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Berdasarkan analisis statistic deskriptif, diketahui bahwa rata-rata kepuasan pegawai sebesar 98.

artinya pegawai PDAM Kabupaten Bandung Cimahi merasa akan kepuasan kerja. Hasil analisis data
telah menunjukkan bahwa Program Pelatihan Pengembangan Karakter memiliki pengaruh signifikan
dan positif terhadap Kepuasan Pegawai di PDAM Kabupaten Bandung.

Hal tersebut terlihat dari nilai R-Square yang mencerminkan persentase dari Pengaruh Program
Pelatihan terhadap Kepuasan Pegawai, dengan nilai 0,480 atau 48% dan sisanya sebesar 52% yang
dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini, seperti kinerja pegawai, motivasi
kerja, prestasi kerja, employee engagement, work life balance, kompetensi, dan produktivitas kerja.

Hal ini membuktikan bahwa variabel Program Pelatihan berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan
terhadap variabel Kepuasan Pegawai dalam penelitian ini. Dengan kata lain, hipotesis yang telah
dirumuskan sebelumnya, yaitu H0 (tidak ada pengaruh) ditolak dan H1 (terdapat pengaruh) dapat


This research is a type of descriptive statistical research with a quantitative approach. This study
aims to determine the character development training program organized by PDAM Bandung Cimahi
Regency and determine the job satisfaction of employees in PDAM Bandung Cimahi Regency. This
study used primary data that collected data using google forms as a medium for distributing online
questionnaires and observations. In this study researchers used quantitative analysis, regression
analysis, and reliability analysis with the help of SPSS 17. The population in this study is all
employees of PDAM Bandung Cimahi Regency which amounts to 33. The research sample was PDAM
Bandung Cimahi employees who attended character development training. This study used a
longitudinal survel research model. The results of the study based on descriptive statistical analysis,
it is known that the average employee satisfaction is 98.00, This means that PDAM Bandung Cimahi
employees feel job satisfaction. The results of the analysis show that the Character Development
Training Program has a significant and positive influence on Employee Satisfaction in PDAM Bandung
Regency. This can be seen from the R-Square value which reflects the percentage of the Effect of
Training Programs on Employee Satisfaction, with a value of 0.480 or 48% and the remaining 52%
which is influenced by other factors that are not studied in this study, such as employee
performance, work motivation, work performance, employee engagement, work life balance,
competence, and work productivity.

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