Collocation and Vocabulary Exercise

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Answer all the questions.

1. Give one example each for the following combinations of collocations. (10 Marks)
a. Adjective + Noun
b. Adverb + Adjective
c. Verb + Noun
d. Verb + Preposition
e. Adjective + Preposition
f. Verb + Noun + Preposition
g. Noun + Verb
h. Adverb + Verb
i. 2 Split Collocations
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct collocations. (10 Marks)
a. Before beginning her research career, my aunt went to college and graduated.........a
degree in biology.
b. Anil says he’s having a tough time deciding whether to or accounting.
c. If you enrol......... a community college instead of a traditional four-year university, you
will save a lot of money on tuition.
d. Early detection is the key..............surviving cancer.
e. Sending a thank-you card after a job interview can give you an advantage ..................the
f. Ignorance of the law is no excuse..........breaking it.
g. What was your reaction .............the surprise ending?
h. ..............ballet will greatly improve your flexibility.
i. Surabhi wants to buy a home, so she’s cutting back.........unnecessary expenses.
j. People who over-expose themselves to strong sunlight are known to show signs of
3. a. Read the passage and identify any five collocations used in it. (10 Marks)

Computers are generally associated with the latter half of the 20th century but the story of computing devices goes much farther back. In the
1830s Charles Babbage was a man who specialised in mechanical engineering and he has been credited with the invention of the first computing
device, the Analytical Engine. This was a machine that acted like a giant mechanical calculator. The huge device consisted of thousands of
individual hand-made parts which made it very hard to build and this is one of the reasons why it was never finished. Another reason was that
Babbage depended on the government to invest in the project but political issues forced the government to stop funding. Babbage’s failure to
complete the analytical engine can be attributed to difficulties not only of politics and financing, but also to his desire to develop a more
sophisticated machine than anyone else in the world was able to do.

b. Make meaningful sentences with each of them.

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