Rural Development

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Pangasinan State University

School of Advance Studies

Master of Arts in Education-Educational Management

Dynamics of


EDM 214
About the Reporter
Jomari Galvan Cawaling

Graduated from Don Mariano Marcos Memorial

State University-South La Union Campus

Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education

Mother Goose Special Science High School

Definition Of
Reviews of both empirical and theoretical work
generally conclude that development is a contested
concept -Cowen and Shenton (1996);Thomas (2000)

Development as freedom contrasts with the

conservative definition which sees development as
socioeconomic change. - Sen (1999)

Development needs of a starving population must be

different from those where there is sufficient nutrition.
- Matowanyka (1991)
Definition Of
Development involves an improvement qualitative,
quantitative or both - in the use of available
resources. -Pearson (1992)

Development means the conditions for realization of

the human personality. - Seers (1972)

Development is a universal concept since each

human society seeks to improve itself and this instinct
and capacity to make progress is not exclusive to any
one society.
- Walter Rodney (1972)
Definition Of
Development define as “modernization”
-Walt Rostow and Karl Marx
Rural Development

Rural development actions are intended to further the

social and economic development of rural

Rural development actions are intended to further the

social and economic development of rural
Rural Development

Rural development actions are intended to further the

social and economic development of rural

Rural development programs were historically top-

down approaches
Rural Development

Rural development actions are intended to further the

social and economic development of rural

Rural development programs were historically top-

down approaches

Rural development aims at finding ways to improve

rural lives with the participation of rural people
themselves, so as to meet the required needs of rural
Community Development

process where community

members take collective
action on issues that are
important to them.

Community development is a holistic approach

grounded in principles of empowerment,
human rights, inclusion, social justice, self-
determination and collective action.
(Kenny & Connors, 2017)
Community Development

process where community

members take collective
action on issues that are
important to them. This might be done with or
without the support of a
community development
professional or agency.

Community development programs are led by

community members at every stage.
Community Development

process where community

members take collective
action on issues that are
important to them. This might be done with or
without the support of a
community development
professional or agency.
Community development
is intended to empower
community members and
create stronger and more
connected communities.
Rural and Community

Rural Development Community Development

• Economics • People

• With the experts • With or without the


Both contribute to the development of SOCIETY

Villagers consider land
All the same or all
as their real mother Close are connected
with Nature
Form the basis of Agriculture Divided into
is the Main Homogeneity
rural economy of Population
various strata

Density of Social
Population Stratification

is low
CHARACTERISTICS OF They do not develop
RURAL COMMUNITY individuality
Size of Social
Community interaction
Smaller than
urban community Joint Social
Family Mobility
Occupation shifting
is difficult
The family controls the Solidarity
behavior of the individuals Shared experience,
interest, and objectives
Principles of
Rural Development
Maximize the potential of
all rural areas

• Leverage the unique assets of

each rural area to adapt and
respond to emerging mega-
trends; and
• Adapt policy responses to different
types of rural regions including
rural areas inside functional urban.
Organize policies and
governance at the relevant
geographic scale

• Implement rural policies at

different scales that based on
current and future needs; and
• Encourage the efficient and
effective provision of public
services and infrastructure
Types of Rural Development

Rural inside a region

Types of Rural Development

Rural inside a region

Rural close the region

Types of Rural Development

Rural inside a region

Rural close the region Rural remote

Support interdependencies
and co-operation between
urban and rural areas

• Leverage the spatial continuity and

functional relationships between rural
and urban areas in order to inform
public investment and program
design; and
• Carry out joint strategies and fostering
win-win rural-urban partnerships.
Set a forward looking vision
for rural policies

• Improve well-being for rural dwellers.

• Ensure that responsibilities and
resources across levels of government
are clearly define.
• Ensure that rural policy objectives
benefit from foresight studies.
• Provide access to data tools.
• Promote integrated spatial planning.
Leverage the potential of
rural areas to benefit from
globalization, trade and
• Create an enabling environment for
rural areas.
• Invest in digital connectivity.
• Provide access to data tools.
• Promote integrated spatial planning.
• Facilitate the decentralization of
Support entrepreneurship to
foster job creation in rural

• Enhance technological innovation and

• Promote innovation and value-added
activities in established.
• Support entrepreneurs and SMEs in
rural areas to access capital.
• Connect rural people and firms with
lifelong educational training.
Align strategies to deliver
public services with rural

• Assess the impact of key sectoral

policies through rural proofing.
• Recognize policies and regulations.
• Incentivize innovative practices such
as flexible models of service delivery
by developing smart rural villages and
Strengthen the social,
economic, ecological and
cultural resilience of rural
• Ensure the sustainable management
of natural capital, land-use.
• Support and robust systems for
disaster response and recovery from
climate change.
• Value, promote, and preserve tradition,
heritage and cultural assets.
• Ensure to have institutional capacity,
good governance and funding .
Implement a whole-of-
government approach to
policies for rural areas

• Engaging with all sectors and levels of

• Identify and addressing the barriers to
policy coherence.
• Maximize policy complementarities
across sectoral strategies through
integrated and coordinated rural
Promote inclusive
engagement in the design
and implementation of
rural policy
• Engage a diversity of stakeholder
• Engage with the private and not-for-
profit sectors and leveraging their
• Harness innovative mechanisms and
digital technologies.
Foster monitoring,
independent evaluation and
accountability of policy
outcomes in rural areas
• Evaluate rural policy initiatives and
outcomes and communicating
• Develop outcomes indicators.
• Provide accessible data that is easy-to
• Explore innovative methods of data-
collection that address the challenges
of confidentiality.
Pangasinan State University
School of Advance Studies
Master of Arts in Education-Educational Management

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