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Revisiting Jubilife City

When you're done exploring Oreburgh City, return to Jubilife City. Looks like your rival is heading that
way too. You'll be approached by the Detective as you enter the city. Head north to Route 204, where
you'll find a couple of Galactic Grunts confronting Professor Rowan. You'll team up with Rowan's
assistant in your first double battle in the game. After the battle, the Galactic Grunts will flee to the
north, while Rowan and his assistant will return to Sandgem. An onlooker will give you a Fashion Case
for your efforts in the battle.

Now that you have one badge, you'll be able to use the Global Trading Station (GTS), which can be
found to the west of the trainer's school. When you're done with Jubilife City, follow the grunts north
onto Route 204.

Route 204 (South) Wild Pokemon Route 204 (South) Substitutions

Pokemon Method Time Rate Pokemon Method Time Rate

Bidoof (Lv 25% Lotad (Lv Insertion 8%

4 - 6) 5 - 6) (Sapphire)

Budew (Lv 15% Seedot Insertion 8%

3 - 5) (Lv 5 - 6) (Ruby)

Budew (Lv 25% Weedle Insertion 8%

3 - 5) (Lv 5 - 6) (LeafGreen)

Kricketot 10% Caterpie Insertion 8%

(Lv 3 - 4) (Lv 5 - 6) (FireRed)

Shinx (Lv 4 15% Pineco (Lv Insertion 8%

- 5) 5 - 6) (Emerald)

Starly (Lv 4 25%

- 6)

Wurmple 10%
(Lv 4)

Zubat (Lv 10%


You'll come across a small cave known as the Ravaged Path. You will need to teach Rock Smash to
one of your Pokemon in order to proceed north - examine one of the rocks inside and you'll be given
the option to command a Pokemon to break it.

Ravaged Path Wild Pokemon

Pokemon Method Time Rate

Psyduck (Lv 35%

4 - 6)
Zubat (Lv 3 65%
- 6)

Route 204 (North) Wild Pokemon Route 204 (North) Substitutions

Pokemon Method Time Rate Pokemon Method Time Rate

Bidoof (Lv 25% Sunkern Radar

6 - 11)
Lotad (Lv Insertion 8%
Budew (Lv 15% 8 - 10) (Sapphire)
6 - 10)
Seedot Insertion 8%
Budew (Lv 25% (Lv 8 - 10) (Ruby)
6 - 10)
Weedle Insertion 8%
Kricketot 10% (Lv 10) (LeafGreen)
(Lv 6 - 9)
Caterpie Insertion 8%
Shinx (Lv 6 15% (Lv 10) (FireRed)
- 10)
Pineco (Lv Insertion 8%
Starly (Lv 6 25% 8 - 10) (Emerald)
- 11)

Wurmple 10%
(Lv 9)

Zubat (Lv 10%

Floaroma Town

You'll notice a few aesthetic changes from Diamond and Pearl as you pass under the new sign at the
entrance to Floaroma Town. Check out the Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop, where you can grab
some free berries. You can also pick the berries from the plants outside, and you can plant and
cultivate your own berry plants in similar patches of dirt. You'll need the Sprayduck watering can from
inside the Flower Shop.

Head east onto Route 205 and talk to the little girl standing in the middle of the path. Her father is
being held hostage by Team Galactic so continue east and you'll reach the Valley Windworks. You'll
find a Galactic Grunt standing at the entrance to the building there, so talk to him and he'll battle you.

Valley Windworks Wild Pokemon Valley Windworks Substitutions

Pokemon Method Time Rate Pokemon Method Time Rate

Buizel (Lv 8 25% Drifloon Unique

- 11)
Electrike 40%
Pachirisu 10% (Lv 7 - 10)
(Lv 8 - 11)
Mareep Radar
Shellos (Lv 45%
7 - 12)

Shinx (Lv 20%


When you defeat him, he'll run inside and lock the door. Return to Floaroma Town and head north to
Floaroma Meadow; you'll find the two Grunts previously guarding the entrance have gone inside and
are intimidating one of the locals there. You'll fight both of them, one at a time.

They'll retreat after the battle, and the man standing there will give you the Works Key, which will
open up the building at the Valley Windworks. You'll also receive a pot of Honey which you can smear
on certain trees to attract Pokemon. Head back to Valley Windworks and enter the building. As you
enter, one of the Grunts will spot you and will alert the others. Follow him and you'll battle two
Grunts, and their commander, Mars.

Trainer Battle

Galactic Commander Mars

Pokemon Level Type Moves
Level 15 Poison/Flying
Zubat Leech Life
Faint Attack
Level 17 Normal
Purugly Fake Out

The Galactics will leave and the little girl will be reunited with her father. Outside, the Detective will
meet with you again and make a quick inspection of the Valley Windworks before leaving again. The
two Grunts blocking the bridge north to Route 205 have disappeared, so you can continue that way
now. Along the road to Eterna Forest, you'll see a small house where you can rest your Pokemon
before continuing.
Route 205 (South) Wild Pokemon Route 205 (South) Substitutions
Pokemon Method Time Rate Pokemon Method Time Rate

Bidoof (Lv 10% Hoppip Radar

9 - 10)

Buizel (Lv 9 15%

- 11)

Pachirisu 10%
(Lv 9 - 11)

Shellos (Lv 65%

8 - 12)

Eterna Forest

As you enter the dark forest, you'll be approached by Cheryl, who will accompany you while you are in
the forest. While she is with you, wild Pokemon battles will be double battles. You can only catch wild
Pokemon when there is one remaining, but since Cheryl's Chansey acts independently of you, this
could be a bit more difficult than expected. You'll get the chance to come back once Cheryl leaves.
While Cheryl is with you, you'll also enjoy the benefit of having your Pokemon fully healed after each

Eterna Forest Wild Pokemon Eterna Forest Substitutions

Pokemon Method Time Rate Pokemon Method Time Rate

Beautifly 1% Slakoth 40%

Walk Swarm
(Lv 12 - 14) (Lv 10 - 11)

Bidoof (Lv 10% Nincada Radar

Seedot Insertion 8%
Budew (Lv 30% (Lv 12 - 13) (Ruby)
10 - 12)
Kakuna Insertion 4%
Budew (Lv 40% (Lv 12 - 13) (LeafGreen)
10 - 12)
Weedle Insertion 4%
Buneary 24% (Lv 13) (LeafGreen)
(Lv 11 - 13)
Caterpie Insertion 4%
Cascoon 5% (Lv 13) (FireRed)
(Lv 12)
Metapod Insertion 4%
Dustox (Lv 1% (Lv 12 - 13) (FireRed)
12 - 14)
Pineco (Lv Insertion 8%
Gastly (Lv 4% 12 - 13) (Emerald)
Hoothoot 10%
(Lv 12)

Kricketot 10%
(Lv 10 - 12)

Silcoon (Lv 5%

Wurmple 10%
(Lv 10 - 11)

You'll spot an interesting rock in the northwest corner of the forest. This is Moss Rock, which will
evolve an Eevee into a Leafeon if it levels up near the rock. To exit the forest though, you'll need to
head in a northeast direction. The route can be quite windy (not the weather kind of windy), but as
long as you continue northeast, you'll reach the exit. Cheryl will thank you for escorting her through
and leave you with a Soothe Bell. You can go back and catch some Pokemon without interference, or
you can exit to Route 205. You should return to Eterna Forest when you receive HM01 - Cut.

Route 205 (North) Wild Pokemon Route 205 (North) Substitutions

Pokemon Method Time Rate Pokemon Method Time Rate

Beautifly 1% Slowpoke Radar

(Lv 15)
Lotad (Lv Insertion 8%
Bidoof (Lv 30% 12 - 14) (Sapphire)
12 - 14)

Budew (Lv 28%

12 - 14)

Budew (Lv 38%

12 - 14)

Cascoon 10%
(Lv 14)

Dustox (Lv 1%

Hoothoot 10%
(Lv 12)

Kricketot 10%
(Lv 12 - 13)

Silcoon (Lv 10%

Wurmple Walk
(Lv 13)

Eterna City

Just beyond Route 205 is Eterna City. There's a few things to do while you're here. Visit the house
next to the Pokemon Center and talk to the old man inside. He'll give you the Explorer Kit, which lets
you visit Sinnoh's Underground. Note that in Pokemon Platinum, the Underground has Wifi

Next, try to head up past the north side of town and your rival will bump into you. You'll follow him to
a large statue where you'll see Cyrus inspecting it. Both Cyrus and your rival will leave, so head back
west to the Pokemon Center and a woman named Cynthia will give you HM01 - Cut. You'll need the
Forest Badge from Eterna City Gym to use it, so head there now.

You'll notice a big change from Diamond and Pearl. Eterna Gym is adorned with a gigantic floral clock
in the middle of the gym that will change time whenever you beat one of the trainers. You will need to
beat all four trainers before advancing to Gardenia.

Eterna City Gym: Gardenia Pokemon Information Moves

Grass Knot
Level: 20 Razor Leaf
Speciality: Grass Type: Grass Sunny Day

Level: 20 Grass Knot
Type: Grass Leech Seed
Magical Leaf

Grass Knot
Level: 22 Magical Leaf
Type: Grass/Poison Poison Sting
Stun Spore

The battle should be straightforward if you have a Chimchar or Starly on your team. I highly
recommend a Starly, especially for later gyms. You could also get a Wurmple from Eterna Forest and
evolve it into a Beautifly or Dustox, but these two lose their usefulness pretty quickly.

After you defeat Gardenia, you will be awarded with a Forest Badge, which will allow you to use HM01
(Cut) outside of battle. She will also give you TM86 - Grass Knot, which inflicts damage based on the
opponent's weight. The Forest Badge also makes Pokemon of level 30 and below obey you, even if
they were obtained in a trade.

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