"Plans and Predictions"Ta3

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English IV

AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - Plans

and predictions (TA 3)

Brescia Elizabeth Luis Pizarro Lenin J. Guevara

Vasquez Quevedo Mangualaya Mondragón
U21317578 U21210581 U21228136
Brescia: Hello guys, how are you feeling?

Luis: Hello Brescia, I'm fine.

Lenin: Hello guys, I'm fine and thinking about my future.

Brescia: Lenin, what do you think will happen to you in the next twenty years?

Lenin: I know that learning languages is important, so I will continue studying English and
French until finishing the Advanced program.

Lenin: Brescia, what do you think will happen to you in the next twenty years?

Brescia: Well, first of all in going to finish my career, and i will get a job as an architect, thats my
personal goal. Tell me about you Luis?

Luis: I plan to travel to Cuba and continue specializing in the career I studied: Medicine.

Luis: Brescia Do you see yourself traveling to different countries?

Brescia: Yes, of course, I will definitely travel the world to learn about different cultures from
different countries. Luis, Will you have your family?

Luis: Yes of course. First, I will get married at thirty and after that I will start my own family.
Lenin, where do you see yourself working in the future?

Lenin: Working in customs to be able to manage and receive foreign merchandise. Brescia you
will finally have your own business?

Brescia: Anyway, I will have my interior design studio and a big team! to be able to satisfy my
clients and make them feel happy with my work. Tell me about you lenin?

Lenin: Have many cars to be able to move quickly and safely. Tell me about you luis?

Luis: Have my hospital to be able to treat all the sick people quickly.

Brescia: Ok guys, I have to go, see you. I find your future projections interesting.

Lenin y Luis: See you later, take care guys

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