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April 12, 2023

BRAJESH KUMAR TIWARI crore.Atthesametime,BankofIndiaranks bank retains these provisions from its own the taxpayers’ money, on the other, the it is impossible to eradicate it entirely. This thatseniorofficersareheldaccountable.

sixthwithRs38,885croreinNPAs,andIndi- resources. And does so only with public banks are putting enormous sums of loan is due to the fact that in order to stimulate The workers in the loan department
ublic-sector banks have recovered anBankranksseventhwithRs29,484crore. fundsbecausebanksdonothavetheirown. defaultersintocoldstorage.Ifaninstalment the economy, all governments provide the should rotate quickly. This is very crucial.
only 14% of the 7.34 lakh crore loan The finance minister told Parliament Thisisalsoreferredtoaswritingoff.Banks payment from the common man is not de- corporateworldwithspecialprivileges,and Before approving funding for significant
amountwrittenofffromMarch2017- that PSBs wrote off a total of Rs 11,17,883 write off NPAs to keep their balance sheets positedforthreemonthsorevenonemonth, itisexpectedfromthecorporateworldthat endeavours, financial institutions ought
2022. Finance Minister Nirmala Sithara- crore during the last six financial years, cleanandtobenefitfromtaxbreaks.Banks then the banks begin to become troubled. they will lay the groundwork for economic to establish in-house rating agencies to do
man said in a written reply in the Rajya following the RBI guidelines for banks and claim that even after the loan is written off, Yet, the recovery from large corporations reform, which will result in a boom in the exhaustive risk assessments. In addition
Sabha recently that out of Rs 7.34 lakh the policy approved by their boards. There pressureisappliedtoreturntheloan;how- is not taken care of, and those responsible manufacturingsectoraswellasanincrease to this, an efficient Management Informa-
crore in NPAs, only Rs 1.03 lakh crore has has also been an increase in the number of ever,statisticsshowthatmorethan15-20% forbankfraudflyawaytoothercountries. inemployment. tionSystemneedstobeputinplacesothat
been recovered, and an amount of Rs 6.31 willful defaulters in loan repayment cases, oftheloanisnotrecovered. The banking system in any country It is essential for banks to implement early warning signals regarding business
lakh crore is currently the written-off loan from8,045in2017inpublicsectorbanksto Inaddition,theministersaidthatMehul serves as the economic foundation for that regulation and oversight over chartered projects may be monitored. Both the bank
amount in public sector banks, for which 12,439in2022,andfrom1,616in2017inpri- Choksi’s Gitanjali Gems is at the top of the nation. Everyone in the country is affected accountantsinordertocutdownonNPAs. and the officials from the RBI need to ex-
recovery efforts are on. According to the vatesectorbanksto2,447onJune30,2022. list of companies that wilfullydefaulted on when there are excessive losses sustained WhenconsideringgrantingloanstoIndian aminetheborrower’sscorefromtheCredit
reply, public sector banks have written off NPAsarethemostseriousproblemcon- their obligations. Following this, notable by banks because the money that is put in enterprisesthathavealreadytakenoutlarge Information Bureau (India) Limited. It is
an amount of about Rs 91,000 crore in the frontingIndianbanks,affectingbothprivate companies such as ABG Shipyard Limit- banks belongs to the people living in the loanselsewhere,banksshouldexerciseex- recommendedthatthepassportsofthema-
first nine months of the current financial and public sector institutions. Bank NPAs ed,EraInfraEngineering,ConcastSteel& country.Themajorcausesofnon-perform- treme caution. There is an immediate and jor debtors be deposited with the Ministry
year (2022–23). The finance minister has have decreased in recent years, but there Power,REIAgroLimited,RotomacGlobal ingassets(NPAs)forbanksarefaultyloans criticalneedtostrengthenboththeinternal ofExternalAffairs.
given information related to Public Sector are write-off accounts behind this. Banks PrivateLimited,andmanymoreemerged. andfraudulentactivity. and external auditing systems of financial The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and
Banks(PSBs)intheParliament. wrote off more than twice as many loans According to information that was made AsaresultofrisingNPA,thenetinterest institutions. While junior officers are fre- Signature Bank hit not only businesses in
SBI has the highest NPA of 98,347 crore as they recovered in five years. According publicbytheRBI,only312largedefaulters margin (NIM) of the banks begins to de- quently held accountable for defaults, the the US, but others in countries across con-
as of December 31, 2022, followed by PNB toRBIguidelines,suchbadloansforwhich are responsible for more than 76% of the crease, while at the same time, their oper- Credit Sanctioning Committee, which is tinents,includingIndia.
with Rs 83,584 crore, Union Bank with Rs banksmakeprovisionforthefullamountin entireamountofbadloans. ating costs continue to steadily rise. NPA is comprisedofseniorlevelofficers,isthebody (Thewriterisanassociateprofessoratthe
63,770 crore, Canara Bank with Rs 50,143 theiraccountsafterfouryearsareremoved While on the one hand the government analogoustocancerinthebankingsystem: that is responsible for making key judge- AtalBihariVajpayeeSchoolofManagement
crore, and Bank of Baroda with Rs 41,858 from the bank’s balance sheet, even if the is providing the banks with capital using it can be managed to a certain extent, but ments. As a result, it is essential to ensure andEntrepreneurship,JNU,NewDelhi)

Canintelligencebe HowChina-Russia
separatedfromthebody? R

ecently, China’s Presi-

dent Xi Jinping visited
India’s efforts to diversify its
weapons supplies away from
Russia will be intensified.
Second, the China-Russia
alliance is directed against the
Some researchers question whether AI can be truly intelligent without a body that President Vladimir Putin. This
interacts with and learns from the physical world Xi and Putin. The visit demon-
trajectory. It will influence the
geopolitics of Eurasia as well

ingoftheChina-Russiaalliance. astheIndo-Pacificandpresent
OLIVER WHANG Graham Allison has described difficult dilemmas for India.
the deepening China-Russia India is a member of Eurasia’s
hat is the relationship strategic relationship as the premiersecurityorganisation,
between mind and ‘most consequential unde- the Shanghai Cooperation Or-
body? Maybethemind clared alliance in the world.’ ganisation (SCO). It is also an
is like a video game Last year, just before the enthusiastic participant in the
controller, moving the Russian invasion of Ukraine, US-led Indo-Pacific initiatives
bodyaroundtheworld, these two countries signed a liketheQuad.Sharpeninggreat
taking it on joyrides. Or maybe the body joint statement in which they power rivalries and strength-
manipulates the mind with hunger, sleep- declared that they have built ening of China-Russia alliance
iness and anxiety, something like a river a ‘no limits’ partnership that will force India to perform the
steering a canoe. Is the mind like electro- will have ‘no forbidden areas’. difficultbalancingactbetween
magneticwaves,flickeringinandoutofour For India, the deepening EurasiaandtheIndo-Pacific.It
lightbulbbodies?Oristhemindacaronthe strategiccooperationbetween will mean recalibrating India’s
road? A ghost in the machine? China and Russia is an omi- diplomatic as well as strategic
Maybe no metaphor will ever quite fit nous signal. priorities and posture.
because there is no distinction between ThefalteringwarinUkraine Finally, as the host of this
mind and body. There is just experience, andthelacklustremilitaryper- year’s G-20 summit, India will
orsomekindofphysicalprocess,agestalt. formance of Russia through notwanttoseeaconfrontation
These questions, agonised over by phi- the year have increased its de- between China and Russia on
losophers for centuries, are gaining new pendenceonChina.Moscowis the one hand and the Western
urgencyassophisticatedmachineswithar- nowajuniorpartnerofBeijing countries on the other at the
tificial intelligence begin to infiltrate soci- and is dependent on China for summit. The sharp divisions
ety.ChatbotssuchasOpenAI’sGPT-4and politico-economic support. and the confrontationist dy-
Google’s Bard have minds, in some sense. A bulk of Russian energy ex- namic will directly and, more
Trainedonvasttrovesofhumanlanguage, ports are going to China, and importantly, negatively im-
they have learned how to generate novel the Chinese yuan has emerged pact the planned outcomes of
combinationsoftext,imagesandevenvid- as an alternative currency for the summit.
eos.Whenprimedintherightway,theycan the payments to Russia. There IndiaisalsothechairofSCO
expressdesires,beliefs,hopes,intentions, were reports about likely Chi- this year and will be expected
love. They can speak of introspection and DH ILLUSTRATION: DEEPAK HARICHANDAN nesemilitaryexportstoRussia. to ensure that the organisa-
doubt, self-confidence and regret. However, the US has warned tion tones down its anti-west-
But some AI researchers say that the The bot was conceived, in 2017, to help Thisallowedtherobottorepresentwhere and theoretical, Chen said. “I believe that China to refrain from sending ern rhetoric. Iran, another
technology won’t reach true intelligence, children with developmental disorders it was in space relative to other things and intelligence can’t be born without having weapons to Russia. anti-Western country, will be
or true understanding of the world, until practice emotional awareness and com- eventuallyopenadrawerandpickupabag theperspectiveofphysicalembodiments.” The growing Russian politi- added as a new member to the
it works with a body that can perceive, munication skills. When someone speaks of chips. Some experts, including Pirjanian, re- cal, economic, and military de- grouping, which will further
react to and feel around its environment. toMoxie,itsprocessorconvertsthesound Robots of this kind, experts say, will be cently conveyed concern in a letter about pendenceonChinaisbadnews complicate India’s tasks.
For them, talk of disembodied intelligent intotextandfeedsthetextintoalargelan- abletoperformbasictaskswithoutspecial the possibility of creating AI that could forIndiaforthreereasons.The In the last two decades,
minds is misguided, even dangerous. AI guage model, which in turn generates a programming.Theycouldostensiblypour disinterestedly steamroll humans in the first and most important prob- the balance of power in the
that is unable to explore the world and verbalandphysicalresponse.Moxie’seyes youaglassofCoke,makeyoulunchorpick pursuit of some goal (such as efficiently lem is that of China. India and China-Russia alliance has
learn its limits, in the ways that children canmovetoconsoleyouforthelossofyour youupfromthefloorafterabadtumble,all producing paper clips), or that could be China are locked in a border reversed. China is now the
figureoutwhattheycanandcan’tdo,could dog, and it can smile to pump you up for inresponsetoaseriesofsimplecommands. harnessed for nefarious purposes (such standoff in Ladakh, and the senior partner, whereas Rus-
makelife-threateningmistakesandpursue school.Therobotalsohassensorsthattake But many researchers doubt that the ma- as disinformation campaigns). The letter border in Arunachal Pradesh sia is further diminished by
its goals at the risk of human welfare. invisualcuesandrespondtoyourbodylan- chines’ minds, when structured in this calledforatemporarypauseinthetraining has also seen skirmishes. The the quagmire in Ukraine.
“The body, in a very simple way, is the guage, mimicking and learning from the modular way, will ever be truly connected of models more powerful than GPT-4. bulk of India’s military arsenal For India, despite the wide-
foundationforintelligentandcautiousac- behavior of people around it. to the physical world and, therefore, will Bongard, as well as a number of other consists of Russian weapons. spread public sympathy and
tion,”said Joshua Bongard, a roboticist at “It’s almost like this wireless commu- never be able to display crucial aspects of scientists in the field, thought the letter China is also receiving ad- decades-long strategic rela-
the University of Vermont. “As far as I can nication between humans,” said Paolo human intelligence. calling for a pause in research could bring vanced Russian weapons and tionship,Russiaisnolongeran
see, this is the only path to safe AI.” Pirjanian, a roboticist and the founder of Boyuan Chen, a roboticist at Duke Uni- about uninformed alarmism. But he is technologies. The deepening attractive partner. It is heavily
At a lab in Pasadena, California, a small Embodied. “You literally start feeling it in versitywhoisworkingondevelopingintel- concerned about the dangers of our ever Russia-China alliance means sanctioned by the West, exces-
team of engineers has spent the past few your body.” Over time, he said, the robot ligent robots, pointed out that the human improvingtechnologyandbelievesthatthe whatever advantage India sivelydependentonChina,and,
yearsdevelopingoneofthefirstpairingsof getsbetteratthiskindofgiveandtake,like mind — or any other animal mind, for that onlywaytosuffuseembodiedAIwitharo- may have enjoyed in the past asseeninUkraine,isnolonger
a large language model with a body: a tur- a friend getting to know you. matter — is inextricable from the body’s bust understanding of its own limitations along the frontier may not ex- a military great power.
quoiserobotnamedMoxie.Aboutthesize Researchers at Alphabet, Google’s actions in and reactions to the real world, is to rely on the constant trial and error of ist anymore. The Russia-China alliance
of a toddler, Moxie has a teardrop-shaped parent company, have taken a similar ap- shaped over millions of years of evolution. moving around in the real world. Given Russia’s dependence and their competitive relation-
head,softhandsandalacritousgreeneyes. proachtointegratinglargelanguagemod- Humanbabieslearntopickupobjectslong Start with simple robots, he said, “and on China for political and eco- ship with the West are reshap-
Inside its hard plastic body is a computer els with physical machines. In March, the before they learn language. as they demonstrate that they can do stuff nomicsupport,itwillbeunwill- ing the world around India,
processor that runs the same kind of soft- companyannouncedthesuccessofarobot The artificially intelligent robot’s mind, safely, then you let them have more arms, ingtoputpressureonChinaor and it is being forced to adjust
ware as ChatGPT and GPT-4. Moxie’s they called PaLM-E, whichwas ableto ab- incontrast,wasbuiltentirelyonlanguage, more legs, give them more tools.” eventakeasupportivestandto- its strategies. While the dilem-
makers,partofastartupcalledEmbodied, sorbvisualfeaturesofitsenvironmentand and often makes common-sense errors Andmaybe,withthehelpofabody,areal wards India in the border con- mas that India faced owing to
describe the device as “the world’s first AI information about its own body position thatstemfromtrainingprocedures.Itlacks artificial mind will emerge. frontation.CoupledwithIndia’s the China-Russia partnership
robot friend.” and translate it all into natural language. adeeperconnectionbetweenthephysical The New York Times erodingmilitaryedgeoverChi- wereapparent,XiJinping’svis-
na due to the similar weapons it to Moscow has accentuated
SCAN THE QR CODE AND READ ONLINE deployedbybothsides,thiswill those dilemmas.
push India farther away from
(The writer is an assistant
Chinahasset he Western drive to cut oil consumption, and US OldPension he Centre is on the horns of a dilemma. It has
the sealonthe blunders in alienating the Saudi Arabian leadership Schemeis coming refused the demand of states reverting to the OPS Russia and closer to the West. professor at the Department of
Iran-Saudi gave China an opening which it grasped backwithvenge- to return the accumulated NPS corpus The military-technical rela- Geopolitics and International
Arabiadeal Ranjan Mathai former Foreign Secretary of India and High ance. Stopit! Subhash Chandra Garg former Finance & Economic Affairs Secretary, and author of tionshipbetweenIndiaandthe Relations,ManipalAcademyof
Commissioner to the United Kingdom ‘Explanation and Commentary on Budget 2023-24’.
West will also deepen further. Higher Education, Udupi.)




toGujaratrebels issues ometime in 2018, I started dhism recognized 7 primary chakras, spiritual practices like yoga; medi- intuition to guide stalwarts in their
following a raw vegan diet and which are energy centers corre- tation et al. Non-spiritual practices respective fields. Coming back to my
Gandhinagar, April 11 New Delhi, April 11 meditating seriously. A few weeks sponding with different organs of the like extraordinary absorption in one’s own experiences, the prickling sensa-
The AICC General Secretary, Mrs. Outgoing BJP President L K Advani into meditation, I started feeling a human body. work can cause the third eye to tion stopped as soon as l became too
Maragatham Chandrasekhar, today today called upon his party to adopt a pleasant tingling sensation between The ajna chakra or the reopen. I have heard of legend- busy to meditate. I had interpreted
ruled out any change the leadership of new approach and devote the coming my eyebrows. The tingling would be “third-eye” chakra lies ary chess players and mathe- the tingling as the ajna chakra trying
the Gujarat Congress Legislature Party. decade to nation-building. He justified most intense during meditation, but between the eyebrows; it maticians who claimed that to open.
“There is no room for change in the leaving out contentious issues that would arbitrarily persist throughout corresponds with the pin- new moves and solutions to Whether or not the chakra actually
leadership. This is the unequivocal deci- formed part of the BJP’s ideology from the day. eal gland, the activation mathematical problems, re- opens following tingling or throbbing
sion of the Central Congress Parliamen- the National Agenda for governance During this period, when in the of which is associated with spectively, dawned on them is a topic for speculation. Incidentally,
tary Board and the Gujarat Congress on the ground that the need of the hour hazy zone between sleep and wake- intuition and wisdom. It in their sleep. Initially, I had the tingling sensation has reappeared
would have to abide by it,”she said was to arm India with a strong, stable fulness, I had what could be labeled is said to be the gateway be- assumed that sleep bridges the after I resumed meditation.
shortly after receiving a joint memoran- and honest government. In his opening as two vital epiphanies. Deep inside, tween humans and divinity. gap between the conscious and the However, this time I didn’t fixate
dum from 62 dissident MLAs demand- remarks on the first day of the party’s I was aware that this knowledge that It is said that as children, we subconscious making such insights on the sensation or try to understand
ing a change in leadership. Speaking to national executive meeting here, Mr had dawned on me had something to are born with an open “third eye.” possible. it. Like spiritual guru Deepak Chopra
newsmen, she said the Congress Board’s Advani admitted that in the general do with the sensation I experienced However, years of calcification causes However, after learning about suggests, I let the sensation pass
decided not to change leadership at the elections the BJP had secured a near between my eyebrows. its blockage, thereby reducing our chakras, I considered the possibility and got on with my work just as I
organisational and Government level. mandate but not a clear mandate. I started researching my “symp- intuitive abilities. However, the ajna of the ajna chakra being activated by would with a mild shoulder or
toms.” I learnt that Hinduism/Bud- chakra can be reopened through exemplary focus, further allowing elbow ache.

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