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Dear Editor,

Recently, there has been a surge of pollution and litter in my area of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
There is litter in every drain and piece of land, destroying what was once a beautiful country and
city. I believe that this is a very large problem that needs to be resolved as fast as possible.

People usually drop litter when they do not have a place to properly throw it away. They may
also be uneducated about what it does to the environment. It may also be easier for them to
throw it on the ground than walk all the way to a trash bin. Litter is usually found in landfills,
beaches, the ocean, drains and pavements. All these places are impacted greatly as it ruins
their appearance and the environment for the humans or creatures living there.

This can be reduced or stopped if the government imposes a strict law on polluting. A hefty fine
would push people to do the right thing, even if it means they have to go out of their way.
Another way to reduce this is to place more trash and recycle bins around the city, especially in
busy areas. Using biodegradable materials to make products will be safe for the environment
even if it is not thrown away properly. There have also been many groups of people starting
beach cleanups, trying their best to reduce the litter on the beautiful beaches of the country.

People should care about the environment. Humans were not the first animals on this planet, so
there is no reason why we should destroy it. There are other helpless creatures that have been
affected by what we have done. Protecting the planet we are on will keep it safe for the future
generations, allowing them to live in a healthy environment.

We should make it clearer for people to stop, think and reduce pollution.

Binula Ekanayake

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