What To Sow, Grow and Do: A Seasonal Garden Guide 1st Edition Benjamin Pope Full Chapter

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What to Sow, Grow and Do: A Seasonal

Garden Guide 1st Edition Benjamin

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Contagious vaginitis 545
Croupal vaginitis 545
Chronic vaginitis 546
Metritis 547
Septic metritis 547
Acute metritis 550
Chronic metritis 552
Epizootic abortion in cows 553
Salpingitis—Salpingo-ovaritis 555
Torsion of the uterus 556
Tumours of the uterus 559
Tumours of the ovary 559
Genital malformations 560
Imperforate vagina 560
Nympho-mania 562


Physiological anomalies 567
Wounds or traumatic lesions 568
Chaps and cracks 568
Milk fistulæ 569
Inflammatory diseases 570
Congestion of the udder 570
Mammitis 571
Acute mammitis 573
Contagious mammitis in milch cows 580
Chronic mammitis 581
Gangrenous mammitis of milch ewes 583
Gangrenous mammitis in goats 584
Cysts of the udder 585
Tumours of the udder 585
Verrucous papillomata of the udder 586


Microbic changes in milk. Lactic ferments 588
Tumours of the testicle 594
Accessory glands of the genital apparatus 597


Acute eczema 599
Chronic eczema 600
Sebaceous or seborrhœic eczema 601
Eczema due to feeding with potato pulp 603
Impetigo in the pig 605
Acne in sheep 606
Fagopyrism (Buckwheat poisoning) 606


Scabies—Scab—Mange 611
Scabies in sheep 611
Sarcoptic scabies 612
Psoroptic mange—Sheep scab 614
The tobacco-and-sulphur dip 626
Lime-and-sulphur dips 627
Arsenical dips 632
Carbolic dips 633
Chorioptic mange—Symbiotic mange—Foot scab 636
Mange in the ox 638
Sarcoptic mange 638
Psoroptic mange 639
Chorioptic mange 640
Mange in the goat 641
Sarcoptic mange 641
Chorioptic mange 642
Mange in the pig 642
Demodecic mange 643
Demodecic mange in the ox 644
Demodecic mange in the goat 644
Demodecic mange in the pig 644
Non-psoroptic forms of acariasis 645
Hypodermosis in the ox (warbles) 646


Ringworm in the sheep, goat, and pig 653


Urticaria in the pig 656
Scleroderma 657


Foreign bodies 661
Conjunctivitis and keratitis 662
Verminous conjunctivitis 662
Verminous ophthalmia of the ox 663

Cow-pox—Vaccinia 665
Cow-pox and human variola—Preparation of
vaccine 669
Tetanus 670
Actinomycosis 672
Actinomycosis of the maxilla 673
Actinomycosis of the tongue 674
Actinomycosis of the pharynx, parotid glands and
neck 675
Tuberculosis 682
Tuberculosis of the respiratory apparatus 690
Tuberculosis of the serous membranes 694
Tuberculosis of lymphatic glands 696
Tuberculosis of the digestive tract 699
Tuberculosis of the genital organs 700
Tuberculosis of bones and articulations 701
Tuberculosis of the brain 702
Tuberculosis of the skin 703
Acute tuberculosis—Tuberculous septicæmia 704
Swine fever—Verrucous endocarditis and pneumonia of
the pig 710
Swine fever 710
Verrucous endocarditis of the pig 713
Pneumonia of the pig 714
Hæmorrhagic septicæmia in cattle 716



Control of oxen 720
Partial control 720
Control of the limbs 720
General control 722
Control by casting 723
Control of sheep and goats 725
Control of pigs 725
Anæsthesia 726


Bleeding 727
Bleeding in sheep 727
Bleeding in the pig 728
Setons, rowels, plugs, or issues 728


Surgical dressing for a claw 730
Amputation of the claw or of the two last phalanges 730


Ringing pigs 734
Œsophagus 734
Passing the probang 735
Crushing foreign bodies in the œsophagus 735
Œsophagotomy 736
Sub-mucous dissection of the foreign body 736
Rumen 737
Puncture of the rumen 737
Gastrotomy 739
Laparotomy 740
Herniæ 741
Inguinal hernia in young pigs 741
Imperforate anus 742
Prolapsus and inversion of the rectum 743


Trephining the facial sinuses 745
Trephining the horn core 745
Frontal sinus 745
Maxillary sinus 745
Tracheotomy 746


Urethrotomy in the ox 747
Ischial urethrotomy 747
Scrotal urethrotomy 748
Passage of the catheter and urethrotomy in the ram 749
Passage of the catheter in the cow 750
Castration 751
Castration of the bull and ram 751
Bistournage 751
Martelage 756
Castration by clams 756
Castration by torsion 757
Castration with the actual cautery 758
Castration by the elastic ligature 758
Castration of the ram 759
Castration of boars and young pigs 759
Castration of cryptorchids 760
Female genital organs 760
Castration of the cow 761
Castration of the sow 765
Suture of the vulva 768
Trusses 769
Section of the sphincter of the teat 770
Dilatation of the orifice of the teat 770
Ablation of the mammæ 771

Accidental and local diseases of the apparatus of locomotion are
matters of less urgency in the case of cattle than in that of the horse.
On the other hand, general affections, such as rheumatism and
osseous cachexia, demand a larger share of attention, and are of the
utmost importance.
As the accurate diagnosis of any disease demands careful and
systematic examination, the practitioner usually observes a certain
order in his investigations, as indicated below:—
(1.) Inspection, from the side, from the front and from behind,
reveals the existence of deformities of bones, limbs, muscles and
joints, articular displacements, and irregularities of conformation or
of gait.
By inspection of an animal as it walks various forms of lameness,
and their particular characteristics, are rendered visible.
(2.) Palpation and pressure will detect changes in local
sensibility, the softness or hardness of tissues, the existence of
superficial or deep fluctuation, œdematous swelling, and abnormal
growths like ring-bones and exostoses, as well as the exact character
of articular enlargements.
(3.) Percussion is of little value in examining the apparatus of
locomotion. Nevertheless, percussion of the claws, and of certain
bones of the limbs, or of flat bones, may afford valuable information
in cases of laminitis, ostitis, and periostitis. Percussion along the
longitudinal axes of the limb bones is also useful in diagnosing intra-
articular fractures, subacute arthritis, osteomyelitis, etc.
(4.) The gait. Lame animals should be made to move, in order to
assist both in discovering the cause, and in estimating the gravity of
the condition. Sometimes it is advisable to turn the animal loose, but
most frequently it is moved in hand, either in straight lines or in
Information so obtained should always be supplemented by local
manipulation and by passive movement, such as flexion, extension,
abduction, adduction and rotation of the joints.
A knowledge of the characteristics of normal movement in any
given joint, renders it comparatively easy to detect abnormality, such
as increased sensibility, articular crepitation or friction, and to
diagnose fractures with or without displacement, ruptures of tendons
or ligaments, etc.

The diseases affecting bony tissues may broadly be divided into

local and general. Local diseases like ostitis, periostitis, necrosis,
fracture, etc., are somewhat rare, and are less important in cattle
than such general diseases as rachitis and osseous cachexia.
Rachitis is a disease of young animals, and occurs during the
growing period. Osseous cachexia is a disease of adults.
Nevertheless, there is a relationship between these two morbid
conditions, for they frequently co-exist in one family. Moreover,
brood mares and cows suffering from osseous cachexia give birth to
foals and calves, which, if left with their mothers, almost inevitably
become rachitic.
The general characteristic common to both rachitis and osseous
cachexia consisting in diminution in the normal proportion of
mineral salts entering into the constitution of the bone, numerous
theories have been advanced to explain this irregularity in nutrition.
The theory of insufficiency is one of the oldest. It presupposes
that the young animals’ food contains insufficient mineral salts
necessary for building up the skeleton, hence rachitis; or again, that
the daily food of the adults does not afford sufficient mineral salts to
compensate for the normal transformation which is continually
going on within the organism, and for the direct losses which occur
through the medium of the urine, milk, etc.
This extremely simple theory appears perfectly logical, but
unfortunately does not fit in with all the observed facts. In reality,
rachitis attacks children whose supply of milk, from a chemical point
of view, leaves nothing to be desired. The same is true of animals,
particularly of young pigs. The so-called “acid theory” has therefore
been advanced to explain the points left obscure by its predecessor.
The acid theory. According to this theory, the food may contain
more than sufficient mineral material without, however, preventing
the development of rachitis or of osseous cachexia.
In animals suffering from digestive disturbance the alimentary
tract may become the seat of excessive fermentation or of changes in
secretion. There is thus produced an excess of lactic acid which
passes into the circulation and accumulates in the tissues, checking
the processes which end in ossification or, in the case of adults, even
leading to decalcification.
It seems fairly well established that experimental administration of
lactic acid to animals causes diminution in the quantity of calcium
salts contained in the bones (Siedamgrotsky, Hofmeister). On the
other hand however Arloing and Tripier failed to produce rachitis
Bouchard revived this theory in a somewhat modified form. He
considers that calcium salts are absorbed as carbonates and
chlorides and phosphoric acid as phospho-glyceric acid. The reaction
which these compounds undergo within the organism ends in the
formation of the phosphate of calcium necessary to ossification, but
this “phosphate of ossification” cannot be deposited if the organism
contains an excess of lactic acid.
Theory of inflammation. A third theory which until now has
received very little support is that called the theory of inflammation.
The general lesions which characterise rachitis are regarded as
resulting from primary attacks of ostitis and osteo-periostitis. The
cause of these forms of inflammation is not suggested.
To the above views may be added that more recently emitted by
Dr. Chaumier, according to which rachitis is of an infectious nature.
Unfortunately no proof of this has yet been adduced.



Rachitis is a disease of youth, and is common both to the human

species and to all domestic animals. It is characterised by
irregularities in development and by imperfect consolidation of the
bones. The boundary between rachitis and osseous cachexia is
difficult to define and in fact at the present moment the two diseases
can scarcely be defined with exactitude. Rachitis again is often
complicated with softening of the bones, disease of the limbs,
arrested development, etc., but it must not be forgotten that
although the irregularities in ossification and development of the
skeleton are the symptoms most striking to the eye, they do not
stand alone, and that from the point of view of development all the
tissues, including the muscles, are more or less affected and that
most of the physiological functions such as digestion and the
secretion of urine are deranged.
Etiology. One of the principal causes suggested is that of
heredity, and so far as human beings are concerned, one seldom fails
to discover the rachitic taint. Certainly the offspring of individuals
marked by any debilitating disease like alcoholism, tuberculosis,
syphilis, etc., are poorly equipped for their future development. Their
tissues lack the necessary qualities and, cæteris paribus, their
physiological functions are performed less perfectly than are those of
normal individuals.
It is difficult to apply such information to domestic animals,
because badly developed subjects are not used for reproduction and
the importance assigned to heredity can therefore scarcely be
sustained. The conditions of life, on the contrary, have an
unquestionable influence, and if rachitis is so frequent in young
animals living near towns, for example, it is undoubtedly due to that
want of air, light and liberty, which first affects the mother’s health
and later that of her offspring.
The same may be said of insufficient and improper food; for in this
connection quality is of even greater importance than quantity. Even
free feeding is insufficient if the fodder does not contain the material
necessary for sustaining and building up the developing frame, a
point which readily explains the occurrence of rachitis when young
animals receive a diet deficient in certain chemical constituents.
This occurs in young lambs and pigs where the mothers are given
too little variety or too small a quantity of food.
In calves and foals rachitis is rare but occurs when the mothers are
exhausted or cachectic or are debilitated by chronic wasting diseases
like tuberculosis or osseous cachexia. The milk is then no longer of
normal chemical constitution.
One fact appears to dominate the whole subject of the causation of
rachitis, viz., the failure to assimilate sufficient of the mineral salts
required in building up the skeleton. This failure to assimilate may
be caused by too meagre feeding, but even when the food is
sufficiently rich, some digestive disturbance may reduce the amount
absorbed below normal. This appears the only plausible explanation
unless we admit Dr. Chaumier’s theory that the disease is of an
infectious character.
Symptoms. The onset is absolutely insidious and the diagnosis of
rachitis is never made until nutrition has long been abnormal.
This disturbance of nutrition is revealed by irregularity and
abnormality in appetite, by difficulty in rising and moving about, and
by the animals lying down for long periods. The subjects are feeble,
sluggish and badly developed.
Next supervenes the second phase characterised by deformity of
bones. This is of two kinds—deformity in the neighbourhood of joints
(deformity or enlargement of the epiphyses) and deformity of the
diaphyses. The former results from irregularity in ossification of the
articular cartilages. The latter is followed by loss of rigidity in the
bones of the limbs which, under the influence of the body weight and
of muscular contraction, bend in different directions.
The bones appear of increased thickness principally towards the
articulations. The latter are deformed, and on palpation are found to
be surrounded by uneven and irregular growths.
The front limbs are distorted. In young pigs, lambs, and less
frequently in foals, calves and dogs, the jaws become deformed, and
mastication is rendered difficult.
The vertebral column may also be affected, and lordosis (bending
downwards of the back) or skoliosis (lateral bending of the back) is
somewhat frequent.
Cyphosis, or upward bending of the back, seldom occurs, and
when seen, sometimes results from disease other than rachitis.
General development is always interfered with and the young
creatures are generally dwarfed.
The digestive apparatus is disordered, the appetite is irregular and
sometimes depraved, while indigestion, gastritis, and enteritis are
not exceptional. Physiological and pathological research has shown
that the quantity of phosphoric acid eliminated in twenty-four hours
in a rachitic child is double the quantity passed by a healthy infant.
The amount of urea in the
urine (which is a criterion of
nutrition, and usually varies in
proportion to the amount of
food ingested) is, on the
contrary, diminished even
when highly nitrogenous food
is given, thus suggesting
diminution in nutrition.
Lesions. The lesions are
represented by abnormal and
irregular thickening around
the interarticular cartilages.
The cartilage is thickened,
compressible, very spongy and
without regular ossification.
Diffused periostitis exists
principally towards the
extremities of the bone.
Beneath the periosteum the
surface of the bone appears
rough and softened. On
Fig. 1.—Rachitis in a young goat. section the medullary canals
are seen to be enlarged and
filled with marrow of a
gelatinous character. The Haversian canals are dilated, and the
entire tissue appears very vascular. Chemical analysis proves that the
mineral constituents of the bone, particularly the phosphates, have
diminished by one-half; the organic constituents on the other hand
are increased in a similar ratio, but the ossein is abnormal.
Ossification has, in a word, been incomplete.
Diagnosis. Diagnosis presents no difficulty except in the early
stages before deformity has occurred.
Rachitis can scarcely be mistaken for any other condition except
perhaps infectious rheumatism, but the rapid course of the disease in
the latter case, the persistence of fever and the swelling of the joint
cavities sufficiently differentiate the conditions provided care is
Prognosis. From an economic point of view the prognosis is very
grave for if the lesions are extensive there is nothing to be gained by
keeping the animal.
Treatment. Treatment differs very little, whether the animals are
still being suckled or have been weaned. In the former case it is
necessary to improve the quality and chemical constitution of the
mother’s milk by giving food, richer both in mineral salts and in
nitrogenous material.
Cooked grains, milk, and forage of good quality should be given
freely. When the mothers are exhausted and anæmic it is better to
feed the little animals artificially or to change them to a foster-
mother. Those already weaned should be given good rich milk, eggs,
boiled gruel, and drugs, such as the phospho-chlorate of lime, 1 to
1½ drachms per day (for a calf); lacto-phosphate of lime, 1 to 1½
drachms; bi-phosphate of lime, 1 drachm, or simply ordinary
phosphate of lime. Oil containing 1 per cent. of dissolved phosphorus
may be given in doses of 1 to 2½ drachms, according to the size of
the calves, but its use calls for much care, and it should only be given
for alternate periods of a fortnight. The glycerophosphates are not
very active. Beef meal in doses of 6 drachms to 1½ ounces and
chloride of ammonium in doses of 30 to 60 grains have also been
used advantageously. The above drugs, but particularly the bi-
phosphate of lime and chloride of ammonium, stimulate nutrition
and diminish the quantity of phosphoric acid eliminated.


“Osseous cachexia” is a general disease which develops slowly and

progressively, producing its most marked effects on the bony tissues.
It has received a great many different names, such as osteoporosis,
osteoclastia, osteomalacia, fragilitas ossium, enzootic ostitis, bone
softening, etc., but none of these appears so appropriate as the term
osseous cachexia, suggested by Cantiget.
All the above-mentioned names are applicable to some phase of
the disease, but none to the disease in its complete development.
Thus the name “osteoporosis,” accepted by German authors, is quite
applicable to the phase of rarefying ostitis seen at the
commencement, but this condition occurs in other diseases. The
expressions “osteoclastia” and “fragilitas ossium” suggest the fragility
of the bones and the commonness of fracture. The term
“osteomalacia” is warranted during the period of bone softening. The
term “gout,” though in practice confusing, has been held to be
justified by the frequent appearance of synovitis and arthritis; while
that of “enzootic ostitis” indicates the appearance of the disease in all
the stables in one district, without however pointing to its nature. It
is possible that under certain circumstances the train of symptoms
might be incomplete, and then the terms above indicated would be
quite inappropriate. “Osseous cachexia,” on the other hand, is very
comprehensive, and appears to cover the entire development of the
disease, for which reason it here receives preference.
Law defines the disease as “a softening and fragility of the bones of
adult animals, in connection with solution and removal of the earthy
salts.” He describes it as an enzootic disease of mature animals—
mainly cows—in which the decalcifying process proceeds most
actively in the walls of the Haversian canals and cancelli of the
affected bones. In consequence of the removal of the earthy salts the
bones become soft and more or less fragile.
The disease has been observed in England, Scotland, United
States, France, Belgium, and Jutland, and generally in districts with
low-lying damp pastures. It attacks cows which are heavy milkers.
Susceptibility appears to increase with advancing age.
History. Having been described by Vegetius, the disease was
again observed about 1650 in Norway where it was treated by the
administration of crushed bones. It is fairly frequent in some parts of
Germany and Belgium. In France it was studied in 1825 by Roux, and
in 1846 by Dupont, but Zundel in 1870 was the first who gave a good
description of it, founded partly on the authority of German authors
and partly on observations made by himself in the Valley of the
Lower Rhine. Since that time it has successively been reported in the
Yonne by Thierry, in the Nièvre by Vernant, in the Aube by Collard
and Henriot (1893), in the Indre by Cantiget, as well as in La Vendée
by Tapon in 1893. In that and the succeeding year Moussu also saw
numerous cases in the districts of Indre-et-Loire, Loire-et-Cher,
Berry, Sologne, and in some parts of Beauce.
Symptoms. The first symptoms are difficult to detect and
interpret, especially at the commencement of an outbreak and in
parts where the disease is rare they may lead to confusion and errors
in diagnosis. On the other hand, in regions where the disease is
common the practitioner will be able to form his diagnosis from the
appearance of the first signs.
To render clear the mode in which the symptoms develop we may
divide the progress of the disease into four phases, though this
grouping is somewhat arbitrary.
1. The initial phase is not well marked, and is announced by
digestive disturbance and by wasting. The former of these symptoms
may be referred to some other cause, but consists in irregularity,
diminution and sometimes perversion of the appetite. These earlier
signs are soon followed by loss of spirits, and some interference with
movement, but the symptoms only become of importance or attain
their full development when the animals remain lying for a long
period in the stable.
Fig. 2.—Horse suffering from osseous cachexia.

2. The second phase is characterised by more precise signs,

which become almost pathognomonic. Difficulty in rising is added to
the already existing tendency to remain lying, and to the interference
with movement.
When lying down the patient no longer responds to the trifling
stimulus, which a healthy animal needs to cause it to rise. It remains
languid and apparently lazy, though in reality it experiences pain and
difficulty on attempting to get up. The least muscular effort when
lying down often causes it to moan, as do efforts to change its
position or to walk. Even when standing still, it may appear to be in
pain, and patients often assume a position similar to that of a horse
suffering from laminitis.
At the end of this second phase, swellings appear, due to synovitis
or arthritis of the extremities, synovitis of the sesamoid or navicular
sheaths or to inter-phalangeal arthritis or arthritis of the fetlock
joint. Weakness becomes marked, and the appetite is very irregular.
Secretion of milk diminishes or ceases and abortion is not
3. The third phase is characterised by fractures, and it is this
peculiarity of the disease which has procured for it the names of
fragilitas ossium, and osteoclastia. These fractures may affect any
portion of the skeleton. Animals so suffering sometimes break a leg
whilst trotting or the pelvis in simply jumping over a ditch; a
collision with a fixed object like the jamb of the stable door, or a fall
on the ground, may result in the fracture of one or several ribs.

Fig. 3.—Pig suffering from osseous cachexia (fourth stage).

Such shocks would be of no importance to a healthy animal, but to

one suffering from osseous cachexia, any violence, or even the
slightest muscular effort may be followed by fracture of the gravest
character, involving even the vertebral column. In cows the pelvis,
femur, and tibia are most frequently injured.
In horses, particularly in riding horses, fractures are commonest in
the region of the forearm, cannon bone, and anterior phalanges. So
extremely fragile are the bones at this stage that the horse
represented herewith broke twelve ribs at one time by simply falling
on its side. It is interesting to note that such fractures are never
accompanied by any extensive bleeding. They have little tendency to
repair, no real callus formation occurs, and on post-mortem
examination one often finds the ends unconnected by temporary
callus, worn, and rounded by reciprocal friction.
At this stage but under other circumstances, the animals show
great reluctance to rise, remaining down for twelve to twenty-four
hours without shifting their position. If forced to get up, they stand
as though fixed in one position, the respiration and circulation
become rapid, and they soon grow tired and fall.
4. The fourth phase, or period of osteomalacia, i.e. softening of
the bones, is also the last. It is rarely seen in large animals like horses
and oxen, because accidents so often accompany the preceding
stages and necessitate slaughter; but it is common in goats and pigs.
In this phase the bones become elastic, soft and depressible,
yielding to the pressure of the operator’s fingers.
The flat bones are particularly liable to
this change, which is common to
domesticated animals. The bones of the
head are the first to suffer; later those of the
pelvis. The lower jaw becomes swollen,
particularly about the centre of the
branches which may attain three, four, or
five times, their normal thickness.
The depression in the submaxillary space
disappears. The upper jaw undergoes
similar changes, becoming deformed and
thickened until the cavities of the sinuses
and the hollow appearance of the palate are
lost, while the face is so changed that it
cannot be recognised as that of a horse,
goat, etc.
The molar teeth are almost buried, their
tables alone being visible at the bottom of a
depression, the edges of which rise above
the neighbouring parts (pig).
Mastication is clearly impossible, the
jaws appear paralysed, the muscles

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