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Pe A Lmbroduction = \ ck fdon ig + hod is Biowrivmicay 2 Hop do we we. an 2! Aha, ome’ He Haver levels ‘< Biomuinicry'2” a Sirmiloniies oh" Voliésivmilomi bes ; i » ailkdrenee kaboeum, is Board» Dhy, i thlepeter2 Find es oF Ina! $50 of Camera, “7 SC? 2 Biologic eben has at, i pifderenca: behsaeom pbb on hefesteoplc, . pidference, behweur Proreryptos 07 “gareroien' | L chonukenithies of. Five Kingdom 7 tx, Wing hw.” ‘fontaine eee , pear oer 5 Classi, the, _egonte oy He ‘ben's ae C-Sowrte. 4 eSewren be Who is Mode orgerniswe.t et i is to Signigione— g Medd exgeriswe 7S ids : Oy nes te atl diese. 02 wll can CFiBt oD Bp Precip f 2 stele ne pele seer ee fo) i pane a. “Beiebly explain. ¢ aboot Ge™ nee 7. Spocrie a Fat prof coll Gye ee Ge pilferéne beroew Mileo’s ed Meiows + D> Biomolecules : 1s Beceyibe the Shruchive of. ir Pleated Shout wily Pio a. Wik alee es f aha! wD TATA Ber : wrhof are “joa differen Gprr. f lipids 5 iohek are, wa different cemer Fine acido 4 + Desonie ae ‘deuvte helix meet f Dea : + Define chorgedf «ene pairing we pecceiies Har Shruthure a7 type FROM: clerfy contol dete alo _ with example . g. Setgmes. 2 eR DUS L Clasdietion f Emnginto accorttiry f LUB, 2 vate. actos tosh ane reopenbible fe Hee B- Whak one: ue Sain) uber treed inv engine activity 7 go Mode f Achmet emsrts — 3 tes YY gree D Snbad Fit “hypstew, £. SnefoermePion Frans fes I os) —. prom f ox vepliolin . Tyamscriphien, E " Trersbhio , lek ts au ode? chpudenishs F gprsbic ced. 4 Heed {sis + haf ore aio ye 4 weer 7 ee ¢ Secor dja ti: ie ‘iar Gye eolysis CSchumebic Atorevm 9 2. a Gye] reaebs cele (sehermbic. tipo 3 € | calvin cyte (Schematic Appeme, 7 ae Ge -C. ehimatic. obiofrem2 o eG cyte pore ropirmtion [Sehawebiobirperm | L Micsbiolegy | Ji Mienserty | 2. whab is Symbion's 9 | 3. hob 1s wath edinn > bypes of | omedivh 2 Cowpetihion f re" ee Q. Similarities and dissimilarities between camera and eye Human Eye Camera The human eye is made up of the natural nerves and A camera is made up of artificial materials and organic components. components Image is not recorded by Human eyes. Camera can record the image. Blind spot is present in human eyes Blind spot is not present in camera Pupil controls the focus in the human eyes. Lens controls the focus in the camera. 30 image is processed by the human eye. 20 image is processed by the camera Q. write the difference between bird and aircraft ‘Comparison between flying of aeroplanes and birds Function | Part of the aeroplane __ ‘Part of the bird Lift Propellers/airfoil Muscles » Drag Streamlined shape Light weight skeleton and i streamlined shape Thrust Movement of aeroplanes | Flapping of wings and wings by engine Control Wings 2 Tail and wings Propulsion| . Engine 2 Muscles Not an important but phir bhi dekh lena Chemistry rd ew oe lull meee ule nee Betis See ae eR science to create something new Characteristic activity: creative design » « Work in disciplines such as: + Civil Engineering Serie ar ae ese « Apractitioner of engineering is ERs tg Q. Difference between Autotrophs and heterotrophs Autotrophic nutrition Heterotrophic nutrition (i). Food is prepared from CO», water and sunlight (i). Food is obtained from other organisms. (ii). Chlorophyll is required. (ii). Chlorophyll is not required. (iii). All green plants and some bacteria have this type of nutrition. (iii). All animals and fungi have this type of nutrition. (iv). Food is generally in day time. (iv). Food can be obtained at all time. Ye yy tlt cpa tenuate nial Fukas . Badong coll ni tt heed [let ct pana a ; ; celia, Coll wall (A_psoscnt + | Coll ¢ Jal absent. 1 prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell difference in hindi || easy trick 1. Two Kingdom Classification System: classifies living organisms into two kingdoms: Plantae and Animalia. Characteristics of Kingdom Plantae: Cell wall present. Vacuoles are present. Food is stored in the starch form. Indeterminate growth. Locomotion is absent (except for some algae). Characteristics of Kingdom Animalia: Cell wall absent. Vacuoles are absent. Food is stored in glycogen form. Determinate growth. Locomotion present. Q. classification of the five kingdoms (very important) Here are the five kingdoms and their main characteristics in a shortened form 1. Kingdom Monera: © Prokaryotic organisms (bacteria and archaea). © Single-celled or colonial. © Wide range of metabolic capabilities. 2. Kingdom Protista: © Eukaryotic organisms (protozoa, algae, slime molds). Primarily unicellular, but can be colonial or multicellular. e Various modes of nutrition. 3. Kingdom Fungi: © Eukaryotic organisms (mushrooms, molds, yeasts, fungi). * Heterotrophic, absorb nutrients from surroundings. © Cell wall made of chitin. 4. Kingdom Plantae: © Eukaryotic organisms (plants ranging from mosses to flowering plants). © Multicellular with specialized tissues. © Autotrophic, perform photosynthesis. 5. Kingdom Animalia: 1. Eukaryotic organisms (wide variety of animals). 2. Multicellular and lack cell walls. 3. Heterotrophic, obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms. The trick for remembering: classification of the five kingdoms * x +4 ¥ a Chovcls SIGRID eR phair INR psec Von tgpe [ toipie) Lowceest [Heer ) [Mitooondiiga JV Bose fie Vivticon, [obser] a Q. classify organisms on the basis of C-source and N-source Organisms can be classified based on their carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) sources into four main categories: Autotrophs: C Source: Inorganic CO2 N Source: Inorganic compounds Examples: Plants, algae, some bacteria Characteristics: Synthesize organic compounds from inorganic sources Heterotrophs: C Source: Organic compounds N Source: Organic compounds Examples: Animals, fungi, most bacteria Characteristics: Obtain C and N from other organisms Mixotrophs: C Source: Inorganic CO2 and organic compounds N Source: Inorganic and organic compounds Examples: Some protists, certain bacteria Characteristics: Can switch between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition Lithotrophs: C Source: Inorganic compounds N Source: Inorganic compounds Examples: Some bacteria and archaea Characteristics: Obtain C and N from inorganic sources, derive energy from inorganic oxidation Carbohydrate |-Subusiance Containing Corban, -hudragen 8 Bren having sHee__generrad _—sformnula_Cn(Had}rn >? Sestbe hydrates —o1¥e_detined 0) «Poly hades Laidehsies “Ketone. — deri vasives 0% Comeound hich Feltd resize. a these dene votives om shudoatugts 7 i & | Non-Reducing]+ Raffinose * Stachyose * Verbascose Diydroxyacetone = Maltose * Sucrose = Lactose Ribulose Chondroin sults + They cannot be further hydrolysed into simpler unit + Reducing sugar Catom present Glyceraldehyde | Dihydroxyacetone | Trioses (3G) = + Molecules having only one ‘sugar group Erythrose Erythrulose Tetroses (40) Ribose Ribulose Pentoses (5C) Glucose Fructose Hexoses (60) [Glucoheptase | “Sedoheptulose | Heptoses (70) | CREE —- suierose (aDGlucose + 8 Dfructose) (rate sugar) (milksugar) “g*, : (aD-Glucose + aD-Glucose) (p DGalactose + p DGlucose) Ke pee > Poy t/non readion Of Sucrose t o , se ° ¢ =» A geucrose, Si ¥2201)) Sugar WE > oka z ~ purcose “i 4 ea e Peon lon an Soir on on 4 on HOO H OM nee OD er Yak fee Wh he kee . C—O Vener ES ° lenso4) ow on hon on om >| nom-aesusing- Sugar cxuedi BEBE) | Tota) cima conde = 9 *| Formation of Lactese i ¢, ¥ & =| Lactece SBS > po ~haldercee + B— > - gulese —— oar gusinhy Aor >) commonty wma Sagar ‘ar g-2 -nalactose >| Reducing. sugar | KIN =a +) formation of martese | > Maltese. ———? “Dd — We 7 Reduory. sugar 6.4 OM WOK en co-Bie —sinveage ) 4 ea uiese + X—P—Ylurose Carbohydrates: Classifica‘ + Donot occur as free entities * Occur as glycoconjugates (Glycoprotein, Glycolipids) Raffinose a-D-glucose, B-D-galactose,-D-fructose Stachyose 2 Galactose + Glucose + Fructose Verbascose, 3 Galactose + Glucose + Fructose ‘scent ——=—=—=—$—— el ae Ene , Monosacct eS if Disaccharides| Homoglycans — Heterogiycans La Homopolysaccharides ‘Agar, Agarose same type of monosaccharide unit Dextrin Gum & Pectin (Glycogen __| Hyaluronic acid ai * 22 different types of monosaccharide units or Cellulose | chondroitin sulfate their derivatives. Tnulin Keratan Sulfate Dextran Dermatan Sulfate [Chitin © 1:Carbohydrates-Definition, Classification, Functions | Carbohydrat... = *| Pxotems :- oe ae . is work Proseios” whi | the word Protein is derived Prom trek 1 Primocy. of of Prime Tmeortance yoked 1d Peieins are hetero bolgmer oF amie ack, | 4 | They ore pragecesites de Aipgar enain of amine oe! Pepside bond keh a 7e| Polymers of ByY-amino ach ee eUSE , but 'Proseind contain only Amine Acid ia iH Fag > an enzyme are, Proteins Sy wo’ ie No Bxeger Ripowyme Itty, : \ Ce fmnino Ach) FH Rroperies amis gure Gaia > water Sotuble (Bue ty rte) : : (ooy Cotoraery “wc ‘ wif 7 Migh metiny satik | R " : Rg >| Castastine SoLIAS (aueto BwlNex 190) | befmino nelh |” — DeAmind Aol * gree ear foiveadh a pes wah in iy ea Bk qn J winhydringess 6) wberopembide tert | pasa D Biurel tose 3\remnthe ereteie feat ws} istonis : Wepring est | een Eeicart Pepa Ot bok emul Sah imam body alr Prodice | ote human body ot Produce awar YT Paar er oT Pirtro fetal = Buliolivg “blocks of Pooteen us BiPuretionad Compourd outing two eget v tity sarong (ins) eee heiohie A k \ re b-coo™ HyN-C —coOh == HN ie ; ~ phe aie 4 (Arsino Aci ch ) (Zuittor Jon) Z ; Anion thathas bthapesitive and negative ranged ‘on the same species # Zusisaer aon =, : f a fa fb cl 8 1 7, cen er al pe ce oA ——+ GaSO Grn > Roe EER i yt Be! & 2 ant Se | nen —coF, as = Cts Pi. Pa ipek oe F 3 | Roa: fs pe toni! A rng we METRES AB | ait uf) ous fa wid Baez er est [2amoke : ; 0) eostaake f ns ea © what is zwitter ion.(zwitterion) Peptiote Bond Forunation pee eee frriwe Acid bind 10 cook ottan Tonake opel peptide charg’ Mararconctniation seaation , WREORSPW ynoleeule {pn each bond formed \ led ; ae oe ; ,0 oO ‘Wig 08 p aa aa ko @iy- CHR co -WH — CHR COOH) © Peptides and Peptide Bonds | Amino Acids, Dipeptides, Oligopeptides, Polypeptides | .. Q. Who gave the double helix model of DNA? Write down the Double Helical Structure of DNA with proper Diagram * The DNA molecule is a double helix. © It consists of two antiparallel strands. © The bases include adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). * Adenine pairs with thymine (A-T, 2H Bond), and cytosine pairs with guanine (C-G,3H Bond). Base pairs: hydrogen bonds. Phosphodiester bonds: 3' carbon to 5' carbon. DNA helix: 20 A diameter, 34 A total length. Axial rise per base pair: 3.4 A. 10 base pairs per turn. Base pairs (bp) it ae Sugar-Phosphate backbone One helical turn: 10.5 bp/tur Helix pitch: ae Major groove Minor groove Axial rise; 34A 0 be + i Helix diameter: 20A Q.Describe the structure and function of ATP ATP is a nucleoside triphosphate. It consists of adenine, ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups. ATP is commonly known as the cell's "energy currency.” The bond between the second and third phosphate groups contains readily releasable energy. ‘* This energy can be readily utilized by cells for various cellular processes. Sit | cy Se ‘One ribose suger n of enzymes with an example. Ce ake) Br fiesta = Senora Area + Box === Aox + Brea ‘Substrate Electron a Example: Alcohol dehydrogenase ee A-B + C —>A + B-C Example: Hexokinase Bees) AB +H,0 —+ A-H+B-OH Example: Trypsin, Pepsin, Aginase Example: Pyruvate decarboxytase, alcolase A-B-C === A-C-B Gluconephosphate isomerase A+B+ATP—= A-B+ADP+P;, Example;Pyravae caorynae, Acs! COA How enzymes work Enzymes work by lowering the activation energy. Enzymes are biocatalysts that increase reaction rates by lowering activation energy. ‘Activation energy determines the reaction speed and is the difference between the energy of the transition state and the reactants. —— Reaction without catalyst ~ = ~~ Reaction with catalyst Reaction path Mechanism of enzyme action: Active site: The active site is where the enzyme and substrate bind to form the ‘enzyme-substrate complex (ES). Substrate Q sete O B 7 ° © exam Enzyme binds substrate Enzyme releases products Schematically the enzymatic reaction can be summarized as follows: where: S is the substrate Eis the enzyme ES-is the enzyme substrate complex P is the product K1,K-1 and K2 are rate constants ‘There are two models used to describe the way enzymes interact with substrates: Fischer's Lock and Key Model: Specific substances bind to enzyme-active sites like a lock and key. + > Enzyme Substrate Enzyme Substrate complex Koshland's Induced Fit Mode for a tighter fit upon binding. nzymes and substrates undergo conformational changes Factors affecting enzyme activity Enzyme activity can be affected by a variety of factors, such as temperature, pH, and concentration e Temperature: Raising temperature generally speeds up a reaction, and lowering temperature slows down a reaction e pH: Optimum pH range for each enzyme. pH changes outside the range of slow activity, extremes denature enzymes. e Substrate concentration: Increasing concentration enhances reaction rate until saturation when enzymes are saturated. Previous year paper CaBTECHNVODDISEMaD & MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAC Paper Code: 8S-810301. Biology 'UPIO : 003488, Time Alloted : 3 Hours Full Marks, ‘Tho Figures in the margin indicat fll marks. ue Candidate are required to give thalr answers in thelr own words as far as practicable Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question) 1 aaiwisyssibetanaigh Whatls te tnetonctpupotower Pupil regulates 4 Cankrls the. aman of gtk cheba Be eae © Whats strageodpredutoteninal? - Giyeagen- & taneuen toc tn ot mite tral trwe of po ht ri ml mucmaicanhons, — Tetlthen, Tynane, monitetine Le Ae ins ers ae ability te catalyze Spuclfre Lolo chem ' ciara bac vanscoten? — FR pelywerncen ate Dolio pleiottpy. — In Ghich asingie tose oydits te or mart. orton unmet (0m Whatare the components ofplantcetlwall? — callulaye , heraiceliudes § Ngrtn, oe We down the name of smallesttaxon. ~ Species. © Which enzyme removes RNA primer? — DRG ply murare T 08 Where does glycolysis take place? — fn ane cyteplazn~. 0m Whichtpe ofRbesome pesertineukanoiceal? - 90s. Group-8 (Short Answer Type Question) ‘Answer any threo of te following [5x9=15) = Wright down the taxonomic hierarchy in descending order ‘2. Waite down the Mendat's law of sogrogaion. “4. Wile down the relationship between science and engineering. ‘3. Wite down te characterise properties of Kingdom Monera 5. Wite down function of DNA. 15) 151 151 (1 1s) Group-C (Long Answer Type Question) ‘Answer any treo oho flowing (1919-45) 7. (a) Whatisbiolopical classiteation? ta (0) Distinguish between ecosystem and community. 13) +e Wie down three kingdom classification system. tel way te down the diference between gone and allele. 15) ee cow src betrew od ti wed rt en ta {c) Writo a short note on different types of allele. (5) 8. (a) Wie down tho definition of selective masa, diferontal media and enichent modi, (20202) {b) Wit down the beneficial Impact of diferent microbes in industal purpose. i 40. (a) What s the funeton of sigma factor? a (6) Deserve ination, clongation and temination process of bactail ranscripion process = amino ald with example. 11 (a) Write down the diference between essenial amino acid and non-essential (551 (6) Wie short note on alpha helix and bota pleated shoot. Bee tai ee oe ete P TECHNOLOGY, WERT Se AZAD UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, WEST MAULANA ABUL (tou: Wo-ESO1OREEaNY lg Egos mL ‘UPIO : 003524 ‘Time Aitotted : 3 Hours Ful Maina 299 ‘The Figures In te margin indicate ull marks. ‘ Candidate are required to piv thelr anewors in thelr own words as far as practicable ‘Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question) 1. Anew any ton ofthe flowing: [1x10 10) © Whatrofers tons “Stato it"? © Camauba is an example of __wax © Whore can sciontsts obtain stom colle? 1% Cancer's caused by.. ‘$M. Which parto te compound microscope helps in gathering and focusing light rays on the specimen wo be viewed? (00° Name of a transport ProtelN 1. nnnn (8 The abil of the Immune system to recognize selhantgens versus nonself antigen is an exampl® Onn. (8 noone & spiral metabolic pathway (© The longestasting immunity to an infectious agent is— (9 Nuclear DNA replicates in the phase. (°2Name the Inhibition where ond products of blosyrihesis pathway inhibit the activity ofthe frst enzyme? (9% Arrange the following sequences of tumor davelopmantin the comoct order? a) Motastasis +) Progression ‘¢) Promotion ‘)eiaton © Group-8 (short Answer Type Question) a “Answer any tree ofthe flowing (stastsr 2 Crccuss ve Kingdoms of Classicaton. re ane anno act. What ne olga slncane oi? ist ‘4. What are the stages of cancer, and what do they mean? 1s) {Wie a short not on melactarbasi ol intornaton vat (31 6. Wie a shor notonElectophysiology ry Group-C (Long Answer Type Question) ‘Anewor any te of he olowing (513-08) 7. (a) Why Biology is as important as a scientific discipline like Mathematics, Physics and Chemisty? is) (2) Monton he mos! xctng aspect of ology as an ndapandent scion eipne, 19} 8. (a) Discuss about te major kingdoms ol a1 tay (09) 121 181 121 131 151 181 (1 (21 (0) Define spontanetty (@) Discuss ATP used as an energy currency. 8. (a) Wnatare enzymes? (0) Discuss about the factors affecting enzymatic activity. (¢) Whats Michelis-Menten constant? (6) Name three Cu containing enzymes. 10. (a) Whatis Immunology? Briefly discuss the basic aspect of immunology. (@) Discuss about the basic aspect of pathogen. {) Discuss about antigen-antibody reaction. 1, (@) Dotine nucle aci. (©) Briety discuss about the monomers of nuctetc acids. (€) Write @ short note on Nitrogenous base. MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENaat > Paper code CE{BH201| Boley or Englneer® 'UPID : 003500 Time Allotted : 8 Hours Full Marke :70 ‘The Figures in the margin indica full marks. Candidate are required to give thir answors In thelr own words as far as practicable Grop-A (Very Short Answer Type Question) [1x 19+ 10) 14 Anewer any ton oth fotowing Gonote codes aro |e Name he intibton where end products of blosynthesis pathway Inhibit the activity ofthe rt enzyme? ‘@- ln which portion of te growth cuve bacteria shows rapid growth Is observed? “(0 Roivrwany base pals fe found In one tum of DNA helix? (iH The feason behind the anti-parallel sand of DNA is (© How many molecules of aca) CoA ave generated by a single molecule of glucose which ener he Krobs cycle (9 Which microscopes used to vieualize ving cll? plant wih gonaype AaB sel-rlized, the probably of geting AABB gonotyp wl bo (A and ave natinked) 00% Distance between to adlacert lvogen bases o DNAs Group-8 (Short Answor Type Question) : “Answer any vee of following 1519-18) 2. expat flowing tome win example (1 Needominanes ‘Wcompat dominance 3. |) How pepe bond lomaton takes pace? give the shucure. 81 in-Amibe aed exit 3 ewitevors. Gives stuctroand why stormed? 4. Explain the concept of taxonomic hierarchy. (5) 5 Dele and desgnatestcross. 181 5 Winon across in mace betwoon tal plant with yellow seeds (IY) a al plant with green seed (yy, what 15) proprtons of phenotype lathe oping could be expected tobe (tal and green and (b) wat and goon Group-¢ (Long Answer Type Question) : : “Answer ary twee o te following [15x945) 7. (a) Why did Mendel choose pea plant for his experiment? [5505] (6) How is human sex determined? (€) Give ditferences between mitosis and meiosis ‘8 (a) Whatls glycogen? How Isit diferent from starch? ts) {(0) What ar essential and non-essential arino acids? Give two examples of each type. (1 (6) Write a short note on monosaccharides. (51 8. (a)How do Mendes experimionts show that vals are inherited Independently? [10¥5} () Explain how colour blindness is passed In children? 10. Wite a note on thalassaemia? 11, (a) Briefly doscribo the Clover leat model of RNA (0) Wie a short note on Contra dogma, 115) (19) ts) Group-A Question and answer a () Genetic codes are ... Genetic codes are the instructions contained in a gene that tll a cell how to make a specific protein (i) Name the inhibition where and products of the biosynthesis pathway inhibit the activity of the first enzyme? Feedback inhibition. (iii) In which portion of the growth curve bacteria shows rapid growth is observed? Gouh in Bacterial “Tncease in population Logarithmic phase. Phases of vonth (Depends on forerrable conddicr) el Lag Phases ielemp , PH »Nudvient etc. ect. 40 net enwormert (Preparator, ce) 2) Lag Phebe Nsgibrac Joponeniat phase) Badevia incrense in number Nery vor (Sugopions eppecs al is stage) 3) Slotionaty Phase: ~ Sraslage’ of feed hence gronth dow doa Reproduction Rate= Death vote Dedine or DeathPares hale, sotoge Soiled + tasn Dea vote Sy Repodusion aie “SOR R, witiaiehy ey BORER compete, From that pte ee res Phase Nueber of Bacera, © Growth in bacteria | Population increase of bacteria | = Bacterial Growth Curve in Hindi || Microbiology (iv) What is the basic unit of classification? Species renee er eee eed & Species - The Basic Unit of Classification, Biology Lecture | | (v) Which disorder is also called the Royal disease? Hemophilia (vi) Are the polysaccharides sweet like sugars? (Vii) How many base pairs are found in one turn of the DNA helix? How many base pairs are found in one tum of the DNA helix? In a DNA double helix, one complete turn or twist consists of approximately 10 base pairs of nucleotides. ‘The two strands of the double helix are held together by hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs: adenine (A) with thymine (T), and guanine (G) with cytosine (C) ‘The specific sequence of these base pairs along the length of the DNA molecule encodes genetic information. The total number of base pairs in a DNA molecule varies depending on the size of the genome, with humans having approximately 3 billion base pairs in their diploid genome (the complete set of genetic instructions in each cell). = Nucleotide pairs present in one turn of DNA helix (Vill) The reason behind the anti-parallel strand of DNA is ‘The antiparallel nature of DNA strands is needed to form the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous base (x) How many molecules of acetyl CoA are generated by a single molecule of glucose which enters the Krebs cycle. ‘Two molecules of acetyl CoA (x) Which microscope is used to visualize living cells? Light Microscope. (xi) Ifa plant with genotype AaBb is self-fertilized, the probability of getting AABB genotype will be (A and B are not linked) The probability of getting AABB genotype is 1/16 or 6:25:1 (XI) Distance between two adjacent nitrogen bases of DNA Is.... The distance between two adjacent nitrogenous bases is 3.48 © Nucleotide pairs present in one turn of DNA helix Explain Hee FEA I MI) eve tanta Ermeng G) Parrnance — (if) Co-dominay ce Ui) Treeenghere Lominonce tere doeninamee es Generel! Domirence, Codorrinam ce B In com? (mate's Ex ferizne nt ) (1) Dominance Dominance in biology refers to the relationship between two versions of a gene, where one allele is expressed (dominant) while the other allele's effect is masked (recessive). ‘Tau a em OT, 77 te Co-dominance Co-dominance is the phenomenon in which two alleles are expressed to an equal degree within an organism. As a result, traits associated with each allele are displayed simultaneously. Co-dominance Ke E.g.- AB Blood Group A,8,A8,0 Dominant Recessive A Blood Group A a : 8 pi > —- BBlood Group AB — = Co-dominance in 5 Minutes ! AB Blood Group Complete Dornivronce : St 1S the form OF intermediate _ im heritance mH wnich one ouele Foe C1 Parti cuany araik \s wet ex Premed complet Oy, Incomplete Dominance snapdragon/Dog flower/ Antirrhinum Parents Gametes Fi generation All Pink Selfing Rr x as NX Gametes oR nF Phenotypic ratio - Red : Pink : White hs Bin R ee Genotypic ratio — RR: Rez rr : G22: 2 * Another example - Mirabilis jalapa (4 0! clock plant) © Incomplete Dominance Explained (Easy !) || Class 12 || NCERT Taxonomic hierarchy ‘* The 7 main taxonomic categories, used strictly in plant classification, are: © The classification of any plant or animal is written in descending or ascending order. * Trick: KP COF Genus species Kingdom: The Kingdom is the highest level of classification and consists of five main kingdoms: Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, and Monera. Phylum: Phylum is the second level of classification, more specific than the kingdom. The classes with similar features are grouped into phylum and share very few common characteristics with other phyla. Class: Class is the third level of classification, separating organisms within a phylum/division based on additional distinguishing features. Order: Order is the fourth level of classification, grouping organisms into distinct orders based on similarities in structure, behavior, or other characteristics. Family: Family is the fifth level of classification, grouping organisms into families based on shared genetic and structural traits. Genus: Genus is the sixth level of classification, categorizing organisms into genera based on close relationships. ‘Species: Species are the lowest and most specific level of classification, defined as groups of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. = Test Cross Explained (Easy !) [HINDI] || Class 12 || NCERT Ans: He selected the pea plant because: Ci) Pea plant was small and easy to grow Gilt is a bisexual flower iii) Self fertilizing in nature Civ) Produce large number of offsprings Civ) Life cycle completes in only one season CwAvailable in many contrasting characters: = Q33 Why did Mendel select pea plant in his experiment? | Heredity and Evolution | C... Sex Determination Genetically Turtles, * Humans Alligators, Crocodile, Human cell, 23 pairs of chromosomes —> 46 chromosomes xeXe ve ll 3 4 es ( vw tw UK e Pa g ng) 10 at 12 "oy M. oe 2 14) 615 ~~ + | Sex 1 Y} 1 Vv cn chromosome Loss 20 2 22 2s Human sex determined Female Male XX (Perfect pair) XY (Mis-matched i eae Female Male Sex Determination in Humans in 5 MINUTES ! [Hindi] Q. Write is glycogen? How is it different from starch? 1. Glycogen: © Polymer of a-D-glucose. © Carbohydrate storage forms in animal bodies. © Highly branched chain polymer. Benson . 2. Starch: Polymer of a-D-glucose. Main storage polysaccharides in plants. Moderately branched chain polymer. Consists of two components: amylose and amylopectin (1) Amylose: (2) Linear chain polymer of a-D-glucose. (3) Amylopectin: © Branched-chain polymer of a-D-glucose. Less branched compared to glycogen. Moderately branched Q. What are essential and non-essential amino acids? Give two examples of each. Essential Amino Acids: ‘© Not produced in the body. ‘* Must be obtained from external sources. © Examples: Arginine, Histidine. Arginine Histidine OH \H ©: oO: NH, NH, HN NH 1H Non-Essential Amino Acids: © Produced by the body. © Not required to be obtained from external sources. © Examples: Glycine, Alanine. 1 H,N——CH-C-——OH H,N—CH-C—OH | H cH alanine glycine Q. write a short note of monosaccharide Mono means single and Saccharide means sugar © Monosaccharides or simple sugars consist of one sugar unit that cannot be further broken down into simpler sugars. Examples: monosaccharides in foods are glucose, fructose, and galactose. 4. General formula: (CH20)n or (CnH2nOn) 2. Can be readily reduced by oxidizing agents. 3. Colorless and crystalline substances. 4, Have a sweet taste. 5. Soluble in water CH,OH CH,OH oO. , OH H H HO ‘on CH,OH H OH OH Glucose Fructose Mendel's Laws of Inheritance: Important Key Points ope eee pone eee eee a ee eee eee eee Differences between genotype and phenotype Qo" Phenotypes: Fae Genotypes: o8| ean) 1:2:1 1. Law of Dominance: * Ina heterozygote, one allele (dominant allele) can mask the expression of another allele (recessive allele). © Dominant alleles are expressed, while recessive alleles are only expressed in the presence of two recessive alleles (homozygous recessive). Mendel’s Law of Dominance eee Tall (TT) Dwarf (tt) Tall (Tt) Tall (Tt) Tall (Tt) Tall (Tt) Parents F1 Generation Heterozygous Tall (Tt) T t F2 Generation T| TT S,| Tt homozygous heterozygous tall tall phenotypic ratio = 3:1 genotypic ratio = 1:2:1 t Tt tt tallness = dominant heterozygous homozygous character ‘all ‘wart Heterozygous Tall (Tt) 2. Law of Segregation: * Alleles segregate or separate from each other during the formation of gametes (sex cells). * Each gamete carries only one allele for a particular trait. ‘* This law explains how traits from parents are passed on to offspring. Mendel’s Law of Segregatio P Generation & ow Each homozygous parent in the parental Yellow Green _(P) generation forms | | only 1 kind of gamete Gametes @ @ \ : The heterozygous F1 Generation F1 offspring forms v << 2 kinds of gamete Gametes e@ 7 F2 Generation Self-pollination of the F1 offspring forms F2 offspring with a 3:1 phenotypic ratio of yellow to green seeds Punnett square SSE Sennaliahe = 3. Law of Independent Assortment: © Alleles for different traits segregate independently of each other during gamete formation. ‘© Genes for different traits are sorted and inherited independently. ‘* This law explains the inheritance of multiple traits simultaneously. Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment It states that alleles of two or more different genes assort independently of each other Seed SI Seed Color R=round(_) r= wrinkled (~>| Y= yellow y= green Emm Parental Generation @ x @-—-e F1 Round Wrinkled Round Generation Yellow Green Yellow (RRYY) (rryy) (Rrvy) Fourtypesof py py ry ty gametes ry |RRYY| RRYy | Rrvy | Rrvy e e e e Ry |RRYy| RRyy| RrYy | Rryy F2 e e e @ | Generation ry|Rryy| Rrvy | rrvy | ervy e eo | #=| @ ry | Bevy | Reyy | rrvy | eryy e e ma | ae Phenotypic Ratio ©@ Round/vellow: 9 GD wrinktea/Yettow: 3 @ Round/Green: 3 $B Wrinkied/Green: 1 8 Satanic nt * Note: Mendel used the term "factor" instead of "gene" as DNA and genes were unknown during his time. Monohybrid crosses involve one factor, while dihybrid crosses involve two factors. Principles of Inheritance and Variation Inheritance: The process of passing on characters from parents to progeny. Variation: The degree of differences observed between progeny and their parents. > Meat “impouant and fundomedTat ehonroetiy. rT ype 5 ryt cs a ny tt Tou _plowt Dwort plane Parental Generation 7-7 + i J @ (gametes) | eT - Dominant (Tall) A poze | ett recessive (Dwarf) ® Taek 3 eS J, Os Or On @* d Tou Tou Tou « Phenotype - All Tall « Genotype - Tt Gametes Generation Te x art re t HE Te T| Tall Tall Te tt 21 alk Dwarf {Phenotypic ratio - 3 Tall | Dwarf | Genotypic ratio- 7 TT 2 Tt 7 te 3:7 © Monohybrid Cross || Mendet's Experiment || (Easy !) [HINDI] Seed shape & colour Parental Generation Gametes fl Generation DIHYBRID CROSS Round & Yellow Wrinkled & Green RRYY / 7 Ry RY ry ry ry ry RY) Bee ne Phenotype - Ry Rrvy RrYy Round & Yellow RrYy om NN Sy & Ff RrYy RY ky wy ty R ae Round & Yellow RY Ry ry ry Round & Green Ry | RRYY | RRYy | Rr¥Y | Rr¥y Wrinkled & Y | out | round | Round — | found Yellow Yelow | Yelow | Yelow | Yelow ARE RRYy | RRyy | R R nei Ry | ne” | wc” | ea’ | mace’ | | Green velow | Green | Yetow __| Green RrYy | Rr¥y | rryy | rr¥y Phenotypic ratio ee ee | oe | 92397377 ry Rr¥y | Rryy | rr¥y | rroy vaow | Geen | Wow | Green Genotypic ratio (a) If a Round yellow seed is crossed with wrinkle green seed so what will be the phenotypic ratio of round yellow and wrinkle green seed in F2 generation, where round yellow was homozygous dominant. Upper me answer diya hai © Dihybrid Cross | Mendel's Experiment (Easy !) [HINDI] a cross | inmade between tall plant with yellow seeds (T{Yy) and tall plant with green seed (Ttyy), what proportonsof phenotype In the ofspring could be expected tobe (a tall and green and (b) dwarl and green. Parents Tall Yellow Tall Green Tt Yy at yy Gametes TY, Ty, tY, ty Ty. ty Ty 4 ees Tall Yellow Tall Vatow fee Tall Green Tal Geen eae Tall Yalow Dwatt Yallow ae Tall Gen Dwarf Green Phenotypes: Talland Yellow =3 Tall and Green =3 Dwarfand Green =1 Dwarf and Yellow =1 Total= 8 Thus, (a) Proportion of tall and green is 3/8 (b) Proportion of dwarf and green is 1/8 Test cross © Attest cross is a cross between an individual with an unknown genotype with a homozygous recessive genotype. ® Itis used to know whether the trait which is dominant is heterozygous or homozygous. PHENOTY PE v Tagiod charge closes, TAU GENoTY PE vir Cane 13 Paseo Tay x Meoft NL => Gametes a ay & ii 44 Osgepm nS t\|n |t Att effaprings ane talds. v(t |® . 2 Homozy ous Cone 2F Ponnks > DOMINANT Parks “Tout cee Te “oN, o> Ganchs + oot ££) nals ofpaptnd egeny + Ge LRT PREP AELS esbelgepting oe POE der HEWER OZY OVS . DOWNGANT © Test Cross Explained (Easy !) [HINDI] || Class 12 || NCERT 1. Red-Green Color Blindness: © Itis a recessive sex-linked trait. * Individuals with this condition are unable to distinguish between red and green colors 2. Dominant Gene for Normal Vision: ‘* The gene for normal vision is dominant over the gene for color blindness. 3. Inheritance via X-Chromosomes: The normal gene and its recessive allele for color blindness are carried on the X-chromosomes. 4. Criss-Cross Inheritance: Color blindness, like other sex-linked traits, exhibits criss-cross inheritance © The trait is typically passed from carrier mothers to affected sons, while daughters are usually carriers themselves. Note: The terms “recessive” and "dominant" are used in the context of gene inheritance, while "sex-linked" refers to traits associated with genes located on sex chromosomes (X and Y).

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