Psionics Augmented

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Psionics Augmented

Volume I

Authors: Andreas Rönnqvist, Jeremy Smith

Contributing Authors: Eric Hindley
Interior Design: Erik Nowak
Interior Layout: Jeremy Smith
Interior Artwork: Gordon Napier, Joe Shawcross, Rick Hershey, Lance Red, Brian Fajardo, Jacob Blackmon

Special thanks to our Kickstarter backers and the legions of fans who helped playtest the material in this book
and offered new and innovative ideas to include.

Psionics Augmented requires the use of Psionics Unleashed: Core Psionics System, © 2010 Dreamscarred Press.
See for more information on Psionics Unleashed.

Based on the original roleplaying game rules designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and inspired by the
third edition of the game designed by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter

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Psionics Augmented is published by Dreamscarred Press under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright
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© 2013 Dreamscarred Press

Psionics Augmented
that beneath the blasted landscape of their civilization
lie enormous libraries preserved from before the psionic
battles that decimated the land, libraries where the
Welcome to Psionics Augmented, a host of new options forgeborn store any new information they acquire.
for your psionic characters! Psionics come in all shapes Forgeborn benefit from longer lifespans than the
and sizes, and Psionics Augmented is meant to introduce human bodies that most of them were made from, but
new ways to use psionics in your games, giving new and their inclination for combat means many never actually
alternate psionic race options, new archetypes, feats, reach middle age. Among the forgeborn, such a fate is
powers, and equipment. not mourned, for the fallen can sometimes be reclaimed
All of the options presented in this book are just and rebuilt into a new member of the race, resulting in a
that: options. You can still use the material in Psionics theology very similar to reincarnation.
Unleashed and Psionics Expanded as originally presented, Physical Description: Forgeborn are a tall and thick
this book simply provides more ways to customize your race, and stand a few inches taller than most humans,
character to match your particular vision and provide with their bodies flowing from well-muscled flesh to
variety. mineral components and back. The exact nature of the
forgeborn’s mineral varies between members of the

New Races
race, from crystal, to steel, to darkwood, or even mithral.
All forgeborn have small glowing orbs embedded within
their skull and chest, which are the psionic power source
that animates their form. Although both male and
While Psionics Unleashed presented a variety of
female versions of forgeborn exist, such distinctions do
different psionic races for use as characters in your
not matter in forgeborn society, since there is no need
game, there are certainly other psionic race concepts
for copulation. While most forgeborn come from human
suitable to serve as characters. Presented below are two
bodies, members from other races are not uncommon.
new psionic races, the forgeborn and noral. The first is
Society: The origins of the forgeborn have led them
a part-construct, part-humanoid race of beings that uses
to have a social structure not unlike an army, where
psionic energy to fuse inorganic material to the bodies
forgeborn tend to cluster based upon role, rather than
of creatures, while the latter is a symbiotic race with a
from a family or tribal structure, as other races prefer.
tendency to strive for peaceful negotiations and study of
While the race tends to prefer combat over negotiations,
other races and cultures, their symbiote providing them
they are not vicious nor do they go out of their way to
with enhanced mental prowess.
start violence; they view combat as the best means to
Forgeborn victory, rather than as some sort of desired activity. All
members of forgeborn society are given a role to benefit
Believed to have been created centuries ago during a
the civilization, although not all are given combat roles,
great war between psionic nations, the race of creatures
since weapons and armor must be crafted in order to be
referred to as the forgeborn were left to their own
used, and skill in their assigned role is what measures a
devices within the barren wasteland the war left behind.
forgeborn’s worth among his peers. Since the forgeborn
A hybridization of flesh and minerals, the forgeborn are
do not require food or sleep, few worry about gathering
varied in appearance and form, but were all created
such resources, although there is an aesthetic element to
by merging psionically-empowered materials with the
some forgeborn, particularly in artwork depicting great
body of a humanoid to fashion a new creature.
battles, so forgeborn artisans are respected within their
Since their creation, the race has learned the creation
process and seeks out humanoids to transform, in
Relations: Most races are uncomfortable with the
order to increase their numbers and some say resume
unnatural form of the forgeborn, while the forgeborn
the conflict for which they were created. Although
view other races as inferior due to their reliance on
little is known about the creation process by non-
sustenance and rest. Most members of the elan race,
forgeborn, rumors say that they take those critically
however, view the forgeborn as abominations that are a
wounded in combat and repair their bodies, wiping
disgusting perversion of the elan transformation process.
the new forgeborn’s memories and giving new life to
Alignment and Religion: Forgeborn view victory as
the otherwise-fallen. Some darker rumors say that the
the most important outcome and honorable combat is
race has learned not only how to alter the living, but
something they view as a paradox. They fight to win,
potentially the recently-deceased, but there has been
not to be honorable, although they do accept surrender.
little proof of this happening.
The structure of command is integral to the proper
Although they may appear as some sort of bizarre
functioning of an army, so few forgeborn go against the
construct, the forgeborn are intelligent and capable of
defined chain of command. Most forgeborn are lawful
thought, emotion, and reasoning. While much of their
time is spent working out combat strategies and ways to
Adventurers: Those forgeborn who choose to visit
harness the psionic energy that powers their forms, they
new lands are often seeking to find new potential
are avid students of history and some outsiders believe

Psionics Augmented
recruits for the ranks or want to study new combat Languages: Forgeborn begin play speaking Common
tactics and the war histories of other nations. With little and Forgeborn. Forgeborn with high Intelligence scores
in the way of familial ties, few forgeborn get homesick, can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Mae-
but feel an urge to return to share new information they nad, Ophiduan, Xeph.
have learned.
Names: Because forgeborn are built from members of
other races, the names of forgeborn are varied and do Noral
not have common traditional names. Forgeborn names The norals are a race of humanoids with a symbiotic
are drawn from any of the cultures around them, giving bond with the erliss, a psionic creature also referred to
them a wide spectrum of possible names. as a dreamscar. Norals that have bonded with an erliss
no longer dream, giving the creature its nickname, as
well as giving the bonded norals the nickname of the
Forgeborn Racial Traits dreamscarred. The symbiotic joining process has left the
+2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, –4 Charisma: Forge-
noral race open to the benefit of other creatures on their
born are strong and have quick minds, but are mon-
society, making them more likely to seek out information
strous in appearance and have difficulty relating to
on other cultures and talented at social interactions.
other races.
Known for being physically clumsier than most, some
Medium: Forgeborn are Medium creatures and have
surmise that norals lack agility because the bonding
no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Half-Construct: Forgeborn are of the humanoid type,
with the half-construct and forgeborn subtypes.
Slow and Steady: Forgeborn have a base speed of
20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or
Fearless: Forgeborn gain a +2 bonus against fear
Natural Armor: Forgeborn are sturdier than other
races and gain a +1 natural armor bonus to their AC.
Source Crystal: Unlike most half-constructs, forge-
born can be raised and resurrected.
Naturally Psionic: Forgeborn gain the Wild Talent
feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. If a forgeborn takes
levels in a psionic class, he instead gains the Psionic
Talent feat.
Psionic Aptitude: When a forgeborn takes a level
in a favored class, he can choose to gain an additional
power point instead of a hit point or skill point.

The half-construct subtype is from the Advanced
Race Guide and is detailed below.
A half-construct race is a group of creatures that
are artificially enhanced or have parts replaced
by constructed mechanisms, be they magical or
mechanical. A half-construct race has the following
• Half-constructs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving
throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison,
and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue.
• Half-constructs cannot be raised or resurrected.
• Half-constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless
they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of
these activities. This means that a half-construct can
drink potions to benefit from their effects and can
sleep in order to regain spells, but neither of these
activities is required for the construct to survive or
stay in good health.

Psionics Augmented
process has impacted their natural reflexes. Others newly-dreamscarred noral is considered an adult and
argue it is because the race has a naturally stocky afforded all privileges as such.
frame that simply does not lend itself well to precise Physical Description: Norals stand about as tall as
movements. Despite this, the natural resiliency of their humans, but are typically stockier in form. They have
mental and physical forms has helped them overcome skin tones, eye color, and hair pigments of a similar
what is otherwise a liability for surviving the harsh range as humans, but a noral who has undergone the
lands near their settlements. However, their ability to bonding process to become dreamscarred loses all skin
block such assaults, combined with their natural ability and hair pigmentation, becoming an albino with pure
to assault the minds of others, has given some a fear of white hair. A dreamscarred noral’s eyes turn pure black,
the race as a potential subjugator of free will, a notion and the erliss at the base of their neck rapidly grows into
the norals find ludicrous for their views on free will as its mature form, with four tentacles coming out of the
something to be nurtured and never to be threatened. base of the noral’s neck, usually draping over the noral’s
While some norals choose not to bond with an erliss, shoulders. In addition, a dreamscarred noral’s forehead
this is the exception, rather than the rule. The bonding and skull takes on a ridged and plated look, rather than
process itself is done as a ceremony once a noral has the typical humanoid appearance.
reached adulthood and is considered an important step Society: The societal structure of the norals is one of
in the maturation of their younger generations. This a democratic republic. In their society, only norals who
ceremony is typically done in private, usually with only have gone through the bonding process may vote for the
the noral’s parents in attendance. Upon completion, the Ruling Council, which then governs. Unbonded norals do
not get to vote, as they are seen as still being children or
outcasts, causing most young norals to seek to complete
the bonding ritual or to leave for lands where such a
distinction does not matter. The resistance that norals
have against mental intrusion gives them a strong sense
of morality when it comes to the use of compulsions or
domination – be it mental or physical. This leads few to
seek the use of such tactics, although those who work as
mediators push the envelope by using powers that only
read thoughts, arguing that since they are not compelling
the subject, it is simply a better way to achieve amicable
solutions, while their natural ability to attack the minds
of others is viewed as a to be used only in self-defense
and never as a means to impose their will.
Relations: The benefits the noral race derive from
the erliss make them naturally inclined to seek out new
cultures that might grant them improvements to their
own. Their natural inclination to understand other
cultures and to easily interact with other races has
helped them to take on a role of mediator for conflicts,
while they try to maintain neutrality. When such
attempts are unsuccessful, or when the norals are cast
as favoring one side over another, the norals will instead
withdraw and allow the other races to resolve matters on
their own, even if it results in brutal combat. Among the
other races, the norals have the most difficulty working
with the psionocratic ophiduan race, for they see the
serpentine race’s ruling style as barbarism wrapped in a
supposed enlightened form of government. In addition,
some cultures, such as dwarves, view the norals’
preference to stay out of conflicts as passively condoning
the actions of their enemies, earning enmity on more
than one occasion. One area where norals dislike the
interactions with other races is in the proclivity of other
races to kiss in public. Kissing for the norals is their
means to breed more erliss, so they view such public
displays as unseemly.
Alignment and Religion: Norals worship a pantheon
of deities which reflect the many facets of daily life.

Psionics Augmented
Psionic Aptitude: When a noral takes a level in a fa-
REJECTING THE DREAMSCAR vored class, he can choose to gain an additional power
Most every noral bonds with an erliss, gaining all the point instead of a hit point or skill point.
benefits of the symbiotic link in what is known as the Languages: Norals begin play speaking Common and
dreamscar. A rare few, however, choose to live a life Noral. Norals with high Intelligence scores can choose
without ever bonding with an erliss. These norals who can choose any languages they want (except secret
live without the bond lose the following racial traits: languages, such as Druidic).
• Symbiotic resistance
• Symbiotic surge
Vital Statistics
While you can determine your character’s age, gender,
While they have the full spectrum of alignments within
height, weight, and appearance, the tables below offer
their society, the general tendency of the race is toward
rough guidelines to determine some of these physical
lawful over chaotic, as the structure of the society and
the bonding process and the responsibility of breeding
the erliss leads most norals to respect the rule of law and
the needs for organized social structure. Character Age
Adventurers: Norals who adventure are often those Your character’s age is determined by choice of race
seeking the perceived glory of combat heard of from the and class, as detailed on Table: Random Starting Ages.
other cultures they work with, or to rise in the view of Table: Random Starting Ages
society. Worldly experience, especially with other races, Bard
is prized within noral society for those seeking leadership Barbarian Fighter Cleric
roles. Conversely, others might go off on adventures to Rogue Paladin Druid
get away from the structure of noral society. Sorcerer Ranger Monk
Male Names: Merixal, Deridal, Codinal, Soletal. Soulknife Psychic Psion
Race Adulthood Wilder Warrior Wizard
Female Names: Miliac, Antiac, Carinac, Olniac
Forgeborn 5 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6
Noral Racial Traits Noral 25 years +1d6 +2d6 +3d6
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –2 Dexterity: Norals
are resilient in mind and body, but tend to be stocky As your character ages, her physical ability scores
and clumsy in their movements. change, as detailed in Table: Aging Effects.
Medium: Norals are Medium creatures and have no Table: Aging Effects
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Humanoid (noral): Norals are of the humanoid type Middle Maximum
Race Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Age
with the noral subtype.
Symbiotic Resistance: The symbiotic bond between Forgeborn 50 years 75 years 100 years 100 + 4d20
the noral and the erliss grants all bonded norals a +2 years
racial bonus on saving throws against disease and Noral 65 years 100 years 150 years 150 + 4d20
mind-affecting effects. years
Symbiotic Surge: A noral is able to tap into the 1 At middle age, –1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and
power of the symbiote to gain a temporary boost. Once Cha.
per day, a noral can exhauste the symbiote to add 1d6 2 At old age, –2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
to a single d20 roll. This decision must be made prior to 3 At venerable age, –3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis,
and Cha
the result of the roll is determined.
Noral Psionics: Norals gain the following psi-like
ability: 1/day—mind thrust. The manifester level for this Height and Weight
effect is equal to 1/2 the noral’s level (minimum 1st). You can either choose your character’s height and
The DC for this power is equal to 10 + the power’s level + weight from the ranges given in the racial description,
the noral’s Charisma modifier. or you can roll randomly from Table 1-4: Random Height
Gift of Tongues: Norals are naturally skilled at social and Weight.
interactions and understanding other cultures. Norals Table: Random Height and Weight
gain a +1 racial bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks,
Race Base Height Base Weight
and they learn one additional language every time they
Height Modifier Weight Modi-
put a rank in the Linguistics skill. fier
Low-Light Vision: Norals can see twice as far as
Forgeborn, male 5’4’’ 2d10 170 lbs x7 lbs.
humans in conditions of dim light.
Naturally Psionic: Norals gain the Wild Talent feat Forgeborn, female 5’0’’ 2d10 130 lbs x7 lbs
as a bonus feat at 1st level. If a noral takes levels in a Noral, male 4’10’’ 2d10 150 lbs x5 lbs
psionic class, he instead gains the Psionic Talent feat. Noral, female 4’5’’ 2d20 110 lbs x5 lbs

Psionics Augmented
Archetypes Blue
The following racial archetypes are available to blues.
While the different classes provide general themes
for characters, occasionally a player will want to play
a character concept that doesn’t quite fit the general Annihilator (Aegis)
feel of one of the classes. Archetypes provide ways to Blues love to be grandiose, and using the astral suit
alter the class features of different classes, offering new is no exception. Although small in forms, blues have
abilities and options without having to create an entirely discovered techniques to use their psionic power to
new class. become weapons of mass destruction that they have
Presented below are a variety of new archetypes of a proudly dubbed annihilators.
psionic nature, as well as a new domain, bloodline, and Size Matters: While forming his astral suit into
vitalist method. These include new archetypes for all of either astral armor or astral juggernaut forms, the
the psionic base classes, as well as racial archetypes for annihilator becomes Medium sized, gaining a +2 bonus
each of the psionic races and archetypes for some of the to his Strength, losing his size bonus to AC, attack rolls,
core base classes. Characters may take more than one and Stealth checks, losing his size penalty to CMB and
archetype if they meet the requirements. CMD, and suffering a -2 penalty to his Dexterity. This
effect stacks with other size increases such as that from
expansion. This ability replaces astral repair.
Racial Strength of Mind: Starting at 4th level, as a swift
Each of the psionic races, including the new forgeborn action the annihilator can spend 2 power points to gain
and noral races, are given three archetypes below. Each a +2 bonus to his Strength and Constitution until the end
race gets at least one archetype from one of the psionic of his next turn. This ability replaces augment suit.
classes, and at least one archetype from a non-psionic Absorb Critical: At 12th level, when a critical hit is
class. Typically, only members of the particular race scored against the annihilator, he can dismiss his astral
can take the listed archetype, although the archetype suit as an immediate action and turn the critical hit into
does not always interact with or alter the racial traits of a normal hit. Any applicable damage reduction from
the race. Each of these archetypes typically has some the astral suit is still applied to the attack. This ability
sort of a thematic tie to the particular race, altering the can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + the
class features to more closely match the racial abilities annihilator’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). This
and background of the race. Alternatively, some of ability replaces cannibalize suit.
these archetypes represent the outliers of the race,
those who buck tradition or the racial norms and strike
Dominator (Telepath)
out in their own way. The following is a list of all teh
Known for taking over entire tribes of their kin, blues
racial archetypes found in this book. The class for each
have developed their own abilities that allow them to
archetype is listed in parentheses.
retain a measure of control and influence long after they
Blue: Annihilator (aegis), dominator (telepath),
relinquish direct mental control.
mutator (alchemist).
Lingering Presence (Su): Once a creature has failed
Dromite: Empty caste (ninja), swarmer (tactician),
a Will saving throw against a mind-affecting power, but
vermin rider (cavalier)
not talent, manifested by the dominator, it takes a -2
Duergar: Lifemonger (vitalist), ravager (cryptic),
penalty to future Will saving throws against telepathy
sleeper’s guardian (paladin).
powers manifested by the dominator for one day plus
Elan: Ascendant psion (psion), menteur (rogue),
the duration of the power it failed the save against. In
pattern wielder (cryptic).
addition, the dominator can use the senses of a creature
Forgeborn: Forgesteed rider (cavalier), ironborn
under the effect of lingering presence for a number of
(fighter), unifier (tactician)
rounds per day equal to the dominator’s class level as
Half-Giant: Kinslayer (ranger), thunderjarl (psychic
if using the sense link power. This ability replaces the
warrior), warhulk (aegis).
bonus feat normally gained at first level.
Maenad: Banshee (wilder), disciple of the raging sea
Master’s Whisper: When manifesting a telepathy
(monk), maquoran reaver (rogue).
power against a target under the effect of lingering
Noral: Pacifist (vitalist), peacekeeper (telepath),
presence, the dominator reduces the cost to manifest
shadow hunter (inquisitor)
that power by 2 power points (to a minimum cost of
Ophiduan: Fleshbinder (egoist), scaled rider (psychic
1 power point). The dominator calculates how many
warrior), serpent lord (druid).
power points he can spend on the power before applying
Xeph: Clan warden (inquisitor), mobile knife
this reduced cost. This ability replaces telepathy.
(marksman), xephyr (soulknife).
Always There: At 10th level, the dominator has a
developed a deeper connection to creatures whose mind
he has touched. The dominator can sense the general
direction to any creature under the effect of lingering

Psionics Augmented
presense, as well as a sense of its physical and mental to serve none but the Queen herself. Called the “empty
states. This allows the dominator to know if the creature caste” amongst those who have heard of them, they are
has been injured or is shaken or any higher level state the true weapons of the Queen. Bound to a life of honor
of fear. This ability replaces the bonus feat normally and loyalty towards their hive, they strike like invisible
gained at 10th level. daggers into the hearts of those that would hurt the hive.
Special: An empty caste must take its first character
Mutator (Alchemist) level as an empty caste.
Blues are by nature a mutation, variants of the original All and None: Instead of choosing a single energy to
goblin stock, and some seek to elevate that mutation to gain resistance against and dictate the energy ray racial
an extreme. Mutators create a highly volatile mutagen psi-like ability, the empty caste uses its active energy
capable of transforming their forms and altering their type. If the empty caste does not have an energy ray
size. racial psi-like ability or racial energy resistance, this
Volatile Mutagen: The mutator’s mutagen is ability provides no benefit. Regardless, the empty caste’s
unusually volatile. The alchemical bonus to his selected chitin changes color to match its current active energy
physical ability score is instead 1d4+2 when he drinks type, red for fire, blue for cold, white for sonic, and
the mutagen and the penalty to his corresponding green for electricity.
mental ability score is 1d4+1. This increases to 1d6+3 Charged Weapon: An empty caste of 2nd level can
via improved mutagen and 1d8+4 with greater mutagen, expend a use of its racial energy ray psi-like ability to
instead of the normal change to the alchemical bonus to charge a single melee or thrown weapon for 1 minute.
physical ability score and penalty to mental ability score During that time, the charged weapon deals +1d6 damage
of those discoveries. of the empty caste’s currently active energy type. This
Combustible Mutagen: At 4th level, the mutator gains ability replaces the ninja trick normally gained at 2nd
the combustible mutagen discovery, a unique discovery level, but counts as having a ninja trick for prerequisites.
only available to him. Ki Pool: In addition to the other abilities of using ki,
Combustible Mutagen: This discovery allows the the empty caste can spend a ki point as a swift action
mutator to fuel his mutagen with psionic power in order to regain one daily use of its racial energy ray psi-like
to become combustible. Anyone striking him with a ability.
melee weapon while under the effects of this discovery Cloud Mind: At 8th level, the empty caste gains the
takes 1d6 points fire damage. Creatures making melee cloud mind ninja trick even though it does not meet
attacks from more than 5 ft. away with reach weapons the prerequisites. This ability replaces the ninja trick
do not suffer this damage. At 8th level and every four normally gained at 8th level.
levels thereafter, this damage increases by an additional Cloud Mind (Ps): As a standard action, the ninja can
1d6 points of fire damage. If the mutator dies from the expend a ki point to manifest cloud mind as a psi-like
attack, all creatures within 10 feet of the mutator take ability with a manifester level equal to her ninja level.
1d6 of fire damage per 2 Hit Dice the mutator has as his The ninja must be at least 10th level to select this ninja
body bursts in a fiery explosion. trick.
Sizable Mutation: At 6th level, the mutator has
learned to take an extract he has prepared and convert Code of Conduct
its energy into an effect to alter his size. By mixing a An empty caste must be of lawful alignment and loses
prepared extract into his mutagen, the mutator can all class features except proficiencies if it ever willingly
add an enlarge person or reduce person effect to that commits an act that threatens its hive or queen.
mutagen, although the original effect of the extract is Additionally, an empty caste’s code requires that it
wasted. The effect lasts for the duration of the mutagen. respect its hive and queen, defend them, help them
However, once effect of the mutagen ends, the mutator when in need and do whatever is necessary to secure
takes 2 points of ability damage to Strength, Dexterity, the safety of the hive and queen.
and Constitution. This ability replaces swift poisoning. Associates: While the empty caste may adventure with
allies, it avoids working with characters that are a threat
to its hive and queen or with anyone who consistently
Dromite offends its moral code.
The following racial archetypes are available to
Swarmer (Tactician)
The swarmer specializes on a classic behavior used by
Empty Caste (Ninja) insects defending their home and hearth - swarming an
Every dromite is born into one of the castes, enemy.
determining part of their abilities and resistances, and Unavoidable Swarm (Su): As a swift action, the
to some degree also what possibilities open up to the swarmer can activate a swarm mentality in its collective,
individual. Yet, the Queen has the ability to manipulate and until the end of the swarmer’s next turn, any time
her offspring, giving birth to dromites with no caste, born a member of its collective is flanking a target, that

Psionics Augmented
collective member gains a bonus on his attack rolls score, all excess damage remains with the vermin rider.
against that target equal to 1 + the number of collective Effects that cause death but not damage are unaffected
members flanking the creature instead of the standard by this ability. This ability does not affect spells like
+2 bonus for flanking. The swarmer can use this ability baleful polymorph, flesh to stone, or imprisonment, or
a number of times per day equal to 3 + the swarmer’s other effect that do not cause actual damage.
Intelligence modifier. This ability replaces coordinated

Strategy: At 4th level, the swarmer’s strategy gained is
the following unique strategy only available to it. The following racial archetypes are available to
Swarm Sync: The swarmer can choose any two duergar.
members of its collective within one size category of
each other. Those two creatures can share the same Lifemonger (Vitalist)
space for a number of rounds equal to the swarmer’s The duergar of the clans touched by madness tend
Charisma modifier. to have an odd view of what role a vitalist plays, often
Swarm Flanking (Su): At 8th level, any members of seeing themselves as the one who knows better than
the swarmer’s collective who are sharing the same space anyone else where protection or healing is needed, as
from the swarm sync strategy are always considered to well as viewing health and vitality as a commodity to
be flanking enemies they threaten. This ability replaces be distributed for the good of the group, rather than
echo effect. something belonging exclusively to one member. These
Death of a Thousand Cuts (Su): At 10th level, duergar are highly effective at what they do, but many
members of the swarmer’s collective gain a bonus to question if the ends justify the means.
damage rolls against their targets equal to the number Powers Known: The lifemonger adds slumber to his
of collective members flanking that target. For example, class power list.
if the swarmer and three of its collective members are The Greater Good (Su): The lifemonger can touch a
all flanking one creature, each collective member gains a member of his collective as a melee touch attack that
+4 bonus on damage rolls against that target. This ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the touch is
replaces the strategy normally gained at 10th level. successful, the lifemonger deals 1d6 points of nonlethal
damage to the creature touched, and heals himself for
Vermin Rider (Cavalier) an equal number of hit points. This healing cannot be
Raised in a hive, the vermin rider has a natural redirected to the creature touched.
connection to insects and spiders, a connection that At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the nonlethal
becomes even more intense as rider and mount are damage dealt and healing gained increase by 1d6. A
joined together with a bond similar to that which ones vitalist may use this ability a number of times per day
bound the Hives. Vermin riders often patrol the outskirts equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier. This ability replaces
of the hive, both above ground and underground, transfer wounds.
defending their home and hearth. Fortifying Energy (Su): At 2nd level, the lifemonger
Mount: The vermin rider can only choose a Giant gains a number of temporary hit points equal to his
Wasp, Giant Scorpion or Giant Mantis for his mount. class level when using the greater good ability. These
Bound Vermin (Su): The vermin rider and his temporary hit points last for one minute. This ability
mount are under the permanent effects of mindlink. replaces the vitalist method bonus to transfer wounds.
While bound to each other, the mount gains the same Lull the Sleeper (Su): Beginning at 8th level, the
energy resistances as those of the vermin rider from his lifemonger can spend a swift action and expend his
dromite’s chitin. This ability replaces tactician. psionic focus to perform a quick ritual designed to keep
Energized Mount (Su): At 9th level, the vermin rider the sleeper from waking up, but which also improves the
can expend his psionic focus as a swift action to allow performance of anyone in the collective who joins in the
his mount to deal an additional +1d6 points of energy ritual. The lifemonger and any member of the collective
damage with its natural attacks until the end of the who spends a swift action on their own turn gain a +1
vermin rider’s next turn. The energy type is that of the insight bonus to attack rolls until the beginning of their
energy type for the vermin rider’s chitin. This ability next turn. This insight bonus increases by +1 every four
replaces greater tactician. vitalist levels thereafter. This ability replaces swift aid.
Eternal Bond (Su): At 17th level, a vermin rider’s life I Know Best (Su): Upon reaching 9th level, a
becomes linked to his mount’s. As long as the mount is lifemonger can force sleeping creatures and members of
alive, the vermin rider is protected from harm. Damage his collective, even unwilling members of his collective,
in excess of that which would reduce the vermin rider to perform actions he deems best. The lifemonger gains
to fewer than 0 hit points is instead transferred to the mind control as a power known. Once every ten minutes,
mount. This damage is transferred 1 point at a time, he can expend his psionic focus to manifest it without
meaning that as soon as the mount is reduced to a paying a power point cost, but may only target creatures
number of negative hit points equal to its Constitution that are sleeping. Whether the creature makes the save

Psionics Augmented
or not, it wakes up. creature instead takes 1d6 points of Wisdom damage.
In addition, the lifemonger can manifest mind If the ravager expends his psionic focus and made the
control normally over his collective regardless of range, applicable Will save for the effect, the damage increases
although it still allows the target creature a saving throw to 2d6 points of Wisdom damage. This ability cannot be
to resist the effect. used in conjunction with ravage the mind. This ability
This ability replaces the Expanded Knowledge feat replaces enduring defense.
normally gained at 9th level.
Touched by Madness (Su): A lifemonger of 14th level Sleeper’s Guardian (Paladin)
can share the knowledge of the sleeper with others, All duergar follow their inner guidance towards how
temporarily warping their minds. Once every ten to save the world from the horror that is the Sleeper,
minutes, when the lifemonger uses steal health, he can yet none are as empowered by this inner calling as the
choose to forego dealing damage and instead cause the sleeper’s guardians. Using their dedication, they will go
affected creature to permanently lose its grip on reality, to any lengths necessary to keep the world safe, and the
taking no other action but babbling incoherently. A Sleeper deep in his slumber.
successful Will saving throw (DC 10 + half the vitalist’s Aura of Order (Ex): The power of a sleeper’s
level + the vitalist’s Wisdom modifier) negates the effect, guardian’s aura of lawful (see the detect law spell) is
and a creature affected by this ability can be cured equal to his paladin level. This ability replaces aura of
through the use of powerful healing such as greater good.
restoration or heal. This ability replaces steal life. Smite Chaos (Su): Once per day, a duergar can call out
to the powers of order to aid her in her struggle against
Ravager (Cryptic)
Most cryptics see the patterns that hold the world
together, but the ravager see’s only sick minds that need
to be purified and burnt from the world pattern. What
they often do not know, is that their minds are as broken
and burnt as what they inflict upon the world, and their
willingness to share that makes touching their minds a
horrific experience.
Ravage the Mind (Su): As long as the ravager is
maintaining psionic focus, he gains a +1 bonus to saves
against mind-affecting effects. If the ravager succeeds on
the saving throw, he can as an immediate action cause
the source of the effect to take 1 point of Wisdom damage.
This is a mind-affecting effect. At 5th level and every four
levels thereafter, the bonus to saving throws against
mind-affecting effects increases by 1, to a maximum of
+5 at 17th level. This ability replaces altered defense.
Mind Ripper: When using his disrupt pattern ability,
the ravager always deals standard damage against
creatures that have an Intelligence score, but half
damage against creatures immune to mind-affecting
effects. If the creature is mindless, it instead takes
minimized damage.
Sense the Weakened Mind (Ex): At 2nd level, the
mind ripper gains a +2 competence bonus to Sense
Motive checks. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level,
and then again to +6 at 8th level. This ability replaces
hidden pattern.
Tear the Ravaged Mind (Su): At 4th level, the ravager
can expend his psionic focus when using his ravage
the mind ability to deal 1d6 points of Wisdom damage
instead of 1 point of Wisdom damage. This ability
replaces rapid defense.
Horrid Mind (Su): At 14th level, any time the ravager
is an unwilling target of a mind-affecting effect that is
not harmless, the creature who targeted the ravager
takes 1 point of Wisdom damage. If the ravager succeeds
on any applicable Will save allowed by the effect, the

Psionics Augmented
chaos. As a swift action, the duergar chooses one target A sleeper’s guardian never needs to prepare powers
within sight to smite. If this target is chaotic, the duergar ahead of time; he draws them from his mind when
adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and needed. When a sleeper’s guardian recovers his daily
adds her paladin level to all damage rolls made against power points after resting, he may choose to rotate one
the target of her smite. If the target of smite chaos is or more powers he knows for new ones. These powers
an outsider with the chaotic subtype, a chaotic-aligned must always be chosen from the gifted blade power
dragon, or an aberration, the bonus to damage on the list, and the maximum number of powers the sleeper’s
first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage guardian may know at any one time in this fashion
per level the duergar possesses. Regardless of the target, is listed on Table: The Gifted Blade. If a sleeper’s
smite chaos attacks automatically bypass any DR the guardian learns a power through other means, such
creature might possess. as the Expanded Knowledge feat or psychic chirurgery,
In addition, while smite chaos is in effect, the duergar this power is known in addition to his normal powers.
gains a deflection bonus equal to her Wisdom modifier He may never exchange it for another power from the
(if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of gifted blade list when he chooses his powers known, and
the smite. If the duergar targets a creature that is not it doesn’t count against his limit of powers known at any
chaotic, the smite is wasted with no effect. one time.
The smite chaos effect remains until the target of the The Difficulty Class for saving throws against the
smite is dead or the next time the duergar rests and sleeper’s guardian’s powers is 10 + the power’s level +
regains her uses of this ability. At 4th level, and at every the sleeper’s guardian’s Wisdom modifier.
three levels thereafter, the duergar may smite chaos one Through 3rd level, a sleeper’s guardian has no
additional time per day, as indicated on Table: Paladin, manifester level. At 4th level and higher, a sleeper’s
to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level. guardian ‘s manifester level is equal to his paladin level
This ability replaces smite evil. – 3.
Disrupting Lullaby (Su): A sleeper’s guardian of 2nd A sleeper’s guardian gains the ability to learn 1st-level
level has learned to use the lullabies and humming that powers at 4th level. Every three levels thereafter (7th,
are rituals to keep That Which Sleeps Beneath slumbering 10th, and 13th), a sleeper’s guardian gains the ability to
into a disrupting dirge against their opponents. All master more complex powers, up to 4th level powers at
enemies within 10 ft. of the sleeper’s guardian able to level 13.
hear the humming suffer a penalty to attack and damage To learn or manifest a power, a sleeper’s guardian
rolls equal to the sleeper’s guardian’s Wisdom modifier. must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the power’s
This ability does not work in areas affected by effects level.
such as silence. This ability replaces divine grace. A sleeper’s guardian’s ability to manifest powers is
Divine Bond: The sleeper’s guardian must choose a limited by the power points he has available. His base
weapon for his divine bond and cannot select a steed. In daily allotment of power points is given on Table: The
addition, the sleeper’s guardian gains the ability to form Gifted Blade. In addition, he receives bonus power
a mind blade, as a soulknife of the same level, although points per day if he has a high Wisdom score. His race
it is always in the form of a battleaxe (1d8/x3, slashing may also provide bonus power points per day, as may
damage) unless the sleeper’s guardian has levels in certain feats and items. If a sleeper’s guardian has power
soulknife. He does not gain any blade skills from this points from a different class, those points are pooled
ability, nor any other abilities of the soulknife, including together and usable to manifest powers from either class.
enhanced mind blade. If the sleeper’s guardian has This ability replaces spellcasting.
levels in soulknife or takes levels in soulknife, add half of

his paladin levels to his soulknife levels to determine the
enhancement bonus and maximum enhancement bonus
of the mind blade. The following racial archetypes are available to elans.
Manifesting: Beginning at 4th level, a sleeper’s
guardian gains the ability to manifest a small number of Ascendant Psion (Psion)
psionic powers, which are drawn from the gifted blade The transformation to become an elan is a complex
power list. secret process that has been meticulously guarded by
A sleeper’s guardian chooses his powers from the the members of the elan race. Yet some elans have
gifted blade power list. At 4th level, a sleeper’s guardian discovered that this process can be continued, where
knows one gifted blade power of your choice. He learns the physical body composed of psionic energy can be
new powers as indicated on Table: The Gifted Blade as transformed into one of pure energy. These ascendant
a gifted blade one level lower. A sleeper’s guardian can psions learn how to use the power of their mind to
manifest any power that has a power point cost equal interact with the world without the need for physical
to or lower than his manifester level. The total number form.
of powers a sleeper’s guardian can manifest per day is Skills: An ascendant psion adds Disguise and
limited only by his daily power points. Perception to his list of class skills. This replaces the

Psionics Augmented
bonus class skills gained from choosing a discipline. ability replaces the discipline ability normally gained at
Talents: An ascendant psion gains far hand, missive, 20th level.
and telekinetic punchPE as talents. This ability replaces
the discipline normally chosen at 1st level. Menteur (Rogue)
Ascendant Powers: When choosing his powers known, Going undetected by the other races and moving
an ascendant psion adds the powers from the list below unnoticed through their societies is a trick that is
to his class power list. Selecting one of these powers as diligently studied by many elan rogues. These menteurs
a power known still count against the ascendant psion’s learn to use their psionic power to alter their appearance,
number of powers known. abscond to a safe location, and talk their way out of most
1st – Mind link any situation.
2nd – Read thoughts Silver Tongued: A menteur adds 1/2 her level to Bluff
3rd – Ectoplasmic form, escape detection skill checks made against an opponent’s Sense Motive
4th – Control body, mind control skill. This ability replaces trapfinding.
5th – Mind probe Undistinguished Features (Su): Beginning at 3rd
6th – Mind switch level, by spending one power point as a full round action,
7th – Ethereal form the menteur can slightly alter her physical features to
8th – Psychokinetic sphere appear more common and less memorable. This ability
9th – Tornado blast grants the menteur a +4 circumstance bonus to Disguise
This ability replaces the power list normally gained checks to appear as someone other than herself for one
when selecting a discipline. hour, although the menteur cannot attempt to appear as
Hide Mind (Su): At 2nd level, the ascendant psion another specific individual. In addition, any individual
cannot be identified as psionic by divination spells, who saw the menteur while under this effect must
clairsentience powers, or similar abilities unless the make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the menteur’s class level
caster level or manifester level of the effect is 4 higher + the menteur’s Charisma modifier) to recall seeing the
than the ascendant psion’s manifester level. This ability menteur. This ability replaces trapsense.
replaces the discipline ability normally gained at 2nd Safe Exit (Su): A 6th level menteur has learned to focus
level. on a physical location and, using her internal psionic
Assume Likeness (Su): An ascendant psion of 8th energy, return to that location. Setting the location is a
level can assume the likeness of any Small, Medium, or full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity
Large creature as a standard action that does not provoke and the menteur must be physically standing in the
attacks of opportunity. The ascendant psion’s abilities do specified location.
not change, but he appears to be that creature, relying After the location has been set and as long as the
on his Bluff and Disguise skills to deflect suspicion. menteur is within 400 feet of the location, the menteur
Alternatively, the ascendant psion can simply alter his can teleport to it as a standard action that does not
appearance to not look like himself. In either scenario, provoke attacks of opportunity. The menteur can bring
an ascendant psion gets an additional +10 circumstance along one additional creature of the same size or smaller
bonus on Disguise checks when using this ability. This as herself that she is physically touching, although if the
ability replaces the discipline ability normally gained at creature or creatures touched are unwilling, a Will save
8th level. (DC 10 + 1/2 the mentuer’s class level + the menteur’s
Telekinetic Force (Ps): An ascendant psion of 14th Charisma modifier) leaves that creature behind. At
level can use telekinetic force as a psi-like ability once 10th level and every four menteur levels thereafter,
per day with a manifester level equal to his class the menteur can bring along one additional creature,
level. Every two ascendant psion levels thereafter, the although all creatures must be in physical contact.
ascendant psion gains an additional daily use. The save Although the location can be changed at any time as
DC is Charisma-based. This ability replaces the discipline a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity,
ability normally gained at 14th level. using this ability to teleport can only be done once per
Ascension: Upon achieving 20th level, the ascendant day.
psion has learned to shunt his physical body entirely, This ability replaces the rogue talent normally gained
becoming a creature of pure energy. The ascendant at 6th level.
psion becomes an unbodied, although he does not gain
the manifesting ability of the unbodied and instead
maintains his own manifesting ability gained from levels Menteur Rogue Talents
in psion. The ascendant psion’s creature type changes A menteur can select the below rogue talent if she
to monstrous humanoid, and he gains the incorporeal meets the prerequisites. Other rogues may select it with
subtype, including the deflection bonus to AC equal to GM permission.
his Charisma modifier (minimum +1). In addition, the Change Shape (Su): By expending her psionic focus,
ascendant psion can use his telekinetic force psi-like a menteur can assume the appearance of a specific
ability at will and is no longer limited to daily uses. This humanoid as per minor metamorphosis, but does not
gain any abilities from either the Enhancement Menu

Psionics Augmented
or Abilities Menu. This ability does not alter gear. The Forgeborn
uncomfortable transformation takes 5 rounds to The following racial archetypes are available to
complete, during which the menteur is staggered. If the forgeborn.
menteur studies her victim for at least 3 rounds, she
receives a bonus to impersonate that individual of 1/2
her menteur level on Bluff checks, a bonus on Disguise Forgesteed Rider (Cavalier)
checks equal to 5 + her menteur level, and a +1 bonus The study of warfare among the forgeborn has lead to
on Use Magic Device rolls to emulate the humanoid’s the rise of a group of half-flesh, half-construct warriors
race. A menteur remains in an assumed form even while that ride on the backs of mounts of similar origins.
unconscious, but reverts to her natural form should she Forgesteed: The forgesteed rider’s mount is a mount
die. Ending this transformation can be done as a free that, like the forgeborn, has been reconstructed using
action, but similarly takes 5 rounds to complete, during some combination of minerals, metals, or crystal, and it
which time the menteur is staggered. A menteur cannot is always in the form of a horse. This forgeborn mount,
be under the effect of this talent and undistinguished like the forgeborn, does not eat, breathe, or sleep. Should
features at the same time. A menteur must be 3rd level the forgesteed rider’s mount die, the rider must spend
to select this talent. one week in the process of creating and bonding with a
new forgeborn mount. This ability replaces mount.
Linked Steed: A forgesteed rider’s mount has a deep
Pattern Wielder (Cryptic) connection to its rider, granting it the use of all psionic
Many elan cryptics view the process of creating an feats the forgesteed rider has learned. This ability
elan out of another race as simply another example of replaces the order normally gained at 1st level.
bending the patterns of reality to suit their needs. Some Challenging Steed (Ex): The forgesteed rider’s mount
of these elans recognize that the patterns from tattoos gains the same bonuses as the rider against the target of
can similarly be used to alter the physical world and the challenge. In addition, the mount gains a +1 bonus
even the effects of psionic power, and form a more to AC against attacks from the target for every 4 levels
powerful bond with their tattoos, blending the psionic of cavalier the rider possesses. This ability replaces the
energy of their very being with that locked inside of the bonus normally gained to challenge from the rider’s
tattoo. This blending allows them to alter the nature of order.
weapons, other creatures, and even psionic power itself. Boost Steed (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, as a standard
Patterned Weapon (Su): At 2nd level, the pattern action, the forgesteed rider can increase his mount’s
wielder is able to strengthen her weapon by imbuing Strength and Constitution by 2 for a number of rounds
it with the energy from her tattoos. As a move action, equal to 1 + the rider’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1
the pattern wielder can transfer the tattoo of one of her round). Every six cavalier levels beyond 2nd, this bonus
powers known onto or off of one manufactured weapon increases by 2 points and lasts one additional round.
she is wielding. While on the weapon, the pattern This ability replaces the order ability normally gained
wielder adds her Intelligence modifier (if any) to damage at 2nd level.
rolls made with that weapon. However, while the tattoo Bonus Feat: The forgesteed rider can also select
is on the weapon, the pattern wielder may not manifest psionic feats as his bonus feats at 6th, 12th, and 18th
the power represented by the tattoo. Should the weapon level instead of only combat feats.
be destroyed, the tattoo returns to the cryptic’s body Life Link (Su): At 8th level, while mounted or
unharmed. Tattoos of 0th level talents may not be used within 30 feet of each other, neither forgesteed rider
in this fashion. This ability replaces the insight gained nor forgeborn mount can be brought below 1 hit point
at 2nd level. as long as the other has more than 1 hit point. All hit
Hurl Tattoo (Su): Starting at 4th level, the pattern point damage in excess of that last 1 hit point is instead
wielder gains the ability to throw her psionic tattoos, applied to the mount, if the rider is at 1 hit point, or to
those created with Scribe Tattoo, with a range increment the rider, if the mount is at 1 hit point. When both are
of 10 ft as a ranged touch attack. If the ranged touch at 1 hit point, this ability ceases to work. In addition,
attack is successful, the creature struck is affected by the the mount and rider are always treated as if under the
power in the tattoo as if the struck creature had used the effects of mindlink to the other. This ability replaces the
tattoo itself. This ability replaces rapid defense. order ability normally gained at 8th level.
Tap Tattoo: A pattern wielder of 8th level gains the Call Steed (Su): As a move action, a forgesteed rider
ability to use psionic tattoos to alter her psionic powers. of at least 15th level can summon his steed to his side
When manifesting a power, the pattern wielder can as long as the steed is on the same plane as the rider.
expend her psionic focus to tap a psionic tattoo she is The rider can use this ability up to 1+ his Intelligence
wearing. Doing so locks out the tattoo so that it cannot modifier times per day. This ability replaces the order
be used for 24 hours after being tapped, but the power ability normally gained at 15th level.
manifested is treated as if it was affected by either the
Empower Power or Extend Power feat. This ability
replaces the insight gained at 8th level.

Psionics Augmented
Ironborn (Fighter) modifying the form of the intended collective member.
Your partially-constructed body can merge with your The unifier can only add a single creature to his
armor, making it as much a part of you as your mineral collective at a time and doing so takes one minute and
skin. As you master combat and war, your body begins both the unifier and the target creature suffer 1 hit
to further integrate your armor, allowing you to master point of damage from the creation of the link. At the
it to a degree no other warrior ever could. time of entering the collective, the unifier selects a single
Armor Aptitude (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, an customization from the aegis customization list that
ironborn learns to be more maneuverable while costs 1 customization point and is available as a 1st level
wearing armor. Whenever he is wearing armor, he aegis. As a swift action, the unifier can spend 1 power
reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of point to activate that customization for that collective
0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed member. The customization lasts until the beginning of
by his armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, the unifier’s next turn.
and 15th), these bonuses increase by +1 each time, to a Command the Field (Su): As a standard action, the
maximum –4 reduction of the armor check penalty and unifier can create a telekinetic field around himself
a +4 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed. or a target within 30 ft. of the unifier and makes the
In addition, an ironborn can also move at his normal immediate vicinity around the target hard to navigate.
speed while wearing medium armor. At 7th level, an The target’s square and all adjacent squares are
ironborn can move at his normal speed while wearing considered to be difficult terrain for a number of rounds
heavy armor. equal to the unifier’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
This ability replaces bravery and counts as armor The unifier can dismiss this effect as a free action. This
training for the purposes of prerequisites. effect does not move with the target and the unifier is
Iron Fists (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, the ironborn not affected by the difficult terrain of the effect. At 5th
gains two slam attacks whenever he is wearing medium level and every four levels thereafter, the unifier can
or heavy armor. These slam attacks deal 1d6 points choose to increase the radius of the effect by 5 feet from
of damage each and are considered primary natural the target’s square, to a maximum radius of 20 ft. This
attacks. This ability replaces the bonus feat normally ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 3
gained at 2nd level. + the unifier’s Intelligence modifier. This ability replaces
Durable Plating (Ex): At 3rd level, as long as the coordinated strike.
ironborn is wearing medium or heavy armor, he gains Strength From Within: The unifier understands that
DR 1/-. This damage reduction increases by 1 every four an effective battle plan requires not only tactics, but the
levels thereafter, to a maximum of DR 5/- at 19th level. endurance to carry out those tactics. The unifier uses his
The damage reduction gained from durable plating Constitution modifier instead of his Charisma modifier
stacks with that gained from adamantine armor. This for his strategies.
ability replaces armor training. Strength through Unity: At 10th level, the benefits of
Always Armored (Ex): At 4th level, the ironborn can the unifier’s coordinate ability apply to all members of
sleep in any armor without being fatigued. This ability his collective, instead of only one. This ability replaces
replaces the bonus feat normally gained at 4th level. the strategy normally gained at 10th level.
Fusing of Man and Metal (Ex): At 8th level, as long
as the ironborn is wearing medium or heavy armor,
the armor bonus to AC is increased by 1. This bonus Half-Giant
increases by 1 every four levels thereafter. This ability The following racial archetypes are available to half-
replaces the bonus feat normally gained at 8th level. giants.
Shatterproof (Ex): At 19th level, any time the
ironborn’s armor is targeted by a sunder attempt or Kinslayer (Ranger)
would otherwise take damage, the damage is instead In their distant past, half-giants were made from
transferred to the ironborn. Any applicable hardness human and giant stock. In the centuries since, they have
of the armor is applied before determining what (if become a culture unto themselves, yet some among them
any) damage is transferred to the ironborn. This ability view their giant heritage as an affront to their civilized
replaces armor mastery. nature. These half-giants see their giant cousins as
savages who must be eliminated for the greater good.
Unifier (Tactician) Favored Enemy: At 1st level, the kinslayer must
Amongst the forgeborn, there are those that are reborn choose humanoid (giant) as his favored enemy. His
on the battlefields, rather than after combat has ended. future favored enemies may be chosen as normal. In
These unusual forgeborn have an innate understanding addition, when the kinslayer makes trip attempts against
and appreciation for the theater of war. creatures of the humanoid (giant) subtype, he doubles
Collective: A unifier’s collective bond with others his favored enemy bonus for the trip attempt and can
is forged by taking parts of the unifier himself and make trip attempts regardless of the creature’s size
compared to his own.

Psionics Augmented
Hunter’s Companion: The kinslayer must choose of a class skills.
an animal companion at 4th level from those normally Stomp: At 1st level, the thunderjarl gains the stomp
available to a ranger. When the kinslayer and his power as a power known. When manifesting stomp,
animal companion are flanking the same enemy of the thunderjarl can expend a daily use of his stomp
the humanoid (giant) subtype, the bonus they gain for psi-like ability to manifest the power augmented to his
flanking is increased by 2. In addition, the kinslayer full manifester level without paying any power point
and his animal companion are able to communicate cost, although such a manifestation is not eligible to be
telepathically as long as the kinslayer is maintaining affected by metapsionic feats or similar effects that would
psionic focus, with a range of 100 ft + 10 ft. per ranger normally increase the cost of manifesting the power. In
level. This communication does not make the animal addition, when manifesting stomp, the thunderjarl can
companion any more intelligent, so this typically choose for the power to deal lethal instead of nonlethal
results in the kinslayer giving commands to the animal damage and gains the additional augment options below.
companion or simple questions and answers. This ability This functions in all other ways as manifesting a power
replaces hunters bond. normally.
Psionics (Ps): Starting at 4th level, the kinslayer gains Augment: In addition to the normal augment options,
access to expansion as a psi-like ability usable once per you can augment this power in the following ways.
day and an additional time per day every four kinslayer If you spend 2 additional power points, allies in the
levels thereafter (2 at 8th, 3 at 12th, 4 at 16th, 5 at 20th). affected area are not subject to the effects of this power.
The kinslayer may choose to use this psi-like ability on If you spend 2 additional power points, the area
his animal companion instead of on himself, treating the affected becomes a 10 ft. burst centered on you.
psi-like ability as having a range of touch. This replaces the path power normally gained at 1st
At 8th level, the kinslayer gains animal affinity as a psi- level when selecting a warrior’s path, but counts as a
like ability usable once per day and an additional time path power for the purposes of the half-giant’s alternate
per day every four kinslayer levels thereafter (2 at 12th, favored class bonus.
3 at 16th, 4 at 20th). Large and In Charge (Su): Beginning at 3rd level,
At 11th level, the kinslayer gains mental barrier as a when the thunderjarl is maintaining psionic focus, he
psi-like ability usable once per day and an additional gains a +1 bonus to his CMD. When performing a combat
time per day every four kinslayer levels thereafter (2 at maneuver, the thunderjarl can expend his psionic focus
15th, 3 at 19th). to gain this bonus to his CMB for that combat maneuver.
At 14th level, the kinslayer gains slip the bonds as a psi- At 7th level and every four thunderjarl levels thereafter,
like ability usable once per day and an additional time the bonus increases by 1. This ability replaces the
per day 18th level. expanded path ability normally gained at 3rd level.
All of these psi-like abilities gained are treated as Thundering Charge (Su): At 4th level, the thunderjarl
having a manifester level equal to the kinslayer’s class can spend a daily use of his stomp psi-like ability when
level -3 and are applicable for use with the share spells making a charge attack. The target of the charge must
ability of the animal companion. make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 thunderjarl level +
This ability replaces spellcasting. Wisdom modifier) before the charge. If the target fails the
Shared Favor (Ex): Once a kinslayer has reached 7th Reflex save, the target is knocked prone. The thunderjarl
level, his animal companion is treated as having the must then charge the target regardless regardless of the
kinslayer’s favored enemy ability against humanoid outcome of the stomp as long as the target is still eligible
(giant) creatures, with the same bonuses against that to be charged, otherwise, the thunderjarl’s charge action
favored enemy as the kinslayer’s. This ability replaces is wasted. This ability replaces the path skill ability.
woodland stride. Greater Psionic Weapon: The thunderjarl gains
Greater Psionic Weapon as a bonus feat at 6th level. In
Thunderjarl (Psychic Warrior) addition, if the thunderjarl is wielding a weapon with
None are as respected amongst the half-giants as is the two hands, the bonus damage dealt when expending
thunderjarl, for it is said that he holds the thunder of psionic focus for Psionic Weapon is increased by an
the storm in his hand. Few can withstand his terrifying additional 1d6 points of damage. This damage stacks
wrath, which summons the rumble and crack of thunder, with the bonus damage from the thunderjarl’s 1st level
striking down his enemies and laying them bare before ability. This replaces the martial power ability.
him. Thundering Smash (Su): Once a thunderjarl has
Psionic Weapon: At 1st level, the thunderjarl gains reached 9th level, when he confirms a critical hit with
Psionic Weapon as a bonus feat. In addition, if the a melee weapon, he can immediately manifest stomp
thunderjarl is wielding a weapon with two hands, the as a swift action without paying any power points,
damage dealt when expending psionic focus for Psionic automatically augmented up to his manifester level. If
Weapon is increased by 1d6 points of damage. This the thunderjarl has already used his swift action, this
replaces the warrior’s path normally gained at 1st level. ability cannot be used. This ability replaces secondary
Intimidate: A thunderjarl adds Intimidate to his list path.

Psionics Augmented
Opportunistic Stomp: At 12th level, the thunderjarl of damage. At 11th level and 16th level, this damage
has learned to capitalize on the confusion his racial increases by an additional 1d8 of damage. This ability
ability can cause. Anytime the thunderjarl manifests replaces the customizations point gained at 6th level.
stomp, he can make one attack of opportunity against Hulking Hurl: Beginning at 12th level, the war
any creature affected by that manifestation that fails hulk gains the ranged attack customization as a bonus
the saving throw, provided he is within reach of the customization, but can form a boulder from the
affected creature. These attacks of opportunity do not ectoplasm instead of a small shard of crystal. When
count against the thunderjarl’s normal limit of attacks of using the ranged attack customization as a standard
opportunity per round (normally 1) and he can make a action, the damage is twice the base damage of his slam
total number of these attacks of opportunity per round attack, plus his Strength modifier, and deals bludgeoning
up to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), but only for instead of piercing damage. The boulder dissipates
this ability. This ability replaces twisting paths. after the attack, regardless of if it struck the target, and
Empowered Strike (Su): When making a melee maintains any size increase from effects like expansion
attack as part of an attack action, a thunderjarl of at least once thrown. This ability replaces cannibalize suit.
15th level can expend his psionic focus and empower
his attack with the energy of his stomp ability. If the
attack is successful, the thunderjarl can make a free bull
rush, reposition, or trip combat maneuver against that
opponent. This combat maneuver does not provoke
attacks of opportunity. If the thunderjarl expends a
daily use of his stomp psi-like ability while using this
ability and chooses to make the free bull rush attempt,
he does not need to follow the target as it is pushed back.
This ability replaces pathweaving.

War Hulk (Aegis)

With their naturally imposing physique and strength,
many half-giants accept the role of being a powerhouse
that uses size and muscle to obliterate enemies, adding
the defensive properties of the astral suit to further
augment their inborn abilities.
Special: The aegis must have the powerful build racial
trait to take the war hulk archetype.
Astral Suit: The war hulk can only form his astral suit
into the astral juggernaut form. He is not able to select
the astral skin or astral armor forms. His astral suit
otherwise functions as normal.
Hulking Smash: While the war hulk is wearing his
astral suit, he gains a slam attack as a primary natural
attack that deals 1d8 points of damage. This ability
replaces astral repair.
Reinforced Plating: A war hulk of 4th level’s astral
suit is more durable than that of the typical aegis,
improving the damage reduction gained while the suit
is active by 1. At 8th level and every four levels beyond
that, the damage reduction increases by an additional 1.
This ability replaces augment suit.
Toughness: A war hulk of 2nd level gains the
Toughness feat. This ability replaces craftsman.
Immovable Mountain: A war hulk of 5th level has
learned to use his astral suit to resist attempts to move
him against his will. The war hulk gains a +1 bonus
against bull rush, trip, drag, or reposition attempts
while his astral suit is active. Every four war hulk
levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1. This ability
replaces Master Craftsman.
Devastating Smash: A war hulk of 6th level increases
the damage done with his slam attack to 2d8 points

Psionics Augmented
Maenad increased to +4. If the disciple of the raging sea expends
The following racial archetypes are available to his psionic focus when activating his racial outburst
maenads. ability, this bonus is increased to +6 for the first round of
the outburst. This ability replaces Stunning Fist.
Eye of the Storm: Starting at 2nd level, the disciple
Banshee (Wilder) of the raging sea can choose to gain a rage power in
Where most maenads learn to internalize their raging place of one of his monk bonus feats. The disciple of
emotions, there are those that master it another way, the raging sea must meet any prerequisites of the rage
expressing it through a terrible wail that brings people power, and his barbarian level is considered to be his
to their knees and breaks the sturdiest wood. Banshees monk level for the purposes of which rage powers he
are dangerous individuals, capable of melding their can select. A disciple of the raging sea does not gain the
racial abilities with the emotional tide of the wilder. ability to rage, instead, his rage powers activate when
Surge Blast: The banshee’s surge blast is an he is under the effects of his racial outburst ability. This
empowered scream that is focused and targeted at a state of emotional fervor is draining. After a disciple of
single creature and deals sonic damage instead of force the raging sea ends his racial outburst ability, he must
damage. When the banshee makes a successful attack wait one minute before beginning another outburst. He
with her surge blast, the target must make a successful may spend 2 ki points as a swift action to gain a burst of
Fortitude save (DC 10+ 1/2 the banshee’s wilder level + energy and ignore this resting period.
the banshee’s Charisma modifier) or be dazed for 1 Raging Ki: At 4th level, the disciple of the raging sea
round and deafened for one minute. Once affected can spend ki to extend a use of his outburst racial ability
by this effect, a target cannot be affected by the daze as with power points, but one ki point is considered
effect again for one minute. The banshee cannot use equal to two power points.
this ability if she cannot speak, such as being in an area
under the effects of silence.
Sonic Insight: At 2nd level, any time the banshee takes Reaving Raider (Rogue)
either the Expanded Knowledge or Extra Power Known Some maenads choose the life of the pirate over that
feat and chooses a power with the sonic descriptor, she of more reputable work. These reavers are known for
can choose a second power with the sonic descriptor to taking enemies hostage for ransom, boarding enemy
learn at the same time. Powers like energy ray that can vessels by using their racial ability to knock enemies
have the sonic descriptor count for this benefit, but if away from the ship’s edge, and doing it all while wearing
the second power chosen allows multiple energy types, heavier armor than one would expect of a pirate.
such as energy ray, that power can only be manifested Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The reaver gains
with the sonic option selected. The banshee gains the medium armor proficiency.
following augment option for any power with the sonic Take Captive (Su): While maintaining psionic focus,
descriptor: the reaver can choose to deal nonlethal damage with
Augment: By spending 2 additional power points, the weapons that otherwise deal lethal damage without
target of the power must make a Fortitude save or be incurring the -4 penalty on the attack rolls. In addition,
dazed for 1 round. If the power does not normally allow when the reaver confirms a critical hit with an attack
a save, calculate the save DC based upon the level of the that deals nonlethal damage, he can expend his
power. psionic focus to try to knock the enemy out, although a
This ability replaces elude attack. successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the reaver’s class
Banshee’s Wail: At 4th level, the banshee gains a +1 level (rounded down) + the reaver’s Charisma modifier)
bonus on attack rolls made with sonic powers and a +1 negates this effect. This ability replaces trapfinding.
bonus to the save DC of powers that she manifests with Clear the Rail (Su): Once a reaver has reached 3rd
the sonic descriptor. These bonuses also apply to the level, when he activates his racial outburst ability, he
banshee’s surge blast. The bonus increases +2 at 12th can choose to forego the benefit of the ability (although
level and +3 at 20th level. This ability replaces surging he still suffers all appropriate penalties) and direct the
euphoria. energy from the outburst into a sonic blast at a single
enemy within a 30 ft. range. The reaver makes a ranged
bull rush attempt at the target, using his Charisma
Disciple of the Raging Sea modifier instead of his Strength modifier and using his
(Monk) character level in place of his base attack bonus. This
Every maenad learns to control their emotions, only ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity and
allowing their inner rage to spill forth in controlled the reaver does not move with the targeted enemy. This
outbursts, but for the disciple of the raging sea, their ability replaces trap sense.
intense meditations and discipline also allows them to Disrupting Scream (Su): A reaver of 8th level can
unleash a terrifying rage when needed. activate his racial outburst ability and choose to forego
Unyielding Anger: When the disciple of the raging sea the benefit of the ability (although he still suffers all
uses his racial outburst ability, the bonus to Strength is appropriate penalties) to attempt to knock an adjacent

Psionics Augmented
enemy off guard as a swift action. The targeted enemy Peacekeeper (Telepath)
must make a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the For norals, standing neutral as other races and nations
reaver’s class level (rounded down) + the reaver’s go to war has long been a viable strategy. But over time,
Charisma modifier) or be treated as flat-footed for the war drains resources and affects even neutral parties,
reaver’s next attack made on the reaver’s turn. This so more and more the norals turn to “peacekeeping”,
ability replaces the rogue talent normally gained at 8th seeking to diffuse hostility and end conflicts.
level. Peace Through Force: At 2nd level, the peacekeeper
gains the following augment options that can be used
Noral with any telepathy power.
By spending two additional power points, the target is
The following racial archetypes are available to norals.
also dazed for 1 round if they fail their save. If the power
does not normally allow a saving throw, the target can
Pacifist (Vitalist) make a Will save at the standard save DC for the power
Nothing will turn a confrontation from a disagreement to negate this effect.
to an outright brawl like someone dying. Pacifists are By spending six additional power points, the target is
focused on keeping people alive, softening blows to also stunned for 1 round if they fail their saving throw.
allow peacekeepers a chance to bring the combatants If the power does not normally allow a saving throw, the
back to the negotiating table. target can make a Will save at the standard save DC for
Vitalist Method: The pacifist must choose the the power to negate this effect.
guardian or intercessor method. In addition, whenever the peacekeeper manifests any
Touch of Pacifism (Su): Pacifists focus on keeping power that deals hit point damage, he can expend his
people alive, rather than hurting their enemies, even psionic focus to have it deal nonlethal damage instead.
turning enemies’ and allies’ attacks into subduing This ability also works for their racial mind thrust psi-
strikes. At 3rd level, the pacifist can as a standard action like ability.
make a touch attack against a creature. The attack This ability replaces mental intrusion.
deals a number of nonlethal hit points of damage equal No Raised Hand (Su): At 8th level, as long as the
to the pacifist’s vitalist level + his Wisdom modifier + 3. peacekeeper maintains psionic focus, anyone wanting
In addition, the target creature’s next attack that deals to attack the peacekeeper must make a successful Will
hit point damage instead deals nonlethal damage and save (DC 10 + 1/2 the peacekeeper’s class level + the
the next attack against the target creature that deals peacekeeper’s Intelligence modifier) or it can’t follow
hit point damage instead deals nonlethal damage. This through with the attack, that part of its action is lost, and
effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the pacifist’s they take a -1 morale penalty to all saving throws against
Wisdom modifier. This ability can only be used on powers manifested by the peacekeeper until the end of
creature’s with a Constitution score. At 7th level, the their next turn. A creature that succeeds on the saving
pacifist can use this ability as a ranged touch attack with throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours. Area effects
a range of 30 feet. This ability replaces steal health. are not subjected to this effect.
Let’s Talk (Ex): At 5th level, a pacifist can as a standard By expending his psionic focus as a move action, the
action make a Diplomacy check against an enemy with peacekeeper can share this ability with all allies within
an Intelligence of 1 or higher (DC 10 + 1/2 the target’s 30 ft. for one round.
hit dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier) to convince the This is a mind-affecting effect.
enemy to talk instead of fight. If the Diplomacy check This ability replaces telepathy.
was successful, the target’s starting attitude is improved
by one step.
Should the target choose to fight anyway and the
Shadow Hunter (Inquisitor)
When wars erupt, they claim victim after victim, but
Diplomacy check successfully improved the target’s
sometimes the vilest of conflict’s participants escape
starting attitude, the target is shaken for a number of
justice for their reprehensible actions against others.
rounds equal to the pacifist’s Wisdom modifier. This
The noral shadow hunters work to track these criminals
ability can be used a number of times per day equal to
of war down and punish them for their offenses. Some
3 + the pacifist’s Wisdom modifier. This ability replaces
shadow hunters even act proactively, disposing of
request aid.
potential criminals and threats before they have a
Lessen Wounds (Su): At 8th level, the pacifist can as
chance to hurt anyone.
an immediate action expend his psionic focus to convert
Hunter’s Grace (Ps): Shadow hunters must be capable
an amount of lethal damage equal to double his class
of working in tandem and then silently striking at their
level from one member of his collective into nonlethal
enemies. A shadow hunter can manifest mindlink as a
damage of an equal amount. This ability replaces swift
psi-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his
Wisdom modifier.

Psionics Augmented
At 8th level, the shadow hunter can manifest cloud addition, his familiar can merge with him. When merged,
mind as a psi-like ability once per day. Every 3 levels he the familiar cannot be targeted and gains fast healing 5.
gains an additional use of this ability. This ability replaces metabolic healing.
This ability replaces domain. Through the Blood (Su): At 8th level, the fleshbinder
Hunter’s Sight (Ex): A shadow hunter must be can manifest any psychometabolism power with a range
capable of finding hidden enemies, honing his senses of Personal or greater and instead target a creature
and training to piece together the smallest of clues. The he touches, leaving that power dormant inside of the
shadow hunter gains a bonus on Perception checks touched creature. The power remains dormant until the
equal to half his class level (minimum +1). This ability fleshbinder discharges it by expending his psionic focus
replaces monster lore. as a free action. A creature can only have one such
Sense the Criminal (Ps): At 2nd level, the shadow dormant power within it at any given time; manifesting
hunter has learned to detect the minds of violent another dormant power causes the existing dormant
criminals. The shadow hunter gains the ability to power to be wasted. Power resistance and saves, if any,
manifest sense minds at will, with a manifester level still apply against the manifested power. This ability
equal to his class level, but the power only detects replaces shared effect.
creatures who have committed a violent crime in the Fleshbound Allies (Su): At 14th level, the fleshbinder
past week. The target must be aware that it committed a can bind the flesh of his allies to himself by laying his
crime. This ability replaces detect alignment. hand on the ally or allies to be bound as a standard
Mind Reaver: At 3rd level, the shadow hunter learns action. Such a bond is taxing, giving the fleshbinder a
to strike down enemies from afar, using naught but his permanent 1 point penalty to Constitution for each such
mind. The shadow hunter can expend a spell slot as a bond for the duration of the bond. While the bond exists,
free action to gain additional daily uses of his mind thrust each fleshbound ally gains the following abilities like the
racial power with a manifester level equal to his class fleshbinder’s familiar: share powers, speak with master,
level. For each spell level expended, the shadow hunter and the ability to merge with the fleshbinder. This ability
gains one additional use of their racial ability. These replaces resilient body.
additional daily uses last only until the shadow hunter
recovers his spells for the day. This ability replaces solo Scaled Rider (Psychic Warrior)
tactics and teamwork feats. The scaled rider forges a strong psychic link with a
karaan, the serpentine mounts bred by the ophiduan
Ophiduan race, utilizing the common blood that is shared between
The following racial archetypes are available to ophiduans and all reptiles to bind a loyal steed to his side.
ophiduans. Class Skills: The scaled rider adds Survival as a class
Reptile Mount: The scaled rider gains a karaan (see
Fleshbinder (Egoist) below) as an animal companion, as a druid of the same
For ophiduans, their bodies and bloodlines are but level, but the karaan gains the share powers ability of a
stepping stones to greater power. Their experiments psicrystal instead of the share spells ability of an animal
have yielded many variations on their own strain, as companion. This ability replaces warrior’s path.
well as changing the templates that make up other races.
First and foremost among those who perform these
experiments are the fleshbinders, their mastery over
Starting Statistics: Size Large; Speed 50 ft.; AC +4
the physical form unparalleled. Rumors say that these
natural armor; Attack bite (1d4), 2 claws* (1d6); Ability
fleshbinders have even learned to use their abilities
Scores Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special
upon the unborn, granting them psionic powers in utero.
Qualities combat trained (see the Handle Animal skill),
Fleshbound Familiar (Su): The fleshbinder gains a
low-light vision, scent. *This is a secondary natural
familiar as a wizard of the same level, but the familiar
gains the share powers ability of the psicrystal instead of
Rider’s Bond (Su): A scaled rider is always under
the share spells ability of the familiar. In addition, when
the effects of mindlink with his mount. In addition, the
manifesting a psychometabolism power with a range of
scaled rider gains Mounted Combat as a bonus feat. This
personal, the fleshbinder can expend his psionic focus
ability replaces the bonus feat normally gained at 1st
and spend 2 additional power points to have that power
also affect his familiar and not require the familiar to
Warrior’s Path: At 9th level, the scaled rider gains the
remain within 5 feet of him. This ability replaces the
warrior’s path ability and can choose a warrior’s path,
bonus feat normally gained at 1st level.
gaining one path power and the class skill associated
Mine is the Gift (Su): At 2nd level, whenever the
with that path. At 11th level, he gains access to the
fleshbinder manifests a psychometabolism power on
second path power and the path’s trance and maneuver.
another creature, including his familiar, he can expend
This ability replaces secondary path.
his psionic focus to double the duration of the effect. In
Focused Mount (Su): At 12th level, the scaled rider’s

Psionics Augmented
mount gains the Wild Talent feat as a bonus feat. In either the advanced or the giant template, or increase it
addition, the scaled rider and his mount are treated as by two to apply both the advanced and giant templates.
maintaining psionic focus if either one is maintaining This ability replaces a thousand faces.
psionic focus. At 15th level, the scaled rider can expend Wild Shape (Su): A serpent lord’s wild shape ability
his mount’s psionic focus to power a psionic feat he is closely tied to serpents, and his druid level is treated
possesses. Should the scaled rider have an additional as two higher if he takes on the form of a snake, while
focus available, such as from the Psicrystal Containment his druid level is treated as two lower if he takes on any
feat, he can use it in conjunction with this ability. form other than a snake. In addition, when activating
This ability replaces twisting paths and pathweaving. this ability, the serpent lord can expend a daily use of his
racial serpent’s bite ability to either increase the damage
Serpent Lord (Druid) dice of any bite attack gained from wild shape as if a
None are as close to serpents as the ophiduans. Their creature one size category larger, or instead use the bite
willingness to experiment and challenge themselves, damage from his serpent’s bite ability and increase the
combined with their serpentine nature, has created a DC of any poison attacks by +2.
type of warrior that embraces the inner serpent and Poisonous Nature (Su): At 9th level, whenever the
brings it forth. serpent lord has a bite attack, he can choose to have it
Nature Bond: A serpent lord must choose a serpent or apply the following poison any successful bite attack:
snake as their animal companion. The DC of any poison [frequency 1 round (6), effect 1 Con damage, Cure 1 save,
attacks that the animal companion has increases by +2. Con-based DC]. If he already has this poison, increase the
Wild Empathy (Ex): A serpent lord gains a +4 bonus damage to 1d3 Con damage and increase the DC by +2.
when using wild empathy on serpents and the time it This poison can be used on a number of attacks per day
takes is reduced to one round. equal to 3 + the serpent lord’s Wisdom modifier.
Serpentine Transformation (Su): At 2nd level, a In addition, the serpent lord gains immunity to all
serpent lord may adopt an aspect of the snake while poisons.
retaining his normal form. He gains one of the following This ability replaces venom immunity.
Movement (climb speed 20 feet, swim speed 20 feet)
Senses (low-light vision, scent)
Scales (+2 natural armor bonus to AC)
Bite attack (bite [1d4], poison [frequency 1 round (6),
effect 1 Con damage, Cure 1 save, Con-based DC] for a
Medium druid, +2 to CMB on grapple checks).
In addition, if activating the bite attack ability, the
serpent lord can expend a use of his racial serpent’s
bite ability to instead use the bite damage for the racial
ability and increase the DC of any poison attacks gained
from serpentine transformation by +2
While using serpentine transformation, the serpent
lord may speak normally and can cast speak with
animals (reptiles only) at will. Using this ability is a
standard action at 2nd level, a move action at 7th level,
and a swift action at 12th level. The serpent lord can use
this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to his
druid level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive,
but they must be used in 1-minute increments. This is
a polymorph effect and cannot be used while the druid
is using another polymorph effect, such as wild shape.
This effect can be dismissed as a free action.
Venom Resistance (Ex): At 4th level, the serpent lord
gains a +4 bonus on saves against poisons. This ability
replaces resist nature’s lure.
Serpentine Summons (Su): At 5th level, a serpent
lord may cast summon nature’s ally as a standard action
when summoning snakes, and the poison DC of any
snakes summoned increases by +2. He can apply the
young template to any snake to reduce the level of the
summoning spell required by one. He can also increase
the level of summoning required by one in order to apply

Psionics Augmented
The following racial archetypes are available to xephs. Mobile Knife (Marksman)
Xephs have a natural affinity for movement and quick
Clan Warden (Inquisitor) attacks, so it is no surprise that those who choose the
To most xeph, the clan and hearth are the most path of the marksman prefer the use of small blades and
important aspects of life itself. The clan warden always mobile attacks over standing still for extended periods
works to keep them safe against all threats, keeping an of time.
ever watchful eye on the horizon, as well as visitors. Mobile Combat (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, the
Should danger arise, he is the first to act and the most marksman learns to rely on moving around the
decisive of the clans defenders. battlefield to find the perfect shot and to avoid attacks.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The clan warden He deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on any thrown
does not gain the favored weapon of his diety (if any), attack with a dagger or xephyr knife he makes during any
and instead gains proficiency with the xephyr dagger round in which he has moved at least 10 feet. This extra
and rapier. damage only applies on the marksman’s turn. Every
Domain: The clan warden’s domain must be selected four levels thereafter, this bonus damage increases by
from the community, liberation, protection, travel, or 1d6, to a maximum of 5d6 at 18th level.
war domains. At 4th level, the marksman gains a +1 competence
Judgment: When defending his home community, the bonus to AC on his turn as long as he has moved at least
clan warden treats his class level as three higher when 10 feet during his turn. This bonus only applies after
determining the effect of his judgment. The clan warden the marksman has moved 10 feet and lasts until the
chooses his home community by residing there for at beginning of his next turn. This bonus to AC increases
least a month and may only have one home community by 1 every four levels thereafter.
at any time. This ability does not function if the marksman is
Warden’s Gaze (Ex): Clan wardens are skilled at wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a
noticing threats and deception in their community. medium or heavy load.
The clan warden gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks This ability replaces evade arrows.
and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Additional Bursts: At 4th level and every four levels
Survival skill checks when he is in his home community. thereafter, the marksman gains an additional daily use
At 8th level and every five levels thereafter, the skill of his burst racial ability. This ability replaces cover fire.
bonus and initiative bonus increases by +2. This ability Shot on the Run: At 5th level, the marksman gains the
replaces stern gaze. Shot on the Run feat as a bonus feat, even if he does not
On the Scene: Starting at 2nd level, a clan warden’s meet the prerequisites. If the marksman already has the
natural speed and agility is bolstered while within his Shot on the Run feat, he instead can select a feat with
home community, granting him a +5 ft. morale bonus to Point-Blank Shot as a prerequisite, but he must meet
his base speed. This ability does not function if the clan all prerequisites of the feat to be selected. This ability
warden is wearing medium or heavy armor or when replaces the bonus feat normally gained at 5th level.
carrying a medium or heavy load. This ability replaces Fury of a Single Blade (Su): At 8th level, when the
track. marksman moves before making a single ranged attack
Tactician (Ex): At 3rd level, a clan warden receives with a thrown weapon, including using the Shot on
a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the the Run feat, he rolls as if he had made a full attack,
prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the clan although he only throws a single weapon. Roll each
warden can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet attack in the sequence and determine the number of
who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this attacks that successfully struck the target. If at least two
bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels of the attacks were successful, the attack deals double
the clan warden possesses. Allies do not need to meet damage. Additional dice of damage from sources such
the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The clan warden as precision damage, weapon special abilities, or the like
can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, plus one are not multiplied.
additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels At 12th level, if at least three of the attacks were
thereafter. This ability replaces solo tactics. successful, the attack damage is multiplied by 5.
Protect the Community: At 6th level, the clan warden At 16th level, if at least four of the attacks were
has learned to share his innate abilities to protect his successful, the attack damage is multiplied by 7.
allies. As a swift action, the clan warden can expend his This ability replaces the style ability normally gained
psionic focus to grant a number of allies up to half his at 8th level.
Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) the benefits of his racial Returning Knives (Su): Once a marksman has
burst ability. This consumes a daily use of the racial reached 8th level, when maintaining psionic focus, his
ability and the clan warden does not gain the benefit of thrown daggers and xephyr knives are treated as having
the racial ability. This ability replaces the teamwork feat the returning special ability. In addition, the marksman
normally gained at 6th level. can expend his psionic focus when making a ranged

Psionics Augmented
attack with a dagger to use that same weapon for all Burst Attack (Su): Any time a xephyr of at least
attacks on his turn, rather than having to wait until his 10th level makes successful melee attacks with both
next turn for the dagger to return. This ability replaces weapons against a single target (such as when making
the bonus feat gained at 8th level. a full attack or with the twin strike blade skill), he can
activate a daily use of his burst psi-like ability to make
Xephyr (Soulknife) an additional attack as a free action against the target
Xeph soulknives have long been the standard bearer struck. Alternatively, if the xephyr is already under the
of the mind blade, using their natural speed and agility effects of his burst ability, when making a full attack, he
to make quick strikes and avoid attacks. The most skilled can make an additional attack with his mind blade as
of these have learned to interweave their race’s psionic part of the full attack action. In either scenario, this
abilities to further improve their fighting techniques. extra attack is made using the xephyr’s full base attack
Mind Knife: Xephyrs can not only shape their mind bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation.
blades into light, one-handed, and two-handed forms, This extra attack does not stack with other effects that
but also into the form of the xephyr knife*. In addition, grant extra attacks, such as haste. This ability can only
the xephyr gains Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat at be used once per round. In addition, the xephyr gains
1st level. This replaces the bonus feat normally gained an additional daily use of his burst psi-like ability. This
at 1st level. ability replaces the blade skill normally gained at 10th
Defensive Burst: Any time a xephyr of at least 2nd level level.
is under the effects of his burst psi-like ability, he gains
a +1 dodge bonus to his AC. Every four levels thereafter, Psionic Classes
this dodge bonus increases by 1, to a maximum of +3 at
10th level. In addition, the xephyr gains an additional In addition to the new archetypes for each of the
daily use of his burst psi-like ability. This ability replaces psionic races, presented below are new archetypes for
the blade skill normally gained at 2nd level. the psionic classes. For the vitalist, a new vitalist method
Psychic Strike: The xephyr partly fuels his psychic is provided in place of a new archetype. This vitalist
strike from the kinetic energy of his own movement. In method can be selected by any vitalist at 1st level instead
any round when the xephyr has not moved at least 10 of the original methods of guardian, mender, or soul
ft., his psychic strike damage is reduced by one die of thief. In addition, new customizations are provided for
damage, while in any round when the xephyr has moved the aegis and new insights for the new cryptic archetype.
over 30 ft., his psychic strike damage is increased by one
die of damage.
Reflex Burst (Su): Starting at 6th level, any time a Arcane Mind (Psion)
xephyr is under the effects of his burst psi-like ability, Not all psionic initiates have access to a tradition of
he gains a +1 bonus to Reflex saves. Every four levels masters passing down uncovered secrets and techniques
thereafter, this bonus increases by 1, to a maximum of +3 to help them unlock the powers of their mind. Rather,
at 14th level. In addition, the xephyr gains an additional some are students of the wizardly arts who, through
daily use of his burst psi-like ability. This ability replaces the mental discipline of arcane magical training and
the blade skill normally gained at 6th level. ritual, have instead discovered how to tap into and focus
Precise Strike (Su): Once a xephyr has reached 8th their own psionic power. Some of these psions might be
level, any time he is under the effects of his burst psi-like from savage tribes; others might hail from lands where
ability, he gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls. This bonus psionics are simply not commonplace; some are merely
does not stack with that gained from effects such as haste aspiring students of wizardry whose innate psionic
or physical acceleration. Every four levels thereafter, talents far outshine the arcane potential they had
this bonus increases by 1, to a maximum of +3 at 16th attempted to awaken.
level. In addition, the xephyr gains an additional daily Arcane Trappings: The arcane mind replaces all
use of his burst psi-like ability. This ability replaces the displays with verbal and somatic components, as his
blade skill normally gained at 8th level. training and studies have caused him to use ancient
words and mystic movements to manifest his powers.
In addition, he suffers from arcane spell failure when
GIFTED BLADES wearing armor, but rolls the chance twice and takes the
Should a soulknife with the gifted blade archetype better result.
take the xephyr archetype, the psychic strike Mysterious Magic: Since he is actually manifesting
modification instead applies to his manifester level in psionic powers, but with all the arcane trappings, this
the following way: makes it difficult to correctly identify what the arcane
In any round where the xephyr does not move at mind is actually doing. The DC of Spellcraft checks to
least 10 ft., his gifted blade manifester level is reduced recognize the power the arcane mind is manifesting is
by 1, while any round where he moves at least 30 ft., increased by the arcane mind’s Intelligence modifier.
his manifester level is increased by 1

Psionics Augmented
Strange Synergy: The arcane mind’s study of arcane Fiery Attacks (Su): At 4th level, the cannoneer’s
magic coupled with his psionic abilities allows him to culverin is treated as if it had the flaming weapon special
easier push through innate resistances. When making a ability. This ability replaces the combat style gained at
manifester check to overcome spell or power resistance, 4th level.
the arcane mind gains a +1 bonus to his rolls. This bonus Fiery Burst (Su): At 8th level, the cannoneer’s culverin
increases to +2 at 10th level. is treated as if it had the flaming burst weapon special
Mystic Bond: An arcane mind gains a familiar as ability. This ability replaces the combat style gained at
a wizard, but the familiar has the share power ability 8th level.
of a psicrystal instead of the share spell ability of the Charged Blast (Su): At 12th level, the cannoneer can
familiar. The familiar counts as having Psicrystal expend his psionic focus when making a ranged attack
Affinity for the purposes of feat prerequisites, including at a single creature. If the attack is successful, the target
for Psionic Containment. This ability replaces the bonus must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the cannoneer’s
feat normally gained at 1st level. class level + the cannoneer’s Wisdom modifier) or be
knocked prone and dazed for one round. This ability
Cannoneer (Marksman) replaces the combat style gained at 12th level.
Some marksmen prefer the use of big firearms capable Bouncing Shot (Su): At 16th level, the cannoneer
of unleashing massive damage. can expend his psionic focus when making a ranged
Note: Due to the nature of this archetype using a attack at a single creature. If the attack is successful,
culverin, it is not necessarily applicable to all games and the cannoneer can redirect the strike at a second target
should have GM approval before being used. within 30 ft of the original creature struck. This ability
Handcannon: The cannoneer starts play with a replaces the combat style gained at 16th level.
battered culverin which functions similar to the firearm
normally gained by the gunslinger. The cannoneer Contemplative (Wilder)
can wield the culverin as a melee weapon, treating it To some, psychic power comes naturally, but it isn’t
as a greatclub, and is always proficient in wielding his tied to strong emotional outbreaks. Rather, these
culverin in this fashion. In addition, the cannoneer gains contemplatives find their power through meditation and
the Amateur Gunslinger and Gunsmithing feats as bonus philosophical devotion.
feats. This ability replaces combat style. Manifesting: The contemplative uses Wisdom as his
Rapid Reload: The cannoneer gains Rapid Reload as a key ability score instead of Charisma. This includes
bonus feat. This ability replaces Point-Blank Shot. determining his bonus power points, what power levels
Strong Lifter (Ex): The cannoneer’s necessary he can manifest, and his power save DCs.
strength to wield his weapon grants him the ability to Meditative Powers: Each morning, while meditating
also hoist his cannon up for greater accuracy. As a swift for power points, the contemplative chooses a number
action, the cannoneer can add his Strength modifier to of powers equal to his powers known. When a
either his attack or damage rolls made with the culverin. contemplative recovers his daily power points after
This ability can be used a number of times per day equal resting, he may choose to rotate one or more powers
to 3 + the cannoneer’s Strength modifier. This ability he knows for new ones. These powers must always be
replaces wind reader. chosen from the wilder power list. If a contemplative
Favored Cannon: The cannoneer dedicates his life learns a power through other means, such as the
to one weapon and one weapon only. At 2nd level, the Expanded Knowledge feat or psychic chirurgery, this
cannoneer gains a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls power is known in addition to his normal powers. He
made with the culverin. Every four marksman levels may never exchange it for another power from the
thereafter, this bonus increases by 1. This ability replaces wilder power list when he chooses his powers known,
favored weapon, but counts as favored weapon for the and it doesn’t count against his limit of powers known
purposes of prerequisites. at any one time. The contemplative must choose at least
Burned Skin (Ex): At 2nd level, the cannoneer has one power from each power level he can manifest when
developed protection from the extreme heat given selecting his powers for the day. This ability replaces
off by his weapon, granting him fire resistance 5. This surge bond.
resistance increases by 5 every four levels marksman Push Beyond Limits: The contemplative gains
levels thereafter, to a maximum of 25 at 18th level. This Overchannel and Talented as bonus feats at 1st level,
ability replaces evade arrows. even if he does not meet the requirements. This ability
Gun Crafter: At 3rd level, the cannoneer gains a +1 replaces wild surge and psychic enervation.
bonus to Craft (guns) checks. This bonus increases by 1 Mind Blast (Su): The contemplative can emit a blast
every three marksman levels thereafter, to a maximum of psychokinetic energy with the power of his mind.
of +6 at 18th level. This ability replaces style skill. The contemplative can as a standard action expend his
Cover Fire: When the cannoneer uses the cover fire psionic focus to make a ranged touch attack at a creature
ability, it affects creatures in the targeted square and all within 30 ft. that deals 1d8 points of force damage to
adjacent squares. the creature struck. At 4th level and every three levels

Psionics Augmented
thereafter, the damage increases by 1d8. This ability the psicrystal’s special abilities (natural armor, hardness,
replaces surge blast. etc.) The aegis may still form his astral suit normally, but
Heightened State (Su): At 4th level, the contemplative he loses those abilities detailed below that rely upon the
enters a heightened state when using the Overchannel psicrystal being consumed by the astral suit.
feat. After manifesting a power and using the In addition, the aegis gains the ranged attack
Overchannel feat, the contemplative gains a number customization as a bonus customization.
of temporary hit points equal to his class level and a +1 Missive (Ps): While the aegis’s astral suit is active and
insight bonus to saves and AC for 1 round. If he manifests his psicrystal is consumed by it, he gains the ability to
another power and uses the Overchannel feat while still use missive as a psi-like ability with a manifester level
under these effects, the duration is increased by 1 round equal to his class level. This ability replaces astral repair.
and the insight bonus increases by +1 (to a maximum Psicrystal Containment: The aegis gains the
insight bonus equal to half the contemplative’s class Psicrystal Containment feat as a bonus feat at 3rd level.
level). These temporary hit points take effect after the For the purposes of the feat’s prerequisites, the aegis’s
damage taken from using the Overchannel feat (if any). class level counts as his manifester level. This ability
This ability replaces surging euphoria. replaces invigorating suit.
Psionic Meditation: At 5th level, the contemplative Energy Blast: Starting at 4th level, the aegis gains
gains the Psionic Meditation feat as a bonus feat. If the the energy blast customization when his psicrystal is
contemplative already has the Psionic Meditation feat, consumed by the astral suit. This ability replaces one
he may instead pick either the Expanded Knowledge or of the customization points normally gained at 4th level.
Extra Power Known feats as a bonus feat. This ability Psicrystal Shot: At 7th level, when the aegis’s
replaces the improved surge bond gained at 5th level. psicrystal is consumed by the astral suit, the psicrystal
Greater Overchannel (Su): At 9th level, the can use its own actions to aid the aegis in combat. The
contemplative gains the ability to expend his psionic psicrystal can use the attack options from the ranged
focus when using the Overchannel feat to fuel some of attack customization, including any customizations that
the power needed to augment the power. This effect improve the ranged attack, such as energy blast. Use the
pays for the cost of up to the manifester level bonus crystal warrior’s base attack bonus, as calculated from
gained by the Overchannel feat. These power points all his classes, and the psicrystal’s Dexterity modifier to
are still counted to determine the maximum number of
power points spent on the power, but are not deducted
from the contemplative’s power point pool. This ability
replaces the improved surge bond gained at 9th level.
Contemplative Knowledge: At 13th level and again
at 17th level, the contemplative gains his choice of the
Expanded Knowledge feat or the Extra Power Known
feat. The powers known gained from these feats cannot
be changed when meditating to regain power points.
This ability replaces the improved surge bonds gained at
13th and 17th level.

Crystal Warrior (Aegis)

Some aegii have learned to form a psicrystal and shape
their astral suit around the small creature, creating a
sentient suit of armor that grants them many benefits at
the cost of some flexibility.
Psicrystal Affinity: The aegis gains the Psicrystal
Affinity feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. For the purposes
of his psicrystal’s abilities and the feat’s prerequisites,
the aegis’s class level counts as his manifester level. This
ability replaces one of the customization points gained
at 1st level.
Form Astral Suit: To gain the benefits of some of
the additional class features detailed below, the aegis’s
psicrystal must be physically touching the aegis when
the aegis forms his astral suit, and the psicrystal is
consumed by the astral suit while the astral suit is active.
When the psicrystal is consumed in this fashion, it still
grants all the normal benefits for being within 5 ft. of the
aegis (Alertness, etc), but the aegis does not gain any of

Psionics Augmented
calculate the psicrystal’s attack bonus. Treat its Dexterity touch attack and instead deals 1d6 points of damage of
as if it was under the self-propulsion effect. This ability your active energy type, but requires a standard action
replaces the daily use of reconfigure normally gained at to use and cannot be used as part of a full attack. This
7th level. effect can be turned on or off as a move action. The aegis
Tactical Suit (Su): Beginning at 12th level, once per must be at least 4th level and have the ranged attack
day while his astral suit is active and the psicrystal is customization before selecting this customization.
consumed by it, the aegis can expend his psionic focus Improved Ranged Attack: The damage of the aegis’s
to be treated as if under the battlesense power, with a ranged attack ability increases by an additional 1d8
manifester level equal to half his class level. The power points of piercing damage for every five class levels
is manifested as if the aegis had spent a number of the aegis has. If the aegis is using the energy blast
power points equal to the effect’s manifester level. The customization, the additional damage is instead 1d6
aegis gains any benefits from the list of special abilities points of damage of your active energy type for every
of battlesense as if he was a member of the manifester’s five class levels. The aegis must be at least 5th level and
collective, but no other creatures gain the benefits of the have the ranged attack customization before selecting
power. The aegis can spend a standard action to alter this customization.
the benefit of the power. Every two levels thereafter, the
aegis can use this ability an additional time per day. This 3-Point Customizations
ability replaces cannibalize suit. The following customizations cost 3 points from the
Perfect Merger: The crystal warrior does not gain the aegis’s customization pool.
once per day boost to his cannibalize suit ability.
Improved Energy Blast: When using the energy
New Customizations blast customization, the attack can target up to three
The customizations below can be selected by any aegis creatures, no two of which can be more than fifteen feet
(although not by the aberrant archetype) who meets any apart. Each creature may only be the target of one such
applicable prerequisites. attack each round. Each attack is rolled separately. The
aegis must be at least 12th level and have the energy
blast and ranged attack customizations before selecting
1-point Customizations this customization.
The following customizations cost 1 point from the
aegis’s customization pool.
NOTE: The ranged attack customization originally Fearmonger (Dread)
appeared in Psionics Expanded and has been modified For the typical dread, their force of personality and
with errata, as the new customizations below are based ability to influence others is what powers their ability
on it. to harness fear. For the fearmonger, their intuition and
insight allows them to instead identify the darkest fears
Empowered Blast: The aegis can spend power points to of a creature and bring them to life.
increase the damage of his energy blast attack. Once per Insight is Key: The fearmonger adds her Wisdom
round, before making an attack using the energy blast modifier to Intimidate checks instead of her Charisma
customization, the aegis can spend up to his class level modifier. This ability replaces fearsome insight.
in power points as a free action, to gain +1d6 damage Power Points/Day: The fearmonger determines bonus
for every 1 power point spent. An attack that misses is power points based upon her Wisdom modifier instead
wasted. The aegis must be at least 4th level and have of her Charisma modifier.
the energy blast and rnged attack customizations before Powers Known: The fearmonger determines the
selecting this customization. difficulty class of her powers based upon her Wisdom
Ranged Attack: The aegis gains the ability to propel modifier instead of her Charisma modifier.
a non-psionic crystal, formed from the astral suit, at a Maximum Power Level Known: The fearmonger
target as a ranged attack that deals 1d8 points of piercing determines the maximum power level she can manifest
damage and has a range increment of 30 ft. This attack based upon her Wisdom modifier instead of her
can be used as part of a full attack, including using this Charisma modifier.
attack for each attack in the full attack. Terrors: The fearmonger determines the number of
terrors she can use per day and the save DCs for her
terrors based upon her Wisdom modifier instead of her
2 point Customizations Charisma modifier.
The following customizations cost 2 points from the Drink Fear (Su): Starting at 4th level, the fearmonger
aegis’s customization pool. gains a number of temporary hit points equal to her class
level whenever using her devastating touch ability on a
Energy Blast: The ranged attack gained from the shaken, frightened, or panicked target. These temporary
ranged attack customization becomes imbued with hit points last for one minute. This ability replaces the
psionic energy. The attack is now treated as a ranged terror normally gained at 4th level.

Psionics Augmented
Energizing Fear: Once a fearmonger has reached 9th
level, when the fearmonger uses her devastating touch FERAL HEART MAENADS
ability, she gains an insight bonus to her AC and saves Maenads who take the feral heart archetype can use
equal to half her Wisdom modifier and the temporary the extra rage rounds from the inner rage racial trait
hit points gained from her drink fear ability increase to to instead gain extra rounds of feral transformation.
two hit points per class level. This ability replaces the
bonus feat and power known normally gained at 9th Feral Roar (Ex): The feral heart can unleash a roar
level. and make an Intimidate check to demoralize a target
Horrid Revelation (Su): At 13th level, when the within 30 ft. as a move action. If performing a charge,
fearmonger uses her devastating touch and already has the feral heart can use this ability as part of the charge,
temporary hit points from her drink fear ability, she but only against the target of the charge attack. This
can sacrifice all of those temporary hit points to cause ability replaces throw mind blade.
the target of her devastating touch ability to become Enhanced Claws: At 3rd level, the feral heart’s claws
staggered and shaken unless it makes a successful save are improved like a standard soulknife’s mind blade,
(DC 10 + 1/2 dread level + Wisdom modifier). This effect except the enhancement bonus or weapon special
lasts one round per temporary hit point sacrificed. The abilities apply to the claw attacks, rather than to a weapon.
fearmonger does not gain temporary hit points from this The feral heart can spend 8 hours in concentration to
use of devastating touch. This ability replaces the bonus change the weapon bonus or weapon special abilities
feat normally gained at 13th level. of the claws. These cannot be the normal 8 hours used
for rest, even if the feral heart does not require sleep.
Feral Heart (Soulknife) After that period, the claws form with the new ability or
Mind over matter is usually viewed to be the domain abilities selected by the feral heart.
of the psion, the disciplined mind ruling over the body. This ability replaces enhanced mind blade, but
Yet powerful feral instincts are also part of the mind, and counts as enhanced mind blade for prerequisites or
when these instincts are born inside one with psionic requirements.
potential, a feral heart is born. Their mind reforms their Feral Transformation (Su): At 3rd level, the feral
bodies, often into bestial forms, giving rise to many heart gains the ability to unleash his inner beast. By
misconceptions about them being werewolves. expending his psionic focus as a free action, the feral
Form Claws (Su): The feral heart can turn his hands heart’s body takes on a more bestial form, granting
into vicious claws which grant him 2 primary natural him a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity
attacks that each deal 1d4 points of damage (if a Medium- and to Intimidate checks, but suffering a -2 penalty to
sized creature, but see below) with a critical multiplier Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. This effect can be
of 20/x2. If the feral heart is hurt, on his next turn he used for a number of rounds per day equal to 8 + the feral
is forced to form his feral claws if they are not already heart’s Constitution modifier and can dismissed as a free
active unless he makes a DC 15 Will save. Forming feral action. At each level after 3rd, the feral heart can use
claws is a move action and the claws last until dismissed this ability for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary
as a free action. increases to Constitution, such as those gained from
This effect is similar to a mind blade, except the feral powers like animal affinity, do not increase the total
heart cannot change the form of or damage type of the number of rounds that this ability can be used per day.
claws; the claws always deal bludgeoning and slashing While under the effect of feral transformation,
damage. This effect cannot be broken like a mind blade. the feral heart cannot gain psionic focus or use any
In all other ways, form claws functions as a mind blade. Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except
This replaces form mind blade, but counts as form Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that
mind blade for prerequisites or requirements. requires patience or concentration.
Improved Claws: The feral heart gains the Improved At 10th level, the bonuses increase to +4. At 16th level,
Natural Attack (claws) feat as a bonus feat at 1st level, the bonuses increase to +6.
even if he does not meet the prerequisites. This improves This ability replaces psychic strike.
the damage of his claws to 1d6 points of damage (if a Quick Shift: At 5th level, the feral heart gains the
Medium-sized creature.) This replaces the bonus feat quick shift blade skill. If he already has the quick shift
normally gained at 1st level. blade skill, he can instead choose another blade skill.
Tenacious (Su): When forming his claws, the feral This ability replaces quick draw.
heart can unlock bestial energy by expending his Blade Skills: The feral heart can only choose from the
psionic focus to gain a number of temporary hit points following list of blade skills, plus the new feral heart blade
equal to his class level. These temporary hit points skills listed below. Advanced Talents (can select without
last for one minute. At 7th level, the feral heart can covert training), Combat Slide, Deadly Blow, Disrupting
activate tenacious at the same time he activates feral Strike, Dueling Blade, Evasion (can select without covert
transformation. training), Extended Strike, Focused Defense, Focused
This ability replaces shape mindblade. Offense, Full Enhancement (for Bite), Furious Charge,

Psionics Augmented
Gruesome Riposte, Improved Enhancement, Improved does not count against his number of powers known.
Evasion (can select without covert training), Mark of Intercessor’s Touch: An intercessor vitalist of 2nd
the Challenger, Reaching Blade, Rending Blades, Rogue level who utilizes transfer wounds shares an empathic
Talent (can select without covert training), Trade Blows, bond with the healed target. The intercessor gains an
Twin Strike, Wing Clip insight bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense
Motive checks equal to his class level for all checks with
Feral Heart Blade Skills that target.
The following blade skills can only be selected by a This effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to the
feral heart. vitalist’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). The vitalist
Bite: The feral heart gains a bite attack as a primary may only have one such empathic bond active at any
natural attack that deals 1d8 points of damage (if a time, should he use transfer wounds on another target
Medium-sized creature) and is affected by the enhanced while he has an active empathic bond, the first bond
claws ability, but the enhancement bonus on it is immediately ends and he establishes an empathic bond
reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and it has the same with the new target.
configuration from enhanced claws. If this would result Intercessor’s Pulse: As a free action, an intercessor
in the bite having no enhancement bonus and a weapon of 6th level may project a pulse to all members of his
special ability such as flaming, the bite does not gain any collective by spending one power point, granting one of
weapon special abilities granted by enhanced claws and the effects below at the intercessor’s choice. The effect
is instead only considered to be psionic for the purposes lasts for one round.
of damage reduction. This bite attack, like most bite Inspire Courage: The vitalist inspires courage in the
attacks, deals bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing members of his collective (including himself), bolstering
damage. The feral heart must be at least 6th level in them against fear and improving their combat abilities.
order to select this blade skill. To be affected, an ally must be in the vitalist’s collective.
Pounce: If the feral heart charges he can still make An affected ally receives a +2 morale bonus on saving
a full attack at the end of the charge instead of a single throws against charm and fear effects and a +2
attack, although the full attack must be made with only competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
natural attacks. The feral heart must be at least 10th At 12th level and 18th level, this bonus increases by +1,
level to select this blade skill. to a maximum of +4 at 18th level. Inspire courage is a
Quick Shift: The feral heart can form all of his natural mind-affecting ability.
attacks as a free action. He can choose to form only some Inspire Competence: All members of the collective get
or all of his natural attacks with this ability. a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular
Rake: The feral heart can claw an opponent he is skill as long as they stay in the collective. This bonus
currently grappling in addition to maintaining the increases by +1 for every four levels the vitalist has
grapple. The feral heart cannot use this ability the round attained beyond 6th (+3 at 10th, +4 at 14th, and +5 at
he initiates the grapple but can use it if grappled by 18th). Unlike the bardic performance of the same name,
another or while maintaining the grappled condition. skills such as Stealth can be used. The vitalist can’t
The feral heart must be at least 4th level to select this inspire competence in himself.
blade skill. Sanctuary: All members of the collective are treated as
Rend: When the feral heart successfully strikes with if under the effects of the sanctuary spell for one round,
both claws against a single creature, he can cause with a caster level equal to the vitalist’s manifester level.
additional damage equal to one claw attack plus 1+1/2 If a member of the collective performs an action that
his Strength bonus. This blade skill can only be used would break the effect, it breaks the effect only for that
once per round. The feral heart must be at least 12th member of the collective.
level to select this blade skill. Swift Aid: If a member of his collective fails a Will
Thick Skin: The feral heart gains a +2 natural armor saving throw, an intercessor of 8th level may, as an
bonus to his AC. immediate action and by expending his psionic focus,
Thick Skin, Improved: The natural armor bonus make an additional Will saving throw for the member of
gained from thick skin is improved by 1. This blade skill his collective. The intercessor gains a +1 insight bonus to
can be taken up to three times; its effects stack. this save. This insight bonus increases by +1 every four
vitalist levels thereafter.
If the intercessor fails the saving throw, his ally suffers
Intercessor Method (Vitalist) the consequences of the effect that forced the Will save.
An intercessor tries to find a solution to every problem Intercessor’s Expertise: Upon reaching 11th level,
through communication. The intercessor likely finds a the intercessor gains a +2 bonus to the save DC of any
peaceful solution instead of preventing, healing, or mind-affecting power that he manifests. This bonus
dealing harm. stacks with any other bonus to the save DCs from his
Intercessor Power: An intercessor vitalist adds powers, including those from augmentation or feats
telempathic projection to his list of powers known. This such as Psionic Endowment.

Psionics Augmented
In addition, the intercessor can now read and speak Insights: In addition to the normal insights available
any language. to the cryptic, the lost mind can choose the insights on
Master Intercessor: The intercessor of 20th level has the void insight list, detailed below.
learned to emit a telepathic aura that causes enemies to Protection of Insanity: At 10th level, the lost mind’s
prefer to attack one member of the collective over the glimpse into the insanity of the void grants him a
others should a peaceful solution not be possible. The protection against effects that would otherwise alter
intercessor chooses one member of the collective as the his mind. The lost mind gains a bonus equal to his
preferred target as a swift action with a duration of one Intelligence modifier on any saving throw to avoid being
minute. Changing the preferred target is a full-round confused or on the Intelligence check to escape a maze or
action that provokes attacks of opportunity. At the start similar effect. This effectively means the lost mind adds
of the enemy’s turn, it feels a mental inclination to avoid his Intelligence modifier twice on the Intelligence check
attacking all but one of the collective members. Any time for maze (once for a standard Intelligence check, once
an enemy makes an attack against any member of the from protection from insanity). This ability replaces
collective other than the preferred target, they suffer hide in plain sight.
a penalty to their attack and damage rolls and to rolls Symbols of the Void: At 12th level, lost mind gains
to breach power resistance equal to the intercessor’s the ability to manifest the following spells as powers of
Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) and a penalty to the the same level, even if he would not normally be able to
save DCs of effects that do not target the preferred manifest powers of that level. The lost mind’s manifester
target equal to half the intercessor’s Wisdom modifier level must be at least double the power level to manifest
(minimum 1) and feel a mental inclination to instead the spell (for example, to manifest symbol of persuasion,
attack the preferred target. Effects that target an area the lost mind must have a cryptic manifester level of at
that include the preferred target are not subject to this least 12).
penalty, even if other members of the collective are in 5th – Symbol of Sleep, Symbol of Pain
the affected area. 6th – Symbol of Persuasion
A member of the intercessor’s collective may request 7th – Symbol of Stunning
to become the preferred target as a move action, at 8th – Symbol of Insanity, Symbol of Death
which time the intercessor may expend his psionic focus This ability replaces the insight and power known
as an immediate action to allow the change in preferred normally gained at 12th level.
If the enemy cannot see the preferred target, the Void Insights
enemy does not suffer the effects of this ability. Should These insights are unique to the lost mind and his
the preferred target be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, knowledge of the void. Many of them cause creatures
this effect immediately ends. struck by the lost mind’s disrupt pattern ability to have
This is a mind-affecting effect. their pattern briefly contact the void, warping them in
frightening or mind-altering ways.
Lost Mind (Cryptic) Disrupt and Dismay: When the lost mind uses his
You have seen the patterns inherent in the void, the disrupt pattern ability, the creature struck must make
meaning that hides inside the emptiness of every pattern. a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the cryptic’s level +
Your gaze has lingered upon the twisting tunnels of the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier) or be shaken for a
nothingness that permeates the space between the stars, number of rounds equal to the lost mind’s Intelligence
and you have gazed upon a terrible beauty. In your mind modifier. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
stands a forest of dark trees, endless, their glass-leaves Disrupt and Disorient: When the lost mind uses his
glittering with untold secrets, their bark the wishful disrupt pattern ability, the creature struck must make
thinking of the mad. You are lost in a maze of wonders, a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the cryptic’s level +
their inconceivable, unbelievable notions made real. the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier) or be confused for a
You tug at the patterns that hold the world together and number of rounds equal to the lost mind’s Intelligence
laugh as it all unravels in a beautiful dance of destruction. modifier. Once targeted by this ability, a creature cannot
Powers Known: The lost mind gains know direction be affected by it for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting
and location as a talent at 1st level. effect. The lost mind must be at least 8th level before
Insight of the Madman: The lost mind’s thoughts selecting this insight.
grant him unusual intuitive ability. He gains a bonus to Enter My Mind (Ps): The lost mind gains mindlink as a
Perception and Sense Motive equal to 1/2 his class level psi-like ability with a manifester level equal to the lost
(minimum +1). This ability replaces trapfinding. mind’s manifester level usable a number of times per
Decipher Secrets: The lost mind’s glimpse into the day equal to 3 + the lost mind’s Intelligence modifier. If
void has allowed him to see the patterns in all writing, the target is unwilling and it fails the saving throw, it is
granting him a bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher shaken for a number of rounds equal to the lost mind’s
a writing equal to his class level. This ability replaces Intelligence modifier.
trapmaker. Gaze From Beyond: By expending his psionic focus, the

Psionics Augmented
lost mind reveals the true depth of his insanity, inviting This ability replaces the power known normally
all those that meet his gaze to screamingly follow gained at 8th level.
his path. For 1 round, the lost mind’s disrupt pattern Harness Ally (Su): Beginning at 11th level, the
becomes a gaze effect and allows a Will save (DC 10 + metanexus has learned not only to use his ally as a link
1/2 the lost mind’s level + the lost mind’s Intelligence for his powers, but to actually tap into the senses of that
modifier). Those that make the save are shaken for member of the collective. As a swift action, the metanexus
one round, while those that fail the save take damage can expend his psionic focus and use the visual and
from the disrupt pattern effect and are confused for one auditory senses of one member of his collective for one
round. round. In that round, the metanexus can manifest a
Nightmare Made Flesh: The lost mind adds form of power and can select a target for the power if it is eligible
doom to his list of powers known. In addition, the lost to the chosen member of the collective. The power then
mind can manifest form of doom once per day without uses that collective member’s line of sight and line of
paying its power point cost, but when used in this effect to determine eligible targets. The member of
fashion the power cannot be augmented. The lost mind the collective selected must be within 100 feet of the
must be at least 16th level to select this insight. metanexus to use this ability. The metanexus can cease
Overwhelming Disruption: When the lost mind uses using the collective member’s senses at any time as a
his disrupt pattern ability, the creature struck must free action. The metanexus otherwise manifests the
make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the cryptic’s level + power as normal.
the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier) or be paralyzed for This ability replaces Improved Share (2).
a number of rounds equal to the cryptic’s Intelligence Collective Knowledge (Su): Once a metanexus has
modifier. Once targeted by this ability, a creature cannot reached level 16, he is able to tap into the collected
be affected by it for 24 hours. The lost mind must be at psionic knowledge of all members of his collective. By
least 12th level before selecting this insight. taking a full-round action, the metanexus can manifest
any power known by a member of his collective as if
Metanexus (Tactician) it was on the metanexus’s list of powers known. If the
The sum is greater than its parts, and never has it power’s manifesting time is longer than a standard
been more true than with the metanexus. Their ability to action, that manifesting time is added to the time it takes
harness their allies and redefine them as needed makes to use this ability. If the power is not on the tactician
them highly flexible in the field of battle and using his power list, using this ability costs one daily use of the
allies as nodes to target others makes him capable of strategy ability.
literally being everywhere at the same time This ability replaces the strategy normally gained at
Bridged Power: A metanexus of 5th level has learned 16th level.
to use members of his collective as a link to alter the
source of powers he manifests. Any time the metanexus Pathmaster (Psychic Warrior)
manifests a power with a range greater than touch, he There are some psychic warriors who choose to focus
can choose a member of his collective and treat that their study on a single path, rather than expanding their
member as the source for determining eligible targets options. This particular style of psychic warrior gains
or areas for the power. The metanexus must still himself mastery over their chosen warrior’s path and learns to
have line of sight to the target or area to be affected to use the tools at his disposal when others would not.
manifest the power. For example, a metanexus of 6th Advanced Path: At 9th level, the pathmaster gains
level who was manifesting a power of Short range (40 the Advanced Path feat for his chosen warrior’s path as
foot range) could use a member of his collective 100 feet a bonus feat even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
away to target a creature within 40 feet of the collective For example, if he chose the archer path, he would get
member that would otherwise be beyond the Short range the Advanced Archer Path feat as a bonus feat. If the
of the power. This ability replaces Improved Share (1). pathmaster already has the feat, he can instead choose
Pooled Traits (Su): Starting at 8th level, a metanexus any psionic or combat feat as a bonus feat, but he must
has learned to distribute the special abilities of the still meet any applicaple prerequisites. This ability
members of his collective. Any member of the collective replaces secondary path.
can choose to use one of the racial traits of another Focused Path (Ex): At 11th level, the pathmaster can
willing member of the collective. Using this racial trait take 10 on his path skills even if threatened or under
counts as a use for the member with the ability to be duress. He can alternatively expend his psionic focus
used and the benefiting collective member must spend to take 15 on the path skill. In addition, at 11th level, he
the appropriate action to use the ability. Only racial is treated as a psychic warrior four levels higher for the
traits that are limited in use per day, such as the xeph’s purposes of his warrior path trance. This ability replaces
burst ability, or that require a power point cost, such as the bonus feat normally gained at 11th level.
the elan’s resilience ability, can be distributed in this way, Empowered Path: At 12th level, the pathmaster
but if the ability has a power point cost, the benefiting adds his Wisdom modifier to his manifester level when
member must pay double the normal power point cost. manifesting a path power. If he expends his psionic

Psionics Augmented
focus when manifesting a path power, the power is By spending 1 power point and expending your psionic
automatically augmented for the manifester level boost focus, the range of the spell is doubled.
(minimum 1), but the pathmaster pays no extra power By spending 1 power point and expending your psionic
points for this boost. Instead, the additional power focus, the spell can be cast without verbal components.
points that would normally be required to augment the By spending 2 power points and expending your
power is effectively supplied by expending psionic focus. psionic focus, the spell can be cast without somatic
This ability replaces twisting paths. components.
Master Maneuver (Su): At 15th level, once per day the By spending 2 power points and expending your
psychic warrior can activate a high-powered maneuver psionic focus, the spell is treated as if under the effect of
for his path. As an immediate action, the pathmaster can the Empower Spell feat.
activate his warrior path maneuver, gaining the benefits This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.
of the maneuver and the ability to perform the action Gaean Revivification (Su): At 13th level, if the gaean
normally associated with the maneuver. The pathmaster is maintaining psionic focus when reduced to 0 or fewer
does not need to expend his psionic focus to activate hit points and is in physical contact with nature, she can
his maneuver when using this ability. In addition, the choose as a free action to submerge into whatever part of
pathmaster is treated as four levels higher for the nature she is in contact with, typically the ground. While
purposes of the maneuver’s benefit. The psychic warrior submerged, the gaean cannot be targeted by attacks or
gains a second daily use of this ability at 18th level. This effects (even if the attacker has a burrow speed or similar
ability replaces pathweaving.

Core Base Classes

Although much of the material found in this book
deals with the psionic classes, the core base classes, such
as the barbarian or ranger, could also be modified to be
psionic. In this section are new archetypes for the core
classes to give them a psionic feel. Characters may take
more than one archetype if they meet the requirements.

Gaean (Druid)
Although most view the earth and nature as teeming
with life, they see it as a primitive and mostly mindless
collection of creatures. Gaeans have learned that all of
nature is connected by a vast earthmind, sometimes
referred to as Gaea, and, although that mind is of a
more primitive character and subconscious entity, it still
connects all living things into one singular existence. The
gaeans tap into this primal mind, dormant yet always
there, to fuel their energies.
Gaean Communion (Su): While maintaining psionic
focus, the gaean is in communion with the dormant
earthmind and gains the ability to telepathically
communicate with any animal or magical beast with
an intelligence of 1 or 2 within 100 ft. Any time the
gaean casts summon nature’s ally, she can communicate
telepathically with all of the creatures summoned by the
spell. This ability replaces wild empathy.
Wild Talent: The gaean gains the Wild Talent feat as a
bonus feat at 1st.
Strength of Gaea (Su): At 4th level, while the gaean is
in physical contact with nature, such as being barefoot
on the ground or touching a tree, once per day the gaean
can draw strength from the earthmind, allowing her to
augment her spells in one of the following ways.
Augment: You can augment your spells in one of the
following ways.
By spending 1 power point and expending your psionic
focus, the duration of the spell is doubled.

Psionics Augmented
ability), she immediately stops bleeding and gains fast Psionics Domain (Cleric)
healing 5. She is ejected from the earthmind’s embrace There are gods and godminds whose disciples
once she returns to positive hit points, although she can becomes priests and clerics of the faith. To these select
choose to stay submerged as a free action by expending few, dedication opens their third eye unto a world that is
spell slots. Each level of the spell slot expended extends more than meets the eye, allowing their psychic power to
the effect by 1 round. While submerged the gaean can spring forth in a cascade of potential. The only question
take no actions other than expending spell slots to is how they will tap this wellspring of power.
remain submerged. This ability replaces a thousand Granted Power: You are attuned to the uncanny
faces. powers of the mind. You gain Wild Talent as a bonus
feat; if you can already manifest psionic powers (not
Pack Leader (Ranger) including psi-like abilities) when you gain this domain,
Pack leaders are often almost animalistic in their you receive Psionic Talent as a bonus feat instead of
behavior, using a subconscious tie to their allies to tie Wild Talent.
them all into a powerful hunting pack, capable of co- Psionic Amplifier (Su): As a standard action you
ordinated attacks that sometimes baffle even tacticians. can become an amplifier of psionic energy until the
These rangers make dangerous leaders, unleashing their end of your next turn. This aura emanates 15 ft. out
own transformative power into the bodies of his pack. from you. All psionic powers manifested within the
Wild Talent: The pack leader gains Wild Talent as a emanation either gain a +1 bonus to their manifester
bonus feat. If the pack leader already has the psionic level or increase their saving throw DC by +1, chosen
subtype, he instead gains Psionic Talent as a bonus feat. by the manifester when he manifests the power. This
This ability replaces wild empathy. manifester level increase allows additional augmenting
Manifesting: At 4th level, the pack leader gains of the power being manifested. You can use this ability
manifesting as a gifted blade of one level lower. The pack a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom
leader must decide at 4th level to either select his powers modifier.
from the gifted blade power list or from the marksman Dispelling Touch (Ps): At 8th level, you can use a
power list. Once this choice has been made, it cannot be targeted dispel psionic effect as a melee touch attack,
changed. This ability replaces spellcasting. with a manifester level equal to your cleric level. You
The Pack (Su): At 4th level, the pack leader learns can use this ability once per day at 8th level and one
advanced techniques for fighting as a group. As a additional time per day for every four cleric levels
standard action, the pack leader can add up to his Wisdom beyond 8th.
modifier in creatures into his pack, which functions like Domain Spells: 1st—charm person, 2nd—detect
the collective of a tactician with a class level equal to half thoughts, 3rd—seek thoughts, 4th—charm monster, 5th—
of the pack leader’s ranger level (round down), but the telepathic bond, 6th—mass suggestion, 7th—insanity,
pack can only have a maximum number of creatures 8th—mind blank, 9th—foresight.
equal to the pack leader’s Wisdom modifier. The pack
leader does not count against this limit. Psionic Subdomains
When members of the pack are attacking the same Presented below are several subdomains for use with
creature, they gain a +1 bonus on weapon attack and the new psionics domain. Subdomains are detailed in
damage rolls against that creature. full in the Advanced Player’s Guide.
This ability replaces hunter’s bond.
Share Effects (Su): At 7th level, when the pack leader Discipline Subdomain
manifests a power with a range of personal, he can Your spiritual strength grants you control over both
expend his psionic focus to choose an additional target, mind and body.
so long as the target is a member of his pack. Associated Domain: Psionics.
At 15th level, he can choose two additional targets. Replacement Power: The following granted power
This ability replaces woodland stride. replaces the psionic amplifier power of the psionics
Telepathy (Su): At 10th level, the pack leader learns domain.
how to communicate with his pack mentally. All willing Mind Over Body (Su): As a swift action, you can boost
members of his pack (including the pack leader himself) your capabilities, gaining one of the following effects
can communicate with each other telepathically, even if until the end of your next turn: make one additional
they do not share a common language. Psionic creatures attack at your highest attack bonus when making a full
who are willing members in a pack (including the pack attack, but all attacks suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls;
leader himself) may manifest unknown powers known increase your speed by a +10 ft. enhancement bonus;
by another willing psionic creature in the pack as if they give yourself a +2 dodge bonus to AC; or give yourself a
were making physical contact. +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. You can use this
This ability replaces the combat style feat normally ability for a number of times per day equal to 3 + your
gained at 10th level. Wisdom modifier.

Psionics Augmented
Replacement Domain Spells: 2nd—delay pain, 3rd— [Mind-affecting] spell, increase the DC of that spell by +1.
magic circle against chaos, 5th—greater forbid action. In addition, you gain Wild Talent as a bonus feat.
Bloodline Powers: Psychic sorcerers gain increasing
Dreams Subdomain mastery over their powers as they advance, yet it takes
You understand that the dream world is nearly as real its toll on their mind.
as the waking world. Might of the Mind (Su): You can use the power of the
Associated Domain: Psionics. mind to either attack an enemy or pick up an object. As a
Replacement Power: The following granted power standard action, you can hurl a single unattended object
replaces the dispelling touch power of the psionics of up to 250 lbs. at an enemy within 30 feet. This attack
domain. is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon
Lucid Dream (Ps): At 8th level, you can make a slight (dealing an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6
alteration to reality changing the world around you. plus half your sorcerer level), except that you add your
This ability works like the stone shape spell using your Charisma modifier on the attack roll instead of your
cleric level as the caster level. It works on any unworked Dexterity modifier.
non-living solid material. The material reverts back to Alternatively, you can pick up an unattended object of
its previous shape after 1 minute per level. You may use up to 250 lbs. within 30 feet and transport it to your hand
this ability once per day at 8th level, and one additional as a move action. You can use this ability a number of
time per day for every four cleric levels beyond 8th. times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Replacement Domain Spells: 1st—sleep, 4th—deep Deflecting Mind (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a +2 bonus
slumber. to your saves against enchantment spells and effects, and
a +1 deflection bonus to AC while maintaining psionic
Noetics Subdomain focus. At 7th level and every four levels thereafter, these
You are devoted to the idea that the thought is a form bonuses increases by +1.
of energy capable of affecting the physical world. Flight (Su): At 9th level, you can telekinetically
Associated Domain: Psionics. lift yourself, moving at a fly speed of 40 with perfect
Replacement Power: The following granted power maneuverability for 1 minute per class level. This
replaces the psionic amplifier power of the psionics duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be
domain. used in 1 minute increments.
Psychokinesis (Ps): You can move an object, or even Psychic Resistance (Su): At 15th level, you gain spell
a creature, by concentrating your mind on its current resistance equal to your sorcerer level + 10.
location and then the location you desire, creating a Mind Over Matter (Ex): At 20th level, you ascend the
sustained force. You can move up to 25 pounds per class weakness that is the flesh and become in truth a psionic
level up to 20 feet per round. A creature can negate the individual. You gain DR10/magic, telepathy 120 ft, and
effect on an object it possesses or itself with a successful are always treated as if under the effect of a Mind Blank
Will save (save DC equals 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your spell.
Wisdom modifier) or with power resistance. The weight
can be moved across the ground or through the air. This Psychic Mage (Wizard)
effect ends if the object is forced out of Close range (25 ft. To some, the line between arcane magic and psionic
plus 5 ft./2 levels) or if you cease concentration. You can power is a diffuse and confusing line. To others, it is a
use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + line that becomes easier to cross as their minds expand
your Wisdom modifier. with the options magic allows for. Either way, these
psychics can weave magic into psionics and powers into
Psychic Bloodline (Sorcerer) their spells to create effects that are unparallelled.
You are a wielder of magic, but it is a different kind Arcane Bond: The psychic mage can choose Psicrystal
than that of others. Your power stems from a long line Affinity as a bonus feat instead of choosing a familiar or
of psychics, people born with the power to bend the item. If he does, count his wizard levels as psionic class
world around them according to their will. In you, this levels for the purposes of his psicrystal’s abilities.
manifested early and you are learning how to control it. Psionic Infusion: The psychic mage chooses two
Class Skill: Perception. opposition schools, but gains no additional spell slots.
Bonus Spells: charm person (3rd), see invisibility (5th), He instead gains Wild Talent as a bonus feat. This ability
tongues (7th), arcane eye (9th), feeblemind (11th), mass replaces arcane school.
suggestion (13th), plane shift (15th), mind blank (17th), Formulaic Powers: A psychic mage can scribe a
dominate monster (19th). psionic power into his spell book at first level and when
Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Combat he gains a new level instead of a spell. The power is
Expertise, Hidden Talent, Iron Will, Quicken Spell, Silent chosen from the psion/wilder power list. He may also
Spell, Skill Focus [Autohypnosis], Spell Penetration, Still scribe powers from power stones as a wizard does from
Spell scrolls. He can also learn them from a psionic character
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a [Force] or that has that power. The time and cost is identical to

Psionics Augmented
adding spells to his spell book. been spent. The 2nd level spell slot would be spent, but
These powers can then be prepared as spells, taking up energy ray would still be prepared as a 1st level power.
a spell slot for that power’s level and can be manifested The psychic mage’s manifester level for these prepared
by spending the spell slot. The power is treated as if the powers is equal to his caster level.
minimum number of power points needed to manifest a The psychic mage must have an Intelligence score of
power of that level were spent on the power, but instead at least 10 + the power’s level to manifest it and uses
of spending power points, the psychic mage spends the his Intelligence modifier to calculate save DCs for his
spell slot. The psychic mage can spend power points to powers.
manifest a power he has prepared. The prepared power Bonus Feats: The psychic mage can select Expanded
is not spent when the psychic mage manifests powers in Knowledge, Extra Power Known, or a metapsionic feat
this way. when selecting one of his bonus feats from gaining levels
Alternately, the psychic mage can expend a higher in wizard.
level unprepared spell slot to manifest a power he has Arcane Power: Every time the psychic mage takes a
prepared and treat the power as if the number of power psionic feat, his power point pool increases by 1.
points needed to manifest that higher level spell had The psychic mage must get a good night’s sleep each
been spent on the power. The prepared power is not day to regain his power points.
spent when the psychic mage manifests powers in this Arcanomorph: A psychic mage blurs the line between
way. For example, if the psychic mage has prepared powers and spells at 8th level. He can expend his psionic
energy ray in a 1st level spell slot, he could spend a 2nd focus to remove a spell component requirement or focus
level spell slot to treat the power as if 3 power points had requirement from a spell he casts. Material components
costing more than 1 gp cannot be removed in this way.
Additionally. he can choose to add both vocal and
somatic components to a power he is manifesting to
lower its power cost by 1 power point (to a minimum of
1). This ability cannot be used on 0 level powers.

Purifier (Paladin)
Some are bound to a higher purpose, to cleanse this
world not of evil in the form of demons or the undead,
but rather to purify it from the unnatural and aberrant.
Paladins who take up this cause are sometimes known as
purifiers and seek to cleanse the unclean from the world.
Smite the Unclean (Su): Once per day, a purifier can
call out to the powers of purity to aid her in her struggle
against abominations. This ability functions as smite evil,
but instead works on creatures of the aberration type or
creatures with the psionic subtype. This ability replaces
smite evil.
Detect Evil: The purifier can manifest detect psionics as
a psi-like ability in place of detect evil, although she can
still use detect evil as normal.
Aura of Purification: At 2nd level, the purifier and
all allies within 10 ft. of the purifier gain a +1 deflection
bonus to AC against attacks made by aberrations or
psionic creatures and a +1 insight bonus to their Will-
saves against attacks from these sources. At 6th level and
every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1, to
a maximum of +5 at 18th level.. This ability replaces lay
on hands and channel positive energy.
Purifying Flame (Su): At 3rd level, the purifier’s
weapon can be wreathed in a purifying flame that deals
1d6 points of fire damage for one round. Activating this
ability is a swift action. When used against the target
of his smite, this fire damage ignores fire resistance
and fire immunity. At 6th level and every three levels
thereafter, the damage increases by 1d6 points of fire
damage, to a maximum of 6d6 at 18th level. The purifier
can use this ability a number of times per day equal to

Psionics Augmented
1/2 her paladin level plus her Charisma modifier. This The thoughtsinger can choose to remove a member as
ability replaces mercy. a free action on his turn, and any member can voluntarily
Manifesting: At 4th level, the purifier gains leave the collective as a free action on their turn. Any
manifesting as a gifted blade of one level lower. This member whose Wisdom drops to zero or who moves out
ability replaces spells. of range of the collective is automatically removed. If a
Divine Bond: The purifier must choose a weapon for member enters a null psionics field, the connection to
her divine bond. the collective is suppressed until the member leaves the
field. A member who leaves the collective for any reason
Raging Beast (Barbarian) immediately loses any and all benefits they may have
You have unlocked your psionic potential and use the gained from being a member. A thoughtsinger is aware
power of your rage to transform into a terrifying beast of the status of his collective and can, roughly, sense the
capable of decimating your foes. presence of each member, although beyond telling if
Psionic Mind: The raging beast gains the Wild Talent such a creature is still a member, this has no mechanical
feat as a bonus feat. If the raging beast already has the benefit until higher levels (see telepathy below).
psionic subtype, he instead gains the Psionic Talent feat If a member of the collective dies, the member is
as a bonus feat. This ability replaces fast movement. removed from the collective and the thoughtsinger must
Rage: The raging beast can expend his psionic focus make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or lose 1 power point for
when he rages to manifest claws of the beast as a move every Hit Die of the fallen member or be sickened for an
action. This is a psi-like ability with a manifester level equal number of rounds.
equal to 1/2 his class level (minimum 1). At 15th level, a thoughtsinger’s collective range is
Manifesting (Su): At 2nd level, the raging beast gains limitless on the same plane as the thoughtsinger
the manifesting ability of a psychic warrior of 1/2 his At 19th level, a thoughtsinger’s range reaches even
class level. This ability replaces the rage powers gained across other planes and dimensions.
at 2nd, 8th, 14th, and 20th level. Wild Talent: The thoughtsinger gains the Wild Talent
Beastly Bite (Su): At 6th level, when the raging beasts feat.
rages and expends his psionic focus to manifest claws Thoughtsong: The thoughtsinger can also empower
of the beast, he can manifest bite of the wolf in the same his allies through the collective through a telempathic
action. This is also a psi-like ability with a manifester ability called the thoughtsong. He can use this ability for
level equal to 1/2 his class level. This ability replaces the a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma
rage power normally gained at 6th level. modifier. At each level after 1st, a thoughtsinger can use
Toughened Rager (Su): At 9th level, when raging, the thoughtsong for 2 additional rounds per day. Each round,
raging beast gains a +1 enhancement bonus to his natural the thoughtsinger can produce any one thoughtsong, as
armor as long as he is raging. This enhancement bonus indicated by his level.
increases by 1 every three barbarian levels thereafter, to Activating a thoughtsong is a standard action, but
a maximum of +4 at 18th level. This ability replaces trap it can be maintained each round as a free action.
sense +3, trap sense +4, trap sense +5, and trap sense +6. Changing his thoughtsong requires the thoughtsinger
to stop the previous use and start a new one as a
standard action. Thoughtsongs cannot be disrupted,
Thoughtsinger (Bard) but it ends immediately if the thoughtsinger is killed,
What beauty voice or instrument can bring to the stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented
world, none matches that of minds meeting minds. To from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A
the thoughtsinger, the song carries through the world thoughtsinger cannot have more than one thoughtsong
deep into the minds of his friends, bringing them in effect at one time.
together into a chorus of thoughts and emotions. Some At 7th level, a thoughtsinger can start a thoughtsong as
even say that the haunting song of the mind can drive a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level,
men to acts of insanity, or courage beyond words. a thoughtsinger can start a thoughtsong as a swift action.
Collective (Su): A thoughtsinger learns to use psionic Only members of the thoughtsinger’s collective are
power to connect willingminds through an internal affected by the thoughtsong and they are affected as
network that strengthens their psychic bonds. As a long as they remain part of the collective, even if the
standard action, a thoughtsinger can join any number thoughtsinger does not have line of effect to his ally.
of willing targets into his collective (up to his limit, see Inspire Courage: As the bardic performance of the
below). The thoughtsinger must have line of sight to same name.
each target, each target must have a Wisdom score of Concert of Minds: At 1st level, the thoughtsinger can
at least 1, and all targets must be within Medium range tie members of his collective into a concerto of minds,
(100 ft. + 10 ft. per class level). The collective can contain allowing them to empower one another. As long as they
up to his key ability modifier or half his thoughtsinger are under this effect, a member of the collective can
level, whichever is higher. The thoughtsinger is always take a standard action to aid another member when he
considered a member of his own collective, and does not is manifesting. This adds a +1 bonus to the manifesters
count against this limit. effective manifester level. At first level, this cannot go

Psionics Augmented
higher than +1, but for every 5 levels after the first (6th, characters in the collective receive power resistance
11th, 16th), the bonus increases by +1. Note that at most, equal to her Perform check -10 for purposes of resisting
only four members of the collective can aid a single mind-affecting powers. If the thoughtsinger takes any
individual. other action while maintaining the shield, she suffers
Co-operation: At 1st level, the thoughtsinger can sing a -5 circumstance penalty to her Perform check for that
his collective into one mind, taking one action. While round. This replaces dirge of doom.
under the effect of this thoughtsong, members of his Fear Cascade (Ps): At 14th level, while mindlinked
collective that perform the aid another action increase to a target, you can spend an additional round of
the bonus given by this action by +1. This bonus increases thoughtsong to manifest fear cascade as a psi-like ability
by +1 for every 4 levels (5th, 9th, 13th, 17th). with a manifester level equal to your class level. This
Strength of Many: At 1st level, the thoughtsinger can replaces frightening tune.
embolden the minds of his allies. When a member is under The Becoming (Su): A thoughtsinger of 20th level
the effect of a telepathy power or enchantment spell, the or higher can use his performance to imprint himself
thoughtsinger can make a Perform: Thoughtsong check onto another creature permanently. While mindlinked
against the DC of the spell. If he succeeds, the affected to a target, the thoughtsinger can expend a round of
target can make a new save against the power or spell thoughtsong to manifest mind seed as a psi-like ability
with a +4 bonus. This replaces distract and countersong. with a manifester level equal to his class level, but with
Mindlink: You can manifest mindlink as a psi-like a range of 30 feet and the Will-save to resist is DC 10+1/2
ability with a manifester level equal to your class level. class level +Cha modifier instead of the regular save
However, the duration depends on your usage of bardic DC. Using the Becoming takes a full-round action. This
performance. This replaces Fascinate. replaces Deadly Performance.
Inspire Competence: As the bardic performance of the

New Feats
same name.
Inspire Greatness: As the bardic performance of the
same name.
Feats represent special training or abilities that a
Soothing Performance: As the bardic performance of
character has learned that not all members of his
the same name.
particular race or class might know. They help turn
Inspire Heroics: As the bardic performance of the
a character into a unique individual, with their own
same name.
toolbox to handle a variety of situations and scenarios.
This ability modifies bardic performance.
While some only work for particular races or classes,
Music of the Spheres (Ex): At 2nd level, the
most can be selected by anyone who meets the
thoughtsinger becomes resistant to mind-affecting
prerequisites. The feats in this book expand upon those
powers. As long as he has an active collective, he gains a
found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook,
+2 bonus against all mind-affecting powers, abilities, and
as well as those found in Psionics Unleashed and Psionics
spells. This ability replaces well-versed.
Telepathy (Su): At 2nd level, all willing members of the
Feats denoted by a * are new feats presented here.
thoughtsinger’s collective (including the thoughtsinger
himself) can communicate with each other telepathically,
even if they do not share a common language. Psionic Types of Feats
creatures who are willing members in a thoughtsinger’s Many of the feats presented below are psionic feats,
collective (including the thoughtsinger himself) may which were originally introduced in Psionics Unleashed,
manifest unknown powers known by another willing as well as new combat and general feats.
psionic creature in the collective as if they were making
physical contact. This replaces all instances of versatile Psionic Feats
performance. Psionic feats are available only to characters and
Compelling Voice (Ps): At 6th level, while mindlinked creatures with the ability to manifest powers or with a
to a target, you can spend a standard action to manifest reservoir of psionic power. (In other words, they either
compelling voice as a psi-like ability with a manifester have a power point reserve or have psi-like abilities.)
level equal to your class level. This replaces suggestion Because psionic feats are supernatural abilities—a
and mass suggestion. departure from the general rule that feats do not
Emotional Shield (Su): At 8th level, by projecting a grant supernatural abilities—they cannot be disrupted
wall of sheltering emotions, a thoughtsinger can disrupt in combat (as powers can be) and generally do not
the effects of mind-affecting powers on members of provoke attacks of opportunity (except as noted in their
his collective. Establishing the shield is an immediate descriptions). Supernatural abilities are not subject to
action that uses up one round of thoughtsong, even if the power resistance and cannot be dispelled; however, they
thoughtsinger already had an active thoughtsong. Each do not function in areas where psionics is suppressed,
round that he maintains the shield, the thoughtsinger such as a null psionics field. Leaving such an area
should make a Perform (thoughtsong) check. All immediately allows psionic feats to be used.

Psionics Augmented
Many psionic feats can be used only when you are Benefit: When you confirm a critical hit on an attack
psionically focused; others require you to expend your where you expended psionic focus, you automatically
psionic focus to gain their benefit. Expending your regain your psionic focus after the results of the attack
psionic focus does not require an action; it is part of are determined.
another action (such as using a feat). When you expend
your psionic focus, it applies only to the action for which Deep Focus (Psionic)
you expended it. You have learned to focus your subconscious mind
even while awake.
Feat Descriptions Prerequisites: Psionic Body, Autohypnosis 4 ranks.
The following format is used for all feat descriptions. Benefit: You can psionically focus your subconscious
Feat Name: The feat’s name also indicates what in the same manner in which you gain psionic focus
subcategory, if any, the feat belongs to, and is followed normally. At any time when you need to expend your
by a basic description of what the feat does. psionic focus, you can expend your subconscious’s
Prerequisite: A minimum ability score, another feat psionic focus instead. At any time when you need
or feats, a minimum base attack bonus, a minimum to maintain psionic focus for an effect, you can use
number of ranks in one or more skills, or anything else your subconscious’s psionic focus instead. Psionically
required in order to take the feat. This entry is absent if focusing your subconscious works just like focusing
a feat has no prerequisites. A feat may have more than your conscious mind.
one prerequisite. Special: You cannot benefit from both Psicrystal
Benefit: What a feat enables the character (“you” in Containment and Deep Focus at the same time. If you
the feat description) to do. If a character has the same have both feats, you may only have your psicrystal or
feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless your subconscious maintaining psionic focus at any
indicated otherwise in the description. given time.
Normal: What a character who does not have this feat
is limited to or restricted from doing. If not having the Defensive Tactics
feat causes no particular drawback, this entry is absent. Your experience on the battlefield grants you
Special: Additional unusual facts about the feat. experience with tactics and combat gear.
Prerequisites: Tactics class feature, armor training
Assassin’s Shot (Combat) class feature.
You are capable of using your ranged combat training Benefit: You add your levels of tactician and fighter
when making ranged sneak attacks. together for the purposes of your tactics and armor
Prerequisites: Sniper combat style, sneak attack +1d6 training class features.
Benefit: Once per round when making a ranged attack
that deals sneak attack damage, you can activate any one Dispelling Static (Psionic)
style ability that requires expending your psionic focus You can cause dispelled effects to make the target
without having to expend your psionic focus. more prone to your powers.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 5 ranks.
Assassin’s Venom (Psionic) Benefit: If you make a successful targeted dispel check,
The poisons you create are more effective. you may choose to have the effect unravel violently,
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, assassin warrior lashing the target of the dispel with psychic static that
path, prevenom or prevenom weapon path power. imposes a -1 penalty on saves against any power you
Benefit: You gain a bonus on the save DC of prevenom manifest until the end of your next turn. The penalty
and prevenom weapon equal to the competence bonus increases by 1 for each effect dispelled. The target also
granted by your trance class feature. loses any psionic focus it has and cannot regain psionic
focus for 1 round.
Channel Rage (Psionic) This does not affect psionic focus contained in
You have learned to focus your anger to fuel your wild psicrystals via Psicrystal Containment, unless the
surges. psicrystal is the target of the targeted dispel attempt.
Prerequisites: Wild surge class feature, rage class
feature. Enlarged Collective (Psionic)
Benefit: When you choose to power a manifestation Your collective has a longer range than normal.
with only your wild surge, you may spend 1 round of Prerequisites: Manifester level 3rd, collective class
your rage instead of expending your psionic focus. feature.
Benefit: The range of your collective is now long range
Critical Refocus (Combat, Psionic) (400 ft. + 40 ft. per class level). Additionally the range
Your critical hits recharge your expended focus. of your collective becomes unlimited at 12th level and
Prerequisites: Improved Critical, proficiency with planar at 16th level. At 19th level, if a member of your
weapon, base attack bonus +8. collective would be removed from the collective due to

Psionics Augmented
Table: New Feats
Assassin’s Shot Sniper style, sneak attack +1d6 Activate style ability when making a sneak
Assassin’s Venom Base attack bonus +3, assassin warrior path, Gain bonus on save DC of path power
prevenom or prevenom weapon path power
Channel Rage Wild surge class feature, rage class feature Use round of rage to power a wild surge
Critical Refocus Improved Critical, proficiency with weapon, Automatically gain psionic focus when you
base attack bonus +8 comfirm a critical hit
Deep Focus Psionic Body, Autohypnosis 4 ranks Gain a second psionic focus
Defensive Tactics Tactics class feature, armor training class Improve your tactics and armor training
feature abilities
Dispelling Static Spellcraft 5 ranks Cause target of dispel check to suffer penalty
against powers you manifest
Enlarged Collective Manifester level 3rd, collective class feature Increase the range of your collective.
Expanded Martial Power Martial power class feature Use martial power with additional powers
Expansive Collective Collective class feature, spirit of many class Increase your class level when determining
feature effects of your collective.
Fear’s Reach Devastating touch class feature, Psionic Shot Use devastating touch as a ranged attack
Fighter’s Blade Enhanced mind blade You training in the mind blade does not suffer
for dabbling in other studies
Focused Precision Base attack bonus +7, Dex 17, Weapon focus Gain bonus damage on shots made with
(any crossbow or firearm), style ability class a crossbow or firearm while maintaining
feature psionic focus
Gravitic Stability Elocator level 1st Your movement is less impeded while using
scorn earth and gain bonus against bull rush
or trip attempts
Levitative Transport Elocater level 5th, Gravitic Stability* Share elocater movement abilities
Improved Cover Fire Cover fire class feature Gain bonus when using cover fire
Improved Disengage Disengage class feature Gain a 5-ft. step while using disengage
Killer’s Vitality Soulthief method, sneak attack +1d6 Gain temporary hit points when you land a
sneak attack
Knightmare Terrors class feature, cavalier’s charge class Your dread and cavalier training provide
feature complementary benefits
Mind Blade Knight Mind knight warrior path, expanded path Add weapon special abilities to summoned
class feature weapons
Mind Knight’s Arsenal Base attack bonus +3, mind knight warrior Increase the enhancement bonus on weapon
path, call weaponry path power, Weapon summoned
Focus with selected weapon
Nomad’s Jump Aerial acrobatics class feature, nomad’s step Use nomad and elocater levels to determine
class feature benefits of nomad’s step
One Pattern Disrupt pattern class feature, Knowledge Disrupt pattern no longer suffers half damage
(arcane) 5 ranks, Knowledge (dungeoneering) if creature is not of active enemy type, instead
5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, deals extra damage if target is of active enemy
Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks, Knowledge type
(psionics), and Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks
Persistent Focus Wis 13, Psionic Meditation, Autohypnosis 4 Always treated as maintaining psionic focus
ranks for a single ability
Power Perfection Spellcraft 15 ranks, at least 3 metapsionic Apply single metapsionic feat to a single power
feats without expending focus or increasing the cost
of the power
Psionic Stamina Psionic Body, soulknife level 3 Gain bonus on Fortitude saves
Psychoportive Nomad level 1, ability to manifest trace Leave a marker for others to follow with
Pathfinder psychoport and either psychoport or teleportation effects
greater psychoport
Pyromaniac Bomb 2d6 class feature, fire lash class feature Your bombs gain benefits from your weapon
afire ability
Quick Suit Astral suit class feature, reconfigure class Form astral suit more rapidly

Psionics Augmented
Raging Hulk Rage power class feature, astral suit class Combine barbarian and aegis levels for
feature customization selections and gain extra
customizations when raging
Rapid Augmentation Augment suit class feature Activate augment suit as a swift action
Rapid Draw Alter blade blade skill, quick draw class Form mind blade as a free action more
feature, base attack bonus +11 frequently
Resonance Mastery Psicrystal imprinter level 5th, any Apply metapsionic feats to powers without
metapsionic feat paying increased cost but by increasing
manifesting time
Scholarly Discipline Arcane school, discipline class feature Your arcane and psionic training provide
complementary benefits
Soul Warrior Mind blade +2, warrior’s path class feature Your psychic warrior and soulknife training
provide complementary benefits
Split-Headed Lash Fire lash class feature, Knowledge (psionics) Split fire lash into two whips for a single
10 ranks, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, attack
Weapon Focus (whip)
Student of the Astral Suit Invigorating suit class feature Treat aegis level as 4 higher for customizations
and customization points, up to your character
Telepathic Link Manifester level 3rd, ability to manifest Gain ability to link creatures together to
mindlink communicate telepathically
Tomb Raider Trapmaker class feature, favored terrain Add cryptic and ranger levels together for
(subterranean) class feature trapfinding and favored terrain
Toughened Suit Astral suit class feature Spend a power point when forming astral suit
to gain temporary hit points
Wildblod Mage Bloodline arcana, wild surge +1 Increase caster and manifester level and use
wild surge on spells
dying or their Wisdom being reduced to 0, they remain Benefit: When calculating the range and number of
in the collective for 24 hours, although they are still creatures which may be joined to your collective, use
dead or have a 0 Wisdom and remain unconscious, as your total Hit Dice instead of your class level.
appropriate. However, you do not suffer any penalties
while they remain in your collective. Fear’s Reach (Psionic)
Normal: The range of your collective is medium range You have learned how to focus the power of fear to
(100 ft. + 10 ft. per class level), and the level at which reach enemies too far away to touch.
your collective increase to unlimited and planar ranges Prerequisites: Devastating touch class feature,
are level 15 and level 19 respectively. Psionic Shot
Special: If you have the Expansive Collective* feat, Benefit: Your devastating touch ability may now also
use your total Hit Dice instead of your class level. be used as a ranged touch attack with a range of close (25
ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels).
Expanded Martial Power (Psionic)
You are able to use a wider selection of powers while Fighter’s Blade
making attacks. Your training with a mind blade is not hindered by
Prerequisites: Martial power class feature dabbling in other studies.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your Prerequisites: Enhanced mind blade
psionic focus. When using the martial power ability, Benefit: Treat your class level as four higher to
you can manifest any power you know, provided it is at determine your enhanced mind blade class feature and
least one lever lower than the highest level power you which blade skills you can select, to a maximum of your
can manifest. character level.
Normal: When using martial power, you may only
manifest path powers. Focused Precision (Combat, Psionic)
Special: You may still manifest path powers with Your aim is so precise that you find just the right spot
martial power without expending psionic focus. to maximize the damage of your attacks.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +7, Dexterity 17,
Expansive Collective (Psionic) Weapon Focus (any crossbow or firearm), style ability
The power of your collective is unaffected by your class feature.
other dabblings. Benefit: While maintaining psionic focus, you add
Prerequisites: Collective class feature, spirit of many your Dexterity modifier to damage rolls made with a
class feature.

Psionics Augmented

crossbow or firearm for which you have the Weapon before the Reflex save and critical confirmation roll.
Focus feat. Damage from this feat is precision-based
damage, so creatures immune to precision damage are Improved Disengage (Combat, Psionic)
immune to this extra damage. You are skilled at disengaging from enemies.
Prerequisite: Disengage class feature
Gravitic Stability (Psionic) Benefit: When you expend your psionic focus to
You have an uncanny stability against attempts to activate your disengage class feature, you may move 5
impede your movement. feet as a free action that does not provoke an attack of
Prerequisites: Elocater level 1st opportunity. This movement does not provoke attacks of
Benefit: Any time your movement speed would be opportunity and does not count as a 5-foot step. You may
reduced to 10 ft. as a result of using personal gravity only use this ability when leaving a threatened square.
or scorn earth (such as from wearing heavy armor or
being more than 1 ft. away from a stable surface), your Killer’s Vitality
speed is instead reduced to 10 ft. plus any bonuses to You are skilled with stealing the health of those you
your movement (such as from freerunning). You do not strike.
take any penalty for attacking while using scorn earth at Prerequisite: Soulthief method, sneak attack +1d6
distances greater than 1 ft. from the ground or a stable Benefit: Any time you make a successful sneak attack
surface. You gain a bonus to your CMD equal to your against a living creature, you can expend your psionic
elocater class level against any bull rush or trip attempt. focus to gain 3 temporary hit points per die of sneak
attack dealt. You can divide these temporary hit points
Improved Cover Fire (Combat, Psionic) between yourself and members of your collective in any
You are more dangerous when providing cover fire. ratio.
Prerequisite: Cover fire class feature Special: If your attack reduces the target to fewer than
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls to activate 0 hit points, you gain double the temporary hit points.
your cover fire class feature and the Reflex save DC
increases by 1. When you confirm a critical hit when Knightmare
using your cover fire ability, you can expend your psionic You are a roving horror that strikes terror into the
focus as an immediate action; if you do and the opponent hearts of others.
fails their Reflex save, they are stunned for one round Prerequisites: Terrors class feature, cavalier’s charge
instead of staggered. You must choose to use this ability class feature

Psionics Augmented
Benefit: Your manifester level which granted you call weaponry and your mind knight trance bonus.
the terrors class feature gains a +2 bonus as long as this
bonus doesn’t raise your manifester level above your Mind Knight’s Arsenal (Psionic)
current Hit Dice. In addition, for the purpose of terrors Your skill with a particular weapon makes your
level requirements and order benefits, add your dread summoned weapons more powerful.
and cavalier levels together. In addition, when declaring Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, mind knight
your challenge, you can make a free Intimidate check warrior path, call weaponry path power, Weapon Focus
against the target. with selected weapon.
Benefit: When you summon a weapon with the call
Levitative Transport (Psionic) weaponry path power with which you have the Weapon
You can share your gravity-defying abilities. Focus feat, the weapon’s enhancement bonus is increased
Prerequisites: Elocater level 5th, Gravitic Stability* by 1 and it gains a single predetermined weapon special
Benefit: When you gain psionic focus, you may choose ability with a +1 base price modifier. The weapon special
to share the benefit of your personal gravity, scorn earth, ability must be appropriate for the weapon you choose
and terminal velocity abilities with all adjacent allies. and must be selected from those weapon special abilities
When you move, all affected allies move with you on your available to the soulknife. You can meditate for 8 hours
turn. Allies may move around you freely on their own to change which predetermined special ability it gets.
turns (for example, an ally in front of you could move to Special: You may take this feat multiple time, it effect
stand behind you), but if any ally moves more than 5 ft. do not stack. Each time, choose a new weapon for which
away from you, the effect ends immediately for that ally. you have the Weapon Focus feat to apply the benefits of
If you are attacked, you must make a concentration check this feat.
as if concentrating on a 2nd-level power to maintain this
effect. If subjected to harsh environmental effects which Nomad’s Jump (Psionic)
would disrupt concentration (such as strong winds), Your ability to teleport short distances is not hindered
you must make a concentration check once per hour of by your new studies.
overland travel in such conditions. Prerequisite: Aerial acrobatics class ability, nomad’s
In addition, your speed is no longer reduced to 10 step class ability
ft. when wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying Benefit: Your levels of elocator stack with your levels
a medium load while using personal gravity or scorn of nomad for the purposes of determining the range of
earth, although your base land speed is still reduced nomad’s step.
as normal for such, unless you have an ability or trait In addition, when you use nomad’s step, you may split
such as a fighter’s armor training or a dwarf’s slow and your distance traveled into two steps and determine
steady. You may use personal gravity and scorn earth your line of sight at the end of the first step. The total
while heavily encumbered, but your movement speed is distance traveled must not exceed your maximum range
reduced to 10 ft. plus any applicable speed bonuses. for nomad’s step and you may perform no other actions
during the steps.
Mind Blade Knight (Psionic)
You have gained additional flexibility with your One Pattern (Psionic)
summoned weapons. Your adventures have taught you that all creatures
Prerequisites: Mind knight warrior path, expanded have a common thread to their patterns, and that they
path class feature. also all have that one loose thread to pull.
Benefit: As long as you maintain focus, when you Prerequisites: Disrupt pattern class feature,
wield a weapon created by call weaponry, you may Knowledge (arcane) 5 ranks, Knowledge (dungeoneering)
choose to forgo some or all of the mind knight trance 5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, Knowledge (planes)
bonus to attack and damage rolls, and instead add an 5 ranks, Knowledge (psionics), and Knowledge (religion)
equal value of weapon special abilities to the weapon. 5 ranks.
These special abilities must be selected from the Benefit: Your target no longer needs to match your
soulknife’s list of weapon special abilities, and your active creature type to deal full damage with your
effective soulknife level for determining which abilities disrupt pattern ability. If your target does match your
you can select is equal to half your psychic warrior level active creature type, you inflict an extra 1 point of
(rounded down). Once you have selected weapon special damage per dice of damage dealt with disrupt pattern.
abilities to apply, you must spend 8 hours in meditation This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
to change the selected special abilities, or to dismiss the
special abilities and keep the normal trance bonus. Persistent Focus (Psionic)
If you have levels in a class that grants you a mind You are always treated as maintaining psionic focus
blade or similar weapon (such as a mind bolt or mind for one ability.
arrow), you may add those class levels to your psychic Prerequisites: Wis 13, Psionic Meditation, Auto-
warrior levels to determine your manifester level for hypnosis 4 ranks.

Psionics Augmented
Benefit: Choose one psionic ability or psionic feat Psionic Stamina (Psionic)
that requires maintaining psionic focus. From this point Your psionic power reinforces your physical form.
forward, you are always considered psionically focused Prerequisites: Psionic Body, soulknife level 3
even if you expend your psionic focus for any other Benefit: As long as you maintain psionic focus, you
ability. gain a +1 bonus to your Fortitude saves for each psionic
feat you have (including this one), to a maximum bonus
Power Perfection (Psionic) of 1/3 of your soulknife class level (rounded down,
You are unequaled at the manifesting of one particular minimum +1).
power. You can expend your psionic focus as an immediate
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 15 ranks, at least three action to also add your Wisdom bonus to your Fortitude
metapsionic feats. saves instead of your Constitution bonus until the
Benefit: Pick one power which you have the ability to beginning of your next turn.
manifest. Whenever you manifest that power you may
apply any one metapsionic feat you have to that power Psychoportive Pathfinder (Psionic)
without expending psionic focus or affecting its level or Your expertise in dimensional movement has made
manifesting time, as long as the total power point cost you the perfect guide for others.
of the power, including the metapsionic feat cost and Prerequisites: Nomad, ability to manifest trace
any augmentation, does not exceed 17 power points. In psychoport and either psychoport or greater psychoport.
addition, if you have other feats which allow you to apply Benefit: Any time you manifest psychoport, you may,
a set numerical bonus to any aspect of this power (such as a free action, choose to leave a marker for someone
as Power Penetration, Psionic Endowment, Weapon else to follow. This marker has a duration of one round.
Focus [ray], and so on), double the bonus granted by that If another person casts teleport or greater teleport or
feat when applied to this power. manifests psychoport or greater psychoport in the space
you left from, they can choose as part of casting the spell
or manifesting the power to appear adjacent to you in a
safe, uninhabited space even if they would normally fail
due to lack of familiarity or lack of range.

Your weapons of fire complement each other.
Prerequisites: Bomb 2d6 class feature, fire lash class
Benefits: Add your alchemist and pyrokineticist levels
together to determine the damage done by your bombs
and the number of bombs you can create each day.
Additionally, when you apply your weapon afire ability
to your bombs, all creatures in the splash area also take
the extra damage from your weapon afire ability.

Quick Suit (Psionic)

You have learned to quickly form your astral suit.
Prerequisites: Astral suit class feature, reconfigure
class feature.
Benefit: You can form your astral suit as a free action
once per turn.
Normal: Forming an astral suit takes a swift action for
astral skin, a standard action for astral armor, and a full-
round action for astral juggernaut.

Raging Hulk
Your rage infuses your astral suit, turning you into a
hulking monstrosity.
Prerequisites: Rage power class feature, astral suit
class feature
Benefit: For the purpose of level requirements for rage
powers or astral suit customizations, add your levels of
barbarian and aegis together. Damage reduction from

Psionics Augmented
either class stacks. In addition, any time you enter a rage, Soul Warrior
you can activate augment suit as a free action. You have learned to blend your abilities with psionic
power and the mind blade.
Rapid Augmentation (Psionic) Prerequisites: Enhanced mind blade +2, warrior’s
With a quick burst of psionic power, you can make path class feature.
slight alterations in your astral suit. Benefit: Your manifester level which granted you the
Prerequisites: Augment suit class feature. warrior’s path class feature gains a +2 bonus as long as
Benefit: You can activate your augment suit class this bonus doesn’t raise your manifester level above your
feature as a swift action. current Hit Dice. Your soulknife level gains a +2 bonus,
Normal: Activating augment suit is a standard action. up to a maximum of your hit dice, for the purpose of
your mind blade enhancement class feature. In addition,
Rapid Draw (Psionic) any time you perform a path maneuver while wielding
You are able to form your blade more frequently each your mind blade, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with
round. your mind blade for until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisites: Alter blade blade skill, quick draw
class feature, base attack bonus +6 Split Headed Lash (Psionic)
Benefit: You may form your mind blade as a free The pyrokineticist has learned to split her focus and
action an additional number of times per round equal to attack multiple targets at once.
your Wisdom modifier (minimum +1). Prerequisites: Fire lash class feature, Knowledge
Normal: You may form your mind blade as a free (psionics) 10 ranks, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot,
action once per round. Weapon Focus (whip)
Benefit: By expending your psionic focus as part of a
Resonance Mastery (Psionic) full attack, you can split you fire lash into two separate
Through practiced effort, you have mastered the art of heads for the first attack. The fire lash returns to
resonating powers through your psicrystal. normal for the remaining attacks. Each head’s attack is
Prerequisites: Psicrystal imprinter 5th, any rolled separately and need not be at the same target. If
metapsionic feat. attacking multiple targets, these targets must be within
Benefit: When you use the psicrystal resonance class 10 ft. of each other and both must be within 15 ft. of the
feature, choose any single metapsionic feat that you pyrokineticist. Any extra damage dice that would have
posses that increases the power point cost of a power applied to the fire lash attack are applied to both heads,
by your psicrystal imprinter level minus 3 or less. Feats including damage from sources such as sneak attack and
which reduce manifesting time, such as Hustle PowerPE psychic strike.
or Quicken Power, may not be chosen. Instead of gaining
one of the normal benefits of psicrystal resonance, Student of the Astral Suit
you may choose to instead apply the effects of that Your studies in other areas has not hindered your skill
metapsionic feat to the power being manifested. with astral suits.
The power is treated as if manifested with the Prerequisites: Invigorating suit class feature.
selected metapsionic feat, but the power point cost is not Benefit: Treat your class level as four higher to
increased nor are you required to expend your psionic determine your number of customization points and
focus. Instead, the manifestation time is increased. If which customizations you can select for your astral suit,
the power has a manifestation time of less than one to a maximum of your character level.
round, increase the manifesting time to one full round;
otherwise, increase the manifesting time by one full Telepathic Link (Psionic)
round. If the metapsionic feat would normally increase Your experience with joining minds has progressed to
the power point cost of the power by more than 2 power the point that you are now able to maintain a permanent
points, add one round to the manifesting time for every telepathic connection with others.
2 power points that the metapsionic feat would have Prerequisites: Manifester level 3rd, ability to manifest
increased the power cost beyond the first 2. mindlink.
Benefit: As long as you maintain psionic focus, you
Scholarly Discipline may maintain a telepathic connection between yourself
You have found similarlities in your study of arcane and other willing creatures. Creatures so connected may
schools and psionic disciplines, increasing your ability communicate with you and each other telepathically,
in both. even if they do not share a common language.
Prerequisites: Arcane school, discipline class feature. As a standard action, you may add any number of
Benefit: Your psion manifester level and wizard caster creatures in line of sight to this link; however the link
level gain a +2 bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise may never contain more creatures than your key ability
your manifester level or caster level above your current modifier (minimum 1). You are always a member of the
Hit Dice. link and do not count against this limit. You may remove

Psionics Augmented
any number of creatures from the link as a free action,
and any creature within the link may remove itself as Game Mastery
a free action. Any creature in the link which moves
beyond medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./manifester level) This section offers you advice on how to implement
from you or falls unconscious or dies is automatically or introduce psionics into your game. Whether adding
removed from the link. to an existing game, creating a new campaign where
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each psionics is an option, or running an all-psionic party for
additional time, the maximum number of creatures in the first time, there might be situations where a little bit
the link is increased by 2. of advice goes a long way.

Tomb Raider Who this Section is for

You are adept at exploring dangerous ruins and We won’t beat around the bush, where most of the
dungeons. material here is intended for both players and game
Prerequisites: Trapmaker class feature, favored masters, everything here is intended specifically for
terrain (subterranean) class feature. game masters. While there is likely to be material that
Benefit: Add your levels of cryptic and ranger together is of interest to players, this section is intended to give
for the purposes of your trapfinding and favored terrain insight, recommendations, and guidance to the game
class features. In addition, you can add your favored masters who want to run games with psionics – or whose
terrain (subterranean) bonus to Disable Device checks players are asking to allow psionics.
when in a subterranean terrain. Although many parts of this section apply to the old
D&D psionics ruleset, this section is intended primarily
Toughened Suit (Psionic) with the use of Ultimate Psionics or Psionics Unleashed.
When you call your astral suit, you strengthen it with While Psionics Unleashed was built on the D&D psionics
a boost of energy. ruleset, significant changes were made to the system
Prerequisites: Astral suit class feature. to support the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, as well
Benefit: Any time you form your astral suit, you can as to address mechanical issues, inconsistencies, and
choose to pay 1 power point as part of the action to form oversights with the D&D system. As such, if you’re
the astral suit to gain 1 temporary hit point per aegis using the old D&D psionics ruleset, you may find value
level you possess. These temporary hit points last until in the information presented in this section, but if you
your astral suit is dismissed, destroyed, or otherwise find that parts of it do not match the system, it is likely
ends. because something changed between D&D and Psionics
Wildblood Mage
Your blood runs wild with arcane energies, unleashing What This Section Is
your psionic abilities. Mastering Psionics is a compilation of instructions,
Prerequisites: Bloodline arcana, wild surge +1 recommendations, and explanations attempting to detail
Benefit: Your wilder manifester level gains a +2 bonus the psionic system as a whole, rather than covering
as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your manifester level specific classes, races, or other specific mechanical
above your current Hit Dice. Your sorcerer caster level aspects. While portions of the book may touch on
gains a +2 bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your specific rules, this book is not intended to give a variety
caster level above your current Hit Dice. In addition, you of new game options. Instead, it takes the expertise of
can use your wild surge on spells, increasing your caster the writers of Psionics Unleashed and Ultimate Psionics
level the wild surge amount, and your bloodline arcana and seeks to give that to game masters to help them
is applied to applicable powers. smoothly incorporate psionics into their game.

What This Section Isn’t

This isn’t a bunch of new options, rules, classes, feats,
powers, or monsters. This isn’t a guide on how to make a
better psionic character. If you need help in choosing a
class, power, feat, or any other of the myriad of choices
made to create a new character, feel free to ask at There are plenty of players who
enjoy psionics and are happy to help you get the most out
of your psionic experience.

Psionics Augmented
What is Psionics? The total power point cost is equal to the base power’s
Perhaps the biggest question – What is psionics? At cost plus any power points spent on augmentation; this
its simplest, psionics is the power of the mind. Where total power cost cannot exceed the character’s effective
arcane magic is the power of the cosmos, and divine manifester level.
magic is the power of higher beings, psionics is Manifest: To cause a psionic power or psi-like ability
harnessing the mental energy of self to create an effect. to take effect. The process of manifesting a power is
The effect might vary from mind reading to teleportation, akin to casting a spell, but with significant differences.
but the energy that powers it comes from the mind and A power is manifested when a psionic character pays
body of the wielder. The exact implementation of how its power point cost. Some psionic creatures have psi-
this energy is harnessed – meditation, mental strength, like abilities, which they can manifest without paying a
clarity of thought, a third eye, etc – is up to you, but power point cost.
psionics is all about using the power of the mind to affect Manifester Level: Generally equal to the number of
change in the world. class levels in a given manifesting class. Some prestige
classes add manifester levels to an existing class.
Manifester levels from multiple base classes do not stack
Why Psionics? (they are tracked individually, akin to how sorcerer
The second big question – Why psionics? This one is a and wizard caster levels are tracked individually). A
trickier question to answer, because there are a variety character with psi-like abilities, but no class levels in
of reasons. As a concept, psionics has existed for a any manifesting class, does not have a manifester level
very long time. As a gaming concept, psionics has been for most purposes, including feat and prestige class
around since the first edition of the world’s most popular requirements.
roleplaying game. Psionics Unleashed updated the Power: A psionic power is a one-time psionic effect. It
system of psionics for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is akin to a spell, but relies upon psionic energy rather
because a multitude of psionic fans shouted for support. than magical energy.
But why do they want that support? Why not just use Power Point: A measure of psionic energy. Power
magic? points are spent to manifest powers or use special
The simple answer is there is no one simple answer. abilities. Spent power points can be replenished after 8
For some players, it is the flexibility of power points hours of rest, akin to casters regaining spent spell slots.
over spell slots. For others, it is the thematic aspect of Power Point Reserve: A character’s personal store of
using the power of the mind instead of arcane formulae power points. A character with a power point reserve
or divine intervention. In other cases, it may be the gains the psionic subtype and can gain psionic focus,
nostalgia of psionics from previous editions and wanting even if the power point reserve has been depleted.
to continue the use of psionics. It may simply be because Power Resistance: Power resistance is the
it’s different from the “standard” magic. There are a extraordinary ability to avoid being affected by powers.
host of reasons why players want to use psionics and Some powers also grant power resistance. To affect a
understanding why your players in particular want to creature that has power resistance, a manifester must
use psionics is important so that you can understand the succeed on a manifester level check (1d20 + effective
best way to introduce it. manifester level) at least equal to the creature’s power
resistance. Only powers and psi-like abilities are subject
Introducing Psionics to power resistance; extraordinary and supernatural
In this part, we’ll discuss how to introduce psionics abilities (including enhancement bonuses on psionic
into your game. This might include one or more of your weapons) are not.
players using psionic options, or it might simply be you Psionic (subtype): A creature with a power point
introducing psionic NPCs and monsters, or you might reserve or psi-like abilities. A psionic creature can gain
decide to a run an all-psionics game, such as that found psionic focus.
in the Third Dawn Campaign Setting. In all of these Psionic Class: A class that grants or requires a power
possible situations, there are things to understand about point reserve or psi-like abilities. If a character is a
the psionics system in order to have a fun and smooth member of a psionic race and chooses to gain an extra
game experience. power point for taking a level in a favored class, or
chooses to take a psionic feat, that does not determine
Terms to Know a psionic class; the class itself must grant or require the
While there are already a lot of terms to know for the power point reserve or psi-like abilities. Classes that
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game – class, level, caster level, grant the Wild Talent feat or that require the character
saving throw, and the like – there are new terms specific be of a psionic race or have levels in a psionc class are
to psionics. The most important terms are detailed below, also considered to be psionic classes.
while the full list of terms is presented in the glossary. Psionic Feat: A type of feat which can only be taken by
Augment: An optional cost in power points that can creatures with the psionic subtype.
be paid during manifestation to improve certain powers. Psionic Focus: A psionically-empowered state of

Psionics Augmented
mind. Some abilities can only be used while a character how important the Golden Rule of Psionics really is.
has psionic focus. Some abilities can only be used by For most classes, the manifester level is equal to the
expending psionic focus; only one such ability can be psionic class level. While there are some exceptions
used when psionic focus is expended. Gaining psionic to this rule, such as the Gifted Blade archetype for the
focus is a full-round action that provokes attacks of Soulknife class (first released in Psionics Expanded), it
opportunity. is the general rule. This means that a 15th level psion
Psi-like Ability: A psionic effect which can be has a manifester level of 15, and a 15th level psychic
manifested without paying a power point cost. When warrior has a manifester level of 15. Any time a class
manifesting a psi-like ability, the creature’s effective grants manifesting, its manifester level is equal to the
manifester level is equal to its hit dice unless specified class level unless otherwise indicated.
otherwise. Some psi-like abilities duplicate existing While the most critical part of the manifester level
psionic powers; unless specified otherwise, such psi- deals with how many power points can be spent on a
like abilities are manifested as if the psionic power single power, the manifester level also determines
were augmented to the limit of the creature’s effective things such as duration, range, power resistance, and
manifester level. Psi-like abilities are subject to power other similar variables.
resistance and dispel psionics. They do not function in
areas where psionics are suppressed or negated (such Augment
as a null psionics field). Psi-like abilities can be dispelled The psionic system, unlike the spellcasting system,
as normal. A creature with psi-like abilities gains the uses a Pay More to Get More system. Where a fireball
psionic subtype. automatically grows in power as a wizard gains levels,
a psion must pay to make his fiery energy ball more
Rules to Know powerful. The reason this is important to understand
As with any system of rules, there are some rules that is that a 1st-level spell for a wizard only ever costs a 1st-
are more frequently used and therefore, more important level spell slot, but might give higher effects at higher
to understand. Psionics is no different. Although all levels (such as the additional missiles of magic missile).
of the rules of psionics are important, one rule stands A manifester, on the other hand, must pay for every
above the rest – the manifester level cap, also known as improvement in his powers (with the typical exception
the Golden Rule of Psionics. of range and duration, which scale like a spellcaster).
There are two main types of augments. The first is the
The Golden Rule of Psionics augment option that a psionic power itself may possess.
The single most important rule to understand when For example, the energy ray power has an augment
using psionics is that a manifester cannot spend more option to pay one additional power point to deal one
power points on a power than his manifester level. This additional die of damage. The second augment option
includes the base cost of the power, any augmenting is that gained by some class features, such as the Spirit
being done to the power, effects like metapsionic feat, of Many class feature of the Vitalist class first released in
and anything else that increases the power point cost of Psionics Expanded, where one or more powers are given
a power. special augment options.
The reason this is important is because, unlike
spells, where a spellcaster has a set number of slots of With Psionic Players
particular levels, manifesters choose how strong to make One situation to keep in mind when introducing
their effects on the fly, by spending a certain number of psionics into your game is if you will have players who
power points on the manifestation. Without this rule, a are also using psionics. If only you as the game master
10th level psion could manifest a power with an effect are using psionics, you can minimize the parts of the
equivalent to a 9th level spell. By restricting the number system you need to learn and understand. When your
of power points spent on a power to the character’s players are using psionics, you now need to understand
manifester level, it ensures that the effects of powers are the rules that those characters will need to use.
in-line with the effects other characters of comparable
level can create. Know the Rules
If you find that your players or the manifesters you Any time you have a player using psionics, especially
control are creating effects that seem like they are if psionics is new to you, know and understand the rules
stronger than should be possible, it is possible that this for that player’s character. If he’s going to be a psion,
rule is being broken. It is the cornerstone of the balance read about the psion. This isn’t to say that you need to
of the psionic ruleset. become an expert on a psion, but if a player chose to be
a summoner from the Advanced Player’s Guide, wouldn’t
Manifester Level you want to understand what the summoner did so that
Now that you know about the Manifester Level Cap, you don’t get surprised during the game?
it’s important to understand what a manifester level is. As such, if you have a player in your game who wants
This might seem backwards, but it’s only to emphasize to use psionics, it is highly recommended to get at least a

Psionics Augmented

cursory understanding of the mechanics needed for that isn’t a lot of material to read so that you are prepared to
character. Know roughly what sort of effects your player unleash psionics into your game. If your player wanted
can accomplish and the rules to support it. This isn’t to use a character option from a book such as Ultimate
to say that your players will intentionally try to sneak Combat, you would normally do some research on it, as
things past you to try to do things the rules don’t support, well, wouldn’t you?
but it’s entirely possible that your player misunderstands And remember, you really only need a high-level
a mechanic that could have far-reaching implications in understanding at first. If something doesn’t seem right,
your game. double check the rules. Misunderstandings can and do
If your player wants to uses a psionic class, read over happen; having the rules ready can help minimize any
the abilities of that class. If you’re starting at a low level, game delays to verify how something is supposed to
you have the benefit of only needing to read over what work.
the class can do early in its career, but it’s not a bad idea
to get an idea of what the class can do once it has fully Without Psionic Players
matured. Players don’t stay the same level the whole When you don’t have players using the psionic rules,
campaign, after all! You need to know what to expect as it gives you the flexibility of deciding which portions of
they gain experience and levels. the system to implement into your game. Perhaps you
If your player is going to be a class like the psion, which want psionics itself available, but not the psionic races.
uses powers, find out which powers the player is going Or perhaps only the psionic races, without any of the
to make use of. You might already know what magic psionic classes. Maybe you only want to use psionic
missile does, but what about crystal shard? There’s a fair monsters, eliminating the need to know the majority of
bit of preexisting knowledge about magic, so it’s best to the psionics system. Without psionic players, you can
try to get on an equal footing with psionics when using ease into psionics at your own pace without needing to
it in your game. learn the whole system.
While this might sound like a lot of work, let’s really
consider what you’ll need to know: Existing Campaigns
The rules for a psionic race – typically less than 1 page Introducing psionics into an existing campaign can be
The rules for 1 class – typically around 2-3 pages a tricky situation. Did psionics always exist and it just
The rules for any feats, powers, or skills that you might hadn’t been talked about? Is it from some remote region
not be familiar with – probably another 2-3 pages of the world and the game has only recently touched on
When you look at it from this perspective, six pages that geographic location? Is it a new development and,

Psionics Augmented
if so, what caused it to show up? These are the questions The All-Psionic Party
that need to be answered when you add psionics to an A lesser version of the all-psionic campaign, the all-
existing game. psionic party means, quite simply, that every member
For most campaigns, unless it has been stated of the adventuring party is psionic in some way. This
previously that psionics didn’t exist, it’s likely easiest to could be something as simple as being a member of a
say that it always existed, but the players simply haven’t psionic race, taking psionic feats, taking levels in a
encountered it before. Maybe it’s a rare phenomenon, psionic class, or all of the above. The all-psionic party
or only available under a certain set of circumstances. gives you immersion into the system, allowing you to
Be sure to consider these sorts of questions if you are see all the different parts of psionics working together
looking to add psionics into your game, as curious in your game.
players are sure to start asking questions if this new
power suddenly shows up. Psionic Monsters
Perhaps the easiest way to implement psionics in your
New Campaigns game, just have some psionic enemies for your players to
When starting a new campaign, it’s significantly easier encounter. Instead of a wizard, you could have a psion.
to introduce psionics into the world. Since there isn’t Instead of a ranger, the enemy could be a marksman.
an ongoing story to be altered to incorporate psionics, Instead of a random encounter with orcs, it could be
it can simply be said to have always been there. If duergar. This can introduce mystery and intrigue into
starting in an existing world, but a new campaign, you your games with minimal effort. After all, most psionic
might use the suggestions in the Existing Campaigns monsters have all the material you need to use them
section. Otherwise, it may be a mystery for the players right in their stat block, so you don’t have to do a lot of
to investigate as to why previous campaigns within the research on the rules.
world did not have psionics, and now psionics has been And if your players are new to psionics, you have
discovered. the added bonus of putting them up against creatures
they’re not already familiar with how to defeat. Tactics
All-Psionic Campaigns used against spellcasters, such as effects that silence so
If you want to truly immerse your game in psionics, spells cannot be cast, are rendered impotent against
the all-psionic campaign may just be the answer for you. manifesters who have no need to speak incantations.
In this sort of game environment, spellcasters do not Just don’t get overzealous and put the party up against
exist. Mysterious wizards, pious clerics, devout paladins, a creature they couldn’t possibly hope to defeat, or you
and even the wandering bard are not to be found might just make them dislike psionics as a whole!
within the world of your campaign. Instead, psionic or
mundane classes are the only choices available. While With Psionic Characters
a fighter is still a fighter, where once you would find By this point, you should have an idea of how you’re
a temple of clerics, instead you might find a monastic going to introduce psionics into your game.
society of egoists and vitalists. Instead of a school for the
arcane, where apprentice wizards and sorcerers study, Encounters and Expectations
you might have an academy of psions, tacticians, and the In the old D&D ( 3.5), the system clearly specified that
rare wilder. it was balanced around the premise that a typical party
The all-psionic campaign perhaps requires the most would deal with four encounters per day on average.
work, because everything that you have grown used While there were adjustments to make depending on
to using needs to be reevaluated to see if it should still the difficulty of the encounter, the principle was that
exist within a world where arcane and divine magic the finite resources of the party – use per day abilities,
no longer function. In particular, using an all-psionic spellcasting abilities, and the like – were intended to
campaign can make the world a more deadly place, for be usable only a certain number of times before the
resurrection rules in psionics are limited in availability characters rested. Some classes had options that were
and in scope. Where divine magic does not exist, death never used up – a rogue’s sneak attack, for example. Yet
tends to be more permanent. even these classes have a finite resource – their hit point
In addition to lacking in resurrection options, psionics total.
as a general rule of thumb has limited options when it Psionics is no exception to this design paradigm. The
comes to illusions and necromancy. While there are psionic classes are balanced off the premise of having
some psionic powers that give illusion-like functions roughly four encounters per day of a difficulty equal to
– typically by manipulating light and sound – the more the average party level. While this isn’t the only way
advanced illusions that spellcasters can use are simply to have a game, it is the general standard. You can use
not available in psionic format. Necromancy, which the chart below to see how many encounters would
typically animates corpses using magical energy, does be balanced against the system. The goal is to have an
not have a psionic counterpart, except for the puppeteer- Encounters per Day value of 4.
like animation of inanimate objects.

Psionics Augmented
Monster CR Or one with two and one with four. Then, when the
Relative To Party Encounters Per Day Value party thinks they’ve found the final enemy, have that
be the boss’s lieutenant, or his right-hand man, or some
-3 - -4 0.25
other title. By putting additional roadblocks in place, if
-2 0.5 someone or someones in the party do decide to go nova,
-1 - 0 1 they’ll quickly learn that this behavior is detrimental.
+1 2
Use Waves of Enemies: Stagger the pace of the
encounter by not revealing every enemy immediately.
+2 3 Have an encounter of eight goblins first be four goblins
and the other four show up a few rounds in. This tends
As you can see from the chart, if you have only one to counter the behavior of blowing through what the
encounter in a day with a challenge rating roughly players perceive to be “the encounter” when enemies
equal to the party’s average level, the party will have fill in during the battle. The more (and different) the
a lot of resources left over. And if your players know waves, the more interesting it can become. By keeping
this, you open yourself up to what is known as the Nova the players on their toes as to what the makeup of the
Phenomenon. encounter will eventually be, they will be forced to keep
resources in reserve, instead of choosing to go nova.
The Nova Phenomenon Have A Back-Up Encounter: This option can be
During the heyday of the D&D psionics ruleset, a use difficult to implement, because it requires flexibility
of psionics called “going nova” became well-known. In on how the story progresses. In the back-up encounter
this situation, a psionic character – usually a manifester scenario, the party has burned through large amounts of
– would burn through most or all of his power point pool resources against a final enemy, trying to trivialize the
in a few rounds, typically at the start of a combat-based encounter, and they’ve succeeded. A back-up encounter
encounter. The idea was simple: by using maximum might be used to mitigate this behavior. The final enemy
power in minimum time, the party would overcome the the party has defeated turns out to be the lieutenant or
encounter with minimal effort. assistant to some other, more nefarious enemy, or the
Although most classes have the capacity to do this to enemy had some sort of contingency effect that whisked
some extent – spellcasters can use all of their highest him away and restored him, but that enemy is still within
level spells, paladins can use up their smite evil ability, reach of the party and they do not have the luxury of
monks can use up their stunning fist and ki points – the resting. Because this is a “back-up”, having it ready and
flexibility of psionics and power points put a spotlight then not using it might feel like a lot of work and is more
on this phenomenon. While psionics did not create recommended as an extreme correction rather than a
the ability to use up a character’s strongest abilities desired outcome.
in a short time to trivialize challenges, it did make it Check Their Math: If you’re still new to psionics, or
simpler. While this gave psionics a reputation for being don’t know the rules inside and out, it’s OK to ask players
unbalanced, the system, when used as intended, tended to explain their math. And keep that Golden Rule of
to be self-correcting – especially when in an environment Psionics in mind: they can’t spend more power points
as mentioned above, where four encounters per day was on a single power than their manifester level, and their
the standard, not the exception. manifester level is usually their class level. Many a
While there is no single proper way to handle “going nova situation comes about because players knowingly
nova”, there are a variety of options to mitigate the or unknowingly violate the Golden Rule of Psionics, or
behavior and hopefully retrain your players to properly perhaps they rolled an additional die of damage in error,
conserve resources. or they calculated the save DC incorrectly. Once you’re
Have More Encounters of Lower CR: The simple fact more familiar with psionics, you likely won’t have to do
is that you can’t go nova if you know you will likely face this very often, but it’s not a bad idea to make sure that
another encounter later. A good player keeps resources the players are being accurate.
ready just in case. If you’ve taught your players that Have The Enemies Do It: While this isn’t necessarily
while on the road, they’ll only experience one random recommended, because it can lead to an arms race
encounter on the way to their destination, then there where going nova bigger is better, one way to try to curb
is no reason not to use up everything on that single your players from going nova is to have the enemies do
encounter. Similarly, if the players know that there it as well. It might not be a bad idea to mention to your
will be only one fight with underlings, and then the big players that this sort of behavior by NPCs isn’t typical,
fight with the final enemy, why would they keep any but with such a rapid onslaught of power, they felt the
resources in reserve? need to use every resource at their disposal as quickly
Spread out the encounters, pacing them just long as possible. The downside of this tactic is that it can be
enough apart that short-term beneficial effects have extremely deadly for the party, and cause them to view
expired and need to be reapplied. Instead of having psionics as overpowered, so it is best to use this sparingly.
one fight with six underlings, have two fights with three. Fewer Resources: Although this might sound the

Psionics Augmented
easiest at first, reducing the players’ resources can frustrated if you were to give them a horde of arcane
actually be the most difficult to successfully implement. scrolls in a world where arcane magic is said to not exist.
Cut the power point pool too drastically, and your Unless there is some viable reason why arcane scrolls
manifesters will feel like they can’t contribute or are found – such as a leftover cache of treasure from
encounters will become very deadly, very quickly. Cut a time when arcane magic still existed – these sorts of
insufficiently, and all you’ve done is annoy your players situations can be avoided by ensuring that you include
who can still pull off a successful nova. However, if psionic versions of these items.
additional encounters aren’t an option, reducing the
resources available to your players might be the best
solution available to you. If you use this option, the
House Rules
Although psionics can be used as originally presented
important thing to remember is to be consistent. Don’t
in your games, there are times when you might find
penalize the psionic players and leave the spellcasters
alternate rules a better fit for your game. Presented
unaltered. After all, a sorcerer could fire off every high-
below are a few variant options to use with psionics.
level spell in his arsenal in an attempt to trivialize an
Transparency Variants
How Not To Handle It If you’re new to psionics, you still might have heard the
With the variety of options on how to handle players term transparency thrown about. Transparency refers
with a penchant for going nova, it’s important to note to the level at which magic and psionics interact, and
that there are some ways that you should not handle the how the two sources of energy behave with each other.
behavior. These are typically because it can make the In the default rules, psionics and magic are considered
players feel like you’re being an unfair or inconsistent to be mechanically the same, just as divine magic and
game master. As a game master, it is your job to run arcane magic interact as if the same. That means, among
the game, but if your players don’t trust that you’ll be other things, that effects like dispel magic works on
fair with how you handle the rules and mechanics, it psionics, and vice versa. By keeping transparency intact,
can cause animosity and a poor gaming experience. On you limit the potential for unforeseen side effects of
the most extreme end of the spectrum, it can result in blending magic and psionics in the same game.
players coming to the conclusion that since you don’t However, one of the most common house rules
follow the rules, they don’t need to either. discussed is that of magic-psionic transparency. Although
Don’t Hand-Wave: The rules of your game should be the level of transparency used in your game can vary,
consistent. While situations may arise where you need presented below are two of the most common variants
to create and enforce a house-rule to fit your game style, for magic-psionic transparency: semi-transparency and
it is important that you do that in a consistent fashion. non-transparency.
If a player knows how a rule is supposed to work and It is important to understand that altering the rules
you decide off-the-cuff in the middle of a game that you of transparency can have far-reaching effects on your
don’t like it and say that such an activity doesn’t work, game balance unless you take into account just what
you are likely to upset your players. House-rules are fine, the changes you’re making mean. Your magical enemy
but they should be communicated in advance so players might be defeated with ease by a psionic party, or your
know what to expect. psionic enemy might prove unexpectedly lethal against
It’s OK to keep players in the dark with how monsters your magic-using adventuring party. Should you simply
or traps or dungeons behave, but make sure you have desire for psionics and magic to be different from a
an explanation as to why their power or ability did not descriptive point of view, that doesn’t necessarily mean
work as expected, especially if it has worked the same that they need to be different from a mechanical point
way in the past. This explanation may be a plot device, of view. After all, divine magic is the energy of divine
a unique trait of the creature, or some special item or beings, channeled through a mortal vessel, while arcane
effect, but don’t change the rules without having a good magic is the energy of the cosmos, harnessed through
reason to do so. After all, if a wizard’s magic missile complex rituals and formula. Such sources of energy
didn’t work after countless successful uses, the player could be considered vastly different, yet the two are
would expect a reason why. A player of a psion should treated as the same mechanically.
expect the same. Use the house rules below at your own risk.

Treasure Semi-Transparency
It can be easy to overlook the need to adjust your In a game of semi-transparency, psionics and magic
treasure when running a game with psionics, especially interact to an extent, but are treated as moderately
if you use random treasure for rewards. However, it different. If you want to treat magic and psionics as
is something that needs to be considered, especially if different mechanically, but as still interacting with each
you are running an all-psionic campaign or have an all- other, semi-transparency is the way to do that.
psionic party. After all, players might get confused or Using this sort of house rule has the following rules:

Psionics Augmented
● Power resistance works against magic, but is necessary.
reduced by 10 (so PR 17 becomes SR 7). Presented below is a sample alternate theme of how
● Spell resistance works against psionics, but is psionics could be altered to fit into your game without
reduced by 10 (so SR 17 becomes PR 7). changing any mechanics. Note also that this is just a
● Dispel magic takes a -10 penalty to its rolls suggestion on how to change the theme, and that you can
take these ideas and reinterpret them for your campaigns,
against psionic effects.
providing a multitude of different themes. Perhaps more
● Dispel psionics takes a -10 penalty to its rolls
than one of these themes might exist in your campaign,
against magical effects. giving you a solid reference in mechanics, but providing
● Anti-magic fields / dead magic zones have a wide variety in how “psionics” appears in the game.
a 50% chance of affecting a psionic item or
effect. RUNE MAGIC
● Null psionics fields have a 50% chance of “The robed figure raised his finger and traced a glowing
affecting a magical item or effect. rune of power in the air, the rune flashing brightly upon
● Detect magic does not detect psionics. its completion and a ball of fire shooting forth from it
● Detect psionics does not detect magic. toward the distant orc. Upon striking the orc, the ball
exploded into a blazing inferno, consuming not only the
Non-Transparency single orc, but those nearby, leaving only burnt husks of
The extreme in terms of treating psionics and magic char in their places.”
as different, non-transparency means, quite simply, that
magic and psionics do not interact. In this house rule,
psionic effects treat magical defenses as if they did not
exist, and vice versa. While this might initially sound
great, if you’re going to run a non-transparent game, you
need to consider all the mechanical ramifications doing
so means.
First: magical defenses like dispel magic, spell
resistance, and magic immunity do not apply to psionics.
This means that your dragon with Spell Resistance 30
who gets targeted by a psion’s energy ball? It ignores all
that spell resistance.
Second: similar psionic defenses are likewise useless
against magic. Need to dispel a magical effect on your
enemy? If you’re a psionic character, you’re just out of

Variant Themes
While psionics is based on a power point system rather
than the slot-based spellcasting system of the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game, sometimes the theme of psychic
powers does not fit the campaign you are envisioning.
The wonderful thing about the psionic rule set is that it
can have that theme modified without needing to alter
the mechanics underneath it, allowing you to use the
power point system in your games, while adjusting the
feel of psionics to better fit into your campaign setting
or world.
Changing the theme of psionics is as little or as much
work as you want it to be. If you don’t want to alter the
entire system, simply focus on those parts of it that will
actually be used. If you have a player that wants to be a
psion, but you won’t be using psionic NPCs and no other
member of the party is going to be psionic, don’t worry
about the psionic races, the other classes, or the powers
for those classes. If you plan to use only the soulknife,
you don’t need to worry about psionic powers at all!
Simply focus on those parts of the psionic system that
you need for your game and don’t do work that isn’t

Psionics Augmented
While psionics uses tattoos that might have
appearances that could be described as “runic,” having
Alternate Power Names
the power point system based around runes, which Rune Magic
already have ties to races like the dwarves and to certain Psionic Power Name Rune Magic Spell Name
magic spells, makes it an easy way to incorporate the
psionic system into your game without the mental, Astral construct Runic protector
spiritual, or crystalline ties that the default psionic Animal affinity Augment Self
theme brings. As rune magic, psionics would still use
power points, augmentation, and psionic focus. The Energy ray Runic shot
psionic classes can even still be used, all by changing the Offensive precognition Insightful attacks
names but without any need to change the mechanics.
Precognition Intuitive edge

To change psionics into rune magic, the below

New Powers
suggestions are given to the different aspects of the
Power points: Rename power points to runic energy
or even mana. Presented below are two new psionic powers, one for
Powers: Simply call powers runes. Specific powers psychic warriors and the other for high-level manifesters
such as detect psionics could simply be called detect that use a collective.
runic energy or even just use detect magic, although keep
in mind that psionic creatures, which would instead
be runic creatures, would still be detected, as detailed
Krakatal’s Wall
below. Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Psychic warrior 1
Psionic Focus: Probably the easiest change, simply Display: Visual
call it focus or runic focus. Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Class Names: The psion could become the runecaster, Range: Personal
the psychic warrior the runic warrior, the soulknife the Target: You
runeblade, and the wilder the wild pattern. Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Manifestations: Where psionic powers might carry Power Points: 1
different displays, such as lights, smells, or sounds, rune You will the held tower shield to become a natural
magic would use visible runes that appear either on the extension of your arm; it blocks attacks with but a mere
caster, on the target, or even as a pattern of runes that thought from you. Your skin appears to burn, like red-
appear in the air. These runes might be accompanied hot embers briefly illuminating 5-feet away from you,
by a sound or some other display depending upon the before it dissipates.
desired implementation in your game. During the duration of this power you are considered
Psicrystals: Instead of being a small crystal, the proficient with tower shields. If you actually have
psicrystal could be changed to be a small ceramic proficiency in tower shields you increase the AC bonus
carving with a variety of runes covering its form and granted by any tower shield you wield by +1.
called a runestone. The runes would grant the carving Augment: This power may be augmented in one or
the same game statistics as a standard psicrystal, but its more of the following ways.
appearance would be more in-line with the theme of 1. For every 4 additional power points you spend, you
rune magic. may decrease the tower shield’s attack penalty due to
Psionic Creatures: It is likely going to be difficult to encumbrance by 1.
incorporate psionic creatures into your games without 2. For every 4 additional power points you spend, the
more significant changes, as their appearances are a tower shield’s bonus to Armor Class improves by 1.
bit more detailed and thematic. However, this doesn’t 3. For every 4 additional power points you spend,
mean it can’t be done! For example, the brain mole reduce the tower shield’s armor check penalty by 1.
might instead be itself covered in runes and seek out
new runes to siphon energy in order to feed. T’Nail’s Ardent Legion
Sample Powers: The chart below gives several psionic
powers with their normal name and then a potential Discipline: Psychoportation; Level: Tactician 9, vitalist
name for a rune magic theme. 9
Display: Auditory, Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Unlimited; see text
Target: Willing members of your collective
Duration: Instantaneous; see text

Psionics Augmented
Saving Throw: None (harmless); see text; Power find his own path through the darkness, to arrive on the
Resistance: No other side filled with their personal discoveries. Legends
Power Points: 17 claim that the tempests force a prospective candidate to
meditate alone in utter darkness for a week, with but a
You send a summon out across your collective calling bowl of water and a piece of bread. Those that survive
all of the members to aid you. All members of the the ordeal are welcomed, but only those that prepare for
collective that are located on the same plane and that years manage it.
are willing are then summoned to the closest available Alignment: Any.
space to you and are given one of two options. Hit Die: d10
- +3 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls for
one round per manifester level REQUIREMENTS
- +3 competence bonus on saving throws and AC for To qualify to become a dark tempest, a character must
one round per manifester level fulfill the following criteria:
If this power is used during combat, the creatures Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 6 ranks.
summoned immediately receive their bonus. Psionics: Ability to manifest 1st level powers, form
If the summoned collective members had not yet mind blade class feature, and either enhanced mind
rolled for initiative, they roll initiative and act normally blade +2 class feature or Mind Blade Knight* feat.
on their next turn. If their initiative rolled is higher
than the manifesters, they may act as if it is their turn. CLASS SKILLS
Creatures that had already rolled for initiative do not The dark tempest’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex),
gain this benefit. Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Augment: This power may be augmented in one or Perception (Wis), Perform (dance) (Cha), and Sense
more of the following ways. Motive (Wis).
1. By spending 2 additional power points, the power Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier
can summon collective members, including the
manifester, to a particular member of the collective CLASS FEATURES
instead of to the manifester. All the following are class features of the dark tempest
2. By spending 2 additional power points, this power prestige class.
can summon members of the collective across planar Manifesting: At every level, the character gains
boundaries. additional power points per day and access to new
3. By spending 2 additional power points and
expending psionic focus, this power’s manifesting time
becomes an immediate action.

New Prestige
Prestige classes, unlike base classes, are specialized
individuals who study a narrow range of abilities and
techniques. These individuals thereby gain special
abilities that most characters could only hope to
poorly mimic. The new prestige class presented below
supplements those found in the Core Rulebook, Psionics
Unleashed, and Psionics Expanded. Always check with
your GM to make sure a given prestige class is
allowed before working toward it.

Dark Tempest
Secretive to the extreme, the Dark Tempests
are so called for their ancient warrior techniques,
melding mastery over the inner self with the
physical manifestation of the mind blade. Their
techniques revolve around the fusion of their weapon
and their mind into a deadly force capable of crushing
an enemy’s body and mind. Each of the tempests must

Psionics Augmented
Table: The Dark Tempest
Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Manifesting / Mind Blade
1st +0 +1 +0 +0 Diverse training, psychic strike +1d8 +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Expanded power list +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +2 +1 +1 Power strike (1st level) +1 level of existing class
4th +3 +2 +1 +1 Psychic strike +2d8 +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +3 +2 +2 Blade skill +1 level of existing class
6th +4 +3 +2 +2 Power strike (2nd level) +1 level of existing class
7th +5 +4 +2 +2 Psychic strike +3d8 +1 level of existing class
8th +6 +4 +3 +3 Blade skill +1 level of existing class
9th +6 +5 +3 +3 Power strike (3rd level) +1 level of existing class
10th +7 +5 +3 +3 Power critical, psychic strike +4d8 +1 level of existing class

powers as if he had also gained a level in any one dark tempest possesses more than one manifesting class,
manifesting class he belonged to previously. He does not, he must choose one class power list to add these powers
however, gain any other benefit a character of either to.
class would have gained (bonus metapsionic, or item 1st level powers — deceleration, déjà vu, energy ray,
creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that he entangling ectoplasm, feat leech, mind thrust, slumber,
adds the level of dark tempest to the level of whatever stomp
other manifesting class the character has, and then 2nd level powers — cloud mind, ectoplasmic grapnel,
determines power points per day, powers known, and ego whip, energy push, id insinuation, psionic lion’s
manifester level accordingly. If a character had more charge, recall agony, swarm of crystals
than one manifesting class before he became a dark 3rd level powers — crisis of breath, dispatch, energy
tempest, he must decide to which class he adds each bolt, eradicate invisibility, expose weakness, hostile
level of dark tempest for purpose of determining power empathic transfer, psionic blast, telekinetic force
points per day, powers known, and manifester level. 4th level powers — barrage, mindwipe, personality
Mind Blade: At every level, the dark tempest increases parasite, psychokinetic charge, schism, shatter mind
his soulknife level for the purposes of his enhanced mind blank, telekinetic maneuver, vanishing strike
bade class feature. This does not grant the dark tempest 5th level powers — adapt body, baleful teleport, catapsi,
increased soulknife level for any other purposes (such as energy current, mind probe, psychic crush, shrapnel burst,
gaining bonus feats or blade skills). summoning strike
Diverse Training: A dark tempest adds his level to 6th level powers — breath of the black dragon, brutalize
any levels of soulknife he might have for the purpose of wounds, co-op concentration, decerebrate, defer fatality,
meeting the prerequisites and benefits of feats and blade disintegration, retrieve, temporal acceleration
skills (such as Mind Blade Knight*). He may also use any Power Strike (Su): At 3rd level, when the dark
blade skills with a weapon he has summoned using call tempest expends his psychic strike upon confirming a
weaponry as if it were a mind blade. He also adds his successful hit, he may choose to forgo the usual psychic
level to any levels in a manifesting class for the purpose strike damage and instead use the energy to fuel one
of meeting the prerequisites for feats. of his psionic powers. The power manifested must be
Psychic Strike (Su): A dark tempest gains the ability a power he knows from the above Expanded Power
to charge his mind blade, or a weapon he has summoned List, and must be able to target areas or creatures other
with call weaponry, with a psychic strike, as per the than the manifester. This is a swift action which counts
soulknife ability. This starts at 1d8 damage at 1st level as a Quickened power and does not provoke attacks of
and increases by +1d8 every three levels thereafter (2d8 opportunity. The power is manifest as if the dark tempest
at 4th level, etc.). If the dark tempest already possesses had spent 2 pp per die of psychic strike damage, up to a
the ability to charge a psychic strike, he may add those limit of his manifester level, and automatically hits the
dice to these when determining the damage dealt. struck target (Saves and power resistance may apply as
Expanded Power List: At 2nd level, the dark tempest normal). If the power would normally affect an area or
adds the following powers to his class power list, if they multiple targets, it instead affects only the struck target
are not already on his class power list. If the power is and any other targets the dark tempest subsequently
already on his class power list, the dark tempest can hits with a mind blade or called weapon that round
choose either level when selecting that power. If the (for example, manifesting energy ray would only affect

Psionics Augmented
a single target, but manifesting stomp would affect all be turned on or off by the wearer as a standard action.
targets hit during a full attack or bladewind attack). Any However, any concentration check made by other
given target can only be affected by this ability once per creatures within 30 feet of the armor or shield takes a -5
round, even if the dark tempest strikes him multiple penalty to the check. This is a mind-affecting effect.
times or has multiple psychic strikes charged. Price +1 bonus; Aura moderate telepathy; ML 7th
At 3rd level, the dark tempest may only use this ability Craft Magic Arms and Armor, distraction
to manifest 1st-level powers. This improves to include Murmuring, Greater: As murmuring, but if a creature
2nd-level powers at level 6 and 3rd-level powers at level affected by the armor fails a concentration check, it
9. begins to bleed 1d6 points of damage as the mental static
Blade Skill: At 5th and 8th level, the dark tempest explodes in their mind, causing it to bleed profusely from
gains a bonus blade skill from the following list: the nose, ears and eyes. Stopping this bleeding requires
Absorbing blade, bladewind, deceptive blade, dual imbue, magical healing or a DC 15 Heal check.
exploding critical, furious charge, improved furious Aura moderate telepathy; ML 7th; Craft Magic Arms
charge, knife to the soul, mental power, powerful strikes, and Armor, distraction; Price +2 bonus;
reaper’s blade, reflective blade. The dark tempest must
still meet all prerequisites for the selected blade skills. Specific Armor
Power Critical (Su): At 10th level, any time a dark
tempest successfully confirms a critical hit, he can
manifest a power as a swift action. The power must
Leather of Confined Spaces
include the target of the attack as one of its targets or Aura moderate psychometabolism; ML 9th
in its area of effect. Manifesting this power does not Slot armor; Price 14,160 gp; Weight 15 lbs.
provoke an attack of opportunity. Alternately, he may
instead expend his psychic strike and use power strike
to manifest any power he knows from the expanded This ruby red +3 leather armor glistens as if wet. It
power list of a level up to the total number of psychic grants its wearer a +5 enhancement bonus on Escape
strike dice (for example, if he has a 5d8 psychic strike, he Artist checks and Combat Maneuver checks to escape
may manifest a 5th level power he knows from the list from grapples. In addition, once per day the wearer
as if he had spent 10 pp, affecting struck targets as per can reduce their size by one category as if with the
power strike). compression power.


New Psionic Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor,

compression; Cost 7,160 gp

Items Shadow Shirt

Aura strong psychometabolism; ML 15th
Not only do psionic individuals need to select the right
Slot armor; Price 32,100 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
character options, but they need the right tools to get
the job done. Presented below are several new psionic Description
items for use.
This jet-black +2 chain shirt is made of onyx links that
Psionic Armor seem to eat the light. It grants its wearer a +5 competence
bonus on Stealth checks. In addition, the wearer can
The new psionic armor option presented below
transform himself into a living shadow as if with the
follows the same rules as all psionic armor options.
shadow body power. He can do this up to 5 rounds per
day. These rounds do not need to be continuous.
Psionic Armor Special Ability
Descriptions Construction
Armor or a shield with a special ability must have at Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shadow
least a +1 enhancement bonus. body Cost 16050 gp
Determination: A shield or armor with this property
provides the ability to fight on against seemingly Skinwalker’s Leather
impossible odds. Once per day, when the owner reaches
Aura moderate psychometabolism; ML 9th
0 or fewer hit points, the item automatically provides a
Slot armor; Price 19,175 gp; Weight 20 lbs.
breath of life spell.
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms Description
and Armor, breath of life; Price +30,000 gp.
This +2 studded leather armor is made from flayed
Murmuring: This armor or shield emits mental static
human skin. When worn, it merges with the skin of
which is easily ignored by the wielder and which can

Psionics Augmented
the wielder, becoming impossible to remove unless failure chance on all spells and powers that do not target
the wielder chooses to remove it. While merged, the the wielder or have the wielder in their area of effect.
armor gives the wearer a single customization point If the wielder expends psionic focus when making the
which can be used to select a customization from the Intimidate check, he gains a bonus on the check equal
aberrant customization list as if a 2nd level aberrant. If to the weapon’s enhancement bonus. If the wielder no
the wearer has levels in a class that grants customization longer threatens the creature with this weapon at the
points, his class level is instead treated as two higher end of his turn, or if he strikes another creature, the link
when determining his customization point pool and with the first creature ends.
which customizations he can select, but at least one Moderate psychokinesis; ML 7th; Craft Magic Arms
customization point must be spent on the list of aberrant and Armor, gravitational anchor; Price +1 bonus
customizations. Fatalist: Fatalist weapons cause enemies to believe
that death is inevitable and saps their will to fight. A
Construction creature struck by a fatalist weapon takes a -2 penalty
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, to AC and Will saves, and creatures using Intimidate on
metamorphosis; Cost 10,325 gp the struck creature gain a +3 bonus on their Intimidate
checks. These effects last for one minute after being
Plate of the Juggernaut struck.
Aura strong metacreativity; CL 9th Moderate telepathy; ML 9th; Craft Magic Arms and
Slot armor; Price 20,500 gp; Weight 50 lbs. Armor, death urge; Cost +2 bonus
Invader: This ability can only be placed on ammunition.
Description Invader ammunition must be attuned to a character with
This +2 full plate armor seems to be stolid, yet when a collective before it grants any special benefit. Attuning
donned, it constantly whizzes and burrs, its plates takes ten minutes of concentration by the character
moving and shifting as if it was alive. In truth, it has the with the collective and only one creature can be attuned
essence of an aegis bound into it, making it capable of to a piece of invader ammunition. Once attuned, the
changing its very nature. It grants the wearer a single attuned creature can forcibly add any creature struck
customization point spent on a customization from by the invader ammunition to its collective unless the
the aegis customization list and is always found with target succeeds on a DC13 Will save, using the rules of
the point already spent. Changing the customization the Unwilling Participant feat to attempt to leave. If the
selection takes eight hours of concentration and the creature dies from the attack with the ammunition, the
wearer can select customization as if a 2nd level aegis. If effect is wasted.
the wearer has levels in a class that grants customization Moderate telepathy; ML 5th; Craft Magic Arms and
points, his class level is instead treated as two higher Armor, Unwilling Participant; Price +1 bonus
when determining his customization point pool and Knockout: When a weapon with this ability hits an
which customizations he can select. opponent, the target must make a DC 13 Fortitude save
or fall unconscious. This effect lasts 3 rounds, but the
Construction target can make a new save each round to shake off the
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ability to effect. A creature that makes a successful saving throw
form astral armor; Cost 10,150 gp against this ability cannot be targeted again for 24 hours.
Bows, crossbows, and slings crafted with this ability
bestow this power upon their ammunition.
Psionic Weapons Faint telepathy; ML 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
The new psionic weapon option presented below disable; Price: +1 bonus.
follows the same rules as all psionic weapon options. Psicrystal Setting: A weapon with this ability allows
a psicrystal to be docked to the weapon instead of to a
Psionic Weapon Special Ability psicrystal staff. The weapon otherwise grants all of the
same benefits of a psicrystal staff, although it does not
Descriptions allow the use of companion stones. In addition, while the
Weapons or ammunition with a special ability must psicrystal is docked, the wearer can charge the weapon
have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. as if it was made from deep crystal. This special ability
Challenger: This ability can only be placed on a melee cannot be placed on ammunition.
weapon. The wielder of a challenger weapon can as a Faint telepathy; ML 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item,
standard action make a melee attack with the weapon. Psicrystal Affinity, mindlink; Price: +2,000 gp;
If the attack is successful, the wielder can then make Scourgebane: When used against a creature of the
a free Intimidate check to draw the struck creature’s phrenic scourge family, the weapon’s enhancement
ire. If the Intimidate check is successful, the struck bonus is +2 better than its actual bonus. It also deals
creature suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls made an extra 2d6 points of damage against the creature.
against creatures other than the wielder and a 10% Creatures of the phrenic scourge family who try to wield

Psionics Augmented
the axe receive one negative level that cannot be removed Psicrowns
by any means short of a reality revision or similar effect Storing a set of psionic powers and power points to
and are stunned for one minute. The negative level lasts use them, psicrowns offer characters a way to expand
for one hour, after which time it fades. their power options without needing to actually know
Moderate metacreativity; ML 10th; Craft Magic Arms the powers. Presented below are several new psicrowns.
and Armor, modify matter; Price +1 bonus.
Whistling: This weapon emits a high-pitched whistle
that rattles the ear drums and shatters concentration. Psicrown of Kinetic Control, True
Any opponent hit by the weapon must make a DC 15 Will Aura strong psychokinesis; ML 15th
save or be staggered until the end of the wielder’s next Slot head; Price 130,400 gp; Weight –
turn. If a staggered creature is hit again, it must make a
DC 15 Will save or become dazed for one round, and is Description
then staggered the following round. A creature that has This psicrown has 150 power points. It is made from
been dazed by a whistling weapon is then immune to the black iron, wrought in intricate patterns. It allows the
dazing effect for ten minutes. Additionally, a target hit use of the following powers.
by this weapon attempting to manifest a psionic power Psychokinetic sphere
in the next round must pay an additional 4 power points Telekinetic force
or the power fails. These additional power points count Telekinetic maneuver
against the manifester level cap. Recharge: Cost 15 pp, Gain 15 pp
Moderate telepathy; ML 9th, Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, catapsi; Price +2 bonus. Construction
Requirements Craft Staff, psychokinetic sphere,
Specific Weapons telekinetic force, telekinetic maneuver; Cost 65,200 gp

Strengthbleeder Psicrown of Force and Fire, Greater

Aura moderate psychometabolism; ML 6th Aura moderate psychokinesis; ML 11th
Slot none; Price 17,915 gp; Weight 4 lbs. Slot head; Price 24,200 gp; Weight –
Description Description
This greenish-hued crystalline +2 longsword hums This psicrown has 60 power points and is crafted from
with psionic power. Once per day when in engaged in a red metal and is set with gem stones. It allows use of
combat, the wielder can activate the weapon’s strength the following powers:
draining ability. Until the end of that combat, when the Deflect missiles
wielder successfully hits an opponent with an attack, the Energy burst
enemy suffers 1 point of Strength damage, in addition Energy push
to the weapon’s normal damage. The wielder also gains Force screen
a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus to his Strength
Recharge: Cost 11 pp, Gain 6 pp
for each point dealt in this way (max +8). This Strength
bonus fades once combat ends.
Construction Requiremets Craft Staff, deflect missiles, energy burst,
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, strength energy push, force screen; Cost 12,100 gp
of my enemy; Cost 8,958 gp

Psicrown of Force and Fire, True

Aura strong psychokinesis; ML 14th
Slot head; Price 61,600 gp; Weight –

This psicrown has 140 power points and is crafted
from a red metal and is set with gem stones. It allows
use of the following powers:
Deflect missiles
Energy burst
Energy push

Psionics Augmented
Force screen as a free action to increase the enhancement bonus or
Recharge: Cost 14 pp, Gain 14 pp add a weapon special ability to a weapon the wearer is
wielding, at a cost of two charges per +1 for enhancement
CONSTRUCTION bonus or weapon special ability. The improvement to the
Requirements Craft Staff, deflect missiles, energy burst, weapon lasts for one round or until the next successful
energy push, force screen; Cost 30,800 gp attack with that weapon, whichever occurs first. These
bonuses are added to any properties the weapon already

Universal Items
has, but duplicate abilities do not stack. If the weapon
is not psionic, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be
Comparable to wondrous magical items, the universal added before any other properties can be added. These
items category holds a wide assortment of different bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with
psionic items. Presented below are a few new universal existing enhancement bonuses to a maximum of +5, or
items for use in your games. they can be used to add any of the weapon properties
available to a soulknife’s mind blade.
Belt of Ectoplasmic Safety
Aura moderate psychometabolism; ML 7th
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, metaphysical
Slot belt; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
weapon; Cost 2,500 gp
This belt is made of rings of interlocking crystal, Charms of Friendly Interception
apparently skillfully carved from a single large piece. Aura faint psychoportation; ML 3rd
Three times per day, when the wearer is targeted by an Slot varies (see text); Price 12,000 gp (pair); Weight —
area effect that allows a Reflex save, on a successful save
he can choose to instead be moved outside of the area, Description
taking no damage (or other harmful effect). In his place, These charms come in pairs, consisting of a matching
an ectoplasmic copy remains. image etched in a disc of crystal on a small chain. They
The wearer is moved the shortest distance possible can be worn in any slot, but must be worn in the same
that would escape the effect. If there is no safe square to slot by two different creatures to be effective. As a
move to, then the belt’s effect fails. standard action, either character can activate the charm,
The ectoplasmic copy looks exactly like the original instantly switching places with the wearer of the mated
character. A DC 16 Will save is required to disbelieve that charm, as long as they are within 30 feet (a DC 12 Will
the copy is the original character, otherwise creatures save negates if the target is unwilling). There must be
will act as if the copy is the original character and will space for each creature in their new location, or this
ignore the original as if he were invisible. If the copy effect automatically fails.
takes any damage, it dissipates immediately; otherwise
the copy dissipates at the start of the wearer’s next action. Construction
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dimension swap;
Construction Cost 6,000 gp (pair)
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cloud mind,
ectoplasmic creation, evade burst; Cost 15,000 gp
Cowardly Cryptic’s Goggles
Aura moderate clairsentience; ML 7th
Bracers of Martial Surging Slot eyes; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Aura moderate psychokinesis; ML 5th
Slot wrist; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Description
This pair of leather goggles, when worn by a character
Description with the insight class feature, grants the wearer the
These bracers are made from gold and inlaid with trap spotter cryptic insight. Any time the wearer passes
intricate patterns of copper and diamonds. Designed within 10 ft. of a trap that he detects, including if he
to help capture some of the emotional psychic energy detects the trap via the automatic check from the trap
released by a wilder when she utilizes her wild surge, spotter insight, the goggle lenses immediately darken,
these bracers allow the wearer to channel some of that blacking out everything from the wearer’s vision except
energy into her weapons. When the wearer uses a wild for the detected trap. The wearer may attempt Disable
surge, the bracers gain a charge equal to the level of Device checks against the trap as normal, but for any
the wild surge. The bracers can hold a maximum of 10 other activity, the wearer is effectively blind unless he
charges; any charges that would be gained beyond that has some other means of vision, such as an extra set of
are lost. These wild surge charges can then be spent eyes.

Psionics Augmented
Construction the target, ignoring hardness. The gloves can be used up
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, trap spotter to three times per day.
insight; Cost 5,000gp Construction
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dissipating touch;
Creature of Habit’s Medallion Cost 3,000 gp
Aura faint telepathy; ML 1st
Slot neck; Price 2,000 gp; Weight — Eyes of Disarming Glances
Description Aura moderate telepathy; CL 7th
This silver medallion bears the inscription of an Slot eyes; Price 20,000 gp; Weight —
hourglass, each grain of sand a tiny chip of sapphire. It
grants the wearer the ability to force another creature to
repeat its actions time and again. These crystal lenses fit over the wearer’s eyes, giving
When the wearer is successfully hit by an opponent, them an ominous sheen. Twice per day as a standard
he may spend an immediate action to mesmerize that action, the wearer can make a gaze attack against a
creature, compelling it to take the same action again on target creature within 30 ft., causing the lenses to flare
its next turn, unless it can make a DC 11 Will save. If a brilliant blue. The wearer makes a combat maneuver
the situation changes in such a way that the creature can check, adding a bonus equal to his Charisma modifier. If
no longer perform the same action, it will stand still and he succeeds, the target drops one item he is holding, just
take no action for one turn. This has no other effect on as if he had been successfully disarmed. If the wearer
the creature, and it will defend itself as normal. succeeds by 5 or more, he may compel the target to
throw the item instead, causing it to land 10 feet from
Construction the target, in a direction chosen by the wearer.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, déjà vu; Cost
1,000 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mind control;
Cost 10,000 gp
Crown of Traded Will
Aura moderate telepathy; ML 11th
Fear Drinker’s Amulet
Slot head; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Aura moderate psychometabolism; ML 7th
Description Slot neck; Price 2,500 gp; Weight —
This delicate silver crown bears reflective gems at
the tips of its points. These gems reflect light in strange
ways, creating a dancing swarm of luminescent motes Made from humanoid knucklebones, the fear
in combat. As a standard action, the wearer can attempt drinker’s amulet allows a dread to draw power from the
to briefly swap minds with another creature. The target fear others feel. Any time the wearer makes a successful
must make a DC 19 Will save, or have its mind switched attack with the devastating touch ability, he gains 2
with the wearer’s until the end of the wearer’s next turn. temporary hit points. Unlike normal temporary hit
The crown can be used once per day. points, these temporary hit points stack with additional
uses of devastating touch, up to a maximum equal to the
Construction wearer’s dread class level. This amulet has no effect on
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mind switch; Cost wearers who do not have the terrors ability.
10,000 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, vigor; Cost 1,250
Dissipating Gloves gp
Aura faint psychoportation; ML 3rd
Slot hands; Price 6,000 gp; Weight — Fear Drinker’s Amulet, Greater
Description Aura moderate psychometabolism; ML 12th
Slot neck; Price 10,000 gp; Weight —
These simple looking leather gloves hum at an almost
imperceptible level. With a touch, the wearer can cause Description
a tiny portion of a creature or object to be teleported
As fear drinker’s amulet, but the maximum number
away. The wearer must make a melee touch attack to
of temporary hit points the wearer can gain is equal to
use the gloves against a creature; an unattended object
double his dread class level and if the creature struck
is hit automatically. A successful hit deals 3d6 points to
is frightened, panicked, or shaken, the wearer also

Psionics Augmented
gains a temporary power point that lasts for 1 round. Helm of Attitude Adjustment
Temporary power points do not stack.
Aura moderate telepathy; ML 7th
Construction Slot head; Price 18,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, vigor; Cost 5,000 Description
This steel helm gleams as if freshly polished, and bears
a glimmering emerald on its brow. Twice per day as a
Gauntlet of the Thunder Shield standard action, the wearer of this helm can mentally
Aura faint psychokinesis; ML 3rd force one opponent within 30 feet to make a DC 14 Will
Slot hand; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. save or have its attitude shifted by one step relative any
one other creature (for example, unfriendly to hostile, or
Description indifferent to friendly). The wearer can shift the attitude
This metal gauntlet is adorned with the odd one step in either direction, either making the creature
combination of images of hammers and bells. When friendlier toward the target or less friendly, as they
activated as a standard action by banging the gauntlet choose.
against a hard surface, the gauntlet begins to ring like a In addition, it grants the wearer a +4 bonus on all Bluff,
giant bell. This sonic reverberation is harnessed by the Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to change a creature’s
gauntlet into the form of an invisible disc that grants attitude.
the wearer a +4 shield bonus to AC and sonic resistance
10 for up to 30 rounds per day. The rounds need not be Construction
consecutive. The effect can be dismissed as a free action. Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, telempathic
projection; Cost 9,000 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, force screen,
Lava Walker’s Boots
specified energy adaptation; Cost 4,000 gp
Aura moderate psychometabolism; ML 7th
Slot feet; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Glove of Calling
Aura faint psychoportation; ML 5th Description
Slot hands; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. These black leather boots sport a flame pattern of red
gemstones on their sides. They allow a wearer to walk on
liquid surfaces such as water or even lava with little to
This elbow length chainmail glove bears gold links in no harm. On command, the wearer gains fire resistance
the shape of a distinctive weapon on the inner arm. As 10 and the ability to walk on any liquid surface as though
a swift action, it allows the wearer to call forth a single it were solid ground, as per the body equilibrium power.
weapon of the type patterned in the glove. This weapon The power of the boots can be used for up to 10 rounds
persists as long the wearer holds it, disappearing one each day, though these rounds need not be continuous.
round after it leaves his grasp. Weapons called by the
glove are real weapons, pulled from elsewhere in time Construction
and space. Any weapon called by the glove is always of Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, body equilibrium,
masterwork quality and may be made from cold iron, energy adaptation; Cost 6,000 gp
silver, or deep crystal. Unlike most psionic or magic
items, a character can wear a second glove of calling on
Mantle of the Void
his second hand, though he cannot wear a different item
(such as a glove of storing). If the wearer of two such Aura moderate telepathy; ML 11th
gloves has the Quick Draw feat, he can call both weapons Slot chest; Price 18,480 gp; Weight —
with a single swift action.
Construction This strange black mantle is said to have been woven
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, call weaponry; by duergar using strands of darkness taken from the
Cost 2,000 gp void between the stars, a gateway into the minds of mad
men, dark prophets, and the deranged. The wearer of
the mantle can probe into the secrets of the void once
per week with no penalty as a standard action, gaining
a +6 insight bonus to a single d20 roll made in the next
minute. If the wearer wishes to use the mantle more
often, he does it at great risk to his sanity, taking 1d3
points of ability burn to his Wisdom. The wearer cannot

Psionics Augmented
be forced to use the mantle through effects such as circlets are worn by two characters with psionic powers,
dominate. they allow the wearers to share their powers known.
If, for any reason, the wearer’s Wisdom is reduced to 0 Manifesting a power known by another character
while wearing the mantle, it swallows him whole and he increases the cost to manifest the power by 6 power
disappears forever, unrecoverable even to effects such points and these extra points do not augment the power
as reality revision. but do count toward the manifester level cap. If the target
is unwilling, then the manifester must make a successful
Construction opposed Will save to use the power, and manifesting
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, greater the power becomes a full round action, unless it would
precognition; Cost 9,240 gp normally be longer. Before the circlets can be used, it
needs to be attuned to the wearers for 24 hours.
Map of the Mind Construction
Aura moderate telepathy; ML 7th
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mindlink, thieving
Slot none; Price 16,000 gp; Weight —
mindlink; Cost 21,000 gp
This twisting map attunes to its wielder upon being Mind Stone
picked up and alters its image to show a representation Price varies
of the internal layout of the owner’s mind. The owner 1st-level 2,000 gp; 2nd-level 8,000 gp
of the map can manifest psychic reformation on himself 3rd-level 18,000 gp; 4th-level 32,000 gp
by altering the map with the desired choices to be made. 5th-level 50,000 gp; 6th-level 72,000 gp
After being used, the map cannot be used again for a 7th-level 98,000 gp; 8th-level 128,000 gp
week, even if it becomes attuned to another creature. 9th-level 162,000 gp; Aura strong clairsentience; ML
17th; Weight —
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, psychic Description
reformation; Cost 8,000 gp This opaque crystal faintly pulses with an internal
light. It contains the knowledge of a single psionic power
Mask of Confounded Foes (chosen by the creator when the item is crafted). If the
bearer is a manifester and has that power on her class
Aura moderate telepathy; ML 7th
power list, she may use her power points to manifest
Slot head; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
that power as if it were one of her powers known. A
Description mind stone is priced based on the power’s psion/wilder,
tactician, or vitalist level, unless the power doesn’t
This mask has a faintly disturbing quality, appearing
appear on either of those power lists, in which case it
slightly different to every viewer, seeming familiar and
is based on the highest power level as it appears on any
strange at the same time. The wearer of the mask can,
other power list. For example, a power that is on the 4th-
as an immediate action, force one creature to redirect
level cryptic list and the 2nd-level psychic warrior list is
an attack from its intended target to another nearby
priced as a 4th-level power.
creature of the wearer’s choice. The attacker must make
A character can only benefit from a number of
a DC 16 Will save to negate this effect. If the target
mind stones equal to half his powers known from his
chosen by the wearer is not within the creature’s reach,
manifesting ability. Extra powers known from feats
the creature instead loses its action. The mask can be
like Expanded Knowledge or from effects like psychic
used once per day.
chirurgery do not increase this limit.
Construction A character must first attune to a mind stone before he
can benefit from it. Attuning takes 24 hours of the mind
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mind control;
stone being in the character’s possession. A mind stone
Cost 6,000 gp
can only be attuned to one creature at any time.

Mind Sharing Circlets Construction

Aura moderate telepathy; ML 7th Requirements Craft Cognizance Crystal, creator must
Slot head; Price 42,000 gp (pair); Weight 1 lb. (each) be able to manifest the power contained in the
Description Cost 1st-level 1,000 gp; 2nd-level 4,000 gp;
These simple silver circlets come in pairs, and have 3rd-level 9,000 gp; 4th-level 16,000 gp;
a single red ruby at their center, which sits upon the 5th-level 25,000 gp; 6th-level 36,000 gp;
brow when the circlet is placed on the head. When the 7th-level 49,000 gp; 8th-level 64,000 gp;
9th-level 81,000 gp

Psionics Augmented
Mind Stone, Greater but is worn on the head instead of carried in the hand.
In addition, while the psicrystal is docked, the wearer
Price varies
can expend psionic focus as a free action to gain the
1st-level 4,000 gp; 2nd-level 16,000 gp
sighted ability of the psicrystal for one round.
3rd-level 36,000 gp; 4th-level 64,000 gp
5th-level 100,000 gp; 6th-level 144,000 gp Construction
7th-level 196,000 gp; 8th-level 256,000 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Psicrystal
9th-level 324,000 gp; Aura strong clairsentience;
Affinity, mindlink; Cost 1,000 gp
ML 17th; Weight —

Description Psicrystal Harness

This greater version of the mind stone does not Aura faint telepathy; ML 3rd
require the owner to attune to the stone and there is no Slot waist; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lbs
limit to the number of greater mind stones the owner
can possess and benefit from. Description
This harness functions like a psicrystal staff, including
Construction the ability to have setting stones, but is worn as a belt
Requirements Craft Cognizance Crystal, creator must buckle instead of carried in the hand and does not allow
be able to manifest the power contained in the the use of companion stones. In addition, while the
crystal psicrystal is docked, the wearer can expend his psionic
Cost 1st-level 2,000 gp; 2nd-level 8,000 gp focus to gain DR X/- equal to the psicrystal’s natural
3rd-level 18,000 gp; 4th-level 32,000 gp armor adjustment until the end of his next turn. While
5th-level 50,000 gp; 6th-level 72,000 gp this damage reduction is active, the wearer also gains
7th-level 98,000 gp; 8th-level 128,000 gp sonic vulnerability.
9th-level 162,000 gp
Mirror of Lost Recollections Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Psicrystal
Aura strong clairsentience; ML 15th Affinity, biofeedback, mindlink; Cost 1,000 gp
Slot none; Price 150,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Psicrystal Staff, Greater
Aura moderate telepathy; ML 12th
This polished silver hand mirror is adorned with Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
colored gems at its top, bottom and sides. As a standard
action, the bearer can cause a creature to see its own Description
reflection, and mentally compel that creature to recall As a standard psicrystal staff, with the following
past agonies. This deals 8d6 points of damage (DC 16 improvements:
Will save for half) as the creature’s body endures a The number of setting stones that can be held is
psychosomatic response, reopening old wounds and increased to five.
reliving past injuries. The target creature must be The bonus from the psicrystal’s personality (or
within 30 ft. of the wielder of the mirror, the wielder personalities, if the owner has the Improved Psicrystal
must have line of sight to the creature, and this is feat) is doubled.
considered to be a gaze attack. The psicrystal repairs damage at a rate of 1 hit point
In addition, once per day the bearer can cause the per minute docked.
recollection of wounds so grievous, the target must The staff is treated as a masterwork quarterstaff,
make a DC 22 Will save or die. On a successful save, the allowing it to be enchanted as any other weapon.
target still takes 5d6 points of damage.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Psicrystal Affinity,
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, recall agony, mindlink; Cost 5,000 gp
recall death; Cost 75,000 gp
Quiver of Recall
Psicrystal Crown Aura moderate psychoportation; ML 9th
Aura faint telepathy; ML 3rd Slot none; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Slot headband; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This worn leather quiver is a potent boon to any
This crown functions like a psicrystal staff, including archer, but is of particular use to marksmen. The mouth
the ability to have companion stones and setting stones, of the quiver opens to an extra-dimensional space

Psionics Augmented
capable of holding up to 60 units of ammunition, and Sliver Prison
is able to retrieve bullets and bolts as easily as it does
Aura faint telepathy; ML 7th
arrows. Furthermore, such ammunition never falls out
Slot none; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
of the quiver, even when upended, and is unaffected
by environmental hazards (such as being submerged Description
underwater or exposed to igniting heat) while in the
This translucent ball has a thick iron grip attached to
quiver. Whenever the user fires an arrow (or other
it. When touched by almost any other creature, it seems
unit of ammunition) from the quiver that misses, the
to be made from solid glass, supernaturally strong.
quiver instantly teleports the ammunition back into the
However, when touched to a psicrystal as a melee
quiver, assuming it survives being fired (50% chance).
touch attack, the glass melts around the psicrystal and
When used by a marksman using the wind reader ability,
imprisons it inside. Once inside, the person holding the
however, the quiver is able to predict which shots will
sliver prison can manipulate the bond of the psicrystal
miss and teleports them away mid-flight, ensuring 100%
to more easily attack the mind of psicrystal’s master,
adding +2 to the DC of any effect that allows a Will save
Bullets retrieved with this quiver do not restore the
that the wielder uses against the psicrystal’s master.
explosive components to fire them, only the bullet itself.
Removing the psicrystal from the prison requires
Construction destroying the prison. The sliver prison has hardness of
10 and 5 hit points.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, hidden pocket;
Cost 1,000 gp Construction
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, id insinuation;
Rug of Object Sliding Cost 2,500 gp
Aura faint psychoportation; ML 1st
Slot none; Price 2,000 gp (500 lbs.), 5,000 gp (2,500 lbs.), Snatching Gloves
7,400 gp (5,000 lbs.), 10,000 gp (10,000 lbs.); Weight
Aura moderate psychoportation; ML 11th
1/2 lb.
Slot hands; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This rug has a fine silver pattern woven into linen so
These finely crafted gloves bear hundreds of tiny
fine it almost floats on the air. With a mental command,
silvery hooks on their surface. Once per day, they grant
the rug slides itself under an object. The object seems to
the wearer the ability to mentally command one item
be much lighter to move, counting as only 1/10 its weight
they can see to snap to their hands. The item teleports
for purposes of dragging along the ground. The price of
automatically to your hand if unattended; if it is in the
the rug varies based upon the maximum weight of the
possession of a creature then that creature can make a
object the rug can slide under.
DC 19 Will save to retain it. The item can weigh no more
Construction than 25 lbs., or the effect automatically fails.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, skate; Cost 1,000 Construction
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, retrieve; Cost
10,000 gp
Setting Stones
Aura varies; ML varies Suffocating Collar
Slot none; Price 2,500 gp (reconstruction); Weight —
Aura moderate telepathy; ML 11th
Description Slot neck; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Setting Stone of Reconstruction: The setting stone of Description
reconstruction is a small emerald. Once per day, this
This crystal collar has no obvious means of opening.
stone’s wielder can activate it, as long as the wielder’s
When placed near a creature’s throat, it seems almost to
psicrystal is docked and has at least 1 hit point remaining.
liquefy, flowing until it surrounds the neck entirely. The
Once the stone is activated, the psicrystal repairs 5 hit
fit is tight, causing the creature some discomfort, though
points for every round it is docked, up to a number of
not enough to cause any harm or penalties.
rounds equal to the wielder’s manifester level. Should
Once per day with a command, the wearer can cause
the psicrystal be undocked, the effect immediately ends.
all creatures within 20 feet to make a DC 17 Will save
Construction or expel all of the air in their lungs. They also lose
automatic use of their lungs. Affected creatures may
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, reconstruction
spend a standard action gasping for breath; otherwise
(reconstruction); Cost 1,250 gp

Psionics Augmented
they start to suffocate, as per crisis of breath. This effect Sycophant’s Ring
lasts for one minute.
Aura Faint telepathy; ML 5th
The collar also starts choking the wearer for the
Slot ring; Price 1,000 gp; Weight —
duration of the effect on any affected creatures. He
must hold his breath if he wishes to perform any action Description
other than gasping for breath, as above. If the wearer
The wearer of this simple silver band feels a strong
falls unconscious or there are no affected creatures, all
sense of attachment and friendship to those he
effects of the collar end immediately. A creature that
encounters. While wearing this ring and after having
cannot breathe can still activate the collar. Before it can
worn it for 24 hours to attune to it, the wearer does
be used, it needs to be attuned to the wearer for 24 hours.
not count against the limit for any collective he is in.
Construction However, the wearer also rolls twice against any save
against charm effects and the save to resist being forcibly
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, crisis of breath;
added to a collective and takes the worse result.
Cost 15,000 gp
Surge Crystal Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, collective class
Aura Moderate telepathy; ML 7th feature; Cost 500 gp
Slot headband; Price 15,000 gp (+1), 30,000 gp (+2),
60,000 gp (+3); Weight 1/2 lb. Synaptic Shards
Description Aura varies; ML varies
Slot none; Price 2,000 gp (medic), 16,000 gp (precision),
While inert, this crystal looks like a tiny crysmal, only
9,000 gp (shifting steps), 16,000 gp (guarded flank);
red instead of its tell-tale green color. While its long, sharp
Weight —
legs occasionally twitch, the crystal is not alive and does
not move beyond this occasional twitch, a reaction to Description
latent psionic fields. However, when placed against the
Synaptic shards are like normal shards, but grant
forehead, the crystal becomes active, its “legs” digging
benefits other than bonuses to a specific skill. However, in
into the forehead of the user. Insertion imposes 2 points
order to work, they must be attached to a synaptic mask,
of Constitution drain while the crystal is inserted. This
but are not destroyed when removed from the mask as
Constitution drain cannot be healed until the crystal
standard shards are.
is removed. Both insertion and removal are standard
Shard of the Medic: This shard allows the wearer to
actions that do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
take 10 on Heal checks even when in combat. Aura
While the crystal is active, the wearer gains the ability
Faint psychometabolism; ML 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
to manifest powers with a wild surge, as a wilder with the
natural healing
free surge type. Different surge crystals carry different
Shard of Precision: This shard adds 1d6 points of
wild surge levels, and using the wild surge effect still
damage to the wearer’s melee attacks when he is
carries the risk of psychic enervation. In addition, the
flanking the creature struck. This damage is precision-
wearer can activate a surge blast as a wilder of the same
based damage. Aura Moderate clairsentience; ML 9th;
level, but doing so causes the wearer to suffer bleed
Craft Wondrous Item, offensive prescience
damage equal to the level of the wild surge level of the
Shard of Shifting Steps: This shard allows the wearer
crystal. The wearer cannot manifest a power with wild
to use his move action to take an additional 5 foot step,
surge if their power point pool is empty.
even if he has already taken a 5 foot step that round.
A wilder who wields a surge crystal instead increases
Aura Faint psychometabolism; ML 5th; Craft Wondrous
their wild surge by the wild surge level of the surge
Item, hustle
crystal, but does not increase the penalty from psychic
Shard of the Guarded Flank: This shard grants the
wearer a +2 bonus to his AC against enemies that are
Construction flanking him. Aura Faint clairsentience; ML 5th; Craft
Wondrous Item, ubiquitous vision
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, wild surge class
feature; Cost 7,500 gp (+1), 15,000 gp (+2), 30,000 gp Construction
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, additional
powers; Cost 1,000 gp (medic), 8,000 gp (precision),
4,500 gp (shifting steps), 8,000 gp (guarded flank)

Psionics Augmented
Tactician’s Chessboard Third Eye of Energy Ray
Aura moderate telepathy; ML 5th Aura faint psychokinesis; ML 5th
Slot none; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs. Slot eyes; Price 7,200 gp; Weight —

Description Description
This finely-crafted crystal chessboard only functions This third eye allows the wielder to fire bolts their
when held by a creature with the collective class feature. active energy type at a target within 30 ft. as a ranged
When held, it shows the precise relative location of all touch attack three times per day. The bolt deals 5d6
collective members within 100’ and all enemies of which points of damage of the wearer’s active energy type; if
they are aware. The wielder can select a member of the energy type is sonic, it instead deals 5d3 points of
the collective and concentrate as a move action to see damage.
through that target’s eyes, gaining any of the target’s
enhanced visual sensory abilities such as darkvision or Construction
low-light vision and using the target’s Perception checks. Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, energy ray; Cost
Anyone holding the wielder’s hands while using this 3,600 gp
ability similarly can see through the eyes of the target.
If the members of the collective can communicate via Torc of Interrogation
telepathy, the wielder can attempt to use Aid Another to
assist the target. These effects are active as long as the Aura faint telepathy; ML 5th
wielder maintains concentration as a move action. Slot neck and headband (see text); Price 20,000 gp;
A vitalist that is able to use Steal Health as a range Weight 2 lbs. (torc), -- (headband)
attack may make such attacks from the selected Description
member’s square instead of from his own; this provokes
This torc and matching headband bear the image of
attacks of opportunity from enemies adjacent to the
an eye weeping tears. The torc is placed on a creature
vitalist himself, not the selected square.
to be questioned (this requires a successful combat
A tactician that holds the chessboard treats his maneuver check to grapple if the target is unwilling
Charisma score as being two points higher when and not helpless), while the headband is worn by the
determining how long his strategies last. character who will be the questioner.
The headband grants the wearer a +10 circumstance
bonus on Intimidate and Sense Motive checks made
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, sense link; Cost against the wearer of the torc. In addition, if the torc
4,000 gp wearer lies, he must make a DC 14 Will save on each new
lie or suffer 2d6 points of nonlethal damage as his body is
Third Eye, Talented wracked with pain. Each saving throw made (successful
or not) inflicts a cumulative -1 penalty on further saves,
Aura faint telepathy; ML 5th
as the target’s will breaks down.
Slot eyes; Price 9,000 gp; Weight —
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, inflict pain, read
This third eye must be worn for 24 hours before
thoughts; Cost 10,000 gp
its powers take effect. When worn by a non-psionic
creature, it grants the user the Wild Talent feat and one
psionic talent. The talent granted is determined at the Warblade Staff
time the third eye is created and cannot be changed. Aura moderate telepathy; ML 9th
When using the talent, the wearer’s manifester level is Slot none; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
always treated as 1.
When worn by a psionic creature, the third eye instead Description
grants the user the benefit of the Psionic Talent feat, and This modified psicrystal staff grants all the normal
the psionic talent. The manifester level for the talent is benefits of the psicrystal staff, but in addition, when
the wearer’s character level. the psicrystal is docked, the staff can be transformed
This item does not let a creature meet any prerequisites into a crystal blade or back to a staff as a move action
for feats or prestige classes it does not already meet, such that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. When in
as those requiring a power point pool, a manifester level, crystal blade form, the warblade staff deals damage as a
or the ability to manifest powers. bastard sword and can be wielded either one-handed or
two-handed, at the wielder’s discretion. The wielder is
always considered to be proficient with the crystal blade.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, talent in the item; The warblade staff is made of deep crystal, and so can be
Cost 4,500 gp charged with power points as any deep crystal weapon.

Psionics Augmented
Legendary Items
In addition, the wielder may deliver touch attacks with
melee attacks when in crystal blade form. The warblade
staff can be enchanted as if a masterwork weapon,
allowing both the staff and bastard sword forms to be Although most adventurers eventually have powerful
enchanted separately, but only one end of the staff. weapons, armor, and items that grant them special
Unlike a normal psicrystal staff, the warblade staff abilities and the might to vanquish the toughest of
cannot have companion stones. foes, it is normal in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
The warblade staff has the same hardness and hit that characters will replace their gear as stronger or
points of a standard psicrystal staff. If the staff is better-suited options are found in the treasure hordes
sundered while a psicrystal is docked, the psicrystal of slain foes or crafted by the party artificer. This sort of
undocks unharmed. behavior, however, does not allow for the sort of stuff of
legends where a hero of old carries a trusty sword their
Construction entire career.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms Instead, characters who keep family heirlooms are
and Armor, Psicrystal Affinity, mindlink, Cost 8,000 often weaker than their counterparts who do not hold
gp to sentimentality. Legendary items are meant to bridge
this gap, growing in power as the wielder gains in levels,
Warblade Staff, Greater unlocking new abilities as the campaign progresses. In
this fashion, the item can be given to a character early in
Aura moderate telepathy; ML 11th their career without giving them a powerful artifact that
Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs. makes encounters trivial.
Description Presented in this section are ten legendary items,
presented in a standard format, with the background
This improved version of the warblade staff has the and description of the item first, then requirements
additional ability to allow the wielder to generate a to attune to the item, and finally the abilities the item
blast of light and energy by spending power points and grants as the character gains in levels.
expending psionic focus when the warblade staff is in
crystal blade form. The blast deals 1d8 points of damage
for every 2 power points spent; affected creatures with Legendary Item Rules
light sensitivity are dealt double damage. The blast is a Legendary items follow a standard format and set of
burst effect centered on the wielder, with a radius of 20 rules, as detailed below.
feet and allows a Reflex save for half damage (DC 13 + • Legendary armor, shields, or weapons have a base
1/2 the number of power points spent). The wielder is legendary value which is usually a +1 enhancement
immune to this effect. bonus, such as a +1 shield, available even if the wearer
is not attuned.
Construction • For all other legendary items, the legendary item has
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms a base item ability that the wearer can use even if he
and Armor, Psicrystal Affinity, energy burst, mindlink, does not meet the requirements
Cost 10,000 gp • Each legendary item has requirements necessary to
attune it to the wearer.
• If by 4th level for armor, shields, and weapons, or 5th
Wooden Shirt level for all other legendary items, the wearer of the
Aura moderate psychometabolism; ML 9th legendary item has met the requirements needed to
Slot body; Price 32,760gp; Weight 3 lbs. attune the item, it increases in power to its second
item level.
Description • Increasing a legendary item’s power level occurs
Most often worn under armor, this shirt looks to be automatically once the wielder has gained the
made from wood, yet it is supple and flexible like any required wielder minimum level and is attuned to the
typical textile. Once per day, the wearer can transform item. For armor, shields, and weapons, this is every
his skin into bark, gaining the effects of the oak body two character levels, and for all other legendary items,
power for 9 minutes. for every five character levels.
• Any psi-like abilities gained through the use of the
Construction legendary item are based on the wearer’s highest
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, oak body, Cost mental characteristic (Int, Wis, or Cha).
16,380 gp • The manifester level for any effects of the item are
based on the wearer’s total Hit Dice.
• Only one owner can be attuned to a legendary item at
any one time. If the owner dies or loses the item for
more than a year and one day or intentionally parts

Psionics Augmented
with it, the item is free to become attuned to another.
• A character can only be attuned to one legendary item
at a time.

Bonus Feats
Many of the legendary items presented grant bonus
feats. Unless otherwise noted, these bonus feats remain
in effect as long as the owner is physically wearing the
item. The wearer does not need to meet the prerequisites
for these bonus feats.

Crown of Chaos Requirements

To successfully wield the Crown of Chaos to its
fullest potential, a character must fulfill the following
The terrifying and brief reign of Magdylyne, the Queen
of Chaos, is a dark secret that many noble houses have
Alignment: Any non-lawful
sought to bury for generations. Such is the effort spent
Feats: Overchannel
rewriting history that there are few today that even
Skills: Bluff 5 ranks
know to which house she belonged.
Special: A character with the wild surge class feature
Raised in the nobility, Magdylyne was a child prodigy,
does not need Overchannel
excelling equally in the fields of music, art and poetry, as
well as political decorum, history and military strategy.
Her parents had no sons, so Magdylyne acted as a Crown of Chaos
surrogate, raised to take over command of her house Wielder
when she came of age. But there were whispers that she Item Minimum
had more than simple mortal talent on her side; that her Level Level Abilities
parents had made an infernal pact to grant her beauty
1 - Greater psicrown of force and fire
and skill.
The truth came out at her sixteenth birthday- her 2 5 Power surge
gifts were not devilry, but instead she possessed a keen 3 10 Good fortune
talent of the mind. Over time she developed as a talented
4 15 True psicrown of force and fire
wilder, her natural gifts translating into tremendous
psionic power. 5 20 Shroud of chaos
A spoiled childhood left her bitter but ambitious as her
house experienced a meteoric political rise to power. It Greater Psicrown of Force and Fire: The Crown of
had been obvious to most that one day Magdylyne would Chaos is always treated as a greater psicrown of force and
be queen, but no one expected the swiftness of her coup. fire (see above). However, unlike a standard psicrown,
On her twenty-first birthday, Magdylyne appeared the wearer of the Crown of Chaos treats all powers in
at court wearing a delicate crystal crown that twisted the psicrown as if they were on their class power list. If
and writhed atop her head. She lashed out with bolts of the power is on multiple class power lists, use the lowest
psionic fury, reducing the old regime’s most prominent level.
members to ashen husks. No retaliatory attacks could Power Surge (Su): At item level 2, whenever the
touch her; as she walked through the room, any attacks wearer manifests a power, she can use the power of the
made against her would twist away at the last moment crown to augment her powers instead of paying from her
or be intercepted by seemingly random events. In a few reserve. She must expend the power points to manifest
minutes of utter chaos, Magdylyne had taken the throne the power normally, but any augmentations can be
and bent a kingdom to its knee. drawn from the crown. The wearer still cannot exceed
Her reign was not to last, however. The surviving her normal manifester level limit on power points spent
nobility banded together and formulated a plan with on the manifestation. This power comes at a price: the
layers of contingencies and redundancies. It took six wearer suffers 1d6 points of nonlethal damage for each
months and nearly a score of attempted assassinations power point spent by the crown.
before one finally succeeded, ending the reign of the Good Fortune (Ex): Upon reaching item level 3, the
self-proclaimed queen of chaos. It took nearly a century wearer of the Crown of Chaos gains fortuitous luck. Once
before the instability she created had normalized, and per day, on a skill check, attack roll, ability check or
her crown was never recovered. saving throw, she can roll twice and choose the better
result. She must decide before making the roll to use
this ability.

Psionics Augmented
True Psicrown of Force and Fire: At item level 4,
the Crown of Chaos is treated as a true psicrown of force
and fire (see above). In addition, the wearer can as a
free action command the Crown of Chaos to recharge
itself once per day, recharging 14 power points. This
recharging ability cannot be used if the wearer has
already recharged another psicrown that day and he
cannot later that day recharge a different psicrown.
Shroud of Chaos (Su): Upon reaching item level 5,
the wearer gains the ability to wrap herself in a shroud
of chaotic energy as a swift action. While the shroud is
active, ranged attacks made against the wearer suffer a
20% miss chance. Additionally, any creature except the
wearer making a skill check or saving throw within 30
feet of the wearer must roll 2 dice and choose the worse
result. This effect lasts for one minute and can be used
once per day.

Dancing Robes of
Sharatwan, known as the Peace Bringer, was respected
not for her exceptional ability on the battlefield, but for
her preference to try to reach peaceful solutions instead
of resorting to conflict and bloodshed. Yet despite
her predeliction for non-violent solutions, Sharatwan Requirements
believed in ferociously defending her people from To successfully wield the Dancing Robes of Sharatwan
aggressors if the peace was breached and set about to its fullest potential, a character must fulfill the
enforcing peace through force as a last resort. The Peace following requirements.
Bringer was said to always be the first to approach under Mind Blade: Ability to form two mind blades
the flag of a truce, yet the last person a commander Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
wanted to face in battle. Skills: Diplomacy 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks
The stories tell that Sharatwan the Peace Bringer
was a whirling dervish in combat, her unusual dancing
gown cutting the air in a blur of faintly-glowing cloth as Dancing Robes of Sharatwan
she moved about the field faster than the eye could Wielder
follow. Legends claim her hands became lances of light Item Minimum
that struck down all the enemies around her and even Level Level Abilities
devastated leaders from afar. When she raised her
1 - +1 Dancing robes
hands, aglow with her inner power, high into the air, it
was her sign to all enemies to negotiate a peace or face 2 4 Speed of Thought
the deadly consequences of battle against her and her 3 6 Hands alight
allies. 4 8 +2 Dancing robes
For years, Sharatwan’s diplomatic nature combined
with the warning light of her hands were able to avoid 5 10 Twin strike
countless conflicts, while her deadly skills on the 6 12 Physical acceleration (3/day)
battlefield helped to end those few that did occur. 7 14 +3 determination dancing robes
Eventually, Sharatwan was betrayed and killed by
8 16 The Price of Peace
those she thought of as allies, but who viewed her as a
threat to their power. Yet even in her death, it is said 9 18 Energized blades
that her hands shone in a light that infused her robes 10 20 +4 determination dancing robes
and enveloped anyone who donned the garment and
understood that the time for combat was only after the Dancing Robes: The Dancing Robes of Sharatwan may
time for negotiations. look like a gown for a party, but are specially toughened
fabric and are treated as masterwork padded armor to
determine the armor bonus to AC, maximum dexterity
bonus, and arcane spell failure chance.

Psionics Augmented
Speed of Thought: Once the Dancing Robes of And that was exactly what Thiroc did, hunting down
Sharatwan has had the 2nd armor level reached, the and killing those individuals who studied and wielded
wearer gains Speed of Thought as a bonus feat. psionic power.
Hands Alight (Su): Starting at the 3rd item level, the As his skills grew, Thiroc faced stronger and more
wearer of the Dancing Robes of Sharatwan can wreath skilled manifesters, and found that his opponents were
her hands in light as a free action, which grants a +2 more unpredictable and powerful.
circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks, but the To protect himself, Thiroc had a special shield crafted
wearer fails any Stealth check against a creature with that channeled the energy of his mind blade and could
vision. This light does not otherwise alter her attacks block the psionic attacks that he faced from his enemies.
or any other abilities, but does give off light as a torch, It was said that Thiroc could not be struck by psionic
shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius, and increasing energy as long as he was wielding his shield Disruptor
the light level for an additional 20 feet by one step, up to and Thiroc became a feared predator among the
normal light (darkness becomes dim light, and dim light manifesters of his time.
becomes normal light). In an area of normal or bright Legend says that Thiroc was stopped not by a
light, this has no effect. The color of the light is chosen manifester or old age, but by a single stray arrow, and
by the wearer. The effect lasts until it is dismissed; that the dreaded Mind Slayer was finally defeated not
dismissing the effect is a free action. by the strongest wielders of psionic energy, but simply
Twin Strike: Upon reaching the 5th item level, the by bad luck. What happened to Thiroc’s special shield,
wearer of the Dancing Robes of Sharatwan gains the Disruptor, is unknown, leading his followers to scour
Twin Strike blade skill as a bonus blade skill. This blade the world for the tool that will help them stop those who
skill is only available while wearing the Dancing Robes wield psionic energy.
of Sharatwan.
Physical Acceleration (Ps): At the 6th item level, the Requirements
wearer of the Dancing Robes of Sharatwan gains the To successfully wield Disruptor to its fullest potential,
ability to use physical acceleration as a psi-like ability a character must fulfill the following requirements.
three times per day. Soulknife Blade Skill: Mind Shield
The Price of Peace (Su): If the wearer of the Dancing Feats: Shield Focus
Robes of Sharatwan attempts to use Diplomacy on a Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 4 ranks
creature that then attacks her, that creature must make
a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Charisma
modifier) or be shaken for a number of rounds equal to Disruptor
the wearer’s Charisma modifier. Wielder
Energized Blades (Su): Upon achieving armor level Item Minimum
9, the wearer of the Dancing Robes of Sharatwancan Level Level Abilities
can charge her mind blades with electricity. Activating
1 - +1 crystalline shield
or deactivating this ability is a free action. While this
ability is active, the wearer’s mind blades deal electricity 2 4 Detect psionics
damage instead of physical damage and as such are not 3 6 Evasion
subject to damage reduction, but are subject to electricity 4 8 Block ray
resistance, immunity, or vulnerability.
5 10 +2 crystalline shield

6 12 Power resistance
7 14 Improved evasion
Thiroc was born into a family who viewed psionic 8 16 Absorb energy
energy and wielders of it as abominations who were 9 18 +3 crystalline shield
cursed and must be destroyed. It was to their dismay
10 20 Nullify power
that they discovered Thiroc was naturally gifted with
psionics, for he discovered he could shape a blade from
only his own internal energy. But rather than kill their Crystalline Shield: Disruptor is a crystal grip that
child, Thiroc’s parents viewed this as an opportunity is fashioned to resemble a shield made of crystal. It
to strike at the cursed psionic creatures that seemed to functions as a standard crystal gripPE.
be everywhere. So it was that Thiroc was trained from Detect Psionics (Ps): The wielder of Disruptor can use
an early age in the use of his mind blade, wielding the detect psionics as a psi-like ability at will as long as he is
sword and learning how to sense those who had psionic holding Disruptor.
talent. Thiroc was taught that his abilities were magical, Evasion (Ex): The wielder of Disruptor gains Evasion
a gift from the gods to strike down these aberrations of as a rogue equal to his character level.
nature who wielded psionic power. Block Ray (Ex): Starting at item level 6, the wielder of
Disruptor adds the shield bonus to his AC against any ray

Psionics Augmented
effects that target him. Dissonance, Wind of the
Power Resistance (Su): Once Disruptor has reached
item level 6, the wielder gains power resistance equal to Mind
12 + character level while wielding Disruptor.
Improved Evasion (Ex): The wielder of Disruptor When a heavy amethyst meteorite pierced the crust
gains Improved Evasion as a rogue equal to his character of the world and hit the camp of drow enslaved by
level. the intellect devourers of XaaTil Knok, they saw it as a
Absorb Energy (Su): Starting at item level 8, the portent of their freedom. Their warlocks recognized
wielder of Disruptor can use the crystal shield to absorb the strange properties of the crystal and immediately
energy from powers manifested against him and convert sought to build a weapon that would help them cast off
that energy into harmless light. The wielder can choose the shackles of their oppressors. They had few tools to
to use this ability at the time the effect occurs. Disruptor work with, chipping away with the edges of manacles
can absorb up to 5 power points of effects per class and drilling with simple tools. Over time, they created
level the wielder possesses per day. If the effect to be a pair of spheres that punished the mental energies of
absorbed cost more power points than are remaining to their vicious overlords.
be absorbed, this ability cannot be used on that effect. When the heads were finally completed, the drow
For example, if Disruptor is wielded by a 17th level had only one warrior healthy enough to be worthy of
soulknife, it can absorb up to 85 power points worth such a weapon: the graceful gladiator Kiern. Using the
of effects per day. If it has already absorbed 80 power remnants of manacles from the hewn hands of lesser
points and the wielder was targeted by an effect that warriors, a glorious weapon was made with twin crystal
cost 6 power points, the effect could not be absorbed. balls at either end of a ten-foot chain. As the crystals
Effects that do not cost power points, such as spells, are spun in the air, they emitted a terrifying shriek which
not absorbed. Psi-like abilities are treated as if they cost made concentration nearly impossible and rendered
the creature’s effective manifester level in power points, the psionic monsters helpless. As the spheres built up
even if the creature did not spend any power points. momentum, Kiern battered his foes’ weapons aside
Effects that target an area, such as energy ball are only with winds of psionic energy. Armed with his whistling
absorbed for the portion that would target the wielder of weapon, Kiern quickly fought off the guards and won
Disruptor; the remaining area is still affected normally. freedom for himself and his people.
Nullify Power (Su): At item level 10, Disruptor allows But seldom is a drow’s tale this simple or altruistic.
its wielder to negate psionic effects entirely. As a free Kiern won his own freedom, but fled as the intellect
action, Disruptor’s wielder can make a dispel psionics devourers retaliated to suppress the insurgence. Rumors
attempt against any harmful power or effect that would of his exploits have spread through the underworld,
affect him, including targeting psionic weapons used to weaving a glorious tale of bloodshed, destruction,
attack him. The manifester level of the dispel psionics and death. In every story he is accompanied by a
check is equal to the wielder’s character level. After cacophonous song, and through its discord he brings a
being used, this ability cannot be used again for two harmony of unity in death.
rounds. Recently tales have trickled though that Kiern has
finally been silenced – some say ambushes in the dead
of night, others pitfalls impossible to avoid, or mental
afflictions impossible to ignore. There is a terrible
thread of truth that runs through these most recent
tales, something too similar to be ignored pointing to the
demise of the wielder of the chain with crystal spheres.
It is possible that the famous weapon has been found by
another, but by whom remains to be seen.
This heavy chain has two heavy, violet crystalline
heads - each riddled with oddly acoustic dimples that
whistle as they spin. This sound is irritating enough to
normal opponents, but cuts like a knife into the brains
of those attuned to the psionic arts. When the heads spin
fast enough, it causes gales of psionic wind to rend the
air, throwing objects into the air.

To successfully wield Dissonance to its fullest potential,
a character must fulfill the following requirements.
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (meteor hammer),
Weapon Focus (meteor hammer)
Skills: Perform (percussion instruments) 4 ranks

Psionics Augmented
Item Minimum
Level Level Abilities
1 - +1/+1 meteor hammer
2 4 Psychic static
3 6 +1 whistling/+1 meteor hammer
4 8 Psychic cacophony
5 10 +1 whistling/+2 meteor hammer
6 12 Deafening static
7 14 +2 whistling/+3 meteor hammer
8 16 Psychic whirlwind
9 18 +3 whistling/+3 whistling meteor
10 20 Psychic maelstrom

Psychic Static (Su): When the 2nd weapon level

is reached, the whirling heads of Dissonance create a
distracting crackling in the minds of nearby psionic
creatures. As a standard action that does not provoke
weapon level is reached, Dissonance can creates an
an attack of opportunity, the wielder can begin spinning
impossible barrage of psychic noise. As a swift action
the chain. This causes a penalty on concentration
once per day, the wielder of Dissonance can whirl the
checks equal to the bonus of the meteor hammer (i.e.,
chain to create a swirling maelstrom that rends the
a +1 weapon causes a -1 penalty to concentration) to
very air. Any psionic creature within 60 feet attempting
all psionic creatures within 15 feet. The wielder can
to manifest a power must make a DC 20 concentration
maintain this effect as a free action as long as he is
check. Additionally, the wielder may make a disarm
wielding the meteor hammer.
attempt against all creatures within 30 feet to cause
Whistling (Su): When the 3rd weapon level is reached,
them to drop one held object.
Dissonance gains the whistling weapon property on one
head (see below). At weapon level 9th, both heads have
this power. Groundscorn Boots of the
Psychic Cacophony (Su): When the 4th weapon
level is reached, the wielder’s skill with the weapon can
cause its static to reach a deafening crescendo. For each
The adventurous Katrina was a beautiful and graceful
additional hit with a melee attack with Dissonance in
woman even before her transformation into an elan.
a round, the penalty from psychic static is applied an
She and her oft-lover Boriz were daring dungeoneers,
additional time. This additional penalty lasts for one
seeking fame and fortune in the lost places of the world,
seldom separated and always eager.
Deafening Static (Su): When the 6th weapon level
This cavalier attitude led the duo into the lair of an
is reached, the screeching of the spheres transcends
undead dragon of exceptional age and wealth. They,
the psychic realm and enters the minds of normal
along with a small group of like-minded treasure seekers,
spellcasters. All spellcasters within 15 feet suffer the
cornered the great wyrm with its hoard and a great
same penalty as psionic characters from Dissonance.
battle ensued. The beast fought like a demon, sending
In addition, the range against psionic characters is
the adventurers fleeing. Boriz barely limped out with his
increased to 30 feet.
life, and Katrina was seemingly slain.
Psychic Whirlwind (Su): When the 8th weapon level
The tale doesn’t end here, however. Months later,
is reached, the wielder gains access to a more potent
drowning his woes in ale, Boriz met a woman named
version of psychic static. The wielder can impose the
Ykatrime. Physically, she bore such a resemblance to
psychic static penalties on all psionic creatures within
his lost Katrina he couldn’t believe his eyes. The two
60 feet and spellcasters within 30 feet. In addition, he
began to adventure together, slowly falling in love. In
may make a free disarm attempt against any creature
truth, Ykatrime was Katrina reborn; the strange elans
that fails a concentration check within 15 feet to make
having decided that she was worthy of their secret ritual.
them drop one held object of the wielder’s choice.
She remembered none of her past life, nor her near-
Psychic Maelstrom (Su): When the 10th and final
death at the hands of the undead dragon. Ykatrime was

Psionics Augmented
psionically gifted and grew in power as an elocater, free
of the bounds of gravity and the earth. Her somewhat
alien personality was both intriguing and frustrating for
Boriz, but in the end they found their love overcame any
However, this separation, both physical and
metaphysical in nature, soon began to wear on the twice-
fallen lovers. Seeing that they could overcome at least
one limitation, Ykatrime poured a part of herself into a
pair of boots that mimicked some of her powers over the
forces of gravity. Now her lover could overcome some of
the same physical limitations as she, allowing them to at
least be physically together.
Rumours persist that the duo returned to the dragon’s
lair, but their fate remains unknown.

To successfully wield the Groundscorn Boots to their
fullest potential, a character must fulfill the following
requirements. like Speed of Thought or Fleet, or the like. The wearer
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Step Up can use this ability for up to 10 rounds per day and can
Skills: Acrobatics 5 ranks use them in single-round increments or can continue the
effect from the previous round, but the creature from
Groundscorn Boots which the movement mode is mimicked must have been
within 10 ft. of the wearer within the past round.
Item Minimum
Level Level Abilities The Heartstaff
1 - Boots of skating
Loneliness, one of the most powerful emotions and
2 5 Up the Walls
motivations in the world. It drives us into relationships
3 10 Teleportation dance we should avoid; it makes us friends with people who
4 15 Air strider abuse us; it can make us seek out company just to have
5 20 Unshakable companionship, any companionship. Loneliness was the
motivation for Negrath, a powerful but very lonely psion.
His abilities allowed him to reshape the very fabric of
Boots of Skating: The Groundscorn Boots function as
reality, yet he found no connection to others, no spark of
boots of skating.
similarity to build camaraderie and lasting relationships.
Up the Walls: At item level 2, the wearer gains Up the
His only lasting companion was his psicrystal, yet since it
Walls as a bonus feat.
was just a shard of his own mind, it was more like talking
Teleportation Dance (Su): Upon reaching item
to a reflection of himself than having a true friend.
level 3, the wearer gains the ability to tap into nearby
One bright summer day, when the weather was
teleportation effects. Once per day when the wearer is
beautiful, Negrath decided to do something about
within 30 ft. of a teleportation effect (such as fold space
his loneliness. He wanted to share the world with
or psychoport), he can choose to have the same effect
someone who could appreciate his viewpoints, had the
apply to him. He appears in a random location within 30
intelligence to understand what he meant, and perhaps
ft. of the teleported creature’s destination, or the nearest
even challenge him so that he could grow mentally.
space available if there is no open space within 30 ft.
He channeled all of his psionic abilities into his staff,
Air Strider (Su): Upon reaching item level 4, as long
the vessel that would bridge his mind and that of his
as the wearer is maintaining psionic focus, he can walk
psicrystal, and through mysteries now lost to the world,
on the air, rising as if under the effects of defy gravity. If
he set his psicrystal free into a unique, sentient creature.
this effect is dispelled, it will reactivate on the wearer’s
The freed psicrystal blossomed into its own individual
next turn as a free action.
personality, gaining great powers and abilities. For a
Unshakable (Su): At item level 5, the wearer of the
long time, the two were good friends and allies, allowing
boots gains the ability to mimic the movement modes of
Negrath to once again turn his focus to the wonders of
nearby creatures. Activating this ability is a free action
the world, uncovering ancient powers and defeating
and grants the wearer all of the movement modes of a
horrible monsters.
creature within 10 ft., including benefits to movement
All was well, until one day it simply wasn’t. His
such as those from fly or the elocater’s scorn earth, feats

Psionics Augmented
psicrystal, Geroth, had grown tired of his “master” instead of the master having to do it as a standard action.
after spending years together and simply left, not If the psicrystal has the flight ability, this benefit applies
being bound by the normal link of psicrystal and to that as well. In addition, all forms of the psicrystal’s
master. Negrath decided to simply create a new movement are improved by 10 ft.
psicrystal, and once again bound it to the staff Willful Psicrystal: Every time a new item level
and awakened it. Yet in time, the next psicrystal is reached for Heartstaff, there is a 5% chance
grew weary of the psion and left, for Negrath’s that the psicrystal will leave its master. When
personality would chafe even those who were this happens, Heartstaff’s wielder must wait one
spawned from his own mind, his quirks which week before he can create a new psicrystal.
kept him from building relationships with others Enhanced Psicrystal: When the 3rd item
growing tiresome and annoying to even those he level has been reached, as long as Heartstaff’s
himself had created. Every time Negrath created a wielder’s psicrystal gains the benefits of the
new psicrystal, it would eventually grow weary and psicrystal staff, the bonus it grants to its wielder
depart. Some say all of the psicrystals returned one from its personality is improved by 50% (rounded
day in a swarm to claim the staff so that they could down). If the psicrystal has multiple personalities,
reproduce, as they themselves had grown lonely. such as those from the Improved Psicrystal feat,
While Negrath disappeared, his staff always re- each bonus is similarly affected.
surfaces after long stretches of time before once In addition, the psicrystal gains far hand as a psi-
again disappearing. With every reappearance, a like ability usable at will, with a manifester level of 1.
new psicrystal is set free to roam the world. Some Blindsense (Ex): Once the 4th item level has been
say that from the shadows, unblinking eyes and unlocked, Heartstaff grants the wielder’s psicrystal
cold hearts wait for their numbers to grow, for the the blindsense ability with a range of 40 ft.
freedom for the crystalline companions to come, Greater Psicrystal Staff: Upon achieving the 5th
and for the secret of reproduction to be wrenched item level, Heartstaff is treated as a greater psicrystal
from their makers. staff.
Safe Dock (Su): At 6th item level, Heartstaff grants
Requirements the psicrystal the ability to teleport back to it as an
To successfully wield Heartstaff to its fullest immediate action. The psicrystal must be within 1
potential, a character must fulfill the following mile of Heartstaff to use this ability and this ability
requirements. may only be used once a day.
Feats: Psicrystal Affinity, Psicrystal Containment Alertness: At the 7th item level, Heartstaff grants
Skills: Spellcraft 5 ranks the wielder’s psicrystal the Alertness feat as a bonus
Blindsight (Ex): Once the 8th item level has been
The Heartstaff unlocked, Heartstaff grants the wielder’s psicrystal
Wielder the blindsight ability with a range of 40 ft.
Item Minimum Augment Psicrystal (Su): At the 9th item level,
Level Level Abilities Heartstaff allows the wielder to augment his
1 - Psicrystal staff psicrystal with powerful abilities. Once per day as a
standard action, the wielder can turn his psicrystal
2 4 Improved mobility, willful
into an astral construct as if he manifested the
power astral construct with a manifester level equal
3 6 Enhanced psicrystal to his character level.
4 8 Blindsense Cloud Mind (Ps): Upon achieving the 10th item
level, a psicrystal that gains the benefits of Heartstaff
5 10 Greater psicrystal staff
can use cloud mind as a psi-like ability three times
6 12 Safe dock per day, with a manifester level equal to its master’s
7 14 Alertness manifester level.
8 16 Blindsight
9 18 Augment psicrystal Helm of the Hydra
10 20 Cloud mind
Creatures of truly monstrous appearance have a
Psicrystal Staff: Heartstaff functions as a standard way of instilling fear in people before they ever make
psicrystal staff. an aggressive move. The Metabolic Masters knew this
Improved Mobility: Upon reaching the 2nd item level, and harnessed the ability to join their forms into a
a psicrystal that gains the benefits of Heartstaff can single monster as a way to control people through the
activate its self-propulsion ability at will as a free action, terror such an appearance caused. It was said that the

Psionics Augmented
Metabolic Masters were once able to terrify an entire nine to twelve helms were destroyed, yet any time an
village so completely that the villagers eventually unusually coordinated or effective group arises, the
starved to death rather than leave the safety of their possibility of the reappearance of a Helm of the Hydra
homes and face the dreadful beast. So skilled were the is voiced.
Metabolic Masters that they did not have to resort to
torture or physical assault, they used only the threat of it Requirements
to achieve their goals. And rumors tell that they viewed To successfully wield the Helm of the Hydra to its
true fear, not that created by the manipulation of the fullest potential, a character must fulfill the following
mind, as the sign of a true master, and they considered requirements.
the manufacturing of fear through the use of telepathy Skills: Intimidate 5 ranks
to be something only rank amateurs did. Psionics: Ability to manifest a power of the
When not transformed, the Metabolic Masters could Psychometabolism discipline
be recognized by their signature Helms of the Hydra,
which carried the mark of the beast for which the helms
were named. Before the Metabolic Masters disbanded, Helm of the Hydra
it is said that more than a dozen of these Helms of the Wielder
Hydra were created. Many believe that these helms were Item Minimum
how the masters were capable of joining together in Level Level Abilities
such terrifying ways. 1 - Helm of the hydra
No one knows for sure why the Metabolic Masters
2 5 Physical resonance
parted ways, but one rumor is that it was because the
frequent fusing into a single creature was causing them 3 10 Metaconcert
to want to meld permanently. Because they valued their 4 15 Monstrous fusion
individuality, the group dissolved to protect against this 5 20 Fast healing 5
It was not until two hundred years had passed that
the Helms of the Hydra reappeared, this time worn by a Helm of the Hydra: The wearer of the Helm of the
guild of assassins. In their hands, the helms were used Hydra treats his collective as if his class level were four
to allow the guild to coordinate their activities, rising to levels higher. If the wearer does not have a collective,
become the most effective and feared hit men. Eventually, he gains one as a tactician equal to his class level (see
the guild’s success brought the attention of those more below). In either case, the wearer and all members
powerful, and the guild was broken up and the helms of the collective can communicate with each other
destroyed or lost. The records from the purging of the telepathically as long as they are in the collective.
assassin’s guild are conflicted, saying anywhere from Physical Resonance (Su): The Helm of the Hydra is
stronger the more people are networked to its wielder.
For every four people in the wearer’s collective (including
the wearer), the wearer’s manifester level is increased
by 1 when manifesting powers of the Psychometabolism
Metaconcert: The wearer of the Helm of the Hydra gains
metaconcert as a power known once the 3rd item level is
reached. The power is only available while the Helm
of the Hydra is worn and does not count against the
wearer’s total number of powers known.
Monstrous Fusion (Ps): When the Helm of the Hydra
has reached 4th item level, once per day, the wearer can
join himself and any of the members of his collective into
a hideous creature. This function as the form of doom
power, except the wielder may include any member
of his collective in the effect. Each affected member
is absorbed into the wielder’s form and increases the
wielder’s damage reduction from form of doom by 1 per
affected collective member. Absorbed members can
only take purely mental actions until the effect ends.
Should the wearer die while one or more members of
the collective are absorbed, they immediately reform in
the space nearest to the wearer’s location upon death
and are sickened for one round.

Psionics Augmented
The duration of monstrous fusion is 1 hour per level of Requirements
the wielder, but can be dismissed by the wearer at any To successfully wield Moldev to its fullest potential, a
time as a free action. character must fulfill the following requirements.
Fast Healing (Su): Upon unlocking the Helm of the Mind Blade: Form mind blade class feature, enhanced
Hydra’s 5th item level, the wearer gains fast healing 5. mind blade class feature
Feats: Up the Walls

Moldev, the Secret Strike Skills: Stealth 5 ranks

In the long history of burglary, some perpetrators of Moldev, the Secret Strike
daring crimes stand out more for their character than Wielder
their achievements. Such was the case for a pair of twin Item Minimum
soulknives named Moldev and Voldem. Level Level Abilities
Moderately successful petty criminals, the pair made
a fairly lucrative living amassing a horde of precious 1 - Form mind blade, improved
stones. This kept them from poverty, but was still a far enhanced mind blade
cry from being truly wealthy. Voldem’s avarice grew 2 5 Knockout
as their successes mounted, and he started to seek 3 10 Suppression
increasingly lucrative scores, showing little regard to
4 15 Clip wings
the fates of their previous owners. He developed a cruel
streak, leaving anyone who interfered in their heists 5 20 Scramble mind
maimed or worse. Over time, and still achieving only
limited success, Voldem saw this lack of truly big scores Form Mind Blade (Su): The wielder of Moldev gains
as the fault of his twin brother, the kind-hearted Moldev. the ability to form a basic mind blade, as a 1st level
Seeking a way to be rid of his weakling brother without soulknife, except the weapon is always a light piercing
losing his valuable talents, Voldem researched a method weapon with a critical range of 19-20/x2. If the wielder
to combine the twins’ powers and keep them as his own. already has the ability to form a mind blade, he can still
He tricked his brother into helping him craft a ring that alter the mind blade as normal (such as selecting a two-
would trap the talent of a soulknife and transfer it to handed form or slashing damage).
another. In doing so, Voldem stole Moldev’s powers, and Improved Enhanced Mind Blade (Su): A soulknife
then killed him. (or other character that already possesses the ability to
However, some small part of Moldev remained, and form a mind blade) treats their level as 2 higher than
the ring granted only non-lethal powers, always trying it actually is for purposes of the enhanced mind blade
to alter the attack to subdue foes instead of killing them. ability. This includes determining when weapon special
This ultimately lead to Voldem’s downfall, when he abilities can be selected.
encountered a particularly vicious treasury guardian Knockout (Su): Upon reaching the 2nd item level, the
immune to the ring’s subduing power. The guardian wielder can make subduing strikes against his opponents.
defeated the would-be thief’s and added his treasures On a successful hit, the wielder can force his opponent
to its master’s horde. The location of this hoard has to make a DC 13 Fortitude save or fall unconscious, as
been lost to memory, awaiting rediscovery by some if with the knockout weapon quality (see below). This
opportunistic adventurer. ability can be used three times per day.
Suppression (Su): At the 3rd item level, the wielder
gains the ability to make strikes against his opponents’
defenses. On a successful hit, the wielder can choose
to make a targeted dispel psionics check against his
opponent, as the suppression weapon special ability.
This ability can be used three times per day.
Clip Wings (Su): Once the 4th item level has been
reached, the wielder can make a special attack that
hinders a foe’s movement. On a successful hit, the
wielder can force his opponent to make a Reflex save
(DC 10 + the wielder’s base attack bonus) or suffer a -10
ft. penalty to one form of movement of the wielder’s
choice. Additionally, if a special form of movement is
affected, such as burrowing, the creature loses access
to that form of movement for 1 round. This movement
penalty stacks (to a minimum speed of 5 feet) and lasts
until the creature has had at least 8 hours of rest or has

Psionics Augmented
been healed by an effect such as mend body.
Scramble Mind (Su): Upon reaching the 5th item level,
the wielder gains the ability to debilitate his opponent
with a blow that scrambles consciousness and leaves the
struck creature helpless. Once per day, the wielder can
make a touch attack that deals no damage. Instead, the
target must make a Will save (DC 10 + the wielder’s base
attack bonus) or gain the helpless condition. This is a
mind-affecting effect. This effect lasts for 24 hours.

Severis, the Scourge Slayer

As long as there have been tales of the tentacled
nightmares known as phrenic scourges, there have
been legends of an axe named Severis, an axe which
made its wielder impervious to the dreaded creatures,
but that draws the phrenic scourges to it like iron to a
lodestone. Some say that within the axe is the energy of
the progenitor of the phrenic scourge race, and that the
scourges are able to sense that energy. Others contend
that within the axe is the secret to destroy the phrenic
scourges and all of their ilk forever, and that the scourges
learned of the threat and developed ways to find it. The
more sinister rumors claim that should the scourges
ever manage to unlock the secrets of the axe, that they
will gain the power to enslave every intelligent being.
Whatever the truth, the history of the axe has always
been one where its wielder decimated the forces of the
phrenic scourges, yet was eventually overwhelmed by
the constant attacks by the scourge forces and their use with more zeal, and his whereabouts, and those of
of subterfuge. The last known wielder of Severis was a Severis, are unknown to this day.
half-giant named Urlac, who, before he came to wield
Severis, would travel the lands liberating slaves and Requirements
fighting dictators. His successes in these endeavors are To successfully wield Severis to its fullest potential, a
unknown, for little was recorded of him until he gained character must fulfill the following requirements.
fame during a particularly effective invasion by the Base Attack Bonus: +4
phrenic scourge, when village after village fell under the Feats: Power Attack
scourges’ control. Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 4 ranks
The scourge infiltrators chose to target smaller
villages first, using caravans and traders to work their
way into larger settlements as they consolidated the Severis, the Scourge Slayer
smaller groups. Eventually, the scourges were breeding Wielder
so rapidly that for every phrenic scourge that was found Item Minimum
and destroyed, two more defenders fell under the sway Level Level Abilities
of the scourge.
1 - +1 battleaxe
How Urlac came to wield Severis is still a mystery, but
he led a contingent of phrenic slayers against the hordes 2 4 Scourge resonance
of tentacled monsters and their unwilling slaves, freeing 3 6 +1 scourgebane battleaxe
those he could from the painful fate of being scourge 4 8 Implant protection
breeding hosts, and ending the suffering of those he could
5 10 +2 scourgebane battleaxe
not. Urlac’s presence, or more accurately, the presence
of Severis, caused the phrenic scourge to abandon their 6 12 Power resistance
expansion efforts and focus exclusively on gaining the 7 14 +3 scourgebane battleaxe
axe, which allowed Urlac’s allies to stem the tide and free
8 16 Personal barred mind
some of the settlements from scourge control. As those
allies were inexorably cut down, Urlac withdrew from 9 18 +3 scourgebane battleaxe
the throngs of tentacled beasts in an effort to regroup. 10 20 Phrenic liberation
His actions instead caused the scourges to pursue him

Psionics Augmented
Scourge Resonance (Su): When the 2nd weapon greatest warrior should wield the greatest weapon to
level is reached, the psionic power of Severis can detect achieve the greatest result.
the presence of phrenic scourges, but likewise emits an It was said that it was at the Locus that the greatest
energy that phrenic scourges can detect. The wielder of warrior was found, as the members of the dark
Severis can detect phrenic scourges, or those of their ilk, tempests would challenge each other in duels, finding
within 30 ft. as a free action. This does not allow the and eliminating their own weaknesses as a master
wielder to locate the creature with pinpoint accuracy, blacksmith hammers out the imperfections of a sword
but only detect that there is a member of the phrenic blade. Only the greatest of warriors entered into this
scourge family somewhere within 30 ft. Phrenic challenge, for it was a battle to the death, allowing only
scourges and their ilk, however, can detect the presence the fastest and most skilled to rise to the top. Those who
of Severis within 100 ft. and know the direction of the fell in battle had fallen to find the greatest among them
axe once they are within 30 ft. and were honored for their sacrifice.
Scourgebane: At 3rd weapon level, Severis gains the When the greatest was finally found, the crystalline
scourgebane* weapon special ability. blade was bestowed upon him and elevated his ability
Implant Protection (Su): Starting at the 4th weapon in battle, driving him to be a perfect wielder of the mind
level, the wielder of Severis gains an additional Fortitude blade, sapping the will of his enemies to fight and besting
save every round after a successful implant attack to hordes of lesser creatures without difficulty.
fight off the larva (using the same DC as the original Some say that the Tempest was driven by his desire
save). If any of the Fortitude saves are successful, the for perfection in combat to seek out greater and more
larva dies, saving the wielder from death from the larva difficult challenges and enemies. Others say that when
reaching his brain. the Tempest fell in battle, the blade was lost and the
Power Resistance: At the 6th weapon level, the Locus destroyed. Attempts were made to reforge the
wielder of Severis gains power resistance 15 while crystalline blade, but all were pale imitations to the
wielding the axe. double-sided crystalline form of the Tempest’s Blade.
Personal Barred Mind (Ps): Once the 8th weapon
level has been reached, three times per day, the wielder Requirements
of Severis can use personal barred mind as a psi-like To successfully wield Tempest’s Blade to its fullest
ability with a manifester level equal to the wielder’s potential a character must fulfill the following
character level. requirements:
Phrenic Liberation (Su): Upon reaching the 10th Blade Skill: Additional configuration
weapon level, if a creature struck by Severis is under Feats: Weapon Finesse
the control of a creature of the phrenic scourge family, Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 4 ranks
including the enthrall ability of a puppeteer, the mind Special: A character with the mind blade finesse blade
control psi-like ability of the phrenic scourge, or similar, skill does not need to have the Weapon Finesse feat.
the damage is empathically redirected to that controlling
creature, and the struck creature is unharmed.

Phrenic Scourge Ilk

The powers of Severis are not merely tied to the
phrenic scourge creature itself, but also to all creatures
related to the phrenic scourge. This includes puppeteers
and flesh harrowers, as well as any creature implanted
by the phrenic scourge that survives but does not become
a phrenic scourge itself.

Tempest’s Blade
The dark tempests pride themselves on being shrouded
in mystery, and their greatest warrior, known only as
the Tempest, is no different. Known for wearing a mask
that hid his visage and a crystalline blade that spun so
quickly the eye couldn’t follow it, some say the Tempest
was actually not a singular person, but the progression
of greatest warriors among the dark tempests, and that
the crystalline blade and mask were a mark of his rank.
It is believed that the dark tempests did not view the
crystalline blade as a reward to be earned, but that the

Psionics Augmented
the same type (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing).
Dazzling Swordplay (Ps): At item level 3, three times
Tempest’s Blade per day, the wielder can use dazzling swordplay as a psi-
Wielder like ability with a manifester level equal to the wielder’s
Item Minimum character level.
Level Level Abilities Bladewind: At 4th item level, the wielder gains the
1 - +1 crystal focus bladewind blade skill as a bonus blade skill.
Call to Hand (Ps): Once the 6th item level has been
2 4 Double weapon
reached, as a move action, the wielder can at will call
3 6 Dazzling swordplay (3/day) Tempest’s Blade to his hand using telekinesis, so long as
4 8 Bladewind Tempest’s Blade is within 30 ft. of the wielder.
5 10 +2 crystal focus Third Configuration: At item level 7, the wielder gains
a third configuration for the mind blade. This functions
6 12 Call to hand
like the secondary configuration of the additional
7 14 Third configuration configuration blade skill, but the wielder can assign
8 16 Wither (3/day) this third configuration after a 1 hour of concentration
instead of the normal 8. This configuration may only be
9 18 +3 crystal focus
used on a mind blade formed through Tempest’s Blade.
10 20 Dueling weapon If Tempest’s Blade is not in hand, only the standard
configurations may be used.
Crystal Focus: This mithral and gold rod encases two Wither (Ps): At item level 8, three times per day,
crystal shards that focus the psionic energy of a mind the wielder can use wither as a psi-like ability with a
blade. It functions as a standard crystal hilt. manifester level equal to the wielder’s character level.
Double Weapon: At item level 2, Tempest’s Blade Dueling Weapon: At the 20th item level, as long as the
allows the wielder to form his mind blade into a double wielder has Tempest’s Blade in hand, it grants him a +4
weapon that deals 1d8 points of damage for each end bonus on Initiative checks, a +2 bonus on disarm checks
(there is no enhancement penalty as is normal for and feint checks, a +2 bonus to CMD to resist disarm
forming two mind blades). You can use a double weapon attempts, and a +2 to the DC to perform a feint against
to fight as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, him.
you incur all the normal attack penalties associated
with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were
using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. The
user may choose to enhance each end separately with
his Additional Configuration blade skill. The user may
assign the damage type as normal, but both ends must be

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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original Brian J. Cortijo, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Hunt, Colin McComb,
material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights The Book of Experimental Might, © 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
conveyed by this License. Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene,
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or original content from TSR.
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holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman
Content you Distribute. The Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy, © 2005, Lions Den Press; Author
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, Ari Marmell
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in Hyperconscious: Explorations in Psionics, © 2004, Bruce R Cordell. All
another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that rights reserved.
Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with If Thoughts Could Kill, © 2001–2004, Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved.
any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Mindscapes, © 2003–2004, Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved.
Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Unearthed Arcana, © 2004, Wizards of the Coast.
Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The Mutants & Masterminds © 2002, Green Ronin Publishing.
use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a Swords of Our Fathers, Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics.
challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Modern System Reference Document, © 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on
and to that Product Identity. material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker,Peter
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker
indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Psionics Unleashed, © 2010, Dreamscarred Press.
Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish Psionic Bestiary, © 2013, Dreamscarred Press.
updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this Psionics Augmented, © 2013, Dreamscarred Press


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