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Dua when waking up

‫َاْلَح ْم ُد ِهَّلِل اَّلِذ ْي َأْح َياَنا َبْع َد َم ا َأَم اَتَنا َوِإَلْيِه الُّنُش ْو ر‬.

All the praises and thanks be to Allah who gave us life

after having taken it from us and unto Him is the resurrection.

Dua before entering the toilet

[‫َالَّلُهَّم ِإِّنْي َأُع ْو ُذ ِبَك ِم َن اْلُخ ْبِث َو اْلَخ َباِئِث ]ِبْس ِم ِهللا‬.

[In the name of Allaah]. O Allaah,

I take refuge with you from all evil and evil-doers.

Dua when wearing a garment

‫َاْلَح ْم ُد ِهَّلِل اَّلِذ ْي َك َس اِنْي َهَذ ا (الَّثْو َب ) َو َر َزَقِنْيِه ِم ْن َغْيِر َح ْو ٍل ِم ِّنْي َو َال ُقَّوٍة‬.

All the praises and thanks be to Allah who has clothed me with this (garment) and provided it for me,
with no power nor might from myself.

Dua upon completion the meal

‫اْلَح ْم ُد ِهَّلِل اَّلِذ ْي َأْطَع َم ِنْي َهَذ ا َو َر َزَقِنْيِه ِم ْن َغْيِر َح ْو ٍل ِم ِّنْي َو َال ُقَّوٍة‬.

All the praises and thanks be to Allah who fed me this and provided it for me,

without any might nor power from myself.

Dua upon breaking fast

‫َذ َهَب الَّظَم ُأ َو اْبَتَّلِت اْلُعُرْو ُق َو َثَبَت ْاَألْج ُر ِإْن َشاَء ُهللا‬.

‘The thirst has gone and the veins are moistened, and reward is confirmed, if Allaah wills.’
Dua when going to mosque

‫الَّلُهَّم اْج َع ْل ِفي َقْلِبي ُنوًرا َوِفي َبَص ِري ُنوًرا َوِفي َسْمِع ي ُنوًرا َو َع ْن َيِم يِني ُنوًرا َو َع ْن َيَس اِري ُنوًرا َو َفْو ِقي ُنوًرا َو َتْح ِتي ُنوًرا َو َأَم اِم ي ُنوًرا‬
‫َو َخ ْلِفي ُنوًرا َو اْج َع ْل ِلْي ُنْو ًرا‬

O Allah, place within my heart light; and within my eyes light; and within my ears light; and on my right
light; and on my left light; and place above me light; and beneath me light; and in front of me light; and
behind me light; and make me light.

Dua upon entering the mosque

‫ َو الَّص َالُة] َو الَّس َالُم َع َلى َرُسْو ِل ِهللا َالَّلُهَّم اْفَتْح ِلْي َأْبَو اَب‬،‫ [ِبْس ِم ِهللا‬، ‫ ِم َن الَّش ْيَطاِن الَّر ِج ْيِم‬، ‫ َو ُس ْلَطاِنِه اْلَقِد ْيِم‬، ‫ َو ِبَو ْج ِهِه اْلَك ِرْيِم‬، ‫َأُع ْو ُذ ِباِهلل اْلَعِظ ْيِم‬
‫َر ْح َم ِتَك‬.

‘I take refuge with Allaah, The Supreme and with His Noble Face, and His eternal authority from the
accursed devil. In the name of Allaah, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah. O Allaah,
open the gates of Your mercy for me.

Dua upon leaving the mosque

‫ َالَّلُهَّم اْع ِصْمِنْي ِم َن الَّش ْيَطاِن الَّر ِج ْيِم‬، ‫ َالَّلُهَّم ِإِّنْي َأْس َأُلَك ِم ْن َفْض ِلَك‬،‫ِبْس ِم ِهللا َو الَّص َالُة َو الَّس َالُم َع َلى َرُسْو ِل ِهللا‬.

‘In the name of Allaah, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah. O Allaah, I ask You from
Your favour. O Allaah, guard me from the accursed devil.’

Upon entering the home

‫ َو َع َلى َر ِّبَنا َتَو َّك ْلَنا‬،‫ َو ِبْس ِم ِهللا َخ َر ْج َنا‬،‫ِبْس ِم ِهللا َو َلْج َنا‬

‘In the name of Allaah we enter and in the name of Allaah we leave, and upon our Lord we place our

Dua when leaving the home

‫ َو َال َح ْو َل َو َال ُقَّو َة ِإَّال ِباِهلل‬،‫ َتَو َّك ْلُت َع َلى ِهللا‬،‫ِبْس ِم ِهللا‬.

‘In the name of Allaah, I place my trust in Allaah, and there is no might nor power except with Allaah.’

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