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Assessment Booklet
Throughout your training we are committed to your learning by providing a training
and assessment framework that ensures the knowledge gained through training is
translated into practical on the job improvements.

You are going to be assessed for:

 Your skills and knowledge using written and observation activities that apply
to the workplace.

 Your ability to apply your learning.

 Your ability to recognise common principles and actively use these on the job.

All of your assessment and training is provided as a positive learning tool. Your assessor
will guide your learning and provide feedback on your responses to the assessment
materials until you have been deemed competent in this unit.

How you will be assessed

The process we follow is known as competency-based assessment. This means that
evidence of your current skills and knowledge will be measured against national
standards of best practice, not against the learning you have undertaken either recently
or in the past. Some of the assessment will be concerned with how you apply your skills
and knowledge in the workplace, and some in the training room as required by each

The assessment tasks have been designed to enable you to demonstrate the
requirements of the performance criteria and knowledge in this unit to successfully
demonstrate competency at the required standard.

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Your assessor will ensure that you are ready for assessment and will explain the
assessment process. Your assessment tasks will outline the evidence to be collected and
how it will be collected, for example; a written activity, case study, or demonstration and

The assessor will also have determined if you have any special needs to be considered
during assessment. Changes can be made to the way assessment is undertaken to
account for special needs and this is called making Reasonable Adjustment.

What happens if your result is ‘Not Yet Competent’ for one or more
assessment tasks?
Our assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the desired learning
outcome been achieved yet?” If the answer is “Not yet”, then we work with you to see
how we can get there.

In the case that one or more of your assessments has been marked ‘NYC’, your trainer
will provide you with the necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit
your responses.

What if you disagree on the assessment outcome?

You can appeal against a decision made in regards to your assessment. An appeal should only
be made if you have been assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ against a specific unit and you feel
you have sufficient grounds to believe that you are entitled to be assessed as competent. You
must be able to adequately demonstrate that you have the skills and experience to be able to
meet the requirements of units you are appealing the assessment of.

Your trainer will outline the appeals process, which is available to the learner. You can request a
form to make an appeal and submit it to your trainer, the course coordinator, or the
administration officer. The RTO will examine the appeal and you will be advised of the outcome
within 14 days. Any additional information you wish to provide may be attached to the appeal

What if I believe I am already competent before training?

If you believe you already have the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate
competence in this unit, speak with your trainer, as you may be able to apply for
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

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Assessor Responsibilities
Assessors need to be aware of their responsibilities and carry them out appropriately.
To do this they need to:

 Ensure that participants are assessed fairly based on the outcome of the
language, literacy and numeracy review completed at enrolment.

 Ensure that all documentation is signed by the learner, trainer, workplace

supervisor and assessor when units and certificates are complete, to ensure
that there is no follow-up required from an administration perspective.

 Ensure that their own qualifications are current.

 When required, request the manager or supervisor to determine that the

learner is ‘satisfactorily’ demonstrating the requirements for each unit.
‘Satisfactorily’ means consistently meeting the standard expected from an
experienced operator.

 When required, ensure supervisors and learners sign off on third party
assessment forms or third party report.

 Follow the recommendations from moderation and validation meetings.

How should I format my assessments?

Your assessments should be typed in an 11 or 12 size font for ease of reading. You must
include a footer on each page with the learner name, unit code and date. Your
assessment needs to be submitted as a hardcopy or electronic copy as requested by
your trainer.

How long should my answers be?

The length of your answers will be guided by the description in each assessment, for

Type of Answer Answer Guidelines

Short Answer 4 typed lines = 50 words, or

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5 lines of handwritten text

Long Answer 8 typed lines = 100 words, or

10 lines of handwritten text = of a foolscap page

Brief Report 500 words = 1 page typed report, or

50 lines of handwritten text = 1 foolscap handwritten pages

Mid Report 1,000 words = 2 page typed report

100 lines of handwritten text = 3 foolscap handwritten pages

Long Report 2,000 words = 4 page typed report

200 lines of handwritten text = 6 foolscap handwritten pages

How should I reference the sources of information I use in my

Include a reference list at the end of your work on a separate page. You should reference
the sources you have used in your assessments in the Harvard Style. For example:

 Website Name – Page or Document Name, Retrieved insert the date. Webpage

 For a book: Author surname, author initial Year of publication, Title of book,
Publisher, City, State.

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The following table shows you how to achieve a satisfactory result against the criteria
for each type of assessment task. The following is a list of general assessment methods
that can be used in assessing a unit of competency. Check your assessment tasks to
identify the ones used in this unit of competency.

Assessment Method Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for this unit. The
assessment process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to
achieve a satisfactory result in each of these to be deemed competent overall. Your
assessment may include the following assessment types.

Questions All questions answered Incorrect answers for one

correctly or more questions

Answers address the Answers do not address

question in full; referring the question in full. Does
to appropriate sources not refer to appropriate or
from your workbook correct sources.
and/or workplace

Third Party Report Supervisor or manager Could not demonstrate

observes work consistency. Could not
performance and confirms demonstrate the ability to
that you consistently meet achieve the required
the standards expected standard
from an experienced

Written Activity The assessor will mark the Does not follow
activity against the guidelines/instructions

Attachments if requested Requested supplementary

are attached items are not attached

All requirements of the Response does not

written activity are address the requirements
addressed/covered. in full; is missing a

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Assessment Method Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for this unit. The
assessment process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to
achieve a satisfactory result in each of these to be deemed competent overall. Your
assessment may include the following assessment types.

response for one or more


Responses must refer to One or more of the

appropriate sources from requirements are
your workbook and/or answered incorrectly.
Does not refer to or utilise
appropriate or correct
sources of information

Observation/Demonstration All elements, criteria, Could not demonstrate

knowledge and elements, criteria,
performance evidence are knowledge and
demonstrated at the performance evidence at
appropriate AQF level the appropriate AQF level

Case Study All comprehension Lack of demonstrated

questions answered comprehension of the
correctly; demonstrating knowledge required to
an application of complete the case study
knowledge of the topic questions correctly. One
case study. or more questions are
answered incorrectly.

Answers address the Answers do not address

question in full; referring the question in full; do not
to appropriate sources refer to appropriate
from your workbook sources.
and/or workplace

Practical Activity All tasks in the practical Tasks have not been
activity must be completed completed effectively and
and evidence of evidence of completion
completion must be has not been provided.
provided to your

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Assessment Method Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for this unit. The
assessment process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to
achieve a satisfactory result in each of these to be deemed competent overall. Your
assessment may include the following assessment types.

All tasks have been

completed accurately and
evidence provided for
each stated task.

Attachments if requested Requested supplementary

are attached items are not attached

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Assessment Cover Sheet

Learner’s name: Subhanshi Dhami

Patrick Patrick 6/1/2024

The following questions are to be completed by the assessor:

Is the Learner ready for assessment? Yes No

Has the assessment process been explained? Yes No

Does the Learner understand which evidence is to be

Yes No
collected and how?

Have the Learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully
Yes No

Have you discussed any special needs to be considered

Yes No
during assessment?

The following documents must be completed and attached:

 Written Activity and Checklist

The learner will complete the written activity provided to S NYS

them by the assessor. The Written Activity Checklist will be
completed by the assessor.

 Practical Activity Checklist

The learner will demonstrate a range of skills and the

assessor will observe where appropriate to the unit. The S NYS
Practical Activity Checklist will be completed by the

 Questions and Questions Checklist

The learner will answer a range of questions either S NYS

verbally or written. The Questions Checklist will be
completed by the assessor.

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Learner Declaration

I agree to undertake assessment in the knowledge that information gathered will only
be used for professional development purposes and can only be accessed by the RTO

I declare that:

 The material I have submitted is my own work

 I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used in the
production of my work

 I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own,
including the words, ideas and images of others


Result and Feedback

Feedback to Learner:

Overall Outcome Competent Not yet Competent



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Your task is to write the answers to each of the following questions. Answers should
exceed 50 words but no more than 100 words for each questions:

1. What are the culinary terms and trade names for two convenience products
and two thickening agents?
Convenience products:
- Bouillon's culinary term used for a concentrated stock or broth, which is
typically of meat, poultry and vegetables. In order to dissolve easily in hot
water, it is often sold in a cube or granule form. Trade names: Knorr, Maggi,
Herb Ox
- Phyllo (or Filo) Dough Very thin, it has a flaky, crisp texture to it. Trade
names: Athens, the Fillo plant.

Thickening agents:
- Roux: It's a nice, soft texture and its flavour is strong.
- Xanthan Gum: In the case of gluten free baking, or as a stabilizer in salad
dressing and sauces, it is frequently used. Trade names: Bob's Red Mill,
Anthony's and NOW Foods.

2. What are the contents of stock date codes and rotation labels, and their
implication for food quality standards?
The last date a product is considered to have reached its peak quality shall be
indicated in the stock number codes, also known as expiry dates or Best By
Dates. These codes shall be printed on the packaging and shall contain a
specific date or a code which may be deciphered to determine the date. The
manufacturer's format for the date code varies, but it usually refers to day,
month and year.

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3. Explain the individual characteristics of a stock, a sauce and a soup.
- A stock is a flavourful liquid made by boiling bones, vegetables, and herbs in
water. It's the base of a lot of meals, like soup, sauces and stews. The stocks
tend to be clear and thin in consistency, with a subtle flavour profile
supporting other ingredients without overpowering them. They're
unseasoned, which means they can be used in a variety of ways.

4. Detail the process involved in making a derivative of a Chicken stock, and a

Béchamel sauce.
- You start with a good prepared chicken stock to make a derivative such as
consommé or a reduced sauce. The stock should be simmered in the water for
several hours with chicken bones, vegetables, such as onions, carrots, celery,
herbs like thyme and parsley. Skimming off any impurities that accumulate on
the surface. You can continue with the derivative as soon as your stock has
been stabilised and explained.
You start by making a white roux, which is a mixture of equal parts butter and
flour cooked together until it forms a paste and loses its raw flour taste, to
make a béchamel.

5. Outline the basic Mise en place requirements for stock, sauces and soups.

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6. Explain the appropriate environmental conditions for storing stock, sauces

and soup products to ensure food safety and optimise shelf life.
- In order to avoid bacterial growth and deterioration it is necessary to
maintain the correct temperature. Depending on the time of use, stocks,
sauces and soups should be rapidly cooled after cooking to keep in
refrigerator or freezer. The ideal temperature range for refrigeration is
between 0 C and 4 C, 32 F to 40 C. This temperature range helps to slow down
bacterial growth and helps to preserve the quality of the product.

7. Select three (3) items of kitchen equipment required to produce stocks,

sauces and soups and explain the safe operational practices for each item.


- Ensure that the stockpot is stable on the stove, and its handles are secured.
- To avoid burns, use suitable heat resistant tools for stirring and spreading the stock.
- If straining warm liquids, let them cool before refrigeration.

- Before you assemble or remove attachments, make sure the mixer is disconnected.
- While the blender is in use, keep your hands and utensils away from its blades.

- Placing the chinois securely on a stable surface or over a large container before
- Allowing hot liquids to cool slightly before straining to reduce the risk of burns.
- Wash the chinois thoroughly after each use and pay attention to the fine mesh, so that
it stays clear.

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Written Activity Checklist

For this assessment, the learner must complete the written activity.

The written activity is a stand-alone activity that will allow the learner to display the
requirements of the performance criteria and knowledge evidence in this unit that are
essential when deciding overall competency.

Learner Name: Subhanshi Dhami

Assessor Name: Patrick

Has the learner

satisfactorily completed
the written activity?

Yes No

Did the Learner provide evidence of their ability to:

What are the culinary terms and trade names for two convenience
products and two thickening agents?
 

What are the contents of stock date codes and rotation labels, and
their implication for food quality standards?
 

Explain the individual characteristics of a stock, a sauce and a soup.

 

Detail the process involved in making a derivative of a Chicken

stock, and a Béchamel sauce.
 

Outline the basic Mise en place requirements for stock, sauces and
 

Explain the appropriate environmental conditions for storing

stock, sauces and soup products to:
 

 Ensure food safety  

 Optimise shelf life  

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Select 3 items of kitchen equipment required to produce stocks,
sauces and soups and explain the safe operational practices for  
each item.

Feedback to Learner:

Result  Satisfactory  Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C
1. For this assessment, you will need to produce the following stocks in a workplace
or simulated environment:
a. Brown beef stock
b. Brown chicken stock
c. White chicken stock
d. Fish stock
e. Vegetable stock
2. Prepare the above five stocks for use in different recipes:
a. Within time constraints and deadlines
b. Reflecting required quantities to be produced
c. Following all procedures provided by the organisation or kitchen
3. You will also need to prepare each of the following sauces and soups. During this
assessment you will need to take into consideration the cultural background
used to prepare the items:
a. Béchamel
i. Mornay
b. Stock reduction sauce
i. Demi-glace
ii. Jus
c. Hollandaise
d. Bearnaise
e. Cream reduction sauce
i. Pepper
ii. Mushroom
f. Sauce tomate
g. Beurre blanc
h. Velouté
i. Chicken

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ii. Fish
i. Coulis
j. Mayonnaise
4. Follow the standard recipes to prepare each of the following soups at least once:
a. Consommé
b. Broth
c. Puree
d. Cream
e. Bisque
f. Chilled soup
5. Throughout this assessment you will need to demonstrate your ability to
perform each of the following steps during the process including:
a. Confirming the food production requirements (provide the recipe and/or
food prep list with your assessment).
b. Calculation of ingredients (show your calculations to your assessor).
c. Selecting ingredient for each dish
d. Checking for spoilage or contamination in food items (you must be
observed checking ingredients).
e. Selecting appropriate equipment
f. Assembling equipment (equipment must be checked before use and
manufacturer’s instructions and workplace procedures should be used to
assemble equipment).
g. Ensuring equipment is clean (you must be observed checking cleanliness
of equipment).
h. Using safe work practices when handling equipment (you should ensure
you have read the safety requirements before proceeding).
6. When you commence handling food items you will need to ensure you:
a. Sort and assemble food items correctly
b. Weigh and measure ingredients accurately
c. Clean and cut ingredients according to size and basic culinary cuts
d. Minimise waste throughout the process

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e. Follow standard recipes and choose correct cooking method
f. Use flavourings, clarifying agents thickening agents and convenience
products appropriately
g. When required use derivation from basic recipes
h. Make adjustments to food items as required
7. When you commence presenting food items you will need to demonstrate your
ability to:
a. Reconstitute food items as required
b. Re-thermalise food items as required
c. Use appropriate service ware for the food item
d. Add garnishes
e. Evaluate the dish visually
8. Once you have completed preparing your items you will need to:
a. Store items under appropriate conditions
b. Clean your work area
c. Dispose of waste safely

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*Multiple copies of the checklist will need to be printed if the activity is to be performed
more than once.

Practical Activity Checklist

For this assessment, the learner must complete the practical activity.

The practical activity is a stand-alone activity that will allow the learner to display the
knowledge and performance evidence that is essential when deciding overall

Learner Name: Subhanshi Dhami

Assessor Name: Patrick

Has the learner

satisfactorily completed
the practical activity?

Yes No

Did the Learner provide evidence of their ability to:

For this assessment, you will need to produce the

following stocks in a workplace or simulated

 Brown beef stock  

 Brown chicken stock  

 White chicken stock  

 Fish stock  

 Vegetable stock  

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These stocks above must be prepared:  

 Within time constraints and deadlines  

 In the appropriate quantities  

 Following all procedures provided by the

 
organisation or kitchen

You will also need to prepare each of the following

sauces and soups. During this assessment you will need
 
to take into consideration the cultural background used
to prepare the items:

 Béchamel  

o Mornay  

 Stock reduction sauce  

o Demi-glace  

o Jus  

 Hollandaise sauce  

 Bearnaise sauce  

 Cream reduction sauce:  

o Pepper  

o Mushroom  

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 Sauce tomate  

 Beurre blanc  

 Veloute  

o Chicken  

o Fish  

 Coulis  

Follow standard recipes to prepare each of the

following soups, at least once:

 Consommé  

 Broth  

 Puree  

 Cream  

 Bisque  

 Chilled soup  

Throughout this assessment you will need to

demonstrate your ability to perform each of the
following steps during the process including:

 Confirming the food production requirements

(provide the recipe and/or food prep list with  
your assessment).

 Calculation of ingredients (show your

 
calculations to your assessor).

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 Selecting ingredient for each dish  

 Checking for spoilage or contamination in food

items (you must be observed checking  

 Selecting appropriate equipment  

 Assembling equipment (equipment must be

checked before use and manufacturer’s
 
instructions and workplace procedures should
be used to assemble equipment).

 Ensuring equipment is clean (you must be

 
observed checking cleanliness of equipment).

 Using safe work practices when handling

equipment (you should ensure you have read  
the safety requirements before proceeding).

When you commence handling food items you will need

to ensure you:

 Sort and assemble food items correctly  

 Weigh and measure ingredients accurately  

 Clean and cut ingredients according to size and

 
basic culinary cuts

 Minimise waste throughout the process  

 Follow standard recipes and choose correct

 
cooking method

 Use flavourings, clarifying agents thickening

 
agents and convenience products appropriately

 When required use derivation from basic recipes  

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 Make adjustments to food items as required  

When you commence presenting food items you will

need to demonstrate your ability to:

 Reconstitute food items as required  

 Re-thermalise food items as required  

 Use appropriate service ware for the food item  

 Add garnishes  

 Evaluate the dish visually  

Once you have completed preparing your items you will

need to:

 Store items under appropriate conditions  

 Clean your work area  

 Dispose of waste safely  

Feedback to Learner:

Result  Satisfactory  Not Yet Satisfactory

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C
Assessor’s Signature: Date:

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The following questions may be answered verbally with your assessor or you may write
down your answers. Please discuss this with your assessor before you commence. Short
Answers are required which is approximately 4 typed lines = 50 words, or 5 lines of
handwritten text.

Your assessor will take down dot points as a minimum if you choose to answer them

Answer the following questions either verbally with your assessor or in writing.

1. What do you need to look at to determine the food production requirements

for a food service?
- A number of important factors must be taken into account when
determining the food production requirements for catering services.
Understand the target audience and how many people to serve first, as this
will determine what kind of food is needed. In order to ensure variety and
suitability, take into account the menu options that are available, including
any restrictions or preferences of clients.

2. What would you look at to determine the ingredient amounts for a recipe?
- Start by looking at the recipe itself, which gives a specific measurement for
each ingredient, to determine the amounts of ingredients in that recipe.
Determine the number of servings in a recipe and compare it with the
quantities that you need. You will need to adjust the amount of ingredients
accordingly if there is any difference.

3. What quality points of the food should be checked before using it?
Check several quality points in order to assure that the food is safe and
appropriate for use. Take a look at the appearance and make sure the color
and texture are fresh and attractive. Smell the food for any odd or unexpected
smell that indicates spoilage.

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4. List at least ten (10) types of equipment would you use to prepare soups,
sauces and/or stocks.
- stockpot
- saucepan
- blender
- whisk
- ladle
- skimmer
- sieve
- cutting board
- chef’s knife
- measuring cups

5. What is a chinois used for?

A chinois is used for straining liquids to achieve a smooth, clear consistency.
It is ideal for the refining of sauces, soups and stocks because of its fine mesh
that helps to remove small particles.

6. When assembling equipment what safety procedures should you follow?

Ensure that safety procedures are followed to prevent accidents and ensure
proper operation of the equipment when it is assembled. Read and
understand the manufacturer's instructions and warnings. Ensure the
equipment is on a stable, flat surface to prevent it from sinking. Before use,

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check the device for any damage or defects.

7. What is included in a safe work procedure?

Detailed steps for safely and effectively carrying out the task are part of a safe
work procedure. The first step is to identify potential hazards and to assess
the risks associated with the task.

8. What ingredients do you need to make a brown sauce (espagnole)?

Start with a base of brown stock that's usually made from beef or veal bones.
A mirepoix, which is a mixture of chopped onions, carrots and celery, will also
be required. To create a roux to thicken the sauce, add tomato paste and flour.

9. When sorting and assembling ingredients what sequence would you use?
It is best to follow a sequence to ensure efficiency and organization when
sorting and assembling ingredients. To understand the necessary ingredients
and quantities, begin by looking at your recipe. Then, as soon as you've
collected all the ingredients listed, you'll check each ingredient off the list.

10. Define each of the following culinary cuts that would be used for stocks,
sauces and soups.
- Diced ingredients are cut into small, uniform cubes, typically around 1/4 to
1/2 inch in size.
- Mirepoix is a mixture of diced onions, carrots, and celery used as a flavour
base in many stocks, sauces, and soups.
- Brunoise refers to a very fine dice, creating tiny, uniform cubes about 1/8
inch in size.
- Julienne is a process in which ingredients are cut to long, narrow strips
similar to matchsticks.
- Chiffonade is a technique for cutting leafy greens or herbs into thin ribbons
or strips.

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11. What are the basic ingredients you need for stock?
Bones, such as beef, chicken and fish bones, which provide the basis for
flavour and body, are the basic ingredients needed for stock. To enhance the
depth and aroma of the stock, vegetables such as onions, carrots or celery are
important. Additional flavour is provided by aromatics such as garlic, pepper,
and herbs such as parsley, thyme, and bay leaves.

12. What are ten (10) ways that you can minimise waste in a commercial
- proper inventory management
- trimmings
- portion management
- offer small portion
- donate
- food preservation
- use biodegradable
- train staff
- regular assessment
- compost food waste

13. What are the most common flavourings that you would use to change the
flavour of a soups, stock or sauce?
- Herbs such as thyme, parsley, rosaries and bay leaves.
- Black pepper, cumin, paprika, and cinnamon.
- Acidic ingredients such as vinegar, lemon juice or wine to add brightness.
- For smoothness and richness, dairy products such as cream or butter.

14. List two (2) soups, two (2) stocks and two (2) sauces and outline the cooking
method used for each one.

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15. Why is labelling soup important when storing for future use, and what should
be on the label prior to storage?
- Chicken soup:
> To make a chicken stock, begin by boiling the bones of chickens in water
with aromatics such as onion, carrot and celery.

- Tomato basil soup:

> Bring the mixture to a boil, until the tomatoes are fully cooked and the
flavour is concentrated, pour in the vegetable or chicken stock.

- Beef:
> Place the beef bones in the oven until they've been thoroughly browned and

- Vegetable:
> Add a variety of chopped vegetables, such as onions, carrots, celery, leeks
and mushrooms into the pot.

- hollandaise:
> Mix the egg yolks and lemon juice into a heatproof bowl until well mixed.

- Béchamel:
> Put the butter in a saucepan over moderate heat, then stir it into an equal
amount of flour to form roux.

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16. What are four (4) thickening agents that can be used for sauces and soups?
- Roux: A mixture of flour and fat, normally butter cooked in one another to
form a paste.
- Corn starch: It's made from corn kernels, a nice little powder. To make a
slurry, it's mixed with cold water and added to the hot liquid before being
simmered until thick.
- Arrowroot: A starch that comes from the roots of some plants.
- Beurre Maine: A mixture of equal parts softened butter and flour, kneaded
together into a smooth paste.

17. What should you do to ensure you are using equipment correctly and safely?
- Ensure that the manufacturer's instructions and warnings are understood.
- PPE, like gloves or safety glasses, must be used correctly.
- Keep cords away from water and heat sources by connecting electrical
equipment to grounded outlets.
- Regularly maintain and clean equipment according to manufacturer's

18. Why is it important that you weigh all ingredients?

It is necessary to weigh all ingredients in order for recipes to be accurate and
coherent. Weighting provides a more accurate representation of the amount
of each of the ingredients used than measuring by volume, which can be
imprecise due to variations in the density of the ingredients and their

19. Name two (2) special customer requests and/or dietary requirements.
- gluten-free
- vegan

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20. What two (2) convenience products can be used to make various tasks easier
in a kitchen?
- Pre-cut vegetables: It's vegetables that have been washed, peeled, and
chopped, saving time and effort in the preparation of meals.
- Instant sauces: In order to quickly add flavour without the need for
extensive ingredient preparation, these are prepacked mixtures of spices or
sauces that can be added to food.

21. What derivation can be made from mayonnaise?

A variety of sauces or dressing, such as tartar sauce, dressing, or aioli, may be
derived from mayonnaise. These variations usually involve mixing a variety
of ingredients, such as pickles, herbs, spices or other condiments to create
unique flavours and textures in the mayonnaise.

22. What derivation can be made from bechamel?

Mornay sauce can be derived from the béchamel sauce. Mornay's sauce is a
variation of béchamel sauce enriched with cheese, usually Gruyre or
Parmesan, and sometimes with other ingredients such as mustard or nutmeg.

23. In what areas might an adjustment be required for a food item?

- The addition or reduction of flavourings, herbs, spices or other flavourings
may need to be adjusted to enhance or balance the taste.
- In order to enhance the visual appeal of a dish, like adjusting ingredients on
plates or adding fresh herbs and sauces, adjustments may be implemented.

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- Specific dietary requirements or preferences, such as the production of
dishes that are free of dairy, gluten, or vegan friendly, may need to be

24. What does reconstitute and re-thermalise food mean?

"Reconstitute" means to mix water or another liquid in order to restore the
dried or concentrated food item, usually by placing it back into its previous
"Re-thermalize" means to heat already cooked or prepared food items to a
serving temperature before they are served to customers.

25. From the list provided below, choose 2 steps that will help you produce a
clarified soup or stock:

a) By rapidly boiling the stock/soup in the pot

b) By chilling the soup/stock – letting the ingredients/materials settle,

then decanting it

c) The use of egg whites and lean minced meat

d) By straining the stock/soup with the use of a chinois

- In the technique of "rafting," egg whites and lean minced meat are
frequently applied. They attract impurities and fat and form a "raft" on
the surface that can be skimmed off, resulting in a clearer liquid when
added to simmering stock or soup.

- Chinois is a fine mesh strainer that helps clear the liquid of particles
and solids, which makes your soup or stock more pleasant.

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26. What would you consider when presenting food for service?
- Place the food on the plate in an attractive and appetizing manner. To make
an appealing presentation, take into account colours, shapes and textures.
- Ensure that the size of the portion is adequate for both dish and occasion.
- To add visual interest and enhance the overall presentation of a dish, use
garnishes such as fresh herbs, citrus rind or edible flowers.

27. What should a garnish do?

In addition to enhancing the taste and texture of the dish, the garnish should
enhance the visual appeal of the dish. It adds a finishing touch to the
presentation, making it look more attractive and inviting.

28. What chemicals can you use to clean your work area after service?
- They are intended to kill bacteria, as well as any pathogens on the surface.
They are used to disinfect the surface of food preparation equipment,
countertops and tools.
- These multifunctional cleaners are capable of removing dirt, dust and stains
from a variety of surfaces.

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Questioning Checklist

The assessor needs to indicate whether they have conducted the questioning as
written questions or as verbal questions by ticking the box below.

 Written Questioning  Verbal Questioning

The assessor must provide evidence with the assessment tool. For written questions,
the assessor must provide the learner’s original written responses. For verbal
questioning, the assessor must provide dot points as a minimum on the learner’s

For details on how to conduct and contextualise this form of assessment, please refer
to the questioning checklist explanation in the assessor guide.

Learner’s name: Subhanshi Dhami

Assessor’s name: Patrick

If questions are answered verbally, the assessor must write Satisfactory

detailed notes on the learners responses. If answers are recorded response
separate to this document, they must be attached to the
assessment documents. Yes No

What do you need to look at to determine the food

1 production requirements for a food service?  

What would you look at to determine the ingredient amounts

2 for a recipe?  

What quality points of the food should be checked before

3 using it?  

List at least ten (10) types of equipment would you use to

4 prepare soups, sauces and/or stocks.  

What is a chinoise used for?

5  

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When assembling equipment what safety procedures should
6 you follow?  

What is included in a safe work procedure?

7  

What ingredients do you need to make a brown sauce

8 (espagnole)?  

When sorting and assembling ingredients what sequence

9 would you use?  

Define each of the following culinary cuts that would be used

10 for stocks, sauces and soups.  

What are the basic ingredients you need for stock?

11  

What are ten (10) ways that you can minimise waste in a
12 commercial kitchen?  

What are the most common flavourings that you would use to
13 change the flavour of a soups, stock or sauce?  

List two (2) soups, two (2) stocks and two (2) sauces and
14 outline the cooking method used for each one.  

Why is labelling soup important when storing for future use,

15 and what should be on the label prior to storage?  

What are four (4) thickening agents that can be used for
16 sauces and soups?  

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What should you do to ensure you are using equipment
17 correctly and safely?  

Why is it important that you weigh all ingredients?

18  

Name two (2) special customer requests and/or dietary

19 requirements.  

What two (2) convenience products can be used to make

20 various tasks easier in a kitchen?  

What derivation can be made from mayonnaise?

21  

What derivation can be made from bechamel?

22  

In what areas might an adjustment be required for a food

23 item?  

What does reconstitute and re-thermalise food mean?

24  

From the list provided below, choose 2 steps that will help
25 you produce a clarified soup or stock  

What would you consider when presenting food for service?

26  

What should a garnish do?

27  

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What chemicals can you use to clean your work area after
28 service?  

Feedback to Learner:

Result  Satisfactory  Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

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