01 Byte Calculator

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Project 01

Byte Calculator in Verilog on BASYS 3 FPGA
A Byte Calculator is a tool used to convert between different units of digital information
storage, such as bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, etc. It helps in determining file sizes,
memory capacities, data transfer rates, and more. You can input a value in one unit and the
calculator will show you the equivalent value in other units. To create a Byte Calculator in
Verilog on a BASYS 3 FPGA, you would typically need to define the operations you want to
perform (such as addition, subtraction, etc.) and implement them using Verilog code. You
would also need to define input and output interfaces for user interaction.

Here is a high-level overview of the steps you might take:

1. Define the input/output requirements: Determine how the user will input the byte
values and select the operations, and how the results will be displayed.
2. Design the data path: Implement the operations you want to support, such as addition,
subtraction, etc., using Verilog code. Make sure to consider how to handle overflow
or underflow conditions.
3. Implement the control logic: Write Verilog code to control the flow of operations
based on user inputs.
4. Synthesize and implement: Use tools like Vivado to synthesize your Verilog code and
implement it on the BASYS 3 FPGA board.



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