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Medical Terms

Complete the following statements.

chicken pox relapsing symptoms MRSA cardiovascular outbreak vector

fever rash kidney disease epilepsy chronic droplet transmission
biogenetics symptom degenerative inflammatory bowel disease virulence
malignant risk factors benign

risk factors
1. Smoking and obesity are significant __________ for developing cardiovascular diseases.
2. The tumour was found to be __________
benign and not a threat to the patient's life.
3. The biopsy revealed that the growth was __________
malignant and required immediate treatment.
4. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good __________
cardiovascular health.

5. Diabetes is a __________
chronic condition that requires ongoing medical management.
6. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative
__________ joint disease that worsens over time.
7. People with __________
epilepsy may experience seizures that vary in frequency and intensity.
8. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are types of __________
bowel disease that cause chronic inflammation of the digestive

9. Chronic __________
kidney disease can lead to a gradual loss of kidney function over time.

10. symptom
A persistent cough can be a __________ of a more serious underlying condition.
11. A sudden high fever
__________ is often a sign of infection in the body.
12. The patient developed a __________
rash after coming into contact with an allergen.
13. Multiple sclerosis often presents with __________ that can vary in severity.
relpasing symtoms

14. Mosquitoes are a common __________

vector for diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.
chicken pox
15. __________ is a contagious viral infection characterized by itchy blisters.
16. The recent outbreak
__________ of measles in the community prompted a public health response.
17. The virulence
__________ of the new flu strain has made it particularly dangerous to vulnerable populations.
18. __________
MRSA is a "staph" germ (bacteria) that does not get better with the type of antibiotics that usually cure staph
infections. When this occurs, the germ is said to be resistant to certain antibiotics.
droplet transmision
19. __________ occurs when a droplet from coughing, sneezing or talking carry the pathogen to the hosts body. The
transmission is completed by: Inhaling droplets.
20. __________
biogenetics is the scientific study of the principles and processes governing the production of living organisms
from other living organisms, including the mechanisms of heredity.

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