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In electronics, acoustics, and related fields, the

waveform of a signal is the shape of its graph
as a function of time, independent of its time
and magnitude scales and of any displacement
in time.[1][2] Periodic waveforms repeat
regularly at a constant period. The term can
also be used for non-periodic or aperiodic
signals, like chirps and pulses.[3]

In electronics, the term is usually applied to

time-varying voltages, currents, or
electromagnetic fields. In acoustics, it is usually
applied to steady periodic sounds — variations
of pressure in air or other media. In these cases,
the waveform is an attribute that is independent
of the frequency, amplitude, or phase shift of Sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waveforms.
the signal.

The waveform of an electrical signal can be visualized in an 0:00 / 0:00

oscilloscope or any other device that can capture and plot its value A sine, square, and sawtooth wave
at various times, with suitable scales in the time and value axes. The at 440 Hz
electrocardiograph is a medical device to record the waveform of
the electric signals that are associated with the beating of the heart;
that waveform has important diagnostic value. Waveform 0:00 / 0:00
generators, that can output a periodic voltage or current with one of
A composite waveform that is
several waveforms, are a common tool in electronics laboratories
shaped like a teardrop.
and workshops.

The waveform of a steady periodic sound affects its timbre.

Synthesizers and modern keyboards can generate sounds with 0:00 / 0:00

many complicated waveforms.[1] A waveform generated by a


Common periodic waveforms

Simple examples of periodic waveforms include the following, where is time, is wavelength, is
amplitude and is phase:

Sine wave: . The amplitude of the waveform follows a

trigonometric sine function with respect to time.

Square wave: . This waveform is commonly

used to represent digital information. A square wave of constant period contains odd
harmonics that decrease at −6 dB/octave.

Triangle wave: . It contains odd harmonics that decrease

at −12 dB/octave.

Sawtooth wave: . This looks like the teeth of a saw.

Found often in time bases for display scanning. It is used as the starting point for subtractive
synthesis, as a sawtooth wave of constant period contains odd and even harmonics that
decrease at −6 dB/octave.
The Fourier series describes the decomposition of periodic waveforms, such that any periodic waveform
can be formed by the sum of a (possibly infinite) set of fundamental and harmonic components. Finite-
energy non-periodic waveforms can be analyzed into sinusoids by the Fourier transform.

Other periodic waveforms are often called composite waveforms and can often be described as a
combination of a number of sinusoidal waves or other basis functions added together.

See also
AC waveform
Arbitrary waveform generator
Carrier wave
Crest factor
Continuous waveform
Envelope (music)
Frequency domain
Phase offset modulation
Spectrum analyzer
Waveform monitor
Waveform viewer
Wave packet

1. "Waveform Definition" ( Retrieved
2. David Crecraft, David Gorham, Electronics, 2nd ed., ISBN 0748770364, CRC Press, 2002,
p. 62
3. "IEC 60050 — Details for IEV number 103-10-02: "waveform" " (https://www.electropedia.or
g/iev/iev.nsf/display?openform&ievref=103-10-02). International Electrotechnical Vocabulary
(in Japanese). Retrieved 2023-10-18.

Further reading
Yuchuan Wei, Qishan Zhang. Common Waveform Analysis: A New And Practical
Generalization of Fourier Analysis. Springer US, Aug 31, 2000
Hao He, Jian Li, and Petre Stoica. Waveform design for active sensing systems: a
computational approach ( Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Solomon W. Golomb, and Guang Gong. Signal design for good correlation: for wireless
communication, cryptography, and radar (
-communication-cryptography-and-radar). Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Jayant, Nuggehally S and Noll, Peter. Digital coding of waveforms: principles and
applications to speech and video. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984.
M. Soltanalian. Signal Design for Active Sensing and Communications (http://theses.eurasip.
org/theses/573/signal-design-for-active-sensing-and/download/). Uppsala Dissertations from
the Faculty of Science and Technology (printed by Elanders Sverige AB), 2014.
Nadav Levanon, and Eli Mozeson. Radar signals. Wiley. com, 2004.
Jian Li, and Petre Stoica, eds. Robust adaptive beamforming. New Jersey: John Wiley,
Fulvio Gini, Antonio De Maio, and Lee Patton, eds. Waveform design and diversity for
advanced radar systems. Institution of engineering and technology, 2012.
John J. Benedetto, Ioannis Konstantinidis, and Muralidhar Rangaswamy. "Phase-coded
waveforms and their design (
7)." IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 26.1 (2009): 22–31.

External links
Collection of single cycle waveforms ( sampled
from various sources

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