffl "jc••····T" 1~iliif11ro
Work in pairs and make comments using "j(•• · · · · T" or its negative form.
Ta de Honyii zenmeycnq?
11 1] ~o : A: ~ fl; i5l i½ ;t Z,. :f-f ?
Bu tai hem/ Tai hco le.
B: ~ ±_ -ff I ±_ tf J o

- - - - - - - - - - ,
Beijing de tionqi Ieng re
~t. ,'j', fl; k ~ 1} -tA

Zhonqquo cai hcochi

tf lJ;l ~ -lf 11t
nage dionyl ng haokan
}J~/i'-- it JJ :H ;fr
Wang kioshi xie de Hanzl hao
_f_ ~ Vif1 'Ji:i frJ i5l -'t -lf
- - - - - - - - - .J

fa JJ,tfl5%~ Group Work

3-4A-t_§_ , 1Lt§ it r6J *ic ~ ::f IP] :tnx rrr ~ iliJL:x s'-J *~ tiR , 4ij m w-1iI IP]$
Work in groups of 3-4. Ask each other about the recent weather conditions in different cities
and take notes. Each group chooses one member to make a report.
Zuotion Beijing tionq) hoc ma?
11 1
] ~o : A: frf k ~t. ,'f, k ~ -lf R; ?

Zuoticn hen hco. Bu Ieng bu re.

B: frf k Ai -lf o ~ 1} ~ 1~ o

Mfngtian hu) xia yu ma?

A: aJ] k ½T f,f:j 9
R; ?
Mf nqticn bu hu) xia yu,
B: aJ] k ~ ½T f,f:j o



: 1~-M-
Yesterday's Weather

: ;rkJf
Today's Weather
Tomorrow's Weather

: ;r-k.f, 1~ ;,4-

: Beijing
: hen hco
: bu
toi hoc : bu hco,
hen Ieng


Ta zoi xue zuo Zhonqquo coi ne

1tf!1±~1l ql 00 ~Qft
He is learning to cook Chinese food

1&$r ~ 7' 1m s~ i.'5J i.Rm tixi m. s~ oo J:t

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.

.~ ken dicnshl

d6 dicnhuo
ken shu

-~ 45
zuo fan
shui jiao
• flt. 1t
8 .tr it it Ct 1ti iJi f
• ,'lb g

il"$1:.. 11111 tT~ ii! On the Phone 13-1

Text Wei, nl zoi zuo shenrne ne?
A: R, 1,t- 4:.1ti 1t ~ % ?

W6 zoi ken shu ne.

ye zai ken shu ma?

A: :k.Jl ~ ,&. ~ 45 112J?

* %0
Ta mei ken shu , ta zai xue zuo Zhonqquo cai ne.
B: 1-t!:. it ~ 45, 1-t!:.,&. 'If 1ti tf l!l
English Version New Words
A: Hello, what are you doing? 1. R
wei int. hello,hey
B: I'm reading. *2. ~ ye adv. also, too
A: Is David reading too? 3 .f>-J
,'lb '(l (,'lb)
er xuexi (xue) V.
B: No, he isn't. He is learning to to study, to learn
cook Chinese food. Proper Noun
:Jc Jl Dowel David

In a coffee house 13-2

Zuotion shangwu nl zci zuo shenme ne?
at~ J:..-t- 1,t-,&.1~ 1tz.
Wo zai shu) jioo ne. NY ne?
B: -1\ ,&. tl4 1t % 1,7-%? o

Wo zai jio ken dionshl ne. NY xYhuan ken dionshi ma?

A: -1\ ,&. ~ ~ ~i~ %0 1,7- -!-;k ~ ~i~ Ri? 11

Wo bu xYhuan ken dionshl, wo xYhuan ken dlcnylnq.

B: -1\ ~-!- ;k ~ ~ i~ , -1\ -!- ;k ~ ~ IJ o

English Version New Words

A: What were you doing yesterday 4. J:..-t- shangwu n. morning, before noon
morning? 5. tl41t shul jioo V. to sleep
B: I was sleeping. What about you? 6. ~i~ dionshi n. television
A: I was watching TV at home. Do 7. -!-;k x'fhuan v. to like, to be fond of
you like watching TV?
B: No, I don't. I like seeing movies.

Ill 1:E~~~1J0:i: In the school office 13-3

Ba er son lfng SI yco WU WU' zhe sh) u laoshT de dionhuo ma?
A: 82304155, ~Jl.-t::t"1if1 MJ ~1\5- Ri? 11

Bu sh). Ta de dionhuo sh) be er son lfng s1 yco wu liu.

B: ~Jl. -¼l!!.€rJ ~it Jl.
0 82304156 0

Hao, wo xinnzdi gei ta da dionhuo.

A: ·ff , -1\ JJ\!, ,&. ~ -¼I!!. ,fr ~ it o
Ta zai gongzuo ne, nl xiawu da ba.
B: -¼I!!. ,&. .1.. ff % , 1,7- T -t- Jr 11~ o

English Version New Words

A: 82304155. Is that Ms. Li's " 8. ~ ge1 prep. to
telephone number? 9. Jr ~-it do dicnhuo
B: No. Her number is 82304156. to make a phone call
A: OK. I'll call her right now. " 10. 11~ ba part.
B: She is working. Call her in a modal particle used at the end of
the afternoon. a sentence to indicate consultation,
a suggestion, request or command

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

j,i~f Ill U.><. i,'5] "U~" The Interjection "O~"

N ote s ~ ~A :J'J Ef!i i!~~tt PJd'11J A Ef!i i,frF* B1 s"J ift J=IH-7½ o 1ftl :tm :
The word is often used when calling someone or answering a phone call. For example:
(1) A: vpl, -t,:t~if1~~11l!j7
B: ~~~~, -¾-*K- To
( 2 ) A: 11R ' 1,t- ~3R I J, ~ 11.f!i?
B.. ~J- ,~.,,s
'.J' 1~ ...........»

( 3) A: 11R, 1,?-~1Jt1t Z- % ?
B: ,t\~~11%0

RIii "ft · · · · · · Oft" * 7J' iJ:J f(IE ft Jtt fr

"-tE ······Oft" Used to Indicate an Action in Progress
i9JiP]lW :itlto_t iiJ iP] "t£" , ~~1iJ*ffli-\1½E(Jl}JiP] "rlJB" ~7J\i9Jf'f iEtEit!:
fro fJu:tm =
An action in progress can be expressed by adding the adverb "ft" before a verb or by
using the modal particle "~" at the end of a sentence. For example:

ft Verb+Object
..... · .............................................................................................. · .............................................................................................. · ......................
( ~)
~ Ji_ ~-Jt 13/t. 0

1,t- s. •
1~1tz,. 13/t.?
,J,J:. I Ji_ 'f 5J ix_ i½ O

1~9: (tE) +i9JiP]li9JiP]iP]t_§_l~/]\~JE, 1:i]~~§~ffi "rlJB" 0 1§tl:t!D:

The negative form is "j)t (ft) + Verb/Verb Phrase", without"~" at the end of the
sentence. For example:


11111 E§, i%%ii~ B~ *:i! Expression of Telephone Numbers

Ef!i~%~~~~~-~~*~~~~~~~o Ef!i~%~~-~-~~
P J:fl l " :>d*J../X.,
r+r r'th ,!#-r r-'-,
-;3;Ef ''*-, cP.- " - "
":,1F:IT 1::J'.l::V.-'r
yao o J-,;,1 I-fr n

Telephone numbers are read in a different way than general numbers. They are read
digit by digit. The number "l" in a telephone number is read "yco". For example:
( 1) 8069478 bo If ng liu jiu SI qi be
( 2) 13851897623 yoo son be wu yoo bo jiu qi liu er son
( 3) 82304156 be er son If ng s1 yco wu liu

IJI t:g9,!l}Ji,iij "□ ~" The Modal Particle "□ fl:!," 1DJ
i! "=C i!JJ ifIT " P~ " J=iltE tfr 111D *m , ~ 7J\ J1 i5l ~ ti- ifll ~ JJ1J A , 11 i! "=C ~
fO o fJtl:tm:
When used at the end of an imperative sentence, the modal particle "P~" indicates a *
suggestion or command with a softened mood. For example:
( 1) A: ~ JL it~ A., -it~ 11l1:.o
B: -iM"-i~L
( 2 ) A: 1'- .:k.,t\ 1f1 ,G:. ~ 11t iJiYl1:. 0

B: -lf o
( 3 ) A: ,t\J!t,G:.i¼~-h 1£, -i'f; 0

B: ~ 4:- .:I.. 1'Jc % , 1,i T -t- .fr 11e:. o

fl 3J 11111 ~'-jfj "§, AA-il"ilX. Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises r.m1111-ia+.E2.'El3-rrrti,.,,_,r,::;-i~'::;-,s;i:;-
~ 'IV<1Jti l,7J':.x.. J.AJ ~ 8 .:::i 0J~ i .
Answer the questions based on the dialogues.

O k .E. 4:.1ti 1t z. % ? Dowel zai zuo shenrne ne?

f) 8'f .:k.J:..-t-1~,G:.{r-=f$ vJJ:i? Zuotion shonqwu ta zai ken shu ma?

8 fll:.1f1 ~-!-Jk.{r 1£.1Jt vJJ:i? Tornen dou x'ihuan ken dionshi ma?

8 ~~Vijl&J 1£.-i'fi½J~)tJ :Y? U looshi de dicnhuo haoma sh) duoshco?

8 ~ ~ ViJ14:.1ti 1t Z. % ? U lcoshi zai zuo shenrne ne?

DI ffl *-iliJr ~ s{J i,~/~ ,9- l□ i,iij t:~HsB£ 00 lt

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

Anni zai ne.
(Anne) ,G:. o/t,o !

Mama zoi
-kl!:; JI!; #:---0

Ta mei ken shu , zai

fll:. it {r i7 ' #:----0
Ta mei qonqzuo , ne.
~it .:r..1t, %0

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

Pinyin Tone Collocation in Trisyllabic Words (2): words starting with a second-tone syllable

2+1+1 2+1+2 2+1+3 2+1+4

ycnjiushenq tan gangqf n tushuqucn weishenqsu
postgraduate to play the piano library vitamin
2+2+1 2+2+2 2+2+3 2+2+4
yf nhcnqjto H6ngu6 ren H6ngu6 yu renmf nbi
banker Korean (people) Korean (language) RMB

2+3+1 2+3+2 2+3+3 2+3+4

youyonqyi y6uy6ngchf y6uy6ngguan niuzdiku
swimming suit swimming pool natatorium Jean
2+4+1 2+4+2 2+4+3 2+4+4
moshushi fuwuyuon bowuquon mi nqxinpion
magician waiter, waitress museum postcard

~ 11111 l,j\
' I l,/,1,'.jj.14'T
'D ){r+, I+ ~ Single-Component Characters
The character" B" uses the image of the sun and its basic meaning is "the sun".

C 2) "§" :,~JLU!s"J%~, :;tS(:,iJLU! a

The character"§" uses the image of an eye and its basic meaning is "eye".

(3) ":53" , :;tSz.¾ "~" :iifaW&Jl:l:-tl!.rH:53, jjsJUJtt!s"J;fiflt, },mfr"~"

fp ":53" r9.:1t¾&:ffo
The original meaning of ":53" was to learn and repeatedly review to achieve
proficiency. In modern Chinese, however, it means pretty much the same as "~ (to

'u~Jp--'-- " B " +
r...1111 1Arl,f!IJ~
~ ,y □ "§" T h e C h.mese Ra a·ica 1 s "B" an a "§"
{ffea~ ~nf {?~* ~
Radical Explanation Example Characters
B '¥*, -~fOBti'i=fJ~ :k* o fl}] mfng next
a The radical "B" is usually related to time. at shi time

§'¥*, -~fUHIHl~:k*o
Il The radical "H" is usually related to the
§El yon eye
El½ shul to sleep

:lliffl 11111 5lJ. CA.5%M Pair Work

Application p;J;f,A-f]., ffl "Efi=:7e······,~, ~tE······ C ~) " iJliJl§ cEfi=:7es'-J1!~0

Work in pairs and talk about what you did yesterday using the pattern "Bl::x······,~, i\t
1£······ (1%) ".
Zuoticn xiawu WU diem, n] zai zuo shenrne ne?
1,,1 -ko : A: a'p ~ r -t- 3i- A , 1,t- Ii- 1fk 1t z.. % ?
Zuoticn xiawu WU diem, WO zoi xuexi ne.
B: a1p ~ r -t- .Ji_ A , ~ Ii- ~ s; % 0

[chi:n -m0~6n; - - - -do - - - - ,

ken dicnshl dicnhuo shui jioo
11tiJi ~ ;$ il!, :;fr- '€,~ Jr 1€,1,72 §i- 1t
- - - - - - - - - - - - .J

11111 Jj\~f15%M Group Work

3-4A-f]., :!LHH1iJl'iiJ tti, i%%ti1b1Hc~, 4ijJ].if-1ir[P]$:J:li1a-'tw6to

Work in groups of 3-4. Ask each other's telephone numbers and take notes. Each group
chooses one member to make a report.

D.I 9i:8 Name I. I Egi,~ Phone Number I


1 : +.1.. Xiao Wang 139-0135-1290

Ta rncile bu shoo yifu

~ti!~ 7 ~ ~~~fl
She has bought quite a few clothes

1&~ tt TOO s~ i.~ 1~m t~xi f2 s~ ~ J:t

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.

pfngguo che yHu

O+* 84 0-RR!l
shcnqdicn shudion YTngyu shu
-~Ar 0 i7Ar • ~i¼ i7

il3t 11111 i:Ets'% In the do.-m •

Text Zuotion shangwu n1 qu nor le?
A: at~ J:.t- 1,t--¼11JJ~ JL T?
Wo qu shonqdion rndi donqxi le.
B: -i\-¼ ~Ar ~ tt-ifr!T o

NY mai shenme le?

A: 1,t- ~ 1t Z- T ?
Wo rndile yldionr pfngguo.
B: -i\ ~ T-.~t JL +*o
English Version New Words
A: Where did you go yesterday morning? 1. ft- ifrJ donqxi n. thing, stuff
B: I went shopping. 2. -,,k.JL yidicnr num.-m. a few,
A: What did you buy? a little
B: I bought some apples. 3. +* pf nggu6 n. apple

• j
N'f konjirm Zhang xicnshenq le ma? ~
A: 1,r- ~ YL 5~ 7t. 1.. T .!!J?
11 1>
Kanjian le, ta qu xue kai che le.
B: ~ JiL T , 1-tl!.-!- ~ -Jf- -$- T o

Ta shenrne shfhou nenq huflai?

A: 1-tl!. 1t Z- Bf 1~ 1m @1 *?
Slshi fenzhonq hou huflai.
B: 40 ~4f J6 @l*o
English Version New Words
A: Have you seen Mr. Zhang? 4. ~ YL kcnjion V. to see
B: Yes. He has gone to a driving 5. ?t.1.. xionshenq n. Mr., sir
lesson. 6. -Jf- koi V. to drive
A: When can he come back? 7. 4 che n. car, vehicle
B: After 40 minutes. 8. @]* huflai v. to come back
9. ~4r fenzhonq n. minute
10. )6 hou n. after, afterwards, later
Proper Noun
5~ Zhong Zhang, a Chinese family name

11111 -tE ~ JS n □ Outside a stor-e 14-3

Wang Fang de yifu tci pioolicnq le.
A: l -jj MJ-RJJ!Lk. ,'$-!: T !
Sh1 a, ta motle bushco yifu.
B: Jl"~, ~~ T ~1- -RJJ!lo
N'f mai shenme le?
A: 1,Y- ~ 1t Z- T ?

*= ' ~, •
Wo mei mai, zhexie dou shl Wang Fang de donqxi.
B : --IX. -rt, ;J:t. ..itrr a ,: ' hh f.:. ..:11'...
(5l. _.='- Ml~ .?Z _:i:... 7f J:I 'J i'Ji, \!,::.J 0

English Version New Words

A: Wang Fang's dress is so pretty! 11. ,R}J)l ylfu n. clothes
B: Yes. She has bought quite a few 12. ,'$ ,!: picolionq adj. beautiful, pretty
clothes. *13. "~ a part.
A: What did you buy? a modal particle used at the
B: I bought nothing. All these are end of a sentence as a sign of
Wang Fang's stuff. confirmation or defense
14. 1- shoo adj. little, few
~1- bushco adj. quite a few, many
15. j_!_;J:.t. zhexie pron. these
16. ~ dou adv. both, a11

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

jiff (II "J" *£~9X3BPX. "7" Indicating Occurrence or Completion

Notes "T" J=ll=flaJffio 11tl:trn:
"T" can be used at the end of a sentence. For example:

" T " JtFf ziliiiu J§- w ¾mo ziliiiu J§- 13,g ¾ m fir 00-f.N~~ JE m , ~o lt~iiu ~
%~iiu, 1-tiiu~ a 11tl~O:
"T" can also be used between a verb and its object. There is usually a modifier before
the object of the verb, such as a numeral classifier, an adjective or a pronoun, etc. For


xj£p;);J# m~B,g "1,, 13,g~JE%i\¾ = I f9: + zilii,Pj c + ¾i:a) I , "1,, ~*

1¥0 11tl~O:
The negative form of "T" in both cases above is "j~ + verb + (object)". In the
negative form, "T" should be omitted. For example:


fa:giii] "]§-" TheNoun"f§"

The noun "j§-" indicates a period after the present time or the time being mentioned.
For example:
( 1) _li_}U6 40;}4'!1 ro £$JJ-=../6
( 2) A: 1,t- !L.~,-!-.:r..fp
B: /\.Aro 0

( 3) A: 1,t-1t ~ Bf{~ @J ;f?

B: _li_,~,/6 o

(4) A: 1-1!!,1t~Bt1~tt@J*?
B: 40;}4f /6 @J *o
iJII ii§ '7,!l.}J iii] "□ jliIT" The Modal Particle "!lfaJ"

i!~iAJ f3!1D-=fw __t-m~tfB~o "PlfiIT" 11t~iU

"PlfiIT" ffltE~J£1ij;R,
$-*~~~~~®~~~~~~~. ~oo__t~~~~~~~~~~*o
The modal particle "PjfiiJ" is used at the end of a declarative sentence to set the mood.
The pronunciation of "PjfiiJ" varies with the finals of the sy11ables before it, and in written
Chinese, the variants are represented by different characters sometimes.

The Final of the Syllable before It 11 The Pronunciation of "O!laJ" J

a e 0 u a-ia
LI ao ou a-ua
-n a-na
-ng a-nga
-i ( zi, ci, si r:p ) a-za
-i ( zhi, chi, shi , ri r:p ) a-ra

( 1) A: 1,t-Jtl ,J,-U vl!j7

k.")\>T o
( 2) A: 1,t- ~-!-11t tf1 vl!j7
B : if "M'" o
C 3 ) A: l ~ frJ -RA!l±. i~ '.ft T !
B: k. "M'" , ~ ~ T -1' ),· -RAil o

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

Ell jlji,'5_] "l~" The Adverb "t'W'

"t~" *~-gJ!~$, FJr,gJ!B"Jxt~~,~jfr~tE "t~" B"JfiJTiiL 1Jtl:ti□ :

"ti~" means "both/all". The people or objects included are put before "ti~". For
C1) -1\ 1f1 ~Jl 'f IN Ao
(2) 1~ 1f1 ~ ¼ Jk. !5 :;t11

( 3) ~;tl:,~)l_!..:;t&1lt-iR70

fl :s:J llllljJ'-jr§,Wh~i,J)t Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises r.mllll-¼B+E2-'E!3'
~ 'r~x11t11-:,r;;X r+,m,r,:,i~'::;-,sz-
1.AJ ~8
i J~ Answer the questions
.::i 0
based on the dialogues.

O at _k_J:._ -t- ~-¼ l }JF JL T ? Zuotion shangwu ta qu nor le?

O ~~ 1t 2- T? Tamai shenme le?

8 5~7t. 1- 1t 2- Bt1~ n~ @J :t-? Zhang xionshenq shenme shfhou nenq huflai?

8 L :;t ~ 1t 2- T ? Wang Fang mai shenme le?

8 _!.. :;t €1'1 fl}] h_~ 1t 2- J? Wang Fang de penqyou mai shenme le?

DI J=ll~ilfJr ~ s{J i,:g ~ ,9-l□ i,'5_l-HHsB£ II] ,h

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.
WW ·~ Mama qu shonqdion rnnile
-k½-k½ -¼ ~ ffi ~T --0

Ta xiawu qu xue le.

~ r-t--¼ ~---To

Zhuozi shang sh) Zhang xionshenq

:t--t J:._ __ )l 5~ 7t.1-
de donqxi.
€1'1 ft- iR7 0 Uli rncile yifu.
FJR FJR ~ J i<--mlo


Pinyin Tone Collocation in Trisyllabic Words (3): words starting with a third-tone syllable

3+1+1 3+1+2 3+1+3 3+1+4

xYyTjT putong ren z6ngjTngll' huoche pico
washing machine common people general manager train ticket
3+2+1 3+2+2 3+2+3 3+2+4
shlxuejio jlnqchcju meinonzl rneironqyucn
historian police station handsome man beauty salon
3+3+1 3+3+2 3+3+3 3+3+4
bicoydnjid xido y6nyu6n MYl6oshu yonchcnqhu)
performer little actor Mickey Mouse concert
3+4+1 3+4+2 3+4+3 3+4+4
dozijl pcobu xie meishuqucn do dicnhuo
tapewriter running shoes art gallery to make a phone call

5x* 11111 i1'i5Hiit-¥ Single-Component Characters

"3f;tt" 0

Shaped like two hands pulling a door latch, the original meaning of "ff" was to pull
out the door latch and open the door. Now it has many meanings, such as "ff$ (to
drive a car)" and "ff ::it (to bloom)".

(2) "$", *ffMf~~:ff~lm:ill~~-~~r, *x.¾~~r, 34-l=htir~

B"J St 4 I J!. , JJ\1 tE r£ t~ ~ffi __t ~ ~ , 3(:im I J!. , :tm " tlHH $" , "j( $" o
"$", originally shaped like an equipment with a wheel on both sides, referred to
a wheeled vehicle used in wars, pulled by an ox or a horse. Now it refers to all the
vehicles on land for transportation, such as "ti:! f_§_.$ (taxi)" and ";}($ (train)".

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

( 3) "@I" , '¥%{J7J(1;1t@IJJJEB1-J~~. *x¾ "JJJE~" , J§~~ "~, @I*" a

"@!" is shaped like a whirling flow of water. It originally meant "to rotate", and now it
means "to return".

[, I /[ffiIWJIH(l'!(I#(
fa 5Y. *ffi ~ "~" :fD " t" Chinese Radicals: "~" and" t"
{ffeo~ ~nf 19~*
Radical Explanation Example Characters

~~ ~. -~fo,,AJt, ~~::k*o
Al fu clothes
~ The radical "B" is usually related to human
body or flesh. JJt- pang fat

1£-¥~, -~*7J\f0-¥~3cB1-J$J1to
.t -tr da to beat, to hit
The radical " 1'" usually indicates an action
related to a hand. .t~ zhao to look for

:iliffl 11111 xJ.A5%~ Pair Work

Application WilA-ill., iBJl'oJxt1J!J!1;J*B1-J!lmifb o

Work in pairs and ask about the things your partner has bought.
N'f qu shonqdicn mdi shenme le?
11 Ho :
A: 1,i -¾- ~ lb ~ 1t z_ 1 ?
W6 maile······
B: .t¾. ~J······
pfnggu6 zhuozi shu

+* *-j- -fl


fa ;J\t!l5%~ Group Work

3-4A-t_§_, 1tt1=1imr6JJtic~1J\t_§_~fft-3cs"Jmi9J, fijJ_§_ i!-1irfPJ~11I1a-

Work in groups of 3-4. Ask about what each of your group member did during a day
in the past and take notes. Each group chooses one member to make a report.
Xinqqi yT shcnqwu n] zuo shenme le?
11 -ko :
1J A: !I_ $J] - J:. .lf- 1,?- 1tk 1t Z- T ?
W6 qu dionylnqyuon le.
B: ~ -¼ itJJFX To
N'i ken shenme le?
A:1.t- ~ 1tz r?
W6 kcnle yf ge Zh6nggu6 dicnylnq.
B: ~ ~ J-/i'- 'f §1 itJJ o

DI A:25 Name 811'8] Time itBn Place 1!)(1+¼ Activity

: +-1.
11 11
. '

: £.J.n--1..t- : itl~ft :¾1-1--itl;

I1 I • V
: Xiao Wang

: xinqqi yT shcnqwu: dicnylnqyucn


kcnle yf ge diany'ing

W6 sh) zuo feiF 16i de

I came here by air

i&~ ~ 7' oo s{J i5J 1Rm tl x-t m. s{J l!I ~

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases.

~ j~:'-;•.w~,~~:.. · , .
. , ' I •
- '.! .,
m1:1 .

feijr chuzuche daxue
0 ~,fJL • tB :;fll.4-
fond ion trng koi che
• i.i..Jb Ct"Jr" • -fr 4-

il3t 111111:Ett~~ At the dinina table 15-1

Text N'f he U xiaojie sh) shenrne shfhou renshi de?
A: 1,t- :fi:r 4c , J, -M. Jt 1t ~ at 1~ iJ-.. iR MJ ?
Women sh) er lfng yr yr ni6n jiu yue renshi de.
B: -1\ 1f1 )t 2011 -+ 9 }] iJ-.. iR fr-; 0

N'fmen zai nor renshi de?

Women sh) zai xuexioo renshi de, to sh) wo dcxue tonqxue.

B: -1\ 1f1 ft 4:. ~,ti iJ-..iR a'fr, ~k-1\ :k. ~ M ~ o

English Version New Words

A: When did you and Miss Li first meet? renshi V. to meet, to know
B: We met in September, 2011. 2.-+ ni6n n. year
A: Where did you meet each other? 3.:k_~ dcxue n. college, university
B: We met in our university. She was
my classmate.

flll ft t&Js n IJ Outside a hotel 15-2
• ~fl,

A: 1,r-1f1 Jl :t ~ *
NYmen sh) zenrne 16i fondion de?

in../4 MJ?

U xidnshenq ne?
Women sh) zuo chuzuche 16i de.

.-f\ 1f1 Jl ~ ±: ;fll -$- 61 o

A: * ~1- %?
Ta sh) he penqyou ylql kai che 16i de.
B: 1~ Jf._{13 JJ}]h.. -~fr -$- * {rfr o

English Version New Words

A: How did you come here? 4. in../4 fcndicn n. hotel, restaurant
B: We came by taxi. 5 . ±: ;fll -$- chuzuche n. taxi, cab
A: What about Mr. Li? * 6. -~ ylql adv. together
B: He drove here with his friend.

11111 ft 0 iiJ In the company 15-3

Hen gaox)ng renshi n(n! u xiaojie.
A: ~e. -ii" ~ : r ·o ,{,t !
,ii;:<- la] /' 1-A 1,/, ,~ . *1J,-k[o

Henshi nY wo ye hen gaox1ng!

B : il if- 1,7- .-f\ ~ A~ ~

Ting Zhang xionshenq shuo , run shi zuo
A: 11)f {~ ~ 1- i}L , ~ Jl ~

~ iJL *
16i Beijing de?

~t. ,y, MJ ?

English Version New Words

A: Nice to meet you, Miss Li. gaox)ng adj. glad, happy
B: Nice to meet you too. 8. 11)f tTng v. to listen
A: Mr. Zhang said you came to Beijing 9. ~iJL feiji n. airplane
by plane, didn't you?
B: Yes, I did.

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

j_t '' 11111 "~ · · · · · · B~ " "°J : ssi ifJ Bi !'BJ , ±fu ,~ , JJ "rt

Notes The Structure "~ · · · · · · s{J": used to emphasize time, place or manner

tEB~~li$ ~£'.::l::B{Jtf£r' PJ~ffl "¾······B/,J" 5£iJWJ$ ~£'.::l::B{JBt

1 1

l'sJ , :t-t!t~ , jj :if:/!/f, o ~ 5E /pJ fO ~k f6}'riJ i:p B/,J "¾" * PJ ~ ~, I11?t , i!f 5E /pJ i:p ~ f'l~
~-Ill?t 0

When the occurrence of something is known, "¾ · · · · · · 8'9" can be used to emphasize
when, where and in which manner it occurred. "¾" can be omitted in positive and
interrogative sentences, but not in negative sentences.

Subject ¾ Time/Place/Manner Verb 8'9

* a10
~ )t_
ii ?Z_ ,fi_~t,,7, ~ a10
1,t1i1 )t_ :t z. *i,&.Jb a1?

i!f5E%:r\'.;: The negative form:

Expression of a Date (2): year, month, date, day of the week

iX it i:p B M B/,J ~ i! fo ii~ if~ ¾M iU 1J\ a ~~ %fl'Jii ili &~~ * , :J'I} 1Jo
__t "~" ; Jj, B~iiili~~~*' :J'l}1Jo__t "Jj" , "Bl-%" a £MB/,Jii~
¾ "£M" 1Jo__t~*o :tm "2008~8,)'j 8%, £Mn" ii~¾ "er lfng lfng ba
mon be yue be hem, xinqql wu" a

Chinese dates are written and read from the bigger unit to the smaller. A year is read
digit by digit, followed by the character "4". A month or date is read the whole number
followed by "A" and" B /.Ji}" respectively. A day of the week is expressed by the word"£
~" plus a specific number. For example, "August 8th of 2008, Friday" is read as "er If ng If ng
be nicn ba yue be hoc, xinqql wu".


( 1) aJj .:k_}t2014f5 J] ll ½ o
( 2) A: 4'--.:k_JL ½? 3i.$J] JL?
B: 4'--.:k_9J] 10½, !i.$Jl--=.o
(3) ~1fl}t2011-1-9JliJ..iR&Jo

~ "5] lllllit%r§,WH~i.Jx Role-play the dialogues.

Exercises r-••us +.E2. 1;;f:X.V'.Ji:t8
rti ,.,,_,
r;,i ~'::;is;,:;-
i:::i J~ Answer the questions

based on the dialogues.

8 ~1fl}t 1t Z. Bf1'kiA.iR fl;? Tornen sh) shenme shihou renshi de?

8 ~1fl}t,µ_11}]F JLiJ..iR M;? Tornen shl zai nor renshi de?

81-l!!.1f1Jt,t z.-¾-i&.Jb M;? Tornen sh) zenrne qu fcndicn de?

U xionshenq sh) zuo chuzuche qu fondlcn de ma?

C, ~,J,-UJt,t Z. *~t ,1, a1? U xicojie sh) zenrne 16i Beijing de?

Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words.

: ► ~s--L
·: I Women sh) zai aeu de.
a ~ 1fl s. ,µ_ e:,~ (Paris) a10


Wo mei kcnjion U looshl , ta sh) shenrne shihou

~ it ~ R, ~::t~rr, ~ Jt 1tz. at1t 1 ?

Zhexie yifu bu jinticn de, shi zuoticn mai de.

~ .itt 1<--mt ~---4'-- .:k. a1 , Jt at .:k. ~ a1 0

Women sh) ylql 16i de, wo bu x1huan zuo chuzuche.

~ 1fl Jt-~--* a1 , ~ ~ ¼ Jk. 1:. tl:: ;fll-$- o

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

Pinyin Tone Collocation in Trisyllabic Words (4): words starting with a fourth-tone syllable

4+1+1 4+1+2 4+1+3 4+1+4

dionblnqxicnq Maidangl6o jionshenqudn bonqonqsh)
refrigerator McDonald's gym office
4+2+1 4+2+2 4+2+3 4+2+4
chcnq gu6ge
ken zuqiu kuonqquonshul shuany6ngrou
to sing the national
to watch football mineral water instant-boiled mutton
4+3+1 4+3+2 4+3+3 4+3+4
m1maxiang qlquonycn doshlquon rniehuoq)
code box tracheitis embassy fire extinguisher
4+4+1 4+4+2 4+4+3 4+4+4
zhcoxicnqjl zanzhuren dianhuaka Aoyunhui
camera sponsor phone card Olympic Games

* 11111 iA i.R ~i ~* Single-Component Characters

"~" originally meant "to carry crops home". Now it means "year".

(2) "ili" , ~%1tR!p;w; :ff ~:tfil o JJTI1::E¾1'All. ffiiU!/~ ffi s"J~,'lt', o
"1±\" originally referred to the germination and growth of a plant. Now it means "to
come or go from inside to outside".

~-i- ~ - tl::
l• +•I fT*l)kl $I

( 3 ) " \S" , * 5l. ¾ !¥i ~ ~ $ ~ ~ J1H~H! tE ~ ~ 1± * 1% i91 , Ji tE 1£ 1~ tE x _t

\S, 1~~0

Originally "lS" meant the activity of a bird or an insect flying in the sky with its
wings, and now it generally means "to fly in the sky" or "being quick".

fa 5X*ffi~ "-++-" f□ . ,. .,_,,, Chinese Radicals:"-++-" and t'r="

1fiffi~ ffi~ff 1?U$'.

Radical Explanation Example Characters

~*~,-~ffi~*~~ffi~~~*o ,'f, ch6 tea
4-1- The radical "-H--" is usually related to grass, trees
or plants.
* cai vegetable

'i:~~. -~fom~~~*o
r> an to settle
The radical ",-1-," is usually related to houses. ~ jia home

m:ffl 11111 xJ.A5%~ Pair Work

Application WilA-iJl, :i2ft-fxt::ns~-;t$~Jfb, iiUl'oJJl{tiJ11;J*'lf?5to

Work in pairs and ask each other about where and when something was bought.
Zheqe sh) zai nor mdi de?
111H'o: A: ~~ fl ,&_11}]~ JL ~ 61?
Zoi shcnqdicn mai de.
B: ,&_ ~ Ji, ~ 67 a

Shenrne shihou mdi de?

A: 1t Z.
Zuoticn rndi de.
B: 81 k ~ 67 a

Honyu shu yHu beizi dionnco
ix_i½ -fj -RR!l ;t~--t it~it

ti>i~ti 1
Standard Course 1

11111 Jj\~!l5!~ Group Work

3 -4 A - tll , :!Lf~ ill] 1'6J Jf: ic wJJ\ tll 1§. nx; 1n ~ 1$: 1t ¾ , 4ij: tll iw-1iI fPJ $: 1IH!cr
Work in groups of 3-4. Ask about the ability of each of your group members and take notes.
Each group chooses one member to make a report.

N1 hul shuo Honyu ma?

1fI] -ko: A: 1,r- ~ it i.x..-i½ {1~?
B·• A
;i::;; 0

N1 shl shenme shfhou koishl xue Honyu de?

A: 1,r- Jl 1t Z- at 1~ jf--M; ( to start) 'If: i.x.. -i½ {r,J?
Wo shl de.
B: -1\ Jl · · · · · · a1

N1 shl zai nor xue de?

A: 1,t- Jl ~vJJ~ JL 'If: a1?
Wo shi de.
B: -1\ Jl · · · · · · a1

~i:8 Name
~1t)[1t¼ Ability
a,:HBJ Time 11
±tnn Place

I +.:£ I
I 1tl~1!!$. I
I 4---¥- I
I ;Jt-;f"
zuo Zhonqquo cci
Xiao Wang I
jinnion I


Common Communication Tools of Chinese People

f:f t:j=t 00 , 1lr ffl s'-J im ft IJ!.1f ~ i!if:JL fll-¥if:JL j,l;J;j # a

it ifJL %~-f.R1g 6-8 ~

1il., t~~□ 2O27816, 82304156, ~Frfl±-!E.IKB'-J~i!ifJL%~1il.~~Frflo -¥ifJL%~

El'-J1il.~r9:1f ±-!E.IK s'-J&JJ'J, t~¾111il., t~~□ 135769833110 El3 r-¥if:JL %~1il.~
tx$, ifB-f-f.RtJJJt1g "3-4-4" s'-J1~if!J!ifJtt;, t~~0139-O107-8866o Jtt:j=t%
rn. r-h r'rh " 1 " ~13;;µ,x.
IC!!i ,ca1a; cit " yao
- " o

In China, there are two kinds of common communication tools-telephones

and cell phones. A telephone number usually has 6-8 digits, for example, 2027816,
82304156. Telephone numbers in different regions have different numbers of
digits. Cell phone numbers, however, always have 11 digits regardless of region, as
in 13576983311. Since a cell phone number has many digits, it is read with pauses
following the pattern "3-4-4", such as 139-0107-8866. "1" is read as "yoo" in a
i,~ 11'1 x1 ~8. ~ Abbreviations of Parts of Speech
im•li ~3t~ft im•li ~3tra-itt-
Part of Speech I Abbreviation I Part of Speech I Abbreviation
~iliJ n. iilJiliJ adv.

iifliliJ V. :fhliJ prep.

%~i1i] adj. aim conj.

1-bliJ pron. !l)JiliJ part.

ficiliJ num. r!Jl iliJ int.

:i!iliJ m. mJ'EiliJ onom.

fic:i!iliJ num.-m. ]W~ pref.

~~1! iifliliJ mod. 0~ suf.

New Words
Wli! Ht~ I im•li I WI><- il~
Word/Phrase I Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning I Lesson
~ ai V. to like, to love 12

i\. ba num. eight 5 (notes)

~~ baba n. father 9

iq:-f- beizi n. cup, glass 8

;f- ben m. a measure wordfor books 10

;r::$~ bu keqi you're welcome, don't mention it 2

;r:: bu adv. no, not 2



dish, cuisine


11t chi V. to eat 8

:B ;J:11.-$- chOzOche n. taxi, cab 15

-trit,-i'fi do dicnhuo to make a phone call 13

k do adj. (of age) old 5

a~ de part. used after an attribute 4

A diem m. o'clock 11
lEABi diannao n. computer 10
lE~YL dicnshl n. television 13

lE-1; dlonylnq n. film, movie 11

$ifu donqxi n. thing, stuff 14
:ct~ dou adv. both, all 14
~ du V. to read 6

xt:f:~ dulbuql V. to be sorry 1

J duo adv. indicating degree or extent 5
J J, duoshao pron. how many, how much 8

JL-f- erzi n. son 9

-- er num. two 5 (notes)

,r,&_jb fondlon n. hotel, restaurant 15

"1, *JL feijT n. airplane 15

:$}4f fenzhonq n. minute 14
~ /' gaox1ng adj. glad, happy 15

+ ge m. a general measure word 8

..:r:.1t gongzuo v./n. to work;job 9

J~ gou n. dog 9

ix..i¼ Honyu n. Chinese (language) 4
-lf hao adj. good,fine 1

-t hao n. (for date of month) number 7

p~ he V. to drink 8

:f\'.1 he COnJ. and 10

,1tl hen adv. very, quite 6

jf;ifu houmion n. back 10

IE] huf V. to come/go back, to return 11

½ hui mod. can, to be able to 6

JL jY pron. how many 5

:f jia n. family 5

11➔ jiao V. to call, to be called 3

/:,-f':.._ jinticn n. today 7

}L jiu num. mne 5 (notes)

-Jr kai V. to drive 14

;t ken V. to look at, to watch, to read 7

;t Jil, ken jian V. to see 14

#t kuol m. a unit of money, same as "yuan" 8

~ 16i V. to come 12

:t'Yifi lcoshi n. teacher 3

used at the end of or in the middle of a sentence to
1 le part.
indicate a change or a new circumstance

,t- Ieng adj. cold 12

-1£ Ii n. inner, inside, interior 10

7' liu num. SlX 5 (notes)

M~II; mama n. mother 6

"l!i ma part. used at the end of a question 3



to buy, to purchase

cat 9

~~*f mei qucnxi that's OK, it doesn't matter 1

~~~ meiyou adv. there is not 10

3¥.-1:fi.. rnlfon n. cooked rice 8

,,t~ mfngzi n. name 3

aJ] J';.._ rnlnqtion n. tomorrow 7

o})~ no pron. which 4

o})~ JL nor pron. where 9

})~ na pron. that 8

~ ne part. used at the end of a question 4

~-e. neng mod. can, may 10

1t- n'f pron. (singular) you 1

lr- ni6n n. year 15

-kJL nil'er n. daughter 5

JJJ]~ pengyou n. friend 4

)$16 plcolionq adj. beautiful, pretty 14

-f* pfnggu6 n. apple 14

--l:; qT num. seven 5 (notes)

fl;J if, qionrnion n. front 10

4\ qi6n n. money 8
>I'} q'fng V. (polite) please 7

¾ qu V. to go 7

1~ re adj. hot 12

A ren n. human, person 3

v. if- renshi V. to meet, to know 15

- son num. three 5 (notes)

~,15 shonqdicn n. shop, store 8

J:_ shang n. up,above 10

J:_ 2f- shonqwu n. morning, before noon 13

1' shoo adj. little, few 14

iii shei pron. who, whom 4

1t¼ shenrne pron. what 3

-t shi num. ten 5 (notes)

at11i shfhou n. time, moment 11

fl sh) V. to be 3
-:Ji; shu n. book 7

J~ shul n. water 12

J~* shu'fgu6 n. fruit 12

9½'.9t shu) jioo V. to sleep 13

iJt shuo V. to speak, to say 6

T!EJ SI num. four 5 (notes)

'31 SUI m. year ( of age) 5

1-t!!, ta pron. he, him 4

~ ta pron. she, her 4

::k_ tai adv. too, excessively 12

k~ tionql n. weather 12

"fr tTng V. to listen 15

~~ t6ngxue n. classmate 4

~~ wei int. hello,hey 13
~ WO pron. I, me 3
~1f1 women pron. we, us 11

s. WU num. five 5 (notes)

..g-;.x_ x'fhuan V. to like, to be fond of 13

T xia n. under, below 9

r-t- xiawu n. afternoon 8

T iifJ xio yu to rain 12

A,1- xionshenq n. Mr., sir 14
JJ\'.,,(f. xicnzoi n. now 11
Af!, xiang mod. to want, would like 8
,J, xioo adj. small, little 9
,J,:/l_[ xiaojie n. miss, young lady 12
~ xie m. some, a few 12
~ xie V. to write 6

-iAhAt xiexie V. to thank 2

£$J] xinqqi n. week 7

#1- xuesheng n. student 3

#JJ xuexi V. to study, to learn 13
#:& xuexico n. school 7
- yT num. one 5 (notes)

:RAil yifu n. clothes 14

ffi.1- yishenq n. doctor 9

ffi. ff£. yiyuon n. hospital 9

tt-f- y'fzi n. chair 9

-,i!UL yldidnr num.-m. a few, a little 14

~ you V. to have, there be 5

}] yue n. month 7

..JltYL zoijicn V. to see you around 2
,ff. zai v./prep. to be in/on/at; in/on/at 9

,t-¼ zenrne pron. (indicating nature, condition or manner, etc.) how 6

,t-¼ t+ zenrneyonq pron. (indicating nature, condition or manner) how 12

it zhe pron. this 8

<r-t zhonqwu n. noon 11

1.i.. zhu V. to live, to stay 11

:f:--r zhuozi n. desk, table 10

~ ZI n. character, word 6

at~ zuotidn n. yesterday 7

~ zuo V. to sit, to be seated 10

1it zuo V. to make, to produce 6

Proper Nouns
iR]i! :t#~ iR]~ ii~
Word/Phrase I Pinyin I Meaning I Lesson
~t ,,j,, Beijing Beijing, capital of China 11
:k.__E Dowel David 13

~}] LT Yue Li Yue, name of a person 3

:kl1l Meigu6 the United States of America 3

_I_~ Wang Fang Wang Fang, name of a person 10

1At JJJJ Xie Peng Xie Peng, name of a person 10

5f Zhang Zhang, a Chinese family name 14

<f l1l Zh6nggu6 China 3

Words Not Included in the Syllabus

iR]i! :t#~ iR]•ti iR]~ ii~ !Jl~lj
Word/Phrase Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning Lesson Level
a modal particle used at the end of a sentence
* •~T a part.
as a sign of confirmation or defense
14 ~M..

a modal particle used at the end of a sentence
* ve, ba part. to indicate consultation, a suggestion, request 13 .:::.~
or command

* ~b-
~o gei prep. to 13 _::_i9L
* -:!tf11t hcochl adj. delicious, tasty 6 _::_jJL

*o kou m. a measure wordfor members offamilies, etc. 5 _c:..?Vl
* 11 nfn pron. (polite) you 1 _::_jJL

* !f#-- shentl n. body 12 _::_i9L
* fo] wen V. to ask, to inquire 7 _::_jJL

*~ ye adv. also, too 13 _::_i9L

* -,tf_ ylql adv. together 15 _::_i9L

New Words Made Up of Characters Learned before

* § *fflr From This Book
Hf:~] ><. il'5
New Word I Pinyin
I wit!
Part of Speech
Meaning I Lesson
I 1a*
Learned Characters
:f: '.Y bushao adj. quite a few, many 14 ;r;' '.),'
4- che n. car, vehicle 14 t±::lR/4'-
11t,1,',&_ "t,
chi fan V. to eat a meal 11 . *,t)i.
k rifr daxue n. college, university 15 k, ~K
0- fen m. minute 11 7}-4f
I!] gu6 n. country, nation 4 'f I!]
ix.-1- Hanz) n. Chinese character 6 ix.i½,
. -1-.
}6 hou n. after, afterwards, later 14 )6 \1fJ

IE1:4l huf lai V. to come back 14 @],~~

. .
~if=- jinnidn n. this year 5 . .

mei adv. there is not 10 ~~~
,JFJL nor pron. there 9 }JF,
. •JJF JL.
1:r-111 n'fmen pron. (plural) you 1 1t-,
. ~ 1/1.
f]lj qi6n n. before, earlier than 11 W)Ufl
k······T tai······le too, excessively 12 ;L T
T xia V. (of rain, snow, etc.) to fall 12 T 1'fJ

Tii! xicmion n. under, below 9 T,

. n;J ur,.
'-r xue V. to study, to learn 13 #SJ
if] yu n. rain 12 Tl'fJ
~JL zher pron. here 10 :it.,
~;1':, zhexie pron. these 14 :it., ~

i1, "ff, Supplementary Vocabulary

New Word
I 'B*
Learned Characters
New Word
I 'B*
Learned Characters
New Word
I 'B*
Learned Characters
-;J;_ JJJ]~ v]j-
-rt~ J)}]Ji...1f1 "Jr 3l,
i';r--f- ~1/1 :;t YL

-hiti"6" W)Ufl #SJ

-tr-$- wik. #-$-
:±: ,fl!..$- . a}] k.
,6,-Jz., :±: ,fl!..$-
.. _t '#= 1..
itf;FX J:. ii, # 1..1f1
IU;t WJ Ufl. ' .
)6 Ufl ~1/1
/li¼ -¾ ~
i.x...'.f- ~);!; ;tf}UL
~ t,&.J;i; -}UL
fr -j,Jt :it.
-Jr-$- -j,}i,1,¥, ~~
:±: ,fl!..$- -hit-i"f, 1t ¾,
. ,1!,¾.
y 1-tl!., :it.
.£ ii, 1{t1f1 ~tf
WJ Ufl. ' )6 Ufl
. ~1/1 ,t, ¾i'-t
f!}]Jz. ~ 1tk
fl}]-ff- ~111 1it1:ffi..
4- ~1/1 ~.t,&.


ix* il1s- ix* il1s-

Character Lesson Character Lesson
- 1 'lIJ 7

-- 1 Ji 7

- 1 ~ 7

-t 1 '.),' 8

/\... 1 /i'- 8

7' 1 1±- 9
0 2 -f- 9

YL 2 .I.. 9

~ 2 J:_ 10
,J, 2 T 10

~ 2 4- 10

*1r- 10

,(; 3 11

'f 3 'l?, 11
A 3 'k. 12
--l:; 4 --c 12
JL 4 TifJ 12
JL 4 El 13
iL 4 m 13
7j(. 5 SJ 13

*1 5
k 5 TE} 14
ft- 6 -+ 15
~ 6 tB 15
~ 6 1S 15


1-ffii %' il-s-

Radical Lesson


1, 7

i 8

11 8

i__ 9

n 9

Cl 10

,f 10

F 11

1 11

-Ji. 12
1 12
B 13
a 13
}) 14
1 14
,-0--. 15

inations of Initials and Finals in Common Speech
_, I er I ai I ei I ao I ou I an I en I ang I eng I ong I , I ia I iao I ie I ,u I ion I in I iang I ing I iong I u I ua I uo I uai I u, I uan I un I uang [u
er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng yI ya yao ye you yon yin yang ying yang wu wa wo wai wei I wan I wen I wang 1w
1 1 1 1
bai bei boo ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu
poi pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pion pin ping pu
mai mei moo mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu
fei fou fan fen fang feng fu
dai dei dao dou don den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui I duan I dun
I I tai tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui I tuan I tun
nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan
lai lei loo lou Ian long Ieng long Ii lia liao lie liu lion lin liang ling lu luo luan lun
zai zei zoo zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun
cm coo cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cuI cuan cun
srn sao sou son sen sang seng song su suo suI suan sun
zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang
chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang
shi shai shei shoo shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang
ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rang ru ruo rui ruan run
JI jia jiao jie JIU jian jin jiang jing jiong
qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong
xI xia xiao xie xIu xian xin xiang xing xiong
gai gei goo gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang
kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang
hai hei hao hou hon hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang

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