New Introduction With The Workshop

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Whether the wolf appears in physical form or in a dream or meditation, it may reveal that you're using
your instincts and intuition to grasp a situation well. The fact that your wolf animal spirit guide shows up
could also be a call to use this capacity to deal with a recent challenge you've experienced in your life.

If the presence of the wolf feels threatening, pay attention to how your instinctual nature and raw
emotions can jeopardize your balance or the balance of people around you. Your power animal may
appear in such light to warn you about devouring instincts of those belonging somebody around you.

The wolf offers some of the most striking animal meanings in the realm of spirit animals. The power of
the wolf brings forth instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of
social connections. This animal can also symbolize fear of being threatened and lack of trust. When the
wolf shows up in your life, pay attention to what your intuition is telling you.

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The WOLF spirit will make your belief system so strong that you would be able to Trust your instincts
and would be able to hear the voice of your instincts which further will give you the desired reults,
happiness, success and will make you excel in whatever you do.

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Wolf is a symbol of guardianship, ritual, loyalty, and spirit. Wolf has the ability to make quick and firm
emotional attachments, and often need to trust their own instincts. Thus they teach us to do the same,
to trust our hearts and minds, and have control over our own lives.

Wolves are wild animals that are not easily domesticated and when they appear as spirit guides, they
could be an invitation to look at what support s your authentic self and the true expression of yourself.
The wolf totem is a reminder to keep your spirit alive and trust your instincts to find the way that will
best suit you.

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 When you are in problematic situation.

 When you feel lost, misguided or feel cheated.
 When you are getting impatient and unable to take a decision.
 When you are afraid.
 When you have insecurities for your future and dreams.
 When you feel threatened.
 When you are isolated.
 When you are confused between the truth and the lies.
 When you are insecure about your decisions.
 When you want to help somebody and it’s out of your reach.
 When you are not expecting some better result and negativity is on higher side.
 When you are seeking for something unexpected.
 When family life is not smooth.
 When you are unable to listen to your instincts.
 When you feel cheated.
 When you want to demolish the powers against you (personally and professionally)
 When you are lacking confidence.

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Spirit of the Wolf

You who wander the wild lands you who stalks in silent shadows you who runs and leaps Between the
moss covered trees Lend me your primal strength and wisdom of your glowing eyes

Teach me to relentlessly track my desires

And to stand in defense of those I Love

Show me the hidden paths and the moonlit fields fierce spirits walk with me in my Solitude

Whole with me in my Joy and guard me as I move through this world.

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Q) I'm a left hander so should I draw on right side OR left only?

Ans) Draw on left hand only.

प्र) भैं एक फाएॊ हाथ का व्मक्तत हॊ तो तमा भझ

ु े केवर दाएॊ मा फाएॊ हाथ से
आकर्षित कयना चाहहए?
Ans) केवर फामें हाथ ऩय ड्रा कयें .

How to pray to wolf

Draw the symbol on your left Palm and cover it with your right Palm and say the prayer three times and

invoke wolf energy.

बेड़िमे से प्राथिना कैसे कयें

अऩनी फाईं हथेरी ऩय प्रतीक फनाएॊ औय इसे अऩनी दाहहनी हथेरी से ढॉ क दें औय तीन फाय प्राथिना कयें

औय बेड़िमा ऊर्ाि का आह्वान कयें ।


Drawing symbol with prayer is mandatory for instant result.

तत्कार ऩरयणाभ के लरए प्राथिना के साथ चचत्र फनाना अननवामि है
Draw both the symbols with black pen in ur left arm and invoke wolf

अऩने फाएॊ हाथ भें कारी करभ के साथ दोनों प्रतीकों को फनाएॊ औय बेड़िमे को
ु ाएॊ
You can do any day, on full moon, no moon wolf energies are on peak.
Don't use for child. You can pray wolf to protect your child

आऩ ककसी बी हदन कय सकते हैं,

ऩर्णिभा ऩय, कोई बी चॊद्रभा बेड़िमा ऊर्ाि चयभ ऩय नहीॊ होती है ।
फच्चे के लरए उऩमोग न कयें । आऩ अऩने फच्चे की यऺा के लरए
बेड़िमा प्राथिना कय सकते हैं

To get your stock money

Draw the symbol on left hand and say the prayer 3 times then
invoke Wolf and Say:
wolf I seek your help please help me to get my stuck money
from – (name of the person)

अऩने स्िॉक का ऩैसा ऩाने के लरए

फाएॊ हाथ ऩय चचन्ह खीॊचे औय 3 फाय प्राथिना कयें कपय वुल्प को
फुराएॊ औय कहें :
बेड़िमा भैं आऩकी भदद चाहता हॉ कृऩमा भेये पॊसे हुए धन को
प्राप्त कयने भें भेयी भदद कयें - (व्मक्तत का नाभ)
Now I am going to share some examples of how you need to pray a wolf

For example: if you are looking for a place to live ........

Dear Wolf please help me find a suitable place to stay within budget.

If you are going somewhere and waiting for transportation then .............

Dear Wolf please help me to get some routes of transport to reach the railway
station or airport. ......... Where you need to go…

Whenever you are stuck in traffic and you have to reach a particular place at a
particular time, then you see that the traffic is not moving pray to the wolf at that
time And the wolf will definitely help you, he will clear the traffic and you on will
reach at time

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Wolf Magic Remedies

From protection from any kind of disease

Draw the symbol on left hand and say the prayers three time then invoke Wolf and Say wolf

I require your protection from this deadly disease please keep me protected.

बेड़िमा र्ाद के उऩाम

ककसी बी तयह की फीभायी से फचाव

फाएॊ हाथ ऩय प्रतीक फनाएॊ औय तीन फाय प्राथिना कयें कपय वल्
ु प को फर
ु ाएॊ औय बेड़िमा कहें

ु े इस घातक फीभायी से आऩकी सयु ऺा की आवश्मकता है कृऩमा भझ
ु े सयु क्षऺत यखें ।

Want to job in known company

Draw the symbol on left hand say the prayer three times then invoke Wolf and say wolf help me to get a
job in ---( desired company)

र्ानी भानी कॊऩनी भें र्ॉफ कयना चाहते हैं

फाएॊ हाथ ऩय चचन्ह फनाएॊ औय तीन फाय प्राथिना कयें , कपय वल्
ु प को फर
ु ाएॊ औय कहें कक बेड़िमा भझ
ु े

नौकयी हदराने भें भदद कयता है ---(इक्च्ित कॊऩनी)

To buy a new home

Draw the symbol on left hand and say the prayer 3 times then invoke Wolf and
Say Wolf help me arrange money to buy new home somehow.

नमा घय खयीदने के लरए

फाएॊ हाथ ऩय चचन्ह फनाएॊ औय 3 फाय प्राथिना कयें कपय वल्

ु प को फर
ु ाएॊ औय कहो
ु प भझ
ु े ककसी तयह नमा घय खयीदने के लरए ऩैसे की व्मवस्था कयने भें भदद
कयें ।
You can even use Wolf Prayer to keep a person committed and loyal, maybe your spouse or any

other employee, whi are not loyal to you, you can call the wolf for that, and pray.

Even if you want to sell any property or buy a new property you can call a wolf, so there are

countless things you can call a wolf for.

From the simplest to the complicated one.

आऩ वुल्प प्राथिना का उऩमोग ककसी व्मक्तत को प्रनतफध औ औय

वपादाय यखने के लरए बी कय सकते हैं, शामद आऩका
र्ीवनसाथी मा कोई अन्म कभिचायी, र्ो आऩके प्रनत वपादाय नहीॊ
है , आऩ उसके लरए बेड़िमे को फर
ु ा सकते हैं औय प्राथिना कय
सकते हैं।
महाॊ तक कक अगय आऩ कोई सॊऩक्त्त फेचना चाहते हैं मा एक
नई सॊऩक्त्त खयीदना चाहते हैं तो आऩ बेड़िमा कह सकते हैं,
इसलरए ऐसी अनचगनत चीर्ें हैं क्र्नके लरए आऩ बेड़िमा कह
सकते हैं। सयर से र्हिर तक.

If you are searching job

Draw the symbol on left hand and say the prayer three times then invoke Wolf
and say I call you spirit of Wolf please go and find best job for me.

अगय आऩ नौकयी खोर् यहे हैं

फाएॊ हाथ ऩय प्रतीक फनाएॊ औय तीन फाय प्राथिना कयें , कपय वल्
ु प को फर
ु ाएॊ औय
कहें कक भैं आऩको वल्
ु प की आत्भा कहता हॊ , कृऩमा र्ाओ औय भेये लरए सफसे
अच्िी नौकयी ढॊ ढो।

According to Hinduism Owl is a symbol of wealth.

Goddess Laxmi and Goddess Chamunda Vahan is Also Owl

Now Remedies specially on Diwali and where and how u take help of owl.

The Owl is known as Stithi Prajna, i.e. unwavering in its decision. This is because its big round eyes are
focused and do not move. Hence, it represents wit and intelligence, and wisdom. Accompanying the
goddess of wealth, the Owl denotes wisdom in using the wealth. On the other hand, the Owl also
represents Alakshmi, the polar opposite of Goddess Lakshmi.

Goddess Lakshmi represents wisdom, good luck, wealth, health and prosperity. Goddess Alakshmi
represents daridrita, poverty, strife, quarrels, struggle, bad luck etc. therefore, and it could also mean
that when the Owl accompanies Goddess Lakshmi as her vahan, it presents wisdom and intelligence. If it
travels as laskhmi, it represents caution or warning to use the wealth intelligently else all will be lost.

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that many famous companies use Owl in their logo. It is believed that
the Owl is auspicious is achieving success and hence, its presence has made a world of difference.

❖ *Place a picture or image of an Owl in the place or near the place when you keep your money. It
could be either at home or in office. Install this image during Pradosh period and this will help boost
income and wealth through the year.

❖For Happy married life: Newly married women should take a nail of an Owl, apply Sindoor, and wrap it
in a red cloth. It should be placed in the makeup box. This will ensure a blissful and hassle-free married

❖*To enhance quality of life at home

On Diwali night, tie an Owl feather and peacock feather together with a red thread and hang it at the
main entrance. This remedy helps provide wisdom, good health, wealth, knowledge and prosperity to
the family.

❖When u wanted reduce weight Pray to owl make me fit, make me healthy, reduce my weight as you

*Chant these switch-words for weight losswith the help of owl and take picture of owl in hand






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Where and all we can take help of owl

Owl: Wise, watcher, fate-seer, riddle, silence, vision insight, seeing hidden motives in others,
clairvoyance, weight loss, depression.

Owl transforms the bad thoughts into positive thoughts, and increases your intuitive power.

What u can do is look at the owl picture and chant


Chant and put intension


औ म ब मदद

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Owl Symbolism

Symbolic meanings for the owl are:

Intuition, ability to see what others do not see the presence of owl announces change Capacity to see
beyond deceit and masks Wisdom.

The traditional meaning of the owl spirit animal is the announcer of death, most likely symbolic like a life

Transition, change when the owl shows up in your life, pay attention to the winds of change. Perhaps
you are about to leave some old habits, a situation that no longer serve you or bring something new in
your life.

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Owl Prayer

The Fear of the lord is beginning of Wisdom.

Who loves us like you do?

Who knows our sorrows and our hurts?

Who knows every hair on our heads?

Who calls us by name?

No one but you, O God. Helps us to be truly wise and to follow you

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