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Leader’s Guide, Fact Sheet

& Quiz

Item Number: 5351

© Marcom Group LTD.
This easy-to-use Leader’s Guide is provided to assist in conducting a successful presentation.


Here are a few suggestions for using this program:

a) Review the contents of the Fact Sheet that immediately follows this page to familiarize yourself with the
program topic and the training points discussed in the program. The Fact Sheet also includes a list of
Program Objectives that details the information that participants should learn from watching the

b) If required by your organization, make an attendance record to be signed by each participant to

document the training to be conducted.

c) Prepare the area and equipment to be used for the training. Make sure the watching environment is
comfortable and free from outside distractions. Also, ensure that participants can see and hear the TV
screen or computer monitor without obstructions.

d) Make copies of the Review Quiz included at the end of this Leader’s Guide to be completed by
participants at the conclusion of the presentation. Be aware that the page containing the answers to the
quiz comes before the quiz itself, which is on the final page.


a) Begin the meeting by welcoming the participants. Introduce yourself and give each person an
opportunity to become acquainted if there are new people joining the training session.

b) Introduce the program by its title and explain to participants what they are expected to learn as stated
in the Program Objectives of the Fact Sheet.

c) Play the program without interruption. Upon completion, lead discussions about your organization’s
specific policies regarding the subject matter. Make sure to note any unique hazards associated with
the program’s topic that participants may encounter while performing their job duties at your facility.

d) Hand out copies of the review quiz to all of the participants and make sure each one completes it
before concluding the training session.
5351 GHS Safety Data Sheets
LENGTH: 15 MINUTES Production Year: 2022

In 1983, OSHA created the Hazard Communication Standard which gives you the "right to know" about any potentially
hazardous materials, or "HAZMATs," that you could encounter on the job. This "HAZCOM Standard" also ensures that you
will have the information and training that you need to handle HAZMATs safely.

One of the main sources of information about HAZMATs are GHS Safety Data Sheets. In this program, we will discuss the
types of information that Safety Data Sheets contain, how they present that information, and how you can use them to
work safely with HAZMATs.

After watching the program, the participant should be able to explain the following:
• How hazard communication, the globally harmonized system, and safety data sheets work together;
• Using an SDS to identify materials and their hazards;
• How to respond to HAZMAT emergencies;
• Proper handling and storing of hazardous materials;
• Understanding other important technical information.

• In 1983, OSHA created the Hazard Communication Standard which gives you the "right to know" about any
potentially hazardous materials, or "HAZMATs," that you could encounter on the job. This "HAZCOM Standard" also
ensures that you will have the information and training that you need to handle HAZMATs safely.
• One of the main sources of information about HAZMATs are GHS Safety Data Sheets. In this program, we will discuss
the types of information that Safety Data Sheets contain, how they present that information, and how you can use them
to work safely with HAZMATs.

• The more you know about a hazardous material, the more safely you can work with it. Information you should be
aware of includes what a material is and what its hazards are, what procedures you should follow when handling and
storing it, and what you should do if there's an emergency involving the material.
• You can get all this information and more from Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). Under OSHA's Hazard Communication
Standard, HAZMAT producers and distributors are required to provide Safety Data Sheets for each of their products.
• Companies that handle hazardous materials should keep their SDSs in a central location, for easy reference.
• The information that Safety Data Sheets contain, and the way they present that information, is done according to the
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. This system, called "GHS" for short, was
established by the United Nations to help people anywhere in the world get accurate information about hazardous
materials regardless of what language they speak.
• It accomplishes this by standardizing how materials are classified, how their hazards and safety precautions are
described and how those facts are conveyed, and by using pictograms to provide easily recognizable indicators of the
• GHS Safety Data Sheets organize HAZMAT information about a material into 16 numbered sections, which always
appear in the same order. Data that's likely to be needed in a hurry, such as a material's name, composition, hazards,
safety precautions, and emergency procedures, is presented in the first six sections. Information on safe handling and
storage procedures is located in the middle of the SDS, followed by more specialized, technical information toward the
• All of the data in GHS Safety Data Sheets is presented using clear, non-technical language and standard phrasing, so
it's easy for people who work with HAZMATs to get the information they need when they need it!
• Being able to get the information you need about the HAZMATs you work with is not just a matter of convenience. It
can be vital to preventing accidents, injuries, and even fatalities, not only in your workplace, but in the surrounding
community as well. So, GHS Safety Data Sheets follow a "first things first" approach to presenting HAZMAT information,
making it easy to find and use, even when you're in a hurry.
• The first three sections of an SDS answer the questions "What is this material?" and "What are its hazards?".
• Section 1 is Product Identification. This includes a chemical's "official" name, which GHS calls the product identifier,
as well as any other chemical or trade names by which the substance is known. It gives the name and contact
information of the company that supplied the material and also includes a 24-hour emergency telephone number.
• Section 2, Hazard Identification, provides information on a material's hazards, including its pictogram. Its hazard
classification (such as "flammable solid," "self-reactive substance," or "gas under pressure"). Its hazard statement (such
as "heating may cause fire," "harmful if inhaled," and "may cause cancer"). And its signal word, which will be either
"Warning" or "Danger" depending on how hazardous the substance is.
• This section also describes safety precautions that should be used with the material, such as "keep away from heat,"
"do not breathe vapor," and "wear protective gloves."
• As you can see, one objective of the GHS systems is to make HAZMAT information as "user-friendly" as possible by
presenting it in plain language.
• The third section of a GHS Safe Data Sheet provides technical details about a material's composition, including
information about any other chemicals that it contains. This can be particularly important when a substance is a mixture
of other ingredients.
• Section 3 also includes the material's common name and synonyms, its Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number, and
any other unique identifiers.


• Even when we do our best to handle hazardous materials carefully, wearing appropriate protective equipment and
following safe practices, it's still possible for things to go wrong. Accidents happen, and we need to be prepared for
them. So, sections 4, 5, and 6 of GHS Safety Data Sheets contain information on how to handle different types of
HAZMAT emergencies.
• For example, if someone has been exposed to a hazardous material, you should turn to Section 4 for information on
first aid measures. It is organized according to how the victim was exposed from inhaling the substance, swallowing it, or
through skin contact.
• This section will include instructions such as "provide artificial respiration," "do not induce vomiting," or "rinse skin
gently using soap and water for 15 to 20 minutes." It will also tell you whether the victim will require emergency medical
• If a HAZMAT is involved in a fire, Section 5 of its SDS provides detailed information on the firefighting measures that
should be used with it. This includes what extinguishing agents are appropriate for the substance, and which are not.
• Information is also included regarding any new hazards that the material can create when it burns, such as toxic
• Lastly, Section 5 describes the precautions, procedures, and protective equipment that professional firefighters
should use when extinguishing a fire that involves the HAZMAT.
• Accidental release measures are what is addressed in Section 6 of a GHS Safety Data Sheet. In addition to emergency
procedures and the safety precautions that should be taken in the event of a spill or leak, this section describes the
methods, materials, and equipment that should be used to contain and clean up the substance.
• Instructions in this section include things such as "ventilate the area," "wear protective eyewear, gloves, and
clothing," and "dam and absorb spillage with sand, earth, or other non-combustible material."


• To provide easy access to the data you need most urgently, GHS Safety Data Sheets present HAZMAT information in
priority order. So, the first six sections of an SDS tell you what you'll want to know in a crisis, when every second counts.
• But the information in SDS Sections 7 through 10 is important, too, because it describes the safe handling practices
that can prevent HAZMAT emergencies.
• Section 7, for example, is titled Handling and Storage and includes the precautions that you should take when
working with a substance, as well as the conditions that it requires to be stored safely. This section can include
instructions such as "avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing," "keep away from ignition sources," "store in a cool
location," and "keep away from combustible material."
• Section 8, Exposure Controls and Personal Protection, provides details about engineering controls and personal
protective equipment (PPE) that should be used with a material.
• "Engineering controls" are mechanical safety devices that are incorporated into a facility to help prevent HAZMAT
exposure. They can include things like ventilation systems, gas detectors, eye wash stations, and safety showers.
• Rubber gloves, goggles, face shields, aprons, and a variety of respirators might be listed as required PPE.
• Section 8 of an SDS also specifies how much exposure to a material is safe and how much is too much. These
benchmarks are known as Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) and Threshold Limit Values (TLVs).
• Section 9 of an SDS lists a material's physical and chemical properties. Some of this information, such as what the
substance looks and smells like, can help employees who don't typically work with a material tell whether an accidental
release has occurred.
• Other data, such as the temperatures at which a material melts or boils and its flashpoint, can assist safety specialists
in creating the controls and procedures that allow employees to work with the substance safely.
• Section 10 of an SDS contains information on a material's stability and reactivity. This data can be very important in
ensuring that the material is handled safely. Substances that are unstable or highly reactive may explode or undergo
uncontrolled chemical reactions under certain conditions or when they are combined with other, incompatible,


• Most people who use GHS Safety Data Sheets want user-friendly HAZMAT information that's presented in clear, non-
technical language. But other SDS users, including supervisors, environmental managers, and industrial hygienists, need
to know specific technical details. Many of these can be found in Sections 11 through 16 of an SDS.
• For instance, Section 11, Toxicological Information, focuses on the adverse effects that a hazardous substance can
have on living things. This data includes how toxic a substance is, how it can get into the body, the symptoms of
exposure and the effects that it can have.
• Section 12, Ecological Information, discusses the environmental impact a chemical can have after a spill or leak. It
describes how the material behaves when it is released into the earth, air, and water, how long it can remain in these
elements, and what effects it can have on plants, wildlife, and other aspects of the environment.
• Section 13, Disposal Considerations, explains how a material can affect the spill cleanup process, such as needing to
use "non-sparking" tools, and precautions that should be taken when disposing of it.
• Section 14, Transport Information, provides data that is required when a material is being transported, including its
proper name, UN number, hazard categories, and safety precautions.
• Section 15, Regulatory Information, lists any safety, health, and environmental regulations that apply to a product
that have not been listed anywhere else on the SDS.
• And Section 16, Other Information, contains data about a substance that doesn't belong in any of the previous
sections, as well as specific information on how and when the SDS itself was prepared and revised.

• The more you know about the hazardous materials that exist in your workplace, the more safely you can work with
them. GHS Safety Data Sheets are an important source of this vital information. They help you find out what you need to
know, when you need to know it.
• OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard requires HAZMAT suppliers to provide Safety Data Sheets with each of their
• Safety Data Sheets contain information on a material's identity, its hazards, the safety precautions that should be
followed when handling and storing it, and how to respond in case of an emergency.
• To make SDS data easy to find and use, it follows organizational guidelines established by the U.N.'s Globally
Harmonized System (GHS).
• The GHS system standardizes and summarizes HAZMAT information, presenting it in plain language, in "priority"
• Now that you understand how you can use GHS Safety Data Sheets to find the information you need about
HAZMATs, you can help keep yourself, your coworkers, your facility and your community safe from hazardous
materials... every day!


1. a

2. b

3. b

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. b

8. a

9. b

10. b
The following questions are provided to determine how well you understand the information presented in this program.

1. A Safety Data Sheet presents information about a substance in clear, non-technical language.
a. True
b. False

2. Sometimes it's better not to know the health and safety hazards that are associated with a material that you're handling.
a. True
b. False

3. Being able to get information about HAZMATs quickly and easily is primarily a matter of convenience.
a. True
b. False

4. The Globally Harmonized System presents HAZMAT information in plain language to make it as "user-friendly" as possible.
a. True
b. False

5. The "First Aid Measures" section of a material's Safety Data Sheet is organized according to how a person is exposed to the
substance, such as through skin contact, swallowing, or inhalation.
a. True
b. False

6. Section 5 of a material's Safety Data Sheet will contain information on what to do if the substance is spilled.
a. True
b. False

7. Face shields, gloves, and aprons are engineering controls that are used in a facility to prevent HAZMAT exposure.
a. True
b. False

8. Sections 7 through 10 of a GHS Safety Data Sheet describe the safe handling procedures that can help to prevent HAZMAT
a. True
b. False

9. Section 16 of a Safety Data Sheet includes "other information" on safety, health, and environmental regulations.
a. True
b. False

10. Everyone who consults a GHS Safety Data Sheet needs to have HAZMAT information that is presented in non-technical language.
a. True
b. False

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