Stabiy: U.PS.C

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(Question No.) Curen U.PS.C.

Oisus the rale od the Sco in

lndia' seni y Loncees and as O adauing lnala's
ejus in utiging the sco platform for regloa
shamgaiy io operanem Organisanom id a regioo
seeu baoc cr cated In o01ol b hinay
Ase?eUbe'stan, yisham Kasaston,
Taxtstam. Inaia ad akistaw Joired
Menbt in 0l1.

promote the reai nal Stabi

Landwching the Joirt miitony
borde Lotew
tonoism oputam, Strnqmenimg mtual
tust and o-perahon.
seouiy Lenc
Inaie has A
thot et an be taeeled bay th
bieehues the SCo,
)Teneim Tensm ho bee a maor
threat o lnaan Sub cnhne t ,it can
be toclud by mutual co-openahom aamg
) Borde Secuiy Sto plays e
w promaning bordn seeui y by major roe
the stranqthing
Sehanaiy) Sfanaim hao baw e major
thit to lnoi'ouerigy, saansm nay
ben dpote by eyknadl atos
sto thes b proneing
regiomo st aby.
So ntes
ane majoY tragit vaute for thig, mul

by wmumburies to tontey he

LQnau uing Toint mity eyeetse .

Prowmald the
the eeonomie o-Qpenarie
by traaina Qmang ththe menbos Lswtrieg
Strengtheng ord en Sewn by mutu al
TSpect and
menbe States.

|naia has been a auive paniupanta

the ebËeosues Jaid by the StO, Inaia
in to seouiK
wany coens
haue wmany lated
thact be tasd thuh mut al
-opeaiow and meqional
toCan tabiuty
b maintained threugn economc
ties aang the menba d Sco,So
ountfes hawe huge mit &
|neia's Prospee
that cam be benyial Por an lamdmank
Ov enau Sco has Seuniy,
oYqamiaion that ean Pruwmok
Peace mtadt s t ,
t membu

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